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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Ecology of Paradox: Disturbance and Restoration in Land and Soul

Russell, Rowland S. 08 March 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Calibration of Breast Cancer Natural History Models Using Approximate Bayesian Computation / Kalibrering av natural history models för bröstcancer med approximate bayesian computation

Bergqvist, Oscar January 2020 (has links)
Natural history models for breast cancer describe the unobservable disease progression. These models can either be fitted using likelihood-based estimation to data on individual tumour characteristics, or calibrated to fit statistics at a population level. Likelihood-based inference using individual level data has the advantage of ensuring model parameter identifiability. However, the likelihood function can be computationally heavy to evaluate or even intractable. In this thesis likelihood-free estimation using Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) will be explored. The main objective is to investigate whether ABC can be used to fit models to data collected in the presence of mammography screening. As a background, a literature review of ABC is provided. As a first step an ABC-MCMC algorithm is constructed for two simple models both describing populations in absence of mammography screening, but assuming different functional forms of tumour growth. The algorithm is evaluated for these models in a simulation study using synthetic data, and compared with results obtained using likelihood-based inference. Later, it is investigated whether ABC can be used for the models in presence of screening. The findings of this thesis indicate that ABC is not directly applicable to these models. However, by including a sub-model for tumour onset and assuming that all individuals in the population have the same screening attendance it was possible to develop an ABC-MCMC algorithm that carefully takes individual level data into consideration in the estimation procedure. Finally, the algorithm was tested in a simple simulation study using synthetic data. Future research is still needed to evaluate the statistical properties of the algorithm (using extended simulation) and to test it on observational data where previous estimates are available for reference. / Natural history models för bröstcancer är statistiska modeller som beskriver det dolda sjukdomsförloppet. Dessa modeller brukar antingen anpassas till data på individnivå med likelihood-baserade metoder, eller kalibreras mot statistik för hela populationen. Fördelen med att använda data på individnivå är att identifierbarhet hos modellparametrarna kan garanteras. För dessa modeller händer det dock att det är beräkningsintensivt eller rent utav omöjligt att evaluera likelihood-funktionen. Huvudsyftet med denna uppsats är att utforska huruvida metoden Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC), som används för skattning av statistiska modeller där likelihood-funktionen inte är tillgänglig, kan implementeras för en modell som beskriver bröstcancer hos individer som genomgår mammografiscreening. Som en del av bakgrunden presenteras en sammanfattning av modern ABC-forskning. Metoden består av två delar. I den första delen implementeras en ABC-MCMC algoritm för två enklare modeller. Båda dessa modeller beskriver tumörtillväxten hos individer som ej genomgår mammografiscreening, men modellerna antar olika typer av tumörtillväxt. Algoritmen testades i en simulationsstudie med syntetisk data genom att jämföra resultaten med motsvarande från likelihood-baserade metoder. I den andra delen av metoden undersöks huruvida ABC är kompatibelt med modeller för bröstcancer hos individer som genomgår screening. Genom att lägga till en modell för uppkomst av tumörer och göra det förenklande antagandet att alla individer i populationen genomgår screening vid samma ålder, kunde en ABC-MCMC algoritm utvecklas med hänsyn till data på individnivå. Algoritmen testades sedan i en simulationsstudie nyttjande syntetisk data. Framtida studier behövs för att undersöka algoritmens statistiska egenskaper (genom upprepad simulering av flera dataset) och för att testa den mot observationell data där tidigare parameterskattningar finns tillgängliga.

Physics and natural history in the eighteenth century : the case of Charles Dufay

Bycroft, Michael Trevor January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Meningsskapande i utställningen : En komparativ etnografisk fallstudie av förskolegruppers multimodala kommunikation vid ett Naturhistoriskt museum och ett Science center

Hansson, Elisabeth January 2016 (has links)
Som övergripande syfte vill denna studie undersöka hur två förskolegrupper kan meningsskapa i två olika utställningar genom att beskriva, analysera och jämföra dessa två förskolegruppers multimodala kommunikation vid utställningsbesök. Genom syftet vill denna studie ge ökad kunskap om multimodal kommunikation hos två förskolegrupper i två olika utställningar. I syftet ingår att studien önskar öka kunskapen om hur semiotiska resurser kan användas och vad som fokuseras genom språkbruk, som kommunikativa villkor för lärande i utställningar. Studien har en design av en komparativ etnografisk fallstudie. Videoinspelningar, MP-3 ljudinspelningar, deltagande observation och fältanteckningar har använts som instrument för datainsamling. Genom strategiska urval valdes 11 stycken treåriga förskolebarn och tre pedagoger för att besöka en utställning vid Naturhistoriska Museet och nio femåriga förskolebarn med två pedagoger for att besöka en utställning vid Tom Tits Experiment (science center). Det insamlade materialet transkriberades multimodalt och kunde därefter analyseras som text. Multimodal interaktionsanalys (Norris 2004, 2014) och ett språkbruksraster (Rostvall & West 2001) användes för analys. Resultatet visade markanta skillnader mellan utställningarna. Av den multimodala interaktionsanalysen visade utställningen vid ett science center en bredare användning av semiotiska resurser, då alla artefakters meningserbjudanden var både visuella och taktila, en del artefakter erbjöd även auditiva meningserbjudanden. Språkbruket i samma utställning var mycket varierat och barnen anmodade varandra. Slutsatsen blir av detta att förskolegruppernas a) meningsskapande villkoras av språkbruk och att b) om meningsskapandet ska ske i samarbete ökas den möjligheten dess mer symmetriska de sociala relationerna är.

A landscape approach to the archaeology of the Vredefort Dome

Byrne, Patrick Joseph 18 September 2012 (has links)
New technologies are continuously being developed that can aid us in archaeological research. The purpose of this project is to revisit an area containing Late Iron Age (LIA) Stone Walled Structures (SWS) that have received sporadic archaeological research over time, and employ new techniques and technologies to test/re-evaluate previous findings. This involves developing new mapping techniques, which involve the use of Geographical Positioning Systems (GPS), which allowed for a wide survey/mapping exercise in a time effective and budget conscious manner. From these data, a new typology was created in order to reflect new types as well as further segregate exiting types. The resulting data was analysed in a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) environment, allowing us to tackle issues such as spatial distribution and landscape patterns in a digital environment. This analysis allowed us to re-evaluate the original spatial distribution, looking at possible reasons for the inaccuracies in the original study. We then explore the implications of these new data. We tested the results of these analyses based on proposed scenarios for the location of these sites, in order to try better understand the positioning, as we as identify possible diagnostic sites that can undergo further examination.

"Egyptens plåga och resandes olycka" : En komparativ studie av Linnéapostlarna Fredric Hasselquist och Peter Forsskåls reseskildringar / The torment of Egypt and the missfortune of the traveller : The torment of Egypt and the missfortune of the traveller - a comparative study on the travel writings of Petrus Forsskål and Fredric Hasselquist

Waldmann Bergvall, Carl January 2019 (has links)
In the 1700’s, natural history played an essential part in constructing the western view of the east and its inhabitants. Based on this assumtion, the primary aim of this study has been to examine how two of Carl Linaeus’ apostles (Petrus Forsskål and Fredric Hasselquist) wrote about their specific cultural encounters while travelling.   In its essence, the results of the study has been that Mary Louise Pratts  previous writings are applicable also on the travel writings of Forsskål och Hasselquist. Altough with a few significant deviations. For example it seems that the apostles considered the native history more relevant than what Pratts theory would give them credit for.

Louis Lortet (1836-1909), un médecin naturaliste en Orient / Louis Lortet (1836-1909), a doctor and naturalist in Orient

Rabolt, Marie-Caroline 18 June 2013 (has links)
Louis Lortet est un savant lyonnais qui a cumulé connaissances scientifiques et responsabilités administratives. Entre 1873 et 1909, il obtient plusieurs missions en Orient du ministère de l'Instruction publique, notamment en Syrie et en Égypte. Les travaux relatifs à ces voyages témoignent de la formation de médecin et de naturaliste du savant, mais concernent également d'autres disciplines comme l'archéologie et l'anthropologie. Cette étude propose de retracer l'itinéraire de Lortet en s'appuyant sur divers aspects de sa biographie, éclairant son oeuvre orientaliste. La première partie met en relation l'Orient de Lortet et le courant orientaliste de l'époque. La seconde partie s'attache à la vie du savant, et plus particulièrement à son parcours professionnel. La troisième partie présente une étude descriptive et analytique des principaux travaux de Lortet en Orient / Louis Lortet is a scientist from Lyon who accumulated knowledge and administrative responsibilities. Between 1873 and 1909, he obtains from the ministry of the State Education several missions in Orient, in particular in Syria and Egypt. The works related to these travels not only testify on his background as a doctor and naturalist, but also concern other disciplines besides, such as archaeology and anthropology. This study suggests tracing Lortet’s itinerary by emphasizing diverse biographic aspects in order to better understand his orientalist work. The first part links Lortet’s vision of East to the "orientalist" movement of this period. The second part focuses on the life of the scientist, and more particularly on his career. The last part presents a descriptive and analytical study of Lortet’s main work in Middle East

História natural de Mazama bororo (Artiodactyla; Cervidae) através de etnozoologia, monitoramento fotográfico e rádio-telemetria. / Natural history of mazama bororo in the atlantic rain forest obtained through ethnozoology, photographic monitoring and telemetry.

Vogliotti, Alexandre 30 January 2004 (has links)
A espécie Mazama bororo foi proposta em 1996 com base no cariótipo exclusivo (2n=32-34) encontrado em alguns animais de cativeiro. O presente estudo teve início em 1998, com os objetivos de confirmar a ocorrência da espécie na natureza, desenvolver metodologias de captura adequadas aos cervídeos de ambientes florestais e obter informações ecológicas básicas através da etnozoologia, do uso de armadilhas fotográficas e do monitoramento de animais marcados com rádio-colares. As pesquisas ocorreram em diferentes municípios e unidades de conservação públicas ou privadas ao longo da Serra de Paranapiacaba, região sul de São Paulo. As entrevistas realizadas com caçadores e palmiteiros da região indicaram a existência de 3 espécies de Mazama: M. americana, M. gouazoubira e M. bororo, além de fornecer informações gerais sobre sua ecologia, comportamento, dieta, reprodução e as técnicas de caça normalmente empregadas na região. Através das armadilhas fotográficas foi possível observar hábitos crepusculares e noturnos em M. bororo e detectar alguns padrões de utilização do habitat, possivelmente relacionados a estratégias anti-predatórias, reprodução e disponibilidade de recursos ao longo do ano. As diversas técnicas de captura empregadas apresentaram índices muito baixos de captura, a despeito do esforço relativamente alto investido nas tentativas. As técnicas de interceptação, utilizando armadilhas fixas ou desmontáveis foram as mais eficientes, resultando na captura de 4 animais. Foram estimadas áreas de uso para dois M. bororo (fêmeas) e um M. gouazoubira (macho) no interior e entorno do Parque Estadual Intervales (PEI), através da rádio-telemetria. As áreas de M. bororo foram consideravelmente menores e cobertas por vegetação nativa em bom estado de conservação enquanto que o M. gouazoubira ocupou áreas bastante antropizadas, indicando preferências de habitat distintas entre estas espécies. Evidências não comprovadas da existência de M. americana na região levantam questões relevantes acerca da conservação de M. bororo e apontam a extrema necessidade de estudos mais intensivos visando confirmar essa simpatria, determinar os nichos de cada espécie e principalmente definir a distribuição geográfica de M. bororo nos últimos remanescentes de Mata Atlântica do país. / The species Mazama bororo was proposed in 1996 based on the unique karyotype (2n=32-34) found in some captive animals. The present study began in 1998 and intended to confirm the occurrence of this species in nature as well as to develop deer capture methods adequate in forest environments and to obtain basic ecological information using etnozoological approach, camera traps and radio-collared animals. For this purpose research was carried out several in municipalities and in public or private conservation units along the Paranapiacaba Ridge, southern region of São Paulo State, Brazil. Interviews accomplished with hunters and heart of palm gatherers from this region indicated the existence of 3 Mazama's species: M. americana, M. gouazoubira and M. bororo. These interviews also supplied general information about the ecology, behavior, diet and reproduction of these deer species and the hunting techniques employed in the region. Camera traps allowed the observation of the twilight and nocturnal habits of M. bororo and of some patterns of habitat utilization, probably related to anti-predatory strategies, reproduction and resources availability along the year. In spite of the intense efforts, all techniques employed for capture in this study had a low capture index. The interception technique, using fixed or dismountable traps and resulting in the capture of 4 animals, was the most efficient. Home ranges of two M. bororo (females) and a M. gouazoubira (male) were estimated in the Intervales State Park (PEI) and it’s outskirts by radio-telemetry. The home ranges of M. bororo were considerably smaller and covered by well preserved native vegetation. M. gouazoubira many times occupied degraded areas, indicating distinct habitat preferences between these species. Not proven evidences of the existence of M. americana in the studied region rise important questions regarding M. bororo preservation; there is an urgent need for intensive studies to confirm this simpatry, to determine the niches of both species and to define the geographical distribution of Mazama bororo in the last Atlantic Rain Forest remainders of the Brazil.

Romanidade em Plinio, o Antigo, e a Naturalis História como um \'projeto\' político-pedagógico / Romanness in Pliny the Elder and the Natural History as a political-pedagogical project

Teixeira, Ivana Lopes 04 April 2013 (has links)
O objetivo da pesquisa, Romanidade em Plínio, o Antigo, e a Naturalis Historia como um projeto político-pedagógico, consiste em analisar a Naturalis Historia (49-77 d.C.) como um discurso produzido dentro de um contexto sócio-histórico, onde Plínio, o Antigo (23-79 d.C.), reelaborou, baseado na tradição latina e grega, um ideal de romanidade, e ler esta romanidade a partir da problemática das identidades no mundo antigo greco-romano. No século I, num Império cada vez mais multicultural e multiétnico, a Pax proporcionada pela ascensão do governo de Vespasiano (69-79 d.C.), da dinastia dos Flávios, ampliou um processo de romanização do qual Plínio participou como intelectual e funcionário do círculo do poder, apresentando a Naturalis Historia como um thesauros ou memória, romano-itálica e grega, da grandeza de Roma e do Império. Nossa hipótese propõe a leitura integral da Naturalis Historia - enfatizando a análise do prefácio e dos livros 2 e 33 até 37 da História Natural - como um projeto político-pedagógico ou ideológico de Plínio, onde a romanidade pode ser lida como uma noção de identidade em Plínio, que se apresenta como supraétnica ou como modelo ideal de conduta imperial: política, econômica, social, cultural e moral. Através do discurso de Plínio, suas fontes e retórica de escrita e leitura ou de perspectivas de alcance do seu texto, de um ideal de romanitas e humanitas latinas, do contexto histórico de elaboração da obra e das teorias modernas sobre as identidades sociais no mundo antigo, propomos refletir sobre a romanidade como uma ideia de identidade romana, que rehierarquizou e reordenou o mundo imperial, a partir da cidade de Roma, dos costumes, da arte grega e da corte de Vespasiano, o novo Augusto. A Naturalis Historia como Enkyklios Paideia foi portadora de um thesauros, que repropôs a importância dos valores tradicionais romanos, enquanto descreveu a contemporaneidade ou conjuntura histórica do tempo de Plínio, o Antigo, o Principado dos Júlio-claudios ao de Vespasiano, de crises, Pax e integração cada vez maior de povos diversos. / The aim of this research, Romanness in Pliny the Elder and the Natural History as a political-pedagogical project, is to analyze the Natural History (44-77 AD) as a discourse produced in a specific socio-historical context, in which Pliny the Elder (23-79 AD), based on Latin and Greek tradition, introduced a new ideal of Romanness. The research also proposes to read this Romanness vis-à-vis the issue of identity in the ancient Greco-Roman world. In the 1st century, in an increasingly multicultural and multiethnic empire, the Pax provided by the government of Vespasian (69-79 AD), of the Flavian dynasty, expanded a process of romanization in which Pliny participated as intellectual and government official. Pliny presented his Natural History as a thesaurus or memoryItalian-Roman and Greekof the Roman Empires grandeur. Our hypothesis proposes the complete reading of the Natural History (with an emphasis on the analysis of the preface and books 2 and 33 through 37) as Plinys political-pedagogical or ideological project, in which the idea of Romanness can be read as a kind of supra-ethnic identity or as an ideal model of imperial conduct: political, economic, social, cultural, and moral. We propose to look at Romanness as a notion of Roman identity that reordered and recreated hierarchies for the imperial world, starting from the city of Rome, the customs, Greek art, and the court of Vespasian, the new Augustus. For this, we take into consideration Plinys discourse, his sources, reading and writing rhetoric, and the perspectives afforded by his text, by the ideal of Latin romanitas and humanitas, the historical context of his work, and modern theories about social identities in the ancient world. The Natural History as Enkyklios Paideia was the bearer of a thesaurus that reintroduced the importance of traditional Roman values as it described the historical conjuncture of Plinys time, the principality from the Julio-Claudian to the Vespasian dynasties, crises, Pax, and the increasing integration of several peoples.

O animal em Condillac ou as reinvenções do humano / The animal in Condillac or the Humans reinventions

Silva, Lourenço Fernandes Neto e 19 January 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho acompanha o desenvolvimento da filosofia de Condillac do Ensaio sobre a Origem dos Conhecimentos Humanos até o Tratado dos Animais, obra em que o autor se aplica à definição daquilo que é próprio do humano e que se pode considerar a mais completa descrição de seu sistema de pensamento. A partir da reconstrução da noção de Metafísica do abade, encontramos uma interessante articulação entre as discussões científicas da época e a tentativa de estabelecer um novo fundamento para todo discurso possível, apoiado nas noções de natureza, humano, língua e moral. A crítica à racionalidade e ao conhecimento operada por Condillac no âmbito da linguagem pode ser aplicada e melhor compreendida através da aproximação de sua filosofia com a ciência newtoniana e as discussões da fisiologia em meados do XVIII, para terminar, surpreendentemente, numa compreensão mais adequada da consistente recuperação da retórica clássica e das dimensões ética e política da experiência humana levada a cabo pelo autor. / This work follows the development of Condillacs philosophy from the Essay on the Origin of Human Knowledge to the Treatise on Animals, work in which the author takes on the definition of what is properly human, and can be considered the most complete description of his system of thought. Beginning on the reconstruction of the abbots metaphysics, we find an interesting articulation between the scientific discussions of the time and the attempt to establish a new grounding for all possible discourse, relying on the notions of nature, human, language and morals. The critique of rationality and of knowledge made by Condillac in the field of language can be better applied and understood through an approximation of his philosophy with newtonian physics and discussions on physiology in the middle of the eighteenth century, and finishes, surprisingly, in a more adequate comprehension of the consistent recuperation of classical rhetoric and the political and ethical dimensions of human experience as conceived by the author.

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