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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investicijų į naujos paslaugos diegimą pagrindimas ir efektyvumo vertinimas / Implementation of investments in new services and efficiency evaluation

Milaknis, Tautvydas 30 July 2013 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe siekiama pagrįsti naujos paslaugos – hibridinių serverių nuomos investicijų diegimą ir atlikti investicijų efektyvumo vertinimą. Naujos paslaugos rinkoje daro didžiulę įtaką rinkos procesams. Nors daugeliu atvejų paslaugos savybės ir nauda yra sunkiai apskaičiuojama, jos gamyba ir vartojimas vyksta kartu. Paslaugų sektoriui skiriama vis daugiau dėmesio, nes jis laikomas ekonomikos varikliu, kuris laikui bėgant paveikė darbo ir užimtumo santykius, šalių augimą ir plėtrą, aplinkos sąlygas, kainas bei konkurencines galimybes. Darbo teorinėje dalyje analizuojama naujos paslaugos rinkoje reikšmė bendrąja prasme ir aptariamos investicijos į paslaugas, apžvelgimai investicijų efektyvumo vertinimo metodai. Darbo praktinėje dalyje aprašoma hibridinių serverių nuomos paslauga ir atliekamas investicijų poreikio pagrindimas. Įvertinamas investicinio projekto efektyvumas išskiriant dvi alternatyvas. Atrinktosios alternatyvos rizika įvertinama taikant jautrumo analizės ir scenarijaus metodus. / The main intention for the final bachelor thesis is to substantiate implementation of new services – investments given for the rental of hybrid servers and accomplish an efficiency evaluation of investments. New services have a major impact on market processes. Although in many cases it is difficult to measure features and benefits of the services, its production and consumption are being used together. At the moment, the services sector is receiving even larger attention as it is considered as the economic engine which has eventually impacted on labor and employment relations, the country's growth and development, environmental conditions, pricing, and competitive opportunities. The theory part of this work analizes value of new services in the market, explains more about an investment in services and overlooks an efficiency evaluation methods of investment. Practical part describes the meaning of the hybrid server hosting service, and shows an exact substantiation for the investment needs. Furthermore, these papers are evaluating an efficiency of the investment project, which has been devided in to alternatives. Risk of the selected alternatives is assessed using sensitivity and scenario analysis methods.

Modelling of New Services / Naujų paslaugų modeliavimas

Drejeris, Rolandas 09 March 2009 (has links)
The trends in the scope of services raise the necessity to substantially increase the efficiency of new services development as one of the most significant factors of competitive advantage. The treatment of services as a subset, distinguished on the basis of certain features provide preconditions for finding the most efficient new service development solutions by using the methodological potential intended for goods which is substantially greater than the one intended directly to the services. Its critical assessment and consideration of the exclusive features of services resulted in the design of new services development conception which defined the set of implementation action, their content, sequence and interrelationship. The conception of flexible structure provided the opportunity to bypass those stages of new service development which contained work lacking purposefulness taking into consideration a specific situation and first of all the nature of the service and company and also to perform other simultaneous work, planned in other stages. 2. In search of viable solutions on how to expand the spectrum of possibilities and to better satisfy the needs of consumers each service company is to decide which development direction is more purposeful: the development of new services or the increase in the scope of sales of existing services. A model of six interrelated components was suggested for the substantiation of service company development direction; the model allows... [to full text] / Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, penkios probleminės dalys, išvados ir siūlymai, keturi priedai. Darbe pateikta 16 paveikslų, 8 lentelės ir 4 priedai. Buvo naudotasi 162 literatūros šaltiniais. Pirmoje dalyje įvairių tyrėjų siulomu nauj paslaugų diegimo ir naujų produktų kūrimo modelių sintezės pagrindu suformuota originali naujų paslaugų kūrimo ir diegimo koncepcija. Antroje dalyje pateikti trys modeliai. Naujų paslaugų diegimo tikslingumo pagrindimo modelis sudarytas iš nuosekliai išdėstytų funkcinių komponentų, skirtų įvairių verslo plėtros krypčių tikslingumui vertinti, taikant kelis skirtingus metodus grįstus kiekybine analize. Idėjų generavimo modelio akcentas yra idėjų generavimo būdo pasirinkimas, atsižvelgiant į naujovių diegimo patirtį ir įmonės finansinį potencialą. Idėjų vertinimo modelyje numatytas idėjų diferencijavimas argumentuojamas galimybe sumažinti sąnaudas skirtingų kategorijų idėjas vertinant pagal skirtingo detalumo schemas, sprendimo objektyvumui didinti numatyta vertinimo rezultatų sintezė. Trečioje dalyje aprašyti du parengti modeliai. Naujų paslaugų koncepcijos galimybėms vertinti pasiūlytas trijų alternatyvų su skirtingais kriterijų rinkiniais modelis. Tinkamiausia alternatyva parenkama pagal idėj šaltinio pobūdį ir koncepcijos techninį-technologin sudėtinguma. Technologijos tinkamumui nustatyti skirtas modelis grindžiamas daugiakriteriniu vertinimu. Ketvirtoje dalyje pasiulyti naujų paslaugų komercializavimo ir įdiegimo vertinimo modeliai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Η μεθοδολογία του QFD και εφαρμογή της στο σχεδιασμό νέας τραπεζικής υπηρεσίας : internet banking / The application of QFD model on designing new banking services : internet banking

Φλώρη, Αικατερίνη 13 July 2010 (has links)
Η παρούσα εργασία αποτελεί μία βιβλιογραφική διερεύνηση του σχεδιασμού και ανάπτυξης νέων υπηρεσιών με βάση τις απαιτήσεις των καταναλωτών που ανάγονται ως κριτήρια απόφασης για την πραγματοποίηση ή όχι του εκάστοτε εγχειρήματος. Το πιο κατάλληλο μοντέλο για να μεταφράσει τις απόψεις των καταναλωτών σε τεχνικά χαρακτηριστικά της νέας υπηρεσίας προτάθηκε ότι είναι το Quality Function Deployment. Το μοντέλο Quality Function Deployment αναδιπλώνεται με αναλυτικό τρόπο στο σύνολο των ενοτήτων της εργασίας. Η παρουσίασή του γίνεται προσεκτικά καθώς κάθε του πτυχή αναδεικνύει τον δρόμο προς την ανάπτυξη νέων υπηρεσιών και κατ επέκταση της λήψης της απόφασης μέσω κριτηρίων (των απαιτήσεων των καταναλωτών). Σαφώς επειδή επιθυμούμε να διευρύνουμε τον κλάδο της επιχειρησιακής έρευνας και της πολυκριτήριας ανάλυσης αποφάσεων, έγινε μια προσπάθεια να συγκεραστεί η επιχειρησιακή έρευνα και η πολυκριτήρια ανάλυση αποφάσεων με το μοντέλο Quality Function Deployment προκειμένου να διαπιστώσουμε αν υπάρχει σύνδεση και αλληλουχία. Ή σύνδεση αυτή κατέστη δυνατή με τη χρησιμοποίηση δύο μοντέλων, τα Analytical Hierarchy Process και Quality Function Deployment που μονοπωλούν το ενδιαφέρον μας. Οφείλουμε να τονίσουμε ότι, η αρθρογραφία πάνω στον Σχεδιασμό και Ανάπτυξη νέων προϊόντων και υπηρεσιών είναι πλούσια και συνεχώς αυξανόμενη. Αυτό οφείλεται στην ανάγκη των επιχειρήσεων να πρωταγωνιστήσουν σε ένα συνεχώς μεταβαλλόμενο και πλήρως ανταγωνιστικό επιχειρησιακό περιβάλλον, μέσω της εξέλιξης. Παρόλα αυτά, αντιμετωπίσαμε δυσκολία να βρούμε στοιχεία εφαρμογής της μεθόδου όσον αφορά την ανάπτυξη νέων υπηρεσιών στον ελληνικό χώρο και δη στον τραπεζικό κλάδο, μιας και βρίσκεται σε πρώιμο στάδιο. Προκειμένου να διεξάγουμε ορισμένα συμπεράσματα αναφερθήκαμε σε δυο παραδείγματα περιπτώσεων που αφορούν τράπεζες που δραστηριοποιούνται σε ξένες χώρες, αλλά η οικονομία τους είναι παρεμφερή με την ελληνική. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο καταφέραμε να βγάλουμε τα απαραίτητα συμπεράσματα να κάνουμε τις προστάσεις μας σε τρία επίπεδα: (1) ανάπτυξη και σχεδίαση νέων προϊόντων (2) πολυκριτήρια ανάλυση αποφάσεων (3)μοντέλο Quality Function Deployment. Η παρούσα εργασία απαρτίζεται από πέντε βασικά κεφάλαια. Στο 1ο Κεφάλαιο περιγράφεται η έννοια του σχεδιασμού και ανάπτυξης νέων προϊόντων και υπηρεσιών και αναφερόμαστε για πρώτη φορά στην επιχειρησιακή έρευνα και στα μοντέλα Quality Function Deployment και Analytical Hierarchy Process, τα οποία προσπαθούμε να συγκεράσουμε στην τελευταία υποενότητα του κεφαλαίου αυτού. Το 2ο Κεφάλαιο είναι αφιερωμένο στους προβληματισμούς και θέματα που ανακύπτουν κατά τη διαδικασία ανάπτυξης νέων προϊόντων και δη των υπηρεσιών. Στο κεφάλαιο 3 εξειδικεύουμε περισσότερο στον σχεδιασμό και ανάπτυξη νέων τραπεζικών προϊόντων και υπηρεσιών. Μιλάμε εκτενέστερα για την καινούργια τραπεζική υπηρεσία, Internet Banking και αναφερόμαστε στον σχεδιασμό της μέσω της μεθόδου Quality Function Deployment. Στο τελευταίο κεφάλαιο γίνεται μία σύνοψη και ακολουθεί συζήτηση και κριτική και προτείνεται από την εργασία ένα πλαίσιο μεθοδολογίας. / The present study is a theoretical approach concerning the design and development of new services based on consumer requirements which are raised to decision criteria whether accomplishing or not, breakthrough undertakings. It is suggested that the Quality Function Deployment model is the most suitable technique to translate voices of customers into technical characteristics of the new service. The Quality Function Deployment model is revealed in details in each chapter. We carefully present every aspect of the model because we believe that the model procedure is significant. Our contribution is to expand operation research and multicriteria decision analysis by determining the connections and cohesions with the Quality Function Deployment model. This connection is realized with the reciprocal use of the two below models: Analytical Hierarchy Process and Quality Function Deployment which attract our attention. We should stress that the current bibliography on design and development of new products and services is rich and continuous. This happens because enterprise activity takes place in a continuous and extremely changing environment. However, we faced the difficulty on finding real implementation case of the QFD in Greece and in particular on banking branch, as it is in premature condition. In order to come to useful conclusions, we mention two case studies on internet banking and QFD whose data concern foreign banks, though the economical environment is comparative to the Greek one. By this manner, we could come to useful conclusions on three levels: (1) design and development of new products (2) multi criteria analysis (3) Quality Function Deployment model. The present study consists of five basic chapters. In the first chapter, we describe the concept of design and development of new services and we mention, for the first time, the operational research, the Quality Function Deployment and Analytical Hierarchy Process, which we attempt a connection between them. In the second chapter, we mention all matters that come to surface regarding developing new products and mostly new services. In the third chapter, we mostly talk about designing and developing new banking products and services. We specialize in the new banking service, Internet banking whose designing method is examined through the method Quality Function Deployment. In the last chapter we summarize, we discuss in a critical manner our conclusions and a new methodology framework is suggested.

Gestão de portfólio de serviços de MRO (Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul) aeronáutico: uma pesquisa ação / Portfolio management service MRO (Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul) aircraft: an action research

Roque, Luiz Gabriel Rossi 14 September 2012 (has links)
Os centros de manutenção de aeronaves da América Latina possuem portfólios de serviços limitados e esse é um fator que restringe o crescimento do transporte aéreo na região. Faz-se necessário, portanto, o desenvolvimento de novos serviços de reparo de aeronaves e seus componentes nesses centros. Apesar de o Desenvolvimento de Produtos ter recebido uma atenção substancial na ultima década, há pouca literatura sobre o Desenvolvimento de Serviços e trabalhos que tratam de gestão de portfólio de serviços são ainda mais escassos. A pouca literatura existente não é suficientemente abrangente para tratar da gestão de portfólio de serviços de manutenção complexa. O objetivo deste trabalho é, portanto, desenvolver um processo de gestão de portfólio de serviços para empresas de manutenção aeronáutica, chamado de modelo específico. O desenvolvimento do modelo será feito utilizando a pesquisa-ação, abordagem que objetiva tanto a tomada de ação quanto a criação de conhecimento com ciclos contínuos. Durante a criação do modelo específico foram usados como base de conhecimento modelos de referência de PDP e PDS, posteriormente adaptados para a realidade de serviços, para a região e tipologia da indústria. A pesquisa ação se iniciou numa pré-fase de contextualização, seguida por quatro ciclos, sendo que em cada ciclo uma etapa do modelo foi desenvolvida e avaliada, resultando em um modelo especifico de gestão de portfólio para indústria de MRO aeronáutico brasileiro. Ao final dos ciclos foi feita uma avaliação do processo criada por meio de um questionário. Os participantes da pesquisa avaliaram o método de desenvolvimento do modelo como adequado e avaliaram também o próprio modelo como adequado. / The aircraft maintenance centers in Latin America have limited portfolios of services; this is a factor that restricts the growth of air transport in the region. Therefore is necessary to develop new maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) services for aircraft and their components in those centers. New Product Development (NPD) process theory has received substantial attention in the last decade but there is little literature on the New Services Development (NSD), and papers dealing directly with services portfolio management are even scarcer. The existing literature is not holistic enough to deal with maintenance services portfolio management. Therefore this paper aims to develop a services portfolio management (SPM) for aircraft components maintenance. The SPM model development will be done using the action research approach trough the creation of knowledge in continuous PDCA cycles. During the creation of the specific model, were used as knowledge base reference models of PDP and PDS, later adapted to the reality of services to the region and type of industry. The action research began in pre contextualization phase, followed by four cycles, and each cycle a stage of the model was developed and evaluated, resulting in a specific model of portfolio management for MRO Brazilian aeronautics industry. At the end of cycles an evaluation process created by means of a questionnaire. Survey participants rated the method as proper development of the model, the model itself also rated as adequate.

Gestão de portfólio de serviços de MRO (Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul) aeronáutico: uma pesquisa ação / Portfolio management service MRO (Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul) aircraft: an action research

Luiz Gabriel Rossi Roque 14 September 2012 (has links)
Os centros de manutenção de aeronaves da América Latina possuem portfólios de serviços limitados e esse é um fator que restringe o crescimento do transporte aéreo na região. Faz-se necessário, portanto, o desenvolvimento de novos serviços de reparo de aeronaves e seus componentes nesses centros. Apesar de o Desenvolvimento de Produtos ter recebido uma atenção substancial na ultima década, há pouca literatura sobre o Desenvolvimento de Serviços e trabalhos que tratam de gestão de portfólio de serviços são ainda mais escassos. A pouca literatura existente não é suficientemente abrangente para tratar da gestão de portfólio de serviços de manutenção complexa. O objetivo deste trabalho é, portanto, desenvolver um processo de gestão de portfólio de serviços para empresas de manutenção aeronáutica, chamado de modelo específico. O desenvolvimento do modelo será feito utilizando a pesquisa-ação, abordagem que objetiva tanto a tomada de ação quanto a criação de conhecimento com ciclos contínuos. Durante a criação do modelo específico foram usados como base de conhecimento modelos de referência de PDP e PDS, posteriormente adaptados para a realidade de serviços, para a região e tipologia da indústria. A pesquisa ação se iniciou numa pré-fase de contextualização, seguida por quatro ciclos, sendo que em cada ciclo uma etapa do modelo foi desenvolvida e avaliada, resultando em um modelo especifico de gestão de portfólio para indústria de MRO aeronáutico brasileiro. Ao final dos ciclos foi feita uma avaliação do processo criada por meio de um questionário. Os participantes da pesquisa avaliaram o método de desenvolvimento do modelo como adequado e avaliaram também o próprio modelo como adequado. / The aircraft maintenance centers in Latin America have limited portfolios of services; this is a factor that restricts the growth of air transport in the region. Therefore is necessary to develop new maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) services for aircraft and their components in those centers. New Product Development (NPD) process theory has received substantial attention in the last decade but there is little literature on the New Services Development (NSD), and papers dealing directly with services portfolio management are even scarcer. The existing literature is not holistic enough to deal with maintenance services portfolio management. Therefore this paper aims to develop a services portfolio management (SPM) for aircraft components maintenance. The SPM model development will be done using the action research approach trough the creation of knowledge in continuous PDCA cycles. During the creation of the specific model, were used as knowledge base reference models of PDP and PDS, later adapted to the reality of services to the region and type of industry. The action research began in pre contextualization phase, followed by four cycles, and each cycle a stage of the model was developed and evaluated, resulting in a specific model of portfolio management for MRO Brazilian aeronautics industry. At the end of cycles an evaluation process created by means of a questionnaire. Survey participants rated the method as proper development of the model, the model itself also rated as adequate.

Competência no desenvolvimento de novos serviços (DNS) no setor de serviços de valor agregado (SVA) no segmento de telefonia móvel

Santos, Tânia Letícia dos 06 August 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:26:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tania Leticia dos Santos.pdf: 2149429 bytes, checksum: 613095451deb18453021693e38687d14 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-06 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Constant technological advances and the increasing popularity of mobile devices among mobile phone users is strongly impacting the sector of Value Added Services. In this context, the continuing development of new products and services is critical for competitive survival of Value Added Services organizations. The objective of this study is to understand the relationship between competence in new services development of (NSD) and the innovative performance of new services development. In the conceptual approach of this study a multidimensional view of competence that encompasses the dimensions of competence in the practice of NSD and the organizational context was adopted, and the innovative performance based on the frequency of the different innovation types and grades of DNS program . The specific objectives of this study are: i) identify the individual and collective competence by competence in the practice of NSD, which comprises competence in NSD, in terms of NSD staff, sources of knowledge for NSD, NSD process and use of Information Technology; ii) identify the organizational competence through the organizational context, which comprises competence in NSD, in terms of innovation culture, NSD policies and NSD resources; iii) identify the innovative performance of NSD in terms of frequency of the different innovation types and grades of DNS program ; iv) identify the relationship between NSD competence and NSD innovative performance. The choice to meet the objectives of this study approach is quantitative type of survey, using the technique of structural equation modeling - based variance estimation via partial least squares (PLS). The analysis of the measurement and structural model showed that competence in NSD construct , comprised by competence in the practice of NSD and organizational context dimensions, has positive and strong effect relationship with the NSD innovative performance construct, the latter especially determined by incremental innovation. / Os constantes avanços tecnológicos e o crescente aumento da popularidade dos dispositivos móveis dentre os usuários de telefonia móvel vem impactando fortemente o setor de Serviços de Valor Agregado. Neste contexto, o contínuo desenvolvimento de novos produtos e serviços é critico para a sobrevivência competitiva das organizações de Serviços de Valor Agregado. O objetivo deste estudo é compreender a relação entre a competência no desenvolvimento de novos serviços (DNS) e o desempenho inovativo do desenvolvimento de novos serviços. No recorte conceitual deste estudo adota - se uma visão abrangente e multidimensional de competência em DNS composta pelas dimensões competência na prática de DNS e contexto organizacional, e d o desempenho inovativo de DNS baseado na frequência dos diferentes tipos e graus de inovação do programa de DNS . Os objetivos específicos deste estudo são: i) identificar a competência individual e coletiva por meio da competência na prática de DNS, que compõe a competência em DNS, em termos de equipe de DNS, fontes de conhecimento para DNS, processo de DNS e uso de tecnologia da informação; ii) identificar a competência organizacional por meio do contexto organizacional que compõe a competência em DNS em termos de cultura de inovação, diretrizes de DNS e recursos para DNS; iii) identificar o desempenho inovativo de DNS em termos de frequência dos diferentes tipos e graus de inovação do programa de DNS ; iv) identificar a relação entre a competência em DNS e o desempenho inovativo de DNS. A abordagem escolhida para atender os objetivos deste estudo é quantitativa do tipo levantamento (survey), utilizando a técnica de modelagem de equação estrutural baseada em variância de estimação via partial least squares (PLS). A análise do modelo de mensuração e estrutural permitiu concluir que o construto competência em DNS, composto igualmente pelas dimensões competência na prática de DNS e contexto organizacional, tem relação positiva com o construto desempenho inovativo em DNS , este último determinado principalmente por inovações incrementais .

服務業創新成功因素之研究-以我國銀行業為例 / A Study of Success Factors of Services Innovation Based on Bank Industry in Taiwan

闕河楠, Chueh, Her Nan Unknown Date (has links)
關於製造業其新產品的成功因素,國內外學者早已做過廣泛的研究,亦提出許多寶貴的結論與建議。反觀服務業創新成功因素這方面的研究,一直到1980年代後期,學者才開始對新型服務採用實證的方法來進行研究。而專門針對「服務業的創新成功因素」來探討的,則是一直到1991年才開始。   本論文主要探討在探討下列問題:   一、了解服務業業者如何衡量新型服務是否成功?其衡量的變數有那些?最主要的衡量指標又是什麼?   二、經由文獻探討與個案訪談的結果,得知新型服務的成功關鍵因素為何?   三、經由個案分析的結果,發展本研究之命題。   本研究係採用個案研究的方法,透過文獻整理與訪問四家銀行所得到的五個個案,歸納出的主要結論有:   一、衡量新型服務績效的方法中以「營業收入與市場佔有率的績效」最常為業者所使用,其次為「競爭性的績效」與「外溢效果」,至於「成本績效」的衡量,則較少為業者所使用。   二、「新型服務的開發過程」的各項活動的執行品質,對新型服務績效的影響甚鉅。因此,在推出新型服務時的業者應力求行銷、技術和上市的活動執行品質之提高。   三、「服務或專案的性質」這個構面來看,其主要的關鍵因素為服務的獨特性和優越性,其次為產品╱市場的配合。而在「服務的特性」這個構面中,只有服務的專業化是影響新型服務成功與否的關鍵因素。

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