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Ocorrência de fogachos e sua relação com os ritmos circadianos de temperatura periférica do punho, atividade/repouso e estados de humor em mulheres na pós-menopausa. / Hot flashes episodes and the circadian rhythms of wrist temperature, rest/activity and mood in post-menopausal women.Hadassa Batinga da Silva 16 December 2009 (has links)
O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar possíveis relações entre a ocorrência dos fogachos e as oscilações da temperatura periférica, atividade motora e do humor. Participaram do protocolo 19 pacientes do Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo, separadas em 2 grupos: mulheres pós-menopausa com fogachos e mulheres pós-menopausa sem fogachos, mais o grupo controle. As variáveis coletadas foram: a atividade motora do braço, temperatura da pele do punho e ocorrência de fogachos. Encontramos ritmicidade circadiana significativa na ocorrência de fogachos em 5 voluntárias e ritmicidade infradiana significativa (períodos entre 7 e 14 dias) em 4 voluntárias. Observamos correlação positiva entre essa pontuação do questionário de cronotipo e a amplitude da curva ajustada do ritmo de temperatura punho e correlação positiva entre fogachos e a média da temperatura do punho. A média da temperatura do punho das mulheres com fogachos foi maior que a das mulheres sem fogachos e controles. Na população estudada demonstramos evidências de relações entre os episódios de fogachos e as oscilações da temperatura periférica, atividade motora. Não encontramos relações significativas entre a ocorrência de fogachos e variações dos estados de humor alegria e ansiedade. / In this study we evaluated possible correlations between peripheral (wrist) temperature, rest/activity and mood circadian rhythms and the occurrence of hot flashes in post-menopausal women. Nineteen patients from Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo had participated this study. The patients were separated in 2 groups: post-menopausal women with hot flashes (n=13) aged 55±4; postmenopausal women without hot flashes (n=6) with 59±1.51 years old, besides the control group (n=10) with 36±4 years old. The data collected were motor activity of the arm, peripheral (wrist skin) temperature and occurrence of episodes of hot flashes. Volunteers wore actimeters to collect motor activity data and wrist temperature along 30 consecutive days and filled sleep diaries and two visual analogue scales (anxiety and joy) for mood self-evaluations every three hours and during the hot flashes. All volunteers filled the chronotype questionnaire (QC). We found significant (p<0.05) circadian rhythmicity of hot flashes occurrence in 5 women and significant (p<0.05) infradian rhythmicity (periods between 7 and 14 days) in 4 women; positive correlation between QC scores and total number of hot flashes (r=0.424; p<0.05). We also observed positive correlation between the QC score and the amplitude of the fitted curve of peripheral temperature rhythm (r= 0.628; p<0.01) and positive correlation between total number of hot flashes and mean value of wrist temperature (r=0.505;p<0.05). The mean value of peripheral temperature of postmenopausal women with hot flashes was higher than that for post-menopausal women without hot flashes and control group (p<0.036, Kruskal-Wallis test). We found an increase (p< 0.001, Mann-Whitney test) in mean wrist temperature within 15 minutes of hot flashes. The occurrence of hot flashes tends to be concentrated between the evening and sleep onset for most of the women who referred hot flashes. We have demonstrated some evidences of relationships between episodes of hot flashes and the peripheral temperature and motor activity oscillations. We have not found significant relations between the occurrence of hot flashes and mood oscillations as measured for the states of anxiety and joy.
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Relações entre estados de ânimo pré-competitivos e desempenho de atletas de alto rendimento em jogos de futsal / Relations between pre-competitive moods states and performance in elite futsalVictor Cavallari Souza 12 November 2014 (has links)
Os aspectos técnicos, físicos e táticos os quais são vitais para o esporte de alto rendimento podem ser influenciados por fatores psicológicos presentes em todos os contextos do esporte. A situação pré-competitiva pode causar diferentes tipos de emoções vivenciadas pelos atletas, o que pode influenciar suas respostas comportamentais durante a competição. A associação entre estados de ânimo pré-competitivos positivos e negativos e o desempenho de atletas de futsal, entendido como as ações emitidas pelos jogadores, pode ampliar a discussão sobre a influência de fatores psicológicos e desempenho de atletas de alto rendimento e qualificar quais aspectos emocionais positivos ou negativos se relacionam com determinados comportamentos. O objetivo da pesquisa foi examinar os estados de ânimo pré-competitivos de atletas de futsal e correlaciona-los com o desempenho dos jogadores nos aspectos técnicos e táticos. Participaram da pesquisa 18 jogadores profissionais de alto rendimento de futsal do sexo masculino com idade média de 29 anos. Para medir os estados de ânimo foi utilizada a Lista de Estados de Ânimo Presentes de Engelmann que foi aplicada uma hora antes do início de cada jogo, em um total de cinco jogos. Para análise do desempenho foi utilizado um Scout com os principais fundamentos da modalidade que foi preenchido a partir das gravações de todos os jogos. Como medida de associação entre os dados da Lista de Estados de Ânimo Presentes e dos Scouts técnicos utilizados foi calculado o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson. Os resultados mostraram uma correlação positiva forte (r= 0,79) entre o goleiro estar cansado e sofrer um gol. Ao mesmo tempo, houve correlação negativa (r= -0,84) entre estar com vergonha e sair do gol para diminuir o ângulo de finalização do adversário e aumentar a probabilidade de executar uma defesa. As locuções de valor hedônico negativo do fator I como Sinto-me humilhado e Estou com medo tiveram uma correlação de sinal negativo para ações ofensivas como passe e chute, sendo r= -0.30 para ambos os resultados. Por outro lado, as locuções de valor hedônico positivo mostraram associações positivas com ações de ataque, como a locução Sinto uma necessidade (fator XI) associada com grande quantidade de tentativas de chute e drible nos jogos (r= 0.50; r= 0.35, respectivamente). Buscou-se identificar em cada associação encontrada, quais processos psicológicos poderiam estar envolvidos. Enquanto a capacidade técnica e definição tática de uma equipe são alguns dos diversos fatores podem influenciar as respostas psicológicas dos atletas, por outro lado, certas disposições emocionais estão associadas com uma frequência maior de ações durante uma competição. O nível do adversário e o momento do campeonato, por exemplo, podem estar associados com os estados de ânimo pré-competitivos que poderão influenciar na tomada de decisão, por exemplo, e, consequentemente, no desempenho dos atletas. / Technical, physical and tactical aspects which are vital for high performance sport can be influenced by psychological factors present in all sports contexts. Pre-competitive situation causes different kinds of emotions. Athletes behavioral responses during competition can be influenced by emotions. The association between positive and negative mood states in a pre-competitive situation and athletic performance of futsal, can broaden the discussion on the influence of psychological factors and performance of elite. The aim was to examine the pre-competitive mood states of futsal athletes and correlates them with the performance of the players. Eighteen professional futsal players with an average age of 29 years volunteered for this study. Mood states measurements were assessed during six games using the Present Mood States List that was applied one hour before the start of each game. The performance of the players was obtained through the recordings of each game. A Scout was used to quantify the players action during the games. Pearson correlation coefficient between Present Mood States List and Scout was calculated. The results showed a strong positive correlation (r = 0.79) between the goalkeeper being tired and suffer one goal. The negative hedonic nominal compounds of the factor I, for example, \"Im feel humiliated\" and \"I\'m scared\" had a negative correlation with offensive actions as \"pass\" and \"kick\" (r = -0.30 for both results). On the other hand, the positive nominal compounds were associated with attack actions, such as the nominal compound \"I feel a need\" (factor XI) associated with large amount of attempts to kick and dribble in games (r = 0:50; r = 0:35, respectively). Were identified and discussed which psychological processes could be involved in the associations found. While the technical ability and tactical definition of a team are some of the many factors that can influence psychological responses of athletes, on the other hand, certain emotional dispositions are associated with a higher frequency of athletes actions during a competition. The level of the opponent, for example, may be associated with the states of pre-competitive mood that may influence decision making and the performance of athletes.
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"Alterações de humor associadas a atividade física intensa" / Mood alterations associated with intense physical activityMarco Aurélio Monteiro Peluso 08 May 2003 (has links)
A atividade física é considerada uma prática que traz benefícios para o corpo e a mente. Entretanto, se por um lado há evidências de que exercício físico moderado pode ajudar a saúde mental, também existem relatos de alterações de humor com características depressivas associadas ao treinamento de atletas de elite, podendo culminar com o aparecimento da chamada síndrome de overtraining. Este trabalho procurou avaliar estas alterações de humor associadas a atividade física intensa, focando-se em três pontos: 1) caracterização de suas manifestações psicológicas, 2) avaliação da especificidade da associação e 3) verificação da possibilidade de alguma vulnerabilidade constitucional influenciar as alterações. Os sujeitos se dividiram em três grupos: atletas (N = 56, 30 homens 26 mulheres; idade média = 18,16 anos), vestibulandos (222, 120 102; 17,48) e universitários (446, 259 187; 22,08). Instrumentos de avaliação de humor (POMS e PANAS-X) foram aplicados em atletas e vestibulandos em três oportunidades, ao longo da preparação para a competição mais importante da temporada ou o vestibular. Universitários, submetidos a estresse físico e intelectual estável e relativamente menor, foram avaliados apenas uma vez. Foram estudadas as variações de estados afetivos de cada grupo e suas relações com a quantidade de treinamento / estudo e a proximidade da competição / vestibular. O grupo de atletas e uma amostra de vestibulandos, definida randomicamente, foram avaliados com um instrumento de diagnóstico psiquiátrico (SCAN). Foi estudado, utilizando-se sintomatologia psiquiátrica prévia ou afeto negativo traço como marcadores, se fatores de vulnerabilidade exerceram algum tipo de influência sobre as alterações de humor em estudo. Os resultados foram avaliados segundo os três grupos de sintomas de um modelo tripartide de ansiedade e depressão: 1) um fator geral de afeto negativo, que inclui sintomas não específicos; 2) um grupo de sintomas relativamente específicos de depressão, o qual reflete falta de experiências emocionais positivas (chamado de afeto positivo), e 3) um grupo de sintomas relativamente específicos de ansiedade, o qual reflete manifestações de tensão somática. Foram encontradas alterações de humor entre os atletas. Suas características principais foram: aumento de fadiga, diminuição de afeto positivo e nenhuma alteração de afeto negativo (o que indica proximidade com o construto de depressão); associação com a quantidade e a intensidade de treinamento, mas não com a proximidade da competição; nenhuma influência de fatores de vulnerabilidade. Os vestibulandos também apresentaram alterações de humor, mas com características diferentes: aumento de fadiga, aumento do afeto negativo e nenhuma alteração do afeto positivo (o que indica proximidade com o construto de ansiedade); associação com a proximidade do vestibular (a associação com a quantidade de estudo não foi conclusiva); tendência de que fatores de vulnerabilidade ligados a sintomatologia psiquiátrica prévia influenciem sua intensidade. Esses resultados apontam para a especificidade da associação entre as alterações de humor encontradas entre os atletas e a atividade física intensa a qual se submetem. / Physical activity is considered to be beneficial to both body and mind and evidences that moderate intensity exercise can improve mental health are increasing. Nevertheless, there are also evidences that depressive mood alterations are associated with elite athletes training and that this training can lead to the so called overtraining syndrome. This work aimed to evaluate these mood alterations associated with intense physical activity considering three points: 1) characterization of its psychological manifestations, 2) association specificity, and 3) influence of some kind of constitutional vulnerability. Subjects were athletes (N = 56, 30 men 26 women; mean age = 18,16 years), last year high school students (222, 120 102; 17,48) and college students (446, 259 187; 22,08). Athletes and high school students were evaluated with psychometric instruments (POMS and PANAS-X) three times during the preparation for the most important competition of the season or for the vestibular (Brazilian exam to enter college). College students, submitted to stable and relatively lower levels of physical and intellectual demands, were evaluated only once. Mood states fluctuations and their relation to training volume / hours of study and proximity to competition / vestibular were studied. The athletes and part of the high school students, randomly selected, were also evaluated with a psychiatric diagnostic instrument (SCAN). The influence of vulnerability factors over the mood alterations were studied, using previous psychiatric symptomatology or negative affect trait as markers. Results were evaluated according to the three groups of symptoms from a tripartite model of anxiety and depression: 1) a general negative affect factor, which includes nonspecific symptoms; 2) a relatively specific depression cluster of symptoms that reflects the absence of positive emotional experiences (called positive affect); and 3) a relatively specific anxiety cluster of symptoms that reflects the manifestations of somatic tension. Mood alterations were found among the athletes. Presence of fatigue, diminished positive affect and no alteration in negative affect (which points to proximity to the depression construct); association with training volume and intensity, but not with competition proximity; and no vulnerability factors (related to psychiatric history, trait negative affect and profile of affective traits) influence were the athlete mood alterations characteristics. The high school students showed mood alterations too, but with different characteristics: fatigue, increased negative affect and no alteration in positive affect (which points to proximity to the anxiety construct); association with vestibular proximity (the association with study volume was non conclusive); and a tendency that vulnerability factors (related to psychiatric history) influences their intensity. Results point to the specificity of the association between the athletes mood alterations and the intense physical activity performed by them.
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Análise do perfil de humor e da enzima alfa-amilase salivar em indivíduos fisicamente ativos = Analysis of profile of mood states and salivary alpha amylase enzyme in physically active individuals / Analysis of profile of mood states and salivary alpha amylase enzyme in physically active individualsTalmasky, Dalila Victoria Ayala, 1974- 20 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Luiz Eduardo Barreto Martins / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação Física / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T15:06:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Este trabalho investigou o instrumento de perfil de humor psicológico BRAMS e traçou o perfil humoral de uma população de jovens fisicamente ativos. Analisou também as respostas das amostras da alfa-amilase salivar e verificou a possível correlação entre os dois marcadores de estresse. Na primeira parte do trabalho foi verificado se a Escala de Humor Brasileira (BRAMS) pode ser utilizada para aferir alterações de humor em resposta a diferentes cargas de treinamento e elaborada a folha de perfil de humor para a população em questão. Realizamos, inicialmente, a análise da concordância do instrumento BRAMS frente aos seis perfis de humor que ele pretende definir. Observamos ótima concordância estatística com os fatores vigor, raiva, fadiga, tensão e confusão mental. Já o fator depressão não apresentou concordância para a população estudada. Construímos, então, uma folha de perfil de humor, oriunda de 228 testes respondidos por 123 indivíduos com idade de 18±1anos (média ± desvio padrão), praticantes de 3 horas de exercício físico diário periodizado. As respostas de um subgrupo de sujeitos (n=105) foram avaliadas em dois momentos: após quatro meses de treinamento físico sistematizado diário, e após quatro dias do término de um treino intensificado de uma semana, quando foi aplicada uma sobrecarga maior em termos físicos e psíquicos. Os dados apresentados mostraram que o instrumento BRAMS foi capaz de discriminar perfis de humor alterados em função da intensificação do treino e a construção da folha de perfil de humor para uma população fisicamente ativa permite monitoramento mais acurado das variações do estado de humor em resposta ao treinamento. Na segunda parte, foram também analisadas as respostas da alfa-amilase salivar nos dois momentos e verificado se existe correlação entre o instrumento de humor e a enzima salivar. Observou-se que os fatores dos testes de humor BRAMS apresentaram na primeira aplicação, valores para os aspectos humorais considerados negativos mais baixos e apenas o fator vigor, único estado de humor considerado positivo, foi mais elevado. Nos resultados da segunda aplicação, todos os fatores negativos foram mais elevados, e apenas o fator vigor manteve-se mais baixo que na primeira aplicação. A enzima salivar alfa-amilase também teve seus valores aumentados na segunda coleta em relação à primeira, mas foi constatado que esses valores estavam dentro do valor de referência para o horário de coleta. Baseado nos resultados deste estudo foi verificado que tanto o teste psicológico, quanto a concentração da enzima salivar alfa-amilase reproduziram variações sofridas nos dois momentos, mas não possuem correlação entre si / Abstract: This study investigated the instrument profile of psychological mood BRAMS and traced the profile of mood state of a population of physically active young. Also examined the responses of samples of salivary alpha-amylase and investigated a possible correlation between the two markers of stress. In the first part of this work it was verified that the Brazilian Mood Scale (BRAMS) can be used to assess mood changes in response to different training loads and a profile sheet of humor was constructed to the population of this study. We have initially performed the analysis of the agreement of the instrument BRAMS front of six profiles of humor that it intends to set. We observed excellent agreement with the statistical factors vigor, anger, fatigue, tension and mental confusion. But the depression factor had no correlation to the population studied. Then, We built a profile sheet of humor, coming from 228 tests administered to 123 subjects aged 18 ± 1 years (mean ± standard deviation), practicing three hours of daily physical exercise periodized. The responses of a subgroup of subjects (n = 105) were evaluated in two moments: after four months of systematic daily physical training, and after four days of the end of an intensified workout a week, when it was applied to a larger overhead in terms of physical and psychic. Our data showed that the instrument was able to discriminate BRAMS profiles altered mood due to the intensification of training and construction of the profile sheet mood for a physically active population allows more accurate monitoring of changes in mood in response to training. In the second part, we also analyzed the responses of salivary alpha-amylase in two times and checked if there is a correlation between the instrument of humor and salivary enzyme. It was observed that the humoral factors of BRAMS showed at the first application, values for the humoral aspects considered negatives lower and only the factor force, the single mood considered positive was higher. The results of the second application showed that all the negative factors were higher, and only the factor force remained lower than the first application. The enzyme salivary alpha-amylase also had its values increased in the second collection from the first one, but it was found that these values were within the reference value for the time of the collection. Based on the results of this study, it was found that both the psychological test and the concentration of salivary alpha-amylase enzyme reproduced variations suffered on both occasions, but have no correlation / Mestrado / Biodinamica do Movimento Humano / Mestre em Educação Física
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Paradgimas computacionais, modelagem de sistemas naturais conexionistas e psicopatologia: uma revisãoRIBEIRO, André Luis Simões Brasil January 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-12T23:01:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Previous issue date: 2006 / Este estudo é uma revisão narrativa da literatura sobre os paradigmas
computacionais, as modelagens naturais conexionistas e a investigação dos
fenômenos psicopatológicos. O objetivo geral foi realizar uma coleta de
informações sobre os trabalhos publicados, até então, que contemplassem os
modelos de processamento de informações no cérebro humano, a analogia
com Redes Neurais Artificiais e a aplicação de métodos investigativos nas
psicopatologias. A seleção dos estudos foi baseada principalmente pesquisas
em bancos de dados digitais: Medline, Períodos CAPES, MIT Search, Scholar
Google e PsychInfo, usando os descritores neural networks, neurocomputation,
psychopathology, connectionism, mood disorders, depression, cognition e
artificial intelligence, em mecanismos de busca digital. Foram selecionados os
estudos considerando os critérios de inclusão a partir dos descritores, o
aspecto cronológico, a adequação e pertinência dos estudos e o impacto
destes artigos na comunidade científica. A literatura clássica também foi
incluída. O estudo buscou estabelecer relações entre as pesquisas que
utilizaram ferramentas computacionais, visando a criação de modelos que
simularam o funcionamento cognitivo do cérebro humano. Destes modelos, as
Redes Neurais Artificiais Conexionistas (RNA) mostraram-se as mais
promissoras dentre as demais. Conclui-se que as investigações dos
fenômenos psicopatológicos baseadas em modelagem computacional
conexionista constituem em uma importante estratégia para compreensão do
funcionamento da mente humana e de como se processam as alterações
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The Influence of Hypnotically-Induced Elevation of Mood on Learned Helplessness DeficitsTassey, John Richard 08 1900 (has links)
This study evaluated the efficacy of hypnoticallyinduced mood elevation techniques for individuals exposed previously to an experimental learned helplessness condition. The treatment conditions in this investigation included the mood elevation with hypnotic induction group as well as a mood elevation group without the benefit of hypnotic induction. As experimental controls, a group was exposed to hypnotic relaxation and an attention-only treatment group was used. Measures of treatment success included the administration of•the Depression Adjective Checklist, backward digit span, and five—letter anagrams. In a series of factorial analysis of variance procedures no significant interaction was noted although the main effect for the presence of hypnotic induction was significant with the Depression Adjective Checklist. Post hoc analysis to examine gender differences demonstrated no significant performance discrepancy between the sexes. Limitations of the study were explored and avenues of further research discussed.
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Les régulations épigénétiques au niveau de la signalisation BDNF-TRKB dans la physiopathologie et traitement des troubles anxio-dépressifs / Epigenetic regulation of BDNF-TRKB signaling in the pathophysiology and treatment of mood disordersBoulle, Fabien 29 November 2013 (has links)
Les troubles de l’humeur font partie des problèmes de santé majeurs dans le monde, du fait de leur forte incidence et récurrence dans la population générale, de la nuisance pour la qualité de vie des patients ainsi que la répercussion majeure sur les systèmes de santé. A ce jour, l’étiologie ainsi que les mécanismes biologiques sous-jacents les troubles de l’humeur sous encore très mal connus. Un nombre grandissant de preuves suggère qu’une interaction complexe entre les gènes et l’environnement serait a l’origine de la mise en place et évolution des épisodes dépressifs majeurs – un des troubles de l’humeur les plus répandus. Par conséquent, des régulations épigénétiques complexes, qui consistent en des mécanismes clefs par lesquels l’environnement induit des changements persistant sur l’expression des gènes (sans modifier le code génétique), joueraient un rôle prépondérant dans la pathophysiologie de la dépression. De manière plus spécifique, la répression épigénétique du gène codant pour le brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) – un facteur de croissance impliqué dans la plasticité neuronale et développement du système nerveux central – serait un mécanisme clef dans la mise en place de la dépression et autres troubles de l’humeur. Dans ce contexte, les travaux de recherche présentés dans cette thèse visent à explorer le rôle des régulations épigénétiques au niveau de la signalisation BDNF/TrkB dans la physiopathologie et traitement des troubles de l’humeur. Les résultats montrent que les régulations épigénétiques au niveau de la signalisation BDNF/TrkB sont fortement impliquées dans la mise en place et maintenance de la plasticité neuronale. De plus, les variations environnementales, particulièrement au cours du développement, sont capables d’induire une reprogrammation épigénétique stable et persistante au niveau du complexe BDNF/TrkB ainsi qu’une altération de la neuroplasticité, conduisant à une augmentation de la vulnérabilité au stress et troubles de l’humeur. De manière intéressante, la signalisation du récepteur TrkB est nécessaire pour les effets neurobiologiques et comportementaux des antidépresseurs. De ce fait, une approche pharmocologique ciblée sur le complexe BDNF/TrkB et ses régulations épigénétiques sous-jacentes apparaît comme stratégie thérapeutique prometteuse pour le traitement des troubles de l’humeur tel que la dépression. / Mood disorders are among the major health problems worldwide due to the high prevalence and recurrence in the general population, and the significant burden for individual life quality and the repercussion on healthcare systems and society. Up to date, the etiology and biological mechanisms underlying mood disorders are still poorly understood. Mounting evidences suggest that a complex interaction between genes and environment might account in the development and course of major depression i.e. one of the most prevalent affective disorders. Accordingly, complex epigenetic regulations - consisting of key mechanisms by which environmental factors induce enduring changes in gene expression without altering the DNA code - have been suspected to plays a pivotal role in the pathophysiology of depression. More specifically, epigenetic repression of the gene encoding for brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) - a small-secreted growth factor implicated in brain development and neuronal plasticity - may have a preponderant role in the onset of depression and other mood disorders. In this context, the research presented in this thesis aimed at exploring the role of BDNF signaling and its downstream epigenetic regulations in the pathophysiology and treatment of mood disorders. Our findings indicate that epigenetic regulation at BDNF/TrkB signaling is critically important in the establishment and maintenance of neuronal plasticity. Moreover, environmental variations, especially when occurring in development, are able to induce stable and enduring epigenetic reprogramming involving aberrant BDNF/TrkB signaling and impaired neuroplasticity, thereby increasing vulnerability to stress and mood disorders. Interestingly, antidepressants require TrkB to exert some of their neurochemical and behavioral effects. Hence, targeting the BDNF receptor TrkB to restore a normal epigenetic regulation and neuronal functioning appears to be a promising strategy for the treatment of mood disorders.
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Patients´ experiences of mood while waiting for day surgerySvensson, Margita January 2016 (has links)
Preoperative psychological state is a major issue in day surgery; especially as patients have a short hospital stay. Except for preoperative anxiety, knowledge is sparse about how patients’ experience mood during waiting for day surgery. The overall aim of this thesis was to describe preoperative moods, persons’ experiences of preoperative mood, and the experiences persons´ describe as having an influence on their preoperative waiting. In study І, mixed methods were used. Data from 163 participants were collected through a study-specific questionnaire. In study ІІ, a qualitative method was used. Data from 20 participants were collected through semi-structured interviews. All participants (n=183) were waiting for small or medium surgery within four different specialties’ (I, II). Data were analysed with descriptive statistics and thematic content analysis (І) and inductive content analysis (ІІ). The main finding was that preoperative patients experience a variety of moods, besides anxiety patients may experience a positive mood. Moodinfluencing factors while waiting for day surgery were found. Patients may experience a shifting mood or to not feel calm, while other patients may feel calm, and experience a harmonious mood. Nearly half of the participants felt calm before surgery, as seventy persons (43 %) stated that they felt calm, whereas 91 persons (57%) stated that they did not feel calm (І). Previous negative experiences from health care were confirmed as a trigger for anxiety. Earlier positive experiences, feelings of trust and expectations contribute to a harmonious mood and to feel calm. Regard-less of mood, patients´ experienced feeling hope about regaining health as a help to balance mood (I-II). The findings contribute to knowledge about different preoperative moods and may have implications in improving preoperative care with support strategies that benefits patients’ during waiting for day surgery regardless of psychological state / <p>Alternativ benämning av serie</p><p>Örebro Studies in Care Sciences</p>
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The Role of Threat-based Beliefs in Mental Health Help-Seeking Processes for DepressionChen, Jason I. 05 June 2016 (has links)
Mental illness among college students is a significant public health concern. Among mental health issues, one of the most prevalent and impairing is depression. Although many students experience depression, the majority do not seek help. Past research has shown that stigma beliefs are associated with help-seeking, but interventions targeting stigma have been unsuccessful at increasing help-seeking prompting the need to explore alternative models. Currently, there has been little research evaluating the role of threat-based beliefs related to help-seeking processes. As well, it remains unclear how different threat-based beliefs may interact and be related to help-seeking intentions.
The purpose of these studies was to develop new measures that assess threat-based beliefs based on facilitating threats, as defined by perceived severity, mortality, loss of functioning, and loss of control threats and obstructing threats, as defined by general stigma, interpersonal rejection, and workplace rejection beliefs. As well, it was hypothesized that facilitating threats would be positively associated with help-seeking intentions and that this relationship would be moderated by obstructing threats such that higher levels of obstructing threats would attenuate the relationship between facilitating threats and help-seeking. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The measurement development phase (N = 240) supported the proposed factor structure with the exclusion of the stigma and severity threat measures. When testing the moderation hypothesis (N = 212), results did not support the hypothesized relationships between facilitating threats, obstructing threats, and help-seeking intentions. The implications of these results for future research, theory, and prevention program directions are discussed.
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The Effect of a Computerized Cognitive-Behavioral Stress Management Intervention On Psychological Factors and Diabetes ManagementBykowski, Cathy A 07 June 2016 (has links)
Diabetes is associated with increased psychological distress which, in turn, is associated with poorer diabetes outcomes. This study examined the impact of a nine-week Internet based cognitive-behavioral therapy intervention that targeted stress and mood in people with diabetes. It was hypothesized that the intervention would decrease psychological distress and improve diabetes outcomes and adherence to diabetes treatment regimens. Participants with type 1 and type 2 diabetes were randomly assigned to the intervention (n = 103) or a waiting-list control group (n = 74). ANCOVAs demonstrated significant group effects for the reduction of perceived generalized stress (F (1, 105) = 7.06, p = .01; d = .84), diabetes-related distress (F (1, 105) = 13.45, p < .01; d = .54), depression (F (1, 90) = 7.06, p < .01; d = .40), anxiety (F (1, 89) = 6.78, p = .01; d = .41), and negative affect (F (1, 103) = 13.02, p < .01; d = .56). There were also significant group effects for the reduction of psychological fatigue (F (1, 98) = 7.34, p = .01; d = .40), cognitive symptoms (F (1,95) = 6.40, p = .01; d = .48), hyperglycemic symptoms (F(1, 95) = 11.16, p <.01; d = .41) and hypoglycemic symptom (F(1, 98) = 6.16, p= .02; d= .53). Further, there were significant indirect effects of the intervention on the above diabetes symptoms, through psychological distress. There was no effect of the intervention on hemoglobin A1c (F(1.43) = 0.28, p= .60), though this analysis was underpowered. The intervention also had no effect on adherence to diabetes treatment regimen. This study provides evidence of a convenient and effective way to reduce psychological distress and improve symptoms in those with diabetes. It also provides evidence of reduced psychological distress as a mechanism for improving diabetes outcomes.
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