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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Šeimos nuostatų į neįgalumą turintį vaiką reikšmė jo savijautai / The importance of family's attitudes of the child's with special needs feelings at school

Asačiovienė, Dalia 16 June 2005 (has links)
The family is like a growing children’s cradle. There, it is formed child’s character qualities and ethics. Relationship between parents and family’s traditions become an instrument of education in the family and help the child to gain some meaningful experience. Different types of the families are discussed in this work: the meaning of psychological climate to child’s education is being emphasized. Also, different types of education in the family are opened. When we talk about the families that have got disabled children, we can say that such families have some features: exaggerated care, avoiding of changes. The aim of this work is to establish the influence of education on the child’s with special needs feelings at school. The main problem is the system of factors which decides feelings and self-confidence of children with special needs. The research was carried out in two Anykščiai gymnasiums and in one secondary school in Anykščiai district. Respondents: children with special needs, their parents and class teachers. There were opened these types of families that have children with special needs during the research: · the families where good relationships predominate; · the families where attention is paid to the child’s education of independence; · the families trusting their child; · strict families. During the research, children’s with special needs feelings in the family and at school were opened. The results of the research confirmed hypothesis that there is... [to full text]

Priešmokyklinio amžiaus specialiųjų poreikių vaikų socializacijos ypatumai / Peculiarities of socialization of pre-school age children with special needs

Andrijauskienė, Asta 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šiame darbe ir panagrinėjama kaip sekasi priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikams turintiems raidos sutrikimų: kalbos, elgesio ir emocijų bei intelekto sutrikimų socializuotis naujoje jiems aplinkoje. Priešmokyklinis amžius tai tarsi tiltas tarp ikimokyklin��s įstaigos ir mokyklos. Viena iš ugdytinų kompetencijų, šiame amžiuje, yra socialinė kompetencija- „gyventi ir būti greta kitų“. Todėl kyla aktuali tyrimo problema, kurią apima šie klausimai: ar galima raidos sutrikimus (kalbos, elgesio ir emocijų bei intelekto ) traktuoti kaip faktorių stabdantį priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų socialinę adaptaciją? Koks raidos sutrikimas iš minėtųjų turi didžiausia įtaką socializacijai? Tyrimo tikslas. Paanalizuoti priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų, lankančių ikimokyklines įstaigas, turinčių intelekto, elgesio ir emocijų, bei kalbos ir komunikacijos sutrikimus, socializacijos ypatumus. Tyrimo objektas. Priešmokyklinio amžiaus (5-6m.) specialiųjų poreikių vaikų socializacijos ypatumai. Išanalizavus ir apdorojus anketų duomenis paaiškėjo, kad neturinčių spec. poreikių bei turinčių kalbos ir komunikacijos sutrikimų vaikų rodikliai labai panašūs (išskyrus verbalinius gebėjimus). Daugiausia socialiniai adaptacijai įtakos turi intelekto bei elgesio ir emocijų sutrikimai. / The current paper analyses how pre-school age children having development disorders succeed: how speech, behaviour and emotional together with intellectual disorders let them socialize in their new environment. Pre-school age is like a bridge between the pre-school institution and the school. One of educated competences in this age is social competence – To Live And Be Near Others. For this reason a relevant problem of research appears, which involves the following questions: can the disorders of development (speech, behaviour and emotional together with intellectual) be approached as a factor arresting the social adaptation of pre-school age children? Which development disorder from the mentioned has the greatest influence to socialization? Research goal. To analyze pre-school age children attending pre-school institutions, having intellectual, behavioral and emotional together with speech and communication disorders, peculiarities of their socialization. Research object. Socialization peculiarities of pre-school age (5-6 years old) children having special needs. After analyzing and processing the data from questionnaires, it has appeared that indexes of children without any special needs and those having speech and communication disorders are very similar (except for verbal abilities). The greatest influence to social adaptation is made by intellectual, behavioral and emotional disorders.

Bedarbių mokymosi poreikių ir gebėjimo ypatumai / The pecularities of educational needs of unemployed

Stasiukynienė, Albina 15 June 2005 (has links)
In the process of writing this research paper "The pecularities of educational needs of uneployed", we have raised the aim to investigate educational needs of unemployed and the accordance of their opportunitiess with theory and practice.

Švietimo pagalba nelankantiems ikimokyklinių ir priešmokyklinių ugdymo grupių vaikams ir jų šeimoms / Support to children and their families who do not attend kindergartens and pre-school classes

Trakšelienė, Salomėja 18 May 2006 (has links)
Master thesis: Support to children and their families who do not attend kindergartens and pre-school classes. Author: Salomeja Trakseliene Aim: Analyse what educational support is provided to families who raise children who do not attend educational institutions The master thesis consists of two parts: theoretical and empirical. The literature of Lithuanian and foreign authors is analysed in the theoretical part as well as judicial questions are discussed which give idea as about special support to these children. Economic and social position of such families is explored. The results of the research are presented in the empirical part. Furthermore, the results are analysed and the conclusions are made. Families who have children with special needs and do not attend educational institutions are of similar social and economic position. A lot of parents have no occupation and are not willing their children to be educated. There are good conditions for children having special needs in Lithuania and abroad. Pedagogical and psychological centres are establised in all towns. It is useful that children with special needs receive the help as soon as possible. The laws of Educational and Sciense ministry commit that such children should receive pedagogical , psychological, social and medical help. Plenty of parents who took part in the survey declared that it is very difficult to get the necessary help. This factor is influenced by parents’ economic situation. However, they stated... [to full text]

Specialiųjų poreikių vaikų fizinis ugdymas bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje / Physical Education of children with special needs at a secondary scool

Martinaitienė, Irmina 08 June 2006 (has links)
Children with special needs grow and become mature according to common principles of evolution. However, physical characteristics and motor development fall behind. Various studies show that physical capability of those with special needs (mentally handicaped) in all age groups is 20-40% lower than of those who are healthy. (Fernhall et. Al., 1998). Lack of agility and balance or disability to remember things or forsee the changed conditions to perform the tasks can prevent them from performing various motor tasks well. (Pitetty, Fernhal, 1997). It has benn noted that exercising can improve physical capability (power) of people with special needs. The intensity level and duration of exercising influence it, as well. (Mikelkevičiūtė, 2002; Sherill, 1998). Physical capability (power) of students is usually tested by EUROFIT tests (physical capability of mentally handicaped students, as well). The aim of this research work was to evaluate physical power of students with special needs from Kužiai Secondary School (5 th-9th forms). The objectives: 1. Generalize the characteristics of the tested students. 2. Define physical capability of students with special needs by EUROFIT test: balance, flexibility, sudden power, waist power, functional power, running speed, quickness. 3. Compare physical capability of children with special needs and healthy students of the same age. 4. Define the level of efficiency of this experiment. Hypothesis: Students with special... [to full text]

Komandinio darbo gerinimas Gelgaudiškio specialiojoje internatinėje mokykloje / The improvement of team-work in Gelgaudiškis boarding school for students with special educational needs

Sutkevičiūtė, Erika 24 September 2008 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – įvertinti Gelgaudiškio specialiosios internatinės mokyklos Specialiojo ugdymo komisijos komandinio darbo efektyvumą bei darbuotojų požiūrį į komandinį darbą. Tyrime dalyvavo 63 Gelgaudiškio specialiosios internatinės mokyklos darbuotojai tiesiogiai dirbantys su protinę negalią turinčiais moksleiviais ir 9 Specialiojo ugdymo komisijos nariai, kurių pagrindinis uždavinys spręsti problemas susijusias su profesine pedagogine veikla. Jiems buvo pateiktos dvi anketos. Pirma buvo sudaryta remiantis M.Belbino specialaus savęs vertinimo testu ir antra anketa subalansuota specialiai komandinio darbo tema – anketą sudarė 20 specialiai ta tema suformuluotų klausimų. Tiriamieji buvo apklausti raštu. Tyrimo rezultatus apdorojome matematinės statistikos metodais. Apibendrinant tyrimo rezultatus galime teigti, kad taikant M. Belbino metodiką nustatėme, jog Gelgaudiškio specialiosios internatinės mokyklos Specialiojo ugdymo komisijos branduolį sudaro 13 narių, kurie pastoviai dalyvauja komandos pasitarimuose ir atlieka kitą komisijos funkcijose numatytą veiklą. Gelgaudiškio specialiosios internatinės mokyklos Specialiojo ugdymo komisijos komandą sudaro nariai, kurie turi asmenines savybes reikalingas visiems aštuoniems vaidmenims. Tačiau trijų vaidmenų – pirmininko, įkvepėjo ir stebėtojo-vertintojo dominuojančių savybių neturi nei vienas komandos narys. Gelgaudiškio specialiosios internatinės mokyklos Specialiojo ugdymo komisijos komandinis darbas gali būti efektyvus jei:... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study – to estimate the efficiency of special education board and attitude towards team work in Gelgaudiškis boarding school for special educational needs students. We have assessed 63 workers, who are working with the children with intellectual disorders, and 9 members of special education board, who are responsible for solving the pedagogical problems of Gelgaudiškis boarding school for special educational needs students. They got two questionnaires. The first one was made by M. Belbin's special self estimation test and the second one was made by 20 questions of team working. The investigators were examined in writing. The results of study have been worked by method of mathematical statistics. The results showed that by applying the method of M. Belbin, 13 members from special education board are attending in all team meetings and performing all the needed actions in Gelgaudiškis boarding school for special educational needs students. All the members of special education board of Gelgaudiškis boarding school for special educational needs students have personal characteristics, which are needed for 8 castings. But nobody of the members has personal characteristics of 3 castings – chairman, inspirator and observer-estimator. The team work of special education board of Gelgaudiškis boarding school for special educational needs students can be effective, if:  The member, who has enough personal characteristics, will take the job of chairman.  The member, who... [to full text]


Vergos, Catherine 09 December 2011 (has links)
The policy of National Unity and Reconciliation in Rwanda has been the subject of much heated debate in recent years, prompted by the uncovering of repressive techniques of the current government. As the policy is designed to enhance the legitimacy of this government, the national rhetoric must be compared to its actions where reconciliation is concerned. Instead of promoting national unity and reconciliation, this thesis will show that the government actively obstructs Rwandan interpersonal reconciliation through the denial of acceptance and empowerment. The analysis is informed by the psychological needs-based model of reconciliation, bringing in aspects of psychological theory into a field largely dominated by law and political science.

Youth Taking Action to Improve their Sex Education at Bellman Secondary

Mangiardi, Rosemarie Unknown Date
No description available.

A genealogical analysis of intersubjective assessment practices in two South African classrooms.

Ramhurry, Jaycinth. January 2009 (has links)
In this study, I conduct a genealogical analysis of intersubjective assessment practices. With the help of Foucault (1926-1984) as well as other writers who provide genealogical insights, I set out to examine the effects of productive power within the realm of intersubjective assessment practice. My key concern, guided by Foucault, was to investigate the forms of power, trace its pathways and explore the discourses involved. The study was carried out in a high school located within a city suburb. The key participants were three teachers within the learning areas of Maths, Languages (English Home Language) and Arts and Culture and their respective learners. Data was reduced from video transcripts, observations, and documents. Taking on the genealogical role of “specific intellectual” (Foucault, 1984), I attempted to “disturb” the truth of intersubjective assessment by standing up against the current of new ideas in assessment. I aimed to challenge the things that came across as natural or unquestionable about intersubjective assessment. As part of this project, I tell two stories. In the first, I show through a look into the limitations of the past “objective” view of assessment, how the present “intersubjective” view has been conceptualised. I portray this move from the “objective” to the “intersubjective” view as a story of victory- which I go on to challenge through genealogical analysis. In the other story, I provide a perspective of actual practices of intersubjective assessment. My aim is to show that both stories are tied up in power, substantiating this study’s decision to explore the phenomenon of intersubjective assessment via a genealogical approach. This genealogical analysis revealed a complexity of struggles on the part of teachers and learners in their intersubjective assessment practices. The sense was conveyed that the actual complexity of intersubjective assessment is back-grounded in the many petty and detailed practices in and around it. Some of these include, the conflicting subjectivities on ii the part of both teachers and learners; the impact of the school’s order mark system on intersubjective assessment; the impact of oppositional discourses in existence beneath the surface of schooling life; the panoptic hold those in power have over individual bodies, and the extent to which normalizing practices, both from sources external and internal to the school, impact on intersubjective assessment practices. A pervasive discourse revealed by the analysis was that of “composed performances” of intersubjective assessment. The study found that overt and covert forms of Accountability within the context of the study constructed teachers and learners as compliant subjects rather than autonomous and critically questioning individuals. This study demonstrates that Foucault’s (1926-1984) theories, methods and the model constructed for this study are respectively relevant, valuable and effective when investigating power in intersubjective assessment. Foucault’s suggestions for genealogical inquiry have enabled a perspective of “different things” that exist within the notion of intersubjective assessment. It has revealed points of “fragility”, possibilities for resistance and openings for change within the practice of intersubjective assessment. / Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2009.

The information needs and information seeking behaviour of adult diabetic patients at Addington Hospital, Durban.

Naidoo, Prabavathy. January 2012 (has links)
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease associated with high levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood. (The three types of diabetes are: Type 1 diabetes which is onset in juveniles and is characterised by deficient insulin production and the patient requires daily administration of insulin; Gestational diabetes is onset and first detected during pregnancy and Type 2 diabetes is typically found in adults who are 40 years and over and results from the body's ineffective use of insulin). Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle disease that can be prevented and managed by following a particular eating plan, exercising correctly and by the correct administration of medication. With relevant knowledge, lifestyle changes and information, type 2 diabetic patients can improve and manage their condition effectively. Hence information provision is especially important for the management of diabetes. The current study investigated the information needs and information seeking behaviour of adult type 2 diabetic patients at Addington Hospital in Durban. The study was conducted on the patients who attend the Diabetic Clinic at the Hospital. A better understanding of the information needs and information seeking behaviour of diabetic patients can contribute to their successful management of diabetes. Longo's 2010, Health Information Model provided the conceptual framework for the study. The study adopted both a quantitative and qualitative approach. Both methodologies were used to assist in gaining an insight into the research. It was envisaged that the use of both methodologies would enhance and increase the validity and reliability of the data collected. A population of 69 adult patients with a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes were individually interviewed. The healthcare professionals, which included the Medical Officer and four nursing staff at the Diabetic Clinic and the hospital's diabetic Dietician, completed the self-administered questionnaires. The data was entered into a computer and analysed using SPSS. The data was analysed in terms of frequency of results and presented in the form of tables, bar graphs or pie charts. Four themes emerged from the study: (1) Reliance on the diabetic doctor for diabetic education; (2) the active and passive patterns of information seeking; (3) patients' fear of the consequences of diabetes; and (4) the value of the Department of Health's and the Dietician's packaged information. The results of the study indicated that certain factors influenced the patients' decisions about their diabetes self-management. Their current needs influenced their need to seek out information and in most instances they sought this information out from the diabetic doctor. They could not afford the recommended foods for diabetics and besides obtaining their information from the pamphlets and hand-outs provided by the hospital, they obtained their information from traditional mass media. The study concluded that the patients relied heavily on the information provided by the doctor, the dietician and the hand-outs and pamphlets that are available at the clinic. Without an understanding of the effects of information on type 2 diabetes patients, we have an incomplete picture of how information changes the patients' behaviour, which is of primary concern in healthcare information. The study therefore recommended that future research should investigate the effects information has on type 2 diabetes patients and their behaviour. Recommendations that were drawn from the conclusions of the study were that the Diabetic Clinic and Hospital should consider approaching the South African Diabetes Association (SADA) with regard to volunteering their services and facilities to the patients at the hospital. The Clinic should also consider playing a video/dvd recording on diabetes in the patient waiting room. The Diabetic Clinic should also consider inviting a podiatrist to speak to the patients about foot care. / Thesis (M.I.S.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2012.

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