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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ground-based near-infrared remote sounding of ice giant clouds and methane

Tice, Dane Steven January 2014 (has links)
The ice giants, Uranus and Neptune, are the two outermost planets in our solar system. With only one satellite flyby each in the late 1980’s, the ice giants are arguably the least understood of the planets orbiting the Sun. A better understanding of these planets’ atmospheres will not only help satisfy the natural scientific curiosity we have about these distant spheres of gas, but also might provide insight into the dynamics and meteorology of our own planet’s atmosphere. Two new ground-based, near-infrared datasets of the ice giants are studied. Both datasets provide data in a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that provides good constraint on the size of small scattering particles in the atmospheres’ clouds and haze layers. The broad extent of both telescopes’ spectral coverage allows characterisation of these small particles for a wide range of wavelengths. Both datasets also provide coverage of the 825 nm collision-induced hydrogen-absorption feature, allowing us to disentangle the latitudinal variation of CH4 abundance from the height and vertical extent of clouds in the upper troposphere. A two-cloud model is successfully fitted to IRTF SpeX Uranus data, parameterising both clouds with base altitude, fractional scale height, and total opacity. An optically thick, vertically thin cloud with a base pressure of 1.6 bar, tallest in the midlatitudes, shows strong preference for scattering particles of 1.35 μm radii. Above this cloud lies an optically thin, vertically extended haze extending upward from 1.0 bar and consistent with particles of 0.10 μm radii. An equatorial enrichment of methane abundance and a lower cloud of constant vertical thickness was shown to exist using two independent methods of analysis. Data from Palomar SWIFT of three different latitude regions.

Dynamique des anneaux et des satellites planétaires : application aux arcs de Neptune et au système Prométhée-Pandore

Renner, Stéfan 18 November 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse porte tout d'abord sur la dynamique des satellites co-orbitaux. En généralisant le problème des points de Lagrange, des résultats sur l'existence de configurations stationnaires ont été obtenus. Pour N co-orbitaux de masses arbitraires et négligeables devant celle du corps central, l'existence de points d'équilibre dépend de la parité de N. Si N est impair, alors quelles que soient les séparations angulaires entre les satellites, il existe toujours un ensemble de masses qui réalise un équilibre. L'ensemble des solutions physiquement réalistes (masses positives) se restreint à un sous-domaine de séparations angulaires. Pour N pair, des conditions supplémentaires sont à vérfier. Le cas N = 3 est traité globalement, en donnant l'ensemble des solutions d'équilibre et leur stabilité. Pour N > 3, des méthodes numériques sont présentées. Ces résultats ont permis d'élaborer un modèle de confinement des arcs de Neptune compatible avec les dernières observations (Dumas et al., 1999; Sicardy et al., 1999b; de Pater et al., 2004) : les arcs sont piégés entre des petits satellites co-orbitaux (de rayons inférieurs à environ 5 km) en équilibre stable dans l'anneau Adams. La stabilité du système, soumis aux perturbations du satellite Galatéa, a été testée numériquement avec succès. Un scénario de l'origine et de l'évolution d'un tel système est proposé. Dans un deuxième volet, la dynamique de Prométhée et Pandore est examinée. Des observations HST récentes (French et al., 2003) ont révélé des variations brutales et anti-corrélées en moyen mouvement, qui proviennent d'une interaction chaotique entre les deux satellites (Goldreich et Rappaport, 2003a), et qui sont causées par la superposition de 4 résonances de moyen mouvement 121 :118 (Goldreich et Rappaport, 2003b). Nous confirmons ici numériquement le mouvement chaotique en incluant les perturbations des satellites principaux de Saturne. Les masses de Prométhée et Pandore ont été déterminées par ajustement des simulations numériques aux données HST, et correspondent à des masses volumiques moyennes de l'ordre de 0.5 g/cm3. Des éphémérides pour Prométhée et Pandore, durant la mission Cassini autour de Saturne, sont déduites de ces ajustements. Finalement, des simulations à long terme semblent indiquer que Prométhée et Pandore transfèrent du moment cinétique aux satellites co-orbitaux Janus et Epiméthée, augmentant ainsi le temps de vie du système Prométhée-Pandore.


Lian, Yuan January 2009 (has links)
The giant planets exhibit banded zonal jet streams that have maintained theirstructures over decades. There are long-standing questions: how deep the windstructures extend? What mechanisms generate and maintain the observed winds?Why are the wind structures so stable? To answer these questions, we performedthree-dimensional numerical simulations of the atmospheric flow using the primitiveequations.First, we use a simple Newtonian cooling scheme as a crude approach to gener-ate atmospheric latitudinal temperature differences that could be caused by latentheating or radiation. Our Jupiter-like simulations show that shallow thermal forcingconfined to pressures near the cloud tops can produce deep zonal winds from thetropopause all the way down to the bottom of the simulated atmosphere (a fewhundred bars). These deep winds can attain speeds comparable to the zonal jetspeeds within the shallow, forced layer; they are pumped by Coriolis accelerationacting on a deep meridional circulation driven by the shallow-layer eddies.Next, we explicitly include the transport of water vapor and allow condensationand latent heating to occur whenever the water vapor is supersaturated. Our simu-lations show that large-scale moist convection associated with condensation of watervapor can produce multiple zonal jets similar to those on the gas giants (Jupiterand Saturn) and ice giants (Uranus and Neptune). For plausible water abundances(3-5 times solar on Jupiter/Saturn and 30 times solar on Uranus/Neptune), oursimulations produce about 20 zonal jets for Jupiter and Saturn and 3 zonal jetson Uranus and Neptune. Moreover, these Jupiter/Saturn cases produce equatorialsuperrotation whereas the Uranus/Neptune cases produce equatorial subrotation,consistent with the observed equatorial jet direction on these planets. Sensitiv-ity tests show that the water abundance is the controlling factor; modest waterabundances favor equatorial superrotation, whereas large water abundances favorequatorial subrotation. This provides a possible mechanism for the existence ofequatorial superrotation on Jupiter and Saturn and the lack of superrotation onUranus and Neptune.

Onshore/offshore structure of the Northern Cascadia subduction zone from Bayesian receiver function inversion

Brillon, Camille 01 May 2012 (has links)
This study applies Bayesian inversion to receiver functions (RF) to estimate local shear wave velocity (Vs) structure of the crust and upper mantle beneath two ocean bottom seismometers (OBS) offshore, and two land-based seismometers onshore Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. We use passive seismic data recorded on NC89, a permanent NEPTUNE (North-east Pacific Time-series Undersea Networked Experiments) OBS located on the continental slope, and on a temporary autonomous KECK foundation OBS, KEBB, located at the Endeavour segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge (JdFR). The two land based seismometers (OZB and PGC) are located on Vancouver Island and are part of the Canadian National Seismograph Network (CNSN). The introduction of NEPTUNE has helped to fill a gap in offshore seismic monitoring, however; due to high noise levels and a relatively short deployment time, few useful events have been recorded (to date) for RF analysis. In this study, we utilize three-component, broadband recordings of large (M6+), distant (30 -100 degrees) earthquakes to compute RFs due to locally generated P (compressional) to S (shear) converted waves. RFs are then inverted using a non-linear Bayesian approach which yields optimal profiles of Vs, Vp (compressional wave velocity), and strike and dip angles, as well as rigorous uncertainty estimates for these parameters. Near the JdFR a thin sediment layer (<1 km) is resolved overlying a 2 km thick oceanic crust. The crust contains a large velocity contrast at the depth of an expected axial magma chamber. The oceanic crust thickens to 10 km at the continental slope where it is overlain by 5 km of sediments. At the coastal station (OZB) a low velocity zone is imaged at 16 km depth dipping approximately 12 degrees NE. Evidence for this low velocity zone is also seen beneath southern Vancouver Island (PGC) at a depth consistent with previous studies. Determining such models at a number of locations (from the spreading ridge to the coast) provides new information regarding local structure and can aid in seismic hazard analysis. / Graduate

Klassiska krigsföringsprinciper &amp; specialoperationer

von Quanten, Jacob January 2020 (has links)
Recent conflicts have shown signs of increased operational usage of Special Operation Forces, conducting qualified missions of great strategical importance. However, the field of theoretical understanding within the subject suffers from limitations in scientifically based studies. Which aims to explain how special operations succeed on a strategical level. Although several researchers agree on the need for further studies within the subject, there are uncertainties whether theory should be developed upon classical or modern principles of war. Adam Leong Kok Wey has constructed a theoretical framework, in which eight historically rooted principles within special operations are presented. Wey claims that classical principles of war can be used to explain how modern special operations succeed. This study has been conducted in order to test whether Wey’s principles can explain the result of two contemporary cases. The result shows that all of the eight principles were present during the successful Operation Neptune Spear, whilst all but one was absent during the failed Bravo Two-Zero mission. Conclusions from this study can be drawn, which suggests an increase in explanatory power of Wey’s theoretical framework. Furthermore, suggesting that contemporary special operations theory can be developed upon classical principles of war.

Exploring the Diversity of Exoplanets

Svensson, Rebecka January 2021 (has links)
The search for extrasolar planets had been ongoing for many years when Mayorand Queloz discovered 51 Pegasi b in 1995. It was a giant gas planet similar to Jupiter, but with a larger radius and of only half of Jupiter’s mass. Theso called Hot Jupiter was observed to orbit its host star 7 times closer thanMercury is orbiting the Sun. Theoretical models at the time stated that gasgiants could not form in such a short distance to the host star. Thus, thisdiscovery was completely unexpected. It was the beginning of a new field ofresearch where the diversity of exoplanets is the most remarkable discovery, challenging theoretical models. Thanks to the Kepler space telescope and anew generation of space missions such as TESS, thousands of exoplanets havebeen discovered and thousands of planet candidates await confirmation. In this thesis I have studied all confirmed exoplanets to this date, which havebeen discovered by the radial velocity and/or the transit method. The planetparameters and their stellar hosts are available on NASA’s Exoplanet Archive.For all planets &lt; 100 M⊕, I have assessed and updated the parameters for eachplanet in particular when several solutions exist. There are several types ofplanets, but the focus of this work are small planets which come in two sizes: Rocky super-Earths, and the slightly larger and lower density sub-Neptune. Different types of planets have different radii and mass ranges, which togetherwith composition and interior structure are separating the types from each other. These mass and radii ranges are however not universally defined, and in thisreport the super-Earth and sub-Neptune ranges are discussed together with their typical characteristics. The radii and mass ranges of the two different classes of small planets are overlapping and are often difficult to classify. In particularfor planets in between 2 R⊕ and 3 R⊕, there is an ambiguity of structure and composition. This report will also investigate how planet properties depend on the stellarhost properties and on the orbital distances to the stars. One of my mainresults is that sub-Neptunes are common orbiting host stars with low metallicity, in contrast to super-Earths which are common orbiting host stars with highmetallicity. Other parameters, such as stellar effective temperature, seem to have no influence on planet properties. Super-Earth’s are found at a wide range of orbital distances while the sub-Neptunes cluster in a narrow range of orbital distances to their host star. Sub-Neptunes have an atmosphere, and are orbiting at distances where the atmosphere does not evaporate from intense host star radiation. If an atmospheree vaporates, only the rocky core of the planet is left. Thus, some super-Earths might have been sub-Neptunes that have lost their atmospheres. My second main result is that planets with characteristics of sub-Neptunes (with respect to density and interior structure) of 10 M⊕ to 15 M⊕ have radiibetween 2 R⊕ and 4.5 R⊕. Sub-Neptunes in the upper mass limit, between 15M⊕ to 17 M⊕, have radii from 2.6 R⊕ to 7.5 R⊕. And finally, my third result is the relation between planet density and equilibrium temperature. The density of all planets with masses &lt; 15 M⊕ is Earth-like for equilibrium temperatures &gt; 1400 K. For lower equilibrium temperatures corresponding to longer orbital periods, or lower-mass and cooler stars, planetswith masses &lt; 15 M⊕ have a larger spread in densities. However, it never fallsbelow a diagonal linear trend in the density against equilibrium temperature diagram described by ρ = 2.6 × log10(Teq) − 7.46.

Elva principer för specialoperationer? En studie av specialförbandens framgångar

Diffner Karlsson, August January 2023 (has links)
Recent studies have shown an increased relevancy for special operations warfare. Special operations have been acclaimed as a cost beneficial means of achieving strategic ends. Although this is the case there is a significant lack in the realm of contemporary special operations theory. Operation Barrasin 2000 and Operation Neptune Spear in 2011 have both been renowned for being daring, well conducted but foremost successful. Nevertheless, thorough research of these operations signals their absence. This study contributes to the field by examining these two successful special operations through the lens of a theoretical framework, based on prominent special operations theorists, in order to determine what principles led to their prosperity. Although a majority of the theoretical principles could be recognised in both operations, not all of these were beneficial to the outcome. The results have shown that the principles of strategic and political comprehension, technology, practice, intelligence, personal commitment and speed mainly contributed to success. Conclusions also show that the principle of intelligence could be considered superior to the other principles. This conclusion is drawn due to the fact that accurate intelligence enabled several of the other principles, for example practice and strategic and political comprehension.

Quantification de l'acidification de l'océan par l'analyse géochimique des coraux profonds / Reconstructing ocean acidificationfron deep-sea coral geochemistry

Gonzalez, Cécile 30 January 2014 (has links)
L’acidification des océans provoquée par l’absorption du CO2 atmosphérique par l’eau de merest devenue une préoccupation écologique majeure et menace déjà les organismes calcifiants. Suiteà la révolution industrielle, le pH de l’océan de surface a diminué de 0,1 unité-pH. En revanche, celuides eaux profondes reste peu documenté. Les isotopes du bore (11B) dans les carbonatesbiogéniques se sont révélés être un puissant outil géochimique pour la reconstitution du pH, mais n’apas encore été appliqué aux coraux profonds. Un travail analytique sur MC-ICPMS Neptune et uneanalyse géochimique de ces coraux ont été effectués afin de reconstituer et quantifier l’acidificationdes océans. De même, la valeur 11B de l’eau de mer utilisée pour calculer les paléo-pH a étérevisitée et l’homogénéité des océans vérifiée.L’analyse de deux colonies modernes de Lophelia pertusa et Madrepora oculata a permis dequantifier un taux d’acidification pendant la fin du XXème siècle pour les eaux de sub-surface en mer deNorvège et cela après établissement d’une calibration expérimentale à partir de coraux de culture.L’analyse géochimique des coraux profonds a mis en évidence un effet vital lié à la physiologie quidoit être considéré pour quantifier avec précision la variabilité du pH. Celui-ci peut être en partiecorrigé par une analyse statistique des isotopes stables B, C et O. Cette étude a aussi révélél’influence de l’hydrodynamique régionale. Enfin les variations naturelles du pH pendant l’Holocène etle Dernier Maximum Glaciaire sur des coraux profonds fossiles méditerranéens ont été établies etcelles pendant l’aube de l’explosion de la diversité biologique. / Ocean acidification is caused by the absorption of rising atmospheric CO2 by seawater andrepresents a major environmental issue. Since the beginning of the industrial era, seawater pH hasdecreased by 0.1 pH units and is already threatening calcifying organisms. Boron isotopes (11B) haveproved to be a powerful geochemical tool for the reconstruction of pH variations, but has not yet beenapplied to deep-sea corals (DSC). Accurate and precise measurements of boron isotopes in coralsand seawaters were performed in order to measure small pH variations.The technique of pH reconstruction based on boron isotopes (pH-11B) was used on two specimens of the DSC Madrepora oculata and Lophelia pertusa collected alive in the Norwegian Sea and spanning an age of 40 (3) and 67 (3) years, respectively. Acidification rates were calculated by applying a new pH-11B calibration obtained from the geochemical analysis M. oculata and L. pertusa samples cultured under different pCO2 conditions. The contribution of a biological-related vital effect on d11B was observed at macrometer scale, and a correction was finally suggested based on oxygen and carbon isotopes. Overall, the coral δ 11B-based reconstructions show a pH decrease in the Norwegian Sea since the 1940s, which seems to be related to the local hydrodynamics. The pH-11B technique was also applied to fossil DSC fragments from two “on-mound sediment cores” retrieved in the Siculo-Tunisian Strait with the aim to reconstruct the pH during the Last Glacial Maximum and the Holocene periods. Finally, well-preserved limestone samples from the stratigraphic sequence Nama (551-543 Ma) in Namibia were investigated for 11B to study the pH variations at the beginning of the Cambrian evolutive radiation.

Les fauteurs d'imaginaire. Construction d'un imaginaire et jeu d'acteurs dans les opérations de requalification urbaine Euralille, Euroméditerranée et Neptune.

Camille Tiano, Camille 03 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail s'intéresse à la dimension imaginaire de la ville et de l'action urbaine. Les opérations de requalification urbaine telles qu'Euralille (Lille), Euroméditerranée (Marseille) et Neptune (Dunkerque) correspondent certes au renouvellement du bâti et des espaces publics urbains, à la revitalisation du tissu économique local, à la revalorisation sociale des territoires, mais aussi à la production d'un imaginaire. Par imaginaire, on entend le corpus de représentations, de symboles, de récits, de valeurs, de figures et de formes, collectivement admises, et propres à un territoire et à une époque donnée. Afin d'aborder ce phénomène selon un angle opérationnel, on a rapproché les notions d'imaginaire et de jeu d'acteurs. L'analyse de ces opérations et des discours que tiennent leurs principaux acteurs a premis de mettre à jour deux séries de résultats :<br />- La production d'un imaginaire est fondée sur des processus clés : la mise en récit de l'opération, l'articulation des temporalités du projet, et le choix d'axes stratégiques spécifiques et innovants. Si bien que la constitution d'un imaginaire fonctionne à la fois comme le miroir et l'instrument du jeu d'acteurs.<br />- La production et la diffusion d'un imaginaire sont déterminées par la configuration du jeu d'acteurs. Elles sont plus particulièrement liées à la pérennité des aménageurs et des élus pendant l'opération, au portage politique du projet, et à l'articulation et la polarisation des différents partenaires autour de figures emblématiques.

Design and Deployment of a Controlled Source EM Instrument on the NEPTUNE Observatory for Long-term Monitoring of Methane Hydrate Deposits

Mir, Reza 31 August 2011 (has links)
Hydrocarbon deposits in the form of petroleum, natural gas, and natural gas hydrates occur offshore worldwide. Electromagnetic methods that measure the electrical resistivity of sediments can be used to map, assess, and monitor these resistive targets. In particular, quantitative assessment of hydrate content in marine deposits, which form within the upper few hundred meters of seafloor, is greatly facilitated by complementing conventional seismic methods with EM data. The North-East Pacific Time-series Undersea Network Experiment (NEPTUNE) is an underwater marine observatory that provides power and network connection to a host of instruments installed on the seafloor on the Cascadia Margin offshore Vancouver Island. The observatory’s aim is to provide a platform for very long-term studies in which access to data is available on a continuous basis. For this thesis project, a transient dipole-dipole time-domain EM system was constructed and deployed on the NEPTUNE network with the goal of long-term monitoring of a well-studied hydrate deposit in the area. The instrument includes a source transmitter of electrical current and individual receivers to measure small electric field variations. The instrument is powered by the NEPTUNE observatory and data can be collected remotely by connecting to the instrument through the web. Data collected so far from the instrument are consistent with a resistive structure. The best fitting model from 1D inversion is a 36 ± 3 m thick layer of 5.3 ± 0.3 Ωm resistivity, overlaying a less resistive 0.7 ± 0.1 Ωm halfspace. Average hydrate concentration, deduced with the aid of ODP-889 well-log derived Archie’s parameters, is approximately 72% of pore space in the resistive layer, consistent with the very high concentration of gas hydrates (~80%) recovered from seafloor cores. The weekly collection of data from the instrument shows that the resistive structure has changed little since monitoring began in October of 2010.

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