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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Imunossenescência e Candida albicans: avaliação da capacidade fagocítica e produção intracelular de substâncias microbicidas por monócitos e macrófagos / Immunosenescence and Candida albicans: assessment of the phagocytic capacity and intracellular production of microbicidal substances by monocytes and macrophages

Gardizani, Taiane Priscila 11 July 2014 (has links)
Atualmente, a população mundial está passando por um processo de transição demográfica, relacionado com o aumento considerável do número de idosos em relação aos jovens. O rápido crescimento da população idosa constitui uma das maiores preocupações da sociedade moderna, o que demanda um aumento no estudo da saúde e da melhoria da qualidade de vida dos idosos, incluindo um maior esclarecimento dos aspectos patofisiológicos relacionados com as doenças microbianas. Uma das infecções que afetam os idosos, principalmente os imunocomprometidos, é a candidose, a qual pode ser causada por diferentes espécies de Candida, em especial Candida albicans (C. albicans). Os monócitos e macrófagos exercem funções essenciais no combate a microrganismos através do processo fagocítico que abrange a produção de espécies reativas do nitrogênio e oxigênio que culminam no controle e/ou morte do patógeno. Uma vez esses fatores comprometidos, o combate aos agentes agressores é dificultado e ou ineficaz fazendo com que estas disfunções ocasionem problemas clínicos. Sendo assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar in vitro a capacidade fagocítica, a geração de óxido nítrico (NO) e peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2) intracelular, e a habilidade de controlar o crescimento extracelular do fungo C. albicans por monócitos e macrófagos humanos de idosos e jovens. Para isso, foram obtidos monócitos do sangue periférico de indivíduos idosos e jovens os quais permaneceram em cultura por 7 dias e se diferenciaram em macrófagos. Ambos os fagócitos foram desafiadas com diferentes proporções de C. albicans viáveis (5 células:1 fungo, 1:1 e 1:5) por 30min, 2h e 5h. Após os desafios, os dados foram analisados por meio de ensaio fluorescente de fagocitose e crescimento fúngico extracelular, e pelos kits DAF-FM diacetato (NO) e Cell Rox Deep (H2O2). Os resultados foram expressos como média ± desvio padrão (SD) dos valores ou porcentagens obtidos e a análise estatística foi realizada por meio do teste estatístico ANOVA fatorial seguido do teste de Fischer, considerando p<0,05. Nossos resultados revelaram que a idade não afeta a internalização de C. albicans por monócitos e macrófagos oriundos de idosos, no entanto, esses indivíduos levaram mais tempo para ativar a produção de NO e H2O2 que os jovens. Após 5h de estímulo fúngico, as células dos idosos se igualaram ou superaram a resposta imunológica apresentada pelos jovens, demonstrando maior habilidade em controlar o crescimento fúngico extracelular. Baseados nestes resultados, concluímos que, em comparação aos jovens, os monócitos e macrófagos de idosos têm sua habilidade de internalizar o fungo C. albicans preservada; no entanto, os seus sinais de ativação para a produção de substâncias microbicidas, como NO e H2O2, estão prejudicados, o que pode propiciar a instalação local do fungo e/ou disseminação sistêmica nesta população. Além disso, ao longo do tempo, estas células oriundas de idosos conseguiram produzir NO e H2O2 como ou mais que os jovens, sugerindo um estado de pré-ativação celular em função de níveis elevados de citocinas pró-inflamatórias inerentes do estado crônico inflamm-aging, o qual os idosos podem estar vivenciando. / Currently, the world population is undergoing a process of demographic transition, associated with a considerable increase in the number of elderly compared with young subjects. The rapid growth of the elderly population is a major concern of the modern society, which requires an increase in the study of health and improved quality of life for the aged. This includes a greater clarification of the pathophysiological aspects of microbial diseases. One of the infections affecting the elderly, particularly those immunocompromised, is the candidosis that can be caused by various Candida species, especially Candida albicans (C. albicans). Monocytes and macrophages exert essential functions in combating microorganisms by phagocytic process. During this process occur the production of reactive nitrogen species and reactive oxygen species that culminate in the control and/or death of the pathogen. Once these factors are affected, the fight against aggressors is difficult and/or ineffective, and these disorders can cause clinical problems. Thus, the aim of this in vitro study was to investigate occurrence of phagocytosis, the intracellular generation of nitric oxide (NO) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and the ability of human monocytes and macrophages from young and old in controlling the extracellular growth of the fungus C. albicans. Therefore, peripheral blood monocytes from elderly and young subjects were obtained and remained in culture for 7 days until they differentiate into macrophages. Both mononuclear cells were challenged with different proportions of viable C. albicans (5 cells:1 fungus, 1:1 and 1:5) for 30min, 2h and 5h. After the challenges, it was possible to evaluate the ability of fungal internalization and the controlling of extracellular fungal growth by a fluorescent assay, and measure the intracellular production of nitric oxide (NO) by DAF-FM Diacetate and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) by Rox Deep Cell Kit. The results were expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD) values or percentages obtained and the statistical analysis was performed using factorial ANOVA followed by Fisher test, with p <0.05. Our results showed that age does not affect the internalization of C. albicans by monocytes and macrophages derived from older subjects, however, these individuals took more time to activate the production of NO and H2O2 than that young. After 5h of fungal stimulation, the cells of the elderly equaled or exceeded the immune response presented by young people, demonstrating greater ability to control the extracellular fungal growth. Thus, we conclude that, compared with young, monocytes and macrophages from elderly have their ability to internalize the fungus C. albicans preserved; however, their activation signals for the production of microbicidal substances, such as NO and H2O2 are impaired, which may facilitate the local installation of the fungus and/or systemic dissemination in this population. Furthermore, over time, these cells derived from elderly were able to produce NO and H2O2 as or more than the young, suggesting a state of cellular pre-activation. Probably due to high levels of proinflammatory cytokines involved in the chronic state which older people may be experiencing, known as inflamm-aging.

Avaliação dos mecanismos básicos de ativação via receptores semelhantes ao Toll 4 (TLR-4) em monócitos de recém-nascidos a termo e pré-termo. / Evaluation of the basic mechanisms of activation via Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR-4) in monocytes from term and preterm newborns.

Lessa, Ana Lúcia Silveira 26 November 2014 (has links)
A imaturidade do sistema imune adaptativo ao nascimento envolve alterações funcionais das células apresentadoras de antígenos. O objetivo foi avaliar a ativação via TLR-4 e resposta de monócitos de sangue de cordão umbilical de recém-nascidos (RN) pré-termo <34 semanas (Grupo 1), <font face=\"Symbol\">&#179;34 e <37 semanas (Grupo 2) e a termo (Grupo 3). Os resultados mostraram alta produção de IL-8, TNF-a, IL-1b e IL-6 e significativa menor produção de IL-10 por monócitos neonatais. O fator NF-kB apresentou ativação semelhante entre os neonatos e adultos. As moléculas p38, ERK-1/2 e IRAK-4 apresentaram-se mais ativadas em monócitos dos RN do Grupo 1 quando comparados aos RN do Grupo 3 e adultos. A capacidade fagocitária de monócitos e neutrófilos dos RN mostrou competência reduzida. A produção de H2O2 foi reduzida em monócitos e neutrófilos apenas dos RN pré-termo. Os resultados sugerem um perfil imunológico neonatal funcionalmente distinto, revelando um desequilíbrio da resposta imune inata, com uma menor eficiência no controle desta resposta, o que pode levar a uma predisposição à sepse. / The immaturity of the adaptive immune system at birth involves functional changes in antigen-presenting cells. The objective was to evaluate the activation via TLR-4 and response of monocytes from umbilical cord blood of preterm newborns (NB) < 34 weeks (Group 1), preterm NB <font face=\"Symbol\">&#179;34 and < 37 weeks (Group 2) and term NB (Group 3). The results show high production of IL-8, TNF-a, IL-1b and IL-6 and a significantly lower production of IL-10 by neonatal monocytes. NF-kB factor presented similar activation among neonates and adults. p38, ERK-1/2 and IRAK-4 molecules were more activated in monocytes of newborns from Group 1 as compared to newborns from Group 3 and adults. The phagocytic ability of monocytes and neutrophils from newborns showed a reduced competence. The H2O2 production was reduced in monocytes and neutrophils only in preterm newborns. The results suggest a functionally distinct neonatal immune profile, revealing an imbalance of the innate immune response, with a lower efficiency in the control of this response, which could lead to a predisposition to sepsis.

Der Nachweis von Plasmazytoiden Monozyten in der Bronchoalveolären Lavage - Methodik und klinische Bedeutung

Mahlig, Kirsten 12 July 1999 (has links)
Die Rationale für immuntherapeutische Ansätze zur Behandlung maligner Neoplasien geht davon aus, daß Tumore über spezifische Tumorantigene verfügen. Dendritische Zellen als die wichtigsten antigenpräsentierenden Zellen sind in der Lage, Tumorantigene naiven T-Zellen zu präsentieren und spezifische zytotoxische T-Zellen zu stimulieren. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden dendritische Zellen durch Stimulation mit Interleukin-4 (IL-4) und Granulozyten/ Makrophagen Koloniestimulierender Faktor (GM-CSF) aus peripheren mononukleären Blutzellen gesunder Spender und an Tumoren des gastroenteropankreatischen Systems erkrankter Patienten generiert. Mit den dendritischen Zellen cokultivierte immunologische Effektorzellen (Zytokin- induzierte Killerzellen, CIK-Zellen) wurden im Zytotoxizitätstest gegen kolorektale und pankreatische Karzinomzellen eingesetzt. CIK-Zellen sind zytototoxische Zellen, die durch Stimulation mit Zytokinen aus peripheren Blutlymphozyten erzeugt werden. Durch die Cokultivierung der Effektorzellen mit dendritischen Zellen konnte eine signifikante Steigerung der unspezifischen zytotoxischen Wirkung der CIK-Zellen bewirkt werden. Zur Steigerung der spezifischen Zytotoxizität wurden dendritische Zellen mit dem Gesamtprotein der tumor- assoziierten Antigene cancer associated antigen (CA 19-9) und carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) gepulst. Effektorzellen zeigten nach der Cokultur mit gepulsten dendritischen Zellen zytotoxische Wirkung gegen Targetzellen, die das zum Pulsen verwendete Tumorantigen auf der Zelloberfläche exprimieren. Die Antigenspezifität der zytotoxischen Wirkung konnte durch eine signifikant verminderte Zellyse nach Blockade des Tumorantigens auf den Targetzellen belegt werden. Erstmals beschrieben ist hier das Pulsen dendritischer Zellen mit sowohl autologen als auch allogenen Seren von Patienten mit erhöhten Tumormarkerspiegeln. Eine Kultivierung dendritischer Zellen in tumormarkerhaltigem Serum bewirkte dosisabhängig eine verstärkte zytotoxische Wirkung cokultivierter Effektorzellen gegen Tumorzellen. Die verstärkte Zellyse zeigte sich unabhängig vom allogenem oder autologem Charakter des Serums. Der immunstimulierende Effekt des Patientenserums konnte durch eine vorhergehende Hitzeinaktivierung des Serums neutralisiert werden. Die höchsten Zellysen wurden durch eine Kultivierung dendritischer Zellen in tumormarkerhaltigem Serum und zusätzlichem Pulsen mit exogenem Tumorantigen erreicht. Untersuchungen an komplett autologen Systemen reproduzierten die an Zellkulturen erhobenen Befunde. Hierfür wurden erfolgreich Primärkulturen kolorektaler Tumore etabliert.Aus dem Blut von Tumorpatienten wurden dendritische Zellen generiert, die mit autologem Serum kultiviert wurden. Die cokultivierten autologen Effektorzellen erwiesen sich im Zytotoxizitätstest gegen autologe Tumorzellen als zytotoxisch. Die Cokultivierung der Effektorzellen mit den dendritischen Zellen bewirkte bei beiden Zellpopulationen Veränderungen. Dendritische Zellen zeigten nach der Cokultur eine verstärkte Expression antigenpräsentierender und costimulatorischer Moleküle. Bei den CIK-Zellen kam es zu einem Anstieg der Proliferationsrate. Bei Untersuchungen zur Antigenspezifität von T-Zellrezeptoren konnte vermehrt antigenspezifischer T-Zellrezeptor nachgewiesen werden. Des weiteren stieg das Verhältnis zwischen zytotoxischen T-Zellen und T-Helferzellen zugunsten der zytotoxischen T-Zellen. In ELISpot-Untersuchungen wurde eine Zunahme Interferon-gamma sezernierender CIK-Zellen nachgewiesen. Dendritische Zellen ließen sich erfolgreich mit inaktiviertem Adenovirus, an das kovalent Poly-L-Lysin gekoppelt ist, transfizieren. Die für den adenoviralen Gentransfer benötigten Oberflächenstrukturen konnten auf dendritischen Zellen nachgewiesen werden. Zur Verbesserung der Zytotoxizität wurden dendritische Zellen erfolgreich mit dem Gen für den Transaktivator CIITA transfiziert. CIITA- transfizierte dendritische Zellen exprimierten vermehrt MHC Klasse II-Moleküle. Die transduzierten dendritischen Zellen induzierten bei cokultivierten Effektorzellen eine erhöhte unspezifische Zytotoxizität. Mit Tumorantigen gepulste dendritische Zellen können bei der Entwicklung immuntherapeutischer Protokolle bei malignen Neoplasien von Bedeutung sein. / The immunotherapeutic approach against malignant neoplasias appreciates that tumours encode tumour rejection antigens, that enable them to induce protective immunity. Dendritic cells are major antigen-presenting cells and are able to present tumour antigens to naive T-cells and stimulate cytotoxic T-cells in a specific manner. In the present graduation-manuscript dendritic cells were generated in the presence of Interleukin-4 and granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) from peripheral mononuclear blood cells of healthy donors and tumour-patients. Immunological effector cells termed cytokine-induced killer cells (CIK cells) were co-cultured with dendritic cells and tested for their cytotoxic capacity against colorectal and pancreatic cancer cell-lines in a LDH-release assay. CIK cells are cytotoxic lymphocytes generated by incubation of peripheral blood lymphocytes with different cytokines. Co-culture of effector cells with dendritic cells led to a significant increase of the cytotoxic effect of CIK cells. For a further increase of specific cytotoxicity dendritic cells were pulsed with total protein of the tumour-associated antigens cancer associated antigen CA 19-9 and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). Co-cultured effector cells showed an increase in cytotoxicity against tumour-antigen expressing target cells, after co-culture with pulsed dendritic cells. The specificity of the cytotoxic effect could be shown by blocking the tumour-antigens with a monoclonal antibody. Autologous and allogenec untreated serums from patients with elevated tumour-marker levels were also used for pulsing of dendritic cells. Similar to the results when using total protein for pulsing, a cultivation in serum of patients with elevated tumour marker levels caused an intensified cytotoxic effect of effector cells against tumour cells in a dose-dependent manner. The intensified cytotoxicity was seen independent of the allogenec or autologous character of the serum. The immuno-stimulating effect of the patient serum could be neutralized by preceding heat inactivating. The highest cytotoxicity was achieved by a cultivation of dendritic cells in serum from patients with elevated tumour marker levels and additional pulsing with exogenous tumour antigen. Experiments with completely autologous systems reproduced the results made with cell-lines. Primary cultures of colorectal tumours were established. Dendritic cells were generated from the blood of tumour patients and were cultivated in autologous serum. Co-cultured autologous effector cells showed cytotoxicity when used against autologous tumour cells. Co-culturing of effector cells with dendritic cells caused modifications at both cell populations. Dendritic cells showed an increase expression of antigen-presenting and co-stimulatory molecules. CIK cells showed a higher proliferation-rate when co-cultured. They express more antigen-specific T-cell receptor, and the cytotoxic T-cells to T-helper cells ratio increased. ELISpot-assays showed an increase of interferon gamma producing cells. Dendritic cells were successfully transduced by using an inactivated adenovirus, which covalently binds poly-L-lysine. Dendritic cells express the molecules that enables adenoviral gene delivery on their surface. For the improvement of cytotoxicity dendritic cells were transduced with the gene encoding for the transactivator CIITA. CIITA transduced dendritic cells increases expression of MHC class II molecules. Cytotoxicity experiments with transduced dendritic cells resulted in an increased induction of non-specific cytolysis from co-cultured effector cells. DC pulsed with tumour-antigens may have a major impact on immunotherapeutic protocols for cancer patients.

Adhäsionsmoleküle auf zirkulierenden humanen Monozyten bei essentieller Hypertonie

Lau, Susan Katrin 10 December 2004 (has links)
HINTERGRUND: Das Ziel dieser Studie bestand darin, die mögliche Rolle von zirkulierenden humanen Monozyten in der Pathologie der essentiellen Hypertonie zu untersuchen. Wir verglichen die Expressionsmuster unterschiedlicher Adhäsionsmoleküle auf isolierten Monozyten des peripheren Blutes von Normalkontrollen und Hypertonikern. Wir bestimmten die Veränderungen durch Stimulation mit Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), Angiotensin II (AT) und agonistische Angiotensin Rezeptor Typ I-Autoantikörper (AT1-AK) sowie den Einfuß des AT1-Rezeptor-Antagonist Losartan und des auch an MAC-1 bindenden Glykoprotein IIb/IIIa Rezeptor-Antikörper Abciximab. METHODIK: Blutproben von 18 Patienten mit essentieller Hypertonie und 20 gesunden Normalkontrollen wurden verglichen. Die Monozyten wurden mittels Dynabead-Negativ-Isolierung gewonnen. Die Adhäsionsmolekül-Expression wurden nach Färbung mit fluoreszenzgekoppelten Antikörpern gegen CD11a, CD11b, CD29, CD31, CD44, CD49d, CD54 und CD62L mittels FACS Messung bestimmt. ERGEBNISSE: Auf Monozyten hypertensiver Patienten ist die Expression von CD11a, CD11b und CD54 signifikant erhöht. Mit Inkubation erhöht sich die Expression von CD54 und CD44, während CD11b, CD31 und CD49d erniedrigt werden und CD11a konstant bleibt. LPS-Stimulation führt zu einer signifikanten Erhöhung der CD11b und CD54 Expression. Ausdruck der Aktivierung durch AT-Stimulation ist eine erhöhte CD11b Expression. AT1-AK erhöhen die Expression von CD11b, CD54 und CD49d signifikant. Losartan verringert nur tendenziell und teilweise die AT und AT1-AK bedingten Expressionsveränderungen. Der LPS bedingte Anstieg der CD11b Expression auf Monozyten wird durch Abciximab vermindert. SCHLUSSFOLGERUNG: Wir demonstrieren die Bedeutung voraktivierten Monozyten bei Hypertonie in der Pathogenese der Arteriosklerose. / BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to investigate the possible involvement of human peripheral blood monocytes in the pathology of hypertensive disease. We determined the in vitro expression patterns of adhesion molecules on isolated peripheral blood monocytes from normal controls and from hypertensive patients. We investigated and compared the ability of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), angiotensin II (Ang II) and Agonistic AT1 receptor autoantibodies (AT1-AA) to stimulate monocytes and the influence of preincubation with an Ang II type 1 receptor antagonist (losartan) or Glykoprotein IIb/IIIa rezeptor-antibody Abciximab. METHODS: Blood samples were obtained from 18 patients with essential hypertension and from 20 normotensive healthy individuals used as a control group. Peripheral blood monocytes were isolated by negative Dyna Bead Isolation. Adhesion molecules were measured using immunofluorescence of monocytes labelled with antibody against CD11a and b, CD29, CD31, CD44, CD49d, CD54 and CD62L by flow cytometry. RESULTS: The expression of CD11a, CD11b and CD54 was significantly higher in hypertensive patients versus healthy individuals directly after isolation. With incubation the expression of CD44 and CD54 was increased and the expression of CD 11b, CD31 and CD49d was decreased, whereas CD11a shows a constant expression. Monocytes showed increased expression of CD11b and CD54 after LPS stimulation. CD11b expression was significantly increased after stimulation with Ang II, after stimulation with AT1-AA Monocytes showed an increased expression of CD11b, CD54 and CD49. Losartan was partially but not significantly effective in blocking the effects of Ang II or AT1-AA stimulation. Incubation with Abciximab was reducing the LPS induced CD11b Epression. CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate that preactivated monocytes from hypertensives may be of pathogenic importance in atherosclerosis.

Epigenetic regulation of cytokine production in endotoxin tolerance

Reschke, Claudia 13 October 2016 (has links)
Endotoxin-tolerante Zellen zeigen über mehrere Tage eine verminderte Produktion pro-inflammatorischer Zytokine, sodass epigenetische Veränderungen ein Grund für die Endotoxintoleranz sein könnte. Im 1. Teil wurden epigenetische Veränderungen an gezielten LPS-tolerisierbaren Genen mithilfe eines in-vitro-Modells mit humanen Monozyten untersucht. Die Gene kodierend für TNF und CXCL10 zeigten eine Reduktion der transkriptionsaktivierenden Histonmarker H3K27ac und H4ac, die durch eine stark reduzierte Genexpression in toleranten Monozyten begleitet wurde. Demgegenüber wiesen Gene wie IL6 und IL1B eine Zunahme an H4ac und H3K27ac auf, während ihre Genexpression in widersprüchlicher Weise reduziert war. Repressive epigenetische Marker (H3K9me2, H3K27me3, H4K20me3, DNA-Methylierung) konnten in den untersuchten Genen nicht nachgewiesen werden. Zudem war die IL6-Genexpression verstärkt abhängig von der Signaltransduktion toleranter Monozyten, was auf unterschiedliche Repressionsmechanismen schließen lässt. Im 2. Teil konnte gezeigt werden, dass die genomweite transkriptionelle Reprogrammierung durch eine globale Verschiebung von aktiven H3K27ac und H4ac in naiven Monozyten zu repressiven H3K9me2, H3K27me3 und H4K20me3 in toleranten, restimulierten Zellen einherging. Mehr als 10000 Genombereiche wiesen Veränderungen an Histonmarkern auf, obwohl nur 3638 Gene unterschiedlich exprimiert waren. Circa 27% der differentiell exprimierten Gene zeigten ein Expressionsmuster, welches mit Veränderungen an aktiven und/oder repressiven Markern innerhalb der Promoterregion korrelierte. Zudem zeigten intergenische Regionen einen verstärkten Anstieg an repressiven Histonmarkern, was auf eine mögliche regulatorische Funktion dieser Bereiche in der Endotoxintoleranz schließen lässt. Die Studie zeigt, dass die Epigenetik der Monozyten stark von der Endotoxintoleranzinduktion betroffen ist, wenn auch nicht alle Veränderungen dem beobachteten Genexpressionsmuster zugeordnet werden konnten. / Endotoxin-tolerant cells show a reduced ability to produce pro-inflammatory cytokines for several days, which assumes an impact of epigenetic changes in endotoxin tolerance induction. Using an in vitro model with human monocytes, the first part focused on the analysis of epigenetic changes in specific LPS-tolerizable genes. The genes encoding for TNF and CXCL10 showed a reduction in the transcription-activating histone marks H3K27ac and H4ac in tolerant monocytes, which was accompanied by a strongly reduced gene expression. In contrast, the IL6 and IL1B genes showed an increase in activating histone modifications, while their gene expressions were moderately reduced. Repressive epigenetic marks (H3K9me2, H3K27me3, H4K20me3, DNA methylation) were not specifically enhanced in the genes studied. Particularly the IL6 gene expression was more susceptible to the signaling strength in tolerant monocytes implying distinct mechanisms in the repression of the genes analyzed. Within the second part, genome-wide reprogramming of tolerant monocytes was accompanied by a global shift from activating H3K27ac and H4ac in naive monocytes to repressive H3K9me2, H3K27me3 and H4K20me3 in tolerant cells treated with LPS. More than 10000 genomic regions were distinctly regulated by histone marks, though only 3638 genes were differentially expressed. Correlation analyses identified 27 % of the differentially expressed genes that showed a transcriptional level consistent with changes in activating and/or repressive histone marks within their promoter regions. Intergenic regions were highly enriched for repressive histone marks in LPS-tolerant monocytes implying a regulatory function in endotoxin tolerance. The data indicate that the epigenetic environment of monocytes is highly affected by endotoxin tolerance induction, though not all changes are directly linked to the gene expression pattern observed.

Avaliação da transfecção de células dendríticas com RNA tumoral como estratégia para indução de imunidade específica em pacientes com leucemia linfóide crônica. / Evaluation of dendritic cell transfection with tumor RNA as a strategy to induce specific immunity in chronic lymphoid leukemia patients.

Toniolo, Patrícia Argenta 07 December 2010 (has links)
O desenvolvimento da imunoterapia do câncer baseada em células dendríticas (DCs) é alvo de vários estudos. Para tumores sólidos, a abordagem baseada no uso de DCs alogenêicas fundidas com células tumorais tem se mostrado relativamente eficaz. Por outro lado, esta estratégia necessita uma massa tumoral considerável de cada paciente para a geração das células híbridas. Para contornar este problema o uso de DCs transfectadas com mRNA tumoral, o qual pode ser amplificado in vitro a partir de uma pequena amostra inicial do tumor, tem sido investigado. Para isto, uma transfecção eficiente e tradução correta do mRNA tumoral nas DCs são etapas críticas. Sabendo-se que as DCs de pacientes com câncer possuem atividade aloestimuladora defeituosa, DCs derivadas de doadores saudáveis poderiam ser uma alternativa para induzir uma resposta imune mais eficiente. Assim, este trabalho pretendeu aprimorar a metodologia de transfecção de DCs alogenêicas, derivadas de monócitos de doadores saudáveis, com mRNA de antígenos tumorais (survivina e RPSA) super-expressos na leucemia linfóide crônica (LLC) e avaliar sua capacidade em estimular a resposta linfocitária. Ao mesmo tempo, foram estabelecidas as metodologias para amplificação e síntese do RNA destes antígenos tumorais específicos, assim como do RNA mensageiro total, contidos nas células tumorais de pacientes com LLC. Os resultados mostraram ser possível a amplificação do mRNA total extraído das células leucêmicas com manutenção da expressão dos antígenos tumorais. Ainda, várias condições de transfecção com mRNA da survivina, transcrito in vitro, foram testadas, encontrando-se na lipofecção, a melhor maneira de transfectar as DCs. A lipofecção mostrou-se com baixa toxicidade quando comparada à técnica de eletroporação. Observou-se uma eficiência em torno de 40% de células transfectadas num intervalo de tempo entre 12 e 48 horas. Estas células foram usadas como estimuladoras em ensaios de proliferação usando-se linfócitos T alogenêicos como células respondedoras. As células transfectadas com mRNA da survivina foram capazes de estimular resposta linfoproliferativa com maior produção de IFN-gama, avaliado por ELISA. Além disso, a transfecção não alterou o padrão de expressão dos marcadores de superfície característicos das DCs. Estes dados mostram que a transfecção das DCs com mRNA pode afetar a resposta imune induzida por estas APCs. Nossos resultados suportam o uso de DCs transfectadas com mRNA para produção de vacinas anti-tumorais e mostram a survivina como um potente antígeno indutor da resposta linfocitária. / The development of dendritic cell (DC)-based cancer immunotherapy has been the target of many studies. For solid tumors, a promising approach based in allogeneic DCs fused to tumor cells has been relatively effective. On the other hand, this approach needs large tumor samples to generate enough DC-tumor cell hybrids. To overcome this problem, tumor mRNA-transfected DCs can be used, since mRNA can be amplified in vitro and allow unlimited vaccine production. For this, efficient transfection and optimal translation of tumor mRNA in DCs are critical. Moreover, DC derived from cancer patients has defective alostimulatory activity. In this case, DC derived from healthy donors may be an alternative to induce immune response more efficiently. Here, we established the methodology of allogeneic DC transfection with mRNA for tumor antigens (survivin and RPSA) overexpressed in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), and evaluated their ability for T cell stimulation. At the same time, we established mRNA amplification and mRNA in vitro transcription methodology for specific tumor antigens and total messenger RNA, present in CLL tumor cells. Our results showed it to be possible to amplify total mRNA derived from leukemic cells maintaining tumor antigen expression. Moreover, several transfection conditions using survivin mRNA obtained from in vitro transcript reactions were evaluated, defining lipofection as the better way to transfect DC. We obtained nearly 40% of transfected DCs between 12 and 48 hours. Transfected DCs were used as stimulator cells in proliferation assays using allogeneic T cells as responder cells. Survivin mRNA transfected DCs were able to stimulate T cell proliferation with increased IFN-gama production, measured by ELISA. Furthermore, the transfection did not change the pattern of surface molecules expression characteristic of DC. These data show that mRNA DC transfection can affect immune responses induced by these APCs. These findings support the use of tumor mRNA transfected DCs for anti-cancer vaccine production and show survivin as a potent antigen to induce T cell responses.

Imunossenescência e Candida albicans: avaliação da capacidade fagocítica e produção intracelular de substâncias microbicidas por monócitos e macrófagos / Immunosenescence and Candida albicans: assessment of the phagocytic capacity and intracellular production of microbicidal substances by monocytes and macrophages

Taiane Priscila Gardizani 11 July 2014 (has links)
Atualmente, a população mundial está passando por um processo de transição demográfica, relacionado com o aumento considerável do número de idosos em relação aos jovens. O rápido crescimento da população idosa constitui uma das maiores preocupações da sociedade moderna, o que demanda um aumento no estudo da saúde e da melhoria da qualidade de vida dos idosos, incluindo um maior esclarecimento dos aspectos patofisiológicos relacionados com as doenças microbianas. Uma das infecções que afetam os idosos, principalmente os imunocomprometidos, é a candidose, a qual pode ser causada por diferentes espécies de Candida, em especial Candida albicans (C. albicans). Os monócitos e macrófagos exercem funções essenciais no combate a microrganismos através do processo fagocítico que abrange a produção de espécies reativas do nitrogênio e oxigênio que culminam no controle e/ou morte do patógeno. Uma vez esses fatores comprometidos, o combate aos agentes agressores é dificultado e ou ineficaz fazendo com que estas disfunções ocasionem problemas clínicos. Sendo assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar in vitro a capacidade fagocítica, a geração de óxido nítrico (NO) e peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2) intracelular, e a habilidade de controlar o crescimento extracelular do fungo C. albicans por monócitos e macrófagos humanos de idosos e jovens. Para isso, foram obtidos monócitos do sangue periférico de indivíduos idosos e jovens os quais permaneceram em cultura por 7 dias e se diferenciaram em macrófagos. Ambos os fagócitos foram desafiadas com diferentes proporções de C. albicans viáveis (5 células:1 fungo, 1:1 e 1:5) por 30min, 2h e 5h. Após os desafios, os dados foram analisados por meio de ensaio fluorescente de fagocitose e crescimento fúngico extracelular, e pelos kits DAF-FM diacetato (NO) e Cell Rox Deep (H2O2). Os resultados foram expressos como média ± desvio padrão (SD) dos valores ou porcentagens obtidos e a análise estatística foi realizada por meio do teste estatístico ANOVA fatorial seguido do teste de Fischer, considerando p<0,05. Nossos resultados revelaram que a idade não afeta a internalização de C. albicans por monócitos e macrófagos oriundos de idosos, no entanto, esses indivíduos levaram mais tempo para ativar a produção de NO e H2O2 que os jovens. Após 5h de estímulo fúngico, as células dos idosos se igualaram ou superaram a resposta imunológica apresentada pelos jovens, demonstrando maior habilidade em controlar o crescimento fúngico extracelular. Baseados nestes resultados, concluímos que, em comparação aos jovens, os monócitos e macrófagos de idosos têm sua habilidade de internalizar o fungo C. albicans preservada; no entanto, os seus sinais de ativação para a produção de substâncias microbicidas, como NO e H2O2, estão prejudicados, o que pode propiciar a instalação local do fungo e/ou disseminação sistêmica nesta população. Além disso, ao longo do tempo, estas células oriundas de idosos conseguiram produzir NO e H2O2 como ou mais que os jovens, sugerindo um estado de pré-ativação celular em função de níveis elevados de citocinas pró-inflamatórias inerentes do estado crônico inflamm-aging, o qual os idosos podem estar vivenciando. / Currently, the world population is undergoing a process of demographic transition, associated with a considerable increase in the number of elderly compared with young subjects. The rapid growth of the elderly population is a major concern of the modern society, which requires an increase in the study of health and improved quality of life for the aged. This includes a greater clarification of the pathophysiological aspects of microbial diseases. One of the infections affecting the elderly, particularly those immunocompromised, is the candidosis that can be caused by various Candida species, especially Candida albicans (C. albicans). Monocytes and macrophages exert essential functions in combating microorganisms by phagocytic process. During this process occur the production of reactive nitrogen species and reactive oxygen species that culminate in the control and/or death of the pathogen. Once these factors are affected, the fight against aggressors is difficult and/or ineffective, and these disorders can cause clinical problems. Thus, the aim of this in vitro study was to investigate occurrence of phagocytosis, the intracellular generation of nitric oxide (NO) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and the ability of human monocytes and macrophages from young and old in controlling the extracellular growth of the fungus C. albicans. Therefore, peripheral blood monocytes from elderly and young subjects were obtained and remained in culture for 7 days until they differentiate into macrophages. Both mononuclear cells were challenged with different proportions of viable C. albicans (5 cells:1 fungus, 1:1 and 1:5) for 30min, 2h and 5h. After the challenges, it was possible to evaluate the ability of fungal internalization and the controlling of extracellular fungal growth by a fluorescent assay, and measure the intracellular production of nitric oxide (NO) by DAF-FM Diacetate and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) by Rox Deep Cell Kit. The results were expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD) values or percentages obtained and the statistical analysis was performed using factorial ANOVA followed by Fisher test, with p <0.05. Our results showed that age does not affect the internalization of C. albicans by monocytes and macrophages derived from older subjects, however, these individuals took more time to activate the production of NO and H2O2 than that young. After 5h of fungal stimulation, the cells of the elderly equaled or exceeded the immune response presented by young people, demonstrating greater ability to control the extracellular fungal growth. Thus, we conclude that, compared with young, monocytes and macrophages from elderly have their ability to internalize the fungus C. albicans preserved; however, their activation signals for the production of microbicidal substances, such as NO and H2O2 are impaired, which may facilitate the local installation of the fungus and/or systemic dissemination in this population. Furthermore, over time, these cells derived from elderly were able to produce NO and H2O2 as or more than the young, suggesting a state of cellular pre-activation. Probably due to high levels of proinflammatory cytokines involved in the chronic state which older people may be experiencing, known as inflamm-aging.

Avaliação dos mecanismos básicos de ativação via receptores semelhantes ao Toll 4 (TLR-4) em monócitos de recém-nascidos a termo e pré-termo. / Evaluation of the basic mechanisms of activation via Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR-4) in monocytes from term and preterm newborns.

Ana Lúcia Silveira Lessa 26 November 2014 (has links)
A imaturidade do sistema imune adaptativo ao nascimento envolve alterações funcionais das células apresentadoras de antígenos. O objetivo foi avaliar a ativação via TLR-4 e resposta de monócitos de sangue de cordão umbilical de recém-nascidos (RN) pré-termo <34 semanas (Grupo 1), <font face=\"Symbol\">&#179;34 e <37 semanas (Grupo 2) e a termo (Grupo 3). Os resultados mostraram alta produção de IL-8, TNF-a, IL-1b e IL-6 e significativa menor produção de IL-10 por monócitos neonatais. O fator NF-kB apresentou ativação semelhante entre os neonatos e adultos. As moléculas p38, ERK-1/2 e IRAK-4 apresentaram-se mais ativadas em monócitos dos RN do Grupo 1 quando comparados aos RN do Grupo 3 e adultos. A capacidade fagocitária de monócitos e neutrófilos dos RN mostrou competência reduzida. A produção de H2O2 foi reduzida em monócitos e neutrófilos apenas dos RN pré-termo. Os resultados sugerem um perfil imunológico neonatal funcionalmente distinto, revelando um desequilíbrio da resposta imune inata, com uma menor eficiência no controle desta resposta, o que pode levar a uma predisposição à sepse. / The immaturity of the adaptive immune system at birth involves functional changes in antigen-presenting cells. The objective was to evaluate the activation via TLR-4 and response of monocytes from umbilical cord blood of preterm newborns (NB) < 34 weeks (Group 1), preterm NB <font face=\"Symbol\">&#179;34 and < 37 weeks (Group 2) and term NB (Group 3). The results show high production of IL-8, TNF-a, IL-1b and IL-6 and a significantly lower production of IL-10 by neonatal monocytes. NF-kB factor presented similar activation among neonates and adults. p38, ERK-1/2 and IRAK-4 molecules were more activated in monocytes of newborns from Group 1 as compared to newborns from Group 3 and adults. The phagocytic ability of monocytes and neutrophils from newborns showed a reduced competence. The H2O2 production was reduced in monocytes and neutrophils only in preterm newborns. The results suggest a functionally distinct neonatal immune profile, revealing an imbalance of the innate immune response, with a lower efficiency in the control of this response, which could lead to a predisposition to sepsis.

Sinalização intracelular e expressão de receptores mediados por LDL modificada e peptídeos da apolipoproteínaB-100 em monócitos/macrófagos humanos. / Intracellular signaling and receptor expression mediated by modified LDL and apolipoproteinB-100 peptides in human monocytes/macrophages.

Francisco José Oliveira Rios 12 August 2009 (has links)
A lipoproteína de baixa densidade (LDL) pode sofrer modificações, oxidativas ou enzimáticas, gerando compostos, lipídicos e proteicos, capazes de interagir com macrófagos, contribuindo para a resposta inflamatória presente na aterosclerose. Os macrófagos interagem tanto com LDL contendo baixo ou alto grau de oxidação (LoxLDL e HoxLDL) e também com fragmentos proteicos provenientes da ApoB-100, os quais podem exercer efeitos biológicos em macrófagos, contribuindo para a formação de células espumosas. Neste trabalho demonstramos que formas modificadas da LDL interagem com monócitos e/ou macrófagos, dependendo do grau de oxidação. A expressão de FcgRII por HoxLDL em macrófagos é dependente de PPARg. Parte da expressão de CD36 induzida por LoxLDL e HoxLDL em macrófagos é dependente de PAF-R. A LoxLDL induz uma maior produção de IL-6 e IL-8. Já, a HoxLDL de TNF-a, IL-10 e TGF-b em macrófagos. Encontramos um peptídeo da ApoB-100 é capaz de aumentar o fluxo intracelular de cálcio, ativar a via das MAP quinases em monócitos humanos, induzindo a produção de IL-8. / The Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) may undergo oxidative or enzymatic modifications, producing lipid or proteic compounds that interact with macrophages, contributing to inflammatory response in the atherosclerosis. Into the arterial intima, the macrophages interact with minimally modified LDL (LoxLDL) and with highly oxidized LDL (HoxLDL). Moreover, in the arterial intima, enzymes may induce cleavage of the apoB-100, releasing protein fragments, which may have biological effects on macrophages. In this study, we showed that modified forms of LDL interact with monocytes or macrophages, depending on oxidation degree. The expression of FcgRII-induced HoxLDL in macrophages is dependent on PPARg and part of the expression of CD36 induced by LoxLDL and HoxLDL in macrophages is dependent on PAF-R. In macrophages, LoxLDL induced higher production of IL-6 e IL-8, whereas HoxLDL induced TNF-a, IL-10 e TGF-b. Furthermore, we found one peptide from apoB-100 capable to increase calcium flux and activate MAP kinase pathway, inducing production of IL-8 in human monocytes.

Sinalização intracelular e expressão de receptores mediados por LDL modificada e peptídeos da apolipoproteínaB-100 em monócitos/macrófagos humanos. / Intracellular signaling and receptor expression mediated by modified LDL and apolipoproteinB-100 peptides in human monocytes/macrophages.

Rios, Francisco José Oliveira 12 August 2009 (has links)
A lipoproteína de baixa densidade (LDL) pode sofrer modificações, oxidativas ou enzimáticas, gerando compostos, lipídicos e proteicos, capazes de interagir com macrófagos, contribuindo para a resposta inflamatória presente na aterosclerose. Os macrófagos interagem tanto com LDL contendo baixo ou alto grau de oxidação (LoxLDL e HoxLDL) e também com fragmentos proteicos provenientes da ApoB-100, os quais podem exercer efeitos biológicos em macrófagos, contribuindo para a formação de células espumosas. Neste trabalho demonstramos que formas modificadas da LDL interagem com monócitos e/ou macrófagos, dependendo do grau de oxidação. A expressão de FcgRII por HoxLDL em macrófagos é dependente de PPARg. Parte da expressão de CD36 induzida por LoxLDL e HoxLDL em macrófagos é dependente de PAF-R. A LoxLDL induz uma maior produção de IL-6 e IL-8. Já, a HoxLDL de TNF-a, IL-10 e TGF-b em macrófagos. Encontramos um peptídeo da ApoB-100 é capaz de aumentar o fluxo intracelular de cálcio, ativar a via das MAP quinases em monócitos humanos, induzindo a produção de IL-8. / The Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) may undergo oxidative or enzymatic modifications, producing lipid or proteic compounds that interact with macrophages, contributing to inflammatory response in the atherosclerosis. Into the arterial intima, the macrophages interact with minimally modified LDL (LoxLDL) and with highly oxidized LDL (HoxLDL). Moreover, in the arterial intima, enzymes may induce cleavage of the apoB-100, releasing protein fragments, which may have biological effects on macrophages. In this study, we showed that modified forms of LDL interact with monocytes or macrophages, depending on oxidation degree. The expression of FcgRII-induced HoxLDL in macrophages is dependent on PPARg and part of the expression of CD36 induced by LoxLDL and HoxLDL in macrophages is dependent on PAF-R. In macrophages, LoxLDL induced higher production of IL-6 e IL-8, whereas HoxLDL induced TNF-a, IL-10 e TGF-b. Furthermore, we found one peptide from apoB-100 capable to increase calcium flux and activate MAP kinase pathway, inducing production of IL-8 in human monocytes.

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