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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'Etat et le patrimoine photographique : des collectes aléatoires aux politiques spécifiques, les enrichissements des collections publiques et leur rôle dans la valorisation du statut de la photographie : France, seconde moitié du XXe siècle / The state and the photographic heritage : from contingent collecting to a defined policy : the enrichment of public collections and their role in the enhancement of the status of photography in the second half of the 20th century

Figini-Véron, Véronique 19 November 2013 (has links)
En France, après une longue période d'accumulation silencieuse dans les institutions publiques patrimoniales, la photographie fait l'objet de politiques d'enrichissement spécifiques, dans la seconde moitié du XXe siècle, qui influent sur l'évolution de son statut. Dès la fin des années 1930, les responsables du cabinet des Estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale engagent un processus de réévaluation où le médium photographique est enfin considéré comme objet de collection. S'engage alors un programme d'enrichissement audacieux selon une voie duale, documentaire et artistique, où la Bibliothèque nationale ambitionne de devenir un musée de la photographie, le premier en France. En plus de la photographie documentaire qui reste une priorité, l'intérêt des conservateurs se porte d'une part, sur les grands ensembles de photographies du XIXe siècle en vue d'initier une histoire de la photographie sur le modèle de l'histoire de l'art; et d'autre part, sur les auteurs contemporains. La démarche est pionnière et durable, mais elle n'est pas suffisante pour faire reconnaître la photographie comme un art à l'échelle nationale. Près de quarante ans plus tard, en 1976, le secrétariat aux Affaires culturelles s'empare enfin des questions photographiques, mais les quatre directions ministérielles concernées par la photographie réagissent de manière inégale. Dans un environnement photographique qui évolue vers une orientation culturelle, des collections nationales sont créées à la Fondation nationale de la Photographie à Lyon (FNP), au musée national d'Art moderne (MNAM), au Fonds national d'Art contemporain (FNAC) et au musée d'Orsay; et la photographie est enfin reconnue comme un art. Dans les années 1980, sous l'effet conjugué du «Mois de la Photo» de la Ville de Paris et de la politique en faveur de l'art contemporain développée par le ministère de Jack Lang, un des événements artistiques majeurs de la fin du XXe siècle prend forme : la photographie entre dans le champ des arts plastiques. / Photography in France, after a long period of silent accumulation in public cultural institutions, became the object of specific collecting in the second half of the twentieth century. This had a bearing on its status. From the late 1930s onwards, curators in the print cabinet of the Bibliothèque Nationale in a process of re-evaluation at last came to consider the photograph as an object for collection. They set out therefore on a daring collection program with a double focus: documentation and artistic quality. With this the BN declared its ambition to become the leading museum of photography in France. Alongside documentary photographs, which remain a priority, conservatorial interest centered on both large groups of 19th century photographs intended to inaugurate a history of photography modeled on art history, and on contemporary creators. This was a pioneering, and durable approach, but insufficient for a recognition of photography as a national art. Some forty years later, in 1976, the secretariat of Cultural Affairs took over questions concerning photography. But the four ministerial branches concerned by photography reacted in an unequal manner. In a photographic environment evolving towards a cultural orientation, national collections were initiated at the Fondation National de la Photographie, Lyon (FNP), in the Musée National de I' Art Contemporain (MNAM), at the Fonds National d'Art Contemporain (FNAC) and at the Musée d'Orsay. At last photography was recognized as an art. During the 1980s, thanks to the combined effect of the City of Paris, 'Month of the photo', and the favorable policy towards contemporary art of Jack Lang's ministry, one of the major artistic events of the late 20th century took place: photography entered the realm of the plastic arts.

我國文化行政組織體系變遷與發展之研究 / The Change and Development of Cultural Administration in China

林志冠, Lin, Jyh Guan Unknown Date (has links)
民國七十六年,行政院體認到行政院組織法修正的必要性,乃決議調調整 八部二會的體例限制。經研議結果,決定增設「衛生福利部」、「文化部 」、「農業部」及「勞工部」。其決議成立「文化部」的理由在於:我國 經濟建設雖業已締造奇蹟,唯文化建設仍呈偏枯失調現象。且由於現階段 文化建設工作,係由各相關機關辦理,事權分散,不相聯屬,難作整體規 劃,亟宜成立文化部,以專責成。文化部成立之後,地方文化行政機構料 將作相對的調整,以建構完善而健全的文化行政體系,唯目前在整個體系 架構、體例設計方面並未定論。筆者基於對文化行政運作與藝術欣賞、創 作的高度興趣,決定深入此一領域察訪探究,期能藉由本研究貢獻一己棉 薄之力,為我國未來文化行政體系規劃可行模式,以為參考。本研究採行 質的研究途徑,因此,在本文的研究流程與方法的設計上,率皆依循「質 的研究」有關的理論概念與原則。在研究架構方面,期望藉由以下各種因 素的考量,得致我國未來文化行政組織體系的建構:(一)組織理論的應 用:以期實務與理論的契合。(二)文化行政過去與現況分析:以期鑑往 知來。(三)外國案例的借鏡:以收「他山之石,可以攻錯」之效。(四 )我國社會與文化環境探究:以期符合生態性的要求。由於考量層面廣泛 ,資料蒐集工作殊為繁複,因此在研究方法的採行上尤含及文獻分析法、 歷史研究法、深度訪談法、符號互動論、自然觀察法、及歸納分析法等。 藉由整個研究過程,筆者為我國未來文化行政體系的建構,歸納出三套可 行模式,並透過各個層面因素的比較分析,排列其優先順序,最終推定第 二方案為最優先考量。依該方案內容,筆者建議我國未來文化行政體系採 三級制型態為宜,即中央設置文化部、省設文化廳(處)(北、高二市設 文化局)、各縣市設文化局。同時直轄市立及各縣市立文化局,得於轄區 內籌設文化中心(名稱暫定),文化中心設置數量依區域均衡發展原則及 業務實際所需而定。

Setor cultural de Brasília : contradições no centro da cidade

Sá, Cecilia Gomes de January 2014 (has links)
A seguinte pesquisa trata das origens e projetos arquitetônicos do Setor Cultural de Brasília e busca compreender os antagonismos e similitudes existentes entre o Plano Piloto realizado por Lucio Costa e as diversas propostas elaboradas por Oscar Niemeyer e outros arquitetos para o local, algumas das quais construídas e consolidadas. A Esplanada dos Ministérios em Brasília é o ponto mais representativo do urbanismo e arquitetura da cidade e após cinquenta e três anos da inauguração da capital o Setor Cultural é o único trecho da Esplanada ainda não executado plenamente. Essa situação associada ao tombamento do conjunto urbanístico de Brasília em 1991 e à portaria 314/92 que estabelece exclusividade de intervenção aos dois arquitetos autores de Brasília fortalece a preocupação entre arquitetos, cidadãos e Estado em conciliar os propósitos de Costa e Niemeyer. Apesar da referência afirmativa de ambos sobre o modelo progressista na idealização do plano urbanístico e ainda um consenso e maturação dos conceitos e críticas ao urbanismo moderno, associados a uma postura respeitosa dos arquitetos em relação aos precedentes arquitetônicos, há contradições explícitas entre projetos executados de Oscar Niemeyer e o plano-­‐piloto levando até hoje a diversos projetos inconclusos e à polêmicas discussões sobre o Setor. A compreensão do desenvolvimento desse processo resulta da análise crítica dos projetos concebidos confrontados ao Plano Piloto de Lucio Costa e seus precedentes históricos, além da organização do inventário de projetos para o setor. / This research deals with the origins and architectural projects of the Cultural Sector of Brasília and pursues to understand the antagonisms and similarities between the Pilot Plan conducted by Lucio Costa and the various proposals made by the architect Oscar Niemeyer and other architects to the site, many of them built and consolidated. The Esplanade of Ministries in Brasilia is the most representative site of the urbanism and architecture of the city and fifty-­‐three years after the foundation of the capital, the Cultural Sector is the only part of the Esplanade that has not yet completely implemented. This situation associated with the legally protection of the urban site of Brasilia sanctioned in 1991 and the decree number 314/92 establishing exclusivity of architectural intervention to the two authors of Brasilia signs the concern among architects, citizens and government to conciliate the purposes of Costa and Niemeyer. Despite the positive reference of both architects about progressive urbanism model in the idealization of the urban plan of Brasília and even a consensus and maturation of concepts and critiques of modern urbanism, associated with a respectful attitude towards the architectural precedents, there are explicit contradictions between projects executed by Oscar Niemeyer and the pilot plan designed by Lucio Costa that leave until today many unfinished projects and controversial discussions about the sector. The understanding of this process development results in the critical analysis of architectural projects confronted to the Pilot Plan of Lucio Costa and its historical precedents, beyond the inventory organization of the Cultural Sector projects.

Setor cultural de Brasília : contradições no centro da cidade

Sá, Cecilia Gomes de January 2014 (has links)
A seguinte pesquisa trata das origens e projetos arquitetônicos do Setor Cultural de Brasília e busca compreender os antagonismos e similitudes existentes entre o Plano Piloto realizado por Lucio Costa e as diversas propostas elaboradas por Oscar Niemeyer e outros arquitetos para o local, algumas das quais construídas e consolidadas. A Esplanada dos Ministérios em Brasília é o ponto mais representativo do urbanismo e arquitetura da cidade e após cinquenta e três anos da inauguração da capital o Setor Cultural é o único trecho da Esplanada ainda não executado plenamente. Essa situação associada ao tombamento do conjunto urbanístico de Brasília em 1991 e à portaria 314/92 que estabelece exclusividade de intervenção aos dois arquitetos autores de Brasília fortalece a preocupação entre arquitetos, cidadãos e Estado em conciliar os propósitos de Costa e Niemeyer. Apesar da referência afirmativa de ambos sobre o modelo progressista na idealização do plano urbanístico e ainda um consenso e maturação dos conceitos e críticas ao urbanismo moderno, associados a uma postura respeitosa dos arquitetos em relação aos precedentes arquitetônicos, há contradições explícitas entre projetos executados de Oscar Niemeyer e o plano-­‐piloto levando até hoje a diversos projetos inconclusos e à polêmicas discussões sobre o Setor. A compreensão do desenvolvimento desse processo resulta da análise crítica dos projetos concebidos confrontados ao Plano Piloto de Lucio Costa e seus precedentes históricos, além da organização do inventário de projetos para o setor. / This research deals with the origins and architectural projects of the Cultural Sector of Brasília and pursues to understand the antagonisms and similarities between the Pilot Plan conducted by Lucio Costa and the various proposals made by the architect Oscar Niemeyer and other architects to the site, many of them built and consolidated. The Esplanade of Ministries in Brasilia is the most representative site of the urbanism and architecture of the city and fifty-­‐three years after the foundation of the capital, the Cultural Sector is the only part of the Esplanade that has not yet completely implemented. This situation associated with the legally protection of the urban site of Brasilia sanctioned in 1991 and the decree number 314/92 establishing exclusivity of architectural intervention to the two authors of Brasilia signs the concern among architects, citizens and government to conciliate the purposes of Costa and Niemeyer. Despite the positive reference of both architects about progressive urbanism model in the idealization of the urban plan of Brasília and even a consensus and maturation of concepts and critiques of modern urbanism, associated with a respectful attitude towards the architectural precedents, there are explicit contradictions between projects executed by Oscar Niemeyer and the pilot plan designed by Lucio Costa that leave until today many unfinished projects and controversial discussions about the sector. The understanding of this process development results in the critical analysis of architectural projects confronted to the Pilot Plan of Lucio Costa and its historical precedents, beyond the inventory organization of the Cultural Sector projects.

Setor cultural de Brasília : contradições no centro da cidade

Sá, Cecilia Gomes de January 2014 (has links)
A seguinte pesquisa trata das origens e projetos arquitetônicos do Setor Cultural de Brasília e busca compreender os antagonismos e similitudes existentes entre o Plano Piloto realizado por Lucio Costa e as diversas propostas elaboradas por Oscar Niemeyer e outros arquitetos para o local, algumas das quais construídas e consolidadas. A Esplanada dos Ministérios em Brasília é o ponto mais representativo do urbanismo e arquitetura da cidade e após cinquenta e três anos da inauguração da capital o Setor Cultural é o único trecho da Esplanada ainda não executado plenamente. Essa situação associada ao tombamento do conjunto urbanístico de Brasília em 1991 e à portaria 314/92 que estabelece exclusividade de intervenção aos dois arquitetos autores de Brasília fortalece a preocupação entre arquitetos, cidadãos e Estado em conciliar os propósitos de Costa e Niemeyer. Apesar da referência afirmativa de ambos sobre o modelo progressista na idealização do plano urbanístico e ainda um consenso e maturação dos conceitos e críticas ao urbanismo moderno, associados a uma postura respeitosa dos arquitetos em relação aos precedentes arquitetônicos, há contradições explícitas entre projetos executados de Oscar Niemeyer e o plano-­‐piloto levando até hoje a diversos projetos inconclusos e à polêmicas discussões sobre o Setor. A compreensão do desenvolvimento desse processo resulta da análise crítica dos projetos concebidos confrontados ao Plano Piloto de Lucio Costa e seus precedentes históricos, além da organização do inventário de projetos para o setor. / This research deals with the origins and architectural projects of the Cultural Sector of Brasília and pursues to understand the antagonisms and similarities between the Pilot Plan conducted by Lucio Costa and the various proposals made by the architect Oscar Niemeyer and other architects to the site, many of them built and consolidated. The Esplanade of Ministries in Brasilia is the most representative site of the urbanism and architecture of the city and fifty-­‐three years after the foundation of the capital, the Cultural Sector is the only part of the Esplanade that has not yet completely implemented. This situation associated with the legally protection of the urban site of Brasilia sanctioned in 1991 and the decree number 314/92 establishing exclusivity of architectural intervention to the two authors of Brasilia signs the concern among architects, citizens and government to conciliate the purposes of Costa and Niemeyer. Despite the positive reference of both architects about progressive urbanism model in the idealization of the urban plan of Brasília and even a consensus and maturation of concepts and critiques of modern urbanism, associated with a respectful attitude towards the architectural precedents, there are explicit contradictions between projects executed by Oscar Niemeyer and the pilot plan designed by Lucio Costa that leave until today many unfinished projects and controversial discussions about the sector. The understanding of this process development results in the critical analysis of architectural projects confronted to the Pilot Plan of Lucio Costa and its historical precedents, beyond the inventory organization of the Cultural Sector projects.

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