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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Síntese de estruturas 3D de nanotubos de carbono verticalmente alinhados, dopados e não-dopados, decorados com nanopartículas de óxido de titânio, sua caracterização microestrutural e de propriedades fotocatalíticas e elétricas

Acauan, Luiz Henrique January 2015 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido um procedimento experimental para a fabricação de estruturas 3D de nanotubos de carbono crescidos sobre substrato de cobre e decorados com partículas de óxido de titânio. Foram relacionados os três tipos diferentes de NTCs nesta estrutura (simples, dopados com nitrogênio e tratados com plasma) com a deposição do TiO2 por ALD. Foram igualmente propostas três aplicações para esta estrutura. A síntese dos NTCs verticalmente orientados, dopados e não dopados, foi otimizada dentre alguns parâmetros de síntese como temperatura, agente oxidante e principalmente, o filme catalisador. A introdução de defeitos nos NTCP através do tratamento a plasma oxidativo foi avaliada frente a variáveis como pressão, potência e tempo de exposição. A relação entre os defeitos destes três tipos de NTCs e a deposição de TiO2 por ALD foi avaliada por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão, Raman, XPS e TGA. O procedimento experimental para confecção da estrutura 3D foi desenvolvido etapa por etapa via diversas técnicas experimentais, desde caracterização química, imagem, até testes empíricos. Na estrutura final, foram avaliadas as propriedades fotocatalíticas pela decomposição de corante orgânico em meio aquoso, propriedades capacitivas por voltametria cíclica e propriedades de emissão por campo através de curvas de campo elétrico por corrente de emissão e diagramas F-N. Foram obtidas florestas de NTCs de boa qualidade com até 0.5mm de altura, de diâmetros e número de paredes regulares. Nestes foi possível introduzir defeitos de maneira controlável, mantendo o arranjo da floresta. As florestas de NTCNx alcançam uma altura de até 0,3mm com concentração de nitrogênio de 2% tendo os nanotubos uma estrutura típica “bamboo-like”. Os resultados mostram a relação entre o tipo de defeito e a deposição de TiO2 por ALD, obtendo-se partículas cristalinas para os NTCP e NTCNx, sendo neste ultimo as partículas homogeneamente distribuídas e com tamanho uniforme, enquanto nos NTCOx forma-se uma densa camada de TiO2 composta por grandes grãos monocristalinos A partir de processo como tratamentos térmicos e transferência dos NTC de substrato foi possível obter uma estrutura 3D composta de uma camada carbono grafítico e NTC-VAs sobre um substrato de cobre, sem alterar o arranjo inicial das florestas. As amostras mostraram efeito de emissão de elétrons por campo elétrico, porém estas requerem uma análise mais quantitativa. Os ensaios de fotocatálise mostraram que a imobilização do TiO2 em um suporte denso inviabiliza a degradação do corante em meio aquoso. Os NTCNx apresentaram maior capacitância que as mostras de NTCP, e o TiO2 foi aparentemente ineficaz para a melhoria desta propriedade. / In this work, we propose an experimental procedure for fabrication of 3D carbon nanotubes structures anchored with titanium oxide particles, on a copper substrate. We correlate three different types of CNTs from this structure (pristine, doped with nitrogen and treated with plasma) with the deposition of TiO2 by ALD. It was yet suggested, three applications for this structure. The synthesis of vertically aligned CNTs, doped and undoped, was optimized among several synthesis parameters such as temperature, oxidizing agent and specially, the catalyst film. The introduction of defects in NTCP by oxidative plasma treatment was evaluated against variables such as pressure, power and exposure time. The association between the defects from these three types of CNTs and the deposition of TiO2 by ALD was assessed by transmission microscopy, Raman, XPS and TGA. The experimental procedure for assembling the 3D structure had been studied step by step by various techniques, from chemical and imaging, up to empirical testing. In the final structure, the photocatalytic properties were evaluated by the organic dye decomposition in an aqueous medium, capacitive properties by cyclic voltammetry and field emission properties through electric field versus emission current curves and F-N diagram. Was obtained high quality NTCs with a height up to 0.5mm with regular diameters and number of walls. On these, it was introduced, in a controllable way, a high amount of defects without jeopardizing the forest structure. The NTCNx forest reach a 0,3nm height with a 2% nitrogen concentration in its typical structure “bamboo-like”. The results show the relation between the type of defect and the deposition of TiO2 by ALD, forming crystalline particles over the NTCP and NTCNx, in this last evenly distributed with uniform size, while on the NTCOx is is formed a dense TiO2 layer shaped by large monocrystalline grains. By process such as heat treatments and CNT transferring was achieved a 3d structure composed by a graphitic carbon layer and VACNTs over a cupper substrate, without disturb the forest assembly. The samples showed electron field emission effect, but its assessment for quantitative analysis was limited to technical issues. The photocatalysis tests showed that immobilization of TiO2 on a dense support prevents the dye degradation in an aqueous medium. The NTCNx shown higher capacitance than NTCP, and the TiO2 was apparently ineffective for improvement of this property.

Remoção de carbono e nitrogênio em reator de leito móvel submetido à aeração intermitente / Nitrogen and carbon removal in moving bed reactor operated under intermittent aeration

Lissa Maria Nocko 30 May 2008 (has links)
O lançamento de águas residuárias contendo compostos nitrogenados tem um importante impacto sobre a saúde e o meio ambiente, tornando necessária a incorporação de processos de remoção desses compostos nos sistemas de tratamento de águas residuárias. Neste trabalho, foram estudadas as condições de operação para promover a remoção conjunta de nitrogênio e matéria orgânica em reator biológico de leito móvel, contínuo, operado sob aeração intermitente, alimentado com água residuária sintética contendo nitrogênio amoniacal (90 a 110 mg/L) e melaço como matéria orgânica (DQO de 450 a 550 mg/L). Foram utilizados dois reatores em escala de bancada, cada um com dois litros de volume útil, contendo diferentes meios suportes para a imobilização da biomassa: matrizes de espuma de poliuretano e anéis plásticos. Na primeira etapa experimental, o reator contendo anéis plásticos apresentou eficiências de remoção de nitrogênio muito baixas. Na segunda etapa, trocou-se o material suporte por matrizes de espuma de poliuretano inoculadas com lodo aeróbio de estação de tratamento de águas residuárias. A partir de então, trabalhou-se com dois reatores de mesma configuração, exceto pelas origens, idades e características dos lodos de inóculo. Inicialmente, a alimentação foi realizada utilizando-se apenas os micronutrientes contidos no melaço. Posteriormente, a composição da água residuária foi alterada, introduzindo-se solução de micronutrientes, pois se concluiu que a instabilidade no processo de nitrificação devia-se ao fato de o melaço comercial apresentar deficiências nutricionais. Como resultado, em condições de estabilidade operacional, foram obtidas eficiências de remoção de DQO superiores a 85%, oxidação total do nitrogênio amoniacal e eficiências de remoção de nitrogênio de aproximadamente 55%. Variações posteriores nas condições de operação, como o aumento do período anóxico (de 1h para 1h15min) e redução do tempo de detenção hidráulica (para valores inferiores a 12 horas), resultaram em melhora no desempenho dos reatores. Os resultados obtidos permitem admitir que as melhores condições de operação não foram atingidas durante o experimento, abrindo a possibilidade para a otimização do processo em pesquisas futuras. Constatou-se que o desenvolvimento das populações microbianas imobilizadas no meio suporte foi diferente do observado na biomassa em suspensão. Verificou-se, também, que a biomassa responsável pela nitrificação e desnitrificação ocorreu predominantemente no meio suporte, enquanto que a biomassa heterotrófica predominou no lodo em suspensão. / The operating conditions for the combined removal of nitrogen and organic matter in moving- bed biological reactor were investigated. Two bench-scale reactors, two liters each, were operated under intermittent aeration and continuously fed with synthetic wastewater containing ammonia nitrogen (90 to 110 mg/L) and molasses as organic carbon source (COD of 450 to 550 mg/L). Each reactor received different moving-bed materials: polyurethane foam matrices and plastic rings, respectively. During the first experimental period, the reactor containing plastic rings maintained very low nitrogen removal efficiencies during large period. For this reason, the moving-bed was replaced by polyurethane foam matrices and the reactor was re-inoculated with aerobic wastewater plant sludge. Thereafter, the two reactors were similar except for the origin, age and characteristics of the inoculum sludge. First, the wastewater micronutrients were just those contained in the carbon source (molasses). After, the synthetic wastewater composition was changed by adding a solution of micronutrients. This procedure was adopted to achieve a stable nitrification process, because commercial molasses is a very poor regarding its micronutrient composition. As a result of the stable conditions prevalence just after adding micronutrients, organic matter (as COD) removal efficiencies were higher than 85% and complete nitrogen ammonia oxidation was achieved. In nitrogen removal efficiencies were approximately 55%. The performance of the reactors improved after the increase of the anoxic period from1h to 1h15min, and reduction of the hydraulic detention time to less than 12 h. The results obtained in the last operating period indicated the optimum operating conditions was not achieved in this experiment, thus opening the possibility of process improvement in further researches. Microbial populations with different characteristics were developed in suspended growth and attached biomass. Nitrification and denitrification bacteria predominated as attached biomass whereas heterotrophic bacteria predominated as suspended growth biomass.

Catalizadores metálicos subnanométricos altamente eficientes en reacciones de formación de enlaces C-C

Escobar Bedia, Francisco Javier 02 September 2021 (has links)
[ES] De forma general, el trabajo realizado durante la presente tesis doctoral se ha enfocado al diseño y optimización de catalizadores heterogéneos basados en Pd y Ru soportado sobre óxidos metálicos y materiales carbonosos. A fin de optimizar los catalizadores se han relacionado los ensayos catalíticos con las propiedades físico-químicas de los materiales mediante diferentes técnicas (XPS, HAADF-STEM, Fotoluminiscencia, IR, ¿) siguiendo un proceso iterativo de ensayo-caracterización-optimización. En concreto, la presente tesis doctoral se puede dividir en dos partes en función de las reacciones estudiadas: 1. Durante la primera parte, capítulo 3, se han preparado catalizadores basados en Au, Pd y Pd(OH)2 soportado sobre diferentes óxidos metálicos con objeto de realizar el homoacoplamiento oxidativo de benzoato de metilo en ausencia de disolvente y empleando oxígeno como único agente oxidante. Se ha conseguido identificar la especie activa como clústeres de Pd mediante el empleo de espectroscopia de infrarrojo de adsorción de CO y fotoluminiscencia. Con este conocimiento se ha podido diseñar un pre-tratamiento de activación específico para maximizar la actividad catalítica con el cual se ha logrado obtener un rendimiento catalítico similar al del catalizador homogéneo de Pd(OAc)2. 2. En la segunda parte de la tesis, se ha estudiado la hidroformilación de 1-hexeno empleando catalizadores alternativos basados en Ru. En particular, durante el capítulo 4 se han desarrollado catalizadores de Ru soportados sobre una matriz orgánica-inorgánica compuesta por un biopolímero natural, quitosán, y SiO2 detectándose un efecto sinérgico entre las especies lixiviadas de Ru (TON > 3000, TOF > 550 h-1) y los grupos funcionales del quitosán que ha sido estudiado mediante espectroscopia de absorción de rayos-X. Finalmente, el objetivo del capítulo 5 ha sido estabilizar las especies de Ru mediante un tratamiento térmico de pirólisis. Empleando un biopolímero natural se ha conseguido diseñar un catalizador estable, capaz de hidroformilar selectivamente el enlace terminal de olefinas de diferente tamaño de cadena con alta regioselectividad (S > 90%) que puede ser re-usado. Gracias al uso de técnicas espectroscópicas avanzadas se ha podido relacionar la actividad intrínseca de las especies de Ru soportadas identificándose a los átomos aislados de Ru como los más activos (TOF > 12.000 h-1). / [CA] This doctoral thesis has focused on the design and optimization of heterogeneous Pd and Ru catalysts supported on metallic oxides and carbon materials. In order to optimize the catalysts a relationship has been stablished between the observed reaction kinetics and the physico-chemical properties of the materials by means of different characterization techniques (XPS, HAADF-STEM, photoluminescence, IR ¿) following an iterative kinetic test-characterization-optimization process. In particular, this thesis can be divided in two different parts depending on the reaction studied: 1. In chapter 3, different catalysts based on Au, Pd and Pd(OH)2 supported on a variety of mixed oxides have been prepared with the aim of performing the oxidative homocoupling of methyl benzoate in absence of solvent with molecular oxygen as the only oxidising agent. In this case, Pd clusters have been identified as the active species by means of photoluminescence and infrared spectroscopy using CO as probe molecule. After identifying the active species, a specific activation pre-treatment could be designed in order to maximize the catalytic activity which is on par with the homogeneous Pd(OAc)2 counterpart. 2. In the next chapter (Chapter 4), the hydroformylation of 1-hexene using alternative Ru based catalysts was studied. In particular, a series of hybrid organic-inorganic Ru catalysts composed of a natural biopolymer, chitosan, and SiO2 were developed which showed and interesting synergistic effect between the lixiviated species of Ru and the functional groups of chitosan. This effect was studied by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. The catalyst showed a high activity (TON > 3000 and TOF > 550 h-1) as well as a high regioselectivity towards formation of lineal aldehyde (S > 95%). 3. Finally, the objective of chapter 5 was to go one step further trying to stabilize the Ru species observed in previous chapter by means of a pyrolytic thermal treatment. Thus, with the aid of a natural biopolymer and a carbonaceous support the goal of designing a reusable and stable catalyst, able to selectively catalyse the hydroformylation of terminal olefins with variable chain length and high regioselectivity (S > 90%) towards the lineal aldehyde was successfully achieved. In this case, the intrinsic activity of the different Ru supported entities was studied by advanced spectroscopy techniques allowing the identification of isolated single Ru atoms as the most active catalytic centers (TOF > 12000 h-1) / [EN] En general, el treball realitzat durant la present tesi doctoral s'ha centrat en l'optimització de catalitzadors heterogenis basats en Pd i Ru suportat sobre òxids metàl·lics i materials carbonacis. Amb l'objectiu d'optimitzar els catalitzadors, s'ha establert una relació entre els resultats dels experiments catalítics i les propietats fisicoquímiques dels materials mitjançant la utilització de diferents tècniques (XPS, HAADF - STEM, fotoluminescència, IR,...) seguint un esquema iteratiu d'assaig - caracterització - optimització. En concret, la present tesi doctoral es pot dividir en dos parts, en funció de les reaccions estudiades: 1. En la primera part, capítol 3, s'han preparat catalitzadors basats en Au, Pd i Pd(OH)2 suportat sobre diferents òxids metàl·lics amb l'objectiu de realitzar la reacció d'homoacoblament oxidatiu del benzoat de metil en absència de dissolvent i utilitzant oxigen com a únic agent oxidant. S'ha aconseguit identificar els clústers de Pd com a espècies actives de la reacció gràcies a l'espectroscòpia d'infraroig d'adsorció de CO i a la fotoluminescència. D'aquesta forma, s'ha pogut dissenyar un pretractament d'activació específic per aconseguir maximitzar l'activitat catalítica. S'han aconseguit obtenir uns valors de rendiment catalític similars al presentats pel catalitzador homogeni Pd(OAc)2. 2. En la segona part de la tesi, s'ha estudiat la hidroformilació de l'1-hexè utilitzant catalitzadors alternatius basats en Ru. En concret, en el capítol 4, s'han desenvolupat catalitzadors de Ru suportats sobre una matriu orgànica - inorgànica constituïda per un biopolímer natural, quitosan, i SiO2. Així doncs, s'ha pogut detectar un efecte sinèrgic entre les espècies lixiviades de Ru (TON > 3000 and TOF > 550 h-1) i els grups funcionals del quitosan. Dit efecte s'ha estudiat per mitjà de l'espectroscòpia d'absorció de rajos X. Finalment, l'objectiu del capítol 5 ha consistit en estabilitzar les espècies de Ru per mitjà d'un tractament tèrmic de piròlisis. Utilitzant un biopolímer natural, s'ha aconseguit dissenyar un catalitzador estable, capaç d'hidroformilar selectivament i amb una elevada regioselectivitat (S> 90%) l'enllaç terminal d'olefines de diferent longitud; i poder ésser posteriorment reutilitzat. A partir de tècniques d'espectroscòpia avançades, s'ha pogut relacionar l'activitat intrínseca de les espècies de Ru suportades, i s'han identificat els àtoms aïllats de Ru com aquelles espècies més actives (TOF > 12.000 h-1). / Escobar Bedia, FJ. (2021). Catalizadores metálicos subnanométricos altamente eficientes en reacciones de formación de enlaces C-C [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172628 / TESIS

The Role of Biological Production in Pleistocene Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Variations and the Nitrogen Isotope Dynamics of the Southern Ocean.

Sigman, Daniel M., January 1997 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Joint Program in Oceanography/Applied Ocean Science and Engineering, 1997. / "September 1997." "Funding was provided by National Science Foundation Grant OCE-9201286, National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship Program, and the JOI/USSAC Ocean Drilling Graduate Fellowship Program." Includes bibliographical references (p. 152-153).

Étude des variations spatiales et temporelles du mercure en Arctique : utilisation des dents et des poils des prédateurs supérieurs comme tissus de biomonitoring / Study of the spatial and temporal trends of mercury in the Arctic : use of teeth and hair of the top predators as biomonitoring tissues

Aubail, Aurore 08 December 2010 (has links)
Les tendances spatiales et temporelles du mercure en Arctique ont été étudiées au travers de l’analyse de ce métal dans les tissus durs, i.e. dents et poils, des phoques annelés (Phoca hispida) et des ours polaires (Ursus maritimus). Aucune influence du sexe sur les concentrations n’a été détectée dans les tissus de ces deux espèces alors que l’âge est apparu comme un facteur d’influence important.Deux tendances spatiales ont été observées dans les tissus de ces deux espèces : un premier gradient d’augmentation du mercure de l’Est vers l’Ouest de l’Arctique, i.e. de Svalbard, vers le Groenland et enfin, l’Arctique canadien, et un second du Sud vers le Nord de l’Arctique canadien, résultant très probablement de la minéralogie du socle rocheux, mais aussi potentiellement de facteurs biotiques et abiotiques.Une tendance à l’augmentation des concentrations de mercure a été globalement détectée entre la période préindustrielle et la fin du XXe siècle. Cependant, les variations temporelles associées à la seconde partie du XXe siècle révèlent une augmentation continue dans l’Ouest de l’Arctique et une tendance à la diminution dans l’Est de l’Arctique, cette différence étant probablement liée à des apports distincts des masses d’air atmosphériques à ces deux régions. Par ailleurs, une composante de variabilité climatique pourrait contribuer aux variations observées ces dernières décennies en influençant les habitudes alimentaires de ces prédateurs marins arctiques. Ainsi, les isotopes stables d’azote et de carbone s’avèrent être un outil essentiel à coupler aux études sur les tendances de mercure pour permettre de déterminer la part d’un changement dans le régime alimentaire ou dans les niveaux environnementaux.Cette étude a mis en évidence l’importance des poils comme tissu de monitoring non-invasif et pertinent pour un suivi régulier voire annuel tandis que l’utilisation des dents s’avère être plus adaptée à la reconstruction de tendances sur le long-terme. / The spatial and temporal trends of mercury in the Arctic have been studied through the analysis of this metal in hard tissues, i.e. teeth and hair, in ringed seals (Phoca hispida) and polar bears (Ursus maritimus). Sex had no influence on the mercury concentrations while age was a significant factor. Two distinct spatial trends were observed in the tissues of these two species: a first gradient of augmentation from the East to the West of the Arctic, i.e. from Svalbard towards Greenland and the Canadian Arctic, and a second one, from the South to the North of the Canadian Arctic, resulting probably from a combination of the global mineralogy in the Arctic with biotic and abiotic factors. An increasing trend in mercury concentrations has been detected globally between the preindustrial period and the end of the 20th century. However, the temporal trends detected in the second part of the 20th century revealed an increase in the West Arctic while a decrease was observed in the East Arctic. This difference seems to be due to a distinct input of the atmospheric air masses to the two regions. Besides, a climatic variability could contribute to the variations observed these last decennials by influencing the habitat and the feeding habits of the marine predators. Thus, the determination of the stable isotopes seems to be essential to combine to the study of the mercury trends. Finally, this study has showed the importance of hair as a non-invasive and relevant biomonitoring tissue on a regular or annual sampling base, while the use of the teeth seems to be more adequate for reconstructing long-term trends of mercury.

Auswirkungen atmogener Stickstoffeinträge auf die Kohlenstoff- und Stickstoffdynamik unterschiedlich stark stickstoffbelasteter Waldböden

Scheuner, Thomas 18 June 2004 (has links)
Das Ziel der Arbeit war die Untersuchung der Kohlenstoff- und Stickstoffdynamik in Waldböden unter dem Einfluß atmogener Stickstoffeinträge. Dabei wurden biotische und abiotische Schlüsselprozesse zweier unterschiedlich stark stickstoffbelasteter Waldböden des Nordwest- und Nordostdeutschen Tieflandes (Kreinitz und Thülsfeld) analysiert und miteinander verglichen. Um detaillierte Informationen über potentielle Kohlenstoff- und Stickstoffumsätze zu erhalten, wurden die untersuchten Böden sowohl horizont- als auch tiefenstufenbezogen stratifiziert. Über einen Zeitraum von 14 Wochen wurden sämtliche Kohlenstoff- und Stickstoffeinträge sowie -austräge zwischen den einzelnen Tiefenstufen beobachtet und analysiert. Nach Beendigung der Versuche wurden die einzelnen Bodenhorizonte mit spezifischen Kohlenstoff- und Stickstoffextraktionsverfahren aufgeschlossen. Mit Hilfe dieser Versuchsanordnung war es möglich, eine vollständige tiefenstufenbezogene Kohlenstoff- und Stickstoffbilanzierung für den Kreinitzer und Thülsfelder Boden zu erstellen. Zur Prüfung der Übertragbarkeit der Laborergebnisse auf aktuelle Standortbedingungen wurde ein Langzeitfeldversuch (ein Jahr) mit einer ähnlichen Versuchsanordnung am Standort Kreinitz durchgeführt. Folgende Ergebnisse wurden in dieser Arbeit erzielt: 1. Der TOC-Gehalt war der Hauptparameter, in dem sich der stark stickstoffbelastete Standort Thülsfeld von dem weniger stark stickstoffbelasteten Standort Kreinitz zu Beginn der Untersuchung deutlich unterschied. 2. Der KCl-extrahierbare mineralische Stickstoff (NminKCl) reagierte an beiden Versuchs-standorten am stärksten auf die Stickstoffdüngung und wurde mit Hilfe der Diskriminanzanalyse als Hauptsensitivitätsparameter für Stickstoffeinträge im Boden ermittelt. 3. Die Kreinitzer organische Auflage reagierte in bezug auf die mittelfristig umsetzbare Kohlenstoff- und Stickstofffraktion (Chwe, Nhwe) deutlich stärker auf die N-Einträge als die Thülsfelder Auflage. Infolgedessen besitzt die Kreinitzer Auflage ein höheres Kohlenstoff- und Stickstoffmobilisierungspotential, die hochkomplexen organischen C- und N-Verbindungen in weniger komplexe Verbindungen abzubauen. 4. Der Thülsfelder Mineralboden 5. besitzt aufgrund der höheren Anteile des Nhwe am TN ein höheres Mobilisierungspotential für den kurz- und mittelfristig umsetzbaren Stickstoff (Nhwe) als der Kreinitzer Mineralboden. 6. Die für die Mikroorganismen verfügbaren Kohlenstoffquellen scheinen sich durch die historischen und die zusätzlich simulierten Stickstoffeinträge vom POC in der Sand-Braunerde zum WSOC und CKCl im Sand-Podsol zu verschieben. 7. Als verfügbare Stickstoffquelle nutzen die Mikroorganismen am Standort Kreinitz den PN, während sich für den Standort Thülsfeld keine eindeutige Stickstofffraktion als Hauptnahrungsquelle ermitteln ließ. 8. Sowohl in den Laborversuchen als auch im Freilandversuch führten die Stickstoffeinträge zur Verengung nahezu aller C/N-Verhältnisse in den untersuchten Extraktionsverfahren.

Laser Patterned N-doped Carbon: Preparation, Functionalization and Selective Chemical Sensors

Wang, Huize 03 July 2023 (has links)
Die kürzliche globale COVID-19-Pandemie hat deutlich gezeigt, dass hohe medizinische Kosten eine große Herausforderung für unser Gesundheitssystem darstellen. Daher besteht eine wachsende Nachfrage nach personalisierten tragbaren Geräten zur kontinuierlichen Überwachung des Gesundheitszustands von Menschen durch nicht-invasive Erfassung physiologischer Signale. Diese Dissertation fasst die Forschung zur Laserkarbonisierung als Werkzeug für die Synthese flexibler Gassensoren zusammen und präsentiert die Arbeit in vier Teilen. Der erste Teil stellt ein integriertes zweistufiges Verfahren zur Herstellung von laserstrukturiertem (Stickstoff-dotiertem) Kohlenstoff (LP-NC) ausgehend von molekularen Vorstufen vor. Der zweite Teil demonstriert die Herstellung eines flexiblen Sensors für die Kohlendioxid Erfassung basierend auf der Laserumwandlung einer Adenin-basierten Primärtinte. Die unidirektionale Energieeinwirkung kombiniert mit der tiefenabhängigen Abschwächung des Laserstrahls ergibt eine neuartige geschichtete Sensorheterostruktur mit porösen Transducer- und aktiven Sensorschichten. Dieser auf molekularen Vorläufern basierende Laserkarbonisierungsprozess ermöglicht eine selektive Modifikation der Eigenschaften von gedruckten Kohlenstoffmaterialien. Im dritten Teil wird gezeigt, dass die Imprägnierung von LP-NC mit Molybdäncarbid Nanopartikeln die Ladungsträgerdichte verändert, was wiederum die Empfindlichkeit von LP-NC gegenüber gasförmigen Analyten erhöht. Der letzte Teil erläutert, dass die Leitfähigkeit und die Oberflächeneigenschaften von LP-NC verändert werden können, indem der Originaltinte unterschiedliche Konzentrationen von Zinknitrat zugesetzt werden, um die selektiven Elemente des Sensormaterials zu verändern. Basierend auf diesen Faktoren zeigte die hergestellte LP-NC-basierte Sensorplattform in dieser Studie eine hohe Empfindlichkeit und Selektivität für verschiedene flüchtige organische Verbindungen. / The recent global COVID-19 pandemic clearly displayed that the high costs of medical care on top of an aging population bring great challenges to our health systems. As a result, the demand for personalized wearable devices to continuously monitor the health status of individuals by non-invasive detection of physiological signals, thereby providing sufficient information for health monitoring and even preliminary medical diagnosis, is growing. This dissertation summarizes my research on laser-carbonization as a tool for the synthesis of functional materials for flexible gas sensors. The whole work is divided into four parts. The first part presents an integrated two-step approach starting from molecular precursor to prepare laser-patterned (nitrogen-doped) carbon (LP-NC). The second part shows the fabrication of a flexible LP-NC sensor architecture for room-temperature sensing of carbon dioxide via laser conversion of an adenine-based primary ink. By the unidirectional energy impact in conjunction with depth-dependent attenuation of the laser beam, a novel layered sensor heterostructure with a porous transducer and an active sensor layer is formed. This molecular precursor-based laser carbonization method enables the modification of printed carbon materials. In the third part, it is shown that impregnation of LP-NC with molybdenum carbide nanoparticle alters the charge carrier density, which, in turn, increases the sensitivity of LP-NC towards gaseous analytes. The last part explains that the electrical conductivity and surface properties of LP-NC can be modified by adding different concentrations of zinc nitrate into the primary ink to add selectivity elements to the sensor materials. Based on these factors, the LP-NC-based sensor platforms prepared in this study exhibited high sensitivity and selectivity for different volatile organic compounds.

Nitrogen-containing Carbonaceous Materials for Electrochemical Oxygen Reduction Reaction

Wu, Bin 03 January 2024 (has links)
Der steigende weltweite Energiebedarf treibt die Entwicklung sauberer Energiequellen voran, die dazu beitragen werden, den Verbrauch fossiler Brennstoffe zu reduzieren. Brennstoffzellen und Metall-Luft-Batterien sind vielversprechende Alternativen, um traditionelle fossile Energie zu ersetzen und durch die Reduzierung von O2 an der Kathode grünen Strom zu erzeugen. Aufgrund der langsamen Reaktionsraten der Sauerstoffreduktionsreaktion (ORR) ist hierfür jedoch elektrokatalytisches Material mit geringen Kosten und hoher Effizienz erforderlich. In den letzten Jahrzehnten wurde eine Vielzahl von Materialien als Nicht-Pt-Katalysatoren getestet, von metallfreien Katalysatoren bis hin zu Katalysatoren auf Übergangsmetallbasis. Aufgrund des mangelnden Verständnisses des Reaktionsmechanismus und der Wechselwirkung zwischen Elektrolyt und Elektrokatalysator befinden sich neue Designs stickstoffhaltiger Katalysatoren auf Kohlenstoffbasis jedoch noch in der Entwicklungsphase. Zu diesem Zweck wurden verschiedene (in situ) spektroskopische und elektrochemische Techniken eingesetzt, um die Wechselwirkung zwischen N-dotiertem Kohlenstoff und Elektrolyten sowie die katalytischen Mechanismen zu verstehen. Darüber hinaus weisen die neu entwickelten Katalysatoren für die ORR eine überlegene elektrokatalytische Leistung auf, die in dieser Dissertation ausführlich diskutiert wird. Die Struktur-Leistungs-Beziehung unserer ORR-N-dotierten Kohlenstoffkatalysatoren wurde gründlich untersucht. Diese Forschung zeigt, wie die Kombination fortschrittlicher Spektroskopietechniken, einschließlich In-situ-Spektroskopie und elektrochemischer Charakterisierung, ein tieferes Verständnis der Katalysator-/Elektrolyt-Wechselwirkung, des katalytischen Mechanismus und der optimierten elektrokatalytischen Leistung stickstoffhaltiger Kohlenstoffmaterialien, ORR-Katalysatoren, insbesondere nanoporöser N-dotierter Kohlenstoff, fördern kann Eisen-Stickstoff-codotierte Kohlenstoffmaterialien. / Increasing global energy demand drives the development of clean energy sources that will help reduce the consumption of fossil fuels. Fuel cells and metal-air batteries are promising alternatives to replace traditional fossil energy to generate green electricity by reducing O2 at the cathode. However, due to sluggish reaction rates of oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), this requires electrocatalytic material with low cost and high efficiency. Over the last few decades, a variety of materials have been tested as non-Pt catalysts, from metal-free catalysts to transition metal-based catalysts. However, due to the lack of understanding of the reaction mechanism and the interaction between electrolyte and electrocatalysts, new designs nitrogen-containing carbon-based catalysts are still under the development stage. To this aim, a variety of (in situ) spectroscopic and electrochemical techniques to understand N-doped carbon electrocatalysts/electrolyte interaction and catalytic mechanisms have been employed. Moreover, the newly-designed catalysts for ORR demonstrate superior electrocatalytic performance which are discussed in detail in this dissertation. The structure-performance relationship for our ORR N-doped carbon catalysts has been thoroughly investigated. This research highlights how the combination of advanced spectroscopy techniques including in situ spectroscopy and electrochemical characterization may promote a deeper understanding of catalyst/electrolyte interaction, catalytic mechanism and optimized electrocatalytic performance of nitrogen-containing carbon materials ORR catalysts, especially nanoporous N-doped carbon and iron-nitrogen-co-doped carbon materials.

Änderung der Glycindecarboxylase- und Serinhydroxymethyltransferase-Aktivität in Blättern: / Wirkungen auf die Photosynthese und den Stickstoff- und Kohlenstoff-Metabolismus / Manipulation of glycine decarboxylase and serine hydroxymethyl transferase activity in leaves / Effects on photosynthesis and N- and C-metabolism

Antonicelli, Gerardo Esteban 26 January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

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