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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Svenskundervisningens nytta för integration

Johansson Aronsson, Philip January 2023 (has links)
Syfte- Studien syftar på att belysa lärares erfarenheter av utbildning i svenska för nyanlända och dess möjlighet till integration i det svenska samhället med hjälp av det svenska språket. Studien kommer även utgå från ett elevperspektiv för att se hur utbildning i SFI (Svenska för Invandrare) hjälper elever att integreras i det svenska samhället. Syftet är även att med hjälp av Lefebvres teori om det sociala rummet tolka och förstå om svenskundervisning är till hjälp för integration i det svenska samhället. Metod- Det empiriska materialet kommer att samlas in genom kvalitativ metod, då semistrukturerad intervjuer kommer att användas. Deltagarna i intervjuerna är en rektor med stor erfarenhet av migration i skolan, en SFI- lärare och även en SFI-elev. Resultat- Att migranter får lära sig det svenska språket ökar migranters möjlighet till integration. Likaså är det av stor vikt att migranters kunskapsnivå kartläggs för att kunna erbjuda rätt undervisning. Migranters möjlighet att använda det svenska språket på fritiden utanför skolan är också en erfarenhet som har framkommit vilket ger migranter möjlighet till integration. Slutsats- Det sociala rummet vid svenskundervisning ger migranter stora hjälpmedel att lyckas integrera sig till det svenska samhället. Då deras tal och skrivning etableras som hjälper migranter att lyckas känna sig ett medlandet. / Purpose- The study refers to highlight teachers experiences in education in Swedish for new arrivals and its possibility for integration into Swedish society with help of the Swedish language. The study will also start from a student perspective to see how education in SFI (Swedish For Immigrant) helps students to integrate in Swedish society. The purpose is also to interpret and understand, with help of Lefebvres theory of the social room, whether Swedish education is helpful for integration into Swedish society. Method- The empirical material will be collected through a qualitative method and semi structured interviews will be used. The participants in the interviews are one principal with great experience of migration in school, one SFI teacher and one SFI student. Result- That migrants learn Swedish language increases the migrants opportunity for integration. It is also of great importance that the migration level of knowledge is mapped in order to offer the right education. One experience that emerged is migrants' ability to use Swedish language in their free time outside school will give migrants the opportunity for integration. Conclusion- The social room in Swedish education gives migrants great tools to successfully integrate into Swedish society. As their speech and writing are established that help migrants succeed in feeling integrated with the country.

A Culture-Centered Design Approach to Improve a User Interface for Migrants

Munasinghe, Aroshine January 2017 (has links)
A web application known as the Virtual Volunteer has been developed by IBM, the International Federation Red Cross and the Red Crescent Movement. The aim of this application is to extend support to migrants beyond the physical help they receive. The application is also a resource for volunteers who want to help migrants. This paper explores how a culture-centered design approach can help to improve a user interface and enhance the usability for a global audience using Virtual Volunteer as a design case. By conducting multiple interviews and task completion tests with verbal protocols, the results present two independent redesigned prototypes.  The culture-centered design approach yielded valuable feedback and data from the migrants that would not have been possible to collect from a more traditional approach like the one employed when creating the Virtual Volunteer in the first place. The results also revealed that all functions in the application were not clearly understandable for the migrants as they were for the Swedish volunteers. The overall results of the design case shows that a culture-centered design approach together with common usability methods are efficient to use when developing user interfaces for migrants and volunteers. / IBM, Röda Korset och Röda Halvmånen, har tillsammans utvecklat en webbapplikation, Virtual Volunteer, till stöd för migranter som kommer till Sverige. Syftet med applikationen är att utöka stöd till migranter utöver den fysiska hjälp de får. Ett annat syfte är också att applikationen ska fungera som ett hjälpmedel för volontärer som vill hjälpa migranter. I den här studien undersöks hur en kulturcentrerad designmetod kan bidra till att förbättra användargränssnittet och användbarheten för en global publik genom att använda Virtual Volunteer som en designutmaning. Vi skapade två olika prototyper baserat på intervjuer och användartester med migranter och svenska volontärer. Den kulturcentrerade designmetoden gav mycket värdefull feedback och data från migranter jämfört med ett traditionellt tillvägagångssätt som i första hand användes vid skapandet av Virtual Volunteer. Resultaten av designarbetet och användarstudierna visar att designmetoder som tar hänsyn till kultur kan vara en effektiv metod för att utveckla gränssnitt som riktar sig till migranter såväl som svenska volontärer.

Att diskutera tiggeri

Ntumba, Adela January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vad ett antal människor har för åsikter och tankar kring fenomenet tiggeri. Syftet är uppdelat i fyra huvudfrågor: Vem tror informanterna är de som tigger? Hur tror informanterna att tiggarnas livssituation ser ut? Vad tror informanterna är orsakerna till tiggeri? Anser informanterna att tiggeri är ett problem? Det empiriska materialet består information av fyra öppna kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra olika människor i Sverige. Resultatet visar att det finns en slags spänning då informanterna beskrev tiggeri som en känsla av sympati för de som tigger men också att de beskrev egna känslor som kom upp hos dem när de pratar om tiggeri. När informanterna beskrev sin känslor om tiggeri och tiggare, uppdagades kategoriseringar och beskrivningar om vad de tyckte och tänkte. Vidare hade de flesta liknade tankar. Jag upptäckte ett tema av begrepp som kom upp under intervjuerna så som EU-migranter och romer. Informanterna beskrev deras livssituation som jobbig, deprimerande och förnedrande och att de som tigger oftast bor i tält i parker eller i baracker. När de beskrev orsakerna till tiggeri, ansåg samtliga informanter att det hade och göra med det svenska samhället och att tiggeri bör åtgärdas. Informanterna ansåg även att tiggeri är ett fenomen som alltid kommer att finnas. Resultaten av denna studie är gjord i samband med tidigare forskning, och med syfte att väcka nya frågor och tankar om tiggeri relaterat till socialt arbete och människors utsatthet i samhället. / The purpose of this study is to analyse what a number of people think and believe about the phenomenon begging. The purpose is broken down into four main questions: Who are the beggars in the opinion of the informants? What do the informants think the circumstance of life of the beggars looks like? What do the informants think is the cause of begging? Do the informants think that begging is a problem? The empirical material consists of four open qualitative interviews with four different people in Sweden. The results show that there is a kind of tension since the informants described begging as feeling sympathy for the beggars but also that them described feelings arising when talking about begging. When the informants described their thoughts about begging and beggars, the informants categorized and described what they believed. Further on, they had almost similar thoughts. I discovered a theme of conceptions that came up during the interviews like EU-migrants and Romani people. The informants described the circumstance of life of the beggars as troublesome, depressing, and degrading and that the beggars often live in tents in parks or in barracks. When describing the causes of begging the informants agreed on that it had to do with the society in Sweden, and also with the society in the home countries where the beggars come from. The informants think that begging is a problem for the beggars specific but also for the society and begging should be adjusted. However the informants did think that begging is a phenomenon that always is going to exist. I can conclude that the results of this study is done with previous research, and with the purpose to arouse new questions and thoughts about begging related to social work and humans’ vulnerability in the society.

"What We Eat Matters": Perspectives on Food and Health in the Mexican Im/migrant Farmworker Communities in Indian River County, Florida

Puerto, Hugo 01 January 2015 (has links)
The dramatic increase of type-2 diabetes within the Latino community is of great concern in the U.S., especially among Mexican im/migrant farmworkers. Anthropological scholarship shows that health issues within im/migrant groups in the U.S. are poorly understood from a sociocultural and local perspective. In Indian River County, Florida, farmworker leaders created a community garden in response to health problems in this community. This initiative was launched to educate families about the health and economic benefits of growing their own food. The Indian River County Health Department and the local leaders are working collaboratively to inform the community about the risks of type-2 diabetes by providing educational lectures about health, food, and nutrition, in an effort to engage the farmworkers to actively participate in community gardens. However, little engagement to this initiative has been observed within the farmworker community. This ethnographic investigation examines the challenges of involving Mexican im/migrant farmworkers in community-based solutions to health problems. Based on participant observation, survey, and interview data with farmworkers and key informants from the Farmworkers Association of Florida, this project examines the perspectives of health concerns and the role of grassroots initiatives in addressing health needs. Specifically, it analyzes barriers to healthy eating and explores how community gardens can improve health outcomes in farmworker communities. This research contributes to the understanding of Mexican im/migrant farmworkers' health in Indian River County, and it has the potential to guide health-related policies pertaining to im/migrant communities in general.

"As it is in heaven": a case for 'realized' communal living

Apreala, Pereyiekakemo 25 April 2023 (has links)
The daunting sojourn of migrant church members can be likened to what’s described in John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress. What the Church offers them are the rituals of formation and a host’s temporary benevolence. Their expressed spirituality sees sacraments as means of grace towards a higher status through competition. The quest for earthly status by using sacraments as means to economic salvation is an expression of a progressive spirituality. This thesis closes the gap between spirituality and earthly status through a progressive form of liberation theology as an evangelistic framework, using farming as an ancient and economically beneficial ritual.

Second Home, New Home

Li, Minghui January 2023 (has links)
As a unique form of rural-urban transition settlement in China’s rapid urbanization process, the “urban village” plays a very distinctive part in promoting urbanization, being a transit point for many rural people entering urban areas. The term “informal employment migrants” usually refers to those people, who have no formal employment status and work in informal, low-skilled, low-paying jobs in the city. These people often have no stable job security or social protection, facing problems with housing, education and healthcare, as well as a lack of social interaction and cultural and recreational activities, etc. They are the main force in the industry, promoting urban development and securing the service base, while having little power in terms of economic ability and social status.  The rights and interests of the millions of these non-local residents living and working in urban villages, are very important aspects but are usually overlooked by current planning instruments. In the daily life of an urban village, such as Kangle village, not only do the profits from the rental of collective land and property village-owned enterprises benefit only the household residents of the village, but the organization and participation in any public activities within the village have nothing to do with the tenants. As a result, these migrant tenants, who have come to Guangzhou to make a living in the case of this project, are mere outsiders in terms of the distribution of benefits or the share of spiritual entertainment in the urban village. As outsiders, they are often the most affected by the regeneration, the most opposed to it and suffer most directly from its benefits, however, have the weakest voice in the planning progress. Therefore, in urban regeneration planning, we planners should pay more attention to the existence and living needs of these informal employment migrants, provide them with better living and working conditions, improve their quality of life, and promote the equal development of urban society.

Uncontrollable Bodies : Self-harm behaviour among male undocumented migrants detained in Southern Italian CPR

Tagliente, Giada January 2023 (has links)
In response to the recent surge in migrants entering Italy, the Italian government has implemented several laws since early 2023 to expand the administrative detention system for migrants - mostly males - pending repatriation, commonly known as Centri di Permanenza per il Rimpatr io (CPR). Despite the large body of evidence provided by national humanitarian organizations and academic research concerning their overall detrimental effect - both on national budgets and detainees’ psychophysiological health –, these centers are still deemed as the best way to deal with the migration phenomenon. Nevertheless, the high incidence of self harm episodes recorded within these venues, together with their secrecy and isolation symptomize their problematic nature. Thus, focusing on three different administrative detention facilities located in the Southern Italian regions of Apulia and Sicily, this thesis aims at penetrating these closeted realities in order to raise awareness about the prisoners’ true living conditions and grasp the potential political weight of their self injurious gestures. Moreover, it argues for the need to partially de medicalize the approach toward this specific health issue, as it prevents to acknowledge it as a full fledged expression of rebellion against this specific detention regimeand, simultaneously, to identify the strategies used by authorities to suppress it.

Väst & Resten : En kvalitativ textanalys av porträttering av flyktingar i medierapportering: En jämförelse mellan 2015 och 2022

Jabr, Maya January 2023 (has links)
This study examines the portrayal of refugees in BBC News reports, focusing on postcolonial perspectives in two time periods: 2015 and 2022. The analysis involves language, images, and frameworks used in representing refugees. Findings reveal that in 2015, refugees were depicted as economic migrants, whereas in 2022, Ukrainian refugees were portrayed as genuine victims of war. Factors such as race, gender, religion, and politics influenced their portrayal. This research sheds light on how BBC News represents refugees, impacting public perception. It underscores the importance of critically examining media's portrayal of refugees, considering power relations, especially in major channels claiming neutrality. The study contributes to media studies, refugee studies, and postcolonial theory.

Ambulanspersonalens upplevelser vid språkligabarriärer i prehospital vård / Ambulancepersonel ́s experiences of language barriers in prehospitalcare

Jonsson, Pontus, Rudberg, Frida January 2024 (has links)
Introduktion: Ökad migration av människor mellan länder har bidragit till språkliga ochkulturella variationer i samhället. Det ställer högre krav på hälso- och sjukvården och utmanarambulanspersonal i sitt arbete när det saknas ett gemensamt språk. Syfte: Att belysaambulanspersonalens upplevelser när det förekom språkliga barriärer i prehospital vård.Metod: En litteraturöversikt vars resultat baserades på 13 vetenskapliga artiklar; sexkvalitativa, sex kvantitativa och 1 av mixad metod. Analysen genomfördes enligt Whittemoreoch Knafls modell. Resultat: Resultatet presenteras i form av fyra kategorier: upplevdautmaningar i det vårdande mötet, patientsäkerhet och vårdkvalitet, ambulanspersonalenshandläggning och behov av utveckling samt sju subkategorier. Konklusion: Språkliga barriärerinnebar en ökad risk för missförstånd och felbehandling. Ambulanspersonalen hanteradespråkliga barriärer genom anpassningsstrategier för verbal och icke- verbal kommunikation.Informationsbrist och kunskapsbrist påverkade vårdkvalitet och patientsäkerhet. Detidentifierades behov av anpassade hjälpmedel för prehospitalt bruk och utbildningefterfrågades för att nå ökad förståelse vilket kunde underlätta kulturell anpassning ochförbättra ambulanssjukvårdens patientsäkerhet och vårdkvalitet. Det saknades riktlinjer kringspråkbarriärer prehospitalt. / Introduction: Increased migration between countries have increased the presence of culturaland language variations, which enhances demands on the healthcare and on ambulancepersonnel when they are caring with the presence of language barriers. Aim: The purpose ofthis paper was to illuminate ambulance personnel ́s experiences of language barriers inprehospital care. Method: A literature review with results from 13 scientific articles; sixqualitative, six quantitative and one with mixed method. The analysis was based on the methodfrom Whittemore and Knafl. Results: The result is presented in four categories: experiencedchallenges in the caring meeting, patient safety and quality of care, the ambulance personnel ́shandling and need for development as well as seven subcategories. Conclusion: Languagebarriers increased the risk of misunderstanding and maltreatment. Ambulance personnelhandled language barriers through strategies such as adapting to the situation and throughverbal and non-verbal communication. Lack of information and knowledge affected quality ofcare and patient safety. Need for custom aids designed for prehospital settings and educationwas requested to reach increased understanding, which could simplify cultural adaption andimprove prehospital quality of care and patient safety. Guidelines regarding language barrierswere missing.

The Virgin of Guadalupe Comes to Mississippi: Social Stressors and Ways of Coping Among Hispanic Im/Migrants

Read, Mary Rebecca 08 August 2009 (has links)
This mixed-methods study uses ritual analysis, key informant interviews, and a semi-structured questionnaire to explore stressors and coping among Hispanic im/migrants to rural Mississippi. The study applies Turner’s model of ritual analysis to the procession of la Virgen de Guadalupe for insight into the values, concerns, actions, and motivations of the community. Results from ritual analysis suggest the precession of la Virgen de Guadalupe unites the multi-national community and empowers the participants through their faith in God and la Virgen de Guadalupe. Results from the semi-structured questionnaire identify stressors among the Hispanic community relating to separation from family and friends, job shortage, transportation barriers, and language barriers.

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