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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La coordination des politiques d'aide au développement : de la problématique à l'analyse de l'expérience nigérienne / The coordination of development aid policies : an analysis of a case study on Niger

Zakari Garba, Zaratou 03 November 2011 (has links)
Depuis quelques années, la coordination de l’aide est devenue un enjeu majeur des politiques de développement. Cependant, les différences d’approche en matière de stratégies entre donateurs et bénéficiaires rend plus complexe la définition d’un mécanisme de coordination global qui doit dépasser les questions de fondements, d’enjeux, de formes et de modalités de l’aide, pour enfin s’intéresser à la problématique de coordination dans l’optique d’accroître son efficacité. Ainsi, l’efficacité de l’aide qui se trouve être au coeur d’une meilleure coordination, exige que les acteurs passent de la rhétorique à des pratiques institutionnelles nouvelles, conformément aux orientations de la Déclaration de Paris et de l’Agenda d’Accra. En considérant l’histoire globale de l’Aide Publique au Développement (APD), il y a lieu de se demander si celle-ci est structurellement conçue pour promouvoir la croissance économique et/ou pour réduire la pauvreté. En effet, les différents systèmes d’aide se sont heurtés à deux grands défis au cours des deux dernières décennies : le premier a été son inefficacité actuelle pour ce qui est de la réduction de la pauvreté à l’échelon mondial et le deuxième a consisté à vouloir contribuer à une « meilleure gouvernance mondiale ». Au regard des engagements internationaux pris par le Niger et ses partenaires au développement notamment dans le cadre des OMD, l’analyse des réalisations faites en la matière montre qu’en dépit des résultats mitigés, la recherche d’une meilleure efficacité de l’aide occupe une place de choix dans l’agenda politique des différents gouvernements nigériens depuis 2003. Pour les autorités nigériennes, l’approche stratégique adoptée en la matière vise un double objectif : accroître progressivement le volume de l’aide et renforcer son efficacité. / This paper examines aid for development coordination issues against the backdrop of a case study on Niger. Indeed partnership and aid coordination were a major dilemma among development agencies for quite some time. Somehow difference of approach in terms of strategy between international donors and recipient countries made it a real challenge to set up a global coordinating mechanism so as to break down the barriers regarding the rationale, goals, nature and modality underpinning foreign aid, if only to increase its effectiveness. That’s how the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and the Accra Agenda championed a shift from rhetoric to some new institutional orientation in development practice. Historical perspectives on Public Aid for Development (PAD) invariably a rise the question whether foreign aid is structurally meant to promote economic growth and/or reduce poverty. During the past two decades all trends in foreign assistance were confronted with two significant controversies. First, there was a growing recognition of its inefficiency to reduce poverty at global level. Secondly, donors’ focus was rather on promoting "better governance worldwide". Considerable efforts were steadily made by the Government of Niger and its partners, since the year 2003 "Project Forum" initiated by that country with a view to aligning donors’ assistance with national strategy, to give special consideration to aid effectiveness. Evidence is shown by the country’s Policy Conceptual Framework for that period, especially within the scope of the MDG’s, even though public investment outcomes proved to be ambivalent. Yet, the country engaged in a strategic approach with a double objective for achieving better efficiency of development interventions funded by foreign assistance, and, at the same time, progressively increasing the volume of aid allocations which is itself a further guaranty for raising the level of effectiveness.

La maîtrise et la gestion de l'eau dans un contexte de décentralisation au Burkina Faso depuis 2006 : état des lieux et perspectives dans une dynamique de développement et de communication

Compaore, Jérôme 02 October 2012 (has links)
Depuis son indépendance en 1960, le Burkina Faso a mis en oeuvre plusieurs politiques publiques en vue d'une meilleure mobilisation et d'une meilleure gestion des ressources en eau sur son territoire. Cette thèse tentera de comprendre comment ces initiatives aux envergures diverses (micro-stratégies et macro-stratégies) ont pu être conçues, menées et suivies au gré des évolutions politiques survenues dans le pays ces cinquante dernières années. Il s'agira également d'apprécier la réception de ces programmes étatiques auprès de populations aux réalités multiples, entre villes et campagnes, entre tradition et modernité. Nos recherches s'appuieront notamment sur une expérience de haut fonctionnaire dans l'administration nationale, ainsi que sur une analyse globale des politiques de communication dans les médias nationaux, qu'ils soient écrits ou audiovisuels, régionaux ou au contraire capables de toucher l'ensemble des Burkinabè. / Water is source of life. Longtime ago, water has always been a central and constant concern for people. The issue of water is among the top world hot topics today, following the evidence that the world is experiencing climate change…In Burkina Faso, similarly to Mali and Niger, the constitutions stipulate, "wealth and natural resources belong to people, for their livelihood improvement”. In these countries, the historical context of the Nation-state’s creation was strongly marked by volunteered public actions, under the leadership of the States, strengthened by technical and financial supports from partners to ensure the efficient uses of water resources….The key element of the decentralization is the transfer of powers to local authorities. In all three countries we visited, the principle of progress-based subsidiarity is prevailing. In Burkina Faso, according to the mayor of Gaoua "the transfer should not be done just for fun. The current impression is the denial to transfer everything but I see this as a cautious attitude of the central government. The caution as observed is a good thing, but not a sufficient reason for not transferring all the powers to local authorities"…

Le parlement au Niger / The Parliament of Niger

Soumana, Boubacar 24 May 2016 (has links)
Ce travail est une réflexion sur la place et le rôle institutionnels du Parlement au Niger ; au-delà de la simple présentation de ses fonctions législative et de contrôle du gouvernement, qui, au demeurant, ont été amplement étudiées, mais intégrées dans une approche dynamique et globale de la question. La première partie traite de l’apport du Parlement dans l’institutionnalisation de l’État nigérien. Il y a, d’abord, le rôle historique de l’Assemblée nationale dans la formation des institutions étatiques du Niger et l’accession du pays à la souveraineté internationale, en 1960. Il y a, ensuite, le fait que les structures de l’institution parlementaire donnent véritablement forme et corps à l’État nigérien. La seconde partie traite de l’apport du Parlement dans la démocratisation de l’État nigérien. Il y a, d’une part, son rôle de modérateur de pouvoir exécutif, en veillant à ce que ce dernier n’abuse pas du pouvoir d’État dans l’exercice de ses fonctions. Être en mesure d’arrêter le pouvoir exécutif, en renversant le gouvernement et/ou en provoquant la destitution du Président de la République. Il y a, d’autre part, la participation des citoyens à l’exercice du pouvoir d’État, à travers le mécanisme d’élaboration de la loi par le Parlement, représentant le peuple souverain. / This study is deals with the institutional place and role of the Nigerian Parliament. It is more than a mere presentation of its legislative and supervisory functions of government, which, have not only been extensively studied, but approached in a dynamic and comprehensive manner.This scientific work is divided into two parts. Part one deals with the Parliament’s contribution to the institutionalization of the State of Niger. It first presents the historical role of the National Assembly in establishing state institutions of Niger and attaining international sovereignty in 1960 before describing how the structures of the parliamentary institution really give shape and body to the government of Niger. Part two deals with the Parliament’s contribution in democratizating the State of Niger. It plays the role of executive power moderator as it ensures that there is no abuse of State power in the exercise of its duties by ousting the government and/or impeaching the President of the Republic. Moreover, citizens can have a say in the exercise of State power through the legislation-drafting mechanism of the Parliament which represents the sovereign people.

Mise au point d'un bioréacteur de fermentation en milieu solide fonctionnant en continu pour la production de métabolites secondaires antioxydants par Aspergillus niger G131 / Development of a continuous pilote-scaled bioreactor for the production of antioxidant secondary metabolites by Aspergillus niger G131 using solid state fermentation

Carboué, Quentin 04 June 2018 (has links)
Aspergillus niger souche G131 est un champignon qui produit en quantité des métabolites secondaires appartenant à la famille des naphtho-gamma-pyrones (NγPs). Ces NγPs sont des pigments qui présentent des intérêts industriels de par leurs importants potentiels antiradicalaires. L’objectif de ce doctorat est la production à l’échelle pilote et en continu de NγPs à travers la culture du champignon sur milieu solide. Le choix de la fermentation en milieu solide (FMS) comme processus de culture repose sur des aspects d’ordre qualitatif et quantitatif de production, ainsi que sur des raisons économiques et éthiques, relatives à la protection de l’environnement avec notamment la possibilité de valoriser des coproduits agricoles comme milieu de culture pour le champignon. Dans un premier temps, ce travail s’intéresse à la caractérisation de la composition et des potentialités associées aux molécules produites par la souche. Ces potentialités incluent les activités anti-radicalaires et les mesures de cytotoxicité. La thèse porte également sur la caractérisation de la physiologie de croissance de la souche en FMS et sur l’optimisation des conditions de culture par la méthodologie des plans d’expériences pour l’augmentation de la production de NγPs. Une stratégie originale d’optimisation adaptée aux contraintes posées par la FMS est d’ailleurs proposée. Finalement, un transfert d’échelle de production est réalisé au moyen d’un bioréacteur prototype innovant permettant la production à l’échelle pilote de milieu fermenté en continu. Dans son dernier chapitre, ce travail s’intéresse donc à la mise au point des paramètres opératifs qui entourent la production continue de NγPs par FMS. / Aspergillus niger strain G131 is a non-ochratoxigenic filamentous fungus producing high quantities of secondary metabolites known as naphtha-gamma-pyrones (NγPs). NγPs are pigments of industrial interest in reason of their high antioxidant properties. The aim of this dissertation is the continuous, pilote-scaled production of these NγPs through the cultivation of the fungus on solid medium. The choice of solid state fermentation (SSF) as cultivation method is not only driven by quantitative and qualitative considerations, but also by economical and ethical concerns related to environmental protection. SSF allows, in fact, a direct valorization of agricultural byproducts as the solid medium for the fungal growth. First, this work deals with the characterization of the composition and potentialities associated with the molecules produced by the strain, which include antioxidant and cytotoxic activities. Second, the dissertation focuses on the characterization of the fungal growth’s physiology on solid medium and on the optimization of the culture conditions using experimental methodology in order to increase NγPs production. For this purpose, an original optimization strategy is proposed to overcome specific constraints connected to SSF. Finally, a scale transfer of the production is advanced by means of an innovative prototype bioreactor continuously producing fermented material. The final chapter of this work addresses the development of parameters regarding the continuous NγPs production using SSF.

Gouvernance des bassins versants transfrontaliers ouest-africains : appropriation et développement partagé des eaux du Niger dans les portions Bénin-Niger-Nigéria / Governance of western african transboundary basins : ownership and shared development of Niger's waters in the Benin-Niger-Nigeria portions

Toure, Bayanatou 27 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse vise la continuité des questions d’échelle à travers la gouvernance de l’eau qui ne peut s’établir à un seul niveau mais doit au contraire envisager tous les niveaux à la fois. Cela constitue une difficulté méthodologique majeure que la gestion internationale ne parvient encore à résoudre. La subsidiarité en était un moyen avec l’inconvénient de séparer brutalement les niveaux d’échelle. Mais le bassin versant considéré comme un espace de projet délimité, dont la gestion ne vise pas seulement son administration mais la coordination de politiques, induit une gestion au-delà des découpages administratifs, avec un processus décisionnel continu et négocié entre acteurs aux pouvoirs de différents niveaux, aux intérêts et aux logiques divers, souvent contradictoires. S’il est partagé par nature, en faire un bien commun impose de franchir l’obstacle de « l’égoïsme » qui peut être attaché à la souveraineté de chaque État sur son territoire. La réalisation d’ouvrages majeurs se détache du principe de « chacun chez soi ». C’est justement ce principe souverainiste qui engendre des hydro-conflits transfrontaliers. Ainsi, s’interroger sur la signification concrète du concept de gouvernance par l’exemple des eaux partagées du fleuve Niger dans ses portions Bénin, Niger et Nigéria, c’est poser le principal problème qui permet de hiérarchiser les différentes pièces du calcul. À travers une démarche inclusive, il sera question d’établir un diagnostic de gouvernance du bassin versant du Niger, d’identifier les impacts d’une telle approche sur le développement des ressources en eau et d'appréhender les pratiques sociales des usagers de l'eau notamment ceux impliqués dans le développement de l’agriculture irriguée et ceux qui subissent les impacts environnementaux qu’engendrent les infrastructures hydrauliques d’envergure à l’instar de Kainji et de Jebba. / This thesis is the continuity of scale through the water governance that cannot be established at one level but must instead consider all levels at once. This was a major methodological difficulty that international management is still able to solve. Subsidiarity was a way with the disadvantage to brutally separate scale levels. But the watershed is considered as a project space delimited, whose management is not only the administration but the coordination of policies, induced a management beyond administrative cuts, with an ongoing decision-making process and negotiated between actors in the powers of different levels, interests and various, often contradictory logic. It is shared by nature, make a common good requires the hurdle of "selfishness" that can be attached to the sovereignty of each State over its territory. The realization of major works stands the principle of "everyone home." It is precisely this sovereigntist principle that generates cross-border hydro-conflits. So, wonder about the real meaning of the concept of governance by the example of the shared waters of the Niger River in Benin, Niger and Nigeria portions, this is the main problem that allows to prioritize the different parts of the calculation. Through an inclusive approach, it will issue a diagnosis of governance of the catchment area of Niger, to identify the impacts of such an approach on the development of water resources and to understand the social practices of users of water including those involved in the development of irrigated agriculture and those undergoing environmental impact generate the large-scale like Kainji and Jebba hydraulic infrastructure.

Variabilité climatique et gestion des ressources naturelles dans une zone humide tropicale : une approche intégrée appliquée au cas du delta intérieur du fleuve Niger (Mali) / Climate variability and natural resource management in a tropical wetland : an integrated approach applied to the case of the inner Niger Delta (Mali)

Zare, Aïda 22 December 2015 (has links)
Les sécheresses des années 1970 accentuées dans les années 1980 et les aménagements hydroagricoles ont eu pour conséquence une certaine dégradation des ressources naturelles du delta intérieur du fleuve Niger (DIN). Cette dégradation des ressources naturelles associées à la pression croissante de la population sur le milieu a conduit à une gestion conflictuelle de ces ressources. De plus, le système d’exploitation actuel des ressources et le fonctionnement hydrologique font du DIN un écosystème complexe à gérer. Dans ces travaux, nous adoptons une approche intégrée et pluridisciplinaire pour aborder la problématique de gestion des ressources du DIN. L’approche mobilise l’hydrologie, la sociologie, l’agronomie et l’économie. L’analyse des données hydrologiques a permis de mettre en évidence une différence significative entre les dates de passage des maximums des fleuves Niger et Bani qui alimentent le DIN. Cette différence impacte les calendriers des principaux systèmes de production contribuant ainsi à exacerber les conflits. Les stratégies de gestion élaborées avec les parties prenantes, allient des pratiques de sécurisation et de maîtrise de l’eau, d’intensification, de régénération des ressources, de renforcement des capacités et des incitations économiques. Par ailleurs, dans un contexte de variabilité climatique accrue, nous avons analysé les perceptions d’un échantillon de pêcheurs, d’éleveurs et de cultivateurs sur la prévision du climat et sur l’intérêt des prévisions climatiques et des crues. Il ressort que les besoins en information climatique des usagers d’une plaine inondable comme le DIN se rapportent surtout aux dates de début de saison, de passage des maximums de crue, de la date d’arrivée des crues et des hauteurs maximales de crue. L’intérêt économique simulé de l’information climatique pour un système agraire de riziculture inondée présente un gain moyen de 10%. Par contre le coût des éventuelles erreurs de prévision serait particulièrement élevé pour les producteurs avec un déficit moyen sur le revenu de 24%. / The droughts of the 1970s intensified in the 1980s and the development of irrigation schemes upstream of the Inner Niger Delta in Mali (IND) have resulted in the degradation of natural resources. This degradation of natural resources associated with the increasing population pressure on the environment has led to a more conflictive management of these resources. In addition, the current operating system of resources and the hydrological functioning of the IND make the management of the ecosystem more complex.In this work, we adopt an integrated and multidisciplinary approach to address the IND resource management issues. The approach mobilizes hydrology, sociology, agronomy and economy.The analysis of hydrological data has highlighted a significant difference between the maximum passing dates of the two rivers that supply the IND. This difference impacts the schedules of the main production systems thus contributing to exacerbate conflict. The management strategies developed with stakeholders combine the practices of security and water control, intensification, resource regeneration, capacity building and economic incentives. Moreover, in a context of increased climate variability, we analyzed the perceptions of a sample of fishermen, herders and farmers on climate prediction and their interest of climate and flood forecasts.. It appears that the need for climate information of floodplain users as IND relate mainly to the onset date of rainy season, flood maximum passaging date, the arrival of floods and flood peak heights.The simulated economic value of climate information for an agrarian system of flooded rice obtains an average gain of 10%. As against the cost of possible prediction errors is particularly high for producers with an average deficit on income of 24%.


Slivinski, Christiane Trevisan 29 August 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T18:53:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2007-08-29 / Glucoamylase is one of main enzymes responsible for the hydrolysis of starch to form the glucose syrup, raw material used by the food industry for the production of cool drinks, ice creams, sauces, breads and as carbon source in fermentations. The enzyme is normally produced by filamentous fungi. In the present work glucoamylase was produced by Aspergillus niger through solid-state fermentation, using the industrial waste of potato processing, during a period of 48 h at 32 ºC. The biochemical characterization of the rude enzymatic preparation showed as the optimum performance pH band near 5,0 and as the optimum temperature 60 ºC, with an average activity of 11,87 U/mL. After 26 hours of incubation of this preparation, the glucoamylase kept 58,75 % (9,70 U/mL) and 60,33 % (9,96 U/mL) of its activity at 35 and 60 ºC respectively; after 28 hours of incubation in pH 4,6, it kept 72,87 % (8,88 U/mL) of residual activity. The kinetic parameters for the hydrolysis of soluble starch were Km = 1,68 mg/mL and Vmáx = 41,15 U/mL. The enzyme was partially purified through i) precipitation with ammonium sulphate between 60-85 % of saturation ii) anion-exchange chromatography in Q-Sepharose and iii) gel filtration chromatography in Sephadex G-100, with a purification factor of 109,23 fold and a yield of 11,71 %. The eletrophoretic analyses demonstrated that the studied glucoamylase presents molar mass around 130,88 kDa. After submitted to the purification steps, the enzyme kept the same optimum conditions of pH and temperature of the raw preparation, with 152,85 U/mL of average activity. With regard to stability, after 4 hours of incubation in pH 5,0, the glucoamylase presented 83 % (124,99 U/mL) of residual enzymatic activity, whereas after 8 hours only 22,72 % (34,22 U/mL) remained. Concerning temperatures, greater stability was observed at 35 and 15 ºC, in which after 24 hours of incubation 87 % (131,14 U/mL) and 85 % (127,77 U/mL) of the catalytic capacity remained, respectively. The values of Km and Vmáx for the partially purified glucoamylase were 0,049 mg/mL and 163,93 U/mL. / A glucoamilase, enzima normalmente produzida por fungos filamentosos, é uma das principais responsáveis pela hidrólise do amido para a formação de xarope de glucose,matéria-prima utilizada pela indústria de alimentos na produção de refrigerantes, sorvetes, molhos, pães e como fonte de carbono em fermentações. No presente trabalho, a lucoamilase foi produzida por Aspergillus niger através de fermentação em estado sólido, utilizando como substrato resíduo de uma indústria de processamento de batata, por um período de 48 horas a 32 ºC. A caracterização bioquímica da preparação enzimática bruta mostrou como faixa de pH ótimo para atuação, valores próximos a 5,0 e temperatura ótima 60 ºC, com atividade média de 11,87 U/mL. Ensaios de estabilidade térmica indicaram que após 26 horas de incubação a glucoamilase manteve 58,75 % (9,70 U/mL) e 60,33 % (9,96 U/mL) de sua atividade a 35 ºC e 60 ºC respectivamente. Ensaios de pH mostraram como o de maior estabilidade 4,6, no qual após 28 horas obteve-se 72,87 % (8,88 U/mL) de atividade residual. Os parâmetros cinéticos para a hidrólise do amido solúvel foram Km = 1,68 mg/mL e Vmáx = 41,15 U/mL. A enzima foi parcialmente purificada através de i) precipitação com sulfato de amônio entre 60-85 % de saturação, ii) cromatografia de troca aniônica em Q-Sepharose e iii) cromatografia de filtração em gel em Sephadex G-100 com um fator de purificação de 109,23 vezes e rendimento de 11,71 %. As análises eletroforéticas estimaram a massa molecular da glucoamilase estudada em torno de 130,88 kDa. Após ser submetida às etapas de purificação, a enzima manteve as condições ótimas de pH entre 4,5 e 5,0 e de temperatura 60 ºC, com atividade média de 152,85 U/mL. Com relação à estabilidade, após 4 horas de incubação em pH 5,0, a glucoamilase apresentou 83 % (124,99 U/mL) de atividade enzimática residual e após 8 horas no mesmo pH apenas 22,72 % (34,22 U/mL). Foram testadas e encontradas como temperaturas de estabilidade 15 e 35 ºC, remanescendo após 24 horas de incubação 85 % (127,77 U/mL) e 87 % (131,14 U/mL) da capacidade catalítica, respectivamente. Os valores de Km e Vmáx para a glucoamilase parcialmente purificada foram 0,049 mg/mL e 163,93 U/mL.

La production de pomme de terre et recompositions socio-économiques dans l'Imanan, Niger / The production of potato and socioeconomic reorganizations in Imanan, Niger

Hassane, Ramatou 18 December 2015 (has links)
C'est en 1954 que les paysans de la commune rurale d’Imanan, située dans l’Ouest du Niger, ont commencé la pratique de la culture de pomme de terre. D’une simple culture d’appoint associée à d’autres spéculations, la production de pomme de terre fait partie intégrante des systèmes de productions locaux. C’est la principale stratégie adaptative des paysans de l’Imanan pour faire face aux crises alimentaires. Plusieurs facteurs d’ordres économique, social et politique, en lien étroit avec l’évolution et les événements locaux ont contribué à sa diffusion et à son expansion. Culture de rente tournée vers le marché, la pomme de terre permet aux exploitants d’accéder à des revenus contribuant fortement à la subsistance des ménages. Dans un contexte marqué par des différenciations économiques et sociales entre groupes sociaux, la production de pomme de terre, de par les revenus qu’elle procure aux paysans, favorisent l’autonomisation des groupes sociaux défavorisés dont les jeunes et les femmes. Mais seuls les exploitants qui peuvent mobiliser suffisamment de ressources financières peuvent rentabiliser la production. La différence des revenus que tirent les producteurs de la culture de la pomme de terre est notamment liée à l’accès de ceux-ci aux plants, à l’utilisation de la motopompe et à l’emploi d’une main d’œuvre agricole externe. Le manque d’organisation adéquate de la filière pomme de terre conjugué à la faiblesse des alternatives de financement ne permettent pas à certains producteurs de s’en passer des commerçants (Maï Gida) grossistes de la filière pomme de terre. Les producteurs sont contraints de vendre leurs produits aux commerçants du « Petit marché » de Niamey. / It is in 1954 when the farmers of the rural district of Imanan, situated in the West of Niger, began the practice of the culture of potato. Of a simple culture of supplement associated with other speculations, the production of potato is an integral part local systems of productions. It is the main adaptive strategy of the farmers of the Imanan to face food crises. Several factors of economic, social and political orders, in narrow link with the evolution and the local events contributed to his distribution and to its expansion. Culture of pension was turned (shot) to the market; the potato allows the developers to reach income contributing strongly to the subsistence of the households (house works). In a context marked by economic and social differentiations between social groups, the production of potato, due to the income which she (it) gets to the farmers, favor the empowerment of the disadvantaged social groups among which the young people and the women. But only the developers who can mobilize enough financial resources can make profitable the production. The difference of the income which pull the producers of the culture of the potato is bound in particular to the access of these to plants, to use of the motor-pump and to employment of an external agricultural workforce. The lack of adequate organization of the sector apple of earth conjugated to the weakness of the alternatives of financing does not allow certain producers to take place storekeeper (Maï Gida) wholesalers of the sector potato. The producers are forced to sell their products to the storekeepers of the " Small market " of Niamey.

Seleção e caracterização de mutantes de Aspergillus niger eficientes em solubilizar fosfato na presença de fluoreto / Screening and characterization of Aspergillus niger mutants efficient at phosphate solubilization in the presence of fluoride

Silva, Ubiana de Cássia 30 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:51:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 568781 bytes, checksum: e6beb96802418d9a09f3cb5c6661297e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The use P solubilizing microorganisms are an alternative for a sustainable use of P against a backdrop of depletion of high-grade ores. Nevertheless, the chemical characteristics of rock phosphates (RP), particularly the level of toxic elements, can affect the efficiency of microbial solubilization. Fluoride (F-) released from fluorapatites has been shown to significantly inhibit P solubilization by Aspergillus niger, stimulating the search for alternatives to overcome F- toxicity. Thus, the aim of this study was to select A. niger mutants efficient at P solubilization in the presence of F-. Three selected mutants were also characterized as to their P solubilization mechanisms and the solubilization potential of different P sources. Twenty-nine mutants were obtained that presented changes in their phosphate solubilization activity in comparison to the wild type (WT). The mutant FS1-331 showed higher solubilization of Araxá RP, while FS1-555 promoted higher soluble P when grown in media with calcium phosphate supplemented with F- and in those with pure P sources. These mutants also showed higher tolerance to F- than the WT and displayed changes in the production of organic acids. The higher production of oxalic acid by FS1-331 and FS1-555 correlated with their improved capacity of Araxá RP solubilization. A mutant with decreased P solubilization capacity showed lower production of organic acids, corroborating the importance of these compounds for RP solubilization. FS1-331 was more efficient at solubilizing Araxá, Catalão, and Patos de Minas RPs than the WT and FS1-555. The variation in P solubilization capacity of the mutants obtained in this work may help clarify the RP solubilization mechanisms by A. niger. Moreover, the mutants with better performance selected in this work show potential for use in microbial RP solubilization systems with P sources rich in fluoride. / O uso dos micro-organismos solubilizadores de fosfato (P) é uma alternativa para o uso sustentável do P tendo em vista a diminuição das reservas fosfáticas de alta qualidade. As características químicas dos fosfatos de rocha (FR), em especial o nível de elementos tóxicos, podem influenciar a eficiência de solubilização microbiana. O fluoreto (F-) liberado de fluorapatitas inibi significativamente o processo de solubilização por Aspergillus niger FS1. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi selecionar mutantes de A. niger eficientes na solubilização de fosfato na presença de F-. Três mutantes selecionados foram também caracterizados quanto aos mecanismos de solubilização de fosfato e ao potencial de solubilização de diferentes fontes de P. Vinte e nove mutantes com alterações na solubilização de fosfato foram obtidos. O mutante FS1-331 demonstrou maior potencial de solubilização de fosfato de Araxá, enquanto que o mutante FS1-555 aumentou o P solubilizado em meio de cultura com fosfato de cálcio suplementado com F- e naqueles com fontes sintéticas de P. Os mutantes avaliados mostraram maior tolerância ao F- do que o tipo selavagem e tiveram a produção de ácidos orgânicos alterada. A maior produção de ácido oxálico pelos mutantes FS1-331 e FS1-555 relacionou-se com o melhor desempenho dessas estiprpes na solubilização de fosfato de Araxá. Um mutante com solubilização de P diminuída (FS1-375) apresentou menor produção de ácidos orgânicos quando comparado ao tipo selvagem, corroborando a importância desses compostos para o processo de solubilização de FRs. O mutante FS1-331 foi o mais eficiente na solubilização dos FRs de Araxá, Catalão e Patos de Minas. A variação na solubilização de P das estirpes fúngicas estudadas pode contribuir para a melhor compreensão do processo de solubilização de fosfatos por A. niger. Além disso, os mutantes mais eficientes obtidos apresentam alto potencial de aplicação em sistemas microbianos de solubilização de fosfatos com fontes de P ricas em fluoreto.

Estudo da variação do meio na produção de metabólitos secundários pelo fungo endofítico Aspergillus niger / STUDY OF THE VARIATION OF THE MEANS IN THE PRODUCTION OF SECONDARY METABOLITES BY ENDOPHYTIC FUNGUS ASPERGILLUS NIGER.

Araujo, Nailson Correia de 17 December 2010 (has links)
The endophytic fungus Aspergillus niger isolated from specie plant Hancornia speciosa, commonly known as mangabeira, was cultivated in different culture media and used for identification of six substances in their extracts, such as oxalic, citric, tartaric, p-acetylbenzoic, hexylitaconic acids and phyrofen. For quantification of pyrophen in different extracts, it was developed a method by High Performance Liquid Chromatography that was efficient for both extract analysis and fermented broth. The method allowed to evaluate the effect of different media ways and culture time on the pyrophen. The analyzed media for pyrophen production were mangaba juice, Czapeck and potato dextrose broth (PDB) and the highest yield was obtained using mangaba juice. The effect of culture time was evaluated by cultivating the fungus in the PDB medium, being the ideal period of fermentation for pyrophen production was 12 days. / O fungo endofítico Aspergilus niger isolado da espécie vegetal Hancornia speciosa, conhecida popularmente como mangabeira, foi cultivado nos meios suco de mangaba, Czapeck e Caldo de Batata Dextrose (CDB) e levou ao isolamento e identificação de seis substâncias em seus extratos, sendo elas os ácidos oxálico, cítrico, tartárico, p-acetil-benzóico e hexilitacônico e a substância pirofeno. Visando encontrar a melhor condição de cultivo para produção de pirofeno foi desenvolvido um método analítico por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência para análise desta substância. O método desenvolvido foi eficiente tanto para análise dos extratos quanto para análise do caldo fermentado e permitiu avaliar o efeito dos diferentes meios e do tempo de cultivo na produção desta substância. A maior produção de pirofeno foi obtida utilizando suco de mangaba como meio de cultivo e o período ideal de fermentação para a produção de pirofeno foi de 12 dias, quando cultivado no meio líquido CDB.

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