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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interactions précoces mère-enfant en situation de négligence émotionnelle sévère : étude transdisciplinaire de la synchronie et de la mentalisation réflexive maternelle / Early mother-child early interactions in the context of severe emotional neglect : transdisciplinary approach of synchrony and maternal insighfulness

Leclère, Chloë 24 November 2015 (has links)
L'étude des interactions précoces est complexe mais essentielle à la compréhension de la psychopathologie de la petite enfance. La négligence émotionnelle est une forme courante mais discrète de maltraitance. Elle correspond à une défaillance chronique de la part du parent à offrir à l'enfant, au sein de leur relation, un environnement affectif suffisamment bon pour son développement. Notre recherche explore les interactions précoces mère-enfant de ces situations de négligence émotionnelle par une approche transdisciplinaire à travers deux dimensions : la synchronie et la mentalisation réflexive maternelle. La synchronie est une caractéristique dyadique et temporelle de l'interaction qui traduit la fluidité et la qualité d'un échange par une adaptation dynamique et réciproque des comportements et états émotionnels des partenaires interactifs. Elle constitue un signal social en soi, facteur de qualité de l'interaction. La mentalisation réflexive, traduction du terme Insightfulness (Oppenheim, 2001), évoque la capacité du parent à prendre le point de vue de l'enfant et à comprendre, de façon empathique, les motivations sous-jacentes à ses comportements. Les objectifs de cette recherche sont (1) d'analyser la dynamique comportementale des interactions précoces en élaborant une méthodologie d'analyse computationnelle et (2) d'évaluer l'influence des capacités maternelles de mentalisation réflexive et notamment de leur dynamique intrapsychique, sur la dynamique interactive, dans les situations de négligence émotionnelle. Des mères et leur enfant de 13 à 38 mois, appartenant au groupe en situation de négligence émotionnelle (N=10) et au groupe contrôle sans trouble des interactions (N=9), sont filmés au cours d'un jeu interactif libre. Les vidéos font l'objet d'une double évaluation clinique et computationnelle. La première permet d'obtenir une évaluation clinique globale de la qualité de l'interaction par le Coding Interactive Behavior (Feldman et Keren 1998; Viaux 2014). La seconde, par les techniques de traitement du signal social, offre l'accès à une micro-analyse computationnelle des mouvements des partenaires et de leurs échanges dyadiques. Dans un second temps, 14 mères (n=7 mères en situation de négligence et n=7 mères sans trouble des interactions) ont visionné des extraits de la vidéo de leurs interactions, au cours d'un entretien semi-structuré, l'Insightfulness Assessment (Oppenheim et Koren-Karie, 2001) afin d'évaluer leurs capacités de mentalisation réflexive. Une analyse additionnelle des verbatim a permis d'accéder à des éléments de la dynamique intrapsychique. Les résultats mettent en évidence de nombreuses corrélations significatives les dimensions du CIB (notamment la sensibilité, l'intrusivité maternelle et la réciprocité dyadique) et la micro-analyse automatique (à travers l'activité du corps de la mère). Par ailleurs, les situations de négligence émotionnelle présentent des difficultés de mentalisation empathique. Les entretiens sont caractérisés par des représentations appauvries de leur enfant et des difficultés d'élaboration autour des affects et de la relation mère enfant. La dynamique intrapsychique, influencée par les problématiques inconscientes, s'associe en partie à la dynamique interactive comportementale. Il apparaît que la compréhension de la qualité de l'interaction peut passer par une observation sur une échelle de temps réduite de la dynamique interactive. Par ailleurs, un entretien avec support vidéo étaye l'élaboration de la mère et favorise une mise en mouvement intrapsychique, pouvant constituer ainsi un levier thérapeutique. / Studying early interaction is complex but essential for understanding psychopathology during infancy. Emotional Neglect is a common but insidious form of child maltreatment. It refers to parental failure to give children an emotional environment that allows adequate psychological, cognitive and physical development. We explore mother-infant interaction in these situations following a transdisciplinary approach which consider Synchrony and Insightfulness. Synchrony is a dynamic and reciprocal adaptation of the temporal structure of behaviour and shared affect between interactive partners. It is regarded as a social signal per se. Insightfulness involves the parents' ability to see things from the child point of view and to empathically think about and consider the motives underlying their childrens' behaviour. The aims of this research are (A) to report a novel method to assess features of interactive behavioral dynamics and (B) to assess/underline the impact of Insighfulness, in particular its dynamics, on interactive behavioral dynamics in case/situations of severe emotional neglect. Mothers and children aged from 13 to 38 months (10 in situation of severe emotional neglect and 10 controls) are video recorded during free play. Features of social signal extract by our automatic computational method are compared to qualitative interaction assessment by using the Coding Interactive Behaviour in its French version (Feldman et Keren 1998; Viaux 2014). Secondly, 14 mothers (7 in situation of emotional neglect and 7 without interaction problem) are interviewed during a video-feedback session by using the Insightfulness Assessment (Oppenheim, Koren-Karie, 2001) to assess Insightfulness. An additional qualitative verbatim analysis was performed to explore intrapsychic dynamics. Self-administered questionnaires (BITSEA and Care Support) are proposed to mothers. Results show that individual and synchrony motion features perfectly correlates CIB composite scores trough maternal sensitivity, intrusivity and dyadic reciprocity. Furthermore, pathological mothers are mostly categorised as non-Insighful. Interviews are characterized by poor representations and a lack of elaboration. Intrapsychic dynamics is partly associated with interactive behavioral dynamics. We conclude that computational method might be promising for future studies. It opens an observation window to understand early interactions by changing the time scale. Moreover, interview with a video support seems to underpin maternal elaboration and enhance an intrapsychic movement.

Mother-Child Attachment and Preschool Behavior Problems in Children with Developmental Delays

LaMont, Mary S. 01 December 2010 (has links)
Secure attachment in the mother-child relationship has been shown to be predictor of positive mental health and pro-social behaviors in children who are typically developing. This study uses a sample of young children (18 mo. to 2 yrs) who had been identified as having a delay in some area of development. Mothers of these children completed two paper-pencil measures of attachment, along with measures of child temperament, maternal psychological problems, parenting stress, and child behavior problems. A second set of measures was completed one year later. Results showed that increased parenting stress and difficulty of child temperament contributed to less security of attachment, while increased maternal psychological problems predicted higher attachment security. Analysis indicated that scores on both attachment measures were stable, and that a lower degree of attachment security predicted behavior problems in this sample of children with developmental delays.

Prise en charge des vulnérabilités psychiques maternelles pendant la période périnatale et stratégies préventives autour d'un travail en réseau : L'invention d'une clinique précoce. Socio-histoire (1970-2010) / The care of maternal psychic vulnerabilities during the perinatal period and networked preventive strategies. : The invention of early prevention practices. Socio-history (1970-2010)

Lotte, Lynda 29 September 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche de thèse propose un travail pluridisciplinaire d’épistémologie de la clinique et d’analyse socio historique de l’émergence et de l’organisation des formes de prise en charge des femmes qui présentent des troubles psychopathologiques et de leur bébé pendant la période périnatale, des conduites thérapeutiques préconisées et des dispositifs de soins mis en place à cette période. Une attention particulière a été portée aux idées, concepts et processus qui ont façonné cette offre de soins récente. L’objet de la recherche se situe donc à l’intersection d’une réflexion clinique (scientifique), institutionnelle (prévention précoce) et organisationnelle (travail en réseau). Prenant la psychologie clinique en actes comme sujet d’étude, il se fonde sur un cadre méthodologique approprié pour produire et analyser une généalogie de savoirs et d’interventions ainsi que des données inédites sur ce que nous appellerons : l’invention, la fabrique d’un nouveau champ intellectuel et de pratiques cliniques qui s’est constitué comme une innovation organisationnelle autour de la prise en charge des vulnérabilités psychiques maternelles pendant la période périnatale. / This thesis proposes a multidisciplinary epistemology of the clinic and a socio-historical analysis of the emergence and organization of forms of care for women who present psychopathological disorders and their baby during the perinatal period, professional therapeutic response, and the care arrangements put in place during this period. Particular attention is paid to the ideas, concepts and processes that shape this novel provision of care. The object of this research rests, therefore, at the intersection of clinical (scientific), institutional (early prevention) and organizational (networking) axes. Taking clinical psychology into action as a subject of study, it is based on grounded theory and discourse analysis to produce and analyze a genealogy of knowledge and intervention as well as new data on what we call: the invention, the creation of a new intellectual field and clinical practice that has been constituted as an innovative organizational structure around the management of maternal psychic vulnerabilities during the perinatal period.

Maternal Relationship, Social Stigma, and Advocacy Among Young Adult Children of Mothers Living with Depression

Walker, Kevin 03 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Dissolution Pathways: Mother-Child Relationship Quality, Adolescent Academic Well-being, and College Completion Among Young Adults

Howe-Huist, Elizabeth Suzanne 19 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Adolescent mothers in an intervention study a qualitative analysis of variables relating to their teaching interactions with their infants

Guzman, Janisse 01 August 2012 (has links)
The intent of this thesis was to study, in depth, the experiences of four adolescent mothers who underwent a home intervention program. I studied two mothers who did well with teaching their 12-month old children during play, and two mothers who did not do as well. All four mothers received weekly intervention from the time of their child's birth through 12-months of age. I studied the following variables: 1) how much time the home visitors spent on selected child development and parenting topics; 2) the mother's perceived social support; 3) how many community resources the mother used; and 4) if the infant was healthy and within normal developmental range. All of the mothers struggled in their lives, yet varied in the quality and time of most of the variables. It was striking how different each one was from the other. The implications of the study are important for child development specialists who can use the qualitative data within this document to better understand first time adolescent mothers in order to improve the outcomes of the home visitation services that they provide to mothers and infants. After spending time studying these four adolescent mothers, I would recommend that adolescent women not get pregnant. Adolescence is a time that is meant for experiences and self-discovery and should be spent free from a dependent child who critically needs them. Future research and funding should be spent on preventing adolescent pregnancy and ensuring that flexible curriculum be utilized by the home visitors in order to meet the varying needs of adolescent mothers.

Affect recognition and emotional availability in mother-child interaction / the effect of maternal depression in remission

Kluczniok, Dorothea 08 July 2016 (has links)
Ausgangspunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die gut belegte Assoziation zwischen mütterlicher Depression und ungünstigen emotionalen und behavioralen Folgen für ihre Kinder. Allerdings sind die Faktoren, die zu der transgenerationalen Übertragung der Depression beitragen, noch nicht geklärt. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, zwei möglicherweise dazu beitragende psychologische Faktoren zu untersuchen: (1) Affekterkennung von Gesichtsausdrücken in Mutter-Kind Dyaden und (2) mütterliche emotionale Verfügbarkeit. Dazu wurden drei Studien durchgeführt. Studie I untersucht mittels funktioneller Magnetresonanztomographie (fMRT) unterscheidbare und überlappende Aktivierungsmuster bei gesunden Müttern, während sie fröhliche und traurige Gesichter ihres eigenen Kindes sehen. Studie II verwendet eine Morphing-Aufgabe, um die Affekterkennung in Müttern mit remittierter Depression und ihren Kindern zu untersuchen. In Studie III wird die emotionale Verfügbarkeit von Müttern mit remittierter Depression in einer Verhaltensbeobachtung untersucht. Ergebnisse der Studie I zeigen eine größere Gehirnaktivierung der Mütter bei traurigen eigenen Kindergesichtern in der Amygdala und anterioren Cingulum, hingegen bei fröhlichen im Hippocampus und inferioren Frontalgyrus. Überlappende Aktivierung wurde in der Insula gefunden. Diese Aktivierungsmuster könnten feinfühliges mütterliches Verhalten erleichtern und das Aufrechterhalten der Mutter-Kind Beziehung unterstützen. Ergebnisse von Studie II belegen einen negativen Verarbeitungsbias bei Müttern mit einer remittierten Depression, wobei parallele Veränderungen bei ihren Kindern gefunden wurden. Dies könnte auf einen transgenerationalen Übertragungsprozess hinweisen. Ergebnisse von Studie III zeigen eine verminderte emotionale Verfügbarkeit bei Müttern in Remission, was eine Trait-Eigenschaft darstellen könnte. / Starting point of the present dissertation is the well-established association between maternal depression and adverse emotional and behavioral outcomes in children. The factors contributing to the transgenerational transmission of depression have not been fully elucidated. The aim of this thesis is to investigate two psychological factors that potentially contribute to this transgenerational association: (1) affect recognition of facial expressions in mother-child dyads and (2) maternal emotional availability. Therefore, three studies have been conducted. In study I, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is used to measure dissociable and overlapping brain activation in healthy mothers, while they view happy, neutral and sad faces of their own child. By using a morphing task, study II tests the hypothesis that affect recognition is biased in mothers with depression in remission and their children. Study III investigates whether emotional availability is reduced in mothers remitted from depression. Study I revealed greater brain activation in the amygdala and anterior cingulate cortex while mothers viewed sad faces of their own child, whereas greater brain activation was detected in the hippocampus and inferior frontal gyrus in response to happy faces. Conjoint activation was found in the insula. These activations might facilitate sensitive maternal behavior and promote mothers to maintain the mother-child relationship. Findings of study II demonstrate a negative processing bias in mothers with depression in remission, which was paralleled in their children. This finding could possibly point to a process of transgenerational transmission. Results of study III indicate reduced emotional availability in mothers who have remitted from depression, which might represent a trait characteristic of depression.

Exploring temperaments in the mother-child relationship: an educational-psychological perspective

Vogel, Jacoleen 30 November 2003 (has links)
The mother-child relationship is the first basic relationship with which any human being is confronted. The temperaments of mother and child play an important role in this relationship. The aim of this study is to explore the perception of mothers with regards to temperaments. This study uses a qualitative approach, which is explorative and descriptive, to gain insight into the influence of temperaments in the mother-child relationship. Seven mothers were selected by purposeful sampling to participate in the group work as research process. Group work progresses through the following three phases: awareness, exploration and personalisation. Naive sketches were used to determine the perception of the mothers during the awareness and personalisation phases. A focus group interview was utilised in the exploration phase. Finding showed that the mother-child relationship plays an important role in the optimal development of the child and his or her mother. This study confirmed the importance of understanding temperaments in the mother-child relationship. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Specialisation in Guidance & Counseling)

The influence of the mother-child relationship on the development of resilience in the learning disabled child

Leigh, Amanda Jane 31 August 2007 (has links)
Exploring the resilience construct is highly relevant for the field of learning disabilities. Resilience is a dynamic process of adaptation that involves interactions between a range of risk and protective factors. This research presents recent learning disability and resilience literature, focussing on the risk and protective factors in the lives of those with learning difficulties. Children with a learning disability often have associated emotional, behavioural and social difficulties that may become major obstacles to positive future outcomes. Historically little attention has been paid to the experiences of mothers of children with a learning disability and how the mother-child relationship may or may not foster the development of resilience in the learning disabled child. This research explores the issue within a qualitative framework / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)

漢語兒童的非優先應答 / Dispreferred Responses in Mandarin Child Languag

王蕙玟 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討兒童在給予非優先應答時所採取的語用策略,以及母親在接續的對話中所給予的回應。研究的語料來自於一名以漢語為母語的四歲兒童與她的母親之間的日常對話。在分析的資料中,我們將非優先應答區分成拒絕和異議兩類,分析之後,結果發現受試兒童採取六種不同的語用策略來表達非優先應答,分別為(1)直接否定(simple negation)、(2)理由(account)、(3)挑戰(challenge)、(4)修正(correction)、(5)部分認同(partial agreement)、(6)反請求(counter-request),而受試者的非優先應答往往結構簡單,內容直接而缺少修飾,雖然她在否定或提出異議時,能給予進一步的解釋,但是她所提出的多為以自我為中心的理由。另外,母親在面對受試者直接的拒絕或異議時,多半會以下列三種方式回應:一、再次陳述自己的要求或想法,二、提供更多的解釋來說服對方,三、提出問題要求對方進一步說明拒絕或不同意的原因,以上的三種回應策略都使母親有再一次的機會來說服受試兒童接受她的要求,或者同意她的想法。 / This study investigates children’s pragmatic strategies of delivering dispreferred responses and also how the mothers reacted in the subsequent turns. The data analyzed are a Mandarin-speaking four-year-old child’s natural conversation with her mother. In the observed verbal exchanges, the subject child’s dispreferred seconds are categorized into refusals and disagreements. After careful examination, six pragmatic strategies are identified in the dispreferred turns, namely, simple negation, account, challenge, correction, partial agreement, and counter-request. The results indicate the child’s dispreferreds are generally simple in structure, direct and unmitigated in force. Though she was capable of providing accounts for her refusals or disagreements, the reasons she gave are mostly self-oriented and serve to express her non-compliance and disapproval. As for the mother’s subsequent responses, it is found that facing the child’s direct and socially disruptive seconds, the mother generally targeted at her previous turn and attempted to carry on the prior illocutionary force. When her directive or statement was refused or denied, she tended to responded with reformulations, persuading remarks or queries, which elicited more information about the dispreferred acts. All of these three strategies provided another chance for the achievement of compliance or agreement.

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