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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Filip, Maurine January 2017 (has links)
The motivation behind the revival and development of roller derby may provide valuable insight to the structure of established sports regarding athlete engagement, drop-out, and well-being. To investigate the relationship of the cross-theoretical concepts, self-reported satisfaction and thwarting of basic psychological needs, and peer motivational climate of 255 high-level flat track roller derby athletes was examined in a cross-sectional design. Hierarchal regression analysis showed low effects of basic needs satisfaction on performance. Basic psychological need satisfaction and thwarting predicted 63% of the experienced task-involved motivational climate variance and 25% of ego-involved motivational climate. Relatedness proved strongest in predicting both types of peer motivational climates. In conclusion, the employed study method, limitations of the study, and recommendations for future research are discussed. / Motivationen bakom återuppväckandet och utvecklingen av roller derby kan bidra med värdefull insikt i etablerade idrotters struktur gällande idrottares engagemang, avhopp, och välmående. Studiens syfte var att undersöka relationen mellan tvär-teoretiska koncept. Med en tvärsnittsdesign undersöks självrapporterad upplevelse av tillfredsställda och nedtryckta psykologiska behov, samt motivationsklimat hos 255 högpresterande flat track roller derby idrottare. Hierarkisk regressionsanalys påvisade svag effekt av behovstillfredsställelse på prestation. Grundläggande psykologisk behovstillfredsställelse och nedtryck förklarade 63% av variansen i det uppgiftsorienterade motivationsklimatet, och 25% av det ego-orienterade motivationsklimatet. Samhörighet visade på störst förutsägbarhet på båda typerna av motivationsklimat. Avslutningsvis diskuteras studiens metod och begränsningar, samt förslag på framtida studier.

Motivation på distans : en studie om motiverande ledarskap på distans inom bemanningsbranschen / Motivation at a distance : a study concerning motivational leadership at a distance within the recruitment sector

Skager, Elina, Lindgren, Katarina January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur ledare arbetar med motivation när ledare och medarbetare har ett geografiskt avstånd mellan varandra. Studien kommer för organisationer med ledarskap på distans bidra med kunskap om hur motivationsarbete kan utföras trots en fysisk distans. Frågeställningen till studien är hur ledare motiverar anställda på distans och vad det finns för möjligheter till förbättring av motivationsarbetet? Då studien utgår från ett synsätt där vi utifrån intervjuer tolkat och analyserat individer och dess beteende har vi för att kunna besvara forskningsfrågan och uppfylla studiens syfte valt en kvalitativ metod med kvalitativa intervjuer. Vi har kommit fram till att motiverande ledarskap på distans i bemanningsföretag kräver resurser och tid på grund av det geografiska avståndet. Att motivera sina medarbetare kräver av ledaren extra ansträngningar då daglig interaktion uteblir. Därför har vi kommit fram till att motivationsarbete är något som måste planeras in i arbetet tillsammans med de dagliga rutinerna. Annars finns det risk för att motivationsarbetet blir bortprioriterat bland administrativa uppgifter. / The purpose of this study is to explore how leaders work with motivation when a geographical distance exists between the leader and coworker. The study will contribute with awareness of how motivational work can be continued despite the existence of physical distance for organizations that utilize leadership at a distance. The research question for this study is how leaders motivate their employees at a distance and what opportunities for improvement to the motivational work exist? Since the study is based on the approach of interpreting interviews and analyzing individuals and their behaviors, we have chosen to answer the research question and satisfy the purpose of the study using a qualitative method with qualitative interviews. The research has lead us to conclude that the required motivational leadership for recruitment companies demands time and resources due to the geographical distance. In the absence of daily interaction additional endeavors are required of the leader in order to motivate their coworkers. This is why we have reached the conclusion that any motivational work need to be planned and incorporated into the daily routines. Otherwise there is a risk that the motivational work is neglected amongst the administrative tasks.

Motivated Learning in Introductory Online College Courses: Do Motivational Messages Matter?

David, Alicia Bailey 01 January 2013 (has links)
Supporting retention, student success, and online enrollments are some of the most significant and challenging topics in higher education today. Students who fail to succeed early in their studies are less likely to be retained, and students in the online environment are more likely to fail than their campus counterparts. Motivational techniques have been shown to support course retention and success, but studies of online motivational course support methods are limited. Some evidence exists that motivational messages can affect student performance in online courses, but the message format that is most effective has yet to be definitively established. A survey research design was employed and quantitative and qualitative data were collected to determine how motivational messages and message type affect student performance and retention in an introductory online community college course. The population consisted of students in three sections of an introductory online IT course. The data included student course grades, final course scores, responses to three surveys, and the researcher's reflexive journal of motivational message design decisions made throughout the course. Due to low course participation levels and low survey return rates, only the descriptive data were reported. Additional exploration of the literature to explain low participation was sought. Potential causes for low survey return rates included low course participation, survey length, the number of survey contacts, inaccurate estimates of survey completion time, and the number of surveys deployed. To explain the low course participation, best practices with regard to online course design were identified in the literature and compared to the design of the course used in this study. Qualitative survey results and a reflexive journal of the researcher's design decisions are also presented. The results suggest that students liked the motivational messages. The reaction was stronger for the personalized messages than for the general, but this was not a conclusive finding. To the contrary the findings suggest that motivational messages (regardless of type) are not by themselves effective at engaging and retaining students and should not be used as a stand-alone motivational technique.

Motivační systém vybraného hotelu / Employee motivation structure of a chosen hotel

Němečková, Monika January 2010 (has links)
The subject of this dissertation is "Employee motivation structure of a chosen hotel". It is an employee work satisfaction study done at hotel Palace in Prague, which belongs to the Vienna International Hotels & Resorts. Analysis of the current situation as well as recommendations for improvement are included. The paper consists of two parts. The first theoretical part focuses on various concepts in the area of motivation, development of motivational theories, impact of employee motivation on performance and the characteristics of factors affecting work satisfaction. The second part analyses employee work satisfaction and describes the current state of the hotel's motivational structure. The conclusion focuses on suggestions for improvement based on the analysis presented in this paper.

Motivační program jako nástroj podpory prodeje v B2B segmentu / Motivational program as a tool to strengthen sales in B2B segment

Machová, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis analyses the influence of specific motivational program intended to strengthen sales in specific Business to Business segment. The analysis deals with three motivational programs intended to strengthen sales in corporate segment of Telefónica O2 Czech Republic, a.s. in a period of one and a half of the year. The diploma thesis evaluates and compares basic elements of the programs, feedback of the Account managers and Sales managers and analyses the impacts of each motivational program on the sales indicators and activity of Account managers.

The role of identification for the motivational force of moral judgments

Henningsson, Susanne January 2019 (has links)
What is the relationship between judging something as good and being motivated to acton this judgment? Motivational internalism is the thesis that there is a necessaryconnection between moral judgments and motivation. Externalists typically believe that ajudgment-independent desire is needed for the moral judgment to be motivating. Tobridge the gap between internalism and externalism, a few philosophers have appealed totheories of identification-based moral judgments. This implies that although moraljudgments may not be necessarily motivating in general, it could be possible to define acertain kind of identification-based moral judgment that is necessarily motivating. HereinI will examine the role identification plays for moral motivation. I will first analyse anargument that uses an identification-incompatible moral judgment to show thatinternalism is false. I will argue that this argument is unconvincing and that identificationdoes not preclude identification-incompatible moral judgments from being motivating.The identification-based argument hence does not support that internalism is false.Second, I will argue that identification can provide the motivational force needed to makecertain identity-based moral judgments necessarily motivating. This identification-basedaccount does however, I will argue, not support internalism. Despite presenting a kind ofmoral judgment that is necessarily motivating, it is an externalist account of theconnection between moral judgments and motivation since a judgment-independentdesire is a necessary source of its motivational force.

Mer än bara ett sportintresse : en studie på supportengagemang / More than just an interest in sport : a study regarding fan engagement

Eriksson, Mathilda, Forsberg, Sandra, Skogström, Emmy January 2019 (has links)
Konsumtion av sport är mer än bara laget/idrottaren i sig. Supporterengagemang är en del i sportkonsumtionen, bland annat genom människor som deltar i tävlingar och matcher för att stötta sitt lag/idrottare. Engagemanget kan vara gynnsamt för både sportorganisationen och den individuella supportern och kan bidra med både positiva och negativa effekter. Studiens syfte var att undersöka motivationsfaktorer hos supportrarna, för att se vad som ger upphovtill deras engagemang. Efter analys av tidigare studier inom området, skapade vi en egenmodell med ett antal utvalda motivationsfaktorer. För att mäta faktorerna användes en webbenkät som instrument. Enkätundersökningen skickades ut via ett snöbollsurval tillsupportrar för diverse sportorganisationer i Sverige. Resultatet blev en respons på 287enkätsvar, och för att analysera detta tillämpades en regressionsanalys. Resultatet visade att Självidentitet var den största motivationsfaktorn till att supportrar väljer att engagera sig i ett lag/idrottare. Även skillnader mellan fysiskt engagemang och engagemang på sociala medier mättes, där Social gemenskap var en större motivationsfaktor på sociala medier än för det fysiska engagemanget. Vidare mätte vi eventuella skillnader i engagemanget mellan kvinnor och män, då man i tidigare forskning sett brist på data inom området. Resultatet för studien visade att engagemanget inte skiljer sig något nämnvärt åt mellan kvinnor och män, och att samma motivationsfaktorer är underliggande för båda parters engagemang. Den enda möjliga slutsats för könsskillnader som kunde mätas, var att mängenerellt anser sig vara mer engagerade än vad kvinnor anser sig vara. / Sport consumption is more than just the team/athlete itself. Fan engagement is a part of the consumption, for example through people that are attending competitions and games to support their team/athlete. Fan engagement comes with both positive and negative effects, as well as bringing different kinds of profits to both the sport organisation and the individual fan. The aim of the study was to examine motivational factors for sport fans to see which factors contribute most to their engagement. After analysing previous studies on the subject, we created our own model using a few selected motivational factors. To measure the motivators, we created an online self-questionnaire survey. Through a snowballing sample we collected answers from fans of multiple sport organisations in Sweden. As a result we received 287responses that later was analysed through a regression analysis. The results showed that Self identity was the key motivator to why sport fans decides to engage with a team/athlete. The differences between physical engagement and social media engagement was measured as well. The results showed that Social community was proven to be a higher motivator on social media engagement rather than in physical engagement. Furthermore, the differences in engagement between men and women were measured, since studies on this subject was lacking in previous research. The results showed little difference between the two and that they are driven by the same motivators. The only possible conclusion regarding differences between the genders was that men, in general, consider themself more engaged in sports than women do.

Motivation på arbetsplatsen : En komparativ fallstudie om motivation hos anställda med olika arbetsform och arbetsuppgifter / Motivation in the workplace

Johansson, Emma, Jonsson, Ellinor January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Motivation är idag ett väletablerat begrepp. De flesta företag idag anser att det har betydelse för företagets framgång att deras anställda är motiverade på arbetsplatsen. Vad som motiverar anställda kan påverkas av flera olika faktorer; exempelvis arbetsform och arbetsuppgifter. Den problematik som denna uppsats behandlar uppenbarar sig därför i 1) om det finns någon skillnad i motivation mellan heltid-och deltidsanställda och 2) om det finns några skillnader i motivation hos anställda med olika arbetsuppgifter i två olika företag, i denna uppsats har en bank och matbutikvalts. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att utforska om/ hur motivation skiljer sig mellan arbetsform och arbetsuppgifter samt om/hur motivationssystem skiljer sig utifrån olika arbetsuppgifter och arbetsformer. Metod: Studien är både kvalitativ och kvantitativ samt har en deduktiv ansats. Grunden till uppsatsen baseras på intervjuer och enkätundersökning. Data samlas in och transkriberas för att sedan analyseras med hjälp av utvalda teorier för att slutligen mynna ut i ett resultat. Slutsats: Resultatet från denna uppsats indikerar på flera olika skillnader mellan respektive företags motivationssystem. Utifrån medelvärden gick det ej att utläsa några större skillnader mellan motivation gällande arbetsform och arbetsuppgifter. Enligt statistiska test gick det bland annat att dra följande slutsatser; det går ej att statistiskt säkerhetsställa att det fanns skillnad mellan motivationsincitamentet möjlighet att påverka arbetsmiljö hos bank och matbutik samt det går ej att statistiskt säkerhetsställa att det fanns skillnad mellan motivationsincitamentet arbetsrelation hos deltid-och heltidsanställda. Det som denna uppsats istället indikerar är att individer från olika arbetsplatser med olika arbetstider i många fall motiveras av liknande motivationsincitament, där bland annat ledarskap och arbetsrelationer är av stor vikt. Detta resultat bidrar till kunskap om vad som motiverar anställda oavsett arbetsform och arbetsuppgifter. Denna kunskap kan bidra till att företag kan utforma ett flexibelt motivationssystem i syfte att skapa goda incitament till arbete. / Background: Motivation is today a well-established notion. Most companies today consider that it is of importance for a company’s success to have motivated employees in the workplace. What motivate employees can be affected by multiple factors; for example, working form and work tasks. The problems that this essay focus on discloses there for in 1) if there are any differences in motivating full-time and part-time employees and 2) if there are any differences in motivation between employees with different work tasks in two different companies. The two chosen companies are a bank and a grocery store. Aim: The aim of this essay is therefore to examine if/how motivation differs between work forms and work tasks and if/how motivational systems differ depending on work tasks and work forms. Methodology: The study uses a mix of a qualitative and quantitative method and has adeductive approach. The foundation of the essay is based on interviews and a survey. Data has been collected and transcribed and then analyzed using selected theories, which lastly has ended in a result. Conclusion: The result of this essay indicates on differences between the two companies’ motivational system. From calculated averages it was not possible to distinguish any differences between motivation regarding work form and work tasks. According to statistical tests it was possible to draw the following conclusions; it was not possible to statistically confirm that there were differences between the incentive possibility to affect the motivational system for the bank and the grocery store and it was not possible to statistically confirm that there were differences between the incentive work relationship for full-time and part-time employees. What this essay instead indicates is that individuals from different workplaces with different working hours are often motivated by similar incentives, where leadership and work relationships are of great importance. This result contributes to knowledge on what motivates employees regardless of work form or work tasks. This knowledge can contribute to companies being able to form a flexible motivational system in order to create good incentives for work.

Les barrières psychologiques à la pratique de l'activité physique chez les personnes touchées par le cancer : rôle des stéréotypes et de la contagion motivationnelle. / Psychological barriers related to physical activity in people with cancer : the role of stereotypes and motivational contagion

Falzon, Charlène 11 December 2013 (has links)
La première partie de cette thèse défend l’hypothèse selon laquelle les croyances des personnes touchées par le cancer à propos de l’activité physique reflètent l’internalisation de stéréotypes, affectant leurs comportements vis-à-vis de l’activité physique. Les deux premières études de la thèse ont permis d’identifier cinq catégories de croyances liées à l’activité physique dont quatre constituent des barrières psychologiques, ainsi que de développer et valider une échelle mesurant les stéréotypes relatifs au cancer et à l’activité physique. L’étude 3 a montré que les stéréotypes relatifs au cancer et à l’activité physique des patients atteints de cancer sont reliés à leur niveau d’activité physique. Enfin, l’étude 4 a mis en évidence l’influence positive du statut d’individu « physiquement actif » dans la formation d’impressions de la population générale à l’égard des individus atteints de cancer. L’objectif secondaire de cette thèse était d’identifier des conditions de changement des croyances et de la motivation à l’égard de l’activité physique chez les personnes touchées par le cancer. Deux études ont examiné les effets de messages de promotion de l’activité physique auprès de patients sédentaires. L’étude 5 a montré que les messages informatifs génèrent les scores de croyances les plus favorables, tandis que les messages narratifs seraient plus appropriés pour augmenter leur motivation. L’étude 6 a confirmé l’hypothèse selon laquelle un message narratif porté par un pair intrinsèquement motivé est plus efficace pour améliorer la motivation à faire de l’exercice chez des patients sédentaires, qu'un message narratif porté par un pair extrinsèquement motivé. / The main objective of this thesis was to investigate the role and impact of stereotypes on the physical activity levels of individuals with cancer. The first section defends the hypothesis that the beliefs of people with cancer about physical activity reflect the internalisation of stereotypes, which affect their behaviors regarding physical exercise. The first two studies of this thesis identify five categories of beliefs about physical activity and show that four of them are psychological barriers to activity, and develop and validate a scale to measure the stereotypes about cancer and physical activity. The results of the third study indicate that these stereotypes are related to the level of physical activity of cancer patients. The fourth study presents evidence of the positive impact of the exerciser status in shaping impressions in the general population about people with cancer. The secondary objective of this dissertation was to identify the conditions needed to change the beliefs about and the motivation for physical activity in the cancer population. Two experimental studies examined the effects of messages promoting physical activity on sedentary patients. Study 5 showed that informational messages resulted in more favorable beliefs, whereas narrative messages were more appropriate to stimulate motivation. Study 6 confirmed the hypothesis that a narrative message from an intrinsically motivated peer was more efficient in improving the motivation to exercise in sedentary patients than the same type of message from an extrinsically motivated peer.

Coopetition in a regulated market : A study of motivational factors and risks in coopetition

Hennig, Sofia, Malmsten, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Coopetition, the activity of competing firms cooperating, comes with both benefits and risks for the parties involved. The approach to studying coopetition differ among scholars, however the phenomenon continues to be relevant in the area of research with several articles published in recent years. While coopetition has gained momentum in research, what drives coopetition is still argued to be an area that needs further development. Research on coopetition in regulated environments, is especially called for. Therefore, this study has the purpose to explore what motivational factors and risks in coopetition may apply to a regulated market. A case study was conducted by looking into two ongoing coopetition relationships in the Swedish eHealth market. The findings show that there are previously identified motivational factors and risks that are relevant in the context of a technological and regulated market. The study contributes with two propositions that suggest that customer demand and occasional low competitiveness are motivational factors for coopetition in a regulated market. Additionally, the findings resulted in two propositions that enclose financial risks and cultural differences as risks.

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