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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Alterações na expressão de receptores de peptídeos formilados, citocinas e monócitos que auxiliam no colapso vascular e imunológico da sepse / Changes in the expression of formyl peptide receptors, cytokines, and monocytes that aid in the vascular and immune collapse of sepsis

Alves, Patrícia Terra 16 October 2017 (has links)
A tese encontra-se em formato de artigos conforme norma do Programa de Pós-graduação em Genética e Bioquímica da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Esta tese é composta por 4 capítulos, sendo o primeiro capítulo a revisão bibliografica a qual foi escrita em português de acordo com as normas da ABNT e os demais capítulos refere-se a artigos científicos os quais estão em inglês e obdecem as normas das revistas científicas as quais serão submetidos. / CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / A sepse é uma síndrome clínica grave responsável por grande parte dos óbitos nas Unidades de Terapia Intensiva. Há uma diversidade de causas primárias que podem evoluir para um quadro clínico de sepse o que dificulta o diagnóstico precoce e a descoberta de drogas eficientes para tratamento. Os altos custos dos tratamentos e as taxas de letalidade mundial demonstram a necessidade de uma melhor compreensão desta síndrome. Este estudo buscou avaliar a expressão gênica dos Receptores de Peptídeos Formilados (FPR) em leucócitos totais, análise de marcadores sistêmicos e o perfil proteínas globais dos monócitos para averiguar as alterações presentes no organismo do indivíduo com a síndrome da sepse. Foi realizado a caracterização das alterações sistêmicas responsáveis pelo óbito de pacientes com sepse através da quantificação simultânea de 27 biomarcadores; verificou-se o silenciamento da expressão gênica do FPR1 e o FPR2 em pacientes com sepse e choque, relatando as possíveis disfunções imunológicas provocadas pela ausência desses FPRs; e a análise proteômica dos monócitos de pacientes com choque séptico permitiu averiguar a contribuição dessa célula no colapso desta síndrome, sua influência na lesão vascular, endotoxemia, inflamação e trombose. Esta investigação identificou pela primeira vez alvos biológicos relevantes os quais podem desempenhar papeis importantes no diagnóstico, prognóstico e terapêutica. / Sepsis is a serious clinical syndrome responsible for most of the deaths in the Intensive Care Units. There are a number of primary causes that may develop for a clinical picture of sepsis, making it difficult to diagnose early and find effective treatment medications. The high costs of treatments and global lethality rates demonstrate the need for a better understanding of this syndrome. This study aimed to evaluate the gene expression of Formulated Peptide Receptors (FPR) in total leukocytes, analysis of systemic markers and the profile of monocyte global proteins to ascertain the changes present in the body of the individual with sepsis syndrome. The characterization of the systemic changes responsible for the death of patients with sepsis was carried out through the simultaneous quantification of 27 biomarkers. The silencing of the gene expression of FPR1 and FPR2 in patients with sepsis and septic shock, reporting as possible immunological dysfunctions caused by the absence of these FPRs. The proteomic analysis of the monocytes of patients with septic shock allowed us to investigate the contribution of this cell in the collapse of this syndrome, its influence on vascular injury, endotoxemia, inflammation and thrombosis. This research identified for the first time, what is more important for the diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutics. / Tese (Doutorado)

Změny endokrinní funkce a zánětlivého profilu tukové tkáně a periferních monocytů u pacientů s obezitou: vliv fyzické aktivity a bariatrické chirurgie / The changes in endocrine function and inflammatory profile of adipose tissue and peripheral monocytes of patients with obesity: the influence of physical activity and bariatric surgery

Trachta, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
(EN) Research in the field of obesity, diabetes mellitus and their complications in recent years is increasingly focused on pathophysiological mechanisms of their onset and potential prevention and treatment. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the effects of two different interventions - sleeve gastrectomy and physical activity - on anthropometric, biochemical, hormonal parameters and mRNA expression of proinflammatory factors in subcutaneous adipose tissue along with mRNA expression in peripheral blood monocytes in patients who underwent sleeve gastrectomy. A total of 15 obese women with hypertension were included into the physical activity study. These patients underwent a 3-month training program, which included 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three times a week. 13 obese women were included into sleeve gastrectomy study and were followed-up for 2 years after surgery. Our results indicate that in both studies obese groups had at baseline significantly increased mRNA expression of proinflammatory cytokines, adipokines, chemokines and chemokine receptors relative to control groups. Both interventions decreased body weight and low-grade inflammation. Physical activity had no significant effect on blood pressure, lipid profile and mRNA expression of the components of the renin-...

Função fagocítica em leucócitos humanos silenciados ou mutados para AIRE. / Phagocytic function of human leukocytes silenced or mutated AIRE.

Marina Uchôa Wall Barbosa de Carvalho 19 June 2013 (has links)
A APECED é uma doença que apresenta autoimunidade e susceptibilidade a Candida albicans. Nosso grupo observou que a proteína AIRE participa da via da Dectina-1, importante contra a C. albicans. Neste projeto, investigamos como a ausência de AIRE influencia em eventos para a eliminação do patógeno via Dectina-1. Assim, avaliamos o burst oxidativo, expressão de moléculas do sistema NADPH oxidase e fagocitose por células de paciente com APECED e células THP-1 silenciadas para AIRE. Não houve diferença no burst oxidativo e na expressão dos componentes do sistema NADPH oxidase por estas células e as células silenciadas fagocitam menos que as células selvagens. Observamos que não há diferença na expressão flavocitocromo b558 e p40phox do paciente comparado ao controle. Em paralelo, mostramos que as células do paciente apresentaram um burst oxidativo e fagocitose diminuídos comparado ao controle. Estes resultados sugerem que há um defeito no reconhecimento via Dectina-1, gerando uma diminuição da fagocitose que pode dificultar sua eliminação. / The APECED is a syndrome with autoantibodies and Candida albicans susceptibility. Our group has noted that AIRE protein is required for dectin-1 signaling, important against C. albicans. In this project, we investigate how the absence of AIRE influences in events for elimination of pathogen via dectin-1. We evaluated reactive oxygen species production, expression of NADPH oxidase molecules and phagocytosis by APECED pacient cells or AIRE silent THP-1 cells. We didnt observe differences in oxidative burst and expression of NADPH oxidase components by these cells and silent cells phagocytize less than wild-type cells. We observed no difference in flavocytochrome b558 and p40phox expression in paciente cells and control. In parallel, we showed that pacient cells has a decrease in burst oxidative and phagocytosis compared to control. Our results suggest that there is a defect in pathogen recognition via dectin-1, resulting in decrease on phagocytosis that can hamper their elimination.

Influencia da periodontite cronica severa frente ao controle metabolico bem como do tratamento periodontal na resposta imunologica de individuos diabeticos tipo 2 / Influence of chronic severe periodontitis in the face of metabolic control, and of periodontal therapyin the immune response of diabetic type 2 individuals

Tunes, Roberta Santos 14 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Getulio da Rocha Nogueira Filho, Maria Cristina Foss de Freitas / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T01:50:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tunes_RobertaSantos_D.pdf: 3904894 bytes, checksum: 5bfa07e25946e02ccbf23c44e8160e08 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: Este estudo objetiva verificar a influência sistêmica da periodontite crônica severa frente ao controle metabólico bem como do tratamento periodontal na resposta imunológica de indivíduos diabéticos tipo 2 através da análise da expressão gênica e protéica de citocinas por células mononucleares aderentes de sangue periférico. Foram selecionados 20 pacientes divididos em: grupo teste - 10 diabéticos tipo 2 com periodontite crônica severa e controle metabólico inadequado; grupo controle - 10 diabéticos tipo 2 sem periodontite e controle metabólico inadequado. Primeiramente, os pacientes foram hospitalizados por 8 dias para a obtenção de um controle metabólico adequado, permanecendo inalterada a condição periodontal nesta fase. Posteriormente, o grupo teste foi submetido à terapia mecânica em estágio único associada à antibioticoterapia sistêmica com amoxicilina e metronidazol. Amostras sanguíneas foram obtidas no primeiro e último dias de hospitalização, e 4 a 6 semanas após o tratamento periodontal para a análise imunológica. Para avaliação dos parâmetros laboratoriais relacionados ao controle metabólico, como HbA1c, foram obtidas amostras sanguíneas antes e após a hospitalização, e 3 a 6 semanas após o tratamento periodontal. Culturas de um total de 2,5x106 células/mL mononucleares aderentes, foram realizadas por 24h na presença e ausência de LPS (5µg/mL). As citocinas TNF- a, IL-1 ß, IL-8 e IL-6 foram detectadas nos sobrenadantes das culturas através do ELISA, enquanto que a sua expressão gênica foi verificada por PCR em tempo real. Enquanto o controle metabólico diminuiu a secreção de TNF- a (p=0,02), IL-1ß(p=0,03), IL-8 (p=0,04) e IL-6 (p=0,02) nos sobrenadantes das células estimuladas do grupo controle, os pacientes do grupo teste apresentaram níveis maiores destas citocinas após o controle metabólico quando comparados ao grupo controle (p<0,01 ou p=0,01). O controle metabólico bem como a infecção periodontal severa, apesar de não terem influenciado a expressão gênica das citocinas próinflamatórias pelas células estimuladas de ambos os grupos, aumentou a expressão gênica em 2 vezes da IL-8 (p=0,04) pelas células basais do grupo teste, evidenciando-se uma hipoexpressão, respectivamente, de 4, 3 e 11 vezes, da IL-1 ß, IL-8 e IL-6 (p<0,01 ou p=0,01) por estas células no grupo teste em relação ao grupo controle, antes do controle metabólico. Enquanto o tratamento periodontal promoveu uma diminuição da secreção de TNF-?(p=0,04) pelas células estimuladas do grupo teste, o mesmo não influenciou a expressão gênica das citocinas nestas condições. O controle metabólico associado ao tratamento periodontal promoveu um aumento da expressão gênica em 6 e 5 vezes, respectivamente da IL-1 a e IL-6 (p<0,01), pelas células basais do grupo teste. Enquanto, o controle metabólico promoveu reduções na HbA1c de 1% no grupo controle (p=0,04) e 1,1% no grupo teste (p=0,03), o tratamento periodontal promoveu uma redução adicional de 1,6% na HbA1c do grupo teste. Assim, demonstrou-se o papel modulador da periodontite crônica severa na resposta imunológica dos pacientes diabéticos tipo 2, mantendo a capacidade reativa próinflamatória das células mononucleares frente ao controle metabólico, e que o tratamento desta infecção local pode exercer efeitos sistêmicos, diminuindo o potencial próinflamatório das células mononucleares circulantes, contribuindo para a melhor sensibilidade insulínica e facilitando o controle metabólico destes indivíduos / Abstract: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the systemic influence of chronic severe periodontitis in relation to metabolic control and of periodontal therapy in the immune response of diabetic type 2 patients through the evaluation of cytokine protein and gene expression in human adherent peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Twenty patients were studied, distributed in 2 groups: test group - 10 type 2 diabetic patients with severe chronic periodontitis and inadequate metabolic control; control group - 10 type 2 diabetic patients without periodontitis and inadequate metabolic control. First, all participants were hospitalized for 8 to 10 days to obtain adequate metabolic control, without any periodontal condition alterations. Afterwards, the test group received one-stage non-surgical eriodontal therapy associated with Amoxicilin and Metronidazole. Blood samples were obtained on he first and last day of hospitalization, and 4 to 6 weeks after periodontal therapy for immunological analyses. For metabolic parameters analyses, like HbA1c, blood samples were obtained before and after hospitalization, and 3 to 6 weeks after periodontal therapy. Mononuclear cells were isolated by gradient density using Ficoll-Hypaque?. A total of 2.5 X 106 adherent cells/mL were cultivated during 24hs in the presence or absence of LPS. The cytokines TNF-a, IL-1ß, IL-8, IL-6 were quantified in cell culture supernatants using ELISA, while their gene expression was verified by Real Time PCR. It was demonstrated that metabolic control promoted a reduction of TNF- a (p=0,02), IL-1? (p=0,03), IL-8 (p=0,04) and IL-6 (p=0,02) levels in control group supernatants stimulated cells, while the test group showed increased levels of that cytokines compared to the control group after metabolic control (p<0,01 or p=0,01). The metabolic control as the presence of chronic severe periodontal infection, although did not affect the gene expression of that cytokines by stimulated cells from both groups, increased IL-8 gene expression 2 times (p=0,04) by test group unstimulated cells while it was verified a lower gene expression respectively of IL-1 ß, IL-8 and IL-6 (p<0,01 or p=0,01) by 4, 3, and 11 times related to the control group, before metabolic control. Moreover, periodontal therapy promoted a reduction of TNF- a (p=0,04) levels in test group supernatants stimulated cells, although did not affect the gene expression of the cytokines studied by these cells. There was observed combined effect of metabolic control and periodontal therapy on IL-1 ß and IL-6 (p<0,01) gene expression, that were increased by 6 and 5 times, respectively, by test group unstimulated cells. While metabolic control promoted reductions of 1% and 1,1% in HbA1c levels of control and test group respectively, periodontal therapy promoted an additional reduction of 1,6% in HbA1c levels of test group. Therefore, it was suggested that chronic severe periodontal infection can modulate the immunological response of type 2 diabetic patients, through the maintenance of the inflammatory reactive capacity of mononuclear cells even if in the presence of metabolic control, and that the local infection treatment can promote systemic effects, through decreasing the pro-inflammatory potential of mononuclear circulating cells, helping to restore insulin sensitivity, resulting in an improved glycemic control in those individuals / Doutorado / Periodontia / Doutor em Clínica Odontológica

AnÃlise do fragmento amino-terminal do pro-peptÃdeo natriurÃtico tipo b e de fatores de risco para oclusÃo coronariana aterosclerÃtica angiogrÃfica em pacientes com a hipÃtese diagnÃstica de cardiopatia isquÃmica / Analysis of the Amino-terminal Pro-B-Type Natriuretic Peptide and Risk Factors for Angiographic Atherosclerotic Coronary Occlusion in Patients with the Diagnostic Hy-pothesis of Ischemic Heart Disease.

DemÃstenes GonÃalves Lima Ribeiro 20 November 2009 (has links)
nÃo hà / As doenÃas cardiovasculares, incluindo a cardiopatia isquÃmica aterosclerÃtica, sÃo a princi-pal causa de morte no Brasil. A aterosclerose à doenÃa inflamatÃria crÃnica que se inicia na infÃncia, progride lentamente e se expressa dÃcadas depois. Ela principia por disfunÃÃo do endotÃlio, tem patogÃnese multifatorial e tem, como principais fatores de risco, o sexo mascu-lino, a idade, o tabagismo, a hipercolesterolemia, a hipertensÃo arterial sistÃmica (HAS), o diabetes mellitus (DM) e o antecedente familiar de doenÃa aterosclerÃtica precoce. A elevaÃÃo de vÃrios marcadores bioquÃmicos sinaliza a participaÃÃo da inflamaÃÃo na aterosclerose. O peptÃdeo natriurÃtico tipo B e o fragmento amino-terminal do pro-peptÃdeo natriurÃtico tipo B (NT-proBNP) tambÃm aumentam na aterosclerose coronÃria. Esse trabalho à um estudo ob-servacional, transversal, de uma sÃrie consecutiva de 153 pacientes internados na Enfermaria de Cardiologia do HUWC-UFC, no perÃodo de 01.08.2007 a 31.03.2008, com hipÃtese diag-nÃstica de cardiopatia isquÃmica â angina estÃvel (AE), angina instÃvel (AI) ou infarto agudo do miocÃrdio (IAM) â submetidos à cineangiocoronariografia, comparando-se o grupo porta-dor de obstruÃÃo aterosclerÃtica coronÃria angiogrÃfica (grupo A) com aquele de artÃrias co-ronÃrias angiograficamente normais (grupo B). Os critÃrios de exclusÃo foram revasculariza-ÃÃo miocÃrdica prÃvia â cirÃrgica ou percutÃnea â insuficiÃncia renal dialÃtica aguda ou crÃni-ca, neoplasia maligna, infecÃÃo, doenÃa inflamatÃria aguda ou crÃnica, doenÃa pulmonar, he-pÃtica ou hematolÃgica e cardiopatia valvar, congÃnita ou cardiomiopatia associada. Ambos os grupos foram analisados, de modo semelhante, quanto ao sexo, à idade, à escolaridade, ao Ãndice de massa corporal (IMC), à circunferÃncia abdominal (CA), ao tabagismo, ao DM, à HAS, à histÃria familiar positiva para aterosclerose precoce, ao uso de estatina, à presenÃa de sÃndrome metabÃlica (SM) e à apresentaÃÃo clÃnica como AE, AI ou IAM. Eles tambÃm fo-ram analisados em relaÃÃo ao eletrocardiograma, à radiografia do tÃrax e ao ecocardiograma, quanto à presenÃa ou nÃo de disfunÃÃo sistÃlica; ao colesterol nÃo-HDL, à HDL-colesterol, à relaÃÃo do colesterol total / HDL-colesterol < 5 e do LDL-colesterol / HDL-colesterol < 3,5; à creatinina e o ao fibrinogÃnio, ao nÃmero de leucÃcitos totais e ao de monÃcitos, à proteÃna C reativa ultra-sensÃvel e ao NT-proBNP. A comparaÃÃo dos dois grupos revelou, com signifi-cÃncia estatÃstica, à anÃlise univariada, que os pacientes do grupo A tinham prevalÃncia maior de DM e de disfunÃÃo sistÃlica, NT-proBNP &#8805; 250 pg/ml, fibrinogÃnio acima de 500 mg/dl; mais frequentemente usavam estatina e tinham monÃcitos 501 ou mais por mm3 do que aque-les do grupo B. Curiosamente, o IMC &#8805; 30 e a CA aumentada foram mais prevalentes no gru-po com artÃrias coronÃrias normais. No entanto, pela regressÃo logÃstica multivariada, os fato-res independentes para oclusÃo aterosclerÃtica coronariana angiogrÃfica foram o NT-proBNP &#8805; 250 pg/ml, o DM e o aumento do fibrinogÃnio e dos monÃcitos, mesmo consideradas a creatinina e a disfunÃÃo sistÃlica. Na amostra estudada, o modelo com ajuste de prevalÃncia desses fatores teve sensibilidade de 80,4%, especificidade de 76,9 e 79,7% de acurÃcia para o diagnÃstico de oclusÃo coronariana aterosclerÃtica angiogrÃfica. / Cardiovascular diseases, including ischemic heart disease, are the main causes of death in Brazil. Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease that starts in the childhood, progresses slowly and shows up many decades later. It begins as an endothelial dysfunction and has as its main risk factors the male sex, age, smoking, hypercholesterolemia, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus and a background of early family atherosclerotic disease. The rise of many biochemical markers in the plasma signals the presence of inflammation in the atherosclerosis. The brain natriuretic peptide and the amino-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) also increase in coronary atherosclerosis. This is a cross-sectional and observational study of 153 in-patients at the Cardiology Ward of HUWC-UFC from 08.01.2007 to 03.31.2008 with the diagnostic hypothesis of Ischemic Heart Disease, i.e., stable angina, unstable angina or acute myocardial infarction. All of them underwent heart catheterization and coronary angiography. They were classified respectively as group A or B in accordance with the presence or not of angiographic atherosclerotic coronary occlusion. Patients were not included in the analysis if they had been submitted to surgical or percutaneous revascularization; had an acute or chronic dialytic kidney disease; cancer or infection; a lung, hepatic or hematopoietic disease; an acute or chronic inflammatory illness or associated myocardial, valvular or congenital heart disease. The two groups were analyzed in a similar way with regard to gender, age, level of education, body mass index, abdominal circumference, smoking, diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, an early atherosclerosis family history, the use of statin, presence of metabolic syndrome and clinical presentation of stable angina, unstable angina or acute myocardial infarction. The HDL-cholesterol, non HDL-cholesterol, a total cholesterol/HDL-cholesterol ratio < 5, a LDL-cholesterol/HDL-cholesterol ratio < 3.5, the creatinine and fibrinogen plasma concentration, the total leukocyte and monocyte count, the high-sensitivity C reactive protein, the NT-proBNP, the electrocardiogram, the chest radiography and the echocardiogram, with regard to the presence or not of systolic dysfunction, were also analyzed. The univariety analysis comparing both groups revealed that group Aâ patients more frequently were diabetics and had systolic dysfunction, NT-proBNP &#8805; 250 pg/ml, fibrinogen higher than 500 mg/dl, more frequent use of statin and 501 or more monocytes/mm3 than patients group B. Curiously, the body mass index &#8805; 30 and abnormal abdominal circumference were more frequently found among patients with angiographic normal coronary arteries. Nevertheless, by multivariety regression logistic analysis the independent factors for angiographic atherosclerotic coronary occlusion were the NT-proBNP &#8805; 250 pg/ml, diabetes mellitus, an increase of monocyte number and of fibrinogen plasma concentration, in spite of creatinine level and presence of systolic dysfunction. The model takes into account these factors has 80.4% sensitivity, 76.9% specificity and 79.7% of accuracy for the diagnostic of angiographic atherosclerotic coronary occlusion.

Síntese de proteínas do sistema complemento por células dendríticas derivadas de monócitos na presença de sobrenadante tumoral. / Synthesis of complement proteins by monocyte-derived dendritic cells developed in the presence of tumor supernatants.

Giovana Cechim 03 February 2012 (has links)
O processo de apresentação antigênica realizado pelas células dendríticas (DC) aos linfócitos T constitui o passo inicial da geração da resposta imune anti-tumoral. As neoplasias interferem nesse processo alterando funcionalmente as DCs. Entre os fatores que influenciam a função das DCs, está a proteína C3 do sistema complemento. Assim, este trabalho investigou a influência de fatores solúveis dos sobrenadantes tumorais das linhagens de glioblastoma humano A172 e U87MG sobre a síntese de C3 pelas DCs derivadas de doadores saudáveis in vitro. A fenotipagem indicou que os sobrenadantes, especialmente da linhagem U87MG, parece estar modulando a expressão das moléculas CD14, CD80, CD86, CD83, CD274 e CD11b. Já a expressão do gene C3 parece sofrer uma modulação geralmente negativa pelo sobrenadante da linhagens U87MG enquanto a linhagem A172 tende a exercer o efeito inverso. / Antigen presentation by dendritic cells (DC) to T cells is the first step to generate an antitumor immune response. Tumors interfere in this process, affecting DCs function. One of the factors that affect DCs´s function is the complement system protein C3, which is produced by these cells. In this work, we investigated the influence of tumor supernatants derived from human glioma cells lines U87MG and A172 in the production of complement protein C3 by monocyte-derived dendritic cells from healthy donors in vitro. DC phenotyping indicated that the supernatants seem to modulate the expression of CD14,CD80,CD86, CD83, CD274 and CD11b. The expression of C3 gene, was negatively modulated by U87MG supernatant while the A172 supernatant seemed to exert the reverse effect.

Efeitos de timosina alfa 1 e inibição de STAT-3 sobre células dendríticas humanas derivadas de monócitos. / Effects of tymosin alpha 1 and inhibition of STAT-3 in monocyte-derived dendritic cells.

Cristiano Jacob de Moraes 13 December 2013 (has links)
As células dendríticas (DCs) são fundamentais no desencadeamento da resposta imune antitumoral. Mas, no microambiente tumoral há condições que impedem esta função imunoestimuladora das DCs. Este comprometimento funcional parece ser fruto da hiperativação de STAT-3. O presente estudo visou avaliar a capacidade de Ta1 de interferir na ativação de STAT-3. Então, monócitos e mo-DCs foram tratados ou não com Ta1 e comparados com o controle, o inibidor de STAT-3, JSI-124. Avaliou-se a expressão de moléculas de superfície e a capacidade de mo-DCs de estimular linfócitos T alogeneicos. Ta1 não interferiu na ativação de STAT-3. Além disso, Ta1 não reproduziu os efeitos encontrados em mo-DCs de pacientes com câncer. Já, o tratamento com JSI-124 levou a alterações nas mo-DCs fazendo com que exibissem perfil infamatório, com aumento de HLA-DR, CD86 e concomitante queda de PD-L1. Além disso, mostramos que STAT-3 está envolvido na expressão de leucointergrinas, uma vez que sua inibição proporcionou queda da expressão em nível proteico e gênico destas moléculas. / Dendritic cells ( DCs ) are critical in triggering antitumor immune response . But there are conditions in the tumor microenvironment that prevent this immunostimulatory function of DCs. This functional impairment appears to be the result of hyperactivation of STAT-3. The present study aimed to evaluate the ability of Ta1 to interfere in the activation of STAT-3. Then, monocytes and mo-DCs were treated or not with Ta1 and compared with the control, the STAT-3 inhibitor, JSI -124. We assessed the expression of surface molecules and the mo-DCs ability in stimulating allogeneic T lymphocytes. Ta1 did not affect the activation of STAT-3. In addition, Ta1 did not reproduce the effects found in mo-DCs from cancer patients. However, JSI -124 treatment led to changes in mo-DCs, that exhibited an inflammatory profile, with an increase of HLA-DR , CD86 and concomitant drop in PD- L1. Furthermore, we have shown that STAT-3 is involved in the expression of leukointergrins, since its inhibition resulted in down-regulation of expression level of this gene and protein molecules.

Monitoring Monocyte Oxldl Phagocytosis As a Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor Following a High-fat Meal

Henning, Andrea L. 12 1900 (has links)
Macrophage-derived foam cells play a predominant role in the deposition of arterial plaques during the early stages of atherosclerosis. The deposition of arterial plaques is known to be effected by several factors, including a person’s dietary habits. The consumption of a high-fat (>60% of calories from fat) meal is known to elevate serum LDL and triglycerides, which have been previously implicated in the formation pf foam cells. One limitation of current research models is that it is not possible to directly measure foam cells in vivo. Thus, the purpose of the present study was to validate the use of blood derived monocytes as a proxy measure of foam cells. In order to complete this objective, we evaluated monocyte oxLDL phagocytosis capacity following consumption of a high-fat meal. Eight men and women participated in the present study and venous blood samples were collected prior to the meal, 1-h, 3-h, and 5-h post-meal. Monocytes (CD14+/16- and CD14+/16+) were evaluated for adhesion molecule expression (CD11a, CD11b, and CD18), scavenger R (CD36) expression, and oxLDL phagocytosis using an image-based flow cytometry method developed in our laboratory for this purpose. Data was statistically analyzed for significance using a single-factor ANOVA with repeated measures and a p < 0.05. Consumption of a high-fat meal caused an increase significant increase in the proportion of pro-inflammatory monocytes (CD14+/16+) and a decrease in classic monocytes (CD14+/16-), with the greatest difference occurring at 5 h post prandial (p = 0.038). We also found that pro-inflammatory monocyte expression of adhesion molecules and CD36 increased in a manner that would promote in vivo movement of monocytes into the subendothelial space. Finally, over the course of the 5 h postprandial period, the majority of oxLDL uptake occurred in pro-inflammatory compared to classic monocytes. These results suggest that consuming a high-fat meal increases the potential of monocytes to become foam cells for at least 5 h postprandial.

Analýza těkavých organických látek produkovaných monocyty během sepse / Analysis of volatile organic compounds produced by monocytes during sepsis

Bártová, Adéla January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the possibility of analysis of volatile organic compounds produced by monocytes during sepsis. Method of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection was chosen for this purpose. Content of the first part was the optimization of the method of two-dimensional gas chromatography for the determination of volatile organic compounds. In this part were gradually adjusted parameters of the gas chromatography method to achieve the maximum efficiency. Further were adjusted conditions of samples preparation. Content of the second part was the usage of already optimized method for the analysis of the samples set of monocytes. Samples were subjected to the action of different inhibitors of the immune system and stimulators simulating bacterial or yeast infection. Based on this analysis were identified some compounds, which are produced by monocytes under condition simulating the infection.

CD56+ Monocytes Have a Dysregulated Cytokine Response to LPS and Accumulate in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Immunosenescence

Krasselt, Marco Lothar 16 October 2014 (has links)
Monocytes are no longer regarded as a homogenous cell population but can be divided, both phenotypically and functionally, into different subsets. In rheumatoid arthritis, the subpopulation of CD14bright/CD16+ monocytes is expanded and prone towards generation of Th17 cells. CD56+ monocytes represent a different subpopulation, which is also expanded in conditions associated with autoimmunity like inflammatory bowel diseases. The aim of the study was the quantification and functional characterization of the CD56+ monocyte subset in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The work at hand shows that the frequency of CD56+ monocytes is also expanded in RA; moreover, this subpopulation seems to increase with age in healthy controls. This age association is completely lost in patients suffering from RA. Further functional investigations could demonstrate a dysregulated cytokine response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) with an increased production of pro-inflammatory cytokines like TNFα as well as an increased spontaneous reactive oxygen intermediate (ROI) production. A longitudinal treatment study using Etanercept as an established TNFα-blocking agent revealed a decrease of the frequency of that cell population under therapy. This decrease was more pronounced in patients with a good treatment response as judged by the reduction of the disease activity score (DAS) 28. Summing up those results, the CD56+ monocyte subset might be involved in immunosenescence as well as in the pathogenesis of RA.

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