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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La lecture conjointe : modes d'appréhension d'un album jeunesse et postures de lecteur entre 18 mois et 36 mois : étude menée en bibliothèque de quartier / Child shared reading : the mode of appréhension in the 18 to 26 month old infant and the first reading postures : studied in a local library

Annenkov, Marie-José 22 January 2015 (has links)
Nous avons cherché comment, dans une situation de lecture conjointe, la mère et l’enfant appréhendent l’album de jeunesse et comment, de ce fait, s’instaurent chez l’enfant de 18 mois-36 mois les premières postures de lecteur. Se demander comment la mère et l’enfant découvrent l’album de jeunesse, dans ce triangle Mère/Album/Enfant conduit alors à analyser leurs modes d’appréhension : interactifs, cognitifs, d’objet, narratifs, émotionnels, de subjectivation. Nous étudions également les liens de ces modes d’appréhension avec les postures de lecture de l’enfant et ses conséquences dans l’éveil de son être au livre. Au plan empirique, auprès d’un échantillon constitué de 21 dyades mère-enfant, nous avons procédé en trois temps. Tout d’abord, nous avons réalisé un premier entretien qui nous a permis de recueillir le discours des mères quant aux pratiques familiales de chaque enfant. Dans un second temps, nous avons filmé les dyades, lisant toutes le même album à leur enfant dans une bibliothèque de quartier. Enfin, trois mois après chaque observation filmée, nous avons mené un second entretien qui constituait alors une analyse méta vidéo. A partir des résultats obtenus, nous avons ainsi pu définir la lecture conjointe comme une aire intermédiaire, pouvant s’apparenter à l’Aire Intermédiaire de Winnicott (1971) et à la Zone Proximale de Développement de Vygotski (1933). Nous avons ainsi conceptualisé l’Aire Intermédiaire de Lecture Conjointe (AILC). Nous avons également approfondi, dans une perspective du développement du jeune enfant lecteur, le concept de Lecteur potentiel de Frier (2006). / Our study focuses on the mother /child shared reading experience and how the first reading postures are thereby awakened in the 18 to 26 month old infant. How exactly do the mother and child discover the children’s book? The mother/book/child triangle leads us to an analysis of their mode of apprehension: interactive, cognitive, of the book object, of the narrative, emotional, subjectivity. The link between these different modes of apprehension is also studied along with the child’s reading postures and their consequences on the infant’s discovery of the book. On the empirical level, a sample, consisting of 21 mother/child dyads was studied in three stages. First of all an interview was carried out which allowed us to collect information concerning family practices from the mother of each child. Second, the mother/child dyads were filmed, the mothers all reading the same story to their child in a local library. And lastly, three months after each filmed observation, a second interview consisted in a meta video analysis. The results obtained from this study enabled us to define the joint reading as an intermediary zone, close to Winnicott’s Intermediary Zone (1971) and Vygotski’s Next Proximal Zone of Development (1933). We thus conceptualized the Intermediate Zone of Shared Reading (IZSR). We also went further into Frier’s concept of Potential Reader, keeping in mind the perspective of the development of the infant reader.

Early manifestations of aggression in infants of high risk mother-infant dyads

Gschwendt, Miriam A. January 2002 (has links)
Ziel dieser Untersuchung war es frühe Risikofaktoren von aggressivem Verhalten bei Kleinkindern in einer Stichprobe von Teenager-Müttern und ihren Babys aus sozial schwachen Verhältnissen (high risk sample) zu identifizieren. In den zurückliegenden zwei Jahrzehnten haben Wissenschaftler immer wieder auf die Bedeutung von Strategien hingewiesen, die es ermöglichen, Kinder und Babys mit einem Risiko für aggresives Verhalten zu identifiezieren. Eine frühe Identifizierung ist besonders wichtig, weil schon Babys und Kinder eine signifikante Psychopathologie besitzen können und u. U. von einer Behandlung profitieren. Außerdem postulieren einige Entwicklungstheorien, dass der Ursprung einer späteren Psychopathologie schon in Verhaltensmustern in den ersten Lebensjahren erkannt werden kann. Dies scheint insbesondere für aggressives Verhalten zu gelten. Deshalb besteht grosses Interesse daran, relevante Faktoren in der frühen Kindheit zu identifizieren, die es erlauben aggressives Verhalten im weiteren Verlauf der Kindheit vorauszusagen. <br /> <br /> Methodik<br /> 60 Teenager-Mütter im Alter zwischen 14 und 20 Jahre und ihre Kleinkinder im Alter zwischen 12 und 17 Monaten aus sozial schwachen Verhältnissen wurden untersucht (high risk sample). Die Teenager-Mütter füllten Fragebögen über ihre Kleinkinder (The Infant-Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment [ITSEA], Carter & Briggs-Gowan, 1993) und über sich selber aus (The Parenting Stress Index [PSI], Abidin, 1990, The Symptom CheckList-90-Revised [SCL-90-R], Derogatis, 1986, The Demographic Qüstionnaire, Zelenko et al., in press). Die Kleinkinder nahmen weiters an zwei objektiven Laboruntersuchungen teil (The Strange Situation Procedure, [SS], Ainsworth, 1978, The Bayley Scales of Infant Development Assessment, [BSID-II], Bayley, 1993).<br /> Die Studie untersuchte folgende Beziehungen: (1) Psychosoziale Funktionen der Mutter mit berichteter (berichet von Mutter anhand des ITSEA) und beobachteter Aggression und negativer Emotionalität bei Kleinkindern (beobachtet während des BSID-II und SS), (2) berichtete Aggression und negative Emotionalität mit beobachteter Aggression und negative Emotionalität bei Kleinkindern, (3) negative Emotionalität mit Aggression bei Kleinkindern, (4) Emotionsregulation mit Aggression und negativer Emotionalität bei Kleinkindern, und (5) eine mögliche Interaktion zwischen Emotionsregulation und negativer Emotionalität in Beziehung zu Aggression bei Kleinkindern. Zusätzlich wurde die Frage untersucht, ob Geschlecht einen Einfluss hat auf die oben genannten fünf Beziehungen.<br /> <br /> Ergebnisse<br /> Mütter mit höheren Depressionenswerten und Stresswerten berichteten signifikant mehr negative Emotionalität und tendenziell mehr Aggressionen bei ihren Kleinkindern als Mütter mit niedrigeren Depressionswerten und Stresswerten. Keine signifikanten Beziehungen konnten festgestellt werden zwischen Depressionswerten und Stresswerten der Mutter und objektiv beobachteten Aggressionen und negativer Emotionalität bei Kleinkindern. Die Beziehung zwischen beobachteter und berichteter negativer Emotionalität bei Kleinkindern war schwach signifikant. Keine signifikante Beziehung konnte jedoch zwischen beobachteter und berichteter Aggression bei Kleinkindern gezeigt werden. Sowohl berichtete als auch beobachtete negative Emotionalität korrelierte signifikant mit berichteter und beobachteter Aggression bei Kleinkindern. Eine signifikante Beziehung zwischen Emotionsregulation und negativer Emotionalität und Aggression bei Kleinkindern konnte aufgezeigt werden. Kleinkinder mit schwacher Emotionsregulation zeigten signifikant mehr negative Emotionalität und Aggressionen als Kleinkinder mit starker Emotionsregulation. Kleinkinder mit hohen negativen Emotionswerten und schwacher Emotionsregulation zeigten signifikant mehr Aggressionen als Kleinkinder mit hohen negativen Emotionswerten und starker Emotionsregulation und Kleinkindern mit niedrigen negativen Emotionswerten und schwacher oder starker Emotionsregulation. <br /> Das Geschlecht des Kleinkindes hatte einen signifikanten Einfluss auf folgende Beziehungen: Mütter mit höheren Depressionswerten und Stresswerten berichteten signifikant mehr Aggressionen und negative Emotionalität bei ihren Töchtern, jedoch nicht signifikant mehr Aggressionen und negative Emotionalität bei ihren Söhnen als Mütter mit niedrigeren Depressionswerten und Stresswerten. Das Geschlecht des Kleinkindes hatte keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Beziehung zwischen Depressionswerten und Stresswerten der Mutter und beobachteter Aggression und negativer Emotionalität bei Kleinkindern. Ein interessantes Ergebnis ergab sich hinsichtlich Geschlecht und Emotionsregulationsverhaltensweisen. Buben mit höheren Aggressionswerten schauten signifikant weniger zu ihrer Mutter und signifikant weniger in die Umgebung als Buben mit niedrigeren Aggressionswerten. Mädchen mit höheren Aggressionswerten schauten signifikant mehr zu ihrer Mutter, signifikant mehr in die Umgebung und signifikant mehr auf Spielzeuge als Mädchen mit niedrigen Aggressionswerten.<br /> <br /> Schlussfolgerung<br /> Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung haben Implikationen für die Einschätzung und die Behandlung von Aggressionen bei Kleinkindern. Erstens, die Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass es unter Umständen wichtig sein könnte verschiedene Messverfahren (Mutter Report und objektive Messverfahren) zu verwenden, um Kleinkinder zu diagnostizieren, die ein erhöhtes Risiko aufweisen im Laufe ihres Lebens Aggressionen zu entwickeln. Zweitens, Ergebnisse identifizierten mütterliche negative Attributionen als einen möglichen Risikofaktor für späteres Aggressionsverhalten bei Kindern. Zukünftige Studien sollten die Beziehung zwischen Aggressionsverhalten im Kleinkindalter und Aggressionen im späteren Leben untersuchen. Ein weiteres interessantes Ergebnis ergab sich hinsichtlich Emotionsregulation. Kleinkinder mit hoher negativer Emotionalität und schwacher Emotionsregualtion zeigten die meisten Aggressionen. Für die Behandlung und die zukünftige Erforschung von Kleinkindaggressionen sollten die drei Konstrukte (Emotionsregualtion, negative Emotionalität und Aggression) miteinander kombiniert werden und nicht alleine untersucht werden. / The primary focus on the present study was to identify early risk factors for infant aggression in a sample of high risk, low-income teenager mothers and their infants. Despite the amount of research on externalizing behavior, relatively little is known about its development in early childhood. Because chronically aggressive school-age children tend to be those who first display symptoms during preschool years, an examination of the early manifestations of aggressive behavior and the development of measurements for infants is needed. The present study explored a model of infant aggression development that emphasized infant aggression developing largely through the interaction of infant&prime;s dispositional characteristics with their caregiving environment.<br /> The study addressed the following relations: (1) Maternal psychosocial functioning with reported and observed infant aggression and negative emotionality, (2) reported measurements of infant aggression and negative emotionality with observed infant measurements of infant aggression and negative emotionality, (3) infant negative emotionality and infant aggression, (4) infant emotion regulation with infant aggression and negative emotionality, (5) the interaction between emotion regulation and negative emotionality in relation to infant aggression, and (6) attachment classification with infant aggression and negative emotionality. Finally, the question of whether these six relations would differ by gender was also addressed.<br /> Maternal psychosocial functioning was assessed with self-reported measurements. Infant aggression, negative emotionality and emotion regulation were measured during two standardized assessments, the Strange Situation and the Bayley Scales of Infant Development Assessment and maternal reported with the Infant-Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment. <br /> Several interesting findings emerged. One of the main findings concerned maternal attribution and its possible role as a risk factor for later externalizing behaviors. That is, mothers, especially depressed and stressed mothers, tended to report higher levels of infant aggression and negative emotionality than was noted by more objective observers. This tendency was particularly evident in mothers with girl infants. Another important finding concerned emotion regulation. Even at this early age, clear differences in emotion regulation could be seen. Interestingly, infants with high negative emotionality and low emotion regulation were observed to be the most aggressive. Also significant relations emerged for infant negative emotionality and aggression and vise versa. Thus, for purposes of treatment and scientific study, the three constructs (emotion regulation, negative emotionality, and aggression) should be considered in combination. Investigating each alone may not prove fruitful in future examinations. Additionally, different emotion regulation behaviors were observed for girl and boy infants. Aggressive girls looked more at the environment, their toys and their mother, whereas aggressive boys looked less at the environment and their mother and explored their toys more, although looked at the toys less. Although difficult to interpret at this point, it is nonetheless interesting that gender differences exist at this young age in emotion regulatory behaviors.<br /> In conclusion, although preliminary, findings from the present study provide intriguing directions for future research. More studies need to conducted focusing on infant aggression, as well as longitudinal studies following the infants over time.

漢語親子對話中的問答現象 / Questions and Responses in Mandarin Parent-child Conversation

林以舷, Lin, Yi Xian Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討漢語母子對話中孩童問句的語言形式和語用功能,以及其問句和母親回應之間的關係。研究語料來自於一對以漢語為母語的母子在日常生活的對話,孩童的年紀約為二至三歲。研究將孩童問句的語用功能分為四類:詢問訊息(informational)、請求行為(directive)、對話修補(conversational)以及針對自我(self-directed)。母親針對孩童問句所作的回應分為三類:直接回應(answers)、非直接回應(non-answer responses)與無回應(no answers)。研究發現漢語孩童大量依賴疑問詞問句和語助詞問句,而隨著年紀增長,孩童的問句語言形式也更趨多元。研究也發現孩童多使用問句來詢問訊息,而孩童使用問句執行對話修補功能的比例也隨著年紀增長而有所增加,另外,執行此項功能的問句的語言形式也隨年紀增長而越加豐富。最後,研究發現孩童問句多伴隨母親的回應,而母親的回應有時會重複孩童問句或以問句形式出現鼓勵孩童參與對話。 / The study aims to investigate forms and functions the child’s questions and their relations to the mother’s responses in Mandarin mother-child conversations. The data examined are from one mother-child dyad. The child is around two and three years old. The pragmatic functions of the child’s questions are categorized into four types: informational, directive, conversational and self-directed. The mother’s responses to the child’s questions are categorized into three types: answers, non-answer responses and no answers. The results show that the child mostly uses wh-questions and sentence-final particle questions. As the child grows older, the question forms he uses become more various. In addition, the child uses questions mainly to ask for factual knowledge. The child’s questions which repair the breakdown of the conversation are significant as the child grows older. The result suggests that the child gradually becomes a skillful conversationalist. Last, the data reveals that the child’s questions are mostly followed by the mother’s responses, and the mother’s responses may be related to the pragmatic functions of the child’s questions. The mother’s responses also exhibit some characteristics in child-directed speech in order to encourage the child’s participation in verbal interactions.

Variáveis sociodemográficas, depressão pós-parto e a interação entre mães e bebês de quatro a seis meses de idade / Sociodemographic variables, postpartum depression and the interaction mothers-babies with four to six months of age

Campos, Bárbara Camila de [UNESP] 24 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by BÁRBARA CAMILA DE CAMPOS (badecampos@gmail.com) on 2016-05-16T15:27:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Barbara Campos FINAL.pdf: 1452376 bytes, checksum: dbbbdf21eee3b025be1737c1e1447968 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Paula Grisoto (grisotoana@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-05-17T14:30:10Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 campos_bc_me_bauru.pdf: 1452376 bytes, checksum: dbbbdf21eee3b025be1737c1e1447968 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-17T14:30:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 campos_bc_me_bauru.pdf: 1452376 bytes, checksum: dbbbdf21eee3b025be1737c1e1447968 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-24 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Desde o nascimento a interação do recém-nascido com o mundo é facilitada pela mãe. Estudos indicam que a saúde mental materna pode afetar a qualidade desta interação e, por exemplo, mães deprimidas podem interagir pouco com seu bebê, podendo gerar déficits comportamentais e cognitivos, identificáveis ao longo do desenvolvimento. Este trabalho, composto por dois estudos, pretendeu descrever e relacionar o índice de depressão pós-parto apresentado por mães de bebês com as variáveis sociodemograficas e avaliar a relação entre a presença da depressão e a qualidade da interação mãe-bebê. Participaram mães e seus bebês, usuárias do Projeto de Extensão “Acompanhamento do desenvolvimento de bebês: avaliação e orientação aos pais”. No primeiro estudo pretendeu-se identificar fatores de risco para a depressão pós-parto considerando variáveis sociodemograficas maternas, dos bebês e familiares. Uma amostra de 103 mães participou da primeira etapa em que responderam a uma entrevista inicial para a coleta de dados sociodemográficos e a “Escala de Depressão Pós-Parto de Edimburgo” (EDPE). Os resultados apontaram que 33% das mães apresentaram depressão pós-parto. Segundo o teste estatístico ρ de Pearson observou-se correlação linear negativa com a escolaridade materna (p=0,008), ou seja, quanto maior o índice de depressão, menor o número de anos de estudo. Além disso, houve uma correlação linear positiva entre a depressão e a condição socioeconômica (p=0,044), sendo que a variação da ABEP é decrescente. Desta forma, quanto mais pontos na EDPE mais pontos na ABEP, caracterizando menor nível socioeconômico. A análise da regressão linear múltipla indicou que a baixa escolaridade materna (p=0,010) pode ser um preditor para depressão pós-parto. No segundo estudo, pretendeu-se descrever comportamentos interativos maternos e do bebê considerando o índice de depressão pós-parto. Neste estudo a amostra foi de 30 díades divididas em Grupo 1 (grupo clínico) e Grupo 2 (grupo não clínico) de acordo com o ponto de corte 12 na EDPE, a análise da interação foi feita pelo Sistema de Codificação da Interação Mãe-Criança Revisado (CITMI-R). As participantes do G1 apresentaram pontuação média na EDPE de 14 pontos e as do G2 cinco pontos. Ao comparar G1 e G2, com o Teste T de amostras independentes, houve uma diferença significativa no comportamento de choro ou Protesto de Choro/Protesto (p=0,002) e para o Comportamento Protetor Neutro o Negativo (p=0.020) com médias mais altas para bebês filhos de mães deprimidas (L: 8,46; 2,94 e P0/-: 5,46; 3,60). O resultado da correlação de Pearson indicou correlação positiva entre a depressão com comportamento de Choro/Protesto (p=0,009) e correlação negativa entre a depressão e o Comportamento Protetor Positivo (p=0,039). Há diferenças importante para os resultados obtidos na análise de correlação dos comportamentos interativos dos grupos separadamente, no G1, houve correlação positiva significativa entre o Comportamento de Aproximação Social Neutro com o Sensível Neutro (p=0,049) e de Passividade ou Apatia com Comportamento Não-Responsivo (p=0,005), os resultados do G2 indicam que na interação das díades os comportamentos que se correlacionaram, positivamente foram os de Aproximação Social Positiva com os Comportamentos Sensível Positivo (p=0,031) e Sensível Neutro (p=0,050), além da correlação negativa do primeiro com o Comportamento Protetor Neutro (0,005). Os dados contribuem para compreensão do papel presença da depressão para a interação e o desenvolvimento infantil. Ao identificar as diferenças entre os comportamentos expressos nos dois grupos considerando a variável depressão, houve diferença em algumas categorias. Os resultados confirmam outros estudos e tendências em relação à baixa responsividade e sincronia da díade em que a mãe está deprimida, desta forma têm-se aí um grupo de risco em que a díade deve ser cuidada, garantindo saúde e um desenvolvimento adequado. / The newborn interaction with the world is facilitated by his mother. Studies indicates that maternal mental health can affect the quality of this interaction, for example, depressed mothers may interact less with their baby and it can cause behavioral and cognitive deficits throughout the development. This work, consisting on two studies which describe and relate the index of postpartum depression presented on the baby’s mothers with socio-demographic variables and evaluate the relationship between the presence of depression and quality of mother-infant interaction. Participated mothers and their babies, Extension Project users "Monitoring the development of babies: evaluation and guidance for parents." In the first study aimed to identify risk factors for postpartum depression considering maternal, babies and family socio-demographic variables. A sample of 103 mothers participated in the first step in responding to an initial interview to collect demographic data and "Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale" (EPDS). The results showed that 33% of the mothers had postpartum depression. The average age of the infants was 4.4 months, the gestational age of 36.9 weeks, with respect to risk condition (prematurity, low birth weight and teen mom), 46% had some of these characteristics. The average age of the mothers was 27.2, about the type of family, 78% of the sample is nuclear family and the socioeconomic level of the sample is Class B (68%). In the second study was intended to describe maternal interactive behaviors and baby considering the postpartum depression index. The results showed that 33% of mothers had postpartum depression. According to statistical Pearson test was observed negative linear correlation with maternal education (p = 0.008), the higher the rate of depression, lower the number of years of study. In addition, there was a positive linear correlation between depression and socioeconomic status (p = 0.044), and the variation of ABEP is decreasing. In this way, the more points in EDPE more points in ABEP, featuring lower socioeconomic status. The analysis of multiple linear regression showed that low maternal education (p = 0.010) can be a predictor of postpartum depression. In the second study was intended to describe maternal interactive behaviors and baby considering the postpartum depression index. In this study the sample was 30 dyads divided into Group 1 (clinical group) and Group 2 (non-clinical group) according to the cutoff point 12 in EDPE, the analysis of the interaction was taken by System of the Mother-Child Interaction Coding revised (CITMI-R). The participants of the G1 had a mean score in EDPE 14 points and G2 five points. When comparing G1 and G2, with the T test for independent samples, there was a significant difference in Crying or Protest Behavior (p = 0.002) and the Neutral or Negative Behavior of Protect (p = 0.020) with higher average for children of depressed mothers babies (L: 8.46; 2.94 and P0 / -: 5.46; 3.60). The result of Pearson correlation showed a positive correlation between depression with Crying or Protest Behavior (p = 0.009) and negative correlation between depression and Positive Protect Behavior (p = 0.039). There are important differences in the results obtained in the analysis of correlation of interactive behaviors of the groups separately, the G1, there was a significant positive correlation between Neutral Behavior of Social Approaching with Neutral Sensibility (p = 0.049) and Passivity or Apathy Behavior with Non-Responsive (p = 0.005), results in G2 indicate that the interaction of dyads behaviors that correlate positively were the Positive Social Approach to Positive Behavior of Sensibility (p = 0.031) and Neutral Sensibility (p = 0.050), and the negative correlation of the first with the Neutral Behavior of Protect (0,005). The data contribute to understanding the role of the presence on depression for interaction and child development. By identifying the differences between the behaviors expressed in both groups considering the variable depression, there were differences in some categories. The results confirm other studies and trends in relation to low responsiveness and timing of the pair in which the mother is depressed in this way to have there as a risk of group in which the dyad must be looked after, ensuring health and proper development. / FAPESP: 2014/08845-2

Interação mãe-bebê: implicações da ansiedade e depressão materna crônica / Interaction mother-baby: implications of maternal anxiety and depression chronic

Dib, Eloisa Pelizzon [UNESP] 03 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by ELOISA PELIZZON DIB null (eloisapdib@hotmail.com) on 2016-07-13T00:55:27Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Eloisa Pelizzon Dib-Mestrado - 4.pdf: 1216413 bytes, checksum: 930e99a0ae13b21f7f14091961165675 (MD5) Eloisa Pelizzon Dib-Mestrado - 4.pdf: 1216413 bytes, checksum: 930e99a0ae13b21f7f14091961165675 (MD5) / Rejected by Ana Paula Grisoto (grisotoana@reitoria.unesp.br), reason: Solicitamos que realize uma nova submissão seguindo as orientações abaixo: Foram submetidos 2 arquivos PDF’s, apenas 1 arquivo deve ser submetido. O arquivo PDF não deve estar protegido e a dissertação/tese deve estar em um único arquivo, inclusive os apêndices e anexos, se houver. Corrija estas informações e realize uma nova submissão contendo o arquivo correto. Agradecemos a compreensão. on 2016-07-15T16:41:25Z (GMT) / Submitted by ELOISA PELIZZON DIB null (eloisapdib@hotmail.com) on 2016-07-16T01:54:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Eloisa Pelizzon Dib-Mestrado - 4.pdf: 1216413 bytes, checksum: 930e99a0ae13b21f7f14091961165675 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Felipe Augusto Arakaki (arakaki@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-07-18T16:52:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 dib_ep_me_bot.pdf: 1216413 bytes, checksum: 930e99a0ae13b21f7f14091961165675 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-18T16:52:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dib_ep_me_bot.pdf: 1216413 bytes, checksum: 930e99a0ae13b21f7f14091961165675 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-03 / Há evidencias na literatura mostrando que depressão e ansiedade crônica materna têm reflexos nas relações da díade mãe-criança e acabam afetando a interação. Neste estudo, pretendeu-se identificar as características da interação de crianças de um ano e suas mães, portadoras de sintomas de ansiedade ou depressão crônica, comparando-as com as características interativas de díades em que a mãe não apresentou problemas de saúde mental. A amostra foi composta por 40 díades mães/bebês selecionadas de um estudo de coorte prospectivo anterior, em que elas foram avaliadas quanto à ansiedade, pela escala IDATE traço/estado e depressão pelo Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI), em três momentos: na gestação, aos 6 e 14 meses de vida do bebê. Formaram-se três grupos: 10 mães com sintomas de ansiedade crônica, 8 mães com sintomas de depressão crônica e 22 mães no grupo controle, sem problemas de saúde mental, nas três avaliações. As mães responderam a um questionário socioeconômico e em seguida foi gravado um episódio interativo da díade, de 7 minutos, avaliando-se cada minuto, a partir das categorias sugeridas do Protocolo de Avaliação de Interação Diádica (NUDIF). Dois observadores independentes categorizaram as observações e foi calculado o índice de fidedignidade. Após análise descritiva dos dados, se realizou associação estatística entre os sintomas maternos crônicos e interação mãe/filho. Houve alta correlação entre as categorias de comportamentos maternos e as categorias de comportamentos infantis, caracterizando o episódio como interativo. Identificou-se que quanto mais sensíveis, estimuladoras e positivamente afetivas eram as mães, as crianças se mostravam mais envolvidas e integradas, demonstravam mais afeto positivo. Ao comparar os comportamentos interativos nos três grupos, pode-se observar que mães com sintomas de depressão crônica foram significativamente menos sensíveis, mais desengajadas e demonstravam menos afeto positivo que as mães do grupo controle. Elas também estimulavam menos e demonstravam mais afeto negativo, quando comparadas tanto com grupo controle quando com grupo com sintomas ansiosos crônicos. As mães do grupo controle, por sua vez, apresentaram menor intrusividade quando comparadas tanto com as mães do grupo com sintomas ansiosos, quanto com grupo de depressão crônica. Quanto às crianças, os filhos de mães com sintomas de depressão crônica interagiram significativamente menos que mães com sintomas crônicos de ansiedade e controle. Os resultados alertam para atenção especial em nível de políticas públicas voltadas para identificação precoce de problemas da saúde mental materna, fim de minimizar ao máximo suas consequências para a interação mãe/bebe. / There are evidences in the literature indicating that chronic maternal anxiety and depression have influence over a mother-child relationship and then it affects the interaction. This study aims to identify characteristics in the interaction between one-year children and their mothers, who have symptoms of chronic depression or anxiety, and to compare them with characteristics in the interaction of pairs with mothers who did not have mental health problems. A sample was composed of 40 mother/child pairs selected from a previous prospective cohort study where they were evaluated for anxiety, with state-trait anxiety inventory (STAI), and for depression, with Beck's depression inventory (BDI), at three instants: on pregnancy, at a baby’s 6-month and 14-month of life. Those mothers who scored in all the three evaluations were considered chronic patients. Three groups were formed: 10 mothers with chronic anxiety symptoms, 8 mothers with chronic depression symptoms, and 22 mothers with no mental health problem. First, all mothers filled out a social economic survey. Following the survey, a 7-minute interactive episode of one pair was recorded and categorized minute by minute through categories suggested at the Dyadic Interaction Assessment Form (NUDIF) by two independent investigators. After a descriptive data analysis, an inferential statistical analysis was performed. Correlation was high between maternal behaviors and child behaviors, and the episode was deemed interactive. It was noted that the more sensitive, stimulating and positively affective mothers were, the more integrated and involved the children acted, showing more positive affection. Comparing the three groups, mothers with chronic depression symptoms were significantly less sensitive, showed less positive affection and had less involvement in the interaction when compared with mothers in chronic anxiety symptom group and control group. On the other hand, children of chronic depressive mothers took part in the interaction less than children in other groups. Regarding the group of mothers with chronic anxiety symptoms, their children’s behaviors and their own behaviors were similar to those in the control group. Results of this study emphasize that maternal mental health has been a problem requiring special attention from public policies for its early identification, improvement in assistance and treatment, in order to minimize as low as possible the consequences in the mother/baby interaction.

L’organisation des comportements d’attachement chez l’enfant avec des troubles spécifiques du développement du langage / The organization of attachment behaviors in children with specific language impairment

Gomes, Valéria 12 January 2015 (has links)
Dans cette étude, nous avons cherché à caractériser le profil linguistique et le développement d’une population portugaise d’enfants ayant une perturbation spécifique du développement du langage (TSDL) et à analyser, dans le contexte de la théorie de l’attachement, la façon dont ces enfants porteurs de TSDL utilisent la mère comme base sûre, en les comparant à des enfants sans perturbation du langage. D’un autre côté, nous avons étudié la valeur prédictive de l’attachement et des variables développementales dans les compétences linguistiques des enfants. Nous avons retenu comme sujets de notre recherche, 83 dyades mère/enfant, les enfants étant âgés de 4 /5 ans, partagés en deux groupes. À travers les diverses mesures du langage et du AQS (Waters, 1995), il a été possible de vérifier que ces enfants :1) présentaient à l’âge mental propre de la maternelle (préscolaire), des changements sévères du langage, bien que leurs profils soient très hétérogènes ;2) étaient surtout des garçons, d’un ratio de 3:1 ; 3) révèlent une qualité de sécurité de l’attachement à la mère, inférieure comparativement à leurs pairs sans changement au niveau du langage, ainsi que moins de comportements d’attachement, telles que l’interaction douce, la proximité et le contact physique avec la mère.Nous avons également vérifié que l’attachement et les variables de consommation maternelle de tabac pendant la grossesse, la relation avec les amis et les antécédents familiaux de perturbation du langage sont des prédicteurs des difficultés linguistiques de ces enfants, ainsi que des durées d’acquisition du langage, ce qui explique une variance entre 7% et 21%. / This study aims to characterize the linguistic and developmental profile of a population of Portuguese-speaking children with specific language impairment (SLI) and analyze, within the context of attachment theory, how the SLI child uses his mother as a secure base, compared to children without language disorders. In the other eAs a final point, we tried to study the predictive value of attachment and developmental variables in the language skills of children. The participants of our study were 83 mother-child dyads (children aged 4-5 years), divided into two groups. Through various measures of language and AQS (Waters, 1995), we found that these children: 1) present, in pre-school age, severe alterations of language, though their profiles are very heterogeneous; 2) are mostly boys, with a ratio of 3:1; 3) show a lower quality of attachment security, when compared with their peers without language alterations, as well as less attachment behaviors, such as smooth interaction, proximity and physical contact with the mother. It was also found that attachment and tobacco use, relationship with friends and family background are predictors of the linguistic difficulties of these children, as well as of language acquisition timing, explaining 7% to 21% of the variance.

An exploration of parental sensitivity and child cognitive and behavioral development.

Ingle, Sarah J. 08 1900 (has links)
The current study attempted to show the relationship of paternal sensitivity and maternal sensitivity and their possible influences on child cognitive and behavioral development. This study used data collected as part of the National Institute for Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Study of Early Child Care, which is a longitudinal, multi-site study. Correlation and regression analyses were computed to examine relationships between the variables at child age 6 and 36 months. Results indicated paternal sensitivity was a significant positive predictor of child cognitive abilities and a negative predictor of both fathers' reports of children's externalizing and internalizing behaviors. Maternal sensitivity was a significant negative predictor of mothers' reports of children's externalizing behaviors. Interpretations of these results and directions for future research are discussed.

Interactions précoces mère-enfant en situation de négligence émotionnelle sévère : étude transdisciplinaire de la synchronie et de la mentalisation réflexive maternelle / Early mother-child early interactions in the context of severe emotional neglect : transdisciplinary approach of synchrony and maternal insighfulness

Leclère, Chloë 24 November 2015 (has links)
L'étude des interactions précoces est complexe mais essentielle à la compréhension de la psychopathologie de la petite enfance. La négligence émotionnelle est une forme courante mais discrète de maltraitance. Elle correspond à une défaillance chronique de la part du parent à offrir à l'enfant, au sein de leur relation, un environnement affectif suffisamment bon pour son développement. Notre recherche explore les interactions précoces mère-enfant de ces situations de négligence émotionnelle par une approche transdisciplinaire à travers deux dimensions : la synchronie et la mentalisation réflexive maternelle. La synchronie est une caractéristique dyadique et temporelle de l'interaction qui traduit la fluidité et la qualité d'un échange par une adaptation dynamique et réciproque des comportements et états émotionnels des partenaires interactifs. Elle constitue un signal social en soi, facteur de qualité de l'interaction. La mentalisation réflexive, traduction du terme Insightfulness (Oppenheim, 2001), évoque la capacité du parent à prendre le point de vue de l'enfant et à comprendre, de façon empathique, les motivations sous-jacentes à ses comportements. Les objectifs de cette recherche sont (1) d'analyser la dynamique comportementale des interactions précoces en élaborant une méthodologie d'analyse computationnelle et (2) d'évaluer l'influence des capacités maternelles de mentalisation réflexive et notamment de leur dynamique intrapsychique, sur la dynamique interactive, dans les situations de négligence émotionnelle. Des mères et leur enfant de 13 à 38 mois, appartenant au groupe en situation de négligence émotionnelle (N=10) et au groupe contrôle sans trouble des interactions (N=9), sont filmés au cours d'un jeu interactif libre. Les vidéos font l'objet d'une double évaluation clinique et computationnelle. La première permet d'obtenir une évaluation clinique globale de la qualité de l'interaction par le Coding Interactive Behavior (Feldman et Keren 1998; Viaux 2014). La seconde, par les techniques de traitement du signal social, offre l'accès à une micro-analyse computationnelle des mouvements des partenaires et de leurs échanges dyadiques. Dans un second temps, 14 mères (n=7 mères en situation de négligence et n=7 mères sans trouble des interactions) ont visionné des extraits de la vidéo de leurs interactions, au cours d'un entretien semi-structuré, l'Insightfulness Assessment (Oppenheim et Koren-Karie, 2001) afin d'évaluer leurs capacités de mentalisation réflexive. Une analyse additionnelle des verbatim a permis d'accéder à des éléments de la dynamique intrapsychique. Les résultats mettent en évidence de nombreuses corrélations significatives les dimensions du CIB (notamment la sensibilité, l'intrusivité maternelle et la réciprocité dyadique) et la micro-analyse automatique (à travers l'activité du corps de la mère). Par ailleurs, les situations de négligence émotionnelle présentent des difficultés de mentalisation empathique. Les entretiens sont caractérisés par des représentations appauvries de leur enfant et des difficultés d'élaboration autour des affects et de la relation mère enfant. La dynamique intrapsychique, influencée par les problématiques inconscientes, s'associe en partie à la dynamique interactive comportementale. Il apparaît que la compréhension de la qualité de l'interaction peut passer par une observation sur une échelle de temps réduite de la dynamique interactive. Par ailleurs, un entretien avec support vidéo étaye l'élaboration de la mère et favorise une mise en mouvement intrapsychique, pouvant constituer ainsi un levier thérapeutique. / Studying early interaction is complex but essential for understanding psychopathology during infancy. Emotional Neglect is a common but insidious form of child maltreatment. It refers to parental failure to give children an emotional environment that allows adequate psychological, cognitive and physical development. We explore mother-infant interaction in these situations following a transdisciplinary approach which consider Synchrony and Insightfulness. Synchrony is a dynamic and reciprocal adaptation of the temporal structure of behaviour and shared affect between interactive partners. It is regarded as a social signal per se. Insightfulness involves the parents' ability to see things from the child point of view and to empathically think about and consider the motives underlying their childrens' behaviour. The aims of this research are (A) to report a novel method to assess features of interactive behavioral dynamics and (B) to assess/underline the impact of Insighfulness, in particular its dynamics, on interactive behavioral dynamics in case/situations of severe emotional neglect. Mothers and children aged from 13 to 38 months (10 in situation of severe emotional neglect and 10 controls) are video recorded during free play. Features of social signal extract by our automatic computational method are compared to qualitative interaction assessment by using the Coding Interactive Behaviour in its French version (Feldman et Keren 1998; Viaux 2014). Secondly, 14 mothers (7 in situation of emotional neglect and 7 without interaction problem) are interviewed during a video-feedback session by using the Insightfulness Assessment (Oppenheim, Koren-Karie, 2001) to assess Insightfulness. An additional qualitative verbatim analysis was performed to explore intrapsychic dynamics. Self-administered questionnaires (BITSEA and Care Support) are proposed to mothers. Results show that individual and synchrony motion features perfectly correlates CIB composite scores trough maternal sensitivity, intrusivity and dyadic reciprocity. Furthermore, pathological mothers are mostly categorised as non-Insighful. Interviews are characterized by poor representations and a lack of elaboration. Intrapsychic dynamics is partly associated with interactive behavioral dynamics. We conclude that computational method might be promising for future studies. It opens an observation window to understand early interactions by changing the time scale. Moreover, interview with a video support seems to underpin maternal elaboration and enhance an intrapsychic movement.

漢語兒童的非優先應答 / Dispreferred Responses in Mandarin Child Languag

王蕙玟 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討兒童在給予非優先應答時所採取的語用策略,以及母親在接續的對話中所給予的回應。研究的語料來自於一名以漢語為母語的四歲兒童與她的母親之間的日常對話。在分析的資料中,我們將非優先應答區分成拒絕和異議兩類,分析之後,結果發現受試兒童採取六種不同的語用策略來表達非優先應答,分別為(1)直接否定(simple negation)、(2)理由(account)、(3)挑戰(challenge)、(4)修正(correction)、(5)部分認同(partial agreement)、(6)反請求(counter-request),而受試者的非優先應答往往結構簡單,內容直接而缺少修飾,雖然她在否定或提出異議時,能給予進一步的解釋,但是她所提出的多為以自我為中心的理由。另外,母親在面對受試者直接的拒絕或異議時,多半會以下列三種方式回應:一、再次陳述自己的要求或想法,二、提供更多的解釋來說服對方,三、提出問題要求對方進一步說明拒絕或不同意的原因,以上的三種回應策略都使母親有再一次的機會來說服受試兒童接受她的要求,或者同意她的想法。 / This study investigates children’s pragmatic strategies of delivering dispreferred responses and also how the mothers reacted in the subsequent turns. The data analyzed are a Mandarin-speaking four-year-old child’s natural conversation with her mother. In the observed verbal exchanges, the subject child’s dispreferred seconds are categorized into refusals and disagreements. After careful examination, six pragmatic strategies are identified in the dispreferred turns, namely, simple negation, account, challenge, correction, partial agreement, and counter-request. The results indicate the child’s dispreferreds are generally simple in structure, direct and unmitigated in force. Though she was capable of providing accounts for her refusals or disagreements, the reasons she gave are mostly self-oriented and serve to express her non-compliance and disapproval. As for the mother’s subsequent responses, it is found that facing the child’s direct and socially disruptive seconds, the mother generally targeted at her previous turn and attempted to carry on the prior illocutionary force. When her directive or statement was refused or denied, she tended to responded with reformulations, persuading remarks or queries, which elicited more information about the dispreferred acts. All of these three strategies provided another chance for the achievement of compliance or agreement.

Contexto familiar de crianças com síndrome de Down : interação e envolvimento paterno e materno.

Silva, Nancy Capretz Batista da 14 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:45:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissNCBS.pdf: 4023453 bytes, checksum: d6d6b3a62add66035a6ad18040ebe9b1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-02-14 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / Changes in society bring a new way of familiar organization and a new look at the participation of the man in this context. Although the father s importance has been recognized, on Brazil, there are few studies which aim at knowing the relation between the father and his child with special needs characteristics. Besides, the findings about the fathers involvement with their children are varied: sometimes mothers are more involved, others fathers spend a significant time with their special needs children. A better characterization would be obtained with observation measures as much father-child interaction, as mother-child interaction, searching in this manner a systematic vision of the family. In this way, the objective of the present study was to describe the interactions of father and mother with their children with Down Syndrome in play situation and compare these interactions, taking in account variables such as stress, empowerment, self-esteem, home environment and additionally the father s participation on the child s care and home activities, the influence of the grandparents and the paternal vision under aspects of fatherhood and the child s deficiency. Ten families having children with Down Syndrome aging between two and six years took part on this study; from diverse socioeconomic and educational status; residents in Ribeirão Preto and São Carlos cities. It had been used: Critério Brasil, Questionário de Caracterização do Sistema Familiar, Guia Geral de Transcrição dos Dados de Entrevista, Entrevista de Caracterização do Papel do Pai Brasileiro na Educação da Criança com Deficiência Mental, Inventário HOME, QRS-F, ISSL, FES, PSOC, Protocolo de Categorias de Análise das Filmagens de Interação and Sistema Definitivo de Categorias Observacionais. These tools were the base for the interviews, home observation and interaction of the family members filming analysis (in the total of one hour). The results indicate that: the mother was the main responsible for the home activities; the father shared the child s care in half of the sample; the social web of support was composed by the own family and relatives; great part of the grandparents participated of the familiar life; only a family offered a rich environment in stimulation and support for the child; the genitors showed low percentages of stress related to the presence of the deficient child; half of the parents presented indicative symptoms of stress; all considered theirselves empowered; and the majority exhibited elevated self-esteem. In relation to the fathers: half of them passed good part of the day with their children; the majority considered theirselves a good father; all considered theirselves an important figure on his children lives; and most of them believed that the child would have a life pretty close to the normal in the future. In relation to the observations, olhar na direção da criança (looking to the child s direction) was the positive behavior of greater frequency for the parents; none of the genitors corrected inappropriate behaviors; and the negative behavior of higher frequency was comentários negativos (negative commentaries). The most emmited positive behavior by children was prestar atenção (pay attention) and the negative behavior was desobediência (disobedience). Furthermore, the most frequent kind of activity was Brincadeiras com objetos (Play with objects) and the interactions occured mainly at Conjunta (Joint) way, with Direta (Direct) transition from one activity to another, with Sincronia (Synchrony), Supervisão (Supervision), Amistosidade (Friendly) and Liderança (Leadership). These fathers, on general, seems to be involved with their children, offering varied stimulation for them, and present low level of stress and show themselves empowered in relation to the presence of a deficient child. / Mudanças na sociedade trazem uma nova forma de organização da família e um novo olhar sobre a participação do homem neste contexto. Apesar da reconhecida importância do pai, no Brasil, são poucos os estudos que visam conhecer as características das relações entre o pai e seu filho com necessidades especiais. Além disso, as descobertas sobre o envolvimento dos pais com suas crianças são variadas: às vezes as mães são mais envolvidas, outras os pais gastam um tempo significativo com seus filhos com necessidades especiais. Uma melhor caracterização seria obtida com medidas de observação tanto das interações pai-criança, como das interações mãe-criança, buscando assim uma visão sistêmica da família. Deste modo, o objetivo deste estudo foi descrever as interações do pai e da mãe com seu filho com Síndrome de Down em situação de brincadeira e comparar essas interações, levando em consideração variáveis como stress, empoderamento, auto-estima e ambiente domiciliar, assim como a participação do pai no cuidado com a criança e nas atividades domésticas, a influência dos avós e a visão paterna sobre aspectos da paternidade e a deficiência da criança. Participaram deste dez famílias de crianças com Síndrome de Down com idade entre dois e seis anos; de diversos níveis sócio-econômico e educacional; residentes nas cidades de Ribeirão Preto e São Carlos. Foram utilizados: Critério Brasil, Questionário de Caracterização do Sistema Familiar, Guia Geral de Transcrição dos Dados de Entrevista, Entrevista de Caracterização do Papel do Pai Brasileiro na Educação da Criança com Deficiência Mental, Inventário HOME, QRS-F, ISSL, FES, PSOC, Protocolo de Categorias de Análise das Filmagens de Interação e Sistema Definitivo de Categorias Observacionais. Esses instrumentos serviram de base para a entrevista, observação domiciliar e análise das filmagens (no total de 1 hora) de interação entre os membros da família. Os resultados indicam que: a mãe era a responsável principal pelas tarefas domésticas; o pai dividia os cuidados com a criança em metade da amostra; a rede social de apoio era composta pela própria família e parentes; a maioria dos avós participavam da vida familiar; apenas uma família oferecia um ambiente rico em estimulação e apoio à criança; os genitores apresentaram baixas porcentagens de stress relacionado à presença da criança deficiente; metade dos genitores apresentou sintomas indicativos de stress; todos se consideraram empoderados; e a maioria apresentou auto-estima elevada. Em relação aos genitores masculinos: metade passava boa parte do dia com suas crianças; a maioria se considerava um bom pai; todos se consideravam uma figura importante na vida de seus filhos; e a maioria acreditava que a criança teria uma vida bem próxima do normal no futuro. Em relação às observações, olhar na direção da criança foi o comportamento positivo de maior freqüência para os pais; nenhum genitor corrigiu comportamentos inadequados; e o comportamento negativo de maior freqüência foi comentários negativos . O comportamento positivo mais emitido pelas crianças foi prestar atenção e o comportamento negativo foi desobediência . Além disso, o tipo de atividade mais freqüente foi Brincadeiras com objetos e as interações ocorreram predominantemente de forma Conjunta , com transição Direta de uma atividade para outra, com Sincronia , Supervisão , Amistosidade e Liderança . Conclui-se que esses pais, no geral, parecem estar envolvidos com seus filhos, oferecendo estimulação variada a eles, e apresentam baixo nível de stress e se mostram empoderados quanto a presença de uma criança deficiente.

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