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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


03 August 2021 (has links)
[pt] Critérios de noticiabilidade no jornalismo ambiental: a Amazônia como um campo discursivo em disputa é uma demonstração de quanto o jornalismo é importante na preservação dos biomas, nesse caso a maior floresta tropical do mundo, a Amazônia. O jornalismo, principalmente quando explora as pautas ambientais, pode ser ferramenta sensibilizadora e fomentadora de políticas públicas para a construção de uma relação de sinergia entre a exploração responsável dos recursos naturais e a preservação não só da Biodiversidade, mas também dos povos que habitam e protegem os biomas. Sofrendo impactos negativos constantemente vindos das mais diversas formas de exploração, a Amazônia ainda persiste no imaginário da sociedade. É um tema de alcance mundial, mas que ainda carece de debates mais profundos nas arenas públicas. Para isso mapeamos seis jornais, um regional, três nacionais e dois estrangeiros: A Crítica (Amazonas), Folha de São Paulo (São Paulo), O Estado de São Paulo (São Paulo), O Globo (Rio de Janeiro), The Guardian (Reino Unido) e The New York Times (Estados Unidos da América) e por meio de Análise de Conteúdo investigamos quais os critérios de noticiabilidade e gêneros jornalísticos têm a preferência dos profissionais quando produzem textos tendo a Amazônia como pauta. Analisamos 652 matérias produzidas no período de setembro de 2016 a setembro de 2018, sob a ótica de algumas das Teorias do Jornalismo, além da avaliação de categorias propostas por Nelson Traquina (2007) e os conceitos de Campo e Habitus teorizados por Pierre Bourdieu. / [en] Newsworthiness Criteria s in Environmental Journalism: The Amazon as a disputed discursive field is a demonstration of how important journalism is in preserving biomes, in this case the largest rainforest in the world, the Amazon. Suffering constantly negative impacts from various forms of exploitation, the Amazon persists in the imagination of society. It is a world-wide topic, but it still needs deeper debate in the public arenas. Journalism, especially when exploring environmental guidelines, can be the sensitizing tool and fomenter of the most energetic public policies for the construction of a synergistic relationship between the responsible exploitation of natural resources and the preservation, not only of the Biodiversity, but also of the people who live. and protect the biome. For this we mapped six newspapers, one regional, three national and two foreign: A Crítica, Folha de São Paulo, O Estado de São Paulo, O Globo, The Guardian, and The New York Times in order to investigate which models of journalism do they are used to produce materials about the Amazon. There are 652 articles produced from September 2016 to September 2018, to be analyzed, from the perspective of Journalism Theories, besides categories proposed by Nelson Traquina (2007) and Social Fields and Habitus theorized by Pierre Bourdieu.

Forskning på agendan

Berglund, Amanda, Langer, Kajsa January 2018 (has links)
Problembakgrund och syfte: Sociala medier breder i allt större omfattning ut sig i samhälletoch skapar därmed nya kommunikativa spelregler vilka den vetenskapliga sfären behöver förhålla sig till. Mot bakgrund av denna utveckling är det intressant att ur ett samhälls- ochmedieperspektiv studera hur universitet och högskolor arbetar med tredje uppgiften nämligen att föra ut forskning till en publik utanför den vetenskapliga sfären. Syftet med denna studie var således att undersöka hur forskningskommunikatörer och forskare arbetar med och resonerar kring att synliggöra forskning externt genom sociala medier.Metod och material: Studien är genomförd med hjälp av semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer med 12 respondenter varav fyra är kommunikatörer och åtta är forskare inom Malmö universitet.Resultat: Studiens resultat visar på att forskare och forskningskommunikatörers grundsyn iarbetet med att sprida forskning till det omgivande samhället består av två delar; att kommunicera forskning till berörda grupper samt att forskare och forskning bör synliggöras i samhällsdebatten. I arbetet med att nå de uttalande målen har två framträdande strategier identifierats. Sociala medier används som ett verktyg för att nätverka och bygga relationer med definierade primära målgrupper samt används för att lyfta fram forskning och ge den medialt utrymme i de traditionella nyhetsmedierna och därmed nå ut med forskning brett till det omgivande samhället. Resultatet visar också att forskningskommunikation genom sociala medier omges av olika personliga och organisatoriska incitament. Slutligen visar resultatet på att sociala medier bedöms vara av särskild betydelse när det kommer till att synliggöra formella vetenskapliga publikationer till en bredare publik. Sociala medier används därmed som ett komplement och som en del av övrig forskningskommunikation och forskningskommunikativa aktiviteter. / Background and objective of study: In a contemporary era of a progressive mediadevelopment, an increasing number of people are accessing information through social mediaand therefore its interesting, from both a societal and media perspective, to study how research communication is changing, and in what way the science outreach is adapting to this new media landscape. The purpose of this study was thus to investigate how research communicators and researchers make research visible externally through social media.Methods: The study was conducted using semi-structured qualitative interviews with 12respondents, four communicators and eight researchers from Malmö University.Results: The study's findings show that researchers' and research communicators' basic beliefs in the dissemination of research to the surrounding community consist of two parts; tocommunicate research to relevant groups and to make researchers and research visible in thepublic debate. In the process of reaching the statement goals, two prominent strategies have been identified. Social media is used as a tool for networking and building relationships with defined primary target groups and is used to highlight research and provide media space in the traditional news media and thus reach out to the surrounding community with scientific research.The result also shows that research communication through social media is surrounded by different personal and organizational incentives. Finally, the result shows that social media is considered of particular importance to make formal scientific publications visible to a broader audience. Social media are thus used as a complement and as part of other research communication activities.

L’art de raconter une bonne histoire : une analyse de la couverture médiatique des gangs de rue au Québec

Brosseau, Patricia 04 1900 (has links)
The media attribute a great significance to criminal events. However, those are not all reported in the same way. The media treatment of one generally depends of its sensationalism. The more impressive the event is, the more importance will be given by the media. Although street gangs have been very much present in the news content for several years, very few studies have assessed the extent to which the phenomenon is appealing to the media in relation to all criminal news. Considering the importance of media content and its impact on our society, the present study focuses on this question in order to determine whether the news about street gangs are treated differently. The sample of this study consists of 417 reports from Radio-Canada’s TV channel and Internet content, from that 210 are related to street gangs and 207 don’t bear on the phenomenon. The results suggest that the audiovisual and digital media present a more specific aspect of the phenomenon. Reports about street gangs are also more detailed and benefit from a greater mediatic treatment, regardless the medium of information used. Independently of the components that determine what make good news, the events involving street gangs and their members seem to receive a special media treatment. / Les médias accordent une grande importance aux faits divers et aux évènements criminels. Toutefois, ceux-ci ne sont pas tous rapportés systématiquement et de la même manière. Le traitement médiatique d’un évènement dépend généralement de son sensationnalisme. Plus un évènement est sensationnel, plus les médias auront tendance à lui accorder de l’importance et à en laisser d’autres, moins sensationnels, de côté. Bien que les gangs de rue soient très présents dans le contenu médiatique depuis plusieurs années, très peu d’études permettent d’évaluer dans quelle mesure le phénomène est intéressant pour les médias par rapport à l’ensemble de l’actualité criminelle. Étant donné l’importance que prend le contenu médiatique au sein d’une société, le mémoire s’attarde donc à cette question, de manière à déterminer si les nouvelles au sujet des gangs de rue sont traitées différemment des autres nouvelles de nature criminelle. Le corpus à l’étude totalise 417 reportages de Radio-Canada diffusés sur leur chaîne télévisée et leur site Internet, dont 210 portent sur les gangs de rue et 207 sont des nouvelles-témoins. Les résultats suggèrent que les médias audiovisuels et numériques présentent un aspect particulier du phénomène au public. Les reportages au sujet des gangs de rue sont également plus détaillés et profitent d’un traitement médiatique plus important que les autres, peu importe le médium d’information utilisé. Ainsi, indépendamment des éléments classiques qui déterminent ce qui fait une bonne nouvelle, les événements impliquant des gangs et leurs membres semble recevoir un traitement médiatique particulier.

L’art de raconter une bonne histoire : une analyse de la couverture médiatique des gangs de rue au Québec

Brosseau, Patricia 04 1900 (has links)
The media attribute a great significance to criminal events. However, those are not all reported in the same way. The media treatment of one generally depends of its sensationalism. The more impressive the event is, the more importance will be given by the media. Although street gangs have been very much present in the news content for several years, very few studies have assessed the extent to which the phenomenon is appealing to the media in relation to all criminal news. Considering the importance of media content and its impact on our society, the present study focuses on this question in order to determine whether the news about street gangs are treated differently. The sample of this study consists of 417 reports from Radio-Canada’s TV channel and Internet content, from that 210 are related to street gangs and 207 don’t bear on the phenomenon. The results suggest that the audiovisual and digital media present a more specific aspect of the phenomenon. Reports about street gangs are also more detailed and benefit from a greater mediatic treatment, regardless the medium of information used. Independently of the components that determine what make good news, the events involving street gangs and their members seem to receive a special media treatment. / Les médias accordent une grande importance aux faits divers et aux évènements criminels. Toutefois, ceux-ci ne sont pas tous rapportés systématiquement et de la même manière. Le traitement médiatique d’un évènement dépend généralement de son sensationnalisme. Plus un évènement est sensationnel, plus les médias auront tendance à lui accorder de l’importance et à en laisser d’autres, moins sensationnels, de côté. Bien que les gangs de rue soient très présents dans le contenu médiatique depuis plusieurs années, très peu d’études permettent d’évaluer dans quelle mesure le phénomène est intéressant pour les médias par rapport à l’ensemble de l’actualité criminelle. Étant donné l’importance que prend le contenu médiatique au sein d’une société, le mémoire s’attarde donc à cette question, de manière à déterminer si les nouvelles au sujet des gangs de rue sont traitées différemment des autres nouvelles de nature criminelle. Le corpus à l’étude totalise 417 reportages de Radio-Canada diffusés sur leur chaîne télévisée et leur site Internet, dont 210 portent sur les gangs de rue et 207 sont des nouvelles-témoins. Les résultats suggèrent que les médias audiovisuels et numériques présentent un aspect particulier du phénomène au public. Les reportages au sujet des gangs de rue sont également plus détaillés et profitent d’un traitement médiatique plus important que les autres, peu importe le médium d’information utilisé. Ainsi, indépendamment des éléments classiques qui déterminent ce qui fait une bonne nouvelle, les événements impliquant des gangs et leurs membres semble recevoir un traitement médiatique particulier.

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