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Vom Taylorismus zu New Work: die Veränderung der Rolle der Führungskraft und die damit verbundenen Auswirkungen auf die Demokratie im UnternehmenBarth, Stefanie 31 March 2022 (has links)
Die Digitale Transformation bringt weitreichende Änderungen mit sich. Dazu gehört der Wandel der Arbeitswelt. Im Rahmen der Diskussionen um die Zukunft der Arbeit wird unter New Work eine mögliche Ausgestaltung einer modernen Form der Unternehmensorganisation diskutiert. Um New Work zu konkretisieren, wird für diesen Beitrag auf das wissenschaftliche Konzept „New Ways of Working“ (NWW) zurückgegriffen. Aufgrund der Aktualität der Thematik sind erst wenige aussagekräftige Studien zu den Wirkungen von NWW vorhanden. Die Erforschung neuer Arbeitsformen ist jedoch von besonderer Bedeutung für Unternehmen, da die abgeleiteten Ergebnisse als eine Hilfestellung bei der Veränderung von Unternehmensorganisationen dienen können. Mithilfe von Literaturreviews wird dabei die Rolle der Führungskraft im Rahmen von NWW in den Mittelpunkt gestellt und erörtert, welche Veränderungen eine Führungskraft durchlaufen muss, um in einer modernen Arbeitswelt erfolgreich zu sein. Zusätzlich werden die Auswirkungen auf die Demokratie in den Unternehmen aufgrund der Einführung von NWW diskutiert. Der Beitrag kommt dabei zu den folgenden Ergebnissen: Die Führungskraft muss im ersten Schritt selbst einen Wandel vollziehen, um Erfolg haben zu können. Zudem ist ein hohes Anpassungsvermögen notwendig, da aufgrund der Flexibilisierung der Arbeit die Mitarbeitenden ihre Individualität ausleben können. Des Weiteren setzt die Einführung von NWW einen Demokratisierungsprozess in den Unternehmen in Gang. NWW als auch die Demokratisierung von Unternehmen führen zu mehr Empowerment bei den Mitarbeitenden, was wiederum den Erfolg der Unternehmen stärken kann. Da die Forschungslage zu den aufgestellten Forschungsfragen eher dünn ist, wurden aus den Ergebnissen dieses Beitrags weitere Forschungslücken identifiziert und potentielle Forschungsfragen für tiefergehende wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen herausgearbeitet.:Inhalt
1 Einleitung
2 Theoretischer Hintergrund
2.1 Anforderungen an die heutige Arbeitswelt
2.2 New Ways of Working
2.3 Taylorismus
2.4 Wirkungen von New Ways of Working
3 Methodik
4 Ergebnisse der Literaturreviews
4.1 Führung im Rahmen von New Ways of Working
4.2 Unternehmensdemokratie
5 Diskussion und Forschungsbedarf
6 Fazit und Limitationen
Conflict of interest
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The Challenges of Achieving Work-Life Balance in the Digital Age: A Study of Young Professionals : Exploring the Impact of New Ways of Working on Early Career AdultsLjungkvist, Hugo, Moore, Marcus January 2023 (has links)
Technological advancements have paved the way for flexible working arrangements across offices globally. This has fundamentally changed the notion of how work should be conducted, causing new opportunities and challenges to arise. Traditional boundaries and status quo are being challenged by the demands of future generations entering the workforce, situating young professionals in previously unexplored situations. The physical boundaries that used to separate work from personal space are now being blurred as a result of the increased technological connectedness. This paired with the lack of organisational understanding of how flexible work arrangements influence employees' ability to achieve work-life, balance puts young professionals at an elevated risk of experiencing setbacks. Existing research into work-life balance has mainly been situated regarding the concerns of conventional families, where marriage and parenting commonly are the focus. Young professionals are inherently different to previous generations, causing them to face completely unique challenges that this research project aims at exploring. This research adopted a qualitative data collection method through a purposive sampling technique. Eight semi-structured interviews were conducted with Swedish young professionals in various industries obtaining white-collar jobs. The data sets were analysed using grounded theory to generate aggregated dimensions leading to the results and subsequent conclusions of this research project. The key findings of this study highlight several challenges that affect young professionals' ability to achieve a functioning work-life balance. Flexible work arrangements strongly influence both physical and mental aspects of employee well-being through the lack of stimulating social interactions. Moreover, external, and internal pressure causes traditional boundaries between personal and professional life to blur, thus complicating their ability to achieve work-life balance. Lastly, the results highlight young professionals’ lack of professional experience as an influential variable both in terms of what they value and in their (in)ability to harmonise the different spheres of personal and professional life. The findings contribute to the current discussion about work-life balance by situating the research in a Swedish context of young professionals. They largely confirm and expand upon connections between flexible work arrangements and work-life balance challenges associated with them. Organisations, individuals, and legislators all benefit from our findings emphasising the wants and needs of future generations entering the labour market longing for work-life balance.
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Workplaces of the Future : - Guidelines for an Implementation of Activity Based Workplaces / Framtidens arbetsplatser : - Riktlinjer för en implementering av Aktivitetsbaserade ArbetsplatserBouvier, Christian, Eriksson, Jakob January 2014 (has links)
Activity Based Workplaces (ABW) is the latest trend within the office layout for knowledge workers. The design and layout of an activity based workplace is based on the worker's need to carry out different tasks, in the most efficient way. In order to achieve that the office is divided into different zones and the workers doesn't have a private work-station. The biggest advantage with ABW is a space efficient working environment that promotes knowledge- and information sharing within the company’s different departments. The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate how to implement Activity Based Workplaces in an efficient way. In order to do that a literature review on existing research and a qualitative study have been carried out. The qualitative study is based on interviews with key persons at five different companies that have implemented ABW or had the intention to do so. The transition to ABW have been studied in three different blocks; the decision process, the implementation process and the outcome and user perspective. The analysis of the results from the qualitative study shows that the transition includes a lot of different challenges. One of the biggest challenge that the management has to overcome is to assure the co-workers that the implementation of an Activity Based Workplace will bring positive effects to the company. In order to achieve that it is important that the management acquires the right knowledge to successfully handle the implementation and is able to create a clear strategy of how to do so. During the process it is important to involve the co-workers in order to identify their needs. After all it is the co-workers who carry out the activities that the workplace is supposed to support. The involvement of the co-workers will also create a more positive attitude towards the concept of ABW. After the implementation of the Activity Based Workplace the challenge lies within the ability to constantly adapt and develop the office space after the changing needs of the company and its co-workers. The co-workers changing needs are hard to identify in advance, therefore it is important to adapt the workplace when these needs are identified. The demand for space efficient offices will grow in the future and in comparison to a traditional office space layout, we believe the Activity Based Workplace allows for a workplace better suited for the needs of the company and its co-workers. / Aktivitetsbaserade arbetsplatser (förkortas ABW) är den hetaste kontorstrenden för tillfället. Konceptet ABW bygger på att utforma kontoret och dess arbetsplatser utifrån personalens behov. På ett aktivitetsbaserat kontor ska personalens arbetsuppgifter styra valet av arbetsplats och personalen har därför inga fasta arbetsplatser. De stora fördelarna med ABW är en förbättrad och mer yteffektiv arbetsmiljö som främjar informations- och kunskapsutbyte mellan ett företags eller en organisations olika avdelningar. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka hur aktivitetsbaserade arbetsplatser kan implementeras på ett effektivt sätt. Syftet har besvarats genom en litteraturstudie, bestående av aktuell forskning inom området, samt en kvalitativ empirisk studie av fem stycken företag som antingen har implementerat ABW eller haft för avsikt att göra detta. Hos dessa fem företag har olika nyckelpersoner intervjuats kring konceptet ABW. Övergången till ABW har studerats ur tre block; beslutsprocessen, implementeringsprocessen samt resultat och användarperspektiv. Analysen av resultaten från den empiriska studien visar att utmaningarna vid en implementering av ett aktivitetsbaserat kontor är många. En av de största utmaningarna är att företagets ledning lyckas övertyga personalen om att ett aktivitetsbaserat kontor kommer att gynna verksamheten och skapa en arbetsmiljö som på ett bättre sätt tillgodoser medarbetarnas behov. För att lyckas med detta krävs det att ledningen på företaget tillskansar sig kunskap om vad ABW är för någonting och har en tydlig strategi kring hur implementeringen ska genomföras. Under implementeringsprocessen är det viktigt att låta personalen vara delaktig för att på bästa sätt kunna tillgodose deras behov. Att låta personalen vara delaktig i processen resulterar också i en högre acceptans gentemot det nya aktivitetsbaserade konceptet. Efter implementeringen av det aktivitetsbaserade kontoret ligger utmaningen i att fortsätta utveckla kontoret. Personalens behov förändras med tiden och det kan även vara svårt att på förhand tillgodose samtliga behov vilket innebär att ett kontinuerligt utvärderingsarbete av kontorets layout är viktigt. En implementering av ABW är ingen punktinsats som avslutas efter flytten till det nya kontoret. Efterfrågan på yteffektiva kontor kommer i framtiden att öka och i jämförelse med ett traditionellt öppet kontorslandskap skapar ABW en arbetsmiljö som vi tror på ett bättre sätt tillgodoser företagens och dess personals behov.
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Outdoors in the office? : A grounded theory study about the power of norms in the office working worldHerzhoff, Verena January 2022 (has links)
New ways of working with a flexibilization in time and space are characteristics of today’s office world, but at the same time stress-related health problems are on the rise. Nature contacts is shown to be a resource for health, and outdoor offices were invented to combine both flexible working and health resources at the workplace. As outdoor office work (OOW) is quite new and little is known about its usage, the aim of the study was to deepen our understanding about what circumstances lead to the consequence, that employees do not conduct office-related work tasks outdoors, even if they have access to outdoor spaces and green areas. Following research question was about to be answered by a grounded theory study: What factors hinder office workers to conduct office-related tasks outdoors? The data collection was conducted in 9 semi-structured online interviews and 3 phones calls with participants from Sweden, the Netherlands and Germany. The theoretical model was constructed through a process of coding and memo writing. The results show a theoretical model that entails one core category, Norms, and three main categories, Personal Factors, Organizational Factors and Practical Issues. The categories act interdependent, whereas existing norms have the most powerful impact. Work is perceived as something that should be conducted indoors at a desk, and as something that is stressful and can be inconvenient. The existing norms of how to conduct office work are influencing personal, organizational, and practical factors that lead to the consequence that employees do not conduct office work outdoors. The findings of the study provide useful knowledge for further research in the field of OOW, as well as for organizations that want to implement an outdoor office.
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Socialisering med reducerad interaktion : En fallstudie om nyanställdas upplevelser i en new ways of working organisationNordgren, Nelly, Rockström, Sara January 2023 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att med en explorativ ansats få en djupare förståelse för hur nyanställda skapar mening av sin nya arbetsroll vid NWW, när den sociala interaktionen inte är lika framträdande. Utifrån ett processperspektiv på organisering kommer den intervjubaserade fallstudien att tolka nyanställdas upplevelser av sin nya roll och tillhörighet vid NWW. Som ett resultat besvaras studien syfte och frågeställningar med målet att bidra med nya insikter om hur organisationer kan förbättra nyanställdas socialiseringsprocess i en NWW organisation. Metod: Kvalitativ fallstudie med abduktiv ansats, intervjuer, tematisk analys Slutsats: Nyanställda engagerade sig i fem olika meningsskapande iscensättningar som influerade mening av deras nya arbetsroll. De fem iscensättningar nyanställda engagerade sig i var; erkänner fördelarna, osäkerhet, förvirring, frustration och förståelse för situationen, detta ger en djupare förståelse för nyanställdas meningsskapandeprocess samtidigt som det belyser att flera olika iscensättningar kan samexistera. Relationer, organisatorisk-, social- och främst personlig identitet påverkade nyanställdas upplevda tillhörighet vid NWW. / Purpose: The purpose of this study is through an exploratory approach, gain a deeper understanding of how newcomers make sense of their new job-role during NWW, when social interactions are limited. Based on a process perspective on organizations, the interview-based case study will interpret newcomers experiences of their new role and sense of belonging during NWW. As a result, the purpose and research questions will be answered with the aim of contributing with new insights on how organizations can improve newcomer socialization in an NWW organization. Method: Qualitative abductive case study, interviews, thematic analysis Conclusion: Newcomers engaged in five different sensemaking enactments that influenced their meaning of their new job role. These enactments were; acknowledging the benefits, uncertainty, confusion, frustration and understanding of the situation. Relations, organizational-, social-, and most prominently personal identity affected newcomers’ sense of belonging during NWW.
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Change management - New Ways of Working / Förändringsledarskap- Nytt ArbetssättFeng, Philip January 2017 (has links)
Many organisations have moved into an activity based workplace (ABW), and this have led to great changes for the employees’ ways of working. The workplace is supposed to provide with different workstations/environments for the employees, where they can choose the environment that best suits their task at hand, such as concentration areas or open space. This means that the employees do not have assigned seats, and they are free to choose between different workstations. The ABW is supposed to improve factors such as collaboration, satisfaction, flexibility and productivity. In order for the employees to work in ABW, the employees’ ways of working needs to change, and this is usually referred to as New Ways of Working (Newwow). It is not unusual that organisations have had problems with the implementation of Newwow, where the implementation have not been as successful as hoped. This master thesis looks into the problems that occurs when Newwow is implemented, and what factors that are important when organisations changes from traditional ways to Newwow. This thesis has been a qualitative study, interviewing people from three Swedish organisations that have implemented ABW, as well as interviewing consultants that helps customers with the implementation. The human factor is important in the change, and there is a need to get people on-board in order to create a workplace where the employees can thrive. Many different things needs to be done in an implementation of Newwow and ABW, such as physical workplace, digitalisation, work culture and more. In this master thesis the human perspective have had more focus, as humans are going to work in the workplace and the goal is to improve their work. Many of the difficulties is usually to get humans on-board with the implementation. Making some deviations from the ABW is ok if the reasons are justified, for example someone gets to sit on an assigned seat due to health reasons. A clear and open communication has proven to be important factors for a successful implementation. Further research in Newwow and ABW is important, as many organisations are moving to ABW, which affects many employees. / Många företag har flyttat in till aktivitetsbaserat kontor (ABW), vilket har lett till stora förändringar för de anställdas sätt att arbeta. Arbetsplatsen ska tillhandahålla olika arbetsplatser/miljöer för dem anställda, där de kan välja det som bäst passar uppgifterna de har för stunden, så som koncentrationsområden eller öppet plan. Detta innebär att de anställda inte har bestämda platser och kan fritt välja mellan olika arbetsplatser. ABW har för avsikt att förbättra faktorer så som samarbete, tillfredställelse, flexibilitet och produktivitet. För att de anställda ska jobba i ABW, så behöver deras sätt att arbeta förändras, och det är oftast kallad för New Ways of Working (Det nya arbetsättet, Newwow). Det är inte ovanligt att företag har haft problem med implementeringen av Newwow, där implementeringen inte varit så lyckat som man hoppats på. Detta examensarbete tittar på problemen som uppstår när implementering av Newwow görs, och vilka faktorer som är viktiga för att minska motståndet när företag går över från traditionellt sätt att arbeta till Newwow. Det här arbetet har varit en kvalitativ studie, där intervjuer har gjorts med personer från tre svenska företag som har implementerat ABW, så väl som konsulter som hjälper sina kunder med implementeringen. Människofaktorn är viktig i förändringen, och det finns behov av att få med sig folk för att kunna skapa en arbetsplats där de anställda kan lyckas i. Många olika saker behöver göras i en implementering av Newwow och ABW, så som fysiska arbetsplatsen, digitalisering, arbetskultur med mera. I detta examensarbete har människoperspektivet haft mer fokus, då människorna ska jobba i arbetsplatsen och målet är att förbättra deras arbete. Många svårigheter är oftast att få människor ombord på implementeringen. Vissa avvikelser från ABW är ok om det finns välbefogade anledningar, exempelvis att man får sitta på bestämd plats av hälsoskäl. En tydlig och öppen kommunikation har visat sig vara viktiga faktorer för en lyckad implementering. Fortsatta studier i Newwow och ABW är viktigt, då många företag flyttar in till ABW och det påverkar många anställda.
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Professionalism, evidence and power : key themes influencing the management of a mental health programme in the National Health Service in EnglandHope, Roslyn January 2012 (has links)
This thesis critically examines a national programme in mental health which has been driven by the implementation of National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidance. Assumptions which underpin research method, drawn from the natural sciences, are critiqued in terms of their adequacy in accounting for human relating and expert therapeutic practice. The work of Dreyfus and Dreyfus (1986) is problematized in how they account for proficiency and expertise as intuition and the leap that they make from calculative to deliberative rationality. An alternative source of understanding, based on non-linear causality and complex responsive processes, is developed, building on the work of Stacey (2001, 2005, 2007). The ineffability of expert practice (or clinical judgement) is contrasted with competence based, rule governed practice, which necessarily underpins the early stages of learning. It is argued that because research practices undertaken in randomised controlled trials (RCTs) must be describable, measurable and focussed on predictable outcomes, then these cannot account for expert practice, therefore the assertion that the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies programme (IAPT) is wholly based on research based, evidence based therapies, cannot be substantiated. The work explores professionalism and specifically considers the role of psychiatrists, psychologists and psychological therapists in mental health and in increasing access to psychological therapies. The role of managers and managerialism are explored, specifically how the NHS has sought to manage 3 professional staff and multi-disciplinary teams in adopting corporate and new ways of working (NWW). This includes the importance of and difficulty in countering professional identity using competence based approaches. The performance management processes in the NHS are recognised as an equally relevant source of evidence (to that of NICE), despite there being a poor (traditional) evidence base for it (Stacey, 2010; Seddon, 2008). Power relating in human relationships is identified as immanent, using the context of a management group, and it is argued that Foucault’s concept of disciplinary power (1994) can account for what is considered to be knowledge and truth, drawing on specialist expertise based on science and research, with a forceful potential for rendering others silent as well as pervasively self-silencing, in processes of inclusion and exclusion (Elias, 1978). It is argued that these on-going processes of relating influence policy decisions at national and local levels and how these policies are implemented in practice. The inevitability of unpredictable outcomes is highlighted, despite strong centralised programme management along with the provision of an explicit blueprint for implementation.
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