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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Histoire et fiction dans l'œuvre de Horacio Castellanos Moya / History and fiction in the work of Horacio Castellanos Moya

Miafouna Badinga, Huranie Mirna 17 October 2015 (has links)
La fin du XXe siècle et le début du XXIe siècle ont vu renaître le débat sur les rapports entre l’histoire et la littérature, entendue comme fiction, dans le sens d'un effacement des frontières entre les deux. Partant de ce postulat, notre étude, à la croisée de ces deux notions, a pour objectif de montrer les liens qui existent entre l’histoire centraméricaine contemporaine et la fiction dans les romans de l’auteur honduro-salvadorien Horacio Castellanos Moya. En effet, l’histoire de plusieurs pays d’Amérique centrale, marquée par des années de dictature, de guerres civiles et de violences politiques ou économiques, a eu un impact considérable sur de nombreux auteurs de la région. L’œuvre fictionnelle de Horacio Castellanos Moya en porte des traces évidentes. Pour les déceler, comprendre leurs enjeux et la manière dont elles figurent dans les romans, l’étude a été divisée en trois grandes parties. La première traite les données biographiques de Horacio Castellanos Moya en tant qu’homme et écrivain ; la deuxième, des principaux faits historiques thématisés et la dernière de leur mise en scène dans l’œuvre. / The late twentieth century and early twenty-first century have seen revived the debate about the relationship between history and literature, understood as fiction, in the sense of a blurring of boundaries between the two. Based on this premise, our study at the crossroads of these two concepts aims to show the links between contemporary Central American history and fiction in novels of Honduras-Salvadoran author Horacio Castellanos Moya. Indeed, the history of several Central American countries, marked by years of dictatorship, civil wars and political or economic violence has had a significant impact on many local authors. The fictional work of Horacio Castellanos Moya bears evident traces. To identify, understand their issues and how they appear in the novels, the study was divided into three main parts. The first deals with the biographical data Horacio Castellanos Moya as man and writer; the second, the main historical facts themed and the last of their stage in the work.

Problematización de la memoria histórica: intertextualidades y transiciones políticas en Insensatez de Horacio Castellanos Moya y La dimensión desconocida de Nona Fernández

Miller, Jennifer Freeman 04 May 2023 (has links)
This thesis proposes a new perspective and critical reflection on two contemporary Latin American novels, Insensatez (2004) by Honduran-Salvadorean author Horacio Castellanos Moya and La dimensión desconocida (2016) by Chilean author Nona Fernández. Situating each novel within its respective historical context of political transition following years of violent national conflict, the politics of memory and the concomitant concern for human rights directly informs the argument. The theoretical framework which directs the analysis of each work centers on the intertextual relationship between the narrative and the novel's foundational document. In Insensatez, the intertext of interest is the official report of the Recovery of Historical Memory Project (REMHI) titled Guatemala: Nunca Más (1998) and in La dimensión desconocida the intertext is the interview with the former Chilean intelligence agent, Andrés Valenzuela, published in the magazine Cauce (1985). This thesis first reveals how Castellanos Moya utilizes various literary strategies in combination with the libreta as a narrative element to question the privileged position of testimonio in the memory works that have proliferated in postwar Central America. This thesis also demonstrates how Nona Fernández constructs a complex intertextual dialogue with the testimony of the victimizer Valenzuela to interrogate the ethical binaries that have sustained Chilean literary production on historical memory since the dictatorship. The combined analyses of these two novels enable new perceptions of how contemporary Latin American fictions can creatively employ intertextuality as a narrative tool to problematize the cultural and literary representation of a traumatic past. / Master of Arts / This thesis proposes new critical perspectives on two contemporary Latin American novels, Insensatez (2004) by Honduran-Salvadorean author Horacio Castellanos Moya and La dimensión desconocida (2016) by Chilean author Nona Fernández. Situating each novel within its respective historical context of political transition following years of violent national conflict, the analysis centers on the textual relationship between the narrative and the novel's foundational document. In Insensatez, the document of interest is the official report of the Recovery of Historical Memory Project (REMHI) titled Guatemala: Nunca Más (1998) and in La dimensión desconocida the essential document is the interview with the former Chilean intelligence agent, Andrés Valenzuela, published in the magazine Cauce (1985). This thesis first reveals how Castellanos Moya utilizes various literary strategies in combination with the libreta as a narrative element to question the favored position of testimonio in the memory works that have proliferated in postwar Central America. This thesis then demonstrates how Nona Fernández constructs a complex dialogue with the confession of the victimizer Valenzuela to challenge the ethical oppositions that have sustained Chilean literary production on historical memory since the dictatorship. The combined analyses of these two novels enable new perceptions of how contemporary Latin American fictions can creatively use textual relationships as a tool to interrogate the cultural and literary representation of a traumatic past.

Shaping Religious and Cultural Aspiration: Engraved Sutras in Southwestern Shandong Province from the Northern Qi Dynasty (550-577 CE), China

Ha, Jungmin January 2016 (has links)
<p>This dissertation explores how the Buddhist texts carved on the cliffs of mountains served their patrons’ religious and cultural goals. During the Northern Qi period (550-577 CE), these carved Buddhist sutra texts and Buddha names were prevalent, and were carved directly onto the surfaces of numerous mountains in southwestern Shandong Province. The special focus of this study is on the Buddhist engravings at Mt. Hongding in Dongping, and at Mt. Tie in Zoucheng. Created in approximately 553-564 CE, the carvings at Mt. Hongding stand as the terminus a quo of the history of Buddhist sutras carved into the rocks of the Shandong mountains. The Buddhist carvings at Mt. Hongding served monastic goals. The monk patrons, Seng’an Daoyi, Fahong, and others created the carvings as an integral part of their Buddhist meditation practices. The carvings at Mt. Tie paint a very different picture. At Mt. Tie, a colossal Buddhist sculpture-style carving was created in 579 CE. Sponsored by several Han Chinese patrons, the carving was designed in the form of a gigantic Chinese traditional stele. This study suggests that several Han Chinese local elites proudly displayed their Han Chinese linage by using the gigantic stele form of Buddhist text carving as a means to proclaim Han Chinese cultural and artistic magnificence. To achieve these non-religious goals, they appropriated rhetorical devices often used by the Han elite, such as the stele form, written statements about the excellence of the calligraphy used, and discourse on calligraphy connoisseurship.</p> / Dissertation

Enric Miralles. Procesos metodológicos en la construcción del proyecto arquitectónico

Bigas Vidal, Montserrat 08 September 2006 (has links)
Se profundiza en el método de trabajo de Enric Miralles, un arquitecto vinculado y comprometido con la experimentación y el desarrollo de nuevas formas de proyectar. Al utilizar una serie de nuevas "técnicas de trabajo", tratará de superar una visión hasta ahora habitual permitiendo que se desarrolle una lectura más compleja de la realidad y del proceso del proyecto que la heredada de la tradición. La tesis explora y confronta, por un lado, la actividad educativa del arquitecto tomando como centro de estudio el curso "Rue Simon-Crubellier" que impartió en la Escuela Superior de Arquitectura del Vallés en el curso académico 1997-98, y por otro, los procesos de producción de su arquitectura.Abordar limpiamente en las aulas lo que para él constituye el núcleo fundamental de la práctica de una proyectación que responde al momento y la realidad actuales, sin rehuir las dificultades que plantea el operar en un territorio tan escurridizo, constituye, tal vez, la aportación principal de Enric Miralles a una pedagogía actual de la arquitectura.El tema recurrente de la actividad académica y también profesional del arquitecto va a ser diseñar -mediante un ciclo dinámico, basado en la secuencia indefinida experiencia/reflexión/experiencia- una serie de estrategias proyectuales concentradas en el conocimiento, manejo y dominio de los propios mecanismos mentales, psicológicos y emocionales que acaban determinando el acierto de los procesos creativos en la proyectación. Para ello, no ha dudado en relegar a un segundo plano todo ese bloque disciplinar del proceso de materialización y concreción del proyecto, que se refiere, tan solo, a condiciones perfectamente objetivables; La propuesta arquitectónica deberá, finalmente cumplir todos esos requerimientos, pero en modo alguno deben tener, por sí mismos, ningún rol relevante en la configuración y caracterización de una respuesta arquitectónica adecuada.Intentar comprender, a través de la profundización en una serie de manifestaciones concretas, esa dinámica relacional común aplicada por Miralles a su forma de producir y enseñar la arquitectura, ha sido el objetivo y el marco referencial de este trabajo, en la seguridad de que constituirá una aportación a la necesaria clarificación y renovación metodológica que, sin duda, exige la incorporación de esa mutación profunda que ha experimentado el escenario y las condiciones actuales de la producción y la enseñanza de la arquitectura. / "ENRIC MIRALLES. METHODOLOGICAL PROCESS IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF ARCHITECTURAL PROJECT"TEXT:The aim of this work is to go deep into Miralles working method. He was bound to experimentation and tried to develop new ways of projecting architecture. Using new working techniques he will try to surpass that old vision which is based on tradition, achieving a richer and more complex reading of reality.The thesis surveys the teaching activity of the architect, taking the course "Rue Simon-Crubellier" which he imparted in the Escola d'Arquitectura del Vallès, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, in 1987-98 on one hand, and on the other, the processes of production of his own architecture.The main contribution of Miralles to present day architectural pedagogy is to approach in the classroom the very bulk of a projecting methodology.In college, his operative strategy was based on a sequence experience-reflection-experience, so trying to now well all the mental and psychological mechanisms which, in fact, determine at the end, the success of creative processes in architecture.For these reasons he didn't hesitate to relegate all the subsidiary disciplines related to the material execution of buildings. Even though architecture must always accomplish that kind of requirements, those are never supposed to play a determining role in the emergence and the configuration of the proper architectural answer.Here, we intend to understand, through this insight in a series of concrete manifestations, the relational dynamism used by Miralles to both produce and teach his architecture. We have no doubt that it will throw some light on the issue of the present need for a renewal of present day production of architecture.

Psychology and psychotherapy redefined from the view point of the African experience

Baloyi, Lesiba 30 November 2008 (has links)
To date, the vast literature on theories of psychology, and psychology as a practice, still remains a reflection of Western experiences and conceptions of reality. This is so despite "psychology" and "psychotherapy" being studied and implemented by Africans, dealing with Africa's existential issues, in Africa. In this context, a distorted impression that positions psychology and psychotherapy as irreplaceable and irrefutable Western discoveries is created. This perception creates a tendency in which psychotherapists adopt and use universalised, foreign and imposed theories to explain and deal with African cultural experiences. In recent years, African scholars' quest to advance "African-brewed" conceptions, definitions and practices of "psychology" and "psychotherapy" is gaining momentum. Psychologists dealing with African clients are increasingly confronted with the difficulty, and in some instances the impossibility, of communicating with, and treating local clients using Western conceptions and theories. Adopting the dominant Western epistemological and scientific paradigms constitutes epistemological oppression and alienation. Instead, African conceptions, definitions and practices of "psychology" and "psychotherapy" based on African cultural experiences, epistemology and ontology are argued for. The thesis defended in this study is that the dominant Western paradigm of scientific knowledge in general and, psychology in particular, is anchored in a defective claim to neutrality, objectivity and universality. To demonstrate this, indigenous ways of knowing and doing in the African experience are counterpoised against the Western understanding and construction of scientific knowledge in the fields of psychology and psychotherapy. The conclusion arising from our demonstration is the imperative to rethink psychology and psychotherapy in order to (i) affirm the validity of indigenous African ways of knowing and doing; (ii) show that the exclusion of the indigenous African ways of knowing and doing from the Western paradigm illustrates the tenuous and questionable character of its epistemological and methodological claims to neutrality, objectivity and universality. Indeed the Western claim to scientific knowledge, as described, speaks to its universality at the expense of the ineradicable as well as irreducible v ontological pluriversality of the human experience. This study's aim is to advance the argument for the sensitivity to pluriversality of be-ing and the imperative for wholistic thinking. / Psychology / D. Phil. (Psychology)

La traduction de la littérature hispano-américaine au Québec : de l'intégration immigrante à la mondialisation éditoriale

Dufault, Mylène 01 1900 (has links)
En 2012, la traduction au Québec d'ouvrages littéraires d'auteurs issus de l'Amérique hispanique est encore un phénomène marginal. Pourtant, les entreprises de traduction de tels ouvrages se sont faites plus nombreuses au cours des vingt dernières années, et deux maisons d'édition québécoises leur ont fait la part belle : Les Écrits des Forges et Les Allusifs. La première a publié en français de nombreux canons de la poésie mexicaine tandis que la seconde possède à son catalogue (maintenant chez Leméac) bon nombre d'auteurs hispano-américains. Les efforts de ces éditeurs ont été précédés d'un premier mouvement d'accueil de la littérature hispano-américaine, mouvement principalement lié à la venue au Canada d'auteurs hispano-américains immigrants, souvent des réfugiés qui avaient fui la guerre ou la dictature dans leur pays d'origine. À partir de la théorie des champs de Pierre Bourdieu et de l’application de cette théorie à l’espace littéraire international par Pascale Casanova, ce mémoire cherche à expliquer plus en détail les conditions et logiques qui sous-tendent la traduction et l’édition des littératures hispano-américaines au Québec. Pour ce faire, il analyse la trajectoire de trois auteurs dont chacun a vu au moins un de ses titres publié en français. Ces auteurs sont le Salvadorien Horacio Castellanos Moya, dont le roman intitulé Le Dégoût a été publié aux Allusifs en 2003, le Mexicain Jaime Sabines, dont Poemas del peatón/Poèmes du piéton a été publié aux Écrits des Forges en 1997, et la Colombienne québécoise Yvonne América Truque, dont le recueil de poèmes Proyección de los silencios/Projection des silences a été publié au CÉDAH en 1986. Chacune des trajectoires illustre un modèle de production et de diffusion particulier de la littérature hispano-américaine en traduction qui s’est manifesté durant les vingt dernières années. Ensemble, elles permettent de dégager le parcours évolutif de l’édition vers une intégration de plus en plus mondialisée des mécanismes de diffusion des biens symboliques. / In 2012, the translation of Hispanic American literary works in Québec is still marginal. However, the translation of such works has been increasing over the last twenty years and two Québec publishers have shown a keen interest in them: Les Écrits des Forges and Les Allusifs. The first has published in Spanish/French versions many canons of Mexican poetry while the latter has a good number of Hispanic American writers in French translation in its catalogue (now part of Leméac). This wave of interest was preceded by an initial movement of integration of Hispanic American literature in Québec, a movement mainly caused by the arrival in Canada of Hispanic American authors fleeing from a war or a dictatorial regime in their country of origin or having other reasons. Based on Pierre Bourdieu’s field theory and its subsequent application to the international literary space by Pascale Casanova, this thesis seeks to explain the conditions and processes that underlie the translation and publishing of Hispanic American literature in Québec. To this end, it analyzes the trajectory of three authors, each of whom has had at least one of his or her books published in French in Québec. These authors are the Salvadoran Horacio Castellanos Moya, whose novel titled Le Dégoût was published by Les Allusifs in 2003, the Mexican Jaime Sabines, whose Poemas del peatón/Poèmes du piéton was published by Les Écrits des Forges in 1997, and the Colombian Quebecer Yvonne América Truque, whose Proyección de los silencios/Projection des silences was published by the CÉDAH in 1986. Each of these trajectories illustrates a particular model of production and distribution of Hispanic American literature in translation which appeared during the last twenty years. Together, these case studies highlight the progressive move towards an increased globalization in Québec publishing structures as well as in the distribution and reception of symbolic goods.

La traduction de la littérature hispano-américaine au Québec : de l'intégration immigrante à la mondialisation éditoriale

Dufault, Mylène 01 1900 (has links)
En 2012, la traduction au Québec d'ouvrages littéraires d'auteurs issus de l'Amérique hispanique est encore un phénomène marginal. Pourtant, les entreprises de traduction de tels ouvrages se sont faites plus nombreuses au cours des vingt dernières années, et deux maisons d'édition québécoises leur ont fait la part belle : Les Écrits des Forges et Les Allusifs. La première a publié en français de nombreux canons de la poésie mexicaine tandis que la seconde possède à son catalogue (maintenant chez Leméac) bon nombre d'auteurs hispano-américains. Les efforts de ces éditeurs ont été précédés d'un premier mouvement d'accueil de la littérature hispano-américaine, mouvement principalement lié à la venue au Canada d'auteurs hispano-américains immigrants, souvent des réfugiés qui avaient fui la guerre ou la dictature dans leur pays d'origine. À partir de la théorie des champs de Pierre Bourdieu et de l’application de cette théorie à l’espace littéraire international par Pascale Casanova, ce mémoire cherche à expliquer plus en détail les conditions et logiques qui sous-tendent la traduction et l’édition des littératures hispano-américaines au Québec. Pour ce faire, il analyse la trajectoire de trois auteurs dont chacun a vu au moins un de ses titres publié en français. Ces auteurs sont le Salvadorien Horacio Castellanos Moya, dont le roman intitulé Le Dégoût a été publié aux Allusifs en 2003, le Mexicain Jaime Sabines, dont Poemas del peatón/Poèmes du piéton a été publié aux Écrits des Forges en 1997, et la Colombienne québécoise Yvonne América Truque, dont le recueil de poèmes Proyección de los silencios/Projection des silences a été publié au CÉDAH en 1986. Chacune des trajectoires illustre un modèle de production et de diffusion particulier de la littérature hispano-américaine en traduction qui s’est manifesté durant les vingt dernières années. Ensemble, elles permettent de dégager le parcours évolutif de l’édition vers une intégration de plus en plus mondialisée des mécanismes de diffusion des biens symboliques. / In 2012, the translation of Hispanic American literary works in Québec is still marginal. However, the translation of such works has been increasing over the last twenty years and two Québec publishers have shown a keen interest in them: Les Écrits des Forges and Les Allusifs. The first has published in Spanish/French versions many canons of Mexican poetry while the latter has a good number of Hispanic American writers in French translation in its catalogue (now part of Leméac). This wave of interest was preceded by an initial movement of integration of Hispanic American literature in Québec, a movement mainly caused by the arrival in Canada of Hispanic American authors fleeing from a war or a dictatorial regime in their country of origin or having other reasons. Based on Pierre Bourdieu’s field theory and its subsequent application to the international literary space by Pascale Casanova, this thesis seeks to explain the conditions and processes that underlie the translation and publishing of Hispanic American literature in Québec. To this end, it analyzes the trajectory of three authors, each of whom has had at least one of his or her books published in French in Québec. These authors are the Salvadoran Horacio Castellanos Moya, whose novel titled Le Dégoût was published by Les Allusifs in 2003, the Mexican Jaime Sabines, whose Poemas del peatón/Poèmes du piéton was published by Les Écrits des Forges in 1997, and the Colombian Quebecer Yvonne América Truque, whose Proyección de los silencios/Projection des silences was published by the CÉDAH in 1986. Each of these trajectories illustrates a particular model of production and distribution of Hispanic American literature in translation which appeared during the last twenty years. Together, these case studies highlight the progressive move towards an increased globalization in Québec publishing structures as well as in the distribution and reception of symbolic goods.

Psychology and psychotherapy redefined from the view point of the African experience

Baloyi, Lesiba 30 November 2008 (has links)
To date, the vast literature on theories of psychology, and psychology as a practice, still remains a reflection of Western experiences and conceptions of reality. This is so despite "psychology" and "psychotherapy" being studied and implemented by Africans, dealing with Africa's existential issues, in Africa. In this context, a distorted impression that positions psychology and psychotherapy as irreplaceable and irrefutable Western discoveries is created. This perception creates a tendency in which psychotherapists adopt and use universalised, foreign and imposed theories to explain and deal with African cultural experiences. In recent years, African scholars' quest to advance "African-brewed" conceptions, definitions and practices of "psychology" and "psychotherapy" is gaining momentum. Psychologists dealing with African clients are increasingly confronted with the difficulty, and in some instances the impossibility, of communicating with, and treating local clients using Western conceptions and theories. Adopting the dominant Western epistemological and scientific paradigms constitutes epistemological oppression and alienation. Instead, African conceptions, definitions and practices of "psychology" and "psychotherapy" based on African cultural experiences, epistemology and ontology are argued for. The thesis defended in this study is that the dominant Western paradigm of scientific knowledge in general and, psychology in particular, is anchored in a defective claim to neutrality, objectivity and universality. To demonstrate this, indigenous ways of knowing and doing in the African experience are counterpoised against the Western understanding and construction of scientific knowledge in the fields of psychology and psychotherapy. The conclusion arising from our demonstration is the imperative to rethink psychology and psychotherapy in order to (i) affirm the validity of indigenous African ways of knowing and doing; (ii) show that the exclusion of the indigenous African ways of knowing and doing from the Western paradigm illustrates the tenuous and questionable character of its epistemological and methodological claims to neutrality, objectivity and universality. Indeed the Western claim to scientific knowledge, as described, speaks to its universality at the expense of the ineradicable as well as irreducible v ontological pluriversality of the human experience. This study's aim is to advance the argument for the sensitivity to pluriversality of be-ing and the imperative for wholistic thinking. / Psychology / D. Phil. (Psychology)

The application of the modified crude settleable dust approach as a viable asbestos mineral test method

Kwata, Maphuti Georgina 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts and keywords in English, Afrikaans, Sepedi and Sesotho / Soil and other geological materials found on the crust of the Earth are known to be rich in naturally occurring silicate minerals. Asbestos is one of the fibrous silicate minerals that was mined predominantly in some regions of Limpopo, Mpumalanga and Northern Cape provinces in South Africa. Despite the cessation of asbestos mining due to associated human health effects in 2002, there is still a concern about possible environmental exposure to asbestos fibres. A single asbestos fibre is made of millions of microscopic needle-like fibrils which break easily to produce inhalable size fractions that are reported to cause lung diseases. The main source of asbestos fibres in former mining areas is asbestos mine dumps and asbestos contaminated surface soil. Asbestos mine dumps in Limpopo Province are partially rehabilitated, while in Mpumalanga Province they are not rehabilitated and all these dumps are now under the care of government because the original owners have abandoned them. The settleable dust is the first indicator of airborne dust pollution and the rate of settleable dust rates was used to select the sites to be monitored. A pilot study was conducted to test the performance of the ASTMD1739:1998 and ASTM D 1739:1970 methods. The method was further modified and optimized to measure asbestos load in settleable dust samples. A total ten sites located around vulnerable human settlements that are in close proximity to the abandoned asbestos mine dumps were chosen in Mpumalanga and Limpopo Provinces respectively. Airborne, surface and trapped dust samples were collected once a month around human settlements that are in close proximity to the abandoned asbestos mine dumps from April 2016 to June 2017. Airborne dust samples were collected using the official settleable dust monitoring method, the general particulate matter E-sampler and the official asbestos Air-Con 2 sampler. Surface dust was collected outdoors around the settleable dust collection units using a brush and dust pan and was stored in labeled zipper bags made of plastic material. Trapped dust samples were collected using sticky tape both indoors and outdoors around the window panes, on surfaces of furniture and on windscreens of old cars and were stored in labeled closed containers. Surface soil samples were also screened with the hand held asbestos analyser before collection. The samples were extensively and carefully prepared and handled to avoid or minimize cross contamination using standard laboratory methods and were analysed using calibrated analytical instruments. An adapted method (ASTMD 1739:1970) was used to determine the presence of asbestos hazard in a form of mineral count. This method was also used for the identification of asbestos and other minerals in different dust samples using the XRD technique. Physical features of all minerals such as the shape, size and type were also determined as part of the characterization process using the SEM-EDS technique. The ASTMD1739:1998 method gave rise to higher retention of settleable dust, hence it was found to be more efficient. Unfortunately, this best performing method is not legislated or regulated by the government. This researcher concludes that the reasons could be due to the different shapes of the windshield designs (which means the different designs of windshields) at may make it difficult to standardize and control. However, this information gap provides an opportunity of a longer focused study of this method with the intention of finding a standardized windshield design that could be recommended for use in the country. Secondly, the units that had both water and algaecide gave rise to higher settleable Mpumalanga. Three exceedances of 600 mg/m2/day of residential limit regulated through National Dust Control Regulation no.28 of 2013 presented in decreasing order in Limpopo were 2724 mg/m2/day at Site E, 1638 mg/m2/day at Site D and 834 mg/m2/day at Site B in the same month of March 2017 . The XRF data of metal oxides, including these top three [Si(IV)O2, Fe2(III)O3 and Al2(III)O3], confirm the dominance of silicate minerals in surface dust samples from both provinces. The XRD mineralogy data from filtered settleable dust show the dominance of the amphibole asbestos particulates ranging from 18 to 56 % in Limpopo province and 2.0 to 3.0 % in Mpumalanga province. Low presence of serpentine minerals with the highest being 2.0 % and 7.0 % in Limpopo and Mpumalanga provinces respectively. About 8.0 to 43 % of amphibole asbestos minerals were measured on trapped dust in Limpopo together with zero detection of serpentine. No asbestos minerals were detected on trapped dust from Mpumalanga, despite the close proximity of the unrehabilitated asbestos mine dumps All airborne asbestos fibres that were captured on the filter substrates were a bove the limit value of 100 f/mL of air. The highest airborne asbestos fibre and concentration counts m easured were 40 fibres and 0, 00434 f /mL concentration in October 2017 at Site A. The second highest fibre count concentration was measured in June with 0,00287 f/mL at Site A in September 2017 and 0,01085 f/mL at the Site D in June 2017 monitoring sites. Again, the highest in June 2017 with 0,00125 f/mL for Site A for Limpopo Province. In Mpumalang a the lowest asbestos fibre concentration which are be low the OHSA no. 39 of 1993 and MDHS 39/ 4, 1995 0.1 f/mL and 100 f/mL However, from the safety perspective all asbestos fibres or minerals inhaled are a hazard to human health. The study established that the adapted asbestos mineral count method succeeded in identifying and quantifying the asbestos minerals that existed in the settleable dust samples from the study areas. These outcome s were successfully validated with the test undertaken using both the officially (Air Con 2 sampler) and unofficial (E sampler) recognized method of asbestos fibre count. The adapted mineral count method provides the research community with an alternative, cost effective and user friendly method of analysis. Also, the validation method s gave additional new information. Of a total of 120 of ex- posed filter papers used in the official asbestos fibre Air Con 2 sampler, 28 filters had positive presence of asbestos fibres, making it 23 collection efficiency And of the 100 exposed filt er papers used in for E samplers, only 8% collection efficiency was recorded. The results means that the official asbestos fibre Air Con 2 sampler has 23 more collection efficiency than the general particulate matter E sampler for air- borne asbestos monitoring. The impact of these results could also be that a general particulate matter high volume sampler c ould still be used for asbestos fibre monitoring in the absence of a specific and selective Air Con 2 sampler, as long as the user appreciates abo ut 23 collection deficiency. These findings go a long way in helping to make air quality research domain accessible. Since the ASTM D1739:1998 method has been found to perform better than the officially recognized method, this study recommends that the regulators of air quality in the country consider it. But, the method will first require some improvement and standardization particularly the different wind shield designs before it could be officially accepted as the method of collection and analyses for settleable dust. It is hoped that the air quality research community will take up the challenge. / Grond en ander geologiese materiale wat op die aardkors aangetref word, is bekend dat hulle ryk is in silikaatminerale wat natuurlik voorkom. Asbes is een van die veselagtige silikaatminerale wat hoofsaaklik in sommige streke van die Limpopo, Mpumalanga en Noord-Kaap Provinsies in Suid-Afrika ontgin is. Ondanks die staking van asbesmynbou in 2002 as gevolg van gepaardgaande gesondheidseffekte op mense, is daar steeds kommer oor moontlike blootstelling aan asbesvesels in die omgewing. 'n Enkele asbesvesel bestaan uit miljoene mikroskopiese naaldagtige vesels wat maklik breek om partikels van inasembare grootte te produseer wat volgens berigte longsiektes veroorsaak. Die belangrikste bron van asbesvesels in voormalige myngebiede is asbesmynhope en besmette asbesoppervlakgrond. Asbesmynhope in Limpopo Provinsie word gedeeltelik gerehabiliteer, terwyl hulle in Mpumalanga Provinsie nie gerehabiliteer word nie, en al hierdie mynhope is nou onder die regering se toesig omdat die oorspronklike eienaars die mynhope verlaat het. Die neerslagbare stof is die eerste aanduiding van stofbesoedeling in die lug en is gebruik om die terreine wat gemoniteermoet word, te kies. 'n Loodsstudie is uitgevoer om die prestasie van die ASTMD1739:1998 en ASTMD1739:1970 metodes te toets. In die loop van die studie is 'n amptelike ASTMD1739:1970 metode gebruik en toegepas vir die versameling van neerslagbare stofmonsters. In Mpumalanga en Limpopo Provinsies respektiewelik is daar altesaam tien (10) terreine gekies rondom kwesbare menslike nedersettings wat naby die verlate asbesmynhope geleë is. Stofmonsters in die lug, oppervlak en wat vasgevang is, is een keer per maand versamel vanaf April 2016 tot Junie 2017 rondom menslike nedersettings in die nabyheid van die verlate asbesmynhope. Stofmonsters in die lug is versamel volgens die amptelike neerslagbare stofmoniteringsmetode, die E monsternemer en die Air-Con 2 monsternemer. Oppervlakstof is buite met behulp van 'n kwas en stofpan rondom die neerslagbare stofopvangeenhede opgevang en is in gemerkte ritsakke van plastiekmateriaal geberg. Stofmonsters wat vasgevang is, is met behulp van kleeflint, binne en buite, om vensterruite, op meubeloppervlaktes en op voorruitte van ou motors versamel, en is in gemerkte geslote houers geberg. Oppervlakgrondmonsters is ook voor versameling met die draagbare asbesanaliseerder gefilter. Die monsters is breedvoerig en sorgvuldig voorberei en hanteer om kruisbesmetting tot ‘n minimum te beperk deur gebruik te maak van standard laboratoriummetodes en is ontleed met behulp van gekalibreerde analitiese instrumente. 'n Aangepaste metode is gebruik om die teenwoordigheid van asbesgevaar in 'n vorm van mineraaltelling te bepaal. Hierdie metode is ook gebruik vir die identifisering van asbes en ander minerale in verskillende stofmonsters met behulp van die XRD tegniek. Die fisiese kenmerke van alle minerale soos die vorm, grootte en tipe is ook bepaal as deel van die karakteriseringsproses met behulp van die SEM-EDS tegniek. Die ASTMD1739:1998 metode het gelei tot 'n hoër retensie van neerslagbare stof, en daarom is gevind dat dit doeltreffender is. Ongelukkig word hierdie metode wat die beste presteer nie deur die regering gewettig of gereguleer nie. Hierdie navorser kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat die redes kan wees as gevolg van die verskillende vorms van die voorruitontwerpe wat dit moeilik kan maak om dit te standaardiseer en te beheer. Hierdie inligtingsgaping bied egter 'n geleentheid tot 'n langer gefokusde studie van hierdie metode met die doel om 'n gestandaardiseerde voorruitontwerp te vind wat aanbeveel kan word vir gebruik in die land. Tweedens het die eenhede wat beide water en alge-suurwater gehad het, gelei tot 'n hoër neerslagbare stof in Mpumalanga Provinsie. Drie oorskrydings wat in dalende volgorde in Limpopo aangebied is, was 2724 mg/m2/dag op perseel E, 1638 mg/m2/dag op perseel D en 834 mg/m2/dag op perseel B in dieselfde maand van Maart 2017. Die XRF data van metaaloksiede, met inbegrip van hierdie top drie [Si(IV)O2, Fe2(III)O3 en Al2(III)O3], bevestig die oorheersing van silikaatminerale in oppervlakstofmonsters van beide provinsies. Die XRD mineralogiedata van gefiltreerde, neerslagbare stof toon die oorheersing van die amfibool asbesdeeltjies wat wissel tussen 18 en 56 % in Limpopo Provinsie en 2.0 en 3.0 % in Mpumalanga Provinsie. Daar is ‘n lae teenwoordigheid van serpentynminerale met die hoogste onderskeidelik 2.0 % en 7.0 % in die Limpopo en Mpumalanga Provinsies onderskeidelik. Ongeveer 8.0 tot 43 % van die amfibool asbesminerale is op vasgevangde stof in Limpopo gemeet, tesame met geen opsporing van serpentyn. Geen asbesminerale is opgespoor in die vasgevangde stof van Mpumalanga nie, ondanks die nabyheid van die ongerehabiliteerde asbesmynhope. Alle asbesvesels in die lug wat op die filtersubstrate vasgelê is, was bo die grenswaarde van 100 f/mL lug. Die hoogste asbesvesel en konsentrasietellings in die lug gemeet, was 40 vesels en 'n konsentrasie van 2.083 f/mL in Oktober op Terrein A. Die volgende hoogste veseltellingkonsentrasie is in Junie gemeet met 6.590 f/mL op die Terrein A en 5.272 f/mL op die Terrein D moniteringsterreine. In Mpumalanga was die hoogste asbesveselkonsentrasie 2.190 f/mL in Junie en 2.083 f/mL in November op Terrein D. Uit ‘n veiligheidsperspektief is alle asbesvesels of minerale wat ingeasem word egter 'n gevaar vir die mens se gesondheid. Die studie het vasgestel dat die aangepaste asbesmineraaltellingmetode daarin geslaag het om die asbesminerale wat in die neerslagbare stofmonsters uit die studiegebiede bestaan te identifiseer en te kwantifiseer. Hierdie uitkoms is suksesvol bekragtig met die toets wat onderneem is met behulp van die amptelik erkende metode vir die telling van asbesvesel. Die aangepaste mineraaltellingmetode bied aan die navorsingsgemeenskap 'n alternatiewe, koste-effektiewe en gebruikersvriendelike ontledingsmetode. Aangesien daar gevind is dat die ASTMD1739:1998 metode beter presteer as die amptelik erkende metode, beveel hierdie studie aan dat die reguleerders van luggehalte in die land dit oorweeg. Maar die metode sal eers verbetering en standaardisering verg, veral die verskillende windskermontwerpe voordat dit amptelik aanvaar kan word as die metode om neerslagbare stof te versamel en te ontleed. Daar word gehoop dat die gemeenskap wat luggehalte navors die uitdaging sal aanpak. / Mabu le dišomišwa tše dingwe tša bothutaswika tše di hwetšagalago bokagodimo ba Lefase di tsebja di e na le diminerale tše dintši tša tlhago tše di diragalago ka tlhago. Marela ke e ngwe ya diminerale tše di nago le dimela tše di ntši kudu tše di bego di epšwa kudu mafelong a mangwe a diphrofentshe "diphrofentsheng tša Limpopo, Mpumalanga le North Cape Afrika Borwa. Le ge go feditšwe go epšwa marela ka lebaka la ditlamorago tše amanago le maphelo a batho ka 2002, go na le pelaelo malebana le go utullwa ga malwetši a marela. Fibre ke ye ngwe ya marela ye e dirilwego ka maekrosekopiki tše dimilione tše di ka senyegago bonolo go tšweletša khemobonolo yeo e hlamago malwetši a mafahla. Sehlodikgolo sa malwetši a marela mafelong a mathomo ao go bego go le meepo ke sekoti sa marela le mabu a ka godimo ga marela. Dikoti tša meepo ya Marela Phrofentsheng ya Limpopo di mpšhafaditšwe ka tsela ye itšego, eupša Phrofentsheng ya Mpumalanga ga se tša mpšhafatšwa gomme mafelo a ka moka a laolwa ke mmušo gobane beng ba tšona ba di tlogetše. Lerole le ka rarollwago ke sešupopele sa tšhilafalo ya moya e dirwago ka moya gomme se be se šomišwa go kgetha mafelo ao a loketšwego go hlokomelwa. Go ile gwa dirwa tekolo ya go leka tšhomo ya mekgwa ya ASTMD1739: 1998 le ASTM D 1739: 1970. Ge re ntše re tšwela pele ka thuto, go šomišitšwe mokgwa wa semmušo wa ASTM D1739: 1970 gomme wa šomišwa lebakeng la go kgoboketša sampole ya lerole e ka rarollwago. Mafelo a lesome (10) a hweditšwe kgauswi le bodulo ba batho bjo bo lego kotsing ka dikoti tša meepo ya marela di ile tša kgethwa diphrofentsheng tša Mpumalanga le Limpopo ka go latelana. Disampole tša moya tša ka godimo ga lefase, godimo le tše di khutilego di ile tša kgoboketšwa ga tee kgweding kgauswi le bodulo ba batho tše di bego kgauswi kudu le dikoti tša meepo ya marela go tloga ka la 2016 Mopitlo go fihla ka Phupu 2017. Mehuta ya lerole ye sepetšwago ke moya e ile ya kgoboketšwa go šomišwa mokgwa wa semolao wa go tšweletša lerole, E-sampler le sampole ya Air-Con 2. Lerole la ka godimo le be le kgoboketšwa ka ntle go rarela dikarolo tša go kgoboketša lerole go šomišwa poratšhe le pane ya kota gomme le bolokelwa ka mekotleng e nago le zipper ye dirilwego ka polasetiki. Sampole ya lerole le le bego le gaeletšwe le ile la kgoboketšwa ka theipi ya go momela bokagareng le bokantle bja morumofasetere,mabotong a phahlo , le godimo ga galasebokapele dikoloing tša kgale gomme tša bolokwa ka gare ga didirišwa tšeo di makilwego. Disampolo tša mabu a ka godimo di be di hlahlobjwa gape ka mokgwa wa go kgwa ka letsogo ke mohlahlobi wa marela pele go kgoboketšwa. Disampole di be di lokišitšwe kudu ebile di dirilwe ka tlhoko go efoga tšhilafalo ka mekgwa ye tlwaelegilwego ya laporatori gomme ba e hlahloba ba šomiša didirišwa tša go hlahloba. Mokgwa o ikgethilego o šomišwa go hwetša bogona ba kotsi ya marela ka mokgwa wa palo ya diminerale. Mokgwa wo o be o šomišitšwe gape le go bošupong ba marela le diminerale tše dingwe ka gare ga disampole tše di fapanego tša lerole go šomišwa mokgwa wa XRD. Dibepegopono tša diminerale ka moka go swana le sebopego, bogolo le mohuta le tšona di be di tšewa e le karolo ya tshepetšo ya pharodipataka go bogolo le mohuta le tšona di be di tšewa e le karolo ya tshepetšo ya pharodipataka go šomišwa mokgwa wa SEM-EDS. Mokgwa wa ASTMD1739: 1998 o ile wa dira gore go bolokwe lerole le phagameng ka go fetolegago, ka gona go hweditšwe gore le šoma gabotse kudu. Ka bomadimabe, mokgwa wo o tšweletši kudu ge o ngwadišwa ke molao go mmušo. Monyakišiši wo o phetha ka gore mabaka e ka ba ka lebaka la dibopego tše di fapaneng tša meralo ya setsi sa moya se se ka dirago gore go be boima go tseba le go laola. Le ge go le bjalo, sekgoba se sa tshedimošo se fa monyetla wa go ithuta nepišo e telele ya maikemišetšo a go hwetša moralo o tiišitšwego wa moya o ka šišinywago gore o šomišwe ka nageng. Ya bobedi, diyuniti tše di bego di e na le meetsi le algaecide di ile tša tšweletša maemo a phagamego Mpumalanga Phrofentsheng. Ditekanyetšo tše tharo tše di tšweleditše ka tatelano ya taolo e fokotšegago e be e le 2724 mg/ m2/ letšatši go Site E, 1638 mg / m2/ letšatši go Site D le 834 mg/ m2/ letšatši go Site B kgweding ye tee ya Hlakola 2017 Dintlha tša XRF tša di-oxide tša tšhipi, go akaretša tše tše tharo tša godimo [Si (IV) O2, Fe2 (III) O3 le Al2 (III) O3], di tiiša boleng bo phagameng ba diminerale tša silrate mehuteng ya lerole ye e tšwago diphrofentsheng ka bobedi. Dintlha tša XRD tša mineralogy tše di tšwago leroleng le tšhilafatšong di ka tšewa di bontšha phelo ya marela ya amphibole go tloga go 18 go iša go 56% phrofentsheng ya Limpopo le 2.0 go iša go 3.0% phrofentsheng ya Mpumalanga. Bogonatlase ba diminerale tša serpentine tše phagameng ka go fetišiša e le 2.0% le 7.0% diphrofentsheng tša Limpopo le Mpumalanga ka go latelana. Go lekana 8.0 go iša go 43% ya diminerale tša marela tše lekantšwego di ile tša lekanywa leroleng le ageeletšwego ka Limpopo gammogo le go utullwa ga serpentine. Ga go na diminerale tša marela tše di hweditšwego leroleng le ageeletšwego le tšwago Mpumalanga, le ge e le kgauswi kgauswi le dikoti tša mope wa maraba wa marela se a mpšhafatšwago. Mehuta ka moka ya moya ya marela ye e bego e swerwe ka gare ga moya o bego o Mehuta ka moka ya moya ya marela ye e bego e swerwe ka gare ga moya o bego o le ka godimo wa boleng ba moya wa 100 f /mL. Mohuta o phagamego go fetišiša wa moya wa marela le dipalo tša mahlorišo a lekantšwego e be e le tše 40 le bogolo ba 2.083 f /mL ka Diphalane go Site A. Tekanyomahloriš e latelago ya fiber e lekantšwe Phupu ka 6.590 f /mL go Site A le 5.272 f /mL Site D mafelong a tlhahlobo. Nageng ya Mpumalanga, di-fibre tša marela tše phagamego ka go fetišiša e be e le 2.190 f / mL ka Phupu le 2.083 f /mL ka Dibatsela go Site D. Le ge go le bjalo, go latela ponego ya tšhireletšo, fibre ka moka tša marela goba diminerale tše di hengwago di kotsi maphelong a botho. Boithuto bo bo utullotše gore mokgwa wo lekantšwego wa marela o bontšhitšwegošupo o atlegile go kgetholla le go hlakola diminerale tša marela tše di bego di le gona ka gare ga disampolo tša lerole le tšwago mafelong a boithuto. Sephetho se se netefaditšwe katlego le tlhahlobo ye e dirilwego e šomišwago mokgwa wo amogetšwego ke molao wa marela fiber. Mokgwa o lekantšwego wa diminerale o thuša setšhaba sa dinyakišišo ka mokgwa o mongwe wa tlhahlobo ye e šongwago, gabotse e bile ye botho. Go tloga go mokgwa wa ASTM D1739: 1998 o hweditšwe o šoma gabotse go feta mokgwa wo amogetšwego ke molao, thuto ye e šupetša gore balaodi ba boleng ba moya nageng ba e nagane. Empa, mokgwa wo o tla hloka mpšhafatšo le maemo pele kudu meralo ye fapaneng ya thebe ya moya pele e ka amogelwa ke molao e le mokgwa wa go kgoboketša le go sekaseka lerole le le ka rarolwago. Re tshepa gore setšhaba sa dinyakišišo tša boleng ba moya se tla tšea bothata bo. / Mobu le lisebelisoa tse ling tsa jioloji tse fumanehang bokaholimo ba Lefatše li tsejoa li na le liminerale tse ngata tsa tlhaho tse etsahalang ka tlhaho. Asbestos ke e 'ngoe ea liminerale tse nang le silika e ngata e neng e chekoa haholo libakeng tse ling tsa liprofinse tsa "liprofinse tsa Limpopo, Mpumalanga le North Cape Afrika Boroa. Leha ho felisoa morafo oa asbestos ka lebaka la litlamorao tse amanang le bophelo bo botle ba batho ka 2002, ho ntse ho na le ts'oenyeho mabapi le ho pepesetsoa ha tikoloho likhoele tsa asbestos. Fiber e le 'ngoe ea asbestos e entsoe ka likhoele tse limilione tse kang nale tse tsoang habonolo ho hlahisa likaroloana tse sa bonoeng tse tlalehang libaka-mafuamatšo. Mohloli o ka sehloohong oa likhoele tsa asbestos libakeng tseo pele e neng e le tsa meepo ke lithako tsa asbestos le mobu o silafetseng oa asbestos. Likotlo tsa merafo ea Asbestos Profinseng ea Limpopo li nchafalitsoe ka tsela e itseng, athe Profinseng ea Mpumalanga ha e nchafatsoe 'me libaka tsena kaofela li laoloa ke mmuso hobane beng ba tsona ba ba lahlile. Lerōle le ka rarolloang ke letšoao la pele la tšilafalo ea moea e tsoang ka moea mme le ne le sebelisetsoa ho khetha libaka tseo li lokelang ho-shebelloa. Ho ile ha etsoa boithuto ba ho leka ts'ebetso ea mekhoa ea ASTMD1739: 1998 le ASTM D 1739: 1970. Ha re ntse re tsoela pele ka thuto, ho sebelisitsoe mokhoa oa semmuso oa ASTM D1739: 1970 'me oa sebelisoa bakeng sa ho bokella sampole ea lerōle e ka rarolloang. Sebaka sa libaka tse leshome (10) tse fumanehang haufi le bolulo ba batho ba tlokotsing tse haufi le libaka tse lahliloeng tsa meepo ea asbestos li ile tsa khethoa liprofinseng tsa Mpumalanga le Limpopo ka ho latellana. Lisampole tsa moea tse ka holim'a lefatše, holimo le tse patiloeng li ile tsa bokelloa hang ka khoeli ho potoloha libaka tsa bolulo tsa batho tse haufi haholo le libaka tse lahliloeng tsa moepo oa asbestos ho tloha ka Mmesa 2016 ho fihlela ka Phuptjane 2017. Mefuta ea lerōle e tsamaisoang ke moea e ile ea bokelloa ho sebelisoa mokhoa oa semolao oa ho hlahisa lerōle, E-sampler le sampole ea Air-Con 2. Lerōle le kaholimo le ne le bokelloa ka ntle ho potoloha likarolo tsa ho bokella lerōle le sebelisa brashi le pane ea patsi mme le bolokiloe ka mekotleng e nang le zipper e entsoeng ka thepa ea polasetiki. Mehlala ea lerōle e neng e tšoasehile e ile ea bokelloa ho sebelisoa theipi e khangoang ka tlung le kantle kahare ho lifensetere, ka holim'a thepa ea ka tlung le lifensetereng tsa likoloi tsa khale 'me li bolokiloe ka har'a lisebelisoa tse koetsoeng. Meetso ea mobu e kaholimo le eona e ile ea hlahlojoa ka letsoho le ts'oaroang ka asbestos pele ho pokello. Mehlala e ne e hlophisitsoe haholo ebile e entsoe ka hloko ho qoba ho silafatsa kapa ho fokotsa tšilafalo ea tšebeliso ea mekhoa e tloaelehileng ea laboratori mme e ile ea hlahlojoa ho sebelisoa lisebelisoa tsa tekanyetso. Mokhoa o ikhethileng o sebelisitsoe ho fumana ho ba teng ha kotsi ea asbestos ka mokhoa oa palo ea liminerale. Mokhoa ona o ne o boetse o sebelisoa bakeng sa ho khetholla asbestos le liminerale tse ling ka har'a disampole tse fapaneng tsa lerōle ho sebelisoa mokhoa oa XRD. Litšobotsi tsa 'mele tsa liminerale tsohle tse kang sebopeho, boholo le mofuta le tsona li ne li nkuoa e le karolo ea ts'ebetso ea sebopeho ho sebelisa mokhoa oa SEM-EDS. Mokhoa oa ASTMD1739: 1998 o ile oa etsa hore ho bolokoe lerōle le phahameng ka ho fetelletseng, ka hona ho fumanoe hore le sebetsa hantle haholo. Ka bomalimabe, mokhoa ona o atlehileng ka ho fetisisa ha o ngolisoe ke molao kapa 'muso. Mofuputsi enoa o phethela ka hore mabaka a ka ba teng ka lebaka la sebopeho se fapaneng sa meralo ea setsi sa moea se ka etsang hore ho be thata ho tseba le ho laola. Leha ho le joalo, lekhalo lena la tlhaiso-leseling le fana ka monyetla oa ho ithuta ho tsepameng molemong oa mokhoa ona ka sepheo sa ho fumana moralo o tiisitsoeng oa moea o ka khothalletsoang hore o sebelisoe ka har'a naha. Ya bobedi, diyuniti tse neng di na le metsi le algaecide li ile tsa hlahisa maemo a phahameng a ho tsetsahala Mpumalanga. Litekanyetso tse tharo tse fanoeng ka tatellano ea taolo e fokotsehang e ne e le 2724 mg/ m2/ letsatsi ho Site E, 1638 mg /m2/ letsatsi ho Site D le 834 mg / m2/letsatsi ho Site B ka khoeli e tšoanang ea Hlakubele 2017. Lintlha tsa XRF tsa li-oxide tsa tšepe, ho kenyelletsa tsena tse tharo tse holimo [Si (IV) O2, Fe2 (III) O3 le Al2 (III) O3], li tiisa boleng bo phahameng ba liminerale tsa silrate mefuteng ea lerōle e tsoang liprofinseng ka bobeli. Lintlha tsa XRD tsa mineralogy tse tsoang lerōleng le ts'ilafatsoang li ka nkuoa li bonts'a phello ea asbestos ea amphibole ho tloha ho 18 ho isa ho 56% profinseng ea Limpopo le 2.0 ho isa ho 3.0% profinseng ea Mpumalanga. Boteng bo tlase ba liminerale tsa linoha tse phahameng ka ho fetisisa e le 2.0% le 7.0% liprofinseng tsa Limpopo le Mpumalanga ka ho latellana. Hoo e ka lerōleng le ts'oaroang ho la Limpopo hammoho le ho sibolloa ha noha. Ha ho na liminerale tsa asbestos tse fumanoeng lerōleng le tsubelletsoeng le tsoang Mpumalanga, leha ho le haufi le marang-rang a litopo tsa asbestos tse sa ntlafatsoang. Mefuta eohle ea moea e kang asbestos e neng e hapiloe kahare ho moea o ne o le kaholimo ho boleng ba moea oa 100 f /mL. Mofuta o phahameng ka ho fetisisa oa moea oa asbestos le lipalo tsa mahloriso tse lekantsoeng e ne e le likhoele tse 40 le boholo ba 2.083 f /mL ka Mphalane ho Site A. Khakanyo e latelang ea fiber fiber e latelang e lekantsoe ka Pherekhong ka 6.590 f /mL ho Site A le 5.272 f /mL setsing D libaka tsa tlhahlobo. Naheng ea Mpumalanga, li-fiber tsa asbestos tse phahameng ka ho fetisisa e ne e le 2.190 f /mL ka Phuptjane le 2.083 f /mL ka Pulungoana ho Site D. Leha ho le joalo, ho latela pono ea ts'ireletso, likhoele tsohle tsa asbestos kapa liminerale tse kentsoeng li kotsi bophelong ba motho. Boithuto bo fumane hore mokhoa o lekantsoeng oa "asbestos" o ntlafalitsoeng o atlehile ho tseba le ho hlakisa liminerale tsa asbestos tse neng li le teng ka har'a mehlala ea lerōle e tsoang libakeng tsa boithuto. Sephetho sena se netefalitsoe ka katleho le tlhahlobo e entsoeng e sebelisang mokhoa o amohetsoeng ka molao oa asbestos fiber count. Mokhoa o lekantsoeng oa liminerale o thusa sechaba sa lipatlisiso ka mokhoa o mong oa tlhahlobo o sebetsang, o sebetsang hantle ebile o sebelisang botsoalle. Ho tloha ha mokhoa oa ASTM D1739: 1998 o fumanoe o sebetsa hantle ho feta mokhoa o amohetsoeng ka molao, thuto ena e khothaletsa hore batsamaisi ba boleng ba moea naheng ba e nahane. Empa, mokhoa ona o tla hloka ntlafatso le maemo pele haholo mealo e fapaneng ea thebe ea moea pele e ka amoheloa ka molao e le mokhoa oa ho bokella le ho sekaseka lerōle le ka rarolloang. Re tšepa hore sechaba sa lipatlisiso tsa boleng ba moea se tla nka bothata bona. / Environmental Science / Ph. D. (Environmental Sciences)

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