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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interoperabla föreställningar i logistikens fotspår

Dorn, Michael January 2004 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att bedöma om officerare i logistikrollen har liknade uppfattningsom officerare i chefsrollen, avseende vilka interoperabilitetskrav som anses viktiga för attnå ökad effekt i logistikfunktionen i ett internationellt perspektiv. Detta har gjorts med stödav teorin om interoperabilitet samt analyserats med hjälp av en komparativ metod.Avseende den övergripande slutsatsen så talar resultatet för att stora skillnader mellangrupperna har sammantaget inte kunna styrkas. Det finns emellertid skillnader frånundersökningen som indikerar att det råder olika uppfattningar om synen på enstakainteroperabilitetskrav. Det rör sig framförallt om synen på, framgångsfaktorn ledarskap medbetydelsen intellektuell förändring och ”ökat joint tänkande”, principerna flexibilitet- ochenkelhet samt samarbete och koordinering, basfunktionen uthållighet med de ingåendelogistikfunktionerna drivmedel, reparation och materielunderhåll samt reservdelar.Skillnaderna gällde i både fredsbevarande- och fredsframtvingande operationer. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-uppsHylla: Upps. ChP 02-04

"Vardagen" - en ledarskapsutmaning under internationell tjänstgöring på den multifunktionella arenan

Niklasson, Erik January 2004 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte har varit att undersöka och utvärdera om den ledarskapsutbildning och träning som genomfördes för yngreofficerare under senare delen av 90-talet har varit relevant mot internationell tjänstgöring i en multifunktionell miljö. Uppsatsensvarar bl.a. på frågeställningarna: Vilken utbildning var relevant mot bakgrund av vunna erfarenheter? Vilken utbildning ärönskvärd mot bakgrund av vunna erfarenheter? Vilka krav ställs på officerens ledarskap då han/hon tjänstgör, som chef under eninternationell insats? Upplever officeren, som har tjänstgjort i en internationell insats, att internationell tjänstgöring är en prioriteraduppgift i Försvarsmakten? Uppsatsens teoretiska ram är byggd på Ellströms teori om kvalifikation och kompetens i arbetslivet samtSandberg och Targamas tolkande teori om förståelse och lärande. I uppsatsen har den kvalitativa metoden med en induktiv ochdeduktiv ansats baserad på ett hermeneutiskt förhållningssätt använts. Uppsatsens empiri har utgjorts av olika styrdokument samtsamtal och intervjuer. Styrdokumenten är utgivna av Försvarsmakten, olika skolor och förband. De intervjuer, som har genomförts,har gjorts med officerare som har varit verksamma som plutonchef, ställföreträdande plutonchef, kompanichef eller sombataljonschef i internationell insats på Balkan, under en tidsrymd av minst sex månader. Under den avslutande delen av uppsatsengenomfördes en analys av det empiriska materialet utifrån tidigare nämnda teorier som genererade slutsatser. I analysens sista delger författaren svar på uppsatsens frågeställningar. Huvudslutsatserna i uppsatsen är:- Den chefs- och ledarskaps träning som har bibringats den yngre officeren på obligatoriska skolor har varit fokuserad motuppgiften att försvara landet mot det väpnade angreppet. Den chefs- och ledarskapsträning som är riktad mot uppgiftenatt kunna genomföra internationella insatser är endast av orienterande karaktär.- Internationella insatser är en prioriterad uppgift på pappret men inte på officerens hemmaförband och detta verkarmenligt då officeren skall befästa och öka sina chefs- och ledaregenskaper..- Den enda enhet som tillvaratar och implementerar vunna chefs- och ledarskapserfarenheter, från internationelltjänstgöring, systematiskt i officerens olika utbildnings- och träningssteg är Swedint.- I en multifunktionell miljö ägnar officeren huvuddelen av sin chefstid till att lösa personalproblem.- Personal som har tjänstgjort i en internationell insats menar att chef- och ledarskapsträningen inom Försvarsmaktenmåste breddas och denna breddning kan erhållas om man minskar fokuseringen på uppgiften det väpnade angreppet tillförmån för uppgiften att kunna genomföra internationell insats. / The purpose of this essay has been, through evaluation, to clarify if leadershipeducation and training for international service as platoon or deputy platoonleader, undergone by younger Swedish amphibious officers in the part of the90: s, is sufficient or not. The essay gives, among others, answers to thefollowing questions: In hindsight, what education and training is relevant andwhat is desirable? Do the officers, who have done international service, feelthat international service is a prioritised task?The theoretical framework has been Ellström´s theory about competence andqualification in work and Sandberg´s and Targamas´ interpretative theory oncomprehension and education. The method used is qualitative with aninductive and deductive approach and the study is mainly based upon ahermeneutic approach. The essay is partly based upon documents from theSwedish Armed Forces´ Headquarters, order for education and training fromdifferent schools and regiments and partly upon interviews with officers, whohave served in the Balkans as leaders, at different levels, for a period of at leastsix months.The empirical research provides, among others, the following results:Education and training for officers, given in different steps, is focused on thetask defending the country against armed attack. The task international serviceis of an introductory nature only. The officer spends a lot of his time in themultifunctional arena solving personnel problems. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP 02-04

Ledarskap och det Nätverksbaserade försvaret - hur skapas tillit inom de behovssammansatta förbanden i NBF?

Stragnefeldt, Stefan January 2004 (has links)
Ett av målen inom det nätverksbaserade försvaret, NBF, är skapandet avbehovssammansatta förband, det vill säga möjligheten att snabbt kunna kombinera olikaresurser inför en specifik uppgift. Tillit inom dessa förband framstår här som en mycketviktig parameter för att de ska kunna agera gemensamt mot uppställda mål.Denna uppsats genomförs som en kvalitativ undersökning och dess syfte är att, genomintervjuer med officerare ur Armén och Helikopterflottiljen, söka svar på hur man skakunna skapa tillit inom dessa behovssammansatta förband. Empirin från genomfördaintervjuer har prövats mot de ledarskapsteorier som idag används inom den svenskaFörsvarsmakten, samt mot en utvald del av den svenska teorimängd som idag finns atttillgå om nätverksbaserat försvar.Resultatet visar hur viktigt det är att Försvarsmakten snarast börjar öva i NBF-miljöer, trotsatt materiel och metoder inte är färdigdefinierade. Dessutom påvisas att det idag inte finnsen tillräckligt klar definition inom den svenska Försvarsmakten av vad begreppetbehovssammansatta förband innebär och att denna snarast bör skapas. Därutöver visas atttillit inom behovssammansatta förband både består av förtroende för utsedda chefer, samttillit mellan ingående förband. För att skapa denna tillit är det personliga mötet ochkontinuerliga övningar i olika förbandssammansättningar av fortsatt central betydelse. / Military units, designed and temporarily put together, for specific missions areone of the aims in the Swedish Network-based Defence. Trust within these unitsseems to be an important parameter to make them act jointly against a target.The main purpose of this qualitative examination is, trough interviews withofficers in the Swedish Army and Helicopter Wing, search for answers about howto create trust in these units. The interview answers has been examined against theleadership theories which are used today in the Swedish Defence Force andagainst some of the theories which today can be found in Sweden about theNetwork-based Defence.The result indicates that it is very important for the Swedish Defence Force toimmediately start exercise in Network-based environments. It also indicates thatthe Swedish Defence Force today doesn’t have a definite definition about whatmilitary units designed for specific missions in the Network-based Defence areand this must be created ASAP. It also indicates that trust in these units consistsof trust for the military commanding officers and trust within these units.Exercises and human contacts are two very important factors to create this trust,also in the Network-based Defence. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP 02-04

Det norske konseptet for nettverksbasert forsvar : en organisasjonsteoretisk mangtydighet

Leistad, Jon January 2003 (has links)
Den norske Forsvarssjefen har i tre tekster presentert den norske tilnærmingentil nettverksbasert forsvar (NbF). Tekstene beskriver de funksjonelleelementene, operasjonsmetoder, kommando- og arbeidsprosesser og detteoretiske grunnlaget for nettverksbasert forsvar.Oppgaven har hatt til hensikt å beskrive den underliggendeorganisasjonsstrukturen for det norske NbF konseptet og hvilke sentrale temasom gis for lederskapet i NbF. Rammeverket for organisasjonsstrukturanalysenhar tatt sitt utgangspunkt i Abrahamsson og Anderssens (2000) arbeid om åforstå og beskrive organisasjoner. Analysen har strukturert beskrivelser i NbFlitteraturen etter tre imperativ som begrenser organisasjonsstrukturen (størrelse,teknologi og omgivelser) og tre gjensidig avhengige beskrivende dimensjonerfor strukturen; grad av formalisering, sentralisering og spesialisering.Rammeverket for analyse av lederskap, var basert på Bruzelius and Skärvads(2000) lederskapsbeskrivelser.Resultatet av analysen viste at NbF konseptet ikke gir en entydig beskrivelse avorganisasjonsstrukturen. Strukturen gis ingen noen begrensninger og harkarakteristika som medfører flere organisasjonsstrukturer. Lederskapet i et NbFkonsept må primært bygge på tillit, men det gis ingen helhetlig beskrivelse avhvordan dette skal oppnås. Kravene til lederkompetanse og personligeegenskaper er komplekse og kan vanskelig oppnås av enkeltindivider. / The Commander in Chief of the Norwegian Armed Forces has in three textspresented the Norwegian approach to Network Centric Warfare (NbF). Thetexts describe the functional elements, modes of operation, command- andwork processes for the new organization. This thesis has analysed theNorwegian concept within the framework of classic organizational theory, inorder to find the underlying organizational structure and demands for militaryleaders. The theoretical framework used is Abrahamsson and Anderssen’s(2000) work on understanding and describing organizations. The analysis hasstructured findings in the NbF concept, with regard to 3 imperatives that limitsthe organizational structure and 3 reciprocally dependently categories thatdescribes the organizational structure with regard to degree of centralization,formalization and specialization. The theoretical framework used analysingleadership and competencies are based on the work of Bruzelius and Skärvad(2000). The results indicated that the NbF structure is ambiguous; trust isfundamental for the leadership philosophy and that there are unrealisticdemands for competencies. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP 01-03

Military Leaders and Trust

Fors Brandebo, Maria January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to study trust in military leaders. Empirical data was gathered through interviews and questionnaires with military personnel mostly from Sweden, but also from four other European countries. Paper I illustrates that trust in military leaders can be theoretically understood in terms of a hierarchical system of categories, higher-level categories and two superior categories labelled Individual-related and Communication- and relationship-related characteristics. Paper II examines how trust between military leaders and their subordinates is related to negative critical incidents in international operations. The results show that trust can be affected by pre-existing influences, of both an individual and contextual nature. The level of trust that develops between leaders and subordinates appears to have an influence on perceptions and re-evaluations of leaders’ trustworthiness during and after involvement in critical incidents. In Paper III, an instrument, Destrudo-L, was developed to measure destructive leadership behaviours on five different dimensions: Arrogant, unfair, Threats, punishments, overdemands, Ego-oriented, false, Passive, cowardly, and Uncertain, unclear, messy. In Paper IV the relationship between constructive and destructive leadership behaviours and trust is examined. The results show that constructive leadership contributed most to trust in the immediate supervisor. A great deal of trust in immediate supervisors can be understood by evaluating both constructive and destructive leadership behaviours. This thesis contributes with context-specific knowledge on trust in leaders in a military context and knowledge of psychological processes and individual dispositions that shape and change the willingness to trust leaders. The main findings presented in this thesis are the identification of characteristics of the trustor, the trustee, and the context which influences trust in military leaders. / Armed forces often perform tasks in life or death situations, bringing the issue of trust in military leaders to a head. Dependence on and trust in military leaders entails considerable risk, as any mistakes made by the leader may result in serious injury or death. Obeying orders is an essential aspect of the military profession and trust is critical since individuals are expected to give up their right to self-determination and follow orders (i.e. trust the leader). Refusal not only puts the individual soldier at risk, but also his or her team members and leaders. The hierarchical military system puts subordinates in a vulnerable position in relation to the leader. The aim of this thesis is to study trust in military leaders. Empirical data was gathered through interviews and questionnaires with military personnel mostly from Sweden, but also from four other European countries. This thesis contributes with context-specific knowledge on trust in leaders in a military context and knowledge on psychological processes and individual dispositions that shape and change the willingness to trust leaders. The main findings presented in this thesis are the identification of characteristics of the trustor, the trustee, and the context which influences trust in military leaders. / <p>Avhandlingen skrevs i samarbete med Försvarshögskolan i Stockholm i ämnet Ledarskap under påfrestande förhållanden</p>

High school principals leadership and delegation of decision rights with the Education Act (SFS 2010: 800)

Pettersson, Johan January 2017 (has links)
The Swedish secondary upper school organization, leadership and staff activities are governed by and construed by the Education Act (SFS 2010:800). The Act states that the principal can delegate its desicion rights. The Swedish Schools Inspectorate have shown that principals need to work for greater involvement. In this qualitative pilot study are nine semi-structured questions to teachers and principals about their experience of delegation. The overarching question is how principals leadership looks in reality. Who receives delegation, when, how and why? The transcription was done by the investigator who compiled meaningful quotes. Themes and dimensions was made by triangulation of an experienced Head of unit within a social-educational work outside the municipal school. The results showed some similarities between the thesis theoretical background and the empirical survey on leadership and delegation.

The First Soldier: Hitler as Military Leader

Fritz, Stephen G. 13 November 2018 (has links)
After Germany’s humiliating World War II defeat, numerous German generals published memoirs claiming that their country’s brilliant military leadership had been undermined by the Führer’s erratic decision making. The author of three highly acclaimed books on the era, Stephen Fritz upends this characterization of Hitler as an ill-informed fantasist and demonstrates the ways in which his strategy was coherent and even competent. That Hitler saw World War II as the only way to retrieve Germany’s fortunes and build an expansionist Thousand-Year Reich is uncontroversial. But while his generals did sometimes object to Hitler’s tactics and operational direction, they often made the same errors in judgment and were in agreement regarding larger strategic and political goals. A necessary volume for understanding the influence of World War I on Hitler’s thinking, this work is also an eye-opening reappraisal of major events like the invasion of Russia and the battle for Normandy. / https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu_books/1286/thumbnail.jpg

High People-High Mission: The Power of Caring Leadership as Experienced in the Air Force

Tufts, Winfield F. 07 March 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Major General Sir Henry Timson Lukin (1860-1925) : the making of a South African hero

Nortier, Erasmus Wentzel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMil (Security and Africa Studies. Military History)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / Henry Timson Lukin was born and educated in Britain. After completion of his schooling at the Merchant Taylor’s School in 1875 he had hoped to enter the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, but failed the entry examinations. However, seizing the moment of a war in South Africa, he left in 1879 for Natal, where he worked first as a road foreman, but soon, with the help of a cousin, Lieutenant Jack Spurgin, he was commissioned into the 77th Regiment and under the command of Major H.M. Bengough and saw service during the Anglo-Zulu War. Having distinguished himself in the field in Zululand, Lukin was commissioned as a lieutenant in the Cape Mounted Riflemen (CMR) and served with this outfit in the Basuto War (1881), the Langeberg campaign (1896-97) and the South African War (1899-1902). During the South African War he received the Distinguished Service Order (DSO) for the defence of Jammersbergdrift and played an important role in capturing key rebel commando leaders, including Commandant Johannes Lötter and Commandant Gideon Scheepers. After the war he received the Commander of the Order of St Michael & St George (CMG) and was appointed as the Commandant General of the Cape Colonial Forces. He played an important role in establishing the structures of the Union Defence Forces (UDF) and was appointed as Inspector General of the Permanent Force in 1912. He influenced the debate on colonial warfare with the writing of the maxim handbook and a training pamphlet, Savage Warfare: Hints on Tactics to be adopted and Precautions to be taken and during the First World War distinguished himself as commander of a force of the South African troops in German South-West Africa (1914-1915) and as commander of the South African Brigade in Egypt (1916) and in France (1916-17). He was promoted to Major General when he assumed the command the 9th Scottish Division in December 1916. In 1917 one of the highest honours was bestowed upon him when he was knighted. The illness of his wife, Annie Marie (Lily) necessitated a transfer to Britain, where he commanded the 64th Division until the end of the war. He retired from the military shortly after the Armistice and returned with his wife to South Africa, where he remained active in a variety of ex-servicemen’s organisations, including that of 1 South African Infantry Brigade. He was also a guest speaker at various functions, including the unveiling of monuments and memorials, and served on the Defence Commission of Enquiry (1924). Major General Sir Henry Timson Lukin died after a full, varied and distinguished military career in December 1925. Lukin and the Brigade had an enormous impact on the creation of a new South African identity during the First World War and period immediately after and played an important role in the formation of a new South African military organisation and culture.

Development of military leadership : a proposed model for the South African National Defence Force

Erasmus, Willem Driesse 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Public Management and Planning ))—University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The result of this research is an alternative model for leadership character development in the South African National Defence Force (SANDF). The SANDF reflects the racial and cultural diversity of South Africa as a nation. The need for a unifying leadership-related mechanism for the military milieu in which humane leadership development will flourish, is evident. This statement is based on the premise that no evidence is found that any previous efforts by the SANDF to instil a leadership philosophy or policy as a way of military life was successful. Further shortcomings in the current SANDF leadership development model, apart from the reality that its selection process of officer candidates needs improvement, are the absence of political guidance and participation in the development of its military leaders, as well as emaciated attention to the development of the character side of leaders during officer formative training. The SANDF, unlike the international tendency, has no military leadership institution to ensure that its leadership development policies and practices are based on sound academic research. Such an institution will also ensure that the SANDF stays contemporary in the global field of military leadership development. The shortcomings of the current SANDF Model were identified by progressing through the academic theories on leadership and leadership development to a comparative analysis of leadership development practices in the militaries of Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada and the SANDF. This supplied the information needed to propose the Five Point Star Model (FPS Model) for leadership character development in the SANDF. The five components of the FPS Model, which address the shortcomings of the current SANDF Model, are Convergent Leadership, Political Participation, Superior Selection, Interventions for Leadership Character Development, and a Military Leadership Institution. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die uitkoms van hierdie navorsing is ’n alternatiewe model wat die tekortkominge in die ontwikkeling van leierskapkarakter in die Suid Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag (SANW) aanspreek. Die SANW weerspieël die rasse- en kulturele diversiteit van die Suid Afrikaanse nasie, wat die behoefte aan ‘n samebindende leierskapsverwante meganisme na vore bring. Hierdie stelling is gegrond daarop dat geen bewys, waar die SANW daarin geslaag het om ’n samebindende leierskapsfilosofie of –beleid as ‘n militêre leefwyse te vestig, gevind is om sodoende die militêre milieu te skep waarin mensgerigte leierskap sal floreer nie. Verdere tekortkominge in die huidige Leierskapsontwikkelingsmodel van die SANW, bo en behalwe dat die keuringsproses van kandidaat-offisiere uitgebrei en verbeter moet word, is die afwesigheid van politieke deelname en rigtinggewing waar die ontwikkeling van die land se jong militêre leiers ter sprake is. Te min aandag word ook gewy aan die ontwikkeling van kandidaat-offisiere se karakter of inbors tydens offisiersvorming kursusse. Die internasionale tendens is vir weermagte om ‘n militêre leierskapsinstelling te hê. Die SANW het nie so ‘n instelling om te verseker dat militêre leierskapsontwikkelingsbeleid en -praktyke op behoorlike akademiese navorsing gefundeer is nie. Dit maak dit moeilik om ’n kontemporêre bydrae in die internasionale veld van militêre leierskap te maak. Die wyse waarop die tekortkominge van die huidige SANW Leierskapsontwikkelingsmodel geïdentifiseer is, was om voort te bou op die akademiese teorieë oor leierskap en leierskapsontwikkeling en om ’n vergelykende studie tussen leierskapsontwikkelingspraktyke in die weermagte van Duitsland, Brittanje, Kanada en die SANW te doen. Die vergelykende studie het inligting verskaf om die Vyfpuntster Model vir die ontwikkeling van leierskapkarakter in die SANW voor te stel. Die vyf komponente van die nuwe model spreek die tekortkominge van die huidige SANW Model aan, en die komponente is Konvergerende Leierskap, Politieke Deelhebberskap, Voortreflike Keuring, Intervensies vir Leierskapkarakterontwikkeling, en ‘n Instansie vir Militêre Leierskap.

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