Spelling suggestions: "subject:"must"" "subject:"just""
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Water dwelling: a European context: Later prehistoric water dwelling in the circum-Alpine regionJennings, Benjamin 20 November 2024 (has links)
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Static analysis of numerical properties in the presence of pointersFu, Zhoulai 22 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The fast and furious pace of change in computing technology has become an article of faith for many. The reliability of computer-based systems cru- cially depends on the correctness of its computing. Can man, who created the computer, be capable of preventing machine-made misfortune? The theory of static analysis strives to achieve this ambition. The analysis of numerical properties of programs has been an essential research topic for static analysis. These kinds of properties are commonly modeled and handled by the concept of numerical abstract domains. Unfor- tunately, lifting these domains to heap-manipulating programs is not obvious. On the other hand, points-to analyses have been intensively studied to an- alyze pointer behaviors and some scale to very large programs but without inferring any numerical properties. We propose a framework based on the theory of abstract interpretation that is able to combine existing numerical domains and points-to analyses in a modular way. The static numerical anal- ysis is prototyped using the SOOT framework for pointer analyses and the PPL library for numerical domains. The implementation is able to analyze large Java program within several minutes. The second part of this thesis consists of a theoretical study of the com- bination of the points-to analysis with another pointer analysis providing information called must-alias. Two pointer variables must alias at some pro- gram control point if they hold equal reference whenever the control point is reached. We have developed an algorithm of quadruple complexity that sharpens points-to analysis using must-alias information. The algorithm is proved correct following a semantics-based formalization and the concept of bisimulation borrowed from the game theory, model checking etc.
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PCR-based DGGE identification of bacteria and yeasts present in South African grape must and wineSiebrits, Leoni 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Wine production involves complex interactions between a variety of yeasts and bacteria. Conventional microbiological methods can be used to identify the different microorganisms present in wine, but prove to be time-consuming and certain microbial species may not grow on synthetic isolation media. The aim of this study was to evaluate the microbial population present in two South African red wines, Pinotage and Merlot, as well as five spoilt commercial South African wines by using a non-culturable approach, polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). The results from the non-culturable approach were compared to conventional platings.
Unique PCR-based DGGE fingerprints were obtained for the Bacteria and yeasts present in the South African Pinotage and Merlot wines. Using yeast specific primers the Pinotage wine showed the presence of non-Saccharomyces yeasts at the beginning of the alcoholic fermentation, while Saccharomyces cerevisiae was present until the completion of the malo-lactic fermentation (MLF). This yeast was also identified during both the alcoholic fermentation and MLF of the Merlot wine using PCR-based DGGE and conventional plating. Using Bacteria specific primers, Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus sp. was identified in the Pinotage wine using PCR-based DGGE, while Lactobacillus brevis were isolated from Merlot wine using conventional platings.
Although the presence of S. cerevisiae is expected during wine fermentation, the presence of this microbe in bottled wine could lead to spoilage. Four of the spoilt commercial wine samples (RW1, RW2, RoW1 and WW1) were found to be spoilt by S. cerevisiae, while a fifth wine sample (RW3) was found to be spoilt by an Acetobacter sp. using PCR-based DGGE.
Members of the family Enterobacteriaceae were identified from all the wines using PCR-based DGGE, while Enterobacter sakazakii was identified from RW1 using PCR-based DGGE and conventional plating. The members of the family Enterobacteriaceae could possibly have contributed to the spoilage of the wine by producing undesirable secondary metabolites. PCR-based DGGE proved to be an alternative to conventional microbiological methods for the identification of the microbial species in South African red grape must and wine. This method also proved to be useful in the identification of spoilage microbes in spoilt commercial South African wines. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die produksie van rooi wyn behels komplekse interaksies tussen ‘n verskeidenheid van giste en bakterieë. Konvensionele mikrobiologiese metodes kan gebruik word om die verskillende mikro-organismes wat in rooi wyn teenwoordig is te identifiseer, maar dit blyk tydrowend te wees, terwyl sekere mikro-organismes nie groei op sintetiese media nie. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die mikrobiologiese populasie wat in twee Suid-Afrikaanse rooi wyne, Pinotage en Merlot, en vyf bederfde kommersiële wyne teenwoordig is, te evalueer met die gebruik van ‘n kultuur-onafhanklike benadering, polimerase ketting-reaksie (PKR)-gebaseerde denaturerende gradiënt jel elektroforese (DGJE). Die resultaat van die kultuur-onhafhanklike benadering was vergelyk met konvensionele uitplating tegnieke.
Unieke, ongeëwenaarde PKR-gebaseerde DGGE vingerafdrukke was verkry van die Bakterieë en giste aanwesig in die Pinotage en Merlot wyne. Deur gebruik te maak van gis-spesifieke inleiers het die Pinotage wyn die teenwoordigheid van nie-Saccharomyces giste getoon, terwyl Saccharomyces cerevisiae teenwoordig was tot en met die afhandeling van die appel-melksuur gisting (AMG). Hierdie gis is ook geïsoleer gedurende beide die alkoholiese gisting en AMG van die Merlot wyn deur gebruik te maak van PKR-gebaseerde DGGE en konvensionele uitplating tegnieke. Met Bakterieë-spesifieke inleiers, was Lactobacillus plantarum en Lactobacillus sp. geïdentifiseer in die Pinotage wyn deur gebruik te maak van PKR-gebaseerde DGGE, terwyl Lactobacillus brevis geïsoleer is uit Merlot wyn deur gebruik te maak van konvensionele uitplatings.
Alhoewel die teenwoordigheid van S. cerevisiae verwag word gedurende wynfermentasie, kan die teenwoordigheid van hierdie mikrobe in gebottelde wyn tot bederwing lei. Vier van die bedorwe kommersiële wynmonsters (RW1, RW2, RoW1 en WW1) was bederf deur S. cerevisiae, terwyl ‘n vyfde wynmonster (RW3) bederf was deur ‘n Acetobacter sp. deur die gebruik van PKR-gebaseerde DGGE.
Van al die wyne is lede van die Enterobacteriaceae familie geïdentifiseer deur gebruik gemaak te maak van PKR-gebaseerde DGGE, terwyl Enterobacter sakazakii geïsoleer is van RW1 met konvensionele uitplating. Die lede van die familie Enterobacteriaceae kon moontlik bygedra het tot die bederwing van die wyn deur ongewenste sekondêre metaboliete te produseer.
PKR-gebaseerde DGGE bewys ‘n alternatief tot die konvensionele mikrobiologiese metodes vir die identifikasie van die mikrobiese spesies in Suid-Afrikaanse rooi druif mos en wyn te wees. Hierdie metode het ook die bruikbaarheid in die identifikasie van mikrobes wat kommersiële Suid-Afrikaanse wyne bederf, bewys.
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The ochratoxin A (OTA) is a mycotoxin with nephrotoxic, nephrocarcinogenic, teratogenic and immunossupresive properties that can be found in grape juice and wine, as
well as other food groups, like cereals and oil seeds. Its occurrence in grapes and afterwards in musts and wines is due mainly to the phytosanitary conditions of grapes, besides their variety, the degree of berry maturity, physical damage, viticulture practices and climatic conditions; once the ochratoxin A is produced by strains of Penicillium and Aspergillus species. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between the phytosanitary conditions of grape and the level of ochratoxin A in white vitis vinifera musts and wines. The grapes were collected at Cooperativa Vinícola Aurora Ltda., localized in Pinto Bandeira, a district of Bento Gonçalves, RS from three varieties of white vitis vinifera (Gewürztraminer, Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc). The grapes were collected four (4)days apart from the harvest day stablished by the vineyard (day zero) up to the eighth (8) (to Gewürztraminer and Sauvignon Blanc wines) and fifteenth (15) days (Chardonnay). The maturation criteria were the º Brix and total acidity determinations. The collected amount of grape in each sample was approximately 6 Kg and three repetitions of each sampling (to each grape variety), were made. The plant s selection was randomized, by the collection of a small amount of bunches in each sample. The grape microvinification was made after the harvest. In the musts was realized the determination of pH, soluble solids (º Brix) and total acidity. In all the wine samples these physic-chemical parameters were analyzed: alcohol content, density, pH, total acidity, volatile acidity; total sugar and reduced dry stratum. The determination of ochartoxin A in musts and wines was done by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detection accordingly to the of Office International de La Vigne et Du Vin (OIV) (2001), with the use of immunoaffinity columns. Statistical analysis was performed using the program SAS for Windows 2000, version 6.11. Even presenting different conditions of sanity, neither the musts nor the wines had detectable levels of ochratoxin A. The physic-chemical analysis was in the range accepted by the legislation of wines production for beverage. / A Ocratoxina A (OTA) é uma micotoxina que possui propriedades nefrotóxicas, nefrocarcinogênicas, teratogênicas e imunossupressora que pode ser encontrada no vinho e
no suco de uva, bem como em outros grupos de alimentos, como cereais e oleaginosas. A sua ocorrência nas uvas e posteriormente nos mostos e nos vinhos, deve-se principalmente às condições fitossanitárias das uvas, além da sua variedade, grau de maturação, danos físicos do grão, práticas de viticultura e condições climáticas, uma vez que a Ocratoxina A é produzida por espécies de fungos dos gêneros Penicillium e Aspergillus. O objetivo principal do presente trabalho foi determinar a relação entre as condições fitossanitárias da uva com o teor de Ocratoxina A dos mostos e vinhos de variedades viníferas brancas. As uvas foram
coletadas na Cooperativa Vinícola Aurora Ltda., na localidade de Pinto Bandeira, do município de Bento Gonçalves, RS, a partir de três variedades de uva viníferas brancas,
Gewürztraminer, Chardonnay e Sauvignon Blanc. As uvas foram coletadas num intervalo de aproximadamente quatro em quatro (4) dias, após a data de colheita estabelecida pela
vinícola (que foi o dia zero) até o oitavo (8) dia após esta data, para as variedades Gewürztraminer e Sauvignon Blanc e até o décimo quinto dia (15) para a variedade Chardonnay. O critério de maturação foi a determinação do grau Brix e da acidez total. O volume coletado em cada amostragem foi de aproximadamente 6 Kg de uva sendo que foram feitas três repetições de cada amostragem, para cada variedade de uva. A escolha das plantas foi realizada de forma aleatória, coletando um pequeno número de cachos das plantas em cada amostragem. Posteriormente à colheita, foram realizadas as microvinificações destas uvas. Nos mostos foram realizadas as determinações de pH, sólidos solúveis (º Brix) e acidez total. Em todas as amostras dos vinhos foram analisados
parâmetros físico-químicos como: teor alcoólico; densidade; pH; acidez total e volátil; açúcares totais e extrato seco reduzido. Ocratoxina A foi determinada nos mostos e vinhos
através de Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência com detecção por fluorescência, segundo a técnica descrita pela Office International de La Vigne et Du Vin (OIV) (2001), com
o uso de colunas de imunoafinidade. Os resultados das análises dos mostos e vinhos foram avaliados estatisticamente através do programa computacional SAS for Windows 2000, versão 6.11. Tanto as amostras dos mostos como dos vinhos analisados não apresentaram teores detectáveis de ocratoxina A, mesmo sendo utilizadas uvas de diferentes condições de sanidade. Já em relação às análises físico-químicas dos mostos e dos vinhos, todas se
encontraram dentro dos limites exigidos pela legislação para a produção de vinhos ideais para consumo.
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Large-Eddy Simulation Modelling for Urban Scale / Large-Eddy Simulation in der urbanen SkalaKönig, Marcel 15 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
In this work the model ASAM is enriched with new eddy viscosity based dynamic Smagorinsky subgrid-scale models. Therefore the model is more physically based to study atmospheric flow configurations at several atmospheric scales with main focus to urban scale flow with building-resolved resolution.
The implemented dynamic procedures work well and showed good agreement to literature data. In a convective atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) the dynamic Smagorinsky coefficient reaches maximum values of 0.15 and decreases towards the surface or in stable stratified flow regimes. Vertical profiles of the Smagorinsky coefficient in a diurnal cycle of ABL depict typical behaviour of the dynamic Smagorinsky coefficient in near surface flow, free-stream, or stable stratified flow.
Furthermore a modified inflow generation approach is proposed to produce fully turbulent flow fields. To modify a mean flow turbulent fluctuations are generated by superposition of sinusoidal and cosinesoidal modes. Due to the implementation of this inflow method the model ASAM has the ability to reproduce a given wind field with information from its mean wind speed and their fluctuation energy spectrum.
The model configuration developed in this work is able to reproduce flow structure in a complex urban geometry. The Mock Urban Setting Test (MUST) experiment represent an urban roughness geometry by placing 120 shipping containers ordinary arranged in an array. The used building-resolved resolution is able to capture dynamic flow structures like specific wake flow, recirculation regions or eddy detachment. The dynamic fluctuating behaviour of the wind velocity components is reproduced by the model with regard to peak magnitudes and their temporal occurrence. Satisfying agreement is found between tracer gas dispersion field measurements and the model results by capturing the fluctuating concentration magnitude and in some extend the mean values.
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Viticulture in Rio Grande do Sul state occupies a prominent position in the national scenario, the sector accounts for about 60.2 % of the total cultivated area in the country. Vine cultivation has very important economic and social, as well as a production chain organized in the different producing regions. The aim of this study was to quantify the spatial variability of the chemical attributes of the grape must, chemical soil properties, vegetation indices and verify possible correlations between variables. The study area consisted of a vineyard with 3.09 ha of farming Bordô (Ives) grafted onto the rootstock Paulsen, located in the trough line, in the municipality of Sarandi - RS. In a mesh composed of 34 sampling points soil samples were collected in a depth range from 0 to 20 cm. Analyses were performed in the laboratory of soil analysis at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), the chemical attributes analyzed were: clay; pH in H2O; SMP, P; K; organic matter; al; Here; mg; H + Al; CTC effective; CTC pH7; Base saturation; relationship between Ca and Mg; Zn; Cu; S and B. The analysis of grape must was held in the chemistry laboratory of the Federal Institute Farroupilha campus Panambi studied enological parameters were: total soluble solids; titratable acidity and pH in organic acid. The determination of vegetation indices was carried out in situ in the 34 sampling points with use of spectroradiometer. The data were submitted to descriptive statistical analysis and Geostatistics, using the computer program for such Geoestatistics for the Environmental Sciences (GS +), Pearson correlation coefficients were determined with the aid of Excel. Analysis of the spatial variability of the data was based on the experimental semivariogram and from adjusted models interpolation was performed by ordinary Kriging, Stochastic Simulation and map algebra. Only the figures for the amount of total soluble solids showed low values other chemical attributes must show proper values. The results of soil analysis identified low concentrations of B and organic matter and high for the other attributes. From the overall analysis of the statistical dependence between variables, there was no significant correlations between the chemical properties of grape must and the other variables, unlike the segmented analysis according to the different harvest dates. The spatial dependence index of most chemical properties of soil studied was considered strong, only the attributes, Cu, Effective CTC CTC in pH7 and Clay did not present spatial dependence structure. Vegetation indices, except TVI2 showed strong spatial dependency ratio. Chemical attributes of the grape must, the concentration of soluble solids did not present spatial dependence structure, while others showed strong spatial dependence. In the result of map algebra the middle class of titratable acidity in organic acid added to middle class NDVI was representing the highest. / A viticultura no estado do Rio Grande do Sul ocupa uma posição de destaque no cenário nacional, o setor responde por aproximadamente 60,2% do total da área cultivada no país. O cultivo da videira tem grande importância econômica e social, além de uma cadeia produtiva organizada nas diversas regiões produtoras. O objetivo desse estudo foi realizar a quantificação da variabilidade espacial dos atributos químicos do mosto da uva, dos atributos químicos do solo, dos índices de vegetação e verificar as possíveis correlações entre as variáveis estudadas. A área de estudo foi composta por um vinhedo com 3,09 ha da cultivar Bordô (Ives) enxertada sobre o porta enxerto Paulsen, situado na linha Cocho, no município de Sarandi - RS. Em uma malha constituída por 34 pontos amostrais foram coletadas amostras de solo numa faixa de profundidade de 0 a 20 cm. As análises foram realizadas no laboratório de análises de solo da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), os atributos químicos analisados foram: argila; pH em H2O; Índice SMP; P; K; matéria orgânica; Al; Ca; Mg; H+Al; CTC efetiva; CTC em pH7; Saturação por bases; relação entre Ca e Mg; Zn; Cu; S e B. A análise do mosto da uva foi realizado no laboratório de química do Instituto Federal Farroupilha campus Panambi, os parâmetros enológicos estudados foram: sólidos solúveis totais; acidez total titulável em ácido orgânico e pH. A determinação dos índices de vegetação foi realizada in situ nos 34 pontos amostrais com uso de espectrorradiômetro. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística descritiva e Geostatística, utilizando-se para tal o programa computacional Geoestatistics for the Environmental Sciences (GS+), os coeficientes de correlação de Pearson foram determinados com auxílio do programa Excel. A análise da variabilidade espacial dos dados foi realizada com base nos semivariogramas experimentais e a partir dos modelos ajustados foi realizada interpolação por Krigagem ordinária, Simulação Estocástica e álgebra de mapas. Apenas os valores referentes a quantidade de sólidos solúveis totais apresentaram valores baixos os demais atributos químicos do mosto apresentaram valores adequados. Os resultados das análises de solo identificaram baixas concentrações para B e matéria orgânica e altas para os demais atributos. A partir da análise global da dependência estatística entre as variáveis estudadas, observou-se não haver correlações significativas entre os atributos químicos do mosto da uva e as demais variáveis, diferentemente da análise segmentada de acordo com as diferentes datas de colheita. O índice de dependência espacial da maioria dos atributos químicos de solo estudados foi considerado forte, apenas os atributos, Cu, CTC Efetiva, CTC em pH7 e Argila não apresentaram estrutura de dependência espacial. Os índices de vegetação, com exceção do TVI2, apresentaram índice de dependência espacial forte. Dos atributos químicos do mosto da uva, a concentração de sólidos solúveis totais não apresentou estrutura de dependência espacial, enquanto os demais apresentaram forte dependência espacial. No resultado da álgebra de mapas a classe média da acidez titulável em ácido orgânico, somada a classe média do NDVI foi a que representou o maior percentual da área.
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Desenvolvimento de processo termico otimizado para mosto de caldo de cana na fermentação alcoolica / Development of thermal process otmized for mosto sugar canes in alcoholic fermentationNolasco Junior, Jonas 23 February 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Pilar Rodriguez de Massaguer / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T02:36:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: Nesta pesquisa é proposto um processo de tratamento térmico do mosto, com máxima preservação do conteúdo em açúcares fermentescíveis (sacarose, glicose e frutose), a fim de promover a inativação térmica de seus contaminantes bacterianos e por extensão os da fermentação alcoólica. Com esse objetivo foram examinadas as cinéticas de degradação térmica da sacarose, glicose, frutose e açúcares redutores totais (ART) (110 ¿ 140ºC) e também dos esporos de B. stearothermophilus (98 ¿ 130ºC), esporulado termo-resistente contaminante típico de mosto. Todos os fatores termodegradáveis estudados apresentaram cinéticas de destruição térmicas não-lineares de forma que o índice de redução decimal (D), obtido por regressão linear, não foi representativo da velocidade de inativação térmica, e assim as cinéticas foram analisadas mediante modelos não lineares que permitiram obter as constantes de velocidade de inativação (k). Seguidamente utilizando um gráfico tipo Arrhenius a energia de ativação Ea foi determinada e o valor de z foi obtido. As curvas de sacarose remanescentes obtidas durante estudo da sua hidrólise térmica, foram ajustadas por modelos logísticos que se mostraram apropriados para descrever ombros planos e caudas finais nas curvas cinéticas. A energia de ativação e valor z obtidos foram 112,32 kJ/mol e 26,99ºC, respectivamente. Essa reação se mostrou praticamente equimolecular quanto às hexoses produzidas.
As curvas de concentração de ART vs tempo remanescentes foram ajustadas por modelos logísticos bipopulacionais, apropriados em casos em que o processo global é descrito por duas frações de compostos, as hexoses glicose e frutose, que se degradam em velocidades diferentes e apresentam ombros e caudas. Os valores de energia de ativação obtidos para a frutose e glicose foram bem próximas: 140,37 kJ/mol e 140,23 kJ/mol, respectivamente. Os valores z obtidos foram 21,59ºC e 21,61ºC. Quanto às velocidades de degradação a frutose apresentou velocidade 9 vezes maior do que a da glicose. A suspensão de esporos se mostrou heterogênea em resistência. A temperatura influenciou a forma das curvas de sobreviventes, para os esporos de B. stearothermophilus ATCC1518. Nas temperaturas mais baixas, as curvas de inativação térmica apresentaram ombro plano, passando por comportamento de modelos de frações lineares consecutivas, e finalmente na temperatura mais elevada apresentou modelo linear com eliminação da fração termo-sensível. Os valores de energia de ativação e z obtidos foram 249,52 kJ/mol e 11,48ºC, respectivamente. O processo térmico para inativação dos contaminantes do mosto foi definido após o decantador, onde foram quantificados grandes grupos microbianos em amostras coletadas de Usinas situadas em regiões de clima e umidade distintas. A concentração máxima de esporos termofílicos produtores de acidez plana foi de 9x101esporos/ml de mosto em Usina localizada em região quente e úmida enquanto um valor de 4 esporos/ml de mosto foi encontrado em Usina localizada em região de clima seco e com predominância de solo com baixa capacidade de retenção de água. Foi determinada a letalidade do processo de decantação para os contaminantes do caldo de cana e mosto através da determinação da história térmica mínima detectada no ponto mais frio de dois decantadores industriais. Baseado no tempo de residência médio e na temperatura mais fria detectada foi possível estimar que a decantação produz, em média, 4,0 x 106 reduções decimais da população de Lactobacillus fermentum e apenas 0,14 reduções decimais nos esporos de B. stearothermophilus. Baseado no conhecimento da cinética dos principais fatores termodegradáveis foi definida uma região de tratamento térmico que se extende dos 114 a 140ºC e de 3000 a 4 segundos. Graficamente essa região é um triangulo delimitado, abaixo pela reta correspondente a 5 reduções decimais dos esporos de B. stearothermophilus e acima pela reta correspondente à preservação de 98,7% dos ART do mosto. O nível de preservação de 98,7% dos ART foi escolhido pela precisão das análises usadas na determinação dos mesmos (1,3%). Qualquer processo térmico dentro dessa região será capaz de satisfazer o requisito de 5 reduções decimais dos esporos de B. stearothermophilus e preservação de 98,7% dos ART do mosto. A prática desse processo térmico implica na adoção de uma estratégia preventiva no controle da contaminação da fermentação em oposição às estratégias corretivas baseadas no uso de antibióticos que se pratica nas Usinas de Açúcar e Álcool Brasileiras / Abstract: In this research is proposed a thermal treatment process for sugar cane must with maximum retention of fermentable sugar (sucrose, glucose and fructose), to promote a thermal inactivation of its bacterial contaminants and therefore, those of alcoholic fermentation. With this objective were examined the thermo degradation kinetics of sucrose, glucose, fructose, total reducing sugars (TRS) (110 ¿ 140ºC) and also B. stearothermophilus spores (98 ¿ 130ºC), a typical thermo resistant sporulated contaminant of musts. All thermo degradable factors showed non-linear thermal destruction kinetics due to this the D value, obtained for linear regression, could not be used, thus the kinetics were reported by Arrhenius model, obtaining the reaction rates (k), Activation Energy (Ea) and the z value through out Ea values. Sucrose remaining curves obtained as a function of time during its thermal hydrolysis, were fitted by logistic models which are suitable to describe flat shoulders and ending tales in the kinetic curves. Activation Energy and z value were 112,32 kJ/mol and 26,99°C, respectively. This reaction showed to be equimolecular in regard to the produced hexoses. TRS remaining curves vs time were adjusted by logistic bipopulational models, suitable when the overall process presents two fractions, the hexoses glucose and fructose, with different degradation rates with shoulders and tales. Ea and z values for fructose and glucose were quite close: 140,37 kJ/mol, z of 21,59°C and 140,23 kJ/mol, z of 21,61°C, respectively. As far as degradation rates are concerned, fructose showed to degrade 9 times faster than glucose. Spores suspension showed heterogeneity in thermal resistance. Temperature affected the shape of survival curves for B. stearothermophilus ATCC1518 spores. At lower temperatures, it showed flat shoulder, passing through consecutive linear fraction models behaviors, and finally at higher temperatures followed linear model with elimination of the thermo-sensible fraction. Ea and z values were 249,52 kJ/mol and 11,48°C respectively. A thermal process for sugar cane must contaminant inactivation was defined after the decanter, where microbiological quantification of various microbial groups was carried out on samples from sugar cane mills located in region with different climate and humidity conditions. The maximum thermophilic flat-sour spores count was of 9 x 101 spores/ml of must and was originated from a sugar cane mill located at the warmest and most humid region, while a count of 4 spores/ml of must was found in a plant with dry climate and with soil of low capability for water retention. Decanters lethality of must contaminant was determined based on the minimum detected thermal history in two industrial equipments. Applying the average residence time with this thermal history, it was estimated that the decantation results, on average, 4,02*106 log reductions of Lactobacillus fermentum and only 0,13 log reductions in the counting of B. stearothermophilus spores. Based on the kinetic knowledge of the thermo degradable major factors it was established a thermal process region from 114 to 140C and 3000 to 4 seconds. Graphically, this region is a triangle delimited by the line for 5 log reductions of B. stearothermophilus (lower limit), and the line for 98,7% retention of the must TRS. This preservation level was adopted considering the accuracy of the sugar analysis methodology (1,3%). Any thermal process within this region will be able to satisfy the requirement of 5 log reductions for B. stearothermophilus and 98,7% retention of must TRS. The implementation of this thermal process implies in the adoption of a preventive strategy in the contamination control of the fermenting process, opposite to the corrective strategies currently applied based on antibiotics, which is common practice in Brazilian Sugar Canes mills / Mestrado / Ciência de Alimentos / Mestre em Ciência de Alimentos
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We have to trust them, but they must also know... : A corpus-based investigation of the core modal must and the emerging modals have to and have got to in newspapers and social media by SwedesRilling, Teresa January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine to what extent Swedish writers, who write in English, use the modals must, have to and have got to. The hypothesis being tested argues that the core modal must is not being challenged by the emerging modals have to and have got to in this non-native variety of English. The objective of this thesis is to be accomplished by attempting to answer the following research questions: 1) What is the frequency and usage of the English modals must, have to and have got to in the material? 2) How do the frequencies in the Swedish material compare with the frequencies in the British and American corpora and to the previous studies? 3) How do the Swedish writers use the modals with regard to epistemic and deontic meaning? The study is corpus based, and the corpora used consist of Swedish newspapers in English (SWENC) and material from blogs and tweets which are written in English by Swedes (SESMC). These are compared with the press sub-corpora in BE06 (the British 2006 corpus of CQP web at Lancaster) and in AE06 (the American 2006 corpus of CQP web at Lancaster), which represent British and American native varieties of English. The method is quantitative and the results are presented after the process of normalization. The results show that must, have to and have got to are used in SWENC and SESMC although, to greatly varying degrees. The core modal must is more frequently used in the Swedish corpus than in the British and American sub-corpora. The emerging modal have to is used more frequently than must in all three corpora. The second emerging modal have got to is very seldomly used. Additionally, a qualitative examination of the modals and their meanings reveal that the writers in SWENC and SESMC use the older modal must alongside the newer have to and newest modal have got to, but with a preference for a toned-down style of language. The conclusion drawn is that the core modal must is indeed being challenged by the emerging modal have to even in the non-native variety of English.
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Nitrogênio em videira: Recuperação, acumulação e alterações na produtividade e na composição da uva / Nitrogen in grapevine: recovery, acumulation and alterations in the yeld and grape compositionBrunetto, Gustavo 20 February 2008 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The rate of nitrogen (N) in grapevines in the Rio Grande do Sul (RS) State, Southern Brazil, is established considering N content in leaves or leaves petioles and yield expectation limits. Once N fertilization needs have been diagnosed, the N is applied in indefinite times. However, N fertilization
recommendations don t consider the impact of N fertilization in the yield, the consequences on grape composition and the contribution of N of crop residues to mineral nutrition of grapevines. The objective of this work was to estimate the recovery and accumulation of N in grapevines and the effect in the yield and grape composition. Three studies were carried on. Study 1, recovery, distribution and accumulation of N fertilizer was studied, in Cabernet Sauvignon grapevines, located at Bento Gonçalves city, area of the Serra Gaúcha (experiment 1), and Santana do Livramento city, area of the Campanha (experiment 2), in RS, Southern Brazil. In the experiment 1 and 2 the plants were fertilized with 15N in four forms and, when grapes were mature, plants were fractionated, oven-dried, weighted and analysed for total N
and 15N enrichment. Study 2, grape yield and composition of grapevines treated with different amounts of N were studied, in the vineyards of the Study 1. Grapes were collected when ripe and yield was evaluated. Must soluble solids, pH, total acidity, tartaric acid, malic acid, total phenols, anthocyanins
and N ammonia were evaluated in part of the berries. The remaining berries were triturated and total N, P, K, Ca and Mg were evaluated. Study 3, decomposition and nutrient release by aerial organs of Lolium perenne (LP) and Trifolium repens (TR) (experiment 1), and grapevines uptake of the N
derived from decomposing material (experiment 2) were studied in Chardonnay grapevines located at the experimental Station of the University of Bologna, Italy. In experiment 1, 2 g (DW) of 15N-labelled litter of LP and TR were placed into litter bags which were placed on the vineyard soil surface.
Collection of bags LP and TR was performed 8 (June) and 16 (August) weeks from the deposition. Remaining biomass, 15N, N, C, P, K, Ca, Mg and S concentrations were determined. In experiment 2, 30 g plant-1 of dry litter of LP and TR were placed on the herbicided soil under the grape plants.
Grapevine leaves were collected 8 and 16 weeks from litter deposition; after 16 weeks, one year (including bunches) and two years shoots were collected, oven-dried, weighted and analysed for total N and 15N enrichement. Results showed that the absorbed N is distributed and accumulated especially in leaves and that most of the N found in the plant was not derived from the fertilizers but from the organic matter
already present in the soil. However, N fertilization increased grape yield in the Serra Gaúcha grapevines. The rate can be split 25% at the beginning of bud burst + 25% at bud burst + 25% at flowering + 25% at growth berries; 50% at the beginning of bud burst + 50% at bud burst and 50% at
flowering + 50% at growth berries. Moreover, N fertilization altered the grape composition, especially decrease the amount of anthocyanins. LP and TR residues decomposed at the same rate, but nutrient release was different between the two species and varied according with mineral element. The
amount of N that grapevines recovered from the decomposing litter was low and similar for LP and TR residues. / No Rio Grande do Sul (RS), a dose de nitrogênio (N) para a videira é definida a partir do seu teor total na folha inteira ou no pecíolo, e na expectativa de produção. Quando diagnosticada a necessidade de aplicação, recomenda-se o seu parcelamento em épocas incertas. Entretanto, essa
recomendação não infere informações sobre o impacto do N aplicado na produção e na composição da uva. Também não se considera a contribuição do N dos resíduos de plantas de cobertura depositados na superfície do solo. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a recuperação e
acumulação de N em videiras e seu efeito na produtividade e na composição da uva e do mosto. Foram conduzidos três estudos: Estudo 1, realizado para estimar a recuperação, distribuição e a acumulação de N aplicado ao solo pela videira. Esse foi composto por dois experimentos: Experimento 1, implantado em um vinhedo de Cabernet Sauvignon na Embrapa Uva e Vinho, Bento Gonçalves (RS), e o experimento 2, instalado na Empresa Pernod Ricard Brasil/Almadén, Santana do Livramento (RS). Nos experimentos 1 e 2 as videiras foram submetidas à aplicação de uma dose de
N com 3% de átomos de 15N, em quatro modos de parcelamento. Na maturação da uva, as plantas foram colhidas, fracionadas, secas, determinada a matéria seca (MS) e analisado os totais de N e 15N. O Estudo 2 foi realizado para avaliar a produtividade e a composição da uva e do mosto, em videiras submetidas à aplicação de N. O Estudo 2 foi formado por dois experimentos: Experimento 1,
implantado no vinhedo do experimento 1 do Estudo 1, as videiras receberam cinco doses de N e o experimento 2, instalado no vinhedo do experimento 2 do Estudo 1, as videiras foram submetidas à aplicação de seis doses de N. Nos experimentos 1 e 2 a uva foi colhida, determinada a produção e no seu suco avaliado os sólidos solúveis totais, o pH, a acidez total, o ácido tartárico e málico, os polifenóis totais, as antocianinas e o N amoniacal. Além disso, na baga foram analisados os totais de N, P, K, Ca e Mg. O Estudo 3 foi realizado para determinar a contribuição de N derivado da
decomposição de resíduos de azevém (Lolium perenne) e trevo branco (Trifolium repens) para a videira. Esse compreendeu dois experimentos instalados em vinhedo de Chardonnay, em Bologna, Itália. No experimento 1, os resíduos de azevém perene e de trevo branco foram colocados no interior de bolsas teladas e depositados no solo. Ao longo do ciclo das videiras as bolsas teladas foram coletadas, determinada a MS remanescente e analisado os totais de 15N, N, C, P, K, Ca, Mg e S. No experimento 2, os resíduos das espécies foram colocados na superfície do solo e na maturação da uva as videiras foram colhidas, fracionadas, secas, determinado a MS e analisado os totais N e 15N.
Os resultados obtidos mostram que o N adicionado e absorvido no ano é distribuído e acumulado, preferencialmente, nas folhas, mas a maior parte do N presente na videira é derivada de outras formas, que não a do fertilizante. Entretanto, existe aumento na produção quando da aplicação de N na Serra Gaúcha, podendo a dose ser parcelada 25% no início da brotação+25% na brotação+25% na floração+25% no crescimento das bagas; 50% no início da brotação+50% na brotação e 50% na floração+50% no crescimento das bagas. A aplicação de N altera a composição
da uva, especialmente, diminui a quantidade de antocianinas no mosto. Os resíduos de azevém perene e trevo branco depositados na superfície do solo são decompostos com a mesma taxa no ciclo vegetativo e produtivo da videira, porém liberam nutrientes em taxas diferentes. No entanto, isso
tem pouca importância, pois as plantas recuperam porcentagens pequenas e iguais de N derivado dos resíduos das duas espécies.
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Fund Our Future & Fees Must Fall : En komparativ fallstudie om två studentprotesterOlsson Sandberg, Kajsa, Boudassou Báez, Nicole January 2017 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att se hur sociala rörelser och stater interagerar, samt hur dialogen ser ut inom respektive part. Frågeställningarna som syftar till att fånga det är således; Hur ser relationen mellan sociala rörelser och stater ut, och hur påverkar var sidas val av strategier motpartens handlingsmönster? Samt; Vilka interna strategier inom kampanj respektive stat är mest framträdande? För att undersöka det har två kampanjer valts ut, Fees Must Fall i Sydafrika och Fund Our Future i Storbritannien. Vidare har nyhetsartiklar valts från sammanlagt nio av ländernas mest lästa nyhetstidningar. Fyra teoretiska ingångar fått vägleda analysarbetet; radical flank effect, symbolic damage, protest policing och eventful protest. Dessa är alla analytiska verktyg som hjälper oss förstå de mångfacetterade dimensionerna som existerar parallellt inom sociala rörelser och statens arbete. Den samlade tidigare forskningen har utforskat specifika delar av de nämnda begreppen, men däremot har aspekternas samverkande förmåga inte tidigare studerats. Studiens resultat visar att våldsamma aktioner ofta leds av radikala demonstranter. Dessa leder ofta inte enbart till stor medial uppmärksamhet, utan kan beroende på kontext förändra sociala rörelser och statens interna strategiska struktur. Det innebär även att fredliga aktioner ofta hamnar i skymundan, vilket bidrar till att befästa uppfattningen om att våld krävs för att sociala rörelsers syfte ska synas. Även stater kan uppleva sig nödgade att använda våldsamma strategier i mötet med demonstranter. Vidare visar resultaten på att det finns en interaktiv dynamik mellan kampanjer och stater, som även visar på aktörskap inom respektive part.
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