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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Characterization of Fatigue Mechanisms in Ni-based Superalloys

Yablinsky, Clarissa A. 02 November 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Comportement mécanique haute température du superalliage monocristallin AM1 : étude in situ par une nouvelle technique de diffraction en rayonnement synchrotron / High-temperature creep behaviour of a Ni-based single-crystal superalloy : in situ experiment by a new technique using far field synchrotron X-rays diffraction

Tréhorel, Roxane 19 February 2018 (has links)
Les superalliages monocristallins base nickel sont largement utilisés dans les parties chaudes (aux alentours de 1000°C) des turbines aéronautiques au vu de leur bonne résistance thermomécanique. Pendant le stade II du fluage leur microstructure est formée d’une matrice/couloirs γ (CFC) et de précipités en radeaux γ’ (L12). Le but de cette étude est de mieux comprendre la plasticité de ces matériaux, en particulier celle de l’alliage de 1ère génération AM1. Afin de suivre son comportement mécanique durant des transitions rapides, une nouvelle technique expérimentale par diffraction en transmission des rayons X (synchrotron) a été développée. L’utilisation d’une caméra en champ lointain permet d’enregistrer (une acquisition prend 7 secondes) la tache de diffraction (200) de chacune des deux phases, et donc l’évolution en temps réel du désaccord paramétrique entre les deux phases. En utilisant un modèle mécanique simplifié, il est possible d’en déduire les contraintes internes et la déformation plastique de chaque phase. Une campagne d’essai sur la ligne ID11 de l’ESRF a été réalisée avec cette technique. Deux types d’échantillons présentant une microstructure initiale différente, obtenues par des traitements thermiques adaptés, ont été testés. Ils ont été soumis in situ à des essais de fluage à température constante avec des sauts de contrainte. Après essai, les échantillons ont été caractérisés par MET et MEB afin de déterminer leur microstructure, vérifier les désorientations des échantillons, cartographier la concentration de certains éléments et évaluer la densité de dislocations au sein des radeaux γ’. Dans les couloirs γ, la propagation des dislocations nécessite une contrainte de Von Mises supérieure à la contrainte d’Orowan, et la densité de dislocations mobiles augmente avec la déformation plastique. Le mécanisme limitant la déformation plastique par montée de la phase γ’ est vraisemblablement l’entrée des dislocations dans les radeaux. Les conséquences déduites de cette hypothèse sont détaillées ainsi que le comportement mécanique du matériau résultant / Nickel-based single crystal superalloys are extensively used for turbines blades (above 1000°C) of aeronautical engines because of their good thermomechanical properties. During stage II of creep, their microstructure consists of a γ matrix (fcc) and raft precipitates γ’ (L12). The aim of this work is to improve the understanding of plasticity of this type of alloy, especially the first generation AM1 superalloy. To follow his mechanical behaviour during fast transients, a new experimental setup using synchrotron radiation diffraction in transmission geometry was developed. A far field camera allows the recording of the (200) diffraction spot of each phase, i.e. the evolution of the lattice misfit in real time (one acquisition takes 7 seconds). By using a simple mechanical model, it is possible to determine the internal stresses and the plastic strains for both phases. An experimental campaign was performed at ID11 beamline of ESRF using this new technique. Two sample types with different initial microstructure (obtained with adapted heat treatments) were tested in situ. They underwent load jumps under high-temperature creep conditions. Further post mortem investigations by SEM and TEM were performed to determine their microstructure, to check on misorientations, map some elements composition and estimate the dislocation density within the γ’ rafts. In the γ channels, dislocation propagation occurred when the Von Mises stress was larger than the Orowan stress. The mobile dislocations density increases with γ plastic strain. The limiting mechanism for γ’ plastic strain is presumably the entry of dislocation within the γ’ rafts. Under this assumption we deduce the mechanisms of interactions between dislocations, vacancies, and pores within the material, and the mechanical behaviour of the γ’ rafts

Microstructure evolution and strengthening mechanism in Ni-based composite coatings: Microstructure evolution and strengthening mechanism in Ni-based composite coatings

Sadeghi, Amir 28 September 2016 (has links)
Ni electrodeposition is a suitable process for producing thick deposits and thick metallic microstructures, especially for producing relatively deep micromoulds in Microsystems industry. Ni-P deposits, due to their better properties compared to Ni deposits – particularly high mechanical properties (hardness, wear resistivity), corrosion resistance, magnetic properties, a higher fatigue limit and lower macroscopic deformation – can be a very good alternative for producing Microsystems, especially for MEMS or Microengines. According to few limited literature and our primary investigations, dispersion coating and adding particle into the electrolyte can be considered as an approach in order to decrease the stress and ease the deposition of Ni-P galvanically. Although in the last decades the influence of particles embedment in the matrix by electroplating techniques have attracted the scientific interest, there are still contradictions among the research community concerning the influence of codeposited particles on the microstructure and strengthening properties of Ni-based composites coatings. In many cases, it is believed that the enhanced mechanical performance of the coatings is mainly caused by a change in the microstructure of the metal matrix and not so much by the presence of the particles themselves. In other words, the role of particle characteristics - like their nature, size and concentration - on the layer features and strengthening mechanism of electrodeposited Ni-based composite coating with different matrix is not cleared well. Furthermore, the incorporation of particles into the deposit is mainly considered as a key factor for determining the composite coatings properties. Despite of existing models of ECD, the mechanism of particle incorporation into the film under influence of different particle characteristics has not been well understood yet. Therefore, the main aim of this study is to shed light on the effect of particle characteristics (size, concentration, type) on the codeposition process, microstructure and strengthening mechanisms in Ni and Ni-P electrodeposited composite coatings.

Functionally Graded SS 316L to Ni-Based Structures Produced by 3D Plasma Metal Deposition

Rodriguez, Johnnatan, Hoefer, Kevin, Haelsig, Andre, Mayr, Peter 01 August 2019 (has links)
In this investigation, the fabrication of functionally graded structures of SS316L to Ni-based alloys were studied, using the novel technique 3D plasma metal deposition. Two Ni-based alloys were used, a heat resistance alloy Ni80-20 and the solid-solution strengthened Ni625. Different configurations were analyzed, for the Ni80-20 a hard transition and a smooth transition with a region of 50% SS316L/50% Ni80-20. Regarding the structures with Ni625, a smooth transition configuration and variations in the heat input were applied. The effect of the process parameters on the geometry of the structures and the microstructures was studied. Microstructure examinations were carried out using optical and scanning electron microscopy. In addition, microhardness analysis were made on the interfaces. In general, the smooth transition of both systems showed a gradual change in the properties. The microstructural results for the SS316L (both systems) showed an austenite matrix with δ-phase. For the mixed zone and the Ni80-20 an austenite (γ) matrix with some M7C3 precipitates and laves phase were recognized. The as-built Ni625 microstructure was composed of an austenite (γ) matrix with secondary phases laves and δ-Ni3Nb, and precipitates M7C3. The mixed zone exhibited the same phases but with changes in the morphology.

Investigation of Ductility Dip at 1000˚C in Alloy 617

Sjöström, Julia, Åkesson, Helena January 2017 (has links)
Alloy 617 displays a ductility dip during straining at exactly 1000˚C, leading to brittle fracture. A sudden decrease in ductility appearing during Gleeble hot ductility tests of Ni-based superalloys is a well-known phenomenon, while its cause is unknown. Many mechanisms have been established as possible contributors to the issue, and in later years not one, but the simultaneous presence of several of these mechanisms were confirmed as the cause. The ductility dip leads to solid state cracking and a specific solid state cracking phenomenon known as ductility dip cracking is specifically common in Ni-based superalloys. Ductility dip cracking is identified by intergranular cracks and the occurrence of specific precipitates, among other things. This work investigates the possibility that the decreased ductility is due to ductility dip cracking. Furthermore, other possible explanations are investigated. Visual examination was conducted through LOM, SEM and chemical analysis using EDS technique. Combined with thermodynamic calculations, the existence of Cr-rich M23C6 carbides, Ti(N,C) and Mo-rich particles, most likely M3B2, were confirmed. Further, it is established that the ductility dip is related to the lack of dynamic recrystallization at 1000˚C. It is not confirmed that the ductility dip in alloy 617 is due to ductility dip cracking. / Nickelbaslegeringen 617 uppvisar en minskning i duktilitet under Gleeble-dragprovning vid exakt 1000˚C vilket leder till sprött brott. En plötslig sänkning av duktiliteten vid varmdragning av Ni-baserade superlegeringar är ett välkänt fenomen, dock är orsaken inte fastställd. Många mekanismer har bekräftats som bidrag till problemet och under de senaste åren har den simultana närvaron av fler av dessa mekanismer bekräftats som orsaken. Sänkningen i duktilitet leder till sprickbildning i fast fas och en specifik typ av sprickbildning känd som ”ductility dip cracking” är speciellt förekommande i Ni-bas legeringar. Denna identifieras bland annat genom intergranulära sprickor och närvaron av specifika utskiljningar. Detta arbete undersöker möjligheten att duktilitetssänkningen beror på  ”ductility dip cracking”. Dessutom undersöks fler tänkbara förklaringar. Visuell granskning genomfördes via LOM och SEM och analys av sammansättningar via EDS-analys. I kombination med termodynamiska simuleringar blev förekomsten av Cr-rika M23C6 karbider, Ti(N,C) och Mo-rika partiklar, troligtvis M3B2, bekräftad. Fortsatt är det bekräftat att duktilitetssänkningen är relaterat till avsaknaden av rekristallisation vid 1000˚C. Det är inte bekräftat i detta arbete att duktilitetssänkningen i legering 617 beror av ”ductility dip cracking”.

Weldability Evaluation in Autogenous Welds of Alloys 230, 800H, and 825

Suh, Sanghyun January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Catalytic Conversion of Undesired Organic Compounds to Syngas in Biomass Gasification and Pyrolysis Applications

H. Moud, Pouya January 2017 (has links)
Reliable energy supply is a major concern and crucial for development of the global society. To address the dependency on fossil fuel and the negative effects of this reliance on climate, there is a need for a transition to cleaner sources. An attractive solution for replacing fossil-based products is renewable substitutes produced from biomass. Gasification and pyrolysis are two promising thermochemical conversion technologies, facing challenges before large-scale commercialization becomes viable. In case of biomass gasification, tar is often and undesired by-product. An attractive option to convert tar into syngas is nickel-based catalytic steam reforming (SR). For biomass pyrolysis, catalytic SR is in early stages of investigation as a feasible option for bio-crude conversion to syngas. The focus of the thesis is partly dedicated to describe research aimed at increasing the knowledge around tar reforming mechanisms and effect of biomass-derived impurities on Ni-based tar reforming catalyst downstream of gasifiers. The work focuses on better understanding of gas-phase alkali interaction with Ni-based catalyst surface under realistic conditions. A methodology was successfully developed to enable controlled investigation of the combined sulfur (S) and potassium (K) interaction with the catalyst. The most striking result was that K appears to lower the sulfur coverage and increases methane and tar reforming activity. Additionally, the results obtained in the atomistic investigations are discussed in terms of naphthalene adsorption, dehydrogenation and carbon passivation of nickel. Furthermore, the thesis describes research performed on pyrolysis gas pre-conditioning at a small-industrial scale, using an iron-based catalyst. Findings showed that Fe-based materials are potential candidates for application in a pyrolysis gas pre-conditioning step before further treatment or use, and a way for generating a hydrogen-enriched gas without the need for bio-crude condensation. / Tillförlitlig energiförsörjning är en stor utmaning och avgörande för utvecklingen av det globala samhället. För att ta möta beroendet av fossil råvara och de negativa effekter som detta beroende medför för klimatet finns ett stort behov av en övergång till renare energiråvaror. En attraktiv lösning är att ersätta nuvarande fossil råvara med produkter från biomassa. Förgasning och pyrolys är två lovande teknologier för termokemisk omvandling av biomassa. Kommersialisering av dessa teknologier är inte helt problemfritt. I fallet förgasning så behöver, bl.a. oönskade tyngre kolväten (tjära) hanteras innan den producerade orenade produktgasen kan användas i syntesgastillämpningar. Ett effektivt alternativ för detta är gaskonditionering vid höga temperaturer, baserade på katalytisk ångreformering med en nickelkatalysator. Katalytisk ångreformering är en möjlig teknik för omvandling av bioråvara, producerad från pyrolys av biomassa, till syntesgas. Avhandlingen fokuserar delvis på att beskriva den forskning som utförts för att öka kunskapen kring mekanismer för tjärreformering och effekterna av föroreningar från biomassan på en nickelkatalysator nedströms förgasare. Arbetet bidrar till en bättre förståelse av hur alkali i form av kalium (K) i gasfasen upptas, jämviktas och växelverkar med ytan hos nickelkatalysatorn under fullt realistiska förhållanden. Inledningsvis utvecklades en metod för att möjliggöra kontrollerade studier av den kombinerade effekten av S och K, vilken inkluderar exakt dosering av alkali till en produktgas, eliminering av transienter i katalysatoraktiviteten samt katalysatorkarakterisering. Det mest lovande resultatet är att K både sänker ytans svavelinnehåll och ökar aktiviteten för omvandlingen av metan och tjära. För att ytterligare fördjupa kunskaperna i mekanismerna för tjärnedbrytning utfördes experimentella och teoretiska ytstudier på en enkristallnickelyta med naftalen som modellförening. Resultat avseende naftalenadsorption, dehydrogenering av naftalen och kolpassivering av nickelytan diskuteras. Därutöver så beskriver avhandlingen den forskning som utförts inom förkonditionering av pyrolysgas med en järnkatalysator för varsam deoxygenering av biooljan och vätgasproduktion. Detta utfördes vid en småskalig industriell anläggning. De experimentella studierna visar att den undersökta järnkatalysatorn resulterar i en vätgasberikad gas och att den är en potentiell kandidat för tillämpning i ett förkonditioneringssteg. / <p>QC 20170830</p>

Girth Welding of Internally Clad API 5L Grade X65 Pipes using Low Alloy Steel Filler Metal

Alvarez, Alejandro January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

High temperature process to structure to performance material modeling

Brandon T Mackey (17896343) 05 February 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">In structural metallic components, a material’s lifecycle begins with the processing route, to produce a desired structure, which dictates the in-service performance. The variability of microstructural features as a consequence of the processing route has a direct influence on the properties and performance of a material. In order to correlate the influence processing conditions have on material performance, large test matrices are required which tend to be time consuming and expensive. An alternative route to avoid such large test matrices is to incorporate physics-based process modeling and lifing paradigms to better understand the performance of structural materials. By linking microstructural information to the material’s lifecycle, the processing path can be modified without the need to repeat large-scale testing requirements. Additionally, when a materials system is accurately modeled throughout its lifecycle, the performance predictions can be leveraged to improve the design of materials and components.</p><p dir="ltr">Ni-based superalloys are a material class widely used in many critical aerospace components exposed to coupling thermal and mechanical loads due to their increased resistance to creep, corrosion, oxidation, and strength characteristics at elevated temperatures. Many Ni-based superalloys undergo high-temperature forging to produce a desired microstructure, targeting specific strength and fatigue properties in order to perform under thermo-mechanical loads. When in-service, these alloys tend to fail as a consequence of thermo-mechanical fatigue (TMF) from either inclusion- or matrix- driven failure. In order to produce safer, cheaper and more efficient critical aerospace components, the micromechanical deformation and damage mechanisms throughout a Ni-based superalloy’s lifecycle must be understood. This research utilizes process modeling as a tool to understand the damage and deformation of inclusions in a Ni-200 matrix throughout radial forging as a means to optimize the processing conditions for improved fatigue performance. In addition, microstructural sensitive performance modeling for a Ni-based superalloy is leveraged to understand the influence TMF has on damage mechanisms.</p><p dir="ltr">The radial forging processing route requires both high temperatures and large plastic deformation. During this process, non-metallic inclusions (NMIs) can debond from the metallic matrix and break apart, resulting in a linear array of smaller inclusions, known as stringers. The evolution of NMIs into stringers can result in matrix load shedding, localized plasticity, and stress concentrations near the matrix-NMI interface. Due to these factors, stringers can be detrimental to the fatigue life of the final forged component. By performing a finite element model of the forging process with cohesive zones to simulate material debonding, this research contributes to the understanding of processing induced deformation and damage sequences on the onset of stringer formation for Alumina NMIs in a Ni-200 matrix. Through a parametric study, the interactions of forging temperature, strain rate, strain per pass, and interfacial decohesion on the NMI damage evolution metrics are studied, specifically NMI particle separation, rotation, and cavity formation. The parametric study provides a linkage between the various processing conditions parameters influence on detrimental NMI morphology related to material performance.</p><p dir="ltr">The microstructural characteristics of Ni-based superalloys, as a consequence of a particular processing route, creates a variability in TMF performance. The micromechanical failure mechanisms associated with TMF are dependent on various loading parameters, such as temperature, strain range, and strain-temperature phasing. Insights on the complexities of micromechanical TMF damage are studied via a temperature-dependent, dislocation density-based crystal plasticity finite element (CPFE) model with uncertainty quantification. The capabilities of the model’s temperature dependency are examined via direct instantiation and comparison to a high-energy X-ray diffraction microscopy (HEDM) experiment under coupled thermal and mechanical loads. Unique loading states throughout the experiment are investigated with both CPFE predictions and HEDM results to study early indicators of TMF damage mechanisms at the grain scale. The mesoscale validation of the CPFE model to HEDM experimental data provides capabilities for a well-informed TMF performance paradigm under various strain-temperature phase profiles. </p><p dir="ltr">A material’s TMF performance is highly dependent on the temperature-load phase profile as a consequence of path-dependent thermo-mechanical plasticity. To investigate the relationship between microstructural damage and TMF phasing effects, the aforementioned CPFE model investigates in-phase (IP) TMF, out-of-phase (OP) TMF, and iso-thermal (ISO) loading profiles. A microstructural sensitive performance modeling framework with capabilities to isolate phasing (IP, OP, and ISO) effects is presented to locate fatigue damage in a set of statistically equivalent microstructures (SEMs). Location specific plasticity, and grain interactions are studied under the various phasing profiles providing a connection between microstructural material damage and TMF performance.</p>

Solid-Solution Strengthening and Suzuki Segregation in Co- and Ni-based Alloys

Dongsheng Wen (12463488) 29 April 2022 (has links)
<p>Co and Ni are two major elements in high temperature structural alloys that include superalloys for turbine engines and hard metals for cutting tools. The recent development of complex concentrated alloys (CCAs), loosely defined as alloys without a single principal element (e.g. CoNiFeMn), offers additional opportunities in designing new alloys through extensive composition and structure modifications. Within CCAs and Co- and Ni-based superalloys, solid-solution strengthening and stacking fault energy engineering are two of the most important strengthening mechanisms. While studied for decades, the potency and quantitative materials properties of these mechanisms remain elusive. </p> <p><br></p> <p>Solid-solution strengthening originates from stress field interactions between dislocations and solute of various species in the alloy. These stress fields can be engineered by composition modification in CCAs, and therefore a wide range of alloys with promising mechanical strength may be designed. This thesis initially reports on experimental and computational validation of newly developed theories for solid-solution strengthening in 3d transition metal (MnFeCoNi) alloys. The strengthening effects of Al, Ti, V, Cr, Cu and Mo as alloying elements are quantified by coupling the Labusch-type strengthening model and experimental measurements. With large atomic misfits with the base alloy, Al, Ti, Mo, and Cr present strong strengthening effects comparable to other Cantor alloys. </p> <p> </p> <p>Stacking fault energy engineering can enable novel deformation mechanisms and exceptional strength in face-centered cubic (FCC) materials such as austenitic TRIP/TWIP steels and CoNi-based superalloys exhibiting local phase transformation strengthening via Suzuki segregation. We employed first-principles calculations to investigate the Suzuki segregation and stacking fault energy of the FCC Co-Ni binary alloys at finite temperatures and concentrations. We quantitatively predicted the Co segregation in the innermost plane of the intrinsic stacking fault (ISF). We further quantified the decrease of stacking fault energy due to segregation.  </p> <p><br></p> <p>We further investigated the driving force of segregation and the origin of the segregation behaviors of 3d, 4d and 5d elements in the Co- and Ni-alloys. Using first-principles calculations, we calculated the ground-state solute-ISF interaction energies and revealed the trends across the periodic table. We discussed the relationships between the interaction energies and the local lattice distortions, charge density redistribution, density of states and local magnetization of the solutes. </p> <p><br></p> <p>Finally, this thesis reports on new methodologies to accelerate first-principles calculations utilizing active learning techniques, such as Bayesian optimization, to efficiently search for the ground-state energy line of the system with limited computational resources. Based on the expected improvement method, new acquisition strategies were developed and will be compared and presented. </p>

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