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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Migration and return : contrasting strategies in two northern Thai villages

Clover, Helen Margaret January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Understanding the co-emergence of urban location choice and mobility patterns : empirical studies and an integrated geospatial and agent-based model

Acheampong, Ransford Antwi January 2017 (has links)
Understanding and simulating the relationship between urban land-use configuration and patterns of human spatial interaction has been the subject of multi-disciplinary research. Conceptually, it is recognized that the location decisions of several urban actors including individuals, households, firms and public sector institutions, collectively determine the spatial distribution of land-use activities; the emergent land-use patterns, in turn, provide the structural conditions within which flows and interactions between locations occur daily and respond to each other over time. Over the past six decades, various theories and concepts from urban economics, social-physics, transportation studies, and the complexity sciences have underpinned empirical research and development of state-of-the-art simulation models to explore the land-use and travel nexus. Using a case study design and selecting the Kumasi Metropolis, a medium-size metropolis of nearly two-million inhabitants in Ghana, West Africa as the case study area, two main objectives, which reflect research trends and gaps in both the empirical literature and simulation model development have been addressed in this thesis. The first objective was to examine empirically, the location choice behaviour of households and individuals with respect to their residential and job locations, and the mobility patterns associated with the observed home-work location combinations within the metropolis. The second objective was to develop an integrated geospatial and agent-based model to simulate how the residential and job location choice behaviour of heterogeneous households and individuals co-emerge with mobility patterns in the metropolis. The empirical studies presented in this thesis contributes to a deeper understanding of how location-defining attributes at multiple spatial-scales interact with socio-demographic attributes of heterogeneous households and individuals to determine their residential location choice, job location choice and mobility characteristics. The development of the Metropolitan Location and Mobility Patterns Simulator (METLOMP-SIM)—an integrated geospatial and agent-based model also demonstrates how the encoded micro-scale behaviour of purposive households and individuals, interacting with each other and their environment dynamically, could reproduce macro-scale urban location patterns, property market price formation and evolution, and patterns and attributes of spatial flows and interactions anchored on the population’s residential-job location combinations.

Improving Service Level of Free-Floating Bike Sharing Systems

Pal, Aritra 13 November 2017 (has links)
Bike Sharing is a sustainable mode of urban mobility, not only for regular commuters but also for casual users and tourists. Free-floating bike sharing (FFBS) is an innovative bike sharing model, which saves on start-up cost, prevents bike theft, and offers significant opportunities for smart management by tracking bikes in real-time with built-in GPS. Efficient management of a FFBS requires: 1) analyzing its mobility patterns and spatio-temporal imbalance of supply and demand of bikes, 2) developing strategies to mitigate such imbalances, and 3) understanding the causes of a bike getting damaged and developing strategies to minimize them. All of these operational management problems are successfully addressed in this dissertation, using tools from Operations Research, Statistical and Machine Learning and using Share-A-Bull Bike FFBS and Divvy station-based bike sharing system as case studies.

L'exception des espaces ruraux français questionnée : des formes de mobilités singulières ? / The exception of the french rural areas questioned : forms of singular mobility ?

Minster, Clotilde 27 January 2015 (has links)
Ce travail s’inscrit dans le contexte d’un accroissement des populations dans les espaces peu denses et l’accroissement des distances domicile-travail (Hubert 2009). Cette conjonction de facteurs laissait supposer une non-durabilité notamment en raison des mobilités présumées accrues (DATAR 2003). Pour apporter une contribution à cette interrogation, nous avons, à l’ide de la Base Permanente des Equipements, examiné l’accessibilité à différents services de soins, et, en contre-points, à une piscine, une banque et une école de conduite. Nous avons ensuite examiné les schèmes de mobilité grâce aux données de l’Enquête Nationale Transports et Déplacements. Nous relativisons l’influence du territoire sur les comportements de mobilité. Après avoir présenté des explications possibles, nous proposons des pistes de politiques publiques. / This thesis has been prepared in view of the increasing share of the population living in low-density areas, and the related increase in commuting distances (Hubert 2009). The result of the interplay between these factors may well be interpreted as an unsustainable development path, especially due to the supposedly increased level of mobility (DATAR 2003). To contribute to the discussion on these topics, this thesis examines the accessibility of various social services and other facilities, using data from the French facilities database. It then analyzes mobility patterns within the sample population using data of the French national travel survey. The analysis shows a weak influence of space characteristics on mobility behaviours. Following a discussion of possible explanations for the findings, the thesis offers potential directions for public policy to address these issues.

Investigating the Behavioral Factors that Influence Regional Lithic Assemblage Variability in the Upper Basin, Northern Arizona

Phillips, Emily P. 25 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Stable isotope analysis and ethical issues surorunding a human skeleton material from Rounala in Karesuando parish

Fjellström, Markus January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with a medieval material from Rounala in Karesuando parish, Norrbotten county, Lapland. The aim is to reconstruct the diet and mobility patterns. It is through carbon, nitrogen and sulphur stable isotopes and radiocarbon that both pastoralist traits and whether which part Christianity played in the burial traditions of these human remains is being studied. Another aim is to discuss the repatriation issue as these remains are subjected to. The results mainly show that all individuals had a mixed diet and no pastoral way of living has been established. Furthermore, individual 3 is suffering from pathological changes. With radiocarbon dates ranging from 1300 to 1720 AD, two groups can be distinguished as to whom had been buried before and after the construction of the church. And repatriation is being discussed as an issue to who have ownership over ancient remains.

Rôle de la mobilité dans la maîtrise d’un quotidien complexe / Role of daily mobility when carrying out complex schedules

Chretien, Julie 21 March 2017 (has links)
Les sociologues s’accordent pour constater l’émergence de nouveaux rapports au temps, mais débattent des marges de manœuvre différenciées dont disposent les individus face à ces phénomènes. L’hypothèse que la vitesse de déplacement puisse être un levier est confortée par les études montrant que nos sociétés ont maîtrisé l’espace-temps grâce à l’amélioration des transports d’information et de marchandises. Cependant, peu de travaux empiriques abordent le sujet à l’échelle de l’individu. Cette thèse, qui repose sur une combinaison de méthodes qualitatives et quantitatives, a pour objectif de compléter ces recherches à travers l’étude des modes de transport utilisés et des pratiques spatiales quotidiennes en Île-de-France. Cette approche micro-sociale montre que l’augmentation du nombre et de la durée des activités hors du domicile n’est pas corrélée à une hausse des vitesses, mais à une diminution des distances parcourues pour se rendre à certaines activités. Ceci s’explique par les logiques de localisation des activités des individus. Pour celles auxquelles ils accordent de la valeur, ils maximisent la qualité de la destination, ce qui passe par l’utilisation de modes motorisés rapides. Pour les activités secondaires, ils minimisent leur temps de trajet en les localisant à proximité d’activités structurantes, ce qui induit l’usage de modes plus lents. Comme l’articulation entre ces deux logiques est plus aisée dans Paris qu’en banlieue, l’adoption d’un rythme de vie plus élevé et d’une planification plus souple y est facilitée. Plus que l’accès à la vitesse, ce sont les territoires de résidence qui induisent des disparités dans les marges de manœuvre face au temps / Times studies agree on the fact that our society is currently undergoing changes in terms of pace of life, but debates arise as to the uniformity of such changes within the population and individuals’ scope of action in the face of said phenomena. Given that society as a whole mastered time and space through the rise of transport speed, one is tempted to assume that it is also the case on the individual level. However, few empirical studies have taken it upon themselves to analyze the impact of speed in daily mobility on individuals’ pace of life. Using a combination of statistical analysis and in-depth interviews, this thesis aims at providing supplementary insight into the topic by analyzing transport modes and mobility patterns of inhabitants of the Greater Paris region. Through this micro-social analysis, we show that the more out-of-home activities people do, the lower their average speed in the course of a day is, whilst the average distance to a destination also decreases. This can be explained by the way they choose their destinations. For activities which are meaningful to them, they maximize the utility of their destination by using fast transport modes. For ancillary activities, they minimize travel time by locating them in the direct vicinity of their high-value activities, which prompts the use of slower modes. Finally, we show that the combination of these two rationales is easier in the center than in the suburbs, thus facilitating a high pace of life and more improvised schedules in the former. Hence, more than access to speed, it is residential location which induces disparities between people in their ability to deal with time demands

Wie bist Du in der Stadt unterwegs?: Mobilität junger Menschen in eigenen Bildern und eigenen Worten – Ergebnisse einer Explorationsstudie

Deibel, Inga, Schelewsky, Marc, Schönduwe, Robert 14 January 2020 (has links)
Seit einigen Jahren wird spekuliert, dass eine neue Generation heranwächst, die das eigene Auto nicht mehr unhinterfragt als Grundausstattung des modernen Menschen versteht, sondern ihre Mobilität effektiver und nachhaltiger gestaltet. Steuern wir also auf eine schöne neue Mobilitätswelt zu? Diese Schlussfolgerung zu ziehen wäre angesichts der Vorläufigkeit der Befunde und der unsicheren empirischen Basis der Aussagen voreilig. Um die Debatten zur Mobilität junger Menschen zu versachlichen und Einblick in die Komplexität der Wirkungszusammenhänge zu gewinnen, führte das InnoZ im Jahr 2012 eine empirisch-qualitative Explorationsstudie durch. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie sind in Form eines Werkstattberichts im vorliegenden Baustein dokumentiert. Trotz vieler offener Fragen belegen die Ergebnisse der Studie, dass ein Wandel von Mobilitätsmustern junger Menschen möglich ist, aber kein Selbstläufer sein wird. Die Schüler nutzen die zur Verfügung stehenden Verkehrsmittel bedürfnisorientiert und sind dabei offen für die Kombination unterschiedlicher Verkehrsmittel. Eines ist jedoch auch deutlich geworden: Junge Menschen kennen die neuen Alternativen noch zu wenig. In den Gesprächen rund um neue Angebotsformen wie Carsharing und Elektromobilität wurde deutlich, dass sich junge Menschen erst dann mit den Optionen auseinandersetzen, wenn diese für die eigene Mobilitätsbewältigung in Betracht kommen. Zwei Ergebnisse der Explorationsstudie sollten zukünftig stärker beachtet werden. Erstens existieren bei den meisten Befragten weder Vorbehalte gegenüber Alternativen zum privaten Pkw noch monomodale Fixierungen. Wichtig ist den jungen Menschen nicht der eigene Pkw, sondern vielmehr Unabhängigkeit und Flexibilität. Wenn dies mittels geteilter Nutzung von Pkw oder anderer alternativer Verkehrsmittel realisiert werden kann, so spielt das Auto in den Augen nahezu aller Teilnehmer keine exklusive Rolle mehr. Wenn es keine entsprechenden Alternativen gibt, ist das eigene Auto jedoch nach wie vor das Maß aller Dinge. Junge Menschen sind grundsätzlich offen für alle zur Verfügung stehenden Angebote − dies zeigt die Explorationsstudie deutlich. Sie müssen nur bekannt, einfach zu nutzen, schnell, flexibel und kostengünstig sein. Das Smartphone scheint dabei eine wichtige Funktion zur Organisation der eigenen Mobilität einzunehmen. Zweitens wurde deutlich, dass junge Menschen in der Begründung ihrer Verkehrsmittelwahl primär auf begrenzte Budgets verweisen. Ein Verkehrsmittel sollte folglich nicht nur Unabhängigkeit und Flexibilität gewährleisten, sondern es sollte in den Augen der jungen Menschen vor allem nicht allzu viel Kosten verursachen. Es sollten folglich nicht nur neue Mobilitätsangebote entwickelt werden, sondern auch attraktive Tarifsysteme, die es erlauben, die Zahlungsbereitschaft der jungen Menschen möglichst optimal zu adressieren. / Young people’s mobility patterns are changing. They no longer regard the private car as a basic need of the modern human being. This hypothesis has been the subject of debate for several years. Following this argument, it seems that the young generation is moving along a more sustainable path. Are we heading for a brave new world of transport? Drawing this conclusion would be too hastily. The empirical basis is too shallow and findings are still preliminary. In 2012, the InnoZ conducted an explorative study on youth mobility to display the complexity of the topic and channel the debate. Results of this study are documented in this working paper. Despite many unanswered questions, the study shows that although a change of mobility patterns of young people is possible it will be anything but self-propelled. Young people use available transport modes according to their needs and are open towards an efficient combination of different means of transport. However, the study additionally showed that young people are still not sufficiently aware of new alternatives. Discussions with teenagers uncovered that new mobility services like carsharing and electric vehicles only become a relevant issue if regarded as practical options for their everyday mobility. Two results of the explorative study should be considered in future research. Firstly, most interviewees neither expressed reservations about alternatives to the private car nor demonstrated a fixed orientation towards a single mode type. It isn’t the private car that is important to young people but rather independence and flexibility. If alternative mobility services provide those attributes, the private car and its alternatives are not mutually exclusive. Basically, young people are open to all accessible options – this can be derived quite clearly from our study. Nevertheless, car ownership still constitutes the measure of all things if there’s a lack of alternatives. Our study also revealed that the smartphone seems to play an important role for the organisation of young people’s individual mobility. Secondly, young people tend to decide on their means of transport in context of their − usually limited − budgets. Consequently, new mobility services should ensure not only independence and flexibility, but above all have to be affordable. When developing new mobility services, young people’s willingness to pay should be addressed by implementing attractive fares and charging systems.

Planification urbaine, localisation résidentielle et comportements de mobilité à Dakar, Sénégal / Urban planning, residential location and mobility patterns in Dakar, Senegal

Ndiaye, Ibrahima 05 December 2012 (has links)
L'étude des comportements de mobilité est une thématique très peu investie dans les villes d'Afrique subsaharienne. Ces villes sont caractérisées par une croissance urbaine fulgurante avec comme corollaire un étalement spatial, des densités démographiques très élevées et une crise du secteur des transports dominé par les opérateurs artisanaux. Ces dynamiques, qui sont à l'origine de déséquilibres spatiaux, font que l'accès aux aménités urbaines devient très difficile pour les catégories de population les plus pauvres. A Dakar, les options d'aménagement ségrégationnistes prises par les autorités coloniales, l'inefficacité des instruments classiques de planification urbaine ainsi que la dérégulation du marché du foncier et de l'immobilier ont été à la base d'une dynamique de différenciation socio-spatiale. Ce travail de recherche, en faisant usage des méthodes d'analyse multidimensionnelle (Analyse en Composante Principale et Classification Ascendante Hiérarchique) et en se basant sur des enquêtes « ménages-déplacements » originales, se donne pour objectif d'analyser la dynamique ségrégative à Dakar et d'éclairer les liens existants entre la localisation résidentielle des ménages et les comportements de mobilité des individus dans un contexte urbain très changeant / The study of mobility behavior has not been well investigated in Sub-Saharan cities. These cities are characterized by rapid urban growth resulting in sprawl space, very high population densities and a crisis in transport sector which is dominated by craft operators. These dynamics, which are at the origin of spatial imbalances mean that access to urban amenities becomes very difficult for the poorest categories of the population. In Dakar, segregationist territorial management options taken in the past by colonial authorities, the ineffectiveness of traditional instruments of urban planning as well as disregulation of land market and real estate, have created a dynamic socio-spatial differentiation. This research project, by using multivariate analysis methods (Principal Component Analysis and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis) is based on original household travel surveys. Our objective is to analyze the dynamics of socio-spatial segregation in Dakar and illuminate the links between residential location and household mobility behavior in a changeable urban context

Analisando padrões de mobilidade a partir de redes sociais e de dados sócio demográficos abertos.

JERÔNIMO, Caio Libânio Melo. 30 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Lucienne Costa (lucienneferreira@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-08-30T17:25:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 CAIO LIBÂNIO MELO JERÔNIMO – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGCC) 2017.pdf: 4821943 bytes, checksum: 615dc29730ed480c902a5496dce5492f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-30T17:25:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CAIO LIBÂNIO MELO JERÔNIMO – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGCC) 2017.pdf: 4821943 bytes, checksum: 615dc29730ed480c902a5496dce5492f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-07-07 / Capes / A demanda constante por melhorias na qualidade de vida dos habitantes das grandes cidades, somado à crescente urbanização desses centros, torna imprescindível a utilização de meios tecnológicos para um melhor entendimento da dinâmica dos centros urbanos e como seus habitantes interagem nesses ambientes. Nesse sentido, o aumento na utilização de dispositivos eletrônicos equipados com sistemas GPS e o constante anseio da humanidade por comunicação e, mais atualmente, por conexão à internet, vem criando novas oportunidades de estudo e também grandes desafios, especialmente no que tange a grande quantidade de dados gerados pelas redes sociais. Diversas pesquisas vêm utilizando esses dados para realizar estudos que buscam compreender traços do comportamento humano, especialmente no que diz respeito à mobilidade urbana e trajetórias. Porém, grande parte das pesquisas que utilizam dados georreferenciados se restringem às dimensões espaciais e temporais, desconsiderando outros aspectos que podem influenciar na mobilidade humana. Este trabalho propõe um método computacional capaz de extrair padrões de mobilidade oriundos de mensagens georreferenciadas de redes sociais e correlacioná-los com indicadores sociais, econômicos e demográficos fornecidos por órgãos governamentais, buscando assim, analisar quais possíveis fatores poderiam exercer alguma influência sobre a mobilidade dos moradores de uma grande cidade. Para validar o método proposto, foram utilizadas mensagens postadas no Twitter e um conjunto de indicadores sociais, ambos oriundos da cidade de Londres. Os resultados mostraram a existência de correlações entre padrões de mobilidade e indicadores sociais, especialmente os relacionados com condições de emprego e renda, como também com características étnico-religiosas dos indivíduos em estudo. / The constant need for improvements in life quality of inhabitants of big cities, together with the increasing urbanization of these centers, demands the use of technological means for a better understanding of the dynamics of urban centers and how their inhabitants interact in these environments. In this sense, the adoption of electronic devices equipped with GPS systems, the human need for communication and, more recently, for Internet connection, have brought new research opportunities and great challenges, especially due to the huge amount of data generated by social networks. Several studies have used this data to carry out research that seek to understand traces of human behavior, especially with respect to urban mobility and trajectories. However, much of the research that uses georeferenced data are restricted to spatial and temporal dimensions, disregarding other aspects that may influence human mobility. This work proposes a model capable of extracting mobility patterns from georeferenced messages of social networks and correlating them with social, economic and demographic indicators provided by government agencies, seeking to analyze which factors may impact in urban mobility. To evaluate the model, we used messages posted on Twitter and a set of social indicators, both related to the city of London. The results revealed the existence of correlations between mobility patterns and social indicators, especially those related to employment and income conditions, as well as ethnic and religious characteristics of the individuals under study.

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