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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Inégalités de von Neumann sous contraintes, image numérique de rang supérieur et applications à l'analyse harmonique

Gaaya, Haykel 05 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le domaine de la théorie des opérateurs. L'un des opérateurs qui m'a particulièrement intéressé est l'opérateur modèle noté S(Φ) qui désigne la compression du shift unilatéral S sur l'espace modèle H(Φ) où Φ est une fonction intérieure. L'étude du rayon numérique de S(Φ) semble être importante comme l'illustre bien un résultat dû à C. Badea et G. Cassier qui ont montré qu'il existe un lien entre le rayon numérique de tels opérateurs et l'estimation des coefficients des fractions rationnelles positives sur le tore. Nous fournissons une extension de leur résultat et nous trouvons une expression explicite du rayon numérique de S(Φ) dans le cas particulier où Φ est un produit de Blaschke fini avec un unique zéro. Dans le cas général où Φ est un produit de Blaschke fini quelconque, une estimation du rayon numérique de S(Φ) est aussi donnée. Dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse on s'est intéressé à l'image numérique de rang supérieur Λk(T) qui est l'ensemble de tous les nombres complexes λ vérifiant PTP = λP pour une certaine projection orthogonale P de rang k . Cette notion a été introduite récemment par M.-D. Choi, D. W. Kribs, et K. Zyczkowski et elle est utilisée pour certains problèmes en physique. On montre que l'image numérique de rang supérieur du shift n-dimensionnel coïncide avec un disque de rayon bien déterminé

The Null-Field Methods and Conservative schemes of Laplace¡¦s Equation for Dirichlet and Mixed Types Boundary Conditions

Liaw, Cai-Pin 12 August 2011 (has links)
In this thesis, the boundary errors are defined for the NFM to explore the convergence rates, and the condition numbers are derived for simple cases to explore numerical stability. The optimal convergence (or exponential) rates are discovered numerically. This thesis is also devoted to seek better choice of locations for the field nodes of the FS expansions. It is found that the location of field nodes Q does not affect much on convergence rates, but do have influence on stability. Let £_ denote the distance of Q to ∂S. The larger £_ is chosen, the worse the instability of the NFM occurs. As a result, £_ = 0 (i.e., Q ∈ ∂S) is the best for stability. However, when £_ > 0, the errors are slightly smaller. Therefore, small £_ is a favorable choice for both high accuracy and good stability. This new discovery enhances the proper application of the NFM. However, even for the Dirichlet problem of Laplace¡¦s equation, when the logarithmic capacity (transfinite diameter) C_£F = 1, the solutions may not exist, or not unique if existing, to cause a singularity of the discrete algebraic equations. The problem with C_£F = 1 in the BEM is called the degenerate scale problems. The original explicit algebraic equations do not satisfy the conservative law, and may fall into the degenerate scale problem discussed in Chen et al. [15, 14, 16], Christiansen [35] and Tomlinson [42]. An analysis is explored in this thesis for the degenerate scale problem of the NFM. In this thesis, the new conservative schemes are derived, where an equation between two unknown variables must satisfy, so that one of them is removed from the unknowns, to yield the conservative schemes. The conservative schemes always bypasses the degenerate scale problem; but it causes a severe instability. To restore the good stability, the overdetermined system and truncated singular value decomposition (TSVD) are proposed. Moreover, the overdetermined system is more advantageous due to simpler algorithms and the slightly better performance in error and stability. More importantly, such numerical techniques can also be used, to deal with the degenerate scale problems of the original NFM in [15, 14, 16]. For the boundary integral equation (BIE) of the first kind, the trigonometric functions are used in Arnold [3], and error analysis is made for infinite smooth solutions, to derive the exponential convergence rates. In Cheng¡¦s Ph. Dissertation [18], for BIE of the first kind the source nodes are located outside of the solution domain, the linear combination of fundamental solutions are used, error analysis is made only for circular domains. So far it seems to exist no error analysis for the new NFM of Chen, which is one of the goal of this thesis. First, the solution of the NFM is equivalent to that of the Galerkin method involving the trapezoidal rule, and the renovated analysis can be found from the finite element theory. In this thesis, the error boundary are derived for the Dirichlet, the Neumann problems and its mixed types. For certain regularity of the solutions, the optimal convergence rates are derived under certain circumstances. Numerical experiments are carried out, to support the error made.

Espaces Lp de l'algèbre de von Neumann d'un groupoïde mesuré.

Perrin Boivin, Patricia 23 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
L'inégalité de Hausdorff-Young a été généralisée aux groupes localement compacts par R. Kunze dans le cas unimodulaire puis par M. Terp dans le cas général. Une version de cette inégalité a été donnée par B. Russo pour les opérateurs intégraux. Dans cette thèse, on établit une inégalité de Hausdorff-Young pour les groupoïdes mesurés qui recouvre ces résultats. Comme dans les cas des groupes non commutatifs, on utilise la théorie non commutative de l'intégration. La majeure partie de ce travail est l'identification des espaces Lp de l'algèbre de von Neumann du groupoïde dans les cas p=1, 2 comme espaces de fonctions et aussi comme espaces d'opérateurs aléatoires.

Dégénérescence et problèmes extrémaux pour les valeurs propres du laplacien sur les surfaces

Girouard, Alexandre January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


Kunadian, Illayathambi 01 January 2004 (has links)
Ultra-fast laser heating of nano-films is investigated using 3-D Dual Phase Lag heat transport equation with laser heating at different locations on the metal film. The energy absorption rate, which is used to model femtosecond laser heating, is modified to accommodate for three-dimensional laser heating. A numerical solution based on an explicit finite-difference method is employed to solve the DPL equation. The stability criterion for selecting a time step size is obtained using von Neumann eigenmode analysis, and grid function convergence tests are performed. DPL results are compared with classical diffusion and hyperbolic heat conduction models and significant differences among these three approaches are demonstrated. We also develop an implicit finite-difference scheme of Crank-Nicolson type for solving 1-D and 3-D DPL equations. The proposed numerical technique solves one equation unlike other techniques available in the literature, which split the DPL equation into a system of two equations and then apply discretization. Stability analysis is performed using a von Neumann stability analysis. In 3-D, the discretized equation is solved using delta-form Douglas and Gunn time splitting. The performance of the proposed numerical technique is compared with the numerical techniques available in the literature.

Modélisation mathématique du poumon humain

Christine, Vannier 09 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Nous nous intéressons à certains problèmes théoriques posés par la modélisation du poumon humain comme arbre bronchique plongé dans le parenchyme pulmonaire. L'arbre bronchique est représenté par un arbre dyadique résistif à 23 générations dans lequel un écoulement de Stokes a lieu. La loi de Poiseuille relie ainsi le débit dans chaque bronche au saut de pression à ses extrémités. Cet arbre est ensuite plongé dans un milieu visco-élastique modélisant le parenchyme. Le processus de ventilation est alors assuré par des pressions négatives, dues à une contraction du diaphragme, au niveau des alvéoles permettant l'inspiration. La première partie est consacrée à l'introduction d'un modèle d'arbre infini obtenu en faisant tendre le nombre de générations vers l'infini. Des théorèmes de trace permettent alors de modéliser le processus de ventilation comme un opérateur Dirichlet-Neumann, qui associe au champ de pression sur l'ensemble des bouts de l'arbre infini le continuum de débit sortant. La seconde partie est dédiée à l'étude de modèles du parenchyme pulmonaire. La complexité du parenchyme, milieu visco-élastique, provient de la présence de l'arbre qui relie toutes les alvéoles entre elles. Des phénomènes de dissipation non locaux sont ainsi observés dus aux couplage de toutes les sorties. Nous étudions tout d'abord un modèle monodimensionnel du parenchyme mettant en jeu une équation de type onde avec des effets non locaux. En particulier nous détaillons l'étude du comportement en temps long. Enfin, nous proposon l'ébauche d'un modèle du parenchyme en dimension supérieure prenant en compte à la fois le caractère élastique du tissu ainsi que la présence de l'arbre résistif.

Ordering of Entangled States for Different Entanglement Measures / Ordning av Sammanflätningsgrad hos Kvantmekaniska Tillstånd för Olika Mätmodeller

Sköld, Jennie January 2014 (has links)
Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon which has shown great potential use in modern technical implementations, but there is still much development needed in the field. One major problem is how to measure the amount of entanglement present in a given entangled state. There are numerous different entanglement measures suggested, all satisfying some conditions being of either operational, or more abstract, mathematical nature. However, in contradiction to what one might expect, the measures show discrepancies in the ordering of entangled states. Concretely this means that with respect to one measure, a state can be more entangled than another state, but the ordering may be opposite for the same states using another measure. In this thesis we take a closer look at some of the most commonly occurring entanglement measures, and find examples of states showing inequivalent entanglement ordering for the different measures. / Kvantmekanisk sammanflätning är ett fenomen som visat stor potential för framtida tekniska tillämpningar, men för att kunna använda oss av detta krävs att vi hittar lämpliga modeller att mäta omfattningen av sammanflätningen hos ett givet tillstånd. Detta har visat sig vara en svår uppgift, då de modeller som finns idag är otillräckliga när det gäller att konsekvent avgöra till vilken grad olika tillstånd är sammanflätade. Exempelvis kan en modell visa att ett tillstånd är mer sammanflätat än ett annat, medan en annan modell kan visa på motsatsen - att det första tillståndet är mindre sammanflätat än det andra. En möljig orsak kan ligga i de olika modellernas deifnition, då vissa utgår från operativa definitioner, medan andra grundas på matematiska, abstrakta villkor. I denna uppsats tittar vi lite närmre på några av de mätmodeller som finns, och hittar exempel på tillstånd som uppvisar olika ordning av sammanflätningsgrad beroende på vilken modell som används.

Beiträge und Beispiele zur Bures-Geometrie

Peltri, Gregor 28 November 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Bures-Geometrie auf Zustandsräumen über von-Neumann-Algebren. Diese basiert auf jenem Abstandsbegriff für normale Zustände, der von Bures im Jahre 1969 eingeführt wurde. Eng damit verbunden ist der Begriff der algebraischen Übergangswahrscheinlichkeit, der von Uhlmann 1976 vorgeschlagen wurde. An einem Beispiel wird gezeigt, dass man den Bures-Abstand unter Umständen nicht implementieren kann, wenn man einen der implementierenden Vektoren vorgeben will. Im weiteren wird der vom Bures-Abstand induzierte Paralleltransport von Vektoren entlang Loops von normalen Zuständen untersucht. Um die Holonomiegruppe im unendlichdimensionalen Fall zu untersuchen, werden Sätze über Produkte positiver Operatoren hergeleitet. Diese Sätze, die durchaus auch von eigenständigem Interesse sein könnten, werden mit Ergebnissen aus der Literatur verglichen. Schließlich wird der Bures-Abstand unter infinitesimalem Blickwinkel betrachtet. Die so entstehenden Bures-geodätischen Bögen werden untersucht. Speziell wird gefragt, ob gewisse Strata stets geodätisch konvex sind, also als Beispiel für Umgebungen dienen können. Um diese Frage am Ende negativ zu beantworten, werden mehrere Sätze über Sakaische Radon-Nikodym-Operatoren hergeleitet, die auch ohne Bezug zur Bures-Geometrie interessant sein könnten. Das entscheidende Gegenbeispiel nutzt Gohbergs Ergebnis zum Spektrum bestimmter Toeplitzoperatoren aus. Ein Nebeneffekt des beschriebenen Verfahrens ist, dass es auch zur Konstruktion von Operatoren mit hinreichend nichttrivialem Spektrum benutzt werden kann. / The present paper deals with Bures' geometry in the state space over von-Neumann algebras. This geometry is based on the distance introduced by Bures in 1969. Closely related with it is the concept of algebraic transition probability as proposed by Uhlmann in 1976. It is shown by an example that there are cases where one can not implement Bures' distance if one of the implementing vectors is given. In the following, the parallel transport of vectors along loops of normal states, which is induced by Bures' distance, is examined. In order to investigate the holonomy group in the infinite-dimensional case, theorems on products of positive operators are derived. These theorems, which could be of interest on their own, are compared with the literature. Finally, Bures' distance is examined infinitesimally. The thus arising Bures-geodesic arcs are investigated. Especially, it is asked whether certain strata are geodesically convex and can therefore serve as examples of neighbourhoods. In order to finally give a negative answer, several theorems on Sakai's Radon-Nikodym operators, which could also be of interest without a connection to Bures' geometry, are derived. The critical counterexample exploits Gohberg's result on the spectrum of certain Toeplitz operators. A by-product of the described procedure is that it can be used to construct operators which have a sufficiently non-trivial spectrum.

Transient simulation of power-supply noise in irregular on-chip power distribution networks using latency insertion method, and causal transient simulation of interconnects characterized by band-limited data and terminated by arbitrary terminations

Lalgudi, Subramanian N. 02 April 2008 (has links)
Power distribution networks (PDNs) are conducting structures employed in semiconductor systems with the aim of providing circuits with reliable and constant operating voltage. This network has non-neglible electrical parasitics. Consequently, when digital circuits inside the chip switch, the supply voltage delivered to them does not remain ideal and exhibits spatial and temporal voltage fluctuations. These fluctuations in the supply voltage, known as the power-supply noise (PSN), can affect the functionality and the performance of modern microprocessors. The design of this PDN in the chip is an important part in ensuring power integrity. Modeling and simulation of the PSN in on-chip PDNs is important to reduce the cost of processors. These PDNs have irregular geometries, which affect the PSN. As a result, they have to be modeled. The problem sizes encountered in this simulation are usually large (on the order of millions), necessitating computationally efficient simulation approaches. Existing approaches for this simulation do not guarantee at least one of the following three required properties: computationally efficiency, accuracy, and numerically robustness. Therefore, there is a need to develop accurate, numerically robust, and efficient algorithms for this simulation. For many interconnects (e.g., transmission lines, board connectors, package PDNs), only their frequency responses and SPICE circuits (e.g., nonlinear switching drivers, equivalent circuits of interconnects) terminating them are known. These frequency responses are usually available only up to a certain maximum frequency. Simulating the electrical behavior of these systems is important for the reliable design of microprocessors and for their faster time-to-market. Because terminations can be nonlinear, a transient simulation is required. There is a need for a transient simulation of band-limited frequency-domain data characterizing a multiport passive system with SPICE circuits. The number of ports can be large (greater than or equal to 100 ports). In this simulation, unlike in traditional circuit simulators, normal properties like stability and causality of transient results are not automatically met and have to be ensured. Existing techniques for this simulation do not guarantee at least one of the following three required properties: computationally efficiency for a large number of ports, causality, and accuracy. Therefore, there is a need to develop accurate and efficient time-domain techniques for this simulation that also ensure causality. The objectives of this Ph.D. research are twofold: 1) To develop accurate, numerically robust, and computationally efficient time-domain algorithms to compute PSN in on-chip PDNs with irregular geometries. 2) To develop accurate and computationally efficient time-domain algorithms for the causal cosimulation of band-limited frequency-domain data with SPICE circuits.

Finite Element Analysis of Interior and Boundary Control Problems

Chowdhury, Sudipto January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The primary goal of this thesis is to study finite element based a priori and a posteriori error estimates of optimal control problems of various kinds governed by linear elliptic PDEs (partial differential equations) of second and fourth orders. This thesis studies interior and boundary control (Neumann and Dirichlet) problems. The initial chapter is introductory in nature. Some preliminary and fundamental results of finite element methods and optimal control problems which play key roles for the subsequent analysis are reviewed in this chapter. This is followed by a brief literature survey of the finite element based numerical analysis of PDE constrained optimal control problems. We conclude the chapter with a discussion on the outline of the thesis. An abstract framework for the error analysis of discontinuous Galerkin methods for control constrained optimal control problems is developed in the second chapter. The analysis establishes the best approximation result from a priori analysis point of view and delivers a reliable and efficient a posteriori error estimator. The results are applicable to a variety of problems just under the minimal regularity possessed by the well-posedness of the problem. Subsequently, the applications of p p - interior penalty methods for a boundary control problem as well as a distributed control problem governed by the bi-harmonic equation subject to simply supported boundary conditions are discussed through the abstract analysis. In the third chapter, an alternative energy space based approach is proposed for the Dirichlet boundary control problem and then a finite element based numerical method is designed and analyzed for its numerical approximation. A priori error estimates of optimal order in the energy norm and the m norm are derived. Moreover, a reliable and efficient a posteriori error estimator is derived with the help an auxiliary problem. An energy space based Dirichlet boundary control problem governed by bi-harmonic equation is investigated and subsequently a l y - interior penalty method is proposed and analyzed for it in the fourth chapter. An optimal order a priori error estimate is derived under the minimal regularity conditions. The abstract error estimate guarantees optimal order of convergence whenever the solution has minimum regularity. Further an optimal order l l norm error estimate is derived. The fifth chapter studies a super convergence result for the optimal control of an interior control problem with Dirichlet cost functional and governed by second order linear elliptic PDE. An optimal order a priori error estimate is derived and subsequently a super convergence result for the optimal control is derived. A residual based reliable and efficient error estimators are derived in a posteriori error control for the optimal control. Numerical experiments illustrate the theoretical results at the end of every chapter. We conclude the thesis stating the possible extensions which can be made of the results presented in the thesis with some more problems of future interest in this direction.

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