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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Entre o gênero e a norma: uma análise dialógico-discursiva da tradução inglesa do best-seller de aconselhamento O vendedor de sonhos, de Augusto Cury / Between norms and genre: a dialogical discursive analysis of the English translation of O Vendedor de Sonhos, best-selling counseling book by Augusto Cury.

Aline Gomes Vidal 12 March 2018 (has links)
Em meu trabalho busquei pensar a tradução literária não no sentido convencional, isto é, no que diz respeito à literatura canônica, mas sim no contexto da literatura de aconselhamento (muitas vezes tratada como autoajuda), utilizando como corpus a tradução para o inglês do livro O Vendedor de Sonhos, de Augusto Cury (2008). Para isso, mobilizo o conceito bakhtiniano de gênero discursivo, articulando-o com o conceito de normas de Gideon Toury (2012). A noção de gênero do discurso ajuda a entender os livros de aconselhamento dentro de seus contextos de produção, recepção e circulação, em oposição a concepções menos dinâmicas como as de gênero textual e tipo textual em geral mais focadas na observação da materialidade linguística dos textos. Nesse sentido, podemos dizer que a ideia de gênero discursivo aponta para a(s) função(ões) do texto. No corpus, a identificação, a descrição e a compreensão das normas revelaram aspectos do funcionamento do gênero discursivo de aconselhamento na tradução, mostrando as especificidades do contexto de chegada na mobilização desse gênero. / My research aims at thinking literary translation not in its conventional sense (that is, with regard to canonical literature), but rather in the context of counseling literature (often referred to as self-help), analyzing the English translation of the book The Dreamseller, by Augusto Cury (2008). To this end, I employ the Bakhtinian concept of speech genre in relation to Gideon Tourys (2012) concept of norms. The concept of speech genre helps to understand counseling books within its contexts of production, reception and circulation, as opposed to less dynamic conceptions such as those of textual genre and textual type - more focused on the observation of the linguistic materiality of texts. In this sense, we can say that the idea of speech genre points to the function(s) of the text in the target system. The identification, description and understanding of translational norms revealed operational aspects of the speech genre of counseling in the corpus, showing the specifics of the target context in mobilizing this genre.

Energy use by individual office workers : psychological and contextual influences on behaviour

Littleford, Clare January 2013 (has links)
Research into energy demand in office buildings has tended to focus on building fabric or systems, or the organisation as a whole, rather than the actions or motivations of individual building occupants. This study applies an attitude-behaviour approach used more frequently with household or travel behaviours to energy demand behaviours by individual occupants in office settings. The approach is extended to include contextual factors such as behavioural control, organisational expectations and social influences. Comparisons are drawn between the office and home settings. The study took place in the offices of two local authorities, Nottingham City Council and Nottinghamshire County Council, and included a questionnaire survey (n=819), semi-structured interviews (n=9), and building surveys (n=5). Behaviours examined included switching off lights, computers and computer monitors. Lighting behaviours were reported to be carried out more frequently than computer monitor behaviours in both the office and household settings. Analysis of behaviours identified that they needed to be considered at a specific level, according to the equipment (lighting, computer monitors), setting (office, home), and triggers (finishing a task, leaving a room). The physical context of the behaviour was particularly important. Different levels of individual control over energy affected the performance of behaviours. No evidence was found to support the notion of spillover that enacting one energy demand behaviour might lead to the enactment of further energy demand behaviours, including for similar behaviours performed in different settings (e.g. the office and the home). Organisational, social and psychological/attitudinal influences on individual behaviour were also examined. Structural Equation Modelling examined influences proposed by the Theory of Planned Behaviour and Values-Beliefs-Norms Theory. Neither theory provided a strong explanation of the collected data. However, support was found for the Perceived Behavioural Control construct, while moral and value-led constructs had a small influence on behaviour. This thesis provides recommendations for practitioners and policy makers seeking to reduce individual-level energy demand in office settings, and for future research into energy use in organisational settings. Recommendations include promoting energy saving as an aspect of professionalism, characterising energy demand behaviours specifically by setting and equipment, and recognising the importance of the social aspects of shared office environments.

Padrões normativos do Psicodiagnóstico de Rorschach em adolescentes de 12 a 14 anos / Normative data for the Rorschach Psychodiagnostic Test in adolescents aged 12 - 14 years

Jacquemin, Roberta Cury de Paula 29 June 2012 (has links)
Acompanhando tendência mundial de aprimoramento dos instrumentos de avaliação psicológica, é possível observar, no contexto brasileiro, esforços de diversos pesquisadores em busca da qualidade e adequado uso dessas técnicas. Dentre os métodos pesquisados e bastante utilizados no Brasil e no mundo encontra-se o Psicodiagnóstico de Rorschach que, apesar de constituir importante técnica de avaliação da personalidade, ainda exige investigações científicas na realidade brasileira, de modo a oferecer o adequado suporte para sua utilização clínica em diferentes contextos. Dificuldades são encontradas, sobretudo, no tocante aos referenciais normativos para interpretação dos indicadores técnicos, em especial na investigação do desenvolvimento infanto-juvenil. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo objetivou elaborar padrões normativos do Método de Rorschach (Escola Francesa) em adolescentes de 12 a 14 anos de idade, de ambos os gêneros, de forma a oferecer referenciais técnicos para subsidiar processos analítico-interpretativos deste instrumento projetivo para a referida faixa etária, na realidade sociocultural contemporânea. Para tanto, avaliou-se amostra de 174 estudantes de escolas públicas e particulares da cidade de Ribeirão Preto, interior do Estado de São Paulo (SP). Os adolescentes foram examinados, individualmente, por questionário de histórico pessoal (respondido por seus pais e/ou responsáveis), pelo Teste de Inteligência Não Verbal (INV forma C) e pelo Psicodiagnóstico de Rorschach (Escola Francesa). Os dois primeiros instrumentos serviram como critérios de seleção dos participantes, de modo a compor amostra de adolescentes com indícios de desenvolvimento típico. Cada protocolo do Rorschach coletado foi codificado por três juízes independentes, com posterior análise da concordância entre avaliadores. Foram examinados resultados dos adolescentes em 56 variáveis da Escola Francesa do Rorschach em termos descritivos (média, desvio-padrão, mediana, valores mínimo, máximo) e inferenciais, utilizando-se do método de regressão linear e distribuição binomial, a depender da variável analisada, a fim de verificar possíveis influências do gênero, idade e origem escolar na produção. Um quadro geral dos atuais referenciais normativos assinalou os seguintes índices médios: a) produtividade e de ritmo: R=21,3 respostas; TLm=17,6 segundos e TRm=29,6 segundos; b) modos de apreensão: G=25,7%, D=45,7%, Dd=27,3% e Dbl=1,3%; c) determinantes e índices formais: F%=45,2% e F+ext% = 65,5%; d) estilo de vivência afetiva predominante: extratensivo; e) conteúdos predominantes: A=53,8% e H=22,7%; f) Ban=14,8%. A análise do possível efeito das variáveis gênero, idade e procedência escolar sobre a produção do Rorschach na amostra examinada apontou diferenças estatisticamente significativas em reduzido número de variáveis deste método projetivo, permitindo formulação de padrões normativos globais e atlas único para os adolescentes de 12 a 14 anos, de ambos os gêneros, provenientes do ensino público e privado do interior do Estado de São Paulo, cumprindo-se os objetivos aqui delineados, possibilitando aprimoramento em processos analítico-interpretativos deste método projetivo na realidade brasileira contemporânea. (CAPES) / Accompanying a worldwide trend towards the improvement of the psychological assessment instruments, it is possible to observe, in the Brazilian context, efforts of many researchers seeking quality and encouraging the appropriate use of these techniques. Among the methods studied and widely used in Brazil and abroad lies the Rorschach Psychodiagnostic Test that, although it is an important technique of personality assessment, still requires scientific research in the Brazilian environment, in order to provide appropriate support for its clinical use in different contexts. Difficulties are found particularly as regards the elaboration of appropriate normative reference to interpret technical indicators, especially in investigating the development of children and adolescents. In this context, this study aims to establish normative patterns of the Rorschach Method (French School) for 12-14-year-old adolescents, from both genders, with typical development indicators, in order to provide technical references to support analytical and interpretive processes of this projective instrument for this age, in contemporary sociocultural reality. For this purpose, a sample of 174 students from public and private schools from the city of Ribeirão Preto, in the country region of the State of São Paulo (SP), was evaluated. The adolescents were examined, individually, by an informative questionnaire about participants life history (responded by their parents and/or guardians), by the Non Verbal Intelligence Test (INV form C), and by the Rorschach Method (French School). The first two instruments were used as selection criteria of participants in order to compose a sample of adolescents with indicative signs of typical development. Each Rorschach protocol collected was coded by three independent judges, with subsequent analysis of inter-rater agreement. The results of the adolescents were examined in 56 variables of the Rorschach French School in descriptive (mean, standard deviation, median, minimum, maximum) and inferential terms, using the method of linear regression and binomial distribution, depending on the variable analyzed in order to evaluate possible influences of gender, age, and school origin in the production. An overview of the current normative references indicated the following mean indexes: a) productivity and rhythm: R = 21,3 responses; TLm = 17,6 seconds and TRm = 29,6 seconds; b) apprehension models: G = 25,7%, D = 45,7%, Dd = 27,3% and Dbl = 1,3%; c) determinants and formal indexes: F% = 45,2%, and F+ext% = 65,5%; d) predominant affective experience style: extratensive; e) contents predominant: A = 53,8% e H = 22,7%; f) Ban = 14,8%. The analysis of the possible effect of variables such as gender, age and school origin on the production of the sample examined, showed statistically significant differences in a reduced number of variables of this projective method, so as to enable the formulation of global normative data and a single atlas for adolescents aged 12 - 14 years of both genders, coming from public and private schools in the country region of the State of Sao Paulo, fulfilling the goals outlined here, enabling improvements in analytical-interpretative processes of this projective method in the contemporary Brazilian reality. (CAPES)

Tempo de commuting e a hipótese da responsabilidade doméstica / Commuting time and the household responsibility hipothesis

Seabra, Deborah Maria da Silva 09 October 2018 (has links)
Essa tese de doutorado tem como objetivo estudar o diferencial de gênero no tempo de commuting dos indivíduos e entender sua relação com a Hipótese da Responsabilidade Doméstica (HRH, em inglês). Em um primeiro momento busca-se identificar as diferenças no comportamento de viagens a trabalho de homens e mulheres e associá-las à HRH, ao passo que a segunda parte vai mais a fundo na questão da divisão de tarefas e analisa o papel das normas sociais como motor do diferencial de gênero no tempo de commuting. Lançando mão de informações provenientes da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD) de 2011 a 2015 para indivíduos casados, a primeira parte constrói uma métrica para o grau de responsabilização do cônjuge com os afazeres domésticos e investiga a sua importância na determinação do tempo de commuting. Os principais resultados indicam que gênero só se apresenta como característica relevante para explicar a duração do deslocamento ao trabalho nos cenários em que a parcela desempenhada de afazeres domésticos não é levada em consideração. Testes de robustez mostram que o efeito da HRH sobrevive mesmo quando incluídos nas regressões aspectos do mercado de trabalho que tradicionalmente são apontados como explicações para homens e mulheres apresentarem diferentes durações do commuting. Reconhecendo que a divisão de afazeres domésticos é influenciada pelos papéis de gênero que cada cônjuge assume dentro de um casamento, a segunda parte utiliza dados do Censo Brasileiro de 2010 para incluir na análise casais do mesmo sexo e entender como as normas sociais podem ser responsáveis pelas diferentes durações no trajeto casa-trabalho de homens e mulheres. Os resultados revelam que casais do mesmo sexo apresentam maior probabilidade de terem o mesmo tempo de commuting e que mulheres que se relacionam com outras mulheres conseguem ter maior mobilidade no espaço urbano, trazendo evidências de que o afrouxamento das normas sociais, materializado na não-designação tradicional de papéis sociais de gênero em um casamento, tem efeitos positivos sobre a igualdade do commuting. A pesquisa aqui desenvolvida expande a fronteira do conhecimento em várias frentes, a começar por trazer a discussão para fora do eixo dos países desenvolvidos. Mais importante ainda, discute o desenrolar da HRH no que diz respeito à capacidade de se locomover no espaço em busca de melhores oportunidades de emprego. Finalmente, a pesquisa ainda traz insights sobre a diferença entre gênero e papéis de gênero como condicionantes do comportamento de viagem dos indivíduos, permitindo que políticas públicas sejam desenhadas visando mitigar os efeitos adversos da HRH para as mulheres. / This dissertation deals with the gender differential in the commuting time of individuals and aims to understand its relationship with the Household Responsibility Hypothesis (HRH). First, it seeks to identify the differences in the behavior of travel to work for men and women and to associate them with HRH. The second part explores the issue of the division of household chores and analyzes the role of social norms as the motor of the gender differential in commuting time. Using information from the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD) from 2011 to 2015 for married individuals, the first part constructs a metric for the degree of accountability of the spouse to household chores and investigates their importance in determining commuting time. The main results indicate that gender is a relevant characteristic only to explain travel time to work in the scenarios in which the portion of household chores performed is not taken into account. Moreover, robustness tests show that the HRH effect persists even when aspects of the labor market that are traditionally pointed out as explanations for men and women presenting different durations of commuting are included in the regressions. Acknowledging that household chores are influenced by the gender roles each spouse takes in a marriage, the second part uses data from the 2010 Brazilian Census to include same-sex couples in the analysis to understand how social norms can account for different commuting times for men and women. The results show that same-sex couples are more likely to have the same commuting time and that women who relate to other women are able to have greater mobility in the urban space, bringing evidence that the loosening of social norms, materialized by the non-designation of traditional gender roles in a marriage, has positive effects on commuting equality. The research developed here pushes the boundary of knowledge on several fronts, starting with exploring the issue out of the usual circuit of developed countries. More importantly, it discusses the development of HRH with regard to the ability to move around in space in search of better employment opportunities. Finally, the research brings insights into the difference between gender and gender roles as constraints on individuals\' travel behavior, enabling the design of public policies to mitigate the adverse effects of HRH for women.

O teste das pirâmides coloridas de Pfister: estudo normativo com adolescentes de 12 a 14 anos / The Pfister Color Pyramid Test: Normative Study with Adolescents aged 12 to 14 years

Barroso, Joana Brasileiro 26 April 2013 (has links)
As diretrizes nacionais e internacionais de avaliação psicológica remetem à necessidade de constante atualização dos dados psicométricos dos instrumentos utilizados na prática profissional. Dentre os métodos projetivos de avaliação psicológica, com uso promissor, encontra-se o Teste das Pirâmides Coloridas de Pfister, porém seus dados normativos referentes às últimas três décadas não englobam a faixa etária da adolescência. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo objetivou caracterizar e sistematizar normas avaliativas do Pfister para adolescentes, buscando otimizar a utilização desse método projetivo no Brasil. Buscouse, ainda, verificar possíveis influências do sexo, da idade e da origem escolar nos resultados nesse método projetivo. Foram avaliados 180 participantes de 12 a 14 anos de idade, de ambos os sexos, provenientes de escolas públicas e particulares do interior do Estado de São Paulo, todos voluntários, com relato de pais/responsáveis informando sinais de desenvolvimento típico (não pacientes). Após consentimento formal para a pesquisa, os adolescentes foram individualmente avaliados por meio do Teste de Inteligência Não-Verbal INV (forma C - para controle do nível intelectual dos participantes, aceitando-se na amostra aqueles com desempenho mínimo equivalente ao percentil 25) e pelo Teste de Pfister, seguindo-se orientações técnicas de seus manuais. Os dados deste estudo focalizam-se nas variáveis do Teste de Pfister, a saber: frequências das cores, das síndromes cromáticas, do aspecto formal, execução e fórmula cromática, comparando-os (Teste t de Student, p<=0,05) aos dados normativos disponíveis de 1978 (adolescentes) e 2005 (adultos não pacientes), de modo a evidenciar, empiricamente, a especificidade de referenciais normativos para adequada avaliação psicológica de adolescentes no contexto contemporâneo. Os resultados médios da amostra presentemente avaliada foram os seguintes, em termos descritivos: Azul (18,6%), Verde (15,7%), Vermelho (15,0%), Violeta (12,8%), Branco (8,9%), Amarelo (8,7%), Laranja (7,0%), Preto (6,9%), Marrom (3,0%), Cinza (2,8%) e as síndromes: Síndrome Normal=49,5%, Síndrome Fria=47,2%, Síndrome Estímulo=30,8%, Síndrome Dinamismo=27,6% e Síndrome Incolor=18,7%. Com relação ao aspecto formal, houve predomínio de tapetes (49,4%), em seguida formações (36,5%) e, por último, estruturas (14,1%), na grande maioria executadas com ordenação (77,8%), algumas de modo metódico (17,8%) e outras desordenadas (4,4%). As fórmulas cromáticas mostraram-se assim distribuídas: a) em amplitude: Ampla (69,4%), Moderada (21,7%) e Restrita (8,9%), b) em variabilidade: flexíveis (55,6%), instáveis (27,2%) e estáveis (17,2%). Houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas em função do sexo e da origem escolar dos adolescentes, com poucas especificidades em função dos anos de idade na faixa etária aqui avaliada. A comparação estatística entre dados atuais e de 1978 também identificou diferenças estatisticamente significativas no tocante às seguintes escolhas cromáticas: verde, violeta, laranja, amarelo, marrom, preto, branco e cinza, além das síndromes estímulo e incolor. Comparando-se com a amostra de 2005, evidenciaram-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas nas cores: vermelho, verde, violeta, laranja, marrom e preto, e também em todas as síndromes, exceto a síndrome fria. Desses resultados, pode-se extrair que existem diferenças entre os resultados atuais (adolescentes avaliados em 2011) e a amostra de 1978 (adolescentes) e 2005 (adultos), tornando-se indispensável a atualização dos dados normativos do Pfister, como pretendido no presente estudo, fortalecendo suas justificativas e sua utilização prática em processos de avaliação psicológica (CAPES e FAPESP). / The national and international guidelines for psychological evaluation suggest the need for constant updating of psychometric data of the instruments used in professional practice. Among the projective methods of psychological assessment, with promising use, is the Pfister Color Pyramid Test, but its normative data concerning the last three decades do not include the age of adolescence. In this context, the present study aimed to characterize and systematize Pfister\'s evaluative standards for teenagers, seeking to optimize the use of this projective method in Brazil. We also tried to verify influences of sex, age and school origin in the results of this projective method. A total of 180 participants from 12 to 14 years old, of both sexes, from public and private schools in the country of the state of São Paulo, all volunteers, with reports of parents / guardians informing signals of typical development (not patients). After informed consent for research, adolescents were individually assessed using the Test of Nonverbal Intelligence INV (form C - to control the intellectual level of the participants, accepting the sample those with minimal performance equivalent to percentile of 25%) and the Pfister Test, followed by their manuals technical guidance. Data from this study focus on the variables of the Pfister test, namely frequency of colors, chromatic syndromes, the formal aspect, execution and chromatic formula, comparing them (Student t test, p <= 0.05) to normative data available from 1978 (adolescents) and 2005 (adult non patients) in order to demonstrate empirically the specificity of normative references for proper psychological assessment of adolescents in the contemporary context. The average results of the sample currently assessed were the following, in descriptive terms: Blue (18.6%), Green (15.7%), Red (15.0%), Violet (12.8%), White (8 9%), Yellow (8.7%), Orange (7.0%), Black (6.9%), Brown (3.0%), Grey (2.8%) and syndromes: Normal Syndrome = 49.5%, Cold Syndrome = 47.2%, Stimulus Syndrome = 30.8%, Dynamism Syndrome = 27.6% and Syndrome Colorless = 18.7%. Regarding the formal aspect, there was a predominance of carpets (49.4%), then formations (36.5%) and lastly, structures (14.1%), the vast majority executed with ordering (77.8% ), some methodically (17.8%) and others disordered (4.4%). The chromatic formulas distributed as follows: a) amplitude: wide (69.4%), moderate (21.7%) and restricted (8.9%), b) variability: flexible (55.6%) unstable (27.2%) and stable (17.2%). There were statistically significant differences by sex and school origin in the adolescents, with few specifics depending on the age of the age group evaluated here. The statistical comparison between the 1978 and current data also identified statistically significant differences in the following chromatic choices: green, violet, orange, yellow, brown, black, white and gray, plus syndromes stimulus and colorless. Compared with the 2005 sample, showed up statistically significant differences in colors: red, green, violet, orange, brown and black, and also in all syndromes except the cold syndrome. From these results, one can draw that there are differences between the current results (adolescents assessed in 2011) and the sample of 1978 (adolescents) and 2005 (adults), making it necessary to update the normative data of the Pfister, as intended in this study , strengthening their justifications and their practical use in cases of psychological assessment (CAPES and FAPESP).

Comportamento social na adolescência: as normas e a rotina na regulação da conduta delituosa / Social behavior in adolescence: the norms and routine activities in controlling infractional conduct

Alves, Fabio Meirelles 03 March 2016 (has links)
O envolvimento de adolescentes com a prática de atos infracionais, no Brasil, ocupa espaço significativo no debate público. No entanto, tal debate carece de profundidade, pois pouco se relaciona ao conhecimento cientificamente produzido sobre o fenômeno. De acordo com a literatura acadêmica especializada no tema, um melhor conhecimento dos fatores associados à pratica de atos infracionais permitiria não só auxiliar na proposição de políticas públicas voltadas à prevenção deste problema, mas também no desenvolvimento de formas mais eficientes de intervenção, baseadas nas necessidades específicas apresentadas pelos adolescentes em conflito com a lei. Em meio aos diferentes fatores que devem ser pesquisados, no presente trabalho focalizam-se especificamente aqueles subentendidos sob o conceito de Normas e de Rotina, no referencial da Teoria da Regulação Social e Pessoal da Conduta, cujo autor principal é Marc Le Blanc. Divide-se assim o presente trabalho em dois estudos. O Estudo 1 trata de regulação normativa que opera por meio do mecanismo de socialização, e se refere à internalização, pelo adolescente, das normas sociais de conduta tidas como convencionais, o que promoveria um nível de constrangimento interno capaz de atuar como barreira ao envolvimento em atividades delituosas. Nesse sentido, maior adesão às normas, menos atitudes favoráveis ao comportamento divergente, mais atitudes de respeito a figuras de autoridade, maior percepção de risco de apreensão e menor utilização de técnicas de neutralização das barreiras psicológicas à emissão do comportamento indicariam um maior índice de constrangimento interno e, portanto, uma probabilidade reduzida de se engajar persistentemente em atividades divergentes/infracionais. O objetivo geral deste Estudo foi caracterizar a regulação da conduta em adolescentes pelas normas, no contexto sociocultural brasileiro. Utilizou-se o questionário de Normas proposto por Le Blanc, um questionário de caracterização sociodemográfica e a Entrevista de Delinquência Autorrevelada. Os dados foram coletados junto a 48 adolescentes Infratores e a 102 Escolares. Os resultados reforçam a importância do aspecto normativo para o melhor entendimento acerca dos fatores que explicam a conduta divergente em adolescentes. No Estudo 2 focalizou-se as atividades de rotina que podem se associar ao comportamento delituoso por meio do mecanismo de aprendizagem, na medida em que as diversas atividades nas quais o adolescente investe seu tempo constituem-se em contexto onde o comportamento divergente/infracional pode ser adquirido e reforçado. De acordo com a literatura, as atividades sem objetivos específicos, acompanhadas por pares de idade e que ocorrem na ausência de alguma figura de autoridade são aquelas que melhor explicam o comportamento delituoso de um adolescente. O objetivo geral deste Estudo foi caracterizar a regulação da conduta pela rotina em adolescentes, no contexto sociocultural brasileiro. Foram utilizados 3 instrumentos: o questionário de Rotina proposto por Le Blanc, um questionário de caracterização sociodemográfica e a Entrevista de Delinquência Autorrevelada. As análises foram feitas com base nas respostas de 102 adolescentes recrutados em escolas públicas. Os resultados comprovam a relevância das Atividades de Rotina como fator explicativo para o comportamento delituoso, com ênfase para os efeitos provocados pelos Pares, pela Família e pela frequentação de Lugares destinados aos adultos. Em síntese, ambos estudos reforçam a importância dos sistemas de regulação estudados e colocam em pauta a necessidade de outros trabalhos, que possam avançar nas questões apontadas dentro da Regulação pela Rotina e pelas Normas. / The involvement of adolescents with the practice of infractions in Brazil takes up significant space in the public debate. However, this debate lacks depth, because it\'s little related to scientifically produced knowledge about the phenomenon. According to the academic literature specialized in the subject, a better understanding of the factors associated with the practice of illegal acts would not only assist the public policy proposal aimed at preventing this problem, but also the development of more efficient ways of intervention, based on the specific needs presented by adjudicated boys. Among the various factors that should be investigated, in this work are focused specifically those implied in the concept of Norms and Routines in the framework of Personal and Social Control Behavior Theory, whose lead author is Marc Le Blanc. So this work is divided in two studies. Study 1 comes to normative regulation that works through the socialization mechanism, and refers to the internalization, made by the adolescent, of social norms of conduct taken as conventional, which would promote a level of internal constraint capable of acting as a barrier to involvement in infraction activities. Thus, greater adherence to norms, less favorable attitudes to deviant behavior, more attitudes of respect for authority figures, greater perception of sanction risks and less use of neutralization techniques of psychological barriers would indicate a greater level of internal constraint and therefore a reduced likelihood of engaging in divergent/infractional activities persistently. The aim of this study was to characterize the regulation of conduct in adolescents by the Norms in the Brazilian socio-cultural context. The instruments used were the Norm Questionnaire proposed by Le Blanc, a Socio Demographic Characterization Questionnaire and a Auto Report Delinquency Interview. Data were collected from 48 adjudicated boys and 102 school boys. The results reinforce the importance of normative system for better understanding of the factors that explain the divergent behavior in adolescents. The Study 2 focuses on the routine activities that may be associated with the delinquent behavior through the learning mechanism, as various activities in which adolescents investing their time are in the context where the divergent/infractional behavior can be acquired and strengthened. According to the literature, the activities without specific objectives accompanied by peers of age that occur in the absence of any authority figure are those that best explain the infractional conduct of a teenager man. The aim of this study was to characterize the regulation of conduct by the routine in adolescents in the Brazilian Sociocultural context. Three instruments were used: the Routine Questionnaire proposed by Le Blanc, a Socio Demographic Characterization Questionnaire and the Auto Report Delinquency Interview. Analyses were based on 102 adolescents responses recruited from public schools. The results show the relevance of Routine Activities as an explanatory factor for infractional behavior during the adolescence, with emphasis on the effects of the Peers, the Family and by Frequenting Places Intended for Adults. In short, both studies reinforce the importance of the studied regulation systems and put on the agenda the need for other work that can advance the issues raised within the regulation by the Routine and the Norms.

Norm awareness for virtual characters behaviour : a socio-cognitive approach

Lee, JeeHang January 2015 (has links)
Social intelligence has a huge impact on the determination of human behaviour in the society. The use of norms can contribute to advances in this social intelligence by the provision of appropriate behaviour based upon the understanding of social situations. Hence, the domain of virtual characters research has given much attention to take advantage of these characteristics of norms particularly in engineering human-like behaviour. However, a lack of capability in reasoning about norms as well as a lack of norm autonomy in virtual characters have significantly diminished the naturalism in virtual characters behaviour. Within this context, a hybrid approach incorporating social and individual reasoning inspired by socio-cognitive theory is taken into account in this thesis. To this end, we propose DNA 3 , Distributed Norm Aware Agent Architecture, established through the integration of (i) the institution, a normative framework performing the social reasoning, (ii) N-Jason, a (BDI-type) cognitive agent carrying out run-time norm-aware deliberation and (iii) a virtual character in charge of perception and realisation of actions. The institution takes responsibility of (i) analysis of state of external worlds by recording a sequence of event occurrences observed by multiple virtual agents, (ii) reasoning about situationally appropriate behaviour with an assistance from Answer Set Programming (ASP) solver depending upon the social context virtual characters encounter and (iii) in turn detachment of a new set of norms, more precisely normative consequences of specific actions, to virtual characters. This contributes to the enhancement in the flexibility in specifying and reasoning about social norms subject to changes of social situations. Those detached norms are involved in the reasoning process of in- dividual virtual characters. In here, a norm-aware BDI-type agent, N-Jason, performs a practical reasoning to select a plan to execute between norms and goals. Basically, N-Jason offers a generic norm execution mechanism on top of norm aware deliberation to contribute to the exploitation of run-time norm compliance. The selection of agent behaviour is achieved in the norm-aware deliberation process by intention scheduling with deadlines and priorities. This improves the rationality in the choice of behaviour with taking into account the preference on norms and goals in agent mind by evaluation of the importance and imminence between feasible plans triggered by both norms and goals. The design and simulation of politeness is presented as an evaluation of DNA 3 with respect to the effectiveness and adequacy in modelling virtual characters behaviour. The emphasis in here lies on the capability that is able to exhibit different types of appropriate polite behaviour in response to frequent changes in social situations. This is mainly driven by two main activities: prediction of other participants’ intention is carried out by norm-aware virtual characters whilst the understanding of context and reasoning about relevant social behaviour is performed in normative frameworks. For this purpose, three case studies are provided in this thesis: (i) politeness in navigation of individuals, (ii) politeness in the formation and navigation of groups during a guided tour, and(iii) evacuation model as a politeness in the emergency situation. The evaluation is conducted by measuring: (i) the appropriateness of in response to scenarios (e.g.a number of avoiding collisions) and (ii) the reliability of agent decision making (e.g. a response time in relation to norms with the highest priority and the most urgent).

Le Rôle des Normes Culturelles d’Intégration dans l’Explication des Comportements de Discrimination : Le Cas de la Laïcité / The role of cultural integration norms in explaining discriminatory behaviors : the case of secularism

Anier, Nolwenn 04 December 2018 (has links)
L’époque dans laquelle nous vivons nous rappelle constamment que la lutte contre la discrimination est un enjeu majeur de nos sociétés. En psychologie sociale, l’étude des causes de la discrimination est au cœur des recherches depuis de nombreuses années. Néanmoins, les travaux menés à ce jour proposent souvent des explications présentées comme identiques dans tous les pays et dans toutes les cultures. Dans le cadre des recherches portant sur les préjugés et la discrimination, des études récentes ont mis en lumière l’existence de normes spécifiques à chaque culture, découlant des lois mises en place dans chaque pays et centrées sur les comportements à adopter pour s’intégrer au sein de chaque société : les normes culturelles d’intégration. L’existence de telles normes dans une société donnée a notamment pour effet d’influencer le niveau de préjugés de ses membres. Sur la base de ces travaux, l’objectif de cette thèse est d’étudier l’effet des normes culturelles d’intégration sur l’émergence de comportements de discrimination. Plus particulièrement, cette thèse se centre sur un principe politique peu étudié en psychologie : la laïcité. De précédents travaux ont montré que ce principe peut être interprété de deux façons très différentes : une forme historique, inclusive, et une forme nouvelle, exclusive. Les normes culturelles relatives à ce principe de laïcité peuvent-elles être considérées comme des facteurs importants dans l’émergence de discrimination à l’encontre des minorités ethniques ou religieuses ? Afin d’étudier cette question fondamentale, cette thèse est structurée en six chapitres : deux chapitres théoriques (chapitres 1 et 6) et quatre chapitres empiriques, composés de huit études (chapitres 2, 3, 4 et 5). Le chapitre 1 introduit théoriquement les différentes notions abordées dans la thèse. Le chapitre 2 est composé de deux études pilotes qui constituent le socle de base de cette thèse. L’étude 1 a pour objectif de comparer cinq pays, dont la France, en termes de normes culturelles d’intégration. Cette étude met en avant l’importance de la norme de nouvelle laïcité en France. L’étude 2 a pour objectif de valider une tâche informatisée permettant de mesurer les comportements de discrimination. Au cours du chapitre 3, deux études (études 3 et 4) ont été conduites pour tester l’effet des normes de laïcité nouvelle et historique sur les comportements de discrimination. Le contexte socio-politique au moment de la passation de ces études nous ont également amenés à considérer l’influence du contexte culturel réel sur l’interprétation du principe de laïcité. Le chapitre 4 vient explorer un autre type d’influence des normes d’intégration. Les deux études de ce chapitre (études 5 et 6) suggèrent en effet, à la fois de manière expérimentale (étude 5) et auprès d’un échantillon tout-venant (étude 6), que les normes d’intégration influencent les exigences des membres de groupes majoritaires concernant les stratégies d’acculturation des minorités. Enfin, le chapitre 5 permet d’initier l’étude de l’effet des normes de laïcité dans un pays autre que la France : la Belgique. Pris dans leur ensemble, les résultats de cette thèse mettent en évidence l’importance de considérer l’influence du contexte culturel dans les études de psychologie social. Plus spécifiquement, ces études suggèrent que les normes d’intégration propres à chaque culture peuvent avoir un effet direct et un effet indirect sur les attitudes et comportements intergroupes. De plus, les travaux de cette thèse suggèrent également que le contexte culturel « réel » dans lequel est réalisé une étude peut venir influencer l’effet de manipulations expérimentales réalisées en laboratoire. [...] / The times in which we live constantly remind us that the fight against discrimination is a major challenge for our societies. In social psychology, the study of the causes of discrimination has been at the heart of research for many years. Nevertheless, the work done to date often offers explanations presented as identical in all countries and in all cultures. In the context of research on prejudice and discrimination, recent studies have highlighted the existence of culture-specific norms, derived from laws in each country and focused on the behaviors to be adopted to integrate within each society: the cultural norms of integration. The existence of such norms in a given society influences the level of prejudice of its members. On the basis of this work, the aim of this thesis is to study the effect of cultural integration norms on the emergence of discriminatory behaviors. Specifically, this thesis focuses on a political principle little studied in psychology: laïcité. Previous work has shown that this principle can be interpreted in two very different ways: a historical, inclusive form, and a new, exclusive form. Can cultural norms relating to this principle of laïcité be considered as important factors in the emergence of discrimination against ethnic or religious minorities? In order to study this fundamental question, this thesis is structured in six chapters: two theoretical chapters (chapters 1 and 6) and four empirical chapters, composed of eight studies (chapters 2, 3, 4 and 5). Chapter 1 introduces theoretically the different notions addressed in the thesis. Chapter 2 is composed of two pilot studies that form the basis of this thesis. Study 1 aims to compare five countries, including France, in terms of cultural norms of integration. This study highlights the importance of the norm of new laïcité in France. Study 2 aims to validate a computerized task to measure discriminatory behavior. In Chapter 3, two studies (Studies 3 and 4) were conducted to test the effect of new and historical laïcité norms on discrimination behaviors. The socio-political context at the time of these studies also led us to consider the influence of the real cultural context on the interpretation of the principle of laïcité. Chapter 4 explores another type of influence of integration norms. In fact, the two studies in this chapter (studies 5 and 6) suggest, both experimentally (Study 5) and from a more diverse sample (Study 6), that integration norms influence the requirements of members of majority groups concerning minority acculturation strategies. Finally, Chapter 5 introduces the study of the effect of laïcité norms in a country other than France: Belgium. Taken together, the results of this thesis highlight the importance of considering the influence of cultural context in social psychology studies. More specifically, these studies suggest that culture-specific integration norms can have a direct and indirect effect on intergroup attitudes and behaviors. In addition, the work of this thesis also suggests that the "real" cultural context in which a study is conducted may influence the effect of experimental manipulations performed in the laboratory. In the current context, putting the cultural context at the heart of the debate on replication in psychology, these works come to provide arguments supporting the importance of conceptual replication (which precisely proposes to take into account the specificities related to the context during replication). At applied level, this work also highlights the importance of promoting inclusive standards (such as historical laïcité in France) to improve intergroup relations.

The impact of norms on suboptimal food consumption : a solution for food waste

Stangherlin, Isadora do Carmo January 2018 (has links)
The main goal of this study is to investigate stimulus that can be used to increase consumers purchase intentions toward suboptimal food products. Consumers seem to have low preferences to buy fruits and vegetables with unusual appearance, products with damaged package and close to the expiration date, usually called suboptimal food products. However, rejection of suboptimal food is an important contributor to food waste levels. Interventions aimed at encouraging the purchase of suboptimal food are scarce, however needed. This study used the theory of normative influence to test the effect of both descriptive and injunctive norms on a product with an unusual appearance, a product with a reduced expiration date and a product with a damaged package. The first study tested different messages appeals to create a realistic norm in study 2. From this study, it was selected the social message appeal and the frequencies of purchase toward each product, using them in the messages as the prevalent norm The second study analysed the effect of injunctive and descriptive norms of purchase intentions toward suboptimal food and also tested the effect of environmental concern and food waste problem awareness. Results show that both environmental concern and food waste problem awareness impact purchase intentions toward suboptimal food. Additionally, appeals employing social norms proved to affect purchases intentions toward these products. However, this effect only occurred for the vegetable with an unusual appearance and the product with a package damaged. For the product with a reduced expiration date the norms had no effect. Moreover, for the product with an unusual appearance, food waste problem awareness mediated the effect of injunctive norm on purchase intentions. Based on the results, this study contributes to the theory of normative influences by showing that, in a general way, this theory is applied to food waste reduction issues, more specifically, with suboptimal food consumption. However, it is necessary to consider the type of sub-optimally and the context where the influence is applied. Additionally, was discussed how social norms can be used to tackle food waste and the implications for marketing and policy actions.

Preferências do consumidor por produtos orgânicos : nudges e o uso de normas descritivas

Groders, Elisandra Duarte January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar o efeito gerado pelo uso de diferentes normas sociais descritivas e pelo uso do selo de orgânico em produtos alimentícios sobre as preferências do consumidor por produtos orgânicos durante uma simulação de compras online. Tendo como marco teórico as novas ferramentas da economia comportamental, como nudges e arquitetura da escolha, num contexto de Paternalismo Libertário, a análise contou com a realização de um experimento através de um site de compras no qual os participantes foram expostos a diferentes mensagens normativas descritivas durante o processo de tomada de decisão na compra de alimentos. Participaram do experimento 1.965 estudantes de graduação da UFRGS e as análises dos resultados foram realizadas utilizando regressões por Mínimos Quadrados Ordinários e o Propensity Score Matching (PSM) para cálculo do Average Treatment Effect on the Treated (ATT). Para ambas estratégias os resultados mostraram um efeito positivo e significativo no uso das normas descritivas para o consumo de orgânicos e no percentual consumido de produtos orgânicos. No entanto, no caso do uso do selo de produto orgânico esses resultados não foram significativos. A análise sugere que o uso de normas descritivas pode promover o consumo de produtos orgânicos por estudantes e estas podem ser incorporadas na formulação de políticas públicas que visem a incentivar o consumo desse tipo de produto. / This work aims to analyze the effect caused by the use of different descriptive social norms and by the use of the organic label in food products about consumer preferences for organic products during an online shopping simulation. Within the theoretical framework of the new tools of behavioral economics, as nudges and architecture of choice in a context of Paternalism Libertarian. The analysis included the realization of an experiment through a shopping site where participants were exposed to different descriptive normative messages during the decision-making process when buying food. Experiment participants were 1.965 graduate students from UFRGS and the analysis of the results were performed using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regressions and the Propensity Score Matching (PSM) for calculation of the Average Treatment Effect on the Treated (ATT). For both strategies the results showed a positive and significant effect on the use of descriptive social norms for the consumption of organics and for the percentage of organic products consumed. However, in the case of the use of the product’s organic label these results were not significant. The analysis suggests that the use of descriptive social norms can promote the consumption of organic products by students and these can be incorporated into the formulation of public policies to encourage consumption of this type of product.

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