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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Um estudo sobre a influência das regras e procedimentos de controle fiscal via internet nos resultados da arrecadação tributária de municípios do Estado de São Paulo / A study on the influence of fiscal control rules and procedures via the Internet in cases of municipal tax collection in the State of Sao Paulo

Jair Roberto do Nascimento 04 October 2010 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo explicar a gestão municipal de tributos pelas regras de controle fiscal na arrecadação do Imposto Sobre Serviços de qualquer natureza, quando fortalecidas pela tecnologia da internet, sob uma perspectiva da Nova Economia Institucional (NIE), com ênfase na visão da sua vertente a Economia de Custos de Transação (TCE). Por meio de um estudo de caso único (piloto), identificaram-se os procedimentos de controle fiscal e analisou-se o fluxo das informações processadas e os resultados econômico-sociais proporcionados. Seguiu-se com um estudo de casos múltiplos de dez Municípios do Estado de São Paulo (Brasil), a partir de um modelo lógico elaborado em função das conclusões do estudo piloto, apurando-se o aumento da capacidade de controle pela ampliação da quantidade, agilidade e qualidade das informações processadas, que diminui, ainda que limitadamente, a assimetria de informações entre as partes, podendo gerar uma redução nos custos de oportunismo presentes nos custos de obtenção da informação que, se produzida, reflete um acréscimo do valor de imposto pago pelo contribuinte, alterando o desempenho da arrecadação do ISS para o Fisco municipal. O uso da tecnologia revelou-se fortalecedor para as regras de Controladoria e Contabilidade Gerencial existentes na área fiscal municipal. / This research aims at explaining the municipal management of taxes according to the fiscal control rules about collecting the ISS (tax on services of any nature), when strengthened by the Internet technology, based on a perspective of NIE (New Institutional Economics), with emphasis on the viewpoint from the TCE (Transaction Costs Economics). Through the study of a unique case (pilot), the procedures of fiscal control were identified and the flux of processed information and its socio-economic results were analyzed. Furthermore, multiple case studies of ten municipalities of the State of Sao Paulo were studied, underpinned by a logical model developed from the conclusions of the pilot case, of which resulted in the increase in the control capacity through the amplifying of quantity, agility and quality of processed information, which decreases, in a limited manner, the asymmetry of information between the parties and therefore generating a reduction in the opportunism costs found in the costs of information gathering, which when produced reflects an addition in the amount of tax paid by the tax payer, altering the accomplishment of the collection of ISS to the municipal Revenue. The use of technology revealed itself to strengthen the rules of the controlling and management accounting that exist in the municipal tax area.

Industrialização do Brasil na década de 1930 : uma aplicação com teoria dos jogos

Del Fiori, Diogo January 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho propõe-se analisar a industrialização do Brasil no contexto de mudanças econômicas e políticas no primeiro governo de Getúlio Vargas, de 1930 até 1945. Na literatura de economia brasileira com relação ao surgimento da indústria no Brasil, duas visões se contrapõem: de um lado, a industrialização como subproduto da intervenção do governo no setor cafeeiro; de outro, a industrialização intencionalmente promovida pelo governo. Com base em uma análise de equilíbrio em um jogo dinâmico de informação imperfeita, é evidenciada a racionalidade da criação de instituições para o desenvolvimento industrial na década de 1930. Este resultado de equilíbrio mostra as mudanças pela qual o Brasil passou a partir da década de 1930, com mudanças da estrutura tributária, educacional, financeira e relações de trabalho, ou seja, essa mudança institucional gerou campo fértil para o surgimento do processo de industrialização que caracterizou o primeiro governo Vargas e também mostra a intencionalidade desse governo, quando se observa a transformação do sistema tributário, de tal modo a ficar imune das oscilações econômicas externas e também as mudanças educacionais, que passou a incentivar o ensino primário, secundário e técnico profissionalizante, medidas essas feitas para atender o novo panorama econômico brasileiro. Outro ponto que corrobora o resultado do equilíbrio de Nash perfeito em subjogos é a perda da importância do setor cafeeiro no período que engloba o século XIX até o final do primeiro governo Vargas, onde as evidências mostram que os cafeicultores tinham, antes e durante a década de 1930, tendências a diversificarem investimentos por conta da perda da renda com o setor cafeicultor. / This study proposes to examine the industrialization of Brazil in the context of economic and political changes in the first government of Getulio Vargas, from 1930 until 1945. In the literature of the Brazilian economy with the coming of industry in Brazil, two visions are in opposition: on one hand, industrialization as a byproduct of government intervention in the coffee sector, on the other, deliberately promoted industrialization by the government. Based on an analysis of equilibrium in a dynamic game of imperfect information, rationality is evident from the creation of institutions for industrial development in the 1930s. The result shows the changes of equilibrium in which Brazil went from the 1930s, with changes in the tax structure, educational, financial and labor relations, that institutional change created fertile ground for the rise of industrialization that characterized the first Vargas government and also shows the intention of this government, when one observes the transformation of the tax system, so be immune to external economic fluctuations and also educational changes, which came to encourage the primary, secondary and technical vocational, measures designed to meet the new economic landscape of Brazil. Another point that confirms the outcome of the Nash equilibrium is perfect in subgame the loss of the importance of the coffee sector in the period that includes the nineteenth century until the end of the first Vargas government, where the evidence shows that farmers had, since the decade of 1930, to diversify investment trends due to the loss of income to the grower industry.

O Biogás no Oeste do Paraná: potencialidade, desafios e perspectivas à luz da Nova Economia Institucional (NEI) / The biogas in Paraná West: potential, challenges and prospects in the light of the New Institutional Economics (NIE)

Strassburg, Udo 13 June 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T18:33:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Udo Strassburg.pdf: 4432381 bytes, checksum: 42a8df5ef91cd1f7e0165d05bce49a00 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-13 / The aim of this study was to identify and analyze the institutional, organizational, technological, business, competitive and environment factors, which are influencing the agro-industrial system of biogas in western Paraná state (Brazil), due to the recycling activity of waste produced by the activities of pig farming. To reach the goal the following methodological procedures were used: hypothetical-deductive method and empirical and analytical research as working technique. Regarding the type of research, the study was descriptive, while the procedures used consisted in a field research (survey), the problem approach was qualitative. Finally the methodology used was the Discourse of the Collective Subject (DCS) method. A questionnaire with 25 open questions was applied to 14 leaders of the organizations involved in pig farming. The organizations surveyed are located in 10 municipalities most effective in pig farming in Western of Paraná. The theoretical framework is based on the New Institutional Economics - NIE, reporting to the model proposed by Farina, 1999. The description of the western Paraná state was realized by exposing its data on pig production. It was also presented biogas system, its origin, and characteristics, how it appears in the Brazilian and world energy matrix, highlighting as it shows the environment, the institutional environments, competitive, business, organizational and technological of its system. After, the view of related organizations with pig production and the consequent production of biogas in western Paraná was exposed. The agro-industrial system of biogas in the Western of Paraná state is in its early stage, and it has a good way still to go. At the institutional scope can be highlighted the Resolução Normativa ANP nº 8/2015 (a Brazilian Normative Resolution presented by the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels ANP), as the resource that will support the system. Organizations linked to biogas in Western Paraná state have few contributions with regard to biogas; they have not acted together, leaving to join forces to progress. In the technological environment it was found that there needs to develop advances for use in small farms, which are prevalent in the study environment, missing prove that this technology is sufficient and that can give some return for the activity. Regarding the competitive environment was found that biogas is still not a product it has market. The transactions do not exist, bringing many uncertainties and mistrust of information provided. With the environment there is a constant concern, even so the producer makes a logical connection, stating that there is a need for return on investment. / O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar e analisar os fatores institucionais, organizacionais, tecnológicos, dos negócios, competitivos e do meio ambiente que estão influenciando o sistema agroindustrial do biogás na região Oeste do Paraná em função da atividade de reaproveitamento dos dejetos produzidos pelas atividades da suinocultura. O método foi o hipotético-dedutivo e como técnica de trabalho foi utilizada a pesquisa empírico-analítica. Pesquisa descritiva, em que foi realizada uma pesquisa de campo (survey), sendo que a abordagem do problema foi qualitativa. E, por fim, a metodologia utilizada foi a do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo DSC. Foi utilizado um questionário com 25 questões abertas, aplicadas a 14 dirigentes das organizações envolvidas com a criação de suínos. As organizações pesquisadas estão situadas nos 10 municípios com maior efetivo de suínos do Oeste do Paraná. O referencial teórico utilizado se baseou na Nova Economia Institucional NEI, reportando a adaptação do modelo proposto de relações sistêmicas elaborado por Farina (1999). Foi realizada a descrição da região Oeste do Paraná, expondo seus principais indicadores e demonstrando dados sobre a produção de suínos. Foi apresentado, também, o biogás, sua origem, suas características e como ele se apresenta nas matrizes energéticas brasileira e mundial, destacando como se situam no meio ambiente, nos ambientes institucional, competitivo, dos negócios, organizacional e tecnológico de seu sistema agroindustrial. Na sequência, foi exposta a visão das organizações ligadas com a produção de suínos e a consequente produção de biogás no Oeste do Paraná. O sistema agroindustrial do biogás, no Oeste do Paraná, está em fase embrionária, tendo um bom caminho ainda a percorrer. No âmbito institucional pode-se destacar a Resolução Normativa ANP nº 8/2015, como o recurso que dará suporte ao sistema. As organizações ligadas ao biogás, no Oeste do Paraná, apresentam poucas contribuições no que diz respeito ao biogás e não têm atuado em conjunto, deixando de unir forças para progredir. No ambiente tecnológico verificou-se que há necessidade de desenvolver avanços para ser utilizado nas pequenas propriedades, as quais são predominantes no ambiente de estudo, faltando comprovar que esta tecnologia é suficiente e que pode dar retorno para a atividade. Em relação ao ambiente competitivo foi verificado que o biogás ainda não é um produto que possui mercado; as transações não existem, trazendo muitas incertezas e desconfianças em relação às informações fornecidas. Com o meio ambiente há uma preocupação constante, mas mesmo assim o produtor faz uma ligação lógica afirmando que há necessidade de obter retorno sobre o investimento realizado.

Análise do Sistema Agroindustrial (SAI) do Biodiesel no Paraná com enfoque na Nova Economia Institucional / The analysis of Agribusiness of biodiesel in Paraná focused on New Institutional Economics

Graef, Nelinho Davi 14 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T18:33:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Nelinho Davi Graef.pdf: 1216839 bytes, checksum: f6ebc12c87bd5236997fdbccf2d4fdc2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-14 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study examined and prospected the potential and limitations of the agribusiness of biodiesel in Parana, from the concepts of New Institutional Economics. For this, we used the exploratory and descriptive research on ends. The means we use has been made of bibliographical and documentary research and qualitative methods. The content analysis method was used to observe the results, performing a comparison between the theoretical elements and information gathered in surveys. The results suggest the major potential SAI biodiesel Paraná: The state has the second largest consumer market for biodiesel and is geographically located near the largest market that is São Paulo, the state's second largest soybean producer in Brazil; the system includes an organizational environment solid with important support and research organizations, biodiesel has two important differences as the marketing contribution to ensuring the sovereignty and energy security and environmental benefits offered. The main bottlenecks were prospected: So far not found a raw material that is technologically and economically feasible to produce biodiesel, the industrial processing of soybeans, raw material most used in the production of biodiesel is higher in Paraná that the production thereof; other raw materials does not guarantee production scale for the production of biodiesel, the production technology is not stabilized and presents a set of problems that need to be resolved, the price of biodiesel cannot be competitive against the diesel fuel, requiring government subsidies for the continuation of the program, the sale of oil these raw materials for other uses has a higher valuation. Thus, the bottlenecks found in the SAI biodiesel Parana has been outstanding on the potential, there were preventing growth and development of the agribusiness biodiesel in Paraná. / Este opúsculo prospectou e analisou as potencialidades e limitações do Sistema Agroindustrial do biodiesel, doravante denominado SAI biodiesel Paraná, a partir dos conceitos da Nova Economia Institucional. Para isto, utilizou-se de pesquisa exploratória e descritiva quanto aos fins. Quanto aos meios, fez-se uso de pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e qualitativa. A análise de conteúdo foi o método utilizado para análise dos resultados, realizando um confronto entre os elementos teóricos e informações levantadas nas pesquisas. Os resultados apontaram como principais potencialidades do SAI biodiesel paranaense: o estado possui o segundo maior mercado consumidor de biodiesel e está geograficamente localizado perto do maior mercado consumidor que é São Paulo; o estado é segundo maior produtor de soja brasileiro; o sistema abarca um ambiente organizacional sólido com importantes organizações de apoio e pesquisa; o biodiesel possui dois importantes diferenciais mercadológicos como a contribuição para garantia da soberania e segurança energética e os benefícios ofertados ao meio ambiente. Os principais gargalos prospectados foram: Até o momento não se encontrou uma matéria-prima que seja tecnológica e economicamente viável para a produção do biodiesel; o parque industrial de processamento da soja, matéria-prima mais utilizada na produção do biodiesel no Paraná, é maior que a produção da mesma; as demais matérias-primas não garantem produção em escala para a produção de biodiesel; a tecnologia de produção não está estabilizada e apresenta um conjunto de problemas que precisam se resolvidos; o preço do biodiesel não consegue ser competitivo frente ao óleo diesel, necessitando de subsídios governamentais para a continuidade do programa; a venda do óleo dessas matérias-primas em outros usos tem uma valoração maior. Destarte, os gargalos encontrados no SAI biodiesel paranaense tem se sobressaído sobre as potencialidades, impedindo que houvesse um desenvolvimento e crescimento do SAI biodiesel no Paraná.

Essays on electricity market reforms : a cross-country applied approach

Erdogdu, Erkan January 2013 (has links)
In the last two decades, more than half of the countries in the world have introduced a reform process in their power industries and billions of dollars have been spent on liberalizing electricity markets around the world. This thesis presents a doctoral research concerned with the cross-country empirical analysis of the electricity market reforms. The thesis is in three-paper format; that is, we present three independent but related stand-alone papers. The first paper focuses on the impact of power market reforms on electricity price-cost margins and industrial/residential price ratios. It investigates this issue by looking at the impact of the electricity industry reforms on residential and industrial electricity price-cost margins and their effect on industrial/residential price ratios. Using panel data from 63 developed and developing countries covering the period 1982–2009, empirical models are developed and analysed. The results suggest that each individual reform step has different impact on price-cost margins and industrial/residential price ratios for each consumer and country group. That is to say, our findings imply that similar reform steps may have different impacts in different countries, which supports the idea that reform prescription for a specific country cannot easily be transferred to another one with similar success. The second paper explores whether the question of why some countries are able to implement more extensive reforms is closely related to the question of why some countries have better institutions than others. It analyses this question by using an empirical econometric model based on Poisson regression with cross-section data covering 51 states in US, 13 provinces in Canada and 51 other countries. The study concludes that both the background of the chairperson and the minister/governor and institutional endowments of a country are important determinants of how far reforms have gone in a country. Considering the fact that ideological considerations, political composition of governments and educational/professional background of leaders have played and will play a crucial role throughout the reform process; the third paper attempts to discover the impact of political economic variables on the liberalization process in electricity markets. It develops and analyses empirical models using panel data from 55 developed and developing countries covering the period 1975–2010. The results suggest that a portion of the differences in the reform experiences of reforming countries in the past three decades can be explained by differences in the political structure, in the ideology of the government and in the professional and educational backgrounds of the political leaders.

O Protocolo de Kyoto e os países em desenvolvimento: uma avaliação da utilização do Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo / Kyoto Protocol and developing countries: analyses of Clean Development Mechanism adoption

Sara Gurfinkel Marques de Godoy 14 February 2011 (has links)
Com base na Nova Economia Institucional, o foco desta pesquisa foi o de identificar os custos de transação existentes nos projetos de MDL (Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo) e investigar se eles são barreiras para o desenvolvimento do projeto, e se podem afetar a eficiência de projetos já implantados. Mais especificamente, foram analisadas as variáveis que afetam as diferenças entre as reduções de emissões estimadas nos projetos de MDL e as reduções realmente verificadas (Sucesso de Redução - SR), depois do projeto implantado e monitorado. A fim de cumprir esse objetivo, esta pesquisa contou com levantamento de dados secundários relativos aos projetos de MDL realizados em todo o mundo, e dados primários relativos aos projetos brasileiros de MDL. A análise das informações mostrou que os países mais relevantes em número de projetos são Índia, China, Brasil, mas este ranking se altera dependendo da variável analisada (por exemplo, volume de emissão reduzida ou estimada). Os setores mais relevantes em volume de redução são de HFC, N2O, mas este perfil se altera quando analisado o número de projetos, ficando em primeiro lugar biomassa, hidroelétrica e energia eólica. Em relação ao SR, a maior parte dos projetos não apresenta eficiência satisfatória. No entanto, em volume de reduções a maior parte dos projetos cumpre mais que 91% de SR. Os setores mundiais mais eficientes são N2O e HFC (Brasil N2O e troca de energia fóssil), e os setores de resíduos sólidos e agricultura (Brasil, agricultura e resíduos sólidos) são os menos eficientes. Finalmente, esta pesquisa conclui que custos de transação afetam o sucesso da redução de MDL, e os mais importantes são os custos ex-ante, resultantes de problemas de falhas de informação (como, por exemplo, problemas com as organizações que intermedeiam o processo dos MDLs) e problemas de mensuração (problemas relacionados com metodologias dos MDLs). / Based on the New Institutional Economics, the focus of this research was to identify transaction costs in CDM projects (Clean Development Mechanism) and investigate if they can affect project efficiency, and also if they create project development barriers. More specifically, this research analyzed the variables that could affect the differences between CDM estimated emission reduction projects and actual reductions obtained (Reduction Success - RS) after the project has been implemented and monitored. To fulfill this goal, this research included a secondary global CDM projects data survey, and primary data survey related to Brazilian CDM projects. Data analysis showed that the most important countries in terms of number of projects are India, China, Brazil, but depending on the variable analyzed (for instance, emission reduction volume) this ranking could change. The most relevant sectors in emission reduction volume were HFCs, N2O, but this would change when we analyze number of projects, where biomass would come first, followed by hydroelectric and wind energy. When considering RS, most projects do not show satisfactory performance. However, in terms of emission reductions amount, most of the projects achieve more than 91% RS. The most efficient sectors in the world are HFC and N2O (in Brazil, N2O and fossil fuel), and the least efficient sectors are solid waste and agriculture (in Brazil, agriculture and solid waste). Finally, this research concludes that transaction costs affect the success of CDM reductions, and the most relevant are ex-ante costs, resulting from information problem gaps (these problems relate to parties involved in the CDM process) and measurement problems (CDM methodologies).

What determines, using the new institutional economic approach, the development of the micro-insurance sector in less-developed countries, and what is its role for economic growth in such countries?

Okwor, Desmond Arinze 20 January 2020 (has links)
This thesis examines the development of the micro-insurance sector in less developed countries, using the theoretical approach of new institutional economics. The main research questions are whether it is the insufficient compatibility between formal and informal institutions that hinders the development of micro-insurance below what had been widely predicted by the academic community? And what has to be done institutionally to make this industry an active contributor to economic growth? To investigate these questions, three distinct empirical studies, of which one is based on field work data generated for the thesis specifically, were carried out using a Probit model, a system of Generalized Method of Movements model, and a Vector Error Correction model. The hypotheses tests suggest that (i) the relevant informal institutions have a significant influence on the decision of individuals to enrol into micro-insurance product in Nigeria; (ii) by controlling for institutional quality, a positive development of the institution of micro-insurance contributes to reducing the size of the informal economy in Nigeria and other less developed countries); and (iii) that micro-insurance has both short and long term positive impacts on the economic growth in Nigeria.:Table of contents Versicherungen 2 Table of contents 3 List of tables 8 List of figures 9 list of Appendices 11 List of Abbreviations 12 Acknowledgement 15 Abstract 17 Chapter 1 19 1. Overview of the study 19 1.1 Introduction 19 1.2 Aims and objectives 23 1.3 Structure of the Thesis 23 1.4 reference 26 Chapter 2 29 2. Theories and concepts of (micro) insurance 29 2.1 The poor and risk 29 2.2 The theoretical framework of insurance 36 2.3 The meaning of micro-insurance 40 2.4 The two faces of micro-insurance 42 2.5 Micro-insurance and traditional insurance 44 2.6 Demand and supply of micro-insurance 48 2.7 Micro-insurance supply chain 53 2.8 Reference 59 Chapter 3 65 3. New institutional economy 65 3.1 Introduction 65 3.2 Institution 65 3.3 Institution and organization 67 3.4 Neoclassical Approach 68 3.5 Institutional economic approach 70 3.6 New institutional economics 72 3.6.1 Property right 73 3.6.2 Transaction costs 76 3.6.3 Agency theory 78 3.7 New institutional economics and insurance 79 3.8 Conclusion 84 3.9 Reference 86 Chapter 4 90 4. Methodology 90 4.1 Introduction 90 4.3 Mixed-research strategy 92 4.3.1 Qualitative research 92 4.3.2 Quantitative research 93 4.4 The research method 95 4.4.1 Data collection 96 4.4.2 The sampling framework 96 4.4.3 Sample size and sampling technique 97 4.4.4 Questionnaire design 98 4.5 Instrument validity and reliability 98 4.5.1 Pre-testing of the instruments 100 4.6 Analytical approaches 100 4.7 Reference 102 Chapter 5 105 5. Nigeria and the development of micro-insurance industry 105 5.1 Introduction 105 5.2 Broad country context 106 5.3 Insurance Sector 109 5.4 Segments of the Nigerian insurance industry 110 5.4.1 Non-life insurance 112 5.5 Regulatory Landscape 115 5.5.1 Market development and restructuring initiative (MDRI): 117 5.6 Nigerian Insurance industry vs Global peers 118 5.7 Problems of the insurance industry in Nigeria 120 5.8 Micro-insurance in Nigeria 123 5.9 Reason to be optimistic 125 5.10 Distribution Channel of Micro-Insurance 127 5.11 Conclusion 129 5.12 Reference 130 Chapter 6 133 6. The effect of Societal norms on the likelihood of individuals to enrol in different forms of Micro-insurance products 133 6.1 Introduction 133 6.2 Institution, Values and Norms 134 6.3 Methods and variables 137 6.3.1 Dependent Variable: Micro-insurance enrolment 137 6.3.2 Independent variables 138 6.4 Justification for control variables 144 6.4.1 Formal institutional variables 144 6.4.2. Personal Characteristics 145 6.5 Model estimation 149 6.6 Result, analysis and discussion of findings 151 6.6.1 Presentation of the result 151 6.6.2 Analysis of the impact of values and norms 152 6.6.3 Analysis of the impact of formal institutions 156 6.6.4 Analysis of the impact of personal characteristics 158 6.7 Robustness of the Result 161 6.8 Conclusion 162 6.9 Reference 164 6.10 Appendix 171 Chapter 7 179 7. The Role of Institutions in the relationship between micro-insurance development and Size of the Informal economy in Sub-Saharan Africa 179 7.1 Introduction 179 7.2 A theoretical review of Informal economy 183 7.3 Theoretical and conceptual review 186 7.4 Data 186 7.5 Descriptive statistics 194 7.6 Model specification and estimation strategy 197 7.7 Empirical Results 200 7.8 Estimation and interpretation of system GMM 202 7.9 Robustness Checks 205 7.10 Conclusion 207 7.11 Reference 208 7.12 Appendix 213 Chapter 8 221 8. How does micro-insurance impact the economic growth of Nigeria? 221 8.1 Introduction 221 8.2 The conceptual and theoretical framework 224 8.3 Literature review 225 8.4 Theoretical model and empirical analysis 228 8.5 Empirical result and findings 229 8.5.1 Descriptive statistics 229 8.5.2 Stationarity test 230 8.5.3 Co-integration test 233 8.5.4 Vector error correction model (VECM) 235 8.6 Diagnostic test on VEC Model (robustness of the model) 237 8.7 Conclusion and recommendation 238 8.8 Reference 241 8.9 Appendix 246 Chapter 9 250 9. The conclusion and policy recommendations 250 9.1 Introduction 250 9.2 Summary of the study 250 9.3 Research conclusions and implications 252 9.4 Contributions of the research 254 9.5 Research limitations 256 9.6 Direction for future research 257 9.7 reference 259

Institutions for Sustainability : The Case of Green Building Certifications

Nekomanesh, Sarmad, Islo, Martin January 2013 (has links)
Society is becoming increasingly dependent on the development of institutions generatingsustainability. In order to speed up this development there is a need to find, evaluate andgeneralize existing institutional mechanisms holding this characteristic. In this study, the current theoretical framework is expanded to describe how an institution shouldbe designed to generate sustainability. To explain this, a distinction is made between short-termefficient markets (currently known as Pareto-efficient markets) and long-term efficient markets(currently known as ‘strong’ or ecologic sustainability). Further, a sustainable development isdefined as a combination of short-term and long-term Pareto-efficiency. This implies that aconsumption decision today cannot make an individual better off, without making anothercurrent or future individual worse off. Green building certifications are an interesting candidate to empirically test the theoreticalframework. An empirical study was made in cooperation with Confederation of Indian Industry -Indian Green Building Council, consisting of 18 qualitative interviews with companies andexperts in the Indian building industry. The main purpose of the study has been to investigatewhy actors engage in green building and green building certifications, or why they do not. Theresults have then been analyzed and put in an institutional context. Building on these results, conclusions have been drawn that bring a valuable perspective to theongoing debate on sustainability. Green building certifications have several interestingcharacteristics contributing to a sustainable development. Most importantly, results areindicating that short-term economic efficiency can lead to long-term mechanisms generatingsustainability. However, there are also limitations to the growth of certifications as an institution,e.g. cultural aspects, risk of ambiguity and insufficient levels of human capital. / Utvecklingen av institutioner som genererar hållbarhet blir allt viktigare. För att påskynda dennautveckling finns det ett behov av att hitta, utvärdera och generalisera befintliga institutionellamekanismer som uppfyller denna egenskap. För att kunna beskriva hur en institution bör utformas för att generera hållbarhet, utökar dennastudie det aktuella teoretiska ramverket. En distinktion görs mellan kortsiktigt Pareto-effektivamarknader (detta är att likställas med nuvarande begreppet ’Pareto-effektiva marknader’) ochlångsiktigt Pareto-effektiva marknader (detta är att likställas med ’ekologisk hållbarhet’). Vidareär hållbar utveckling definierad som en kombination av kortsiktigt- och långsiktigt effektivamarknader. Detta innebär att ett konsumptionsbeslut idag inte kan öka välfärden för en individ,utan att minska välfärden för en annan nuvarande eller framtida individ. Certifieringar för hållbart byggande är en intressant kandidat för att empiriskt testa det teoretiskaramverket. Fallstudien gjordes i samarbete med Confederation of Indian Industry - Indian GreenBuilding Council, och består av 18 kvalitativa intervjuer med företag och experter inom denindiska byggindustrin. Det huvudsakliga syftet med studien har varit att undersöka varför aktörerengagerar sig i grönt byggande och certifieringar, eller varför de väljer att inte göra det.Resultaten har sedan analyserats och satts i ett institutionellt sammanhang. Som institution har certifieringarna flera intressanta egenskaper som bidrar till en hållbarutveckling. Slutsatserna i studien skänker ett värdefullt perspektiv till den pågåendehållbarhetsdiskussionen, framförallt genom att påvisa att kortsiktig ekonomisk effektivitet kanleda till mekanismer som skapar hållbar utveckling. Det finns också begränsningar i tillväxten avdenna typ av institution som kan härledas till t.ex. kulturella skillnader, antalet certifieringar påmarknaden samt tillgång till humankapital.

Análise econômica de sistemas educativos : uma resenha crítica da literatura e uma avaliação empírica da iniqüidade do sistema educativo brasileiro. / Economic analysis of educational systems : a critical survey and an empirical assessment of the inequity of the Brazilian educational system.

Waltenberg, Fabio Domingues 18 February 2003 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado consiste de uma resenha crítica da teoria econômica da educação no que se refere à análise de sistemas educativos, e de um estudo empírico do desempenho do sistema educativo brasileiro, com ênfase em indicadores de iniqüidade. Procura-se apresentar a evolução e o estado atual do debate relacionados aos seguintes assuntos: demanda por educação, oferta de educação (insumos monetários e não-monetários), arranjo institucional do sistema educativo, arranjo institucional sócio-econômico (em que se insere o sistema educativo), e os produtos do sistema educativo. Por fim, por meio da análise estatística de uma base de dados internacional (PISA 2000), apresenta-se um estudo empírico que visa a avaliar o desempenho do sistema educativo brasileiro, especialmente seu grau de iniqüidade. / This MA dissertation thesis consists of a critical survey of the economics of education literature concerning educational system analysis, and of a study of the performance of the Brazilian educational system, with an emphasis in equity measurement. I discuss the evolution and the current state of the debate on the following subjects: demand for education, supply of education (monetary and non-monetary inputs), educational system institutional framework, socio-economic institutional framework (in which the educational system is imbedded), and the output of the educational system. Finally, by means of a statistical analysis of an international database (PISA 2000), I present an empirical study aiming at assessing the Brazilian educational system performance, especially its degree of inequity.

Organisationsprobleme im Ökomarketing

Dienel, Wolfram 07 December 2000 (has links)
Organisationsprobleme im Ökomarketing - eine transaktionskostentheoretische Analyse im Absatzkanal konventioneller Lebensmittelhandel Die im Vergleich zum großen Nachfragepotential zögerliche Entwicklung des Ökomarkts in Deutschland ist auf Organisationsprobleme zurückzuführen. Die Organisationsprobleme behindern insbesondere die großskalige Ökomarkterschließung über die konventionellen Supermarktketten, erschweren aber auch die Effizienzsteigerung im kleiner strukturierten alternativen Naturkosthandel. Die Erschließung des großen Marktpotenzials für ökologische Produkte wird auf Ebene der Marktakteure durch drei Aspekte des Organisationsproblems erschwert, nämlich (1) Marktstrukturprobleme, (2) Ressourcenbeschaffungsprobleme (beschränktes Angebot) sowie (3) Absicherungsprobleme. Die Frage der Absicherung spezieller (Pionier-) Investitionen vor Opportunismus ist Hauptgegenstand der vergleichenden Institutionenanalyse, der Transaktionskostentheorie nach WILLIAMSON (1990). Die Organisationsprobleme im Ökomarketing wurden in 23 Experteninterviews entlang der Vermarktungskette mit einem transaktionskostentheoretisch basierten Untersuchungsmodell qualitativ untersucht. Schwerpunkt dabei war der Absatzkanal konventionelle Lebensmittelketten. Dabei zeigte sich die Dominanz marktnaher Organisationsformen, obwohl bei undifferenzierter Analyse der Transaktionsdimensionen eine Wahl hierarchienäherer Organisationsformen zu erwarten gewesen wäre. Die differenzierte Verwendung der Analysekriterien der Transaktion weist auf ausgleichende Kräfte hin, die marktnahe Koordination im Ökomarketing ermöglichen, trotz teilweise hoher Faktorspezifität und hoher externer Unsicherheit (z.B. labiles Marktgleichgewicht aufgrund von Beschaffungsproblemen und durch große Nachfrageschübe infolge von Lebensmittelskandalen). Wichtige Ausgleichskräfte sind vor allem die symmetrische Verteilung der Faktorspezifität zwischen den Marktpartnern, ihre Reputation und die Einflüsse des menschlichen Faktors (z.B. Beziehungsfähigkeit, außerökonomische Präferenzen). Außerdem gibt es zahlreiche Alternativen zur Absicherung durch vertikale Unternehmensintegration, die im einfachen Markt-Hierarchie-Paradigma übersehen werden. Die genauere Beschreibung der Transaktionsdimensionen und Absicherungsformen in der vorliegenden Dissertation bildet die Grundlage für ein effizienteres Management der Organisation innerhalb der Vermarktungskette. Dies betrifft z.B. die Frage, ob die Gründung einer Erzeugergemeinschaft, also einer hierarchienahen Organisationsform, nützlich ist. Im deutschen Ökomarkt wird es zu wachsenden Absicherungsproblemen kommen, wenn sich das Marktwachstum stark beschleunigt, denn beim Übergang zu einem offensiven, großskaligem Ökomarketing begeben sich die Marktpioniere in zeitweise asymmetrisch verteilte Faktorspezifitäten. Aber auch dann ist es effizienter - wo es möglich ist - die symmetrische Entwicklung der Verbindlichkeiten in einer marktnah koordinierten Vermarktungskette zu betreiben oder partielle Integrationsschritte, wie gegenseitige Beteiligungen oder gemeinsame Tochtergesellschaften zu bevorzugen. Ein marktnah koordiniertes Sicherheitsmanagement erfordert die genaue Kenntnis und Analyse der Transaktionsdimensionen, ihrer Wirkungsbereiche und -verteilung und der ausgleichenden Faktoren an jeder Stelle der Vermarktungskette. Der Vorteil marktnaher Koordination gegenüber der Hierarchie liegt in ihrer höheren Flexibilität, den besseren Leistungsanreizen und geringeren internen Verwaltungskosten. Vertikale und horizontale Kooperation kann bürokratiearm umgesetzt werden, wenn auf die symmetrische Entwicklung der Interessen und Faktorspezifitäten bei den beteiligten Geschäftspartnern geachtet wird und gleichzeitig die Kooperationsfähigkeit als soziale Kompetenz der Beteiligten entwickelt wird. / Organizational Problems in Marketing of Organic Products - a qualitative Analysis based on Transaction Cost Economics in the Trade Channel of conventional Supermarket Chains (Thesis - Humboldt-University of Berlin 2000) The market share of organic products is developing slowly compared with the potential demand forecasted. Organizational problems can be regarded as the main reason; they hamper especially the large scale market extension into conventional supermarket chains, but also diminish efficiency in smaller scaled alternative natural food trade systems. Market extension for organic products is inhibited due to three aspects relating to organizational problems: (1) deficits in market structure, (2) problems on resourcing (limited supply) and (3) problems of safeguarding an agreement. Safeguarding of special (pioneer) investment against opportunism is a central issue of comparative institutional analysis, in this case the transaction cost economics after O. E. WILLIAMSON (1985) Organizational problems of "organic-marketing" were investigated qualitatively using interviews with 23 experts involved in the marketing process at different levels. The framework of investigations were based upon transaction cost economics. Focus was set on the trade channel of the conventional retail chains. As a result it could be shown that organizational forms close to market-driven coordination dominates over forms of vertical integration, even though an undifferentiated analysis would have favored the latter. A more differentiated use of transaction dimensions shows balancing powers, which allow market-based coordination in "organic-marketing" in spite of high asset specificity and high external uncertainty (e.g. fragile market equilibrium as a result of procurement problems and influence of rapid growth of demand due to food scandals). The essential balancing factors are an equilibrium of asset specificity between market partners, their reputation and influence of the human factor (e.g. soft skills like human relations, non-economic preferences). In addition there are many alternatives to safeguarding by vertical integration that are otherwise overlooked in a simple market-hierarchy-paradigm. The exacter description of transaction dimensions and different forms of safeguarding given in this thesis leads to a more efficient marketing chain management. This can, for example, raise the issue whether a horizontal cooperation of agricultural producers, i.e. a hierarchical organization, is beneficial. In the German market for organic products safeguarding problems will increase once the market growth accelerates, because transition to offensive large-scaled "organic-marketing" temporarily leads market-pioneers into an asymmetrically distributed asset specificity. But even in this case it will be more efficient - where possible - to search for a symmetric development of obligations or to prefer partial vertical integration such as mutual participation or common affiliated companies. A market oriented management of safeguarding requires exact knowledge and analyses of transaction dimensions, their sphere of influence and their distribution of action and of compensating factors on every point of the marketing-chain. The advantage of a market-driven coordination compared to hierarchy is based on a higher flexibility, higher incentives and lower internal administration costs. Vertical and horizontal cooperation can be implemented on efficient bureaucracy basis, if partners pay attention to symmetric development of their interests and asset specificities and develop their social skills at the same time.

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