Spelling suggestions: "subject:"neighbourhood"" "subject:"eighbourhood""
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Studentský dům na Starém Brně / Student House in the Neighbourhood Old BrnoHettešová, Miroslava January 2009 (has links)
The student housing project is located in the oldest town neighbourhoods in Brno. This location has undergone lot of changes over the course of time. My goal was to return to one of those phases, to create inner couryard with additional new funcions. The concept is based on the regulation plan issued for this location by magistrate of Brno city. The building comprises various types of student housing as well as flats and rentable areas. The shape of the building is formed by character of Křížová street and opposite buildings. From the inner side building turns to the side of the courtyard.
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Networks and Success : Access and Use of Social Capital among Young Adults in SwedenAndersson, Anton B. January 2017 (has links)
The thesis explores the role of social capital in shaping inequality among young adults. Social capital is defined as resources embedded in a social network and the thesis investigates differences in access to social capital, and the effects in the labor market and the housing market. The thesis consists of four empirical studies and an introductory chapter that develops the theoretical and empirical background. The four empirical studies use a Swedish survey titled “Social Capital and Labor Market Integration” that includes individuals born in 1990 living in Sweden. A gross sample based on three subsamples was selected based on the country of birth of the respondents’ parents (Sweden, former Yugoslavia, or Iran). The survey consists of two waves of panel data and most respondents were 19 years old at the time of the first survey and 22 at the time of the second. The four studies investigate: (1) the effect of social class and migration background on access to social capital through national and transnational ties, (2) the effect of socioeconomic segregation in schools and neighborhoods on access to social capital through occupational networks and close friendship ties, (3) the effect of social capital in the process of labor market entry, and (4) the effect of social capital on the likelihood to move away from parents. All four studies measure social capital with ego network measures and the main measurement is the position generator that asks the respondent about contacts in occupational positions spanning the socioeconomic structure. Results show that family background factors and socioeconomic segregation affects access to social capital, and that social capital affects labor market and housing market outcomes. The thesis concludes that social capital is an important factor to understand unequal outcomes among young adults. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: Accepted. Paper 2: Manuscript. Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p> / LIFEINCON
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Parent-youth associations of physical activity and the influence of family and neighbourhood social factorsGandhi, Sima 12 1900 (has links)
Objectif: Examiner le lien entre la participation des parents aux activités physiques (AP) de leur enfant et les habitudes de vie et le statut pondéral de ces derniers.
Méthode: Les données proviennent de l’Enquête Sociale et Santé des Enfants et des Adolescent Québécois (1999), comprenant des échantillons représentatifs de jeunes de 9, 13 et 16 ans (n=2511). L’implication des parents est définie par aucun, 1 seul, ou 2 parents faisant de l’AP avec leur enfant ≥1/semaine. Un rappel 7 jours a servi à classer les jeunes selon leur niveau d’AP, soit faible, modéré ou élevé. Le temps d’écran a été défini par: ≤14 vs. >14 heures/semaine. Le statut pondéral a été défini selon les critères de Cole.
Résultats: Lorsque les deux parents participent aux AP du jeune, le niveau d’AP des adolescents de 13 (OR 3.89, IC 95%: 1.85-8.18) et 16 ans (OR 3.45, IC 95%: 1.32-9.01) est davantage élevé, et le temps d’écran moindre (OR 2.36, IC 95%: 1.30-4.25) chez ceux de 13 ans. Des analyses secondaires montrent que le lien entre l’implication des parents et le niveau d’AP des jeunes est présent chez les familles biparentales seulement; le lien avec le temps d’écran est présent dans les quartiers sécuritaires seulement. Aucune association n’est observée pour le statut pondéral.
Conclusion: Les stratégies de promotion de la santé ciblant la participation des parents aux AP de leurs enfants pourraient réduire le fardeau des maladies chroniques, étant donné l’association favorable entre leur implication et les habitudes de vie des jeunes. / Objective: To examine the association between parental involvement in their child’s physical activity (PA) and child lifestyle behaviours and weight status.
Methods: Data were from the 1999 Quebec Child and Adolescent Health and Social Survey, comprising representative samples of youth aged 9, 13, and 16 years. Parental involvement in PA with their child was assessed and measured as both, one, or neither parent engaging in PA with their child ≥once/week, based on parent reports. A 7-day PA recall was used to categorize youth as inactive, moderately-active, or highly-active. Screen time was classified as ≤14 and >14 hours of TV and video viewing/week. Overweight status was defined according to Cole’s sex- and age-specific BMI cut-points.
Results: Participants (n=2511) with both parents engaging in PA with them ≥once/week (vs. neither parent) were more likely to be highly-active at ages 13 (OR 3.89, 95% CI: 1.85-8.18) and 16 (OR 3.45, 95% CI: 1.32-9.01), and to report ≤14 hours/week of screen time at age 13 (OR 2.36, 95% CI: 1.30-4.25). No associations were observed for weight status. We examined effect modification in post-hoc analyses; the association between parental involvement and youth PA was present in two-parent households only, while the association between parental involvement and screen time was only present in neighbourhoods perceived to be safe by parents.
Conclusion: Health promotion strategies targeting parental involvement in youth PA may reduce the future burden of chronic disease, given the favorable association of parental involvement with several youth lifestyle behaviours.
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Le contact des policiers avec les citoyens : les perceptions de jeunes hommes noirs de la ville de MontréalFable, Vanessa 09 1900 (has links)
Les relations entre les policiers et les citoyens issus des communautés culturelles représentent un enjeu de taille pour le Service de Police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM). En effet, les relations entre les policiers et les minorités ethniques sont au centre de débats et de consultations depuis plusieurs décennies. Force est de constater qu’encore aujourd’hui des tensions demeurent.
Plusieurs recherches se sont penchées sur les perceptions des citoyens de leur service de police, mais peu se sont intéressées aux perceptions détaillées des jeunes hommes noirs. Il est pourtant démontré que ce groupe entretient les perceptions les moins favorables envers les policiers et que, par ailleurs, ils sont plus susceptibles d’avoir des contacts avec les policiers. Les perceptions pouvant avoir une réelle influence sur la réponse au contact policier, il appert qu'il est primordial de comprendre l’origine de ces perceptions.
Ainsi, ce mémoire vise à identifier les éléments formateurs des perceptions de jeunes hommes noirs de la ville de Montréal âgés de 18 à 25 ans. Pour ce faire, l’approche qualitative a été retenue et des entretiens de type semi-directifs ont été effectués.
L’analyse du discours des participants révèle principalement que les interactions personnelles avec les policiers forment les perceptions et/ou renforcent des perceptions déjà existantes. De plus, l’approche de l’agent de police lors de ce contact est mainte fois soulignée par les jeunes lors des entretiens réalisés démontrant que les premiers instants d’une interaction suffisent à l’instauration d’une perception positive ou négative. Il ressort aussi de l’étude que les expériences indirectes ont un impact certain dans la formation des perceptions surtout lorsque ces expériences ont été vécues par un proche. Ces expériences indirectes s’inscrivent d’ailleurs dans un contexte où l’appartenance culturelle du jeune et une certaine culture de quartier tendent à dicter ce que les jeunes se doivent de penser de l’organisation policière. De plus, une méconnaissance des enjeux sous-jacents aux perceptions de ces jeunes hommes par les corps policiers paraît être un obstacle à la mise en place d’interventions efficaces et significatives auprès de cette population. / Relations between the police and the citizens who are members of the cultural communities represent a challenge for the police department of the City of Montreal. Indeed, relations between the police and ethnic minorities have been at the center of debates and consultations for several decades. It is clear that even today tensions remain.
Several studies have examined citizen perceptions of their police department, but few have studied in details perceptions of young Black men even though it has been shown that this group has the least favourable perceptions of the police and that they are more likely to have contact with the police. Perceptions can have a real influence on the response to police contact. Therefore, it appears important to understand the root of these perceptions.
This paper aims to identify the formative elements of the perceptions of young black men living in Montreal between the ages of 18 to 25. To do this, the qualitative approach was used and semi-structured interviews were conducted.
The analysis of the participant’s discourses reveals predominantly that personal interactions with the police build the perceptions and / or strengthen existing perceptions. In addition, during the interviews, the police officer’s approach is often mentioned by the young men showing that the first moments of the interaction are sufficient for the establishment of a positive or negative perception. It is also clear according to the collected data that indirect experiences have some impact in the development of perceptions especially when these were experienced by a relative or a friend. These indirect experiences are part of a context where the neighbourhood’s subculture and the young men’s cultural background tend to dictate what these young people need to think of the police organization. Therefore, the lack of understanding of the underlying issues that are building the perceptions of these young men by the police departments seems to be an obstacle to the establishment of effective and meaningful interventions for this population.
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Promoteurs immobiliers privés et problématiques de développement durable urbain / Private developers and problems of urban sustainable developmentTaburet, Aurélien 03 December 2012 (has links)
Alors même que les grandes priorités de la question du logement (loger, construire et habiter différemment, habiterl’existant, crises et contraintes) tendent à converger et à s’agréger à la charnière du changement de siècle, de nouvellesproblématiques, regroupées sous celle plus globale du développement durable, émergent et (ré)interrogent la productionde la ville. Les promoteurs immobiliers privés sont alors interpellés et mobilisés afin de répondre à cette nouvelleproblématique qui devient même prescription à la suite du Grenelle de l’environnement (2007). Les problématiquesde la durabilité proposent dès lors aux acteurs privés de la fabrique urbaine de se projeter sur une ligne de déclinaisonlogement-bâtiment-quartier-ville et à y opérer des allers-retours afin de répondre à la transversalité des composantes dela durabilité. D’un premier temps consacré au traitement énergétique du bâtiment et de son enveloppe, des promoteursse positionnent peu à peu à l’échelle du quartier durable et de la ville durable. Deux terrains d’études, l’écoquartierbordelais Ginko et la reconversion de l’entrepôt Macdonald, proposent d’éclaircir un pan encore peu approprié parla bibliographie : le portage privé d’opérations de quartiers durables. L’éclosion de l’urbanisme durable ouvre unedeuxième vie à ces deux opérations. Elle ouvre également de nouvelles opportunités aux acteurs privés pouvant opérerun balancement entre les échelles de la durabilité et en mesure de se projeter à l’échelle du quartier. Ce point derencontre, établi par une convergence d’intérêts communs entre acteurs publics et privés, permet alors aux promoteursaménageursde se poser comme force de proposition dans l’édification de quartiers durables. / At the turn of the century, as the great housing issues – finding homes, building, living differently, reusing thealready built, dealing with crises and constraints – are becoming more acute, new problems have emerged, under thebroader question of sustainable development, and thus questioning the way cities are organised. Therefore, privatereal estate developers are approached over this question, which has become urgent in the wake of the 2007 GrenelleEnvironment conference. From then on, faced with the issues of sustainable development, private contributors tourban construction need to take several scales into account at the same time – housing lot, building, neighbourhood,city – in order to address the many components of sustainability. Private developers first dealt with buildings’energetic treatments and outer structure, but are gradually considering whole sustainable neighbourhoods andcities. This study has focused on fieldwork in two areas : the Ginko eco-neighbourhood in Bordeaux and theconverted Macdonald warehouse. These have enabled us to analyze an understudied area of reasearch, i.e. privatefunding of sustainable neighbourhoods. The birth of sustainable urbanism gives a second life to those two places.It is also an opportunity for private developers to work both in terms of sustainable development, and on the scaleof entire neighbourhoods. This dual aspect, resulting from interests common to public and private actors, enablesreal estate developers to take a truly active part in the rise of sustainable neighbourhoods.
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Röster från ett bostadsområde i Sverige : En kvalitativ studie om boendes egna upplevelser av att bo i ett såkallat utsatt område / Voices from a neighbourhood in Sweden : A qualitative study about residents own experience of living in a so called vulnerable areaEnglund, Emla, Sandström, Frida January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka boendes egna upplevelser av att bo i Tjärna ängar och undersöka vilka föreställningar de har om hur utomstående ser på bostadsområdet för att se om dessa föreställningar påverkar de boende. Studien är en kvalitativ undersökning där semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts. Materialet har analyserats utifrån tre olika tolkningsramar, territoriell stigmatisering, etablerade och outsiders samt media. Resultatet som framkom i studien är att bilden av bostadsområdet Tjärna ängar skiljer sig mellan de boende och samhället. De boende upplever området som tryggt medan samhället ser området som oroligt. De boende menar att medias rapportering är en stor faktor till skapandet av bilden i samhället av bostadsområdet. Vidare framkom att området Tjärna ängar är utsatt för en territoriell stigmatisering. / The purpose of this study is to investigate residents own experience of living in Tjärna ängar and examine the notions they have about how outsiders think of Tjärna ängar to see if these notions affect the residents. The study is a qualitative study in which semi-structured interviews were used. The material has been analyzed from three different theoretical perspectives, territorial stigmatization, established and outsiders and the media. The result showed that the image of the area Tjärna ängar differ between the residents and the community. The residents experience the neighborhood as safe while the community sees it as disordered. The residents think that a major factor in the creation of the image that exists in the community is what media reports about the neighborhood. Furthermore the result showed that the neighborhood Tjärna ängar are subject to a territorial stigmatization.
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Geostrategický význam Bangladéše pro směřování indické zahraniční politiky / The Geostrategic Importance of Bangladesh from the Perspective of India's Foreign PolicyJelínková, Věra January 2019 (has links)
This master's thesis sets out to interpret relations of India and Bangladesh and the course of their foreign policies in the light of geographical, geopolitical, demographic, and other realities and new paradigms, which determine forming of their mutual relations. The aim of this thesis is to highlight the geostrategic significance of Bangladesh for India and for the development of the surrounding region. This thesis also portrays the historical role of India in the emergence of Bangladesh and their relations since 1971 until today. It also deals with the key areas of Indian foreign and security policy towards Bangladesh, including economic cooperation, cooperation in the area of defence, legal and illegal migration, local and regional connectivity, energy, and water management. Given the topicality of the subject matter, this thesis draws information primarily from official documents published by governmental agencies, research institutes and think tanks, as well as from publicly accessible agreements, memorandums, arrangements, joint statements, press releases and other reliable sources. To a limited extent, it also sources Indian, Bangladeshi, and other media. Keywords: India, Bangladesh, India-Bangladesh Relations, South Asia, Indian Subcontinent, Neighbourhood First Policy, Foreign Policy
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Linguistic landscape and the local : a comparative study of texts, visible in the streets of two culturally diverse urban neighbourhoods in Marseille and Pretoria.Kelleher, William 25 July 2014 (has links)
The thesis concerns the linguistic landscape (LL) of two neighbourhoods, one in Pretoria,
South Africa, and the other in Marseille, France. This is a longitudinal study whose data was
collected over two years of site visits. LL are explored in terms of both space and place. In
terms of place, they are seen to be constitutive of a sense of place, allowing insights into
memory, aspiration, and familial and cultural networks. Spatially, they are seen to realise a
politics where design and distribution of LL are markers of power and modality. Analysis
takes its point of departure in geosemiotics. Artefacts of LL are interpreted as sites of
encounter of four cycles of discourse: the interaction order, habitus, semiotics of place and
visual semiotics. The focus is on understanding LL artefacts, their production and reception,
as a nexus of practice. Methodologically, walking - as a creative practice, and as an
actualisation of the place and space of the neighbourhood - is chosen for photographing LL,
for observing interactions and for meeting participants to the research. In examining
habitus, the discourses, literacy and narratives of the people who live, work and pass
through the site are compared. Deep social and economic similarities are noted between
the two sites. Exploration of the semiotics of place brings to light regularities in the features
of formal and informal LL, the nature of participation with and subversion of these texts, but
also disparities among producers and receivers in terms of literacy, access, the socio-cultural
and the socio-economic. Visual semiotic analysis continues these findings and it is noted
that global and local discourses of identification, aspiration and self-stylisation circulate
transversally in the sites. LL are taken to realise a politics of space when multimodal analysis
of composition and modality is extended to the streetscape, as LL ensemble. A key facet of
the research is the interpretation of informal LL. Their inclusion challenges existing LL
methodologies by flagging the necessity to ground quantitative findings ethnographically.
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Les enjeux de la politique européenne à l'égard de l'Ukraine (2003-2014) / Challenges of the European neighbourhood policy with regard to Ukraine (2003-2014)Ratsiborynska, Vira 28 September 2015 (has links)
La Politique européenne de voisinage (PEV) a été conçue pour promouvoir la prospérité, la stabilité et la sécurité dans les régions voisines de l'UE. L'analyse de cette politique dans le cadre du développement des relations entre l'Ukraine et l'UE, ainsi que dans le contexte de l'évolution d'une dynamique intra-régionale du Partenariat oriental, a conduit à l'identification d'une série de lacunes de nature différente, concernant à la fois les failles institutionnelles de la PEV et les incertitudes pesant sur ses perspectives finales vis-à-vis de l'Ukraine. En outre, la PEV a montré la limite de ses capacités à faire face aux défis sécuritaires lors de la crise en Crimée. Elle a également démontré les limites de sa stratégie géopolitique dans le cadre des relations entre la Russie, l'Ukraine et l'UE, de même qu'elle a révélé son incapacité à prévenir les risques potentiels qu'entraînerait l'Accord d'association Ukraine-UE pour l'Ukraine. / The European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) was originally designed to promote prosperity, stability and security in the European Union's neighbouring regions. The analysis of this policy within the framework of the relations between Ukraine and the EU and in the context of the evolution of the intraregional dynamics of the Eastern Partnership and of the external policy of the Union did however reveal a number of inherent flaws. In addition to the policy's deficiencies relating to both institutional failings and to the uncertainty regarding the final perspective of this process for Ukraine, the ENP also turned out to be insufficient when faced with the security challenges of the Crimean Crisis. It has demonstrated its limitations concerning the EU's geopolitical strategy within the framework of the relations between Russia, Ukraine and the EU and was shown to be unable to prevent potential risks arising from the European Union's Association Agreement with Ukraine.
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Fragmentação do espaço da/na cidade de São Paulo: espacialidades diversas do bairro da Água Branca. / Fragmentation of space of/in the city of São aulo: spacialites of the neighboorhood of Água Branca.Ramos, Aluisio Wellichan 20 December 2001 (has links)
Neste trabalho, debruçamo-nos sobre uma porção da cidade de São Paulo, situada em seu oeste próximo, tida aqui, de forma ampla, sob a designação de Água Branca. Partindo da realidade presente em sua complexidade, questionamos a existência da "Água Branca" enquanto bairro. Ao nos debruçarmos sobre o bairro, seu conceito e as teorizações envolvendo este nível de organização da vida urbana, descobrimos que a Água Branca tem um movimento histórico de suas espacialidades, que não se restringe ao bairro. O bairro e a sua sociabilidade definidora, a vida de bairro, pode ter existido no local, mas, nem tal local surge como um bairro, nem persiste como tal no presente momento. Este movimento nos mostrou três momentos. A Água Branca foi inicialmente uma localidade rural dos arredores paulistanos. A partir da industrialização, começa a surgir no local o bairro de Água Branca. A configuração da Metrópole, advinda do avanço do processo de urbanização, dissolve o bairro e o local passa a ser uma porção imersa na metrópole. Neste momimento o local se transforma: o espaço, o modo de vida no interior deste, as suas relações com o restante da cidade, enfim, sua função, estrutura e forma. Tais espacialidades são engendradas e só podem ser entendidas se vistas a partir da relação dos processos históricos mais amplos, como a (des)industrialização e a urbanização, (des)valorização imobiliária, etc., processos estes que ocorrem na escala da cidade como um todo ou mesmo do país, com os processos sociais que ocorrem em escala local. Ou seja, para se compreender o local e suas transformações históricas é necessário compreender, paralelamente, tanto os processos sociais mais amplos quanto aqueles relativos à escala do próprio local. Por isso, percorremos os processos de industrialização e urbanização da cidade de São Paulo de forma ampla, procurando ressaltar os aspectos destes processos que mais nos interessam para a compreensão do local. / In this research, we lean out on a fraction of São Paulo city, located on its near west, took here, in a large way, under the designation of Água Branca. Taking from the present reality in its complexity we question the existence of "Água Branca" as a neighbourhood. When we leaned out on the neighbourhood, its concept and the theorizations of this urban life organization level, we discovered that Água Branca has a historical movement of its spacialities which goes beyond the neighbourhood. The neighbourhood and its specific sociability, called "neighbourhood life", might has existed on the area. But, neither this local arises as a neighbourhood nor persists as one nowadays. This movement showed us three moments. Água Branca was in the beginning a rural location of the São Paulo surroundings. From industrialization, begins to arise on the area the heighbourhood of Água Branca. The configuration of the metropolis, resulted from the urbanization process advance, dissolve the neighbourhood and the area begins to be an immersed portion on the metropolis. On this movement, the area goes through a transformation: the space, the way of life inside of it, its relations with the rest of the city, at last, its function, structure and form. Such spacialities are done and only can be understood if they are analized from the relation of amplier historical processes, such as the (un)industrialization and the urbanization, (un)valorization of the space, etc., in short, processes that occur in the city as a whole or even in the country scale, with the social processes which occur on local scale. In other words, to understnad the area and its historical transformations it is necessary to understand both the amplier social processes and the ones related to the local scale simultaneously. Because of it, we examined the processes of industrialization and urbanization of São Paulo city in an ample way, intending to emphasize the aspects of its processes that are more important for the understanding of the area.
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