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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Using Multi-criteria analysis and GIS to determine the brown bear denning habitat : a case study in Sånfjället National Park, Sweden

Jia, Yanjing, Liu, Zihan January 2011 (has links)
Human disturbance as the main factor influencing the habitat of brown bear (Ursus arctos) has occurred frequently with the development of human society. How to reduce and prevent the conflict between human and brown bears is considered as an important question for brown bear conservation, management and public safety. Sånfjället National Park has one of the densest bear populations in Sweden. Many tourists are attracted to visit bears each year. Through this study, the most possibility brown bear denning habitat in Sånfjället National Park was determined by using Multi-Criteria Analysis. A customized habitat distribution map generator was programmed within the Microsoft Visual Basic® for Applications (VBA) in ArcGIS. Three themes were designed in the map generator, i.e., the human impact emphasis weighted, neutral weighted themes and customized weighted theme. Customized weighted theme was produced for user discovering denning habitat results with user-defined weights. Comparing the final maps generated from the human impact emphasis weighted and neutral weighted themes, human influence concentrated in the south area of the National Park. The trails near Sveduterget should be changed to avoid human disturbance in the bear denning period.

Miesto gyvenamojo rajono pastatų priežiūros efektyvumo didinimas / Increment of buildings' maintenance efficiency in Urban residential district

Vilutienė, Tatjana 12 July 2004 (has links)
Research object is arranging maintenance process of the buildings of the housing estate of the city. During the research there was analyzed the efficiency of the activity of the subjects of building maintenance, macro- and micro-environmental factors, affecting building maintenance, criteria, influencing the quality of the activity of building maintenance, interest groups of the maintenance process, their objectives and possibilities to achieve them. The research aims are establishing a complex model of multi-criteria analysis of building maintenance, embracing real estate, analysis of the factors, affecting the efficiency of real estate maintenance, of the subjects, utilizing and holding the property, and of their objectives.

Research and modeling of the recent vertical movements of the Earth’s Сrust on the basis of geodetic measurements (samples on Lithuanian territory) / Dabartinių vertikaliųjų žemės plutos judesių tyrimas ir modeliavimas taikant geodezinius matavimus (Lietuvos teritorijos pavyzdžiu)

Anikėnienė, Asta 09 March 2009 (has links)
The thesis deals with the studies on the velocities of the recent vertical movements of the Earth’s Crust by applying correlation, regression and multi-criteria analysis of geo-parameters of the territory. The objective of the research involves the regularities of the recent vertical movements of the Earth’s Crust, the relationship with the geo-parameters of the territory, models of forecasting for movements and methodology of compiling maps on the vertical movements of the Earth’s Crust. The experimental subject matter is the territory of Lithuania. The major task of the thesis is to work out the method for estimation and modelling of the recent vertical movements of the Earth’s Crust measured by applying geodetic methods and to implement the suggested method for compilation of the map of the recent vertical movements of the Earth’s Crust within the territory of Lithuania. In order to achieve the determined target, the following tasks were solved: 1) there were determined the values of the measured recent vertical movements of the Earth’s crust from the data of the repeated levelling; 2) there were examined the regularities of the change of the recent vertical movements of the Earth’s Crust; 3) there was investigated and determined the relationship of the measured recent vertical movements of the Earth’s Crust and geo-parameters of the territory; 4) there were analysed the possibilities of application regressive models for forecasting regarding recent verticals movements of... [to full text] / Disertacijoje nagrinėjami dabartiniai vertikalieji Žemės plutos judesių greičiai taikant teritorijos georodiklių koreliacinę, regresinę ir daugiakriterinę analizę. Pagrindinis tyrimo objektas – dabartinių vertikaliųjų Žemės plutos judesių dėsningumai, sąsajos su teritorijos georodikliais, judesių prognozavimo modeliai ir vertikaliųjų Žemės plutos judesių žemėlapio sudarymo metodika. Eksperimentinis objektas – Lietuvos teritorija. Pagrindinis disertacijos tikslas – parengti geodeziniais metodais išmatuotų dabartinių vertikaliųjų Žemės plutos judesių modeliavimo bei vertinimo metodiką ir ją taikant sudaryti Lietuvos teritorijos dabartinių vertikaliųjų Žemės plutos judesių žemėlapį. Siekiant įgyvendinti užsibrėžtą tikslą, išspręsti šie uždaviniai: 1) remiantis kartotinių niveliacijų duomenimis, nustatytos išmatuotų dabartinių Žemės plutos judesių reikšmės; 2) ištirti dabartinių vertikaliųjų Žemės plutos judesių kaitos dėsningumai; 3) ištirtos ir nustatytos išmatuotų dabartinių vertikaliųjų Žemės plutos judesių ir teritorijos georodiklių sąsajos; 4) išnagrinėtos regresinių modelių taikymo dabartiniams vertikaliesiems Žemės plutos judesiams prognozuoti galimybės ir parengtos rekomendacijos juos taikyti sudarant vertikaliųjų Žemės plutos judesių žemėlapius; 5) įvertinti dabartinių vertikaliųjų Žemės plutos judesių regresiniai prognozavimo modeliai taikant daugiakriterinės analizės metodiką; 6) taikant pasiūlytą metodiką, sudarytas Lietuvos teritorijos dabartinių vertikaliųjų Žemės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Pol?ticas p?blicas florestal e de prote??o ? biodiversidade em prol da APA do Alto do Mucuri

Pereira, Janaina Mendon?a 18 October 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Raniere Barreto (raniere.barros@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-04-13T18:54:46Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) janaina_mendon?a_pereira.pdf: 5685433 bytes, checksum: e0beea54bf71016f5159bbeb314bd3d2 (MD5) / Rejected by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br), reason: Verificar keywords e ag?ncia financiadora on 2018-04-20T15:04:26Z (GMT) / Submitted by Raniere Barreto (raniere.barros@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-05-15T18:58:49Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) janaina_mendon?a_pereira.pdf: 5685433 bytes, checksum: e0beea54bf71016f5159bbeb314bd3d2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-05-15T19:47:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) janaina_mendon?a_pereira.pdf: 5685433 bytes, checksum: e0beea54bf71016f5159bbeb314bd3d2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-15T19:47:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) janaina_mendon?a_pereira.pdf: 5685433 bytes, checksum: e0beea54bf71016f5159bbeb314bd3d2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016 / A ?rea de Prote??o Ambiental (APA) do Alto do Mucuri apresenta consider?veis remanescentes florestais de Mata Atl?ntica e tem sofrido intensa press?o antr?pica, principalmente por desmatamentos e queimadas. Esse conflito florestal poder? ser equacionado e atender aos interesses da sociedade atrav?s da implementa??o de eficientes pol?ticas p?blicas. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se sistematizar informa??es ambientais e correlacionar as mesmas com as pol?ticas p?blicas florestal e de prote??o ? biodiversidade. No estudo foram considerados para an?lise multicrit?rio o uso e cobertura do solo, a declividade, a densidade de drenagem, o tamanho de fragmentos florestais, dist?ncia dos corpos d??gua e crit?rios hidrogeol?gicos, que foram analisados atrav?s da metodologia de combina??o linear ponderada. Os crit?rios foram correlacionados com as pol?ticas p?blicas florestal e de prote??o ? biodiversidade propostas pela lei estadual, associadas ? restaura??o ecol?gica, conserva??o e prote??o ? biodiversidade, e produ??o sustent?vel. A utiliza??o de crit?rios hidrogeol?gicos no presente estudo ? uma inova??o em an?lises multicrit?rios para defini??o de ?reas priorit?rias para a conserva??o e recupera??o ambiental. A an?lise multicrit?rio realizada no presente estudo, atrav?s do m?todo de combina??o linear ponderada, permitiu a integra??o de diferentes crit?rios, que em conjunto, podem ajudar na tomada de decis?o de institui??es relacionadas ao ordenamento desse territ?rio. Muitos desses crit?rios se analisados de forma isolada, podem levar a a??es e pol?ticas que n?o correspondem a complexidade da regi?o e consequentemente podem n?o ser t?o efetivas quanto o necess?rio. Constatou-se que a regi?o possui alta sensibilidade ambiental quanto aos recursos h?dricos, por apresentar ?reas com altas declividades e alta densidade de drenagem, distribu?das em todo o territ?rio. Al?m disso, apresenta ?reas com ?guas e pacotes sedimentares superficiais que necessitam de cobertura florestal para manuten??o da estabilidade. Em conjunto, esses fatores indicam baixa capacidade de infiltra??o da ?gua e favorecimento ao escoamento superficial, prejudicando o balan?o h?drico da bacia hidrogr?fica. Desta forma, conclui-se que a regi?o possui alta depend?ncia de vegeta??o nativa e, portanto, demanda a??es que potencializem o aumento da cobertura florestal e a produ??o sustent?vel. Atrav?s da implementa??o de pol?ticas p?blicas adequadas ? realidade deste territ?rio, com plena participa??o social, ser? poss?vel proporcionar uma chance de real concilia??o entre a conserva??o das esp?cies, habitats e servi?os ecossist?micos, e o desenvolvimento econ?mico e social, numa das regi?es mais fr?geis do Estado de Minas Gerais. As estrat?gias de conserva??o e restaura??o ecol?gica, bem como de produ??o e uso sustent?vel, devem buscar abordagens integradoras, atrav?s da articula??o de iniciativas j? existentes, assim como do desenvolvimento de novas solu??es, adaptadas ? realidade local e regional, sobretudo com vistas ? prote??o dos recursos naturais e produ??o sustent?vel na APA do Alto do Mucuri. / Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Tecnologia, Sa?de e Sociedade, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2016. / The Environmental Protection Area (APA) of Higth Mucuri River presents considerable forest remnants of the Atlantic Forest, and has suffered intense anthropic pressure, mainly by deforestation and fires. This forest conflict can be equated and serve the interests of society through the implementation of efficient public policies. In this work, the objective was to systematize environmental information and correlate them with forest public policies and biodiversity protection. In the study, the use and coverage of soil, declivity, drainage density, size of forest fragments, distance of water bodies and hydrogeological criteria were analyzed using a weighted linear combination methodology. The criteria were correlated with the forest public policies and biodiversity protection proposed by state law, associated with ecological restoration, conservation and protection of biodiversity, and sustainable production. The use of hydrogeological criteria in the present study is an innovation in multicriteria analyzes to define priority areas for conservation and environmental recovery. The multicriteria analysis performed in the present study, using the weighted linear combination method, allowed the integration of different criteria, which together can help in the decision making of institutions related to the planning of that territory. Many of these criteria, if analyzed in isolation, can lead to actions and policies that do not correspond to the complexity of the region and therefore may not be as effective as necessary. It was verified that the region has high environmental sensitivity regarding water resources, since it presents areas with high slopes and high density of drainage, distributed throughout the territory. In addition, it presents areas with water and surface sedimentary packages that need forest cover to maintain stability. Taken together, these factors indicate low water infiltration capacity and favoring surface runoff, damaging the water balance of the watershed. In this way, we conclude that the region has high dependence on native vegetation and, therefore, demands actions that increase the forest cover and sustainable production. Through the implementation of public policies appropriate to the reality of this territory, with full social participation, it will be possible to provide a real reconciliation between the conservation of species, habitats and ecosystem services and economic and social development in one of the most fragile regions of the State of Minas Gerais. Ecological conservation and restoration strategies, as well as production and sustainable use, should seek integrative approaches, through the articulation of existing initiatives, as well as the development of new solutions, adapted to the local and regional reality, especially with a view to protecting the Natural resources and sustainable production in The Environmental Protection Area of Higth Mucuri River.

Fragilidade ambiental da APA Corumbatai-Botucatu-Tejupá (perímetro Botucatu, SP, Brasil) na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Capivara / Environmental fragility of protected area Corumbatai-Botucatu-Tejupa (Botucatu perimeter, Sao Paulo State, Brazil) in Capivara river watershed

Traficante, Daniela Polizeli [UNESP] 30 May 2016 (has links)
Submitted by DANIELA POLIZELI TRAFICANTE null (danitrafi@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-07-20T20:56:58Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE_DANIELA_POLIZELI_TRAFICANTE_FINAL.pdf: 5700982 bytes, checksum: 574d95ef6bd8236d9455dd83084b731a (MD5) / Rejected by Ana Paula Grisoto (grisotoana@reitoria.unesp.br), reason: Solicitamos que realize uma nova submissão seguindo a orientação abaixo: O arquivo submetido não contém o certificado de aprovação. A versão submetida por você é considerada a versão final da dissertação/tese, portanto não poderá ocorrer qualquer alteração em seu conteúdo após a aprovação. Corrija esta informação e realize uma nova submissão contendo o arquivo correto. Agradecemos a compreensão. on 2016-07-22T19:17:12Z (GMT) / Submitted by DANIELA POLIZELI TRAFICANTE null (danitrafi@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-07-22T19:23:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE_DANIELA_POLIZELI_TRAFICANTE_FINAL.pdf: 5997602 bytes, checksum: ea9909299260c59527c5b837c91b4a69 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Paula Grisoto (grisotoana@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-07-22T19:45:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 traficante_dp_dr_bot.pdf: 5997602 bytes, checksum: ea9909299260c59527c5b837c91b4a69 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-22T19:45:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 traficante_dp_dr_bot.pdf: 5997602 bytes, checksum: ea9909299260c59527c5b837c91b4a69 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-05-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A intensificação do uso agrícola e pecuário desrespeitando a aptidão do solo bem como a inadequação do planejamento urbano, e os impactos da poluição difusa em áreas de alta vulnerabilidade natural tem ocasionado relevante mudança na dinâmica funcional de uma bacia hidrográfica, interferindo na qualidade hídrica dos mananciais superficiais e subterrâneos, demonstrando sua fragilidade mediante a exploração desordenada dos recursos naturais. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar a fragilidade ambiental da APA Corumbataí-Botucatu-Tejupá (Perímetro Botucatu) na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Capivara inserida em área de afloramento do Sistema Aquífero Guarani adotou-se a metodologia baseada no uso de geotecnologias utilizando planos de informação como o uso da terra, solos, declividade e geologia, no intuito de atestar a hipótese se a bacia está protegida pela APA. Estes atributos foram combinados utilizando álgebra de mapas através da técnica da combinação linear ponderada em que cada um deles foi considerado um fator condicionante à fragilidade ambiental. A normalização dos fatores se deu através das classes de fragilidade com notas variando de um a cinco, de muito baixa à muito alta, respectivamente, e a determinação dos pesos pelo método do Processo Hierárquico Analítico. Os resultados indicaram que a BHRC apresentou altos índices de fragilidade, em 90,4% de sua área total, tendo o uso da terra ocupado pelas áreas de pastagens degradadas como o maior vetor de pressão para estes elevados índices. Somente 9,6% da área total da bacia foram classificadas com baixos índices de fragilidade onde estão as áreas com cobertura florestal (Floresta Estacional Semidecidual, Cerradão, transição Floresta Estacional Semidecidual/Cerradão, Cerrado, mata ciliares, eucalipto e as áreas de várzea) fragmentadas por toda a extensão da bacia. Estes índices acompanham a Zona de Conservação Hídrica 1, Zona de Conservação do Patrimônio Natural e a Zona Agrosilvopastoril da APA proporcionando alta fragilidade e aumentando a vulnerabilidade ao Sistema Aquífero Guarani em detrimento ao escoamento superficial provocado por processos erosivos. A análise da fragilidade ambiental representou um importante instrumento ao planejamento ambiental, pois identificaram-se vetores que fornecerão subsídios ao fortalecimento das delimitações propostas pelo plano de manejo da APA. De fato, a Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Capivara, em área de afloramento do Sistema Aquífero Guarani, não está protegida pela APA. Porém, o desafio sugere que lidar com instrumentos ecossistêmicos significa enfrentar inúmeros níveis de complexidade na análise integrada de uma bacia hidrográfica resultando em contribuições ambientais mais efetivas para o incremento da gestão de áreas protegidas e recursos hídricos. / The intensification of agricultural and livestock use disrespecting soil fitness and inadequate urban planning, and the impacts of diffuse pollution in high natural vulnerability areas has caused significant change in the functional dynamics of a watershed, affecting the water quality of surface and groundwater sources, showing its fragility by uncontrolled exploitation of natural resources. The aimed of this study was identify the environmental fragility of the protected area Corumbataí-Botucatu-Tejupá (Botucatu perimeter) in Capivara River Watershed inserted in the outcrop area of the Guarani Aquifer System adopted the methodology based on the geotechnologies using information layers as land use, soil, slope and geology, in order to test the hypothesis that this watershed is protected by the protected area. These attributes are combined using algebra maps through weighted linear combination technique in which each of them a conditioning factor to the environmental fragility. The standardization factors was given through the fragility classes with notes ranging from one to five, very low to very high, respectively, and the determination of weights by the Analytical Hierarchy Process method. The results indicated that the Capivara River Watershed showed high levels of fragility, in 90.4% of total area, and the land use occupied by degraded pastures as the greatest pressure vector for these high rates. Only 9.6% of the basin total area were classified as low fragility indices, which are the areas with forest cover (Semideciduous Forest, transition by Semideciduous Forest/ Savana Forest, Brazilian Savana, Riparian Forest, Eucalyptus Forest and Lowland Areas) fragmented throughout the basin. These indices follow the Hydric Conservation Zone 1, Natural Heritage Conservation Zone and the Agricultural Forestry and Pasture Zone of the protected area providing high fragility and increasing vulnerability to the Guarani Aquifer System over the runoff caused by erosion. The analysis of environmental fragility represented an important tool in environmental planning, as identified vectors that provide grants to strengthen the boundaries proposed by the protected area management plan. Indeed, the protected area does not protected the watershed. The challenge suggests that dealing with ecosystem instruments means facing many levels of complexity in the integrated analysis of a watershed resulting in effective environmental contributions to increase the management of protected areas and water resources.

Análise multiescala multicritério do desempenho energético-ambiental brasileiro / Multi-scale multi-criteria analysis of the brazilian energetic environmental performance

Pereira, Lucas Gonçalves 20 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Enrique Ortega Rodriguez / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T20:14:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pereira_LucasGoncalves_D.pdf: 3815596 bytes, checksum: da4afe640538859bcfe945a267dd855d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Tendências de crescimento econômico têm sido observadas tanto para o mundo como para o Brasil. No entanto, para se analisar o desempenho de um sistema, é fundamental contabilizar todos os fluxos de energia e material, o uso e a ocupação da terra, a taxa de uso de recursos renováveis e não renováveis, o bem estar social, e não só parâmetros econômicos. O presente estudo segue a visão segundo a qual, o uso de uma seleção de metodologias de avaliação do desempenho energético-ambiental apresenta resultados robustos, uma vez que os diferentes indicadores obtidos funcionam de maneira complementar. Foram aplicados os métodos de Avaliação Emergética, Análise de Energia Incorporada, Mochila Ecológica, Inventário de Emissões Indiretas, e Pegada Ecológica para o caso do Brasil em 2008, além do estado de São Paulo e do município de Campinas, em razão da importância para a economia nacional. Uma discussão acerca da relevância dos métodos selecionados foi feita e concluiu-se que a metodologia emergética é a mais robusta por lidar também com os aspectos econômicos e contabilizar as contribuições da natureza para os sistemas avaliados, porém é a que apresenta mais inconsistências devido à falta de padronização dos cálculos e de fatores de conversão confiáveis. A aplicação da metodologia à série história do Brasil demonstrou que o desempenho ambiental vem piorando de 1981 a 2008: a Renovabilidade caiu de 82 % para 45 %, a ELR subiu de 0,21 para 1,12, o ESI passou de 74,17 para 5,70 e a fração importada de emergia subiu de 6 % para 16 %. Por outro lado, no mesmo período, o PIB per capita aumentou de US$ 3.760 para US$ 9.355. Em 2008, verificou-se que o PIB per capita foi maior para Campinas com US$ 14.217, seguido por São Paulo com US$ 13.587. O estado e o município apresentaram alta dependência de recursos externos (91 % e 99 %) e baixa capacidade de suporte (0,08 e 0,04). Campinas apresentou valores per capita inferiores à média brasileira para materiais abióticos e para o Potencial de Aquecimento Global (GWP), e valores próximos em termos da demanda de água. O estado de São Paulo, por sua vez, apresentou valores muito superiores para esses indicadores se comparados aos outros dois casos. No entanto, o estado tem a maior participação na economia nacional com mais de 30 % do PIB do Brasil e é responsável por exportar grandes quantidades de produtos e energia para os outros estados. A riqueza econômica de Campinas não está associada a aspectos produtivos e de energia, e sim a uma economia baseada em serviços (polo de ensino e alta tecnologia), que ainda não são devidamente contabilizados pelas metodologias aplicadas. De uma maneira geral, foi possível perceber que os indicadores econômicos e os ambientais caminham em direções opostas, ou seja, o crescimento econômico está associado a um aumento do consumo e da demanda por materiais e energia, e consequente dependência por recursos não renováveis externos. Nesse sentido, o modelo de crescimento econômico acelerado proposto pelo governo federal deveria ser revisto tendo como ponto de partida um desenvolvimento baseado em menor consumo, maior preservação e recuperação das áreas florestais naturais, menor dependência de recursos estrangeiros e maior valorização dos produtos e dos recursos locais / Abstract: Economic growth tendencies have been observed for the world as well as for Brazil. However, in order to assess the performance of a system, it is important to account for all the energy and material flows, the use and the occupation of land, the use of renewable and nonrenewable resources, the social wellbeing, and not only economic parameters. This study follows the view according to which, the use of a selection of methodologies to evaluate the energetic environmental performance presents robust results, once the various indicators work in a complementary way. The following methods were applied: Emergy Evaluation, Embodied Energy Analysis, Ecological Rucksack, Indirect Emissions Inventory and Ecological Footprint to the case of Brazil in 2008, besides the state of Sao Paulo and the municipality of Campinas, due to their importance to the national economy. The relevancy of the selected methods was discussed and conclusion is that the emergy methodology is the most robust one for dealing with economic aspects as well as accounting for the contributions from nature to the systems. However it is the most inconsistent method due the lack of standardized calculations and trustful conversion factors. The evaluation applied to a historical series have shown that the environmental performance have been worsening from 1981 to 2008: Renewability has dropped from 82 % to 45 %, ELR increased from 0.21 to 1.12, ESI decreased from 74.17 to 5.70 and the emergy imported fraction rose from 6 % to 16 %. On the other hand, in the same period, the GDP per capita increased from US$ 3,760 to US$ 9,355. In 2008, the GDP per capita for Campinas was the highest with US$ 14,217 followed by Sao Paulo with US$ 13,587. The state of Sao Paulo and the municipality of Campinas presented high dependency on imported resources (91 % and 99 %) and low carrying capacity (0.08 and 0.04). However, Campinas has presented lower values that the national average for abiotic materials and GWP, and close values in terms of water demand. The state of Sao Paulo has the highest share of the national economy with over 30 % of the Brazilian GDP and it is responsible for large amounts of exported products and energy to other states. The economic wealth of Campinas is not associated with productive or energetic aspects, but with an economy based on services (center of learning and development of new technologies), which are not yet accounted by the applied methodologies. Generally, it is possible to observe that economic and environmental indicators tend to evolve in opposite directions, in other words, the economic growth is associated with an increase on the consumption and on the demand of materials and energy, and consequent dependency on nonrenewable imported resources. In this sense, the accelerated economic growth model proposed by the current Brazilian federal government should be reviewed having as basis the development based on low consumption, increased preservation and recuperation of natural forest areas, lower dependency on foreign resources and higher appreciation for local products and resources / Doutorado / Engenharia de Alimentos / Doutor em Engenharia de Alimentos

Optimalizace konstrukce zvedače dutinky spřádacího stroje / Optimalization construction tube lifter of spinner machine

Jeník, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The first part of this thesis describes the current technologies of mechanical spin-ning. This is a ring, rotor and air-jet spinning. The product of spinning machines is yarn, the basic material for production textile. The next section describes in detail the current state of the node manipulator lifter tube on spinning machine TORNADO J20, by concern RIETER. It describes the structure, kinematics, duty cycle and requirements for the manipulator. The following optimization options which are described more options for solutions of individual functions of the manipulator, on the end is selected by multi-criteria analysis. The best solution that is elaborate in the next section. The author has created 3-D model optimized lifter tube. Positioning mechanism maintains the current kinematics, it is very similar. But gripper was designed as a passive, thus reduce the load positioning mechanism. Optimization was performed primarily to reduce overall production costs and to reduce weight manipulator. The conclusion is a comparison of current and new solutions. There are also eco-nomic recovery to.

Studie obchvatu Valašského Meziříčí / The study bypass Valasske Mezirici

Horka, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is to elaborate the search study of the west four-line bypass of the town of Valašské Meziříčí. The reasons for constructing the bypass are to divert heavy transit traffic, to increase safety in the town and to reduce the negative impacts of transport. Road is designed as a category R21,5/100. Three Seven direction solutions were designed of which one was chosen by multi-criteria analysis for further solution.

Preliminary design and multi-criteria analysis of solutions for widening an existing concrete bridge : Case of the Bridge of Chaillot in Vierzon (France)

Fline, Pierre January 2011 (has links)
Europe experienced the destruction of numerous infrastructures during World War II, followed by a reflation and a strong economic growth during the next two decades allowing a more perennial and durable situation. A classical bridge lasting in general around 80 years, one should observe that these constructions built after the war will have to be either replaced either seriously strengthened in a few years. Besides, since the needs also vary over time, transportation infrastructures built during those years might not be adapted to the actual needs anymore – some bridges might thus have to be widened. A case study has been chosen in order to simulate under which conditions the widening of such a bridge can be performed. This road bridge, located in Vierzon in France, is rather simple since it is made of simply supported prestressed concrete beams and of reinforced concrete piers. It has been chosen in particular for its reduced size – three spans of 30 m each and two road lanes – that corresponded well to this project. Based on some data provided when the bridge was initially built and on a visual inspection, this project suggests six technical solutions to double the actual amount of lanes. An evaluation of the performance of the solutions according to three criteria – durations of works, cost of the works, and environmental impact – is made in order to give recommendations regarding the optimal solution. The results show that in spite of being installed quickly, adding steel beams is more expensive and has a greater impact on the environment than adding prestressed concrete beams. Regarding the modification of piers, the solution suggesting widening the existing piers is preferable than adding new extra piers according to all the criteria. Consequently, among all the solutions analysed, the optimal one is also the simplest one. Finally, the limits of the study and some suggestions for improvements are indicated.

Interdisciplinary and interspatial discrepancies in urban planning : a multi-actor-multi-criteria analysis of the effects of densification on accessibility and sustainability

van der Ham, Jelmer January 2022 (has links)
Density has increasingly been used as a strategy by urban planners to increase accessibility and urban sustainability. Particularly, it has been opted as a tool to achieve sustainable development goal 11 ‘inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable cities and human settlements’. Though densification is considerably impactful in realising resource efficiency and transport benefits, its effects are too multi-lateral to be used as a linear tool to realise accessibility and sustainability. This is both caused by the assume d knowledge-practice gap between academics and urban planners, as well as the complexity of interspatial collaboration between local and global practitioners. Particularly, the universal application of sustainable development goal 11 and the top-down approaches to evaluate performance in achieving sustainability hinder strategic interspatial integration. Fostering interspatial and interdisciplinary collaboration would require establishing a holistic indicator framework that acts as a foundation for contextualised project appraisal. Relevant topics were identified and validated by expert opinion to establish such an operationalised indicator framework that could be used as a foundation for practitioners to evaluate the effects of densification projects on accessibility and sustainability. To identify what topics planning actors across spatial scales (i.e., local, regional, and national)and between disciplines (i.e., academia and practice) value differently, the priorities of topics presented in the indicator list were compared by various stakeholders from the Greater Gothenburg region. Comparing priorities and identifying disparities was done using the methodological framework of the Analytical Hierarchy Process. More specifically, a multi-actor-multi-criteria analysis was used to compare priorities. The differences between responses showed that the gap between knowledge and adaptation might be smaller than initially suspected. Differences in priorities between planning actors across spatial scales shows interspatial discrepancies in mainly the valuation of public transport, urban services, and biodiversity conservatio n. Furthermore, notable differences in prioritisation by singular actors illustrate the need to qualitatively inquire certain topics further, including the role of inter-urban employment on transport networks, the incorporation of social factors in quantitative appraisal, the capacity of small municipalities to incorporate contextualised biodiversity conservation, and the role of a varied accommodation supply on metropolitan housing shortage.

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