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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dětská nucená práce z pohledu mezinárodního práva / Child forced labour from the perspective of international law

Urbanová, Ladislava January 2016 (has links)
8. RESUMÉ This graduation thesis deals with a child forced labour, its determination and means of the international law to combat child labour. The aim of the thesis is to clarify the concept of child labour from the view of the international law and to summarize the most important means of the protection of children from economic exploitation. It tries to compare these measures and find out, if they are able to change or influence the situation of children forced to work in a real life. I focused on the most significant universally operating international organizations, whose international law documents deal with the prohibition of child labour, as well as important international organizations and their documents in the regional level. The concept of the child forced labour was explained trough international law documents and scientific works from the field of international law and international law of human rights as well. In the same way it was proceeded to find substantial characters of supervisory mechanisms to particular international conventions. The thesis in the same time refers to details that appear trough practice of mechanisms, there are explained basic concepts and differences in decisions. Working and effectiveness of international bodies with competence in child forced labour were researched...

Porovnání respiračních funkcí u dětí mladšího školního věku / Comparison of respiratory function in school aged children

Pološčuková, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
Title: Comparison of respiratory function in school age children Objectives: The main aims of this study were to estimate influence of age, anthropometric measures, and a type of physical activity on forced vital capacity (FVC), and additionally to create reference values of FVC for children aged 5 to 10 years. Methods: 281 girls and 345 boys were enrolled in this cross-sectional study. Data were obtained during the sport propagation event called Sportacek 2016. Descriptive statistics and regression models were carried out in data processing. Results: Statistically significant influence of body height as well as influence of physical activity in boys' gymnastics on FVC was found. Keywords: respiration, dependence, body height, forced vital capacity

To Regulate or not to Regulate? : Evaluating the Relationship between Prostitution Laws and Trafficking Flows

Knutsson, Douglas January 2019 (has links)
Yearly, hundreds of thousands of people are trafficked across borders, most often against their will or without their knowledge. Albeit having been a part of our history, our present and, sadly, probably our future, this form of modern slavery remains rather unexplored in quantitative research due to the lack of reliable data. By using a gravity model, this study investigates how trafficking is affected by prostitution laws. The strength of this paper lies in being able to disentangle the effect of prostitution laws on different types of trafficking and to look at both total trafficking flows as well as only cross-border flows. The results point towards there being a mostly negative correlation between legal prostitution and trafficking inflows, however, most results become insignificant when adding rule of law (a proxy for legal enforcement) to the specification. Allowing for third party involvement and solicitation might be correlated an increase in the inflow of victims exploited for sexual services, this is, however, statistically insignicant. For victims of forced labour, results are more equivocal, illustrating the potentially misleading conclusions that might be drawn in studies looking only at the effects of prostitution laws on total trafficking flows.

Access to health care among Somali forced migrants in Johannesburg

Pursell, Irene 23 February 2007 (has links)
Student Number 9705165A Master of Arts in Forced Migration Studies Faculty of Humanities / Objective: To identify and investigate barriers faced by Somali forced migrants when accessing health care in Johannesburg. In particular, the study seeks to compare perceptions of health personnel and migrants as to the nature of such access constraints. Design and Methods: The study made use of semi-structured and in-depth interviews with a snowball sample of health personnel and migrants. Ten health personnel were interviewed and twenty migrants (ten male and ten female). Results: Constraints of language and xenophobia were identified by both health personnel and forced migrant interviewed. Constraints related to the shortage of resources and the poor functioning of the referral system are experienced by all users of the public health system, irrespective of their nationality. No mention was made of traditional or allopathic medicine. Conclusions: There exists a gap between the access to health care guaranteed in the Refugees Act and practices at facility level. There are many similarities across interviews in the constraints identified by migrants and some agreement in the constraints identified by migrants and health personnel. These results confirm that migrants experience a fairly severe level of constraint when attempting to utilize formal health care services in Johannesburg.

The role of civil society in promoting greater social justice for forced migrants living in the inner city of Johannesburg

Mbombo, Dieudonne Bikoko 03 April 2008 (has links)
ABSTRACT This paper analyses what has arguably become a salient feature of a ‘just city’ and social development on an international level, namely social justice. Specifically, it focuses on the role of the Johannesburg’s civil society organisations in promoting greater social justice for forced migrants (refugees and asylum seekers) living in the downtown Johannesburg. For this purpose, a case study was carried out, particularly with Africa’s forced migrants living in the inner city of Johannesburg (in Hillbrow and Yeoville). The research makes use of in-depth interview and participant observation methods to uncover the perspectives of a group of refugees and asylum seekers and members of seven civil society organisations, working with forced migrants in Johannesburg. The main research question that the study addresses is: What role can civil society organisations play in facilitating greater social justice for Africa’s asylum seekers and refugees living in the inner city of Johannesburg? I have concluded that Johannesburg’s civil society organisations have the potential, which may allow them to bring social transformation and create a just city by promoting a greater social justice for forced migrants living in the inner city. To achieve this goal, they should play a reformative and transformative role in the inner city, by challenging government exclusionary policies and decisions relating to the forced migrants; and, at the same time, they should mediate between the government and forced migrants at the local and national levels. To conclude this report, I recommended civil society organisations to develop strong collaboration with the city’s planners for a better improvement of the quality of life of forced migrants in the inner city. I also recommend the national government to decentralise its decision-making power on international migration issues by conferring to the provinces and local governments certain power which can allow them to develop internal structures (taking into account the context of each province), which can allow them to protect the basic rights of refugees and asylum seekers, such as the rights to work, to study, and to access free health care.

Caught in a gap? An examination and human rights assessment of immigration detention laws and practices in South Africa

Tay, Roanna 19 March 2013 (has links)
Abstract: This study examines the laws and practices relating to immigration detention in South Africa. It provides an in-depth examination of the legislation, with reference to known state practices and cases where migrants have been subjected to prolonged and repeated periods of immigration detention. The study highlights gaps in South African law that contribute to certain categories of migrants being especially vulnerable to immigration detention. Four categories are identified: (1) asylum seekers; (2) persons with difficulty obtaining travel documents; (3) stateless person; and (4) persons subject to other prohibitions against refoulement. The study offers recommendations for legislative reforms to fill the gaps in the law that contribute to these migrants’ vulnerability to immigration detention

Exheredace - platná úprava a historický kontext / Disinheritance - current legal regulation and historical context

Bucharová, Julie January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the legal regulation of disinheritance, with regard to historical context. The thesis focuses primarily on the analysis of the grounds for disinheritance. Disinheritance is an institute that serves as a counterbalance to the legal protection of forced heirs, subsisting in their right to a forced share. If a deceased decides to deprive a forced heir of the protection guaranteed by the heir's right to inherit, i.e., to exclude the forced heir from his or her right to a forced share or restrict the forced heir in his or her right, the deceased may do so exclusively on the grounds defined by law. The current law provides for six disinheritance grounds: failure to provide necessary assistance in need, failure to show real interest, conviction for a crime, permanent unrestrained life, incapacity to inherit, and indebtedness or prodigality. The purpose of this diploma thesis is to provide a comprehensive explanation of the institute of disinheritance while emphasising in particular the legal provisions concerning each of the grounds for disinheritance, and through such explanation, to assess the current law and propose amendments, if any, de lege ferenda. The diploma thesis is divided in four chapters, with each chapter being split in sub-chapters. Chapter I defines the key terms...

Force exécutoire et obligation : essai sur l'exécution forcée en droit privé. / Enforceability and obligation : test concerning enforcement in private law

Guessoum, Ahlam 26 May 2014 (has links)
L'inexécution de l'obligation par le débiteur constitue un moment crucial dans la « vie » de l'obligation. La force de l'obligation à apporter des remèdes efficaces au créancier se pose avec le plus d'acuité à cet instant. Analyser l'obligation sous l'angle de son efficacité concrète conduit à un constat immédiat. La force obligatoire, omniprésente dans le régime de l'obligation, se voit attribuer une fonction dont l'effectivité est, pourtant, dans le contexte de l'inexécution, résiduelle. Inefficace, à cet instant, la force obligatoire ne saurait, en aucune manière, constituer le fondement de la sanction de l'obligation par l'exécution forcée. Mais, sans lui retirer toute utilité, la force obligatoire permet de causer le paiement spontané de l'obligation en dehors de tout conflit lié à l'exécution. En revanche, tant la définition de sanction que celle de contrainte évoquent la notion de force et d'exécutoire. La force exécutoire embrasse l'obligation dès lors qu'est entreprise l'obtention de son efficacité économique consécutivement au constat de son inexécution. La prise en compte de l'obligation dans le régime exécutoire invite à penser la notion de force exécutoire au-delà de son sens traditionnel : la force exécutoire ne se définit pas exclusivement comme une compétence. Ainsi, matérialisée dans un titre exécutoire, la force exécutoire est, et au delà d'une simple condition de ce titre, une force en rapport avec l'obligation. L'efficacité de la sanction de l'exécution forcée dépend entièrement de l'effectivité de la force exécutoire dont est assorti le titre exécutoire. Le titre exécutoire ne constitue pas un simple instrumentum assorti de la force probante des actes authentiques et de la formule exécutoire, il est aussi un negotium dont l'obligation exécutoire est un élément.Aucune exécution forcée ne peut être poursuivie en l'absence de titre exécutoire, aucun titre exécutoire ne peut être mis en oeuvre sans obligation exécutoire. / The breach of duty by the debtor is a crucial moment in the "life" of the obligation. The force of the obligation to provide effective remedies to the creditor arises with the more acute at this time. Analyze the obligation in terms of its practical effectiveness leads to an immediate conclusion. The obligatory (or binding) force that permeates the system of obligation , is assigned a function whose effectiveness is , however, in the context of the failure , residual . Ineffective , at this moment, the binding force is not, in any way, the basis of assent required by enforcement . But without withdrawing this force any utility, binding force can cause spontaneous payment of the obligation without any conflict related to execution. However, both the definition of punishment that duress evoke the concept of force and enforceability. Enforceable obligation, therefore, appears when economic efficiency is searching consecutively to a finding of non-performance. Taking into account the obligation in its forceable systemen prompt to think the concept of enforceability beyond its traditional meaning : the enforceability is not defined exclusively as a skill. Thus, embodied in an enforceable act , enforceability is, and beyond a simple condition of this act, a force in relation to the obligation. The effectiveness of enforcement depends entirely on the effectiveness of the enforceability of which is attached to the writ of execution. The enforcement act is not a simple instrumentum matching the probative value of authentic instruments and its enforcement, but it is also a negotium, which enforcable obligation is an element.No execution can be implemented in the absence of enforceable , no enforceable act can be implemented without enforceable obligation.

Desenvolvimento e validação de um método indicativo de estabilidade para o antiviral aciclovir / Development and validation of indicative method stability for antiviral acyclovir

Rhein, Bruna Thaise Rodrigues 25 April 2013 (has links)
O aciclovir é um anti-viral usado mundialmente para o tratamento de herpes (do tipo HSV-1 e HSV-2). Acredita-se que o vírus da herpes está presente em cerca de 90% das pessoas em estado de latência. O tratamento principal em casos onde a doença se manifesta, lesões nos lábios e mucosas, é o aciclovir. No Brasil, para renovar ou fazer um novo registro de medicamento, a Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA) exige testes que expõem o fármaco a ambientes extremos (ácido, base, luz, calor, umidade, oxidação) para gerar produtos de degradação que dependendo da concentração no produto acabado, devem ser submetidos a ensaios toxicológicos. O estudo de degradação forçada também permite elucidar a estabilidade intrínseca do fármaco, contribuindo para o entendimento do mecanismo de degradação da substância, o que, posteriormente, ajuda a compreender quais fatores físicos e químicos devem ser controlados para manutenção da estabilidade. Este trabalho tem objetivo de validar um método de análise para quantificação do aciclovir e seus produtos de degradação por cromatografia líquida de interação hidrofílica (Hydrophilic interaction chromatography - HILIC) com detecção por arranjo de diodos (DAD) como também degradar a amostra em diferentes ambientes. / Acyclovir is an anti-viral used worlwide for herpes treatment (HSV-1 and HSV-2 types). It is estimated that herpes virus is present in almost 90% of people in his latent state. Acylcovir is the main treatment in cases where virus expresses itself. In Brazil, to renew or to make a new registration of medicines, National Agency of Sanitary Surveillance (ANVISA) demands tests to expose the medicine to extreme conditions (acid, basic, light, heat, humidity, oxidation) in order to generate degradation products that, depending on the concentration of the row product, will undergoes toxicological assays. The forced degradation study also allow to elucidate the intrinsic stability of medicine, contributing to understand the degradation mechanism of the substance leading to help the understanding of which physical and chemical factors must be controlled to keep stability. The main objective of this work is to validate a method of analysis to quantify acyclovir and his degradation products using Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography (HILIC) based on Diode Array detection as well as to degraded the sample in different conditions.

Migrações Ambientais, Direitos Humanos e o Caso dos Pequenos Países Insulares / Environmental Migration, Human Rights and the Case of the Small Island Countries

Mattar, Marina Rocchi Martins 22 June 2012 (has links)
O deslocamento humano causado por efeitos climáticos adversos é, e tem sido por muito tempo, uma estratégia natural de adaptação à variação do meio ambiente. Contudo, estudos prevêem que a frequência de desastres naturais e o impacto negativo da mudança climática no meio ambiente têm aumentado consideravelmente e poderão forçar dezenas, ou talvez centenas, de milhares de pessoas a deixar suas casas - e, em alguns casos, seus países - nas próximas décadas. O direito internacional carece de instrumentos que garantam a proteção das diferentes categorias de migrações ambientais. O presente estudo busca analisar o impacto das alterações ambientais nas dinâmicas de migração e explorar suas implicações políticas e jurídicas. Pretende-se assim, contextualizar o fenômeno no período recente e analisar sua complexidade, buscando identificar as principais variáveis que explicam as hipóteses centrais deste estudo, quais sejam, as de que é improvável que os Estados aceitem se comprometer a um tratado global vinculante sobre migrações ambientais no curto e médio espaços de tempo e, por se tratar de um assunto sobre o qual ainda está longe de se chegar a um consenso e considerando que diversas pessoas já estão sendo forçadas a migrar por causa de alterações ambientais e não podem esperar que um instrumento específico seja criado para que seus direitos fundamentais sejam protegidos, acordos regionais e bilaterais e uma coordenação interagências baseada em um guia de princípios trariam resultados mais imediatos e atenderiam as necessidades específicas de cada comunidade em relação aos direitos humanos. Tais hipóteses serão posteriormente testadas pelo estudo de caso desta pesquisa. / The human displacement caused by adverse weather conditions is, and has been for a long time, a natural strategy to adapt to environmental changes. However, studies predict that, the frequency of natural disasters and the negative impact of climate change have increased significantly and will lead tens, and perhaps hundreds, of thousands of people to flee their homes - and, in some cases, their countries - in the coming decades. International law lacks instruments to guarantee the protection of various categories of environmental migration. This study aims at analyzing the impact of environmental changes in the dynamics of migration and exploring the legal and political implications. Thus, the intention is to contextualize the phenomenon and explore its complexity, seeking to identify the key variables that explain the central hypothesis of this study that it is unlikely that States commit themselves to accept a binding international treaty on environmental migration in the short and medium-term, and considering that environmental migration is a subject far from reaching a consensus and that many people are already being forced to migrate due to environmental changes and can not wait for the creation of a specific instrument so that their fundamental rights are protected, regional and bilateral agreements, and interagency coordination based on guiding principles would bring more immediate results and would meet the specific needs of each community in relation to human rights. These hypotheses are then tested by the case study of this research.

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