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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La qualité de la relation mère-enfant : facteur de protection contre le tempérament difficile et les comportements perturbateurs?

Richard, Johanne 10 1900 (has links)
La relation mère-enfant a une influence sur le développement de l’enfant. Cette étude vise principalement à vérifier si la sensibilité maternelle modère l’expression du tempérament difficile de l’enfant à 9 mois. Elle vise également à vérifier si la relation d’attachement sécurisante / insécurisante modère le développement de comportements perturbateurs chez les enfants de 24 mois. Les données de l’étude La mère veille ont été employées. L’échantillon compte 96 mères adolescentes, âgées entre 14 et 19 ans, provenant de deux (2) milieux distincts : une école spécialisée pour mères adolescentes et un foyer de groupe. Des analyses de régression multiple n’ont pas confirmé l’effet modérateur de la sensibilité maternelle sur l’expression du tempérament difficile de l’enfant à 9 mois. Les analyses ont cependant montré un effet prédictif de l’attachement sécurisant / insécurisant sur le développement des comportements perturbateurs à 24 mois. En effet, un enfant qui a développé un attachement sécurisant envers sa mère est moins à risque d’émettre des comportements perturbateurs à l’âge de 24 mois. Les résultats ne permettent cependant pas de confirmer que l’effet observé est modérateur. / Mother-child relationship has an influence on children’s development. This study aims to verify if maternal sensitivity moderates the expression of a difficult temperament at 9 months, and if a secure or insecure attachment relationship with the mother moderates the development of disruptive behaviors in 24 month-old children. Data come from the study «La mère veille». The sample includes 96 teenage mothers (14-19 years old) recruited from two different resources: A specialized school for teenage mothers and a group home. Multiple regression analyses did not confirm the moderating role of maternal sensitivity in the expression of child difficult temperament at 9 months. Analyses nevertheless demonstrated a predictive relation between secure/insecure attachment and disruptive behaviors at 24 months: Children who had developed a secure attachment relationship with their mother were less likely to exhibit disruptive behaviors at 2 years. The current results did not support the hypothesis of a moderating role of attachment security.

Relation mère-enfant et fonctionnement psychosocial des enfants à l'entrée scolaire : les rôles spécifiques de la sécurité d’attachement et des comportements maternels

Sirois, Marie-Soleil 08 1900 (has links)
L'une des influences les mieux documentées dans la prédiction des problèmes de comportements externalisés et internalisés des enfants est la qualité de la relation mère-enfant, souvent opérationnalisée par la sécurité d’attachement et la qualité des comportements maternels. Cependant, bien que ces deux variables soient reliées empiriquement et théoriquement, elles n’ont pas été examinées simultanément dans la prédiction des problèmes de comportements des enfants. Ce mémoire visait à examiner les contributions uniques de deux mesures de sécurité d’attachement ainsi que des comportements maternels (mesurés par la sensibilité maternelle et le soutien maternel à l’autonomie) dans la prédiction des problèmes de comportements des enfants. L’échantillon comprenait 73 dyades mère-enfant. Les comportements maternels ont été mesurés lorsque les enfants étaient âgés entre 15 mois et 2 ans. Les problèmes de comportements internalisés et externalisés des enfants ont été rapportés par leurs professeurs en maternelle et en première année d’école. Les résultats montrent que les deux mesures d’attachement ainsi que les comportements maternels expliquent une portion comparable de la variance des problèmes de comportements anxieux/dépressifs des enfants. Ensemble, ils prédisent trois fois plus de variance que les variables considérées séparément. Les recherches futures devraient considérer une approche multi-méthodes pour mesurer la qualité de la relation mère-enfant, du moins lorsqu’elles tentent d’expliquer le développement des comportements internalisés des enfants. / One of the best-documented predictors of young children’s externalizing and internalizing behavior problems is the quality of mother-child relationships, often operationalized through attachment security and the quality of maternal behaviors. However, although empirically and theoretically interrelated, these aspects of mother-child relationships have not been considered simultaneously in the prediction of children's behavior problems. In addition, attachment is often measured once only, despite its modest stability. This paper aimed to examine the contributions of two assessments of attachment security along with assessments of maternal behaviors (sensitivity and autonomy support) to the prediction of children’s behavior problems. The sample included 73 mother-child dyads. Maternal behaviors and mother-child attachment were assessed when children were between 15 months and 2 years old. Children's internalizing and externalizing problems were reported by their teachers in kindergarten and first grade. The results indicated that each assessment of attachment security and maternal behaviors explained a comparable portion of the variance in children’s anxious/depressed behaviors, together predicting more than three times the variance that would have been explained by either measure of attachment alone. Researchers should consider a multidimensional approach to the assessment of the quality of mother-child relationships, at least when attempting to explain the development of child internalizing problems.

Qualité de la relation mère-enfant en contexte de violence conjugale : analyse des écarts de points de vue entre la mère et l’enfant

Deshaies, Louise-Anne 11 1900 (has links)
La relation mère-enfant est une variable déterminante de l’adaptation de l’enfant exposé à la violence conjugale. Toutefois, les rares études qui analysent simultanément le point de vue de la mère et celui de l’enfant au sujet de la qualité de leur relation révèlent peu de liens entre eux. La présente étude vise à identifier les variables associées à l’écart dans l’évaluation que la mère et l’enfant victimes de violence conjugale font de la qualité de leur relation. Au total, 117 mères victimes de violence conjugale et leur enfant âgé entre 8 et 12 ans ont participé à l’étude. Conformément aux hypothèses, plusieurs variables déjà liées à la qualité de la relation mère-enfant en contexte de violence conjugale sont associées aux différences de points de vue. C’est le cas pour les troubles extériorisés de l’enfant, son degré de parentification, la détresse de la mère et les troubles intériorisés de l’enfant. En revanche, l’intensité de la violence conjugale, la présence d’abus physique et le sexe de l’enfant ne prédisent pas de manière significative les écarts de point de vue entre la mère et l’enfant. La discussion montre l’intérêt de prendre en compte non seulement le point de vue de la mère et celui de l’enfant à propos de leur relation mais également leurs écarts de point de vue et les facteurs qui y contribuent. / The mother-child relationship is a determinant factor that predicts the adaptation of children exposed to domestic violence. The few studies who consider both mother and child perceptions of the mother-child relationship quality find little similarity between them. The current study identifies the variables associated to different perceptions between mothers and children exposed to domestic violence while evaluating the motherchild relationship. The research was conducted with 117 abused women and their children aged 8 to 12. In accordance to the hypothesis, many variables that are already linked to the mother-child relationship’s quality in a context of domestic violence are associated to differences in points of views. It’s the case for the externalized problems of the child, his parentification degree, the mother’s distress and the internalized problems of the child. On the other hand, the domestic violence’s intensity, the physical abuse and the child’s sex do not significantly predict the difference in points of views between the mother and the child. The discussion underlines the importance of evaluating the mother’s and the child’s perceptions as well as the differences between them and the contributing factors.

La qualité de la relation mère-enfant : facteur de protection contre le tempérament difficile et les comportements perturbateurs?

Richard, Johanne 10 1900 (has links)
La relation mère-enfant a une influence sur le développement de l’enfant. Cette étude vise principalement à vérifier si la sensibilité maternelle modère l’expression du tempérament difficile de l’enfant à 9 mois. Elle vise également à vérifier si la relation d’attachement sécurisante / insécurisante modère le développement de comportements perturbateurs chez les enfants de 24 mois. Les données de l’étude La mère veille ont été employées. L’échantillon compte 96 mères adolescentes, âgées entre 14 et 19 ans, provenant de deux (2) milieux distincts : une école spécialisée pour mères adolescentes et un foyer de groupe. Des analyses de régression multiple n’ont pas confirmé l’effet modérateur de la sensibilité maternelle sur l’expression du tempérament difficile de l’enfant à 9 mois. Les analyses ont cependant montré un effet prédictif de l’attachement sécurisant / insécurisant sur le développement des comportements perturbateurs à 24 mois. En effet, un enfant qui a développé un attachement sécurisant envers sa mère est moins à risque d’émettre des comportements perturbateurs à l’âge de 24 mois. Les résultats ne permettent cependant pas de confirmer que l’effet observé est modérateur. / Mother-child relationship has an influence on children’s development. This study aims to verify if maternal sensitivity moderates the expression of a difficult temperament at 9 months, and if a secure or insecure attachment relationship with the mother moderates the development of disruptive behaviors in 24 month-old children. Data come from the study «La mère veille». The sample includes 96 teenage mothers (14-19 years old) recruited from two different resources: A specialized school for teenage mothers and a group home. Multiple regression analyses did not confirm the moderating role of maternal sensitivity in the expression of child difficult temperament at 9 months. Analyses nevertheless demonstrated a predictive relation between secure/insecure attachment and disruptive behaviors at 24 months: Children who had developed a secure attachment relationship with their mother were less likely to exhibit disruptive behaviors at 2 years. The current results did not support the hypothesis of a moderating role of attachment security.

Relations parents-enfant et fonctions exécutives des enfants à l’âge de l’entrée scolaire : l’importance des pères

Hertz, Sarah 12 1900 (has links)
De nombreuses études empiriques ont démontré que la qualité des relations parent-enfant est importante pour le développement des fonctions exécutives (FE) des enfants. Cependant, la majorité des études ont porté sur des échantillons de mères ou de pères, mais non des deux. Le présent mémoire contient un article empirique qui poursuit deux buts. Premièrement, l’article a examiné la contribution unique de la qualité des interactions mère-enfant et père-enfant avec leur bambin (toddler) à la prédiction des FE en milieu scolaire. Deuxièmement, l’article a investigué les effets d'interactions entre la qualité des relations mère-enfant et père-enfant. L’étude a été menée auprès de 46 familles intactes (mère-père-enfant). Lorsque les enfants avaient 18 mois, la qualité des interactions mère-enfant et père-enfant a été mesurée par observation de séquences indépendantes de jeu avec le Mutually Responsive Orientation scale. À la maternelle, les problèmes exécutifs des enfants furent rapportés par le professeur à l’aide du Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function. Les résultats indiquent que les enfants qui ont des interactions de meilleure qualité avec leur père à 18 mois sont ensuite considérés par leur professeur de maternelle comme ayant moins de déficits exécutifs. Cela suggère que la relation père-enfant peut être un facteur important à considérer en ce qui concerne le développement des FE des enfants. Les implications théoriques et empiriques ainsi que les implications pratiques, notamment celles concernant les professeurs, sont abordées lors de la conclusion de ce mémoire. / There is increasing evidence that the quality of parent-child relationships is important for the development of young children’s executive functioning (EF). However, studies have focused on samples of either mother-child or father-child dyads, not both. The present master’s thesis includes an empirical article pursuing two aims. First, the article examined the unique contributions of the quality of mothers’ and fathers’ interactions with their toddlers to the prediction of children’s subsequent EF in kindergarten. Second, the article investigated the interactive effects of mother-child and father-child relationships. The sample included 46 families. The quality of mother-child and father-child interactions was assessed independently during separate interactive sequences at 18 months. In kindergarten, child EF problems were reported by their teachers with the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function. Results indicated that kindergarteners who had higher-quality interactions with their fathers in toddlerhood were considered by their teachers to present fewer EF problems in everyday school situations. This suggests that father-child relationships may be an important factor to consider regarding the development of EF in children. Theoretical and empirical implications as well as practical implications, particularly for teachers, are discussed at the conclusion of this master’s thesis.

Anorexia nervosa e transmissão psíquica transgeracional: histórias de vida de pacientes, mães e avós / Anorexia nervosa and transgenerational psychic transmission: Life histories of patients, mothers and grandmothers

Valdanha, Élide Dezoti 23 August 2013 (has links)
Valdanha, E. D. (2013). Anorexia nervosa e transmissão psíquica transgeracional: Histórias de vida de pacientes, mães e avós. Dissertação de Mestrado, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo. Os transtornos alimentares (TAs) configuram graves perturbações no comportamento alimentar, que são tema de destaque na literatura científica nacional e internacional. Um dos tipos de TA que mais tem despertado o interesse de leigos e da comunidade científica é a anorexia nervosa (AN), caracterizada por uma recusa da pessoa acometida em manter o peso mínimo adequado para a saúde, além de temor intenso de ganhar peso e distorção significativa da imagem corporal. Estudos mostram que as relações familiares podem atuar como agentes mediadores no surgimento e manutenção da AN, especialmente a configuração vincular mãefilha. Considerando-se que esse vínculo é essencial para o desenvolvimento emocional e que a transmissão psíquica é um operador da dinâmica dos relacionamentos familiares, o presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar a transmissão psíquica em três gerações de famílias que tinham um de seus membros acometidos pela AN, buscando identificar os conteúdos transmitidos transgeracionalmente e suas possíveis relações com o desenvolvimento da AN. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo e exploratório, de abordagem qualitativa. Participaram da pesquisa seis famílias, compostas por pacientes diagnosticados com AN, suas respectivas mães e avós maternas. Os pacientes eram vinculados ao Grupo de Assistência em Transtornos Alimentares - GRATA do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo (HC-FMRP-USP). Para a coleta de dados foram utilizados roteiros de entrevista semiestruturada. As entrevistas foram audiogravadas, mediante consentimento dos participantes, e transcritas na íntegra. O material foi submetido à análise de conteúdo temática, o que permitiu extrair as unidades de significado, que emergiram após leitura exaustiva dos relatos. Os dados foram interpretados com apoio do referencial teórico psicanalítico, mais especificamente da transmissão psíquica transgeracional. Foram construídas categorias temáticas relacionadas aos temas: \"fatos marcantes da infância\", \"fatos marcantes de adolescência\", \"relacionamento com os pais\", \"desenvolvimento afetivo-sexual e as relações amorosas\", \"religiosidade\", \"relação mãe-filha(o)\", \"as vivências do corpo e a alimentação\", \"os cuidados maternos percebidos e transmitidos\", \"transmissão da feminilidade\" e \"anorexia nervosa\". Foram identificados padrões distorcidos nos modos como as mães exercem os cuidados maternos, marcados por conflitos e ambivalência afetiva. Os resultados sugerem que vinculações familiares distorcidas são transmitidas como herança psíquica, caracterizando transmissão transgeracional. Essa ausência de elaboração de conteúdos psíquicos, que são transmitidos sucessivamente de geração a geração sem sofrerem transformações, pode ser um importante mediador na gênese e manutenção do transtorno do comportamento alimentar, na medida em que fortalece a perpetuação de vínculos problemáticos, que criam obstruções no processo de amadurecimento emocional da filha. Espera-se que os resultados possam auxiliar os profissionais de saúde a se sensibilizarem para as questões familiares que incidem sobre a AN, contribuindo para o aperfeiçoamento de estratégias (interventivas e preventivas) de cuidado emocional que incluam a família como unidade de tratamento. / Valdanha, E.D. (2013). Anorexia nervosa and transgenerational psychic transmission: Life histories of patients, mothers and grandmothers (Master\'s degree), Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo. Eating disorders (ED) constitute serious disturbances in eating behavior, which are prominent issue in national and international scientific literature. An ED that has mostly attracted the interest of either non-academic or academic community is anorexia nervosa (AN), characterized by a refusal to maintain the minimum weight adequate for health, intense fear of gaining weight and significant distortion of body image. Studies show that familial relations can act as mediating agents in the emergence and maintenance of AN, especially the motherchild relation. Considering this bond as essential to emotional development, and that psychic transmission is an operator of the dynamics within familial relations, the goal of this study was to investigate the psychic transmission in three generations of families which had one member affected by AN, aiming to identify the contents transmitted transgenerationally and their possible relations to the development of AN. This is a descriptive and exploratory study with a qualitative approach. Participants were six families, consisted of patients diagnosed with AN along with their mothers and grandmothers. Patients were assisted by the Group of Assistance on Eating Disorders (GRATA), from the Clinics Hospital of Ribeirão Preto´s School of Medicine, University of São Paulo (HC-FMRP -USP).The instrument used for data collection were semi-structured interview scripts. Interviews were audio recorded, with participants´ consent, and transcribed in full. The material was subjected to thematic content analysis, which enabled to extract the categories of analysis, which emerged after a thorough reading of the transcribed interviews. The data were interpreted with the support of psychoanalysis theoretical framework, more specifically by psychic transgenerational transmission. Thematic categories were raised related to the following topics: \"milestones of childhood\", \"milestones of adolescence\", \"parental relationship\", \"affective-sexual development and love relationships\", \"religiosity\", \"mother-child relationship\", \"experiences of the body and nutrition\", \"perceived and transmitted maternal care\", \" transmission of femininity\" and \"anorexia nervosa\". Distorted patterns were identified in the ways mothers exert maternal care, marked by conflicts and affective ambivalence. Results suggest that distorted family bonds are transmitted as psychic inheritance, featuring transgenerational transmission. This lack of elaboration of psychic contents, which are successively transmitted from generation to generation without transformations, may be an important mediator in the genesis and maintenance of eating disorder, since it strengthens the perpetuation of problematical bonds which create obstructions in child´s process of emotional maturation. It is expected that the results may support health professionals to raise awareness for familial issues that exert influence on AN, contributing to the improvement of assistance strategies (interventional and preventive) for emotional care which includes the family as the unit of treatment.

Modelos de assistência neonatal: comparação entre o método mãe-canguru e o método tradicional / Neonatal care models: comparison between Kangaroo Mother care and traditional care

Brito, Maria Haydée Augusto 04 August 2008 (has links)
Os recém-nascidos de muito baixo peso ao nascer alcançam taxas de sobrevivência cada vez maiores. No entanto, eles ainda apresentam problemas como déficit de crescimento, atrasos do desenvolvimento, baixa prevalência de aleitamento materno exclusivo e dificuldades de vinculação afetiva com a família. Essa problemática resulta da condição de nascimento dessas crianças, das conseqüências do tratamento intensivo necessário à sua sobrevivência, e das peculiaridades da assistência neonatal tradicional cujos procedimentos impõem a separação entre a mãe e o bebê. A observação de aspectos relativos aos problemas citados sinaliza que algumas dessas dificuldades poderiam ser atenuadas, quando não resolvidas, por um modelo de assistência neonatal que privilegiasse a interação entre a mãe e o bebê. Visando a elucidar tal questão, compararam-se os resultados obtidos com setenta bebês, divididos em dois grupos, um assistido pelo método Mãe-canguru e outro pelo método Tradicional de assistência neonatal. Foi realizado um estudo de coorte prospectivo que contemplou duas abordagens: uma análise epidemiológica dos dados objetivos referentes às características comparáveis entre os dois grupos, ou seja, atributos maternos, dados sobre a gestação, o parto e o nascimento, eventos da evolução clínica, parâmetros do crescimento e do desenvolvimento e marcos do processo de aleitamento materno; além da outra abordagem que se constituiu como uma análise compreensiva dos dados subjetivos através do método fenomenológico. Constatou-se que o crescimento das crianças estudadas manteve-se aquém da referência ideal preconizada, a saber, o crescimento intra-uterino, sendo que as medidas antropométricas mostraram-se menores entre as crianças do método Canguru. As diferenças encontradas entre os dois métodos quanto ao desenvolvimento neurossocial não foram estatisticamente significativas. O método Canguru favoreceu a prática de aleitamento materno exclusivo, mesmo após a alta hospitalar. A compreensão e a interpretação dos depoimentos das mães, através do método fenomenológico, permitiram que se vislumbrassem as repercussões dessa situação sobre a função materna, e as suas conseqüências sobre o desenvolvimento e a prevalência do aleitamento materno. Deslindou-se, assim, a influência direta da qualidade da interação entre a mãe e o bebê sobre a experiência de se tornar mãe nessas circunstâncias. Nessa perspectiva, concluiu-se que o cuidado dispensado a recém-nascidos de muito baixo peso ao nascer exige, além do emprego da alta tecnologia, a priorização da permanência da mãe junto ao filho e a aptidão da equipe de assistência neonatal para abordar o bebê e a mãe em conjunto, como componentes de um sistema que se distinguem entre si, mas não se separam. / Very low birthweight infants have achieved increasing survival rates over time. However, they still suffer from problems such as growth deficit, developmental delays, low exclusive breastfeeding prevalence and difficulties with the bond formation process. These problems result from birth circumstances, consequences of survival-necessary intensive care and peculiarities of traditional neonatal care, whose procedures impose a prolonged separation between mother and baby. Observation of aspects relative to these problems indicates that some of those difficulties might be lessened, if not altogether solved, by a neonatal care model that favors the mother-child interaction. Aiming to clarify this matter, a comparison of results obtained for seventy babies was carried out. Infants were divided in two groups, one treated by means of the Kangaroo Mother Method and the other by means of the Traditional Neonatal Care Method. A prospective cohort study was carried out which included two approaches. The first approach was an epidemiological analysis of objective data concerning comparable characteristics of the two groups, such as maternal characteristics, data about pregnancy, labor and birth, clinical evolution events, developmental and growth parameters and landmarks of the breastfeeding process. The second approach was a comprehensive study of subjective data by means of the Phenomenological Method. It was found that growth of studied children was consistently below intrauterine growth, the established ideal. Antropometrical measures were smaller for children in the Kangaroo Mother Method group than for those treated by means of the Traditional Method. No statistically meaningful differences were found concerning neurosocial development. The Kangaroo Mother Method was found to favor the practice of exclusive breastfeeding even after child discharge. Phenomenological comprehension and interpretation of oral accounts given by the mothers of studied infants about their experiences with their preterm children revealed the repercussions of this situation on maternal function and the resulting consequences to development and breastfeeding prevalence. The direct influence that the quality of interaction between mother and baby has on the experience of becoming a mother under such circumstances was thereby unveiled. Under this perspective, it was concluded that care given to very low birthweight infants requires, in addition to the employment of high technology, that the staying of mothers beside their infants be prioritized and that the neonatal care team be made able to handle mother and infant as a compound unit, as two components of a system that are distinct, yet not separate.

Experi?ncias de fam?lias de crian?as com microcefalia por Zika v?rus

Vale, Paulo Roberto Lima Falc?o do 22 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Jadson Francisco de Jesus SILVA (jadson@uefs.br) on 2018-07-20T21:53:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTA??O PAULO ROBERTO finalz?o 09 03.pdf: 3626215 bytes, checksum: a916a4a7fbf307b65ccad4330d1dd18c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-20T21:53:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTA??O PAULO ROBERTO finalz?o 09 03.pdf: 3626215 bytes, checksum: a916a4a7fbf307b65ccad4330d1dd18c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-22 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Study qualitative, exploratory, with the objective of understanding the experiences of families of children with microcephaly by Zika virus. For the production of empirical data we explore the narratives of relatives contained in videos posted on the YouTube Internet platform published between 10/01/2015 and 07/31/2016, as well as narratives obtained from an in-depth interview, of the story-theme design applied in 11 family members of children with microcephaly attended at the Association of Parents and Friends of the Exceptional in Feira de Santana, as well as field diary material. The data collection took place between September and November 2017. For the treatment of the data we adopted the thematic content analysis and the iconographic analysis. The results are organized in: Article 1 - Bad news: experiences and feelings of families regarding the diagnosis of microcephaly by Zika virus; A session entitled: Understanding the family dynamics of study participants; Article 2 - "Well run, very fast ...": experiences of care of mothers of children with microcephaly by Zika; Article 3 - Family organization to take care of the child with microcephaly by z?ka virus. Microcephaly is revealed in the prenatal period, through imaging tests, or during the immediate or late postpartum. Relatives live with feelings of sadness, despair, pain, fright, commotion, disorientation and terror. After diagnosis, family members seek to understand microcephaly through internet resources, and question God's permission and the relevance of scientific knowledge. Mothers experience day-to-day organizing and cleaning the home environment, caring for their children and the specific care of the child with microcephaly, regarding lullaby, since children cry frequently, requiring the mother to spend hours with the child in the lap; Give a shower; change diapers; to feed; play; and, stimulate. They learn to differentiate cognitive, psychomotor, auditory, and visual impairments; recognize progress in the development and new needs of children; identify episodes of seizure; consider patience and attention relevant to care; and, seek to learn about new thematic and unknown terms such as calcifications. Family members build a network of solidarity and unity for the benefit of the child, family relationships are strengthened, bringing together previously conflicting relationships. Caregivers include mothers, fathers, grandparents, sisters, cousins, aunts, friends and neighbors, with the mother being the protagonist who also coordinates and defines the roles played by other people. Family members practice care that has been organized in four dimensions: "Take care"; Encourage; Access Resources and Services. We recommend that family members and health workers attend to the restriction of social interaction, weakening marital relationships, jealousy behaviors on the part of siblings, worsening of grandparents' health conditions, and financial difficulties that may affect the family of children with microcephaly. / Estudo qualitativo, do tipo explorat?rio, com objetivo de compreender as experi?ncias de fam?lias de crian?as com microcefalia por Zika v?rus. Para produ??o de dados emp?ricos exploramos as narrativas de familiares contidas em v?deos postados na plataforma virtual da internet YouTube publicados entre 01/10/2015 e 31/07/2016, e tamb?m narrativas obtidas de entrevista em profundidade, do desenho est?ria-tema aplicados em 11 familiares de crian?as com microcefalia atendidos na Associa??o de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais em Feira de Santana, al?m de material do di?rio de campo. A coleta de dados ocorreu entre setembro a novembro de 2017. Para tratamento dos dados adotamos a an?lise de conte?do tem?tica e a an?lise iconogr?fica. Os resultados encontram-se organizados em: Artigo 1 ? M?s not?cias: experi?ncias e sentimentos de fam?lias face o diagn?stico de microcefalia por Zika v?rus; Uma se??o intitulada: Compreendendo a din?mica familiar dos participantes do estudo; Artigo 2 ? ?Bem corrido, muito corrido...?: experi?ncias de cuidado de m?es de crian?as com microcefalia por Zika; Artigo 3 ? Organiza??o familiar para cuidar da crian?a com microcefalia por z?ka v?rus. A microcefalia ? revelada no per?odo pr?-natal, atrav?s de exames de imagens, ou durante o p?s-parto imediato ou tardio. Os familiares convivem com sentimentos de tristeza, desespero, dor, susto, como??o, desorienta??o e terror. Ap?s o diagn?stico, os familiares buscam compreender a microcefalia atrav?s dos recursos da internet, e questionam a permiss?o de Deus e a relev?ncia do conhecimento cient?fico. As m?es experienciam o dia a dia organizando e limpando o ambiente dom?stico, exercendo os cuidados aos filhos e o cuidado espec?fico ? crian?a com microcefalia, referentes a: ninar, pois as crian?as choram com frequ?ncia, necessitando que a m?e passe horas com a crian?a no colo; dar banho; trocar fralda; alimentar; brincar; e, estimular. Elas aprendem a diferenciar as defici?ncias cognitivas, psicomotoras, auditivas e visuais; reconhecem os avan?os no desenvolvimento e as novas necessidades das crian?as; identificam epis?dios de convuls?o; consideram a paci?ncia e a aten??o relevantes para o cuidado; e, buscam apreender sobre novas tem?ticas e termos desconhecidos como calcifica??es. Os familiares constroem uma rede de solidariedade e uni?o em prol da crian?a, as rela??es familiares s?o fortalecidas, aproximando rela??es antes conflituosas. Participam do cuidado as m?es, pais, av?s, irm?s (os), primos (as), tias (os), amigas e vizinhas, havendo protagonismo da m?e que tamb?m coordena e define os papeis desempenhados pelas outras pessoas. Os familiares exercem cuidados que foram organizados em quatro dimens?es: Cuidar Integralmente; ?Tomar Conta?; Estimular; Acessar Recursos e Servi?os. Recomendamos que os familiares e trabalhadores da sa?de atentem para a restri??o do conv?vio social, enfraquecimento das rela??es conjugais, comportamentos que indiquem ci?mes por parte dos irm?os, agravamento das condi??es de sa?de das av?s e dificuldades financeiras que podem repercutir na fam?lia de crian?as com microcefalia.

Contos sem fadas: m?es e filhos em situa??o de viol?ncia dom?stica / Unfairy Tales: mothers and children facing domestic violence

Corbett, Elisa 27 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:30:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Elisa Corbett.pdf: 1991406 bytes, checksum: 6d8fad320dcc92ab39713159ec64f9e5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-27 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas / This study aims to investigate the emotional experience of women-mothers in situations of violence, seeking to show that domestic violence against women harms systematically their children, generating situations in which the rights of children and teenagers are disrespected as well. The study's methodology is organized around the study of eight cases selected from psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy administered to women-mothers facing violence. Their emotional experiences constitute a privileged resource for considering the impact of violence on their children, as they offer grounds for the comprehension of the experience of children, of teenagers and of adults, all living in the environment in which the violence developed. Their life stories were registered through transferential fictional narratives, preserving the dramas the patient went through, but omitting data that might allow for identification and self-identification. These narratives were considered through psychoanalytical methodology allowing for the interpretative creation of four affective-emotional fields: Mother and wife , Partner/Monster , Ally/Enemy and Home/Battlefield . The research material makes it clear that domestic violence against women impacts the emotional life of their children, be it for witnessing or being victims of the aggression, or by harming the family environment, which should sustain their development. / O presente estudo objetiva investigar a experi?ncia emocional de mulheres-m?es em situa??o de viol?ncia, visando demonstrar que a viol?ncia dom?stica contra a mulher atinge sistematicamente os seus filhos, causando sofrimento e preju?zos psicol?gicos ligados ? falta de provis?o ambiental que favore?a o seu desenvolvimento e configurando situa??es em que os direitos das crian?as e dos adolescentes s?o tamb?m desrespeitados. Organiza-se metodologicamente ao redor do estudo de oito casos, selecionados a partir de atendimentos psicol?gicos psicanaliticamente orientados a mulheres-m?es em situa??o de viol?ncia. As experi?ncias emocionais dessas mulheres constituem-se como material privilegiado para a considera??o do impacto da viol?ncia sobre os seus filhos, na medida em que oferecem subs?dios para a compreens?o de viv?ncias de crian?as, adolescentes e adultos, bem como do ambiente familiar em que se d? o seu desenvolvimento. Registramos as hist?rias de vida das participantes na forma de narrativas transferenciais ficcionais, que preservam as dram?ticas vividas enquanto omitem dados que permitam a identifica??o e a autoidentifica??o. Tais narrativas, quando consideradas ? luz do m?todo psicanal?tico, permitiram a produ??o interpretativa de quatro campos de sentido afetivo-emocional: M?e e esposa , Parceiro/monstro , Aliado/inimigo e Lar/campo de guerra . O quadro geral evidencia que a viol?ncia dom?stica contra a mulher impacta a vida emocional dos seus filhos, seja por testemunharem ou sofrerem tamb?m agress?es, seja por prejudicar de modo importante o ambiente familiar, que deveria sustentar o seu desenvolvimento.

Movimentos do desejo materno antes e após o nascimento do filho: um estudo longitudinal / Movements of maternal desire before and after the birth of the child: a longitudinal study

Barros, Izabella Paiva Monteiro de 09 August 2010 (has links)
O desejo materno é o responsável pelo funcionamento da função materna e já existe em um tempo anterior ao próprio surgimento do Eu da criança, ou seja, em um tempo em que o funcionamento psíquico desse sujeito recém-nascido está se esboçando. Diante disso, a função do desejo materno na constituição do sujeito é exercida pela nomeação, a qual oferece as bordas do que virá a ser o sujeito do desejo. Pode-se, então, dizer que o desejo materno e a maternagem são fatores estruturantes da vida psíquica de um bebê. Ao se acompanhar o desenvolvimento inicial da relação entre mãe e filho, há a possibilidade de planejar intervenções em caráter preventivo e, portanto, trabalhar com a saúde mental. O objetivo geral da pesquisa foi identificar, em três mães de filhos primogênitos e quatro mães de segundo filho, modificações nas expectativas, nos desejos e nos temores que tinham em relação a si e ao filho durante a gravidez e algum tempo depois de o mesmo ter nascido. Para tanto, por meio de múltiplos estudos de casos longitudinais, incluindo o reteste dos procedimentos de um trabalho anterior, este estudo exploratório utilizou-se da entrevista clínica e de aplicações do Desenho da Figura Humana, segundo a técnica de Machover, e das pranchas 1, 2, 4, 7MF, 8MF e 16 do Teste de Apercepção Temática, instrumentos estes de coleta de dados. A amostra foi composta por um grupo de 7 mulheres que já tinham dado à luz e cujas gestações foram estudadas, em etapa anterior, pelos mesmos instrumentos. A análise estrutural do material obtido por meio dos Testes Projetivos, seguida da análise temática do conteúdo da entrevista, resultou em uma interpretação psicodinâmica global que integrou todo o material do caso. Os procedimentos de análise foram repetidos para cada um dos sete casos os quais foram posteriormente comparados. Os resultados foram ilustrados com os protocolos clínicos obtidos, cujos recortes foram organizados - a fim de definir os movimentos do desejo e da posição materna antes e após o nascimento do filho - a partir de quatro categorias, a saber: a posição psíquica de mãe; suposição do sujeito; aspectos do desenvolvimento do filho da realidade e da relação entre mãe e filho; e relações na família e aspectos sócio-culturais. Após cuidadoso estudo do material, constatou-se que os sentimentos maternos são um conjunto complexo de fatores que interagem entre si, sobredeterminando-se. Soma-se a isso o fato de que cada sujeito materno é único e traz consigo uma história diferente que se modifica pela e na presença do filho. Após coletar dados longitudinalmente observou-se que o criterioso estudo da psicodinâmica das sete mulheres ao longo da gravidez, fazendo-se especial ressalva às contribuições do DFH e do TAT, já apontava para áreas potenciais de conflitos e dificuldades, assim como de facilidades, que poderiam interferir, e que assim o fizeram, no estabelecimento da relação mãe-filho / The maternal desire is responsible for the functioning of the maternal function and already exists even before the time when emerges the Self of the child, that is, at a time when the psychic functioning of the newborn subject is still being outlined. Therefore, the function of maternal desire in the constitution of the subject is performed by nominating and offers the edges of what will be the subject of desire. It is possible then to say that maternal desire and mothering are structuring factors of the psychic life of a baby. By following the initial development of the mother and child relation, it is possible to plan interventions of preventive characteristics and consequently work with mental health. The general purpose of this research was to identify, in three mothers of firstborn children and four mothers of second son, changes in expectations, desires and fears they had about themselves and about the child, during pregnancy and some time after they were born. For this purpose, through multiple longitudinal case studies, including re-testing procedures of previous work, this exploratory study carried out clinical interview and Human Figure Drawing applications, according to the technique of Machover, as well as the application of the pictures 1, 2, 4, 7GF, 8GF and 16 of the Thematic Apperception Test, as instruments of data gathering. The sample comprised a group of 7 women who had already given birth to their children and whose pregnancies were studied in previous phase, with the same instruments. The structural analysis of the material obtained from the Projective Tests, followed by thematic analysis concerning the contents of the interview resulted in an overall psychodynamic interpretation that integrated all the material of the case. The procedures of analysis were repeated for each of the seven cases, which were subsequently compared. The results were illustrated with the clinical protocols obtained, whose cuttings were organized - in order to define the movements of desire and maternal position before and after the birth of the child - based on four categories, namely: the psychic position of the mother; the supposition of the subject; aspects of the development of the son of reality, as well as aspects of the mother and child relation; and family relations plus socio-cultural aspects. After careful study of the material, it was observed that the maternal feelings are a complex set of factors that interact, overdeterminating themselves. It must be added to this, the fact that each maternal subject is unique and brings with her a different story, and that it is modified by and in the presence of the child. After collecting data longitudinally it was observed that the careful psychodynamics study of the seven women during pregnancy, with special exception to the contributions of the HFD and the TAT, had already pointed to potential areas of conflict and difficulties as well as facilities that could interfere, and did so, in the establishment of the relation mother-child

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