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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A ordem jurídica internacional e a sociedade da informação / Information society and the international legal order

Regina Maria Piza de Assumpção Ribeiro do Valle 04 June 2007 (has links)
O desenvolvimento da tecnologia da informação e das comunicações em todo o mundo propicia condições para que a comunidade internacional possa vir a se relacionar sem enfrentar os obstáculos oferecidos pelas barreiras geográficas ou temporais, bem como possa vir a atuar diretamente na defesa de seus interesses, acrescentando novas formas de disciplina do seu comportamento além dos tradicionais mecanismos normativos oferecidos pelo Estado. O direito fundamental de livre acesso à informação por intermédio da tecnologia digital deve ser garantido em igualdade de condições a todos os indivíduos, na qualidade de participantes da sociedade global, em obediência aos princípios e disposições contidos na Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos, bem como da Declaração do Direito do Desenvolvimento e sua atualização na Declaração do Milênio. Ocorre, que, os países em desenvolvimento não participam dos beneficios da evolução tecnológica e por não estarem conectados à rede mundial, estão alijados do processo e excluídos do acesso à informação transmitida por via digital. Os Estados, que originalmente foram considerados os únicos sujeitos de direito na ordem internacional, não se mostram mais aptos a gerir, com eficácia, os interesses da sociedade, tornando-se incapazes de oferecer as condições necessárias para o exercício pleno da cidadania. O presente estudo visa ampliar os limites da discussão acadêmica a respeito dos efeitos produzidos pelo avanço tecnológico e pela globalização transpondo o debate para a ordem jurídica internacional. O exame dos documentos produzidos pela Cúpula Mundial da Sociedade da Informação, organizada pela UIT, por intermédio da ONU, demonstra que os representantes dos países membros, juntamente com a iniciativa privada e a sociedade civil foram capazes de produzir Declarações de Princípios e Planos de Ação contendo regras de utilização da tecnologia da informação e das telecomunicações de forma a eliminar as desigualdades, e criando a possibilidade de que a humanidade possa, finalmente, vir exercer seu direito ao desenvolvimento. Ademais, criação do Fórum de Governança da Internet, como decorrência da Cúpula Mundial da Sociedade da Informação, evidencia que as regras para a utilização da rede mundial dos computadores permanecem sob a responsabilidade da comunidade internacional, restando, portanto, demonstrado que atuação da sociedade civil, através de mecanismos próprios para proteger seus interesses, repercute diretamente na esfera internacional e merece ser levada em consideração no estudo das fontes de Direito Internacional. / The development of information technology and communications all over the world created the ideal conditions for the international community to the improvement of relationship without any of the obstacles caused by geographical or chronological barriers, and turned possible to civil society to act directly in the defense of its own interests, adding new forms of ruling its behaviors besides the traditional legal mechanisms offered by the State. The free and direct access to information in digital format must be guaranteed in equal conditions as a fundamental right to all individuals, in their condition of members of global society, in accordance with the principles and provisions established by the Universal Human Rights Declaration, as well as of the Declaration of the Right to Development, dully amended by the Millennium Declaration. Nevertheless, the developing countries cannot benefit from technological revolution and since they cannot not connect to the Internet they are maintained apart from this process and therefore are prevented to exercise their right of access to information transmitted in digital format. On the other hand, the States that originally were considered the sole subjects of rights in the international order are not capable anymore to efficiently manage the interests of civil society and therefore cannot offer the necessary conditions to the plain exercise of citizenship. This paper intends to wide the limits of the academic discussion already in place analyzing the effects of the technological revolution and globalization enlarging the debate to the level of the international legal order. The exam of the documents produced by World Summit of Information Society, organized by ITU, dully authorized by UN, demonstrates that the representatives of the member States, jointly with the private sector and the civil society, were able to prepare the Declaration of Principles, Plan of Action and other related documents disciplining the use of information technology and communications in order to eliminate the differences and conduct the human beings to the plain exercise to of their right to development. Furthermore, the establishment of the Internet Governance Forum as a consequence of the World Summit of Information Society provides strong evidences that the rules for Internet access shall remain in the hands of Non Governmental Organizations and moreover demonstrates that the utilization by civil society of specific legal mechanisms in order to protect its own interests, may generate important consequences for the international legal order and therefore deserves to be examined as a phenomenon affecting the sources of International Law.


FOSSATI, SERENA 01 March 2018 (has links)
Il progetto di ricerca analizza i tratti distintivi dell'identità ecologica promossa da associazioni ambientaliste cinesi e le relative pratiche coinvolte nel processo di gestione delle identità all’interno di piattaforme di social networking. Un secondo livello di analisi indaga le modalità con cui gli attivisti negoziano la loro identificazione con i progetti identitari ecologici attivati dalle organizzazioni di appartenenza. La ricerca etnografica si focalizza su dieci associazioni studentesche attive a Pechino. La metodologia qualitativa include interviste in profondità a membri delle organizzazioni, osservazioni partecipanti delle loro attività, l’analisi qualitativa del contenuto di post condivisi sui loro profili Sina Weibo e Wechat; e dei contenuti condivisi dai membri sui loro profili WeChat Moments tra febbraio e luglio 2016. I risultati rivelano identità ecologiche complesse ed elaborate. Lo studio propone una tassonomia tripartita dei progetti identitari, che include ‘sustainable lifestyle-related identities’, in riferimento alla responsabilità degli studenti nel ridurre il loro impatto ambientale (in relazione alla conservazione di acqua, energia, cibo e pratiche di viaggio sostenibili); ‘investigation-related identities', indicando l'impegno degli studenti nella comprensione delle questioni ambientali e nel contributo alla soluzione delle relative problematiche attraverso azioni concrete; ‘social identities’, riferendosi alla determinazione delle associazioni a occuparsi di questioni sociali, impegnandosi in progetti di beneficenza. / The study explores the distinctive features of the environmental identity promoted by Chinese students environmental associations (SEAs), and the social media practices involved in their identity management processes. A second level of analysis investigates how activists negotiate their identification with the environmental identity projects fostered by their organizations. The ethnographic research focuses on ten SEAs located in Beijing. The data collection process is based on extensive usage of in-depth interviews with staff members, participant observations of activities, and content analysis of materials posted on SEAs’ social media accounts (Sina Weibo, WeChat), and materials shared by members on their WeChat Moments over a six-month period (February- July 2016). Results reveal that SEAs environmental identities are plural and composite in themselves. I propose a tripartite taxonomy, which includes sustainable lifestyle-related identities, referring to the responsibility of students to reduce their carbon footprint, by addressing the sources of their impact (in relation to water, energy, food conservation, green travel practices); investigation-related identities, consisting in students’ meaningful engagement in the understanding of environmental issues, and contribution to their solution through concrete action; and social identities, referring to SEAs determination to be concerned about social issues, by engaging in charity projects.

The Discourse and Practice of Child Protagonism: Complexities of Intervention in Support of Working Children’s Rights in Senegal

Lavan, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
Contesting international strategies for combatting child labour that derive from modern, Western conceptions of childhood, several developing country organizations have embraced the principle of child protagonism by declaring that working children can become the leading agents in struggles to advance their interests when they are mentored in forming their own independent organizations. This thesis first explores how an African NGO, informed by its urban animation experiences, developed its own specific discourse of child protagonism and employed it as the basis for establishing an African working children’s organization designed to provide compensatory literacy and skills training and to empower members to improve their own and other children’s working conditions. The thesis considers this foundational child protagonism discourse in light of data collected in Senegal by means of participant observation and interviews in grassroots groups and associations of working children, as well as in the offices of both the local NGO and its international NGO donor. Fieldwork revealed limitations of the specific child protagonism practice pursued over the past two decades. Specifically, redirecting resources from direct pedagogical accompaniment of grassroots working child groups towards bureaucratic capacity building for the “autonomization” of higher hierarchical levels of the organization, as well as towards international meetings, has resulted in the organization’s diminished impact for vulnerable groups in Dakar, particularly migrant girl domestic workers. Deepening implication with international donors has forced shifts in the priorities of the local NGO and the working children’s organization it facilitates, yet the two have been largely successful in buffering donor probes precisely into the ground level effectiveness of their child protagonism strategy. No previous independent research has sought to confront the discourse of child protagonism with a comprehensive examination of a working children’s organization’s practice, from its most local processes to its international dimensions and donor relations.

Problematika účetnictví, financování a daní waldorfských škol v konkrétních podmínkách / The issue of accounting, finance and taxes of Waldorf schools in specific conditions

Strejcovská, Barbora January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with issue of accounting, funding and taxes of waldorf primary school in the Czech Republic. You can also find an explanation of waldorf educational system in this thesis. It focuses on this area in specific conditions of Waldorf primary school and kindergarten Wlaštovka Carlsbad. The thesis also includes financial analysis of this primary school.

Mediação Social em Angola : relações de interfaces entre ONGs e camponeses na região do planalto central, província do Huambo, município Caàla

Calundungo, Antônio Joaquim de Assis Zeferino January 2013 (has links)
Cette étude examine la relation entre renforcement de la souveraineté de l'Etat angolais et l'action des organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) dans les initiatives pour le développement rural de l'Angola, après la fin du conflit armé, en 2002. Dans les années 90, l'ouverture du pays au multipartisme et la mise en oeuvre de l'accord de paix entre le gouvernement angolais et les forces militaires de l'UNITA ont mis fin au conflit qui a suivi l’indépendance, et ont commencé un processus de redressement et de reconstruction d’aprés-guerre. Dans ce contexte, différentes forces politiques et sociales émergèrent en l’Angola et, simultanément, de plusieurs institutions et organisations internationales ainsi que institutions religieuses liées à des questions d'aide humanitaire d'urgence et de l'aprèsguerre se sont établies dans le pays. Ces organisations ont commencé à développer des actions en faveur des populations les plus vulnérables, en particulier en milieu rural. La fin de la guerre en 2002 a donné lieu à un processus de réarrangement entre les différents acteurs de la réalité sociale angolaise, tandis que dans le contexte international, les flux financiers visant à l'aides humanitaire et de développement ont été l'objet d'importants changements.. Le nouveau contexte, en contrepartie, a permis l'expansion des agences gouvernementales dans les régions rurales du pays qui étaient jusque-là en dehors du contrôle de l'Etat. Cela a a permis de renforcer progressivement la souveraineté et le contrôle de l'Etat sur les populations et les zones rurales, notamment par le biais de programmes et projets de développement rural, parfois en partenariat avec d'autres acteurs du développement comme les ONG. Cette thèse est proposé d'étudier la relation supposée entre le renforcement de la souveraineté de l'Etat sur les zones rurales et le rôle des ONG dans ces régions. La recherche visait à comprendre, en particulier: quel genre de relations sont établies entre les ONG, les agriculteurs, les organismes gouvernementaux et d'autres agents liés aux questions rurales? Comment ces relations influencent le renforcement de la souveraineté dans les processus de construction de l'État en Angola? Les programmes et projets d’ONGs visant au développement rural souvent ont précédé la présence de l'État dans les communautés rurales, en se positionnant comme une «agence» qui précède l'action des organes de l'administration de l'Etat dans la campagne. A travers l'examen de deux projets de développement rural coordonnés par des ONG et un programme de crédit agricole du gouvernement, nous avons cherché à comprendre le réseau des relations qui existent dans les processus de développement rural, ainsi que des discontinuités dans les perceptions des différents acteurs et les interactions entre les forces et les intérêts endogène et exogène, et la marge de manoeuvre des différents acteurs impliqués dans ces processus. La recherche a indiqué que les processus d’intervention pour le développement socio-économique dans les régions rurales portent des tensions fondamentales: l'arrivée des organes de l'administration publique a les communautés et les zones rurales se produit souvent à la suite des projets des ONG, bien que cela ne signifie pas nécessairement renforcer la souveraineté paysan et populaire dans la conduite des programmes et projets en cours; le financement public destiné aux activités rurales ont privilégié l'agro-industrie au détriment de l'amélioration des capacités des agriculteurs pour construire une vie plus satisfaisante pour eux-mêmes ; la fin de la guerre a ramené, dans les zones rurales, les intérêts élitistes qui lient les élites nationales à des intérêts internationaux visant à l'obtention de biens et de ressources ruraux telles que de vastes étendues de terres rurales. Parmi les différents médiateurs, la défense de la souveraineté communautaire constitue également un champ de bataille où les intérêts liés aux élites politiques et économiques (nationaux ou étrangers) sont plus susceptibles de réussir. / O presente estudo analisa a relação existente entre o aumento da soberania do Estado angolano e a ação das organizações não governamentais (ONGs) nas iniciativas voltadas ao desenvolvimento rural em Angola, após o fim do conflito armado, que o país alcançou em 2002. No começo dos anos 90, a abertura do país ao sistema multipartidário e a concretização do acordo de paz entre o governo angolano e as forças militares da UNITA, puseram fim aos anos de conflito pós-independência e deram início a um processo de recuperação e reconstrução pós-bélica. Neste contexto, emergiram em Angola diferentes forças políticas e sociais internas e, simultaneamente, estabeleceram-se no país diversas agências e organizações internacionais e instituições religiosas ligadas a questões de ajuda humanitária, emergencial e a processos de recuperação pós-bélica, que passaram a desenvolver ações de apoio às populações mais vulneráveis, especialmente as rurais. Em 2002, o fim da guerra deu origem a processos de reposicionamento dos diferentes atores da realidade social angolana, ao mesmo tempo em que no contexto internacional observaramse mudanças nos fluxos financeiros da ajuda internacional humanitária e para o desenvolvimento. O novo contexto oportunizou o avanço dos órgãos governamentais a regiões do país até então fora do controle do Estado, possibilitando o aumento gradual da soberania e do controle do Estado sobre populações e territórios rurais, particularmente através de programas e projetos de desenvolvimento rural, por vezes em parceria com outros agentes de desenvolvimento, com as ONGs. Este tese se propôs investigar a possível relação entre o crescimento da soberania do Estado sobre as áreas rurais e a ação das ONGs nessas regiões. A pesquisa buscou entender, particularmente: que tipo de relações se estabelecem entre ONGs, camponeses, órgãos governamentais e demais agentes relacionados às questões rurais? De que maneira estas relações influenciam o crescimento da soberania nos processos de construção do Estado em Angola? Os programas e projetos das ONGs de desenvolvimento rural, muitas vezes, anteciparam-se à presença do Estado junto às populações rurais, posicionando-se como um “braço avançado” que precede a atuação dos órgãos da administração estatal no rural. Através do exame de dois projetos de desenvolvimento rural coordenados por ONGs e de um programa governamental de crédito agrícola, buscou-se entender a trama de relações existentes nos processos de desenvolvimento rural, as descontinuidades nas percepções dos diferentes atores e as interações entre forças e interesses endógenos e exógenos, bem como as margens de manobra dos diferentes atores envolvidos nesses processos. A pesquisa permitiu concluir que os processos de intervenção socioeconômica no meio rural comportam algumas tensões básicas: a chegada dos órgãos de administração estatal junto das populações e territórios rurais ocorre, muitas vezes através das ONGs, embora isto não implique, necessariamente, aumento da soberania camponesa e popular na condução dos programas e projetos em curso; os financiamentos públicos voltados para o meio rural têm privilegiado as atividades de agronegócio, em detrimento da capacitação dos camponeses para construírem vidas mais satisfatórias para si; o fim da guerra trouxe de volta ao meio rural interesses elitistas que vinculam grupos e elites nacionais a interesses internacionais voltados para a obtenção de ativos e recursos rurais como amplas extensões de terra. Entre os diferentes mediadores, a defesa da soberania comunitária também se constitui numa arena de luta na qual, os interesses ligados às elites políticas e econômicas (nacionais ou externas) têm mais chances de serem bem sucedidos. / This study examines the relationship between the strengthening of state sovereignty and the action by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) through rural development initiatives in Angola, after the end of the armed conflict, attained in 2002. The political opening conducted in the country in the early '90s, which allowed for a multiparty system, and the implementation of the peace agreement between the Angolan government and the UNITA military forces have put an end to years of post-independence conflicts and started up a process of post-war recovery and reconstruction. In this context, various political and social forces have emerged in Angola. Concurrently, many international agencies, NGOs and religious institutions aimed at humanitarian and emergency aid and at post-war recovery have set offices in the country and began to develop actions in support of the most vulnerable populations, especially rural people. The end of the war, in 2002, gave rise to a process of rearrangement among the different actors of the Angolan social reality, whereas, in the international context, the financial flows aimed at humanitarian and development aid were undergoing significant changes. The new context, however, allowed for the expansion of government agencies to the rural regions of the country which were hitherto outside the control of the state. This has made room for gradual strengthening of both sovereignty and state control over populations and rural areas, particularly by means of rural development programs and projects, sometimes in partnership with other development actors such as NGOs. This thesis has proposed to investigate the hypothesized relationship between the strengthening of sovereignty and state control upon rural areas and the role of NGOs in these regions. The research sought to understand, particularly: what kind of relationships are established between NGOs, farmers, government agencies and other agents related to rural issues? How these relationships influence the growth of sovereignty in the processes of state-building in Angola? The programs and projects of NGOs aimed at rural development often preceded the presence of the state in rural communities, positioning itself as a “branch office” that precedes the action of the organs of state administration in the country. Through the analysis of two rural development projects coordinated by NGOs and a government-led agricultural credit program, it was sought to understand the network of relationships that exist in rural development processes, as well as the discontinuities in the perceptions of distinct actors and the interactions between both the endogenous and exogenous forces and interests, and the room for maneuver of the different actors involved in these processes. Research findings pointed that the processes of socio-economic intervention in the rural comprise some fundamental tensions: the establishment of state entities in rural areas often occurs in the wake of NGOs projects, although this does not necessarily imply increasing peasant and people’s sovereignty in the coordination of ongoing programs and projects; the public funding aimed at rural activities have focused agribusiness at the expense of improving farmers’ capabilities for building more satisfying lives for themselves; the end of the war brought back to the rural zones those elitist interests that link national elites to international interests aimed at obtaining rural assets and resources such as vast tracts of rural land. Among the different mediators, the defense of community sovereignty also constitutes an arena of struggle in which the interests linked to political and economic elites (domestic or foreign) are more likely to be successful.

Gestión de la comunicación y su relación con el logro de los objetivos institucionales en las ONG

Redhead Rojas, Jorge Manuel 31 July 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación está enfocado en determinar cómo la gestión de la comunicación tiene relación con el logro de los objetivos insitucionales de las organizaciones no gubertamentales (ONGs) de asistencia social y ayuda humanitaria. También, sobre las mismas organizaciones, se analizó cómo gestionan la comunicación y, al mismo tiempo, identificar sus objetivos institucionales en el año 2019. Además, se trabajó, de manera exhaustiva, con diversos documentos de investigación académica y científica vinculados a la labor de las ONGs, al manejo de la comunicación estratégica, el trabajo que realizan las ONGs a favor de la sociedad y la gestión institucional de las mismas. Adicionalmente, para este estudio, la metodología está orientada a la investigación cualitativa. Se trabajará entrevistas a profundidad a personal vinculado a las comunicaciones y ejecución de proyectos de ONGs que se desempeñan en Perú. Todo ello, con la finalidad de constatar lo expuesto líneas atrás para obtener información calidad que permita alcanzar el enfoque. / This research work is focused on determining how communication management is related to the achievement of the institutional objectives of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) of social assistance and humanitarian help. Also, on the same organizations, it seeks to analyze how they manage communication and, at the same time, identify their institutional objectives in the year 2019. In addition to this, they worked exhaustively with various academic and scientific research documents linked to the work of NGOs, to the management of strategic communication, the work carried out by NGOs in favor of society and the institutional management of the same. Additionally, for this study, the methodology is oriented to qualitative research. In-depth interviews will be carried out with personnel related to communications and the execution of projects of 4 NGOs that work at Peru. All this, with the aim of verifying the aforementioned lines to obtain quality information that allows reaching the focus. / Trabajo de investigación

Humanitarian aid : A qualitative study of the ethical reasoning behind the allocation from the perspective of five Swedish-based organizations

Danielsson, Jennelié, Polasek, Anna-Maria January 2020 (has links)
The Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols aim to protect those people who are not “participating in the hostilities” of war, such as “civilians, health workers and aid workers” and are the pillar of humanitarian law (International Committee of the Red Cross, 2010). The humanitarian principles including humanity, neutrality, independence and impartiality, are based on the international humanitarian law and committed to by all member states of the European Union (European Commission, 2019). Although these principles exist to guide the humanitarian organizations in their assistance and allocation of humanitarian aid, they are sometimes overlooked in terms of, for instance, self-interest, strategic motives and media attention. This results in ethical dilemmas for humanitarian organizations. The aim of this thesis is to examine how Swedish aid donors, both a governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), reason ethically in relation to the allocation of humanitarian aid towards conflict-affected areas. Semi-structured interviews have been conducted with four Non-Governmental Organizations and one governmental organization in order to examine and compare their ethical reasoning. The theories of consequentialism, utilitarianism, deontological ethics, socialization and rational choice have been applied to investigate the research questions further. The results broadly indicate that all participating organizations reason similar in terms of ethics in contrast to the findings in the previous research. For instance, they all follow the humanitarian principles and use additional ethical frameworks in the allocation of humanitarian aid. Many similarities were found among the NGOs and the governmental organization as well as a few differences.

Občanství - teoretická východiska a pedagogická praxe : případová studie základní školy / Citizenship - Theoretical Bases and Teaching Practice

Bucvanová, Eliška January 2011 (has links)
Eliška Bucvanová. Diplomová práce. Citizenship - Theoretical Bases and Teaching Practice ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH Weak civil society can be seen as a possible drawback of Czech democracy. One of the possible ways of building it is citizenship education provided within the compulsory school system. Citizenship is also the main subject of this work, which uses qualitative research methods to find out how the concept of "citizenship" is understood by teachers at a selected primary school, what information they provide to pupils on this subject and how. Since the scope of the paper would be insufficient, it does not intend to map the state of citizenship education in the Czech Republic: its aim is to find out how teachers approach the subject and whether their opinions coincide, and to compare their views with the information contained in literature. The results of the work show that the selected school is at a comparatively high level; however, the teachers' attitudes to citizenship education and its aims lack consistency and comprehensiveness and, also, the pupils' knowledge highly varies. This can be due to the fact that citizenship education has long been in need of an integrated approach and, very probably, also training opportunities for teachers that would help them develop their professional skills. In...

Strážci veřejného zájmu: Rámcové vymezování konceptu watchdog v kontextu sociálněvědního diskurzu a v aktérské perspektivě jeho představitelů / Guardians of the Public Interest: Frame Delimiting of watchdog Activism in the Context of Social scientific Discourse and in the Perspective of its Representatives

Beránková, Petra Alexandra January 2013 (has links)
The work deals with the phenomenon of so called watchdog organizations. The increasing number and influence of these organizations indicates a creation of new social movement. The authoress defines them as a type of public benefit nongovernmental organizations focused on the controlling of the public sphere or advocating and asserting a "public interest" in relation to the democratization of society. The authoress target is to understand this type of action, so she asks herself the question: Which frameworks are used by watchdog activists for the interpretation of their acting? At first there is briefly presented the concept of watchdog in the context of wider reflections of contemporary society, mainly in the context of reflexive modernity, monitory and participatory democracy and information society. Secondly there is introduced Goffman's framework analysis and the related conceptualization of framework of social movements by Benford and Snow. The authoress highlights a definition of frames as the principles of selection, emphasis and presentation about what happens, and what matters. In the next part of this work, there are presented the methodology and results of the qualitative research based on semi-structured interviews with watchdog activists. The research is settled in the area of...

The role of the department of water affairs and forestry in the empowerment of the Kei district council in the Eastern Cape

Mabunda, Gezani Samuel January 2002 (has links)
Masters in Public Administration - MPA / According to the Constitution of Republic of South Africa (Act 108 of 1996) it is the responsibility of local government to provide basic and effective water services to all consumers in its area of jurisdiction. The Water Services Act (Act 108 of 1997) further supports this concept and establishes the institutional framework for service delivery and an enabling environment for development of the sector. In the spirit of co-operative governance the department of Water Affair and Forestry is obliged to provide this support to local government around the issues of water services provision but this support needs to be located within the legislative laid out in local government legislation. The nature of capacity support to Kei District Council is that it requires intensive initial support to ensure that it is able to fulfil its service functions, including those outlined in the Water Services Act. This requirement for intensive initial support is due of the following: (a) Kei District Council was previously not responsible for water services, (b) it require support to set up structures and systems for managing and monitoring water Services, (c) it need to develop water services expertise, (d)The Transitional Local Government process places an enormous challenge on Kei District Council to gear up for its role as developmental local government, and (e) the Water Services Act has introduced new requirement and clarified the water services authority functions that municipalities are required to fulfil.

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