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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Compostos organolantanídeos: síntese, caracterização e estudos da atividade catalítica de derivados contendo o ânion Cp- e a PzA / Organolantanide compounds: synthesis, characterization and studies of the catalytic activity of derivatives containing the anion Cp- and PzA

Miotti, Renata Diana 06 December 2000 (has links)
Compostos organolantanídeos têm sido descritos como reagentes e catalisadores em sínteses orgânicas. Muitos dos compostos organolantanídeos contendo o ânion ciclopentadienil como ligante apresentam atividade catalítica principalmente em reações de polimerização de olefinas. Para contribuir para a aplicação de organolantanídeos como catalisadores na polimerização de olefinas, estudou-se a síntese, a caracterização e a atividade catalítica dos compostos organolantanídeos [LnCpA2(PzA)4], Ln = Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb , Cp- = ciclopentadienil, A = cloreto (Cl-) ou metanossulfonato (CH3SO3-= MS-) e PzA = pirazinamida. A síntese dos compostos organolantanídeos foi feita em etapas, a partir dos sais de lantanídeos (Cl- ou MS-). Na primeira etapa os compostos de coordenação [LnA3(PzA)4], A= Cl- ou MS-, foram obtidos pela reação de LnCl3 ou Ln(MS)3 hidratados com pirazinamida em metanol. A segunda etapa envolveu a síntese de [LnCpA2(PzA)2], Ln = Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb e A = Cl-ou MS- pela reação de [LnA3(PzA)4] e NaCp em tetrahidrofurano, com razão molar apropriada. A análise elementar, a termogravimetria e o espectro na região do infravermelho indicaram que os compostos de coordenação e os compostos organolantanídeos podem ser formulados, respectivamente, como [LnA3(PzA)4] e [LnCpA2(PzA)2], A= Cl- ou MS-. As termogravimetrias e os espectros na região do infravermelho dos compostos organolantanídeos mostraram diferentes tipos de coordenações da pirazinamida aos íons lantanídeos. Para os compostos contendo o ânion metanossulfonato a pirazinamida se coordena através do O do grupo carbonil e para os compostos contendo o ânion cloreto pelo O do grupo carbonil e por um ou ambos N do anel da pirazinamida. Estas duas classes de compostos mostraram atividade catalítica da ordem de 4,0 a 6,4 g mmolLn-1h-1bar-1, na polimerização do etileno (3 bar, 70°C) com a relação Al/Ln = 2000, usando como cocatalisador o metilaluminoxano. O polietileno obtido apresentou baixo grau de cristalinidade (20%). / Organolanthanide compounds have been reported as reagents and catalysts in organic synthesis. Most of the organolanthanide compounds containing the anion cyclopentadienyl as a ligand display catalytic activity mainly in olefin polymerization reactions. In an attempt to contribute to the application of organolanthanides as catalysts for olefin polymerization, we report: the synthesis, the characterization and the catalytic activity of the organolanthanide compounds [LnCpA2(PzA)2], Ln = Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, Cp- = cyclopentadienyl, A = chloride (Cl-) or methanesulfonate (CH3SO3- = MS-) and PzA = pyrazinamide. The synthesis of the organolanthanides compounds was performed in steps, from lanthanide salts (Cl- or MS-). In the first step the coordination compounds [LnA3(PzA)4], A = Cl- or MS-, were formed by the reaction of hydrated LnCl3 or Ln (MS)3 with pyrazinamide in methanol. The second step involved the synthesis of [LnCpA2(PzA)2], Ln = Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb and A = Cl- or MS- by the reaction of [LnA3(PzA)4] and NaCp in tetrahydrofuran, with appropriate molar ratios. Elemental analysis, thermal analysis and infrared spectra of the compounds indicated that the coordinated compounds and the organolanthanide compounds can be formulated, respectively, as [LnA3(PzA)4] and [LnCpA2(PzA)2], A= Cl- or MS-. Thermal analysis and infrared spectra showed different coordination modes of the pyrazinamide to the lanthanide ions in organolathanide compouds. For the methanesulfonate compounds the pyrazinamide is coordinated through the O atom of the carbonyl group and for the chloride compounds by the O atom of the carbonyl group and by one or both N atoms of the pyrazinamide ring. These two classes of compounds showed catalytic activity ca. 4,0 to 6,4 g mmolLn-1h-1bar-1, in ethylene polymerization (3 bar, 70°C) with ratio Al/Ln = 2000, using methylaluminoxane as cocatalyst. The resulting polyethylene presented low crystallinity (20%).

Desenvolvimento de materiais catalíticos à base de óxidos mistos para a decomposição do monopropelente peróxido de hidrogênio / Development of catalytic materials based on mixed oxides for the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide materials monopropellant

Luís Gustavo Ferroni Pereira 29 April 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de materiais catalíticos à base de óxidos mistos, de baixo custo, para serem empregados como catalisadores mássicos, na decomposição do peróxido de hidrogênio 90%, em massa, possibilitando múltiplas partidas a frio em um micropropulsor de satélites a monopropelente. Foram utilizados diferentes métodos de síntese de óxidos mistos com altos teores de manganês e cobalto. Os materiais foram avaliados, preliminarmente, na decomposição espontânea do peróxido de hidrogênio em bancada (teste da gota). Em seguida, os catalisadores com melhores desempenhos foram selecionados e testados em um micropropulsor de 2N, onde foram monitorados o empuxo, a pressão e a temperatura da câmara do propulsor. Todos os catalisadores foram caracterizados por Adsorção de Nitrogênio, Termogravimetria, Espectroscopia Fotoeletrônica de Raios-X, Difratometria de Raios-X e Resistência Mecânica à Compressão Radial, visando correlacionar suas propriedades físico-químicas com suas atividades na decomposição catalítica do peróxido de hidrogênio concentrado. Os catalisadores denominados MnAl2 e Co4MnAl, sintetizados pelo método da co-precipitação em solução aquosa, foram aqueles que apresentaram os melhores resultados, sendo capazes de decompor espontaneamente o H2O2 sem sofrer desativação ou fragmentação após os testes. / This work aimed to develop mixed oxides, at low cost, to be used as catalysts in the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, 90% by weight, allowing multiple starts in a microthruster of monopropellant satellites. Different synthesis methods of mixed oxides with high levels of manganese and cobalt oxides were employed. The materials were evaluated, preliminarily, in the spontaneous decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (drop test). Then, the best performing catalysts were selected and tested in a 2N microthruster, where the thrust, the pressure, and temperature in the chamber was monitored. All catalysts were characterized by nitrogen adsorption, thermogravimetry, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray Diffraction, and Mechanical Strength Radial Compression , aiming to correlate their physicochemical properties with their activity in the catalytic decomposition of concentrated hydrogen peroxide.The catalysts called MnAl2 and Co4MnAl, synthesized by co-precipitation in aqueous solution, were those that showed the best results, being able to spontaneously decompose H2O2 without undergoing deactivation or fragmentation after testing.

Kinetics of Complete Methane Oxidation on Palladium Model Catalysts

Zhu, Guanghui 28 January 2004 (has links)
The catalytic combustion of methane in excess of O2 over Pd catalysts was studied on model catalysts, including polycrystalline palladium foil and palladium single crystals. The kinetics of this reaction could be measured at conditions not accessible to supported catalysts and, thus, the issues of structure sensitivity, mechanism, hysteresis on oxidation, and deactivation could be studied in detail. Methane oxidation on PdO was insensitive to the original metal surface structure which PdO grew from, with turnover rates in the range of 1.3-4.7 s-1 on (111), (100) and (110) single crystals at 160 Torr O2, 16 Torr CH-4, 1 Torr H2O and 598 K. Methane oxidation on Pd metal was also insensitive to the original surface structure, with the turnover rate in the range of 2.0-2.8 s-1 on the three single crystals at 2.3 Torr O2, 0.46 Torr CH4, 0.05 Torr H2O and 973 K. Since there is no support effect and the surface purity could be certified, these turnover rates for this reaction can be used as a benchmark. The turnover rate for methane oxidation was found to decrease 95% when PdO decomposed to Pd metal at 888 K, showing that PdO was more active than Pd metal for methane combustion at this temperature. Water inhibition to the reaction was not observed at a temperature above 813 K on both PdO and Pd metal, while it was observed at 598 K on PdO. The activation energy on PdO was 32 kJ mol-1 in the range of 783-873 K, while it was 125 kJ mol-1 in the range of 568-623 K. The activation energy on Pd metal was 125 kJ mol-1 in the range of 930-980 K. The change of reaction orders and activation energies suggests that the reaction mechanism is a function of temperature and palladium chemical states. We propose that adsorbed water, the most abundant surface intermediate at 598 K, was not present in significant quantities at temperatures above 783 K. This change in surface inhibition by water is the reason for lower activation energy at temperatures above 783 K. Interaction between the catalyst and support, or presence of impurities, is one of the factors for catalyst deactivation. The interaction between oxidized silicon and palladium was investigated on a polycrystalline palladium foil and on supported Pd/SiO2 catalysts. During methane oxidation, oxidized silicon covered the palladium oxide surface as observed by TEM on Pd/SiO2 catalysts and by XPS on palladium foil. On Pd foil, the source of silica was a silicon impurity, common on bulk metal samples. The migration of oxidized silicon onto PdO deactivated the catalysts by blocking the active sites for methane oxidation. Silicon oxide overlayers were also observed covering the Pd surface after reduction of Pd/SiO2 by H2 at 923 K.

Decomposição do metano sobre catalisadores a base de níquel modificados com cobre

Berndt, Fábio Martins January 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho investigou-se a influência do cobre em diferentes catalisadores a base de níquel na decomposição catalítica do metano. Foram avaliados desde aspectos relacionados ao tratamento térmico das amostras até o desempenho catalítico nos testes de atividade. As amostras foram preparadas a partir de dois métodos diferentes. Um grupo foi preparado pelo método de impregnação úmida utilizando sílica como suporte, enquanto o segundo foi preparado pelo método de coprecipitação contínua, utilizando nitratos de cobre, níquel e alumínio em diferentes composições molares. Os ensaios foram realizados em reator tubular de leito fixo acoplado a um forno com controle de temperatura e conectado em linha com cromatógrafo gasoso. Utilizou-se 100 mg de amostra, numa faixa de temperatura de 500 a 750°C, utilizando como alimentação uma mistura reacional de N2:CH4 na proporção de 9:1. A caracterização das amostras foi realizada através das análises de SBET, TGA, TPR, TPO, DRX e Espectroscopia Raman. Os resultados mostraram uma significativa influência do cobre na atividade das amostras em temperaturas superiores a 500°C. A presença de cobre influenciou a área específica e a temperatura de redução das amostras calcinadas. Pequenas quantidades de cobre contribuem ao evitar a desativação do catalisador por sinterização em temperaturas superiores a 500°C. Para os catalisadores coprecipitados, além da influência do cobre, avaliou-se também a influência do gás utilizado no tratamento térmico das amostras. Foram utilizadas amostras não calcinadas, amostras calcinadas em ar por seis horas e calcinadas em N2 pelo mesmo período. Os resultados indicaram que a presença de cobre contribui para uma maior estabilidade e atividade nos ensaios realizados nas temperaturas de 600 e 650°C, principalmente para as amostras calcinadas em ar. As amostras com 11% de cobre na composição apresentaram elevada estabilidade na temperatura de 600°C, mesmo quando não calcinadas, indicando que a etapa de tratamento térmico pode ser evitada para este tipo de amostra. As análises de DRX, TPO e Espectroscopia Raman sugerem que o carbono formado, tanto para os catalisadores suportados quanto para os coprecipitados, depositou-se na forma de nanotubos de paredes múltiplas. / The effect of copper in different nickel-based catalysts in the catalytic decomposition of methane was investigated. Were evaluated aspects from the heat treatment of the samples to the catalytic performance in activity tests. Samples were prepared using two different methods. One group was prepared by the wet impregnation method using silica as the support and the second group was prepared by continuous coprecipitation method using copper nitrate, nickel and aluminum in different molar compositions. Catalytic activity runs were carried out in a tubular fixed-bed reactor coupled to an oven with temperature control and connected in line with a gas chromatograph. Samples of 100 mg were used in a temperature range of 500 to 750°C applying a reaction mixture of N2:CH4 at a ratio 9:1 as feed supply. The characterization of the samples was performed through the analysis of SBET, TGA, TPR, TPO, XRD and Raman spectroscopy. The results showed a significant effect of copper on the activity of the samples at temperatures above 500°C. The presence of copper influenced the specific area and the reduction temperature of the calcined samples. Small amounts of copper contributed to avoid catalyst deactivation by sintering at temperatures above 500°C. For the coprecipitated catalysts in addition to the influence of copper, the effect of the gas used for the thermal treatment of samples was also evaluated. Uncalcined samples and samples calcined in air and in N2 for six hours were used. The results indicated that the presence of copper contributed to a superior stability and activity in runs performed at temperatures of 600 to 650°C, especially for samples calcined in air. Samples with 11% of copper showed high stability at 600°C, even if not calcined, indicating that the thermal treatment step can be avoided for this type of sample. The XRD, TPO and Raman spectroscopy results suggest that the carbon deposited on the spent catalysts was in the form of multi-walled nanotubes, for both the supported and the coprecipitated catalysts.

Etude structurale et fonctionnelle de MraY, enzyme membranaire essentielle à la biosynthèse du peptidoglycane bactérien / Structural and Functional Studies of MraY, a membrane enzyme essential for the bacterial peptidoglycan Biosynthesis

Olatunji, Samir 27 March 2013 (has links)
La résistance bactérienne aux antibiotiques est un problème majeur de santé publique. Un moyen de la combattre est de viser des cibles non encore exploitées pour retarder l’apparition de la résistance. Dans ce contexte, nous avons entrepris la caractérisation sur les plans biochimique et structural de l’enzyme MraY, une protéine intégrale de membrane, membre d’une famille de transférases membranaires. MraY catalyse la première étape membranaire de la biosynthèse du peptidoglycane bactérien à savoir, le transfert du motif N-acétylmuramoyl-pentapeptide du précurseur cytoplasmique UDP-MurNAc-pentapeptide sur le transporteur membranaire, l’undécaprényl-phosphate aboutissant à la formation du lipide I. Aucune structure 3D de cette enzyme n’est disponible actuellement et aucun antibiotique en utilisation clinique ne la cible. D’une part nous avons entrepris la caractérisation structurale de cette enzyme par des approches de biophysique. Des essais de cristallisation 2D dans des systèmes membranaires ont permis d’observer au microscope électronique des dimères de MraY (taille de 70Å/50Å). Des expériences de diffusion des rayons X (SAXS) montrent un rayon de giration d’environ 42Å. Les résultats issus des expériences de SAXS ont été combinés à des approches de modélisation afin déterminer l’état d’oligomérisation de cette protéine en présence de détergents. Enfin, en vue de faciliter la cristallogenèse 3D, des chimères de MraY en fusion avec des protéines hydrosolubles de structure 3D résolues (mCherry et GFP) ont été construites. Des essais de cristallisation de la protéine seule et des chimères construites ont été effectués.D’autre part, nous avons élucidé le mécanisme catalytique de l’enzyme MraY et de son paralogue WecA. Au cours de ma thèse, j’ai pu montrer que cette famille de transférase membranaire présente un mécanisme catalytique commun qui procède en une seule étape par attaque directe d’un oxyanion du substrat lipidique, préalablement déprotoné par un résidu aspartate invariant, sur le phophate Beta du substrat nucléotidique. Cela conduit à la formation du produit lipidique et libération de l’UMP. / The growing emergence of multiresistance of pathogenic bacteria to currently used antibiotics is a major public health problem that requires the development of new therapeutic compounds and the identification and exploitation of novel targets. In this context, we undertook the biochemical and structural characterization of MraY enzyme, an integral membrane protein, member of the polyprenyl-phosphate N-acetylhexosamine 1-phosphate transferase superfamily. The MraY transferase catalyzes the first membrane step of bacterial cell wall peptidoglycan biosynthesis, namely the transfer of the N-acetylmuramoyl-pentapeptide moiety of the cytoplasmic precursor UDP-MurNAc-pentapeptide to the membrane transporter undecaprenyl phosphate, yielding C55-PP-MurNAc-pentapeptide (lipid I). To date, no crystal structure has been reported for this enzyme. On the one hand we have undertaken the structural characterization of this enzyme by differents biophysical approaches. Electron microscopic images after two-dimensional crystallization of the protein displayed a dimeric organisation of the MraY enzyme (size 70Å/50Å). Small X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments have shown a radius of gyration of about 42A. The results of SAXS experiments were combined with modeling approaches to determine the oligomerization state of the protein in the presence of detergents. Finally, in order to facilitate 3D crystallisation of MraY, fusion proteins of MraY and mCherry/GFP were constructed. Crystallization trials of MraY alone and the constructed chimeras were made. On the other hand, we have elucidated the catalytic mechanism of the MraY transferase and its paralog WecA. In this study, we have shown that this family of membrane transferases has a common catalytic mechanism that proceeds by a single step displacement. During this “one-step” mechanism, the oxyanion of the poly-prenyl phosphate attacks the β phosphate of the nucleotide substrate, leading to the formation of lipid product and the liberation of UMP.

Investigação de transições estruturais e da reatividade sobre peróxidos de Tsa1p (Thiol Specific Antioxidant Protein 1) de Saccharomyces cerevisiae. / Investigation of structural transitions and reactivity over hydroperoxides of Tsa1p (Thiol Specific Antioxidant Protein 1) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Tairum Junior, Carlos Abrunhosa 03 July 2015 (has links)
2-Cys Prx compõem um grupo de enzimas antioxidantes homodiméricas que atuam na decomposição de hidroperóxidos utilizando uma cisteína reativa (cisteína peroxidásica - CysP). A alta reatividade da CysP é alcançada com o envolvimento de dois aminoácidos vicinais à CysP: uma treonina e uma arginina, que constituem a tríade catalítica. Após a decomposição do hidroperóxido, a CysP forma um dissulfeto intermolecular com um segundo resíduo de cisteína (cisteína de resolução - CysR), o qual é reduzido pela tiorredoxina (Trx). Durante o ciclo redox, estas enzimas sofrem alterações estruturais, mas os mecanismos envolvidos neste processo eram pouco compreendidos. Neste trabalho foi obtida a estrutura cristalográfica de Tsa1 de Saccharomyces cerevisiae, uma 2-Cys Prx. Através de abordagens envolvendo bioquímica e biologia molecular, foi verificada a importância de aminoácidos envolvidos na reatividade e em transições da estrutura terciária e quaternária. Por fim, foram realizados esforços para a determinação da estrutura cristalográfica de mutantes obtidos neste trabalho. / 2-Cys Prx constitute a group of homodimeric antioxidant enzymes that act in the decomposition of hydroperoxides using a reactive cysteine (peroxidase cysteine - CysP). The high reactivity of the CysP is achieved by the participation of two vicinal amino acids: a threonine and an arginine, which constitute the catalytic triad. After the decomposition of hydroperoxide, the CysP forms an intermolecular disulfide with a second cysteine residue (resolving cysteine - CysR), which is reduced by the thioredoxin (Trx). During the redox cycle, these enzymes undergo to changes in the structure, but the molecular mechanisms involved in this process were poorly understood. In this study we have obtained the crystallographic structure of the 2-Cys Prx enzyme Tsa1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. By means of biochemical and molecular biology approaches, the importance of amino acids involved in reactivity and structural transitions were determined. Finally, efforts have been performed to the determination of the crystallographic structures of mutant proteins obtained in this study.

Estudo da emissão da frota de veículos diesel e ciclo Otto, sem conversores catalíticos, nos municípios de Sorocaba e Votorantim / Study of the emission of the fleet of vehicles diesel and cycle Otto, without the catalytic converters in the cities of Sorocaba and Votorantim

Oliveira, Antonio Carlos Seidl 29 October 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho avalia por meio de um IEV - Inventário de Emissão Veicular, a contribuição dos veículos automotores na poluição do ar, nos municípios de Sorocaba e Votorantim, dando ênfase às suas características de frota e posição geográfica, seus impactos, quantificação e qualificação de emissão de poluentes, através de experimentos com a utilização de diesel metropolitano - B2 e biodiesel - B100 (soja), como combustível nos veículos equipados com motores de ignição por compressão (motor diesel), em substituição total ou parcial ao diesel existente no mercado nacional e a utilização de gasolina padrão da Petrobrás e de AEHC - ácool etílico hidratado combustível em veículos flex equipados com motores de ignição por centelha (motor ciclo Otto), sem os conversores catalíticos, buscando identificar as condições mais próximas da realidade da manutenção da frota. Para este trabalho, considera-se que os poluentes de interesse são o monóxido de carbono (\'C\'O\'), os hidrocarbonetos (\'H\'C\'), os óxidos de nitrogênio (\'N\'O IND.X\'), dióxido de carbono (\'C\'O IND.2\'), hidrocarbonetos sem metano (\'N\'M\'H\'C\'), aldeídos, formaldeídos e acetaldeídos. A análise dos dados obtidos nos experimentos, sem a utilização de conversor catalítico, utilizando gasolina padrão e AEHC - álcool etílico hidratado combustível, com relação aos limites L-4 do Proconve, demonstrou que os fatores de emissão (FE) obtidos, com gasolina padrão, resultaram em aumento em torno de 184% para \'C\'O\', 167% para \'H\'C\', 680% para \'N\'O IND.X\', 468% para \'N\'M\'H\'C\' e 23% para aldeídos, já para os FE obtidos com AEHC - álcool etílico hidratado combustível, resultaram em aumento em torno de 150% para \'C\'O\', 138% para \'H\'C\', 330% para \'N\'O IND.X\', 434% para \'N\'M\'H\'C\' e 405% para aldeídos. A simulação das emissões da frota real de modelos ciclo Otto e diesel em estudo sem a utilização de conversores catalíticos, ou seja, para 317.539 veículos, sendo 75.294 movidos à AEHC - álcool etílico hidratado combustível, 157.694 movidos à gasolina padrão, 16.042 movidos à biodiesel metropolitano B2, 64.730 tipo motocicletas movidas à gasolina, excluindo-se 3.779 veículos diversos entre reboques e semi-reboques, foi constatado que, as emissões totais seriam de 21.628,525 t/ano de \'C\'O\', 3.011,947 t/ano de \'H\'C\', 5.321,934 t/ano de \'N\'O IND.X\', 540.500,022 t/ano de \'C\'O IND.2\', 2.660,792 t/ano de \'N\'M\'H\'C\', 89,253 t/ano de formaldeídos, 138,565 t/ano de acetaldeídos e 227,818 t/ano de aldeídos. A simulação das emissões da frota real de modelos ciclo Otto e diesel em estudo sem a utilização de conversores catalíticos, ou seja, para 317.539 veículos, sendo 75.294 movidos à AEHC - álcool etílico hidratado combustível, 157.694 movidos à gasolina padrão, 16.042 movidos à biodiesel B100, 64.730 tipo motocicletas movidas à gasolina, excluindo-se 3.779 veículos diversos entre reboques e semi-reboques, foi constatado que, as emissões totais seriam de 21.628,425 t/ano de \'C\'O\', 3.011,947 t/ano de \'H\'C\', 5.302,977 t/ano de \'N\'O IND.X\', 540.875,538 t/ano de \'C\'O IND.2\', 2.660,792 t/ano de \'N\'M\'H\'C\', 91,039 t/ano de formaldeídos, 138,828 t/ano de acetaldeídos e 229,868 t/ano de aldeídos. Os resultados obtidos durante os experimentos, demonstram que uma manutenção inadequada, torna ineficaz qualquer ganho ambiental obtido, tendo em vista a crescente ampliação da frota existente, baseada em políticas públicas equivocadas, as quais, continuam a incentivar a aquisição de veículos particulares em detrimento do sistema de transporte público, o qual continua ineficiente, além de caro para os padrões econômicos da população. / This study evaluates by means of a IEV - inventory of vehicle emission to propagate, the contribution of motor vehicles in air pollution in the cities of Sorocaba and Votorantim, of the emphasis to the characteristics of the fleet and the geographic position of these cities, to the impacts of these characteristics, the quantification and qualification of the emission of pollutants, through experiments with the use of diesel metropolitano - B2 and biodiesel - B100, as combustible in vehicles equipped with engines of ignition for compression (motor diesel), in total or partial substitution to existing diesel in national market, and gasoline standard of Petrobras and AEHC - combustible hidrated ethyl alcohol and its mixtures in equipped vehicles flex with engines of ignition for flash (cycle Otto motor), without the catalytic converters; searching to identify the conditions next to the reality of the maintenance of the fleet. For this work, it is considered that the interest pollutants are the carbono monoxide (\'C\'O\'), hidrocarbons (\'H\'C\'), the nitrogen oxides (\'N\'O IND.X\'), carbono dioxide (\'C\'O IND.2\'), non-methane hydrocarbons (\'N\'M\'H\'C\'), aldehydes, formaldehydes and acetaldehydes. The analysis of the data gotten in the experiments, without the use of catalytic converter, using gasoline standard and AEHC - hydrated ethilic alcohol, with regard to the L-4 limits of the Proconve, demonstrated that the factors of emission (FE) gotten, with gasoline standard, had resulted in increase around 184% for \'C\'O\', 167% for \'H\'C\', 680% for \'N\'O IND.X\', 468% for \'N\'M\'H\'C\' and 23% for aldehydes, already for the FE gotten with AEHC, had resulted in increase around 150% for \'C\'O\', 138% for \'H\'C\', 330% for \'N\'O IND.X\', 434% for \'N\'M\'H\'C\' and 405% for aldehydes. The simulation of the emissions of the real fleet of models cycle Otto and diesel in study without the use of catalytic converters, that is, for 317.539 vehicles, being 75.924 moved to the AEHC, 157.694 moved by gasoline, 16.042 moved by the metropolitan biodiesel B2, 64.730 type motorcycles moved by the gasoline, abstaining itself 3.779 diverse vehicles between tows and semitrailers, was evidenced that, the total emissions would be of 21.628,525 tons per year (tpy) of \'C\'O\', 3.011,947 tpy of \'H\'C\', 5.231,934 tpy of \'N\'O IND.X\', 540.500,022 tpy of \'C\'O IND.2\', 2.660,792 tpy of \'N\'M\'H\'C\', 89,253 tpy of formaldehyde, 138,565 tpy for acetaldehyde and 227,818 tpy for aldehyde. The simulation of the emissions of the real fleet of models cycle Otto and diesel in study without the use of catalytic converters, that is, for 317.539 vehicles, being 75.294 moved by the AEHC, 157.694 moved by gasoline, 16.042 moved by the biodiesel B100 from syo bean oil, 64.730 type motorcycles moved by the gasoline, abstaining itself 3.779 diverse vehicles between tows and semitrailers, was evidenced that, the total emissions would be of 21.628,425 tpy of \'C\'O\', 3.011,947 tpy of \'H\'C\', 5.302,977 tpy of \'N\'O IND.X\', 540.875,538 tpy of \'C\'O IND.2\', 2.660,792 tpy of \'N\'M\'H\'C\', 91,039 tpy of formaldehyde, 138,828 tpy for acetaldeíhyde and 229,868 tpy for aldehydes. The results obtained during the experiments show that inadequate maintenance, makes ineffective any environmental gains achieved, with a view to increasing expansion of the existing fleet, based on misguided public policies, which continue to encourage the purchase of cars at the expense of public transport system, which remains inefficient, and expensive for the economic standards of the population.

Exploring the selectivity of metal ions in the active site of the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) using site-directed mutagenesis / Explorando a seletividade por íons metálicos no sitio ativo da enzima superóxido dismutase (SOD) usando mutagênese sitio dirigida

Rengifo, Emérita Mendoza 28 September 2016 (has links)
Iron/Manganese superoxide dismutases (Fe/Mn-SODs) are metalloenzymes with highly conserved protein folds, active sites, and dimer interfaces. They protect cells against oxidative stress by catalyzing the conversion of the cytotoxic free radical superoxide to molecular oxygen and hydrogen peroxide. The majority are highly specific for the type of metal (iron or manganese) present within the active site. However, there are many key aspects of metal specificity and catalytic activity that lack a structural explanation. Computational analyses suggested that several residues are important for fine-tuning the redox potential of the metal in the active site and thereby the catalytic activity. The main objective of this thesis is to evaluate the influence of several point mutations (M27V, G73A, H75I, L80F, D150G and Q172D) and one double mutation (Q149G+G74Q)) in terms of metal specificity, catalytic activity and three-dimensional structure using the superoxide dismutase from Trichoderma reesei (TrSOD) as a model system. The corresponding genes were cloned, expressed and the resulting proteins characterized by X-ray crystallography, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS), dynamic light scattering (DLS) and their enzymatic activity determined. The native protein was shown to be able to use either Mn or Fe (5000 units/mg and 500 units/mg, respectively) for catalysis suggesting it to be properly classified as cambialistic. Structures for native TrSOD and the Mn-G73A, Fe-H75I, Mn-L80F, Fe-D150G and Fe-M27V, Mn-M27V mutants were solved at 2.3 Å, 2.0 Å, 2.03 Å, 2.0 Å, 1.85 Å, 1.4 Å and 1.6 Å resolution, respectively. The H75I, L80F and M27V mutations are easily accommodated by small local structural changes to the three-dimensional structure. On the other hand, the G73A mutation destabilize one of the dimer-dimer interfaces of the tetramer making it possible for two distorted tetramers to interact forming an octamer. This enzyme also lost all catalytic activity probably due to resulting exposure of the active site consistent with the observation of a sixth ligand (solvent molecule) bound to the metal in one subunit. The D150G mutant remained tetrameric but with reduced symmetry related to the rearrangement of the last helix (H9). Our results show that a large impact on activity and oligomerization of TrSOD can be generated by a single amino acids substitution in some cases and provide some insights into our understanding of the structural details associated with the metal ion specificity and oligomerization in superoxide dismutases. / Superóxido dismutases de ferro e manganês (Fe/Mn-SODs) são metaloenzimas com enovelamentos, sítios ativos e interfaces diméricas altamente conservados. Estas enzimas protegem as células contra o estresse oxidativo pela conversão do ânion superóxido em oxigênio molecular e peróxido de hidrogênio. A maioria são altamente específicas pelo tipo de metal (ferro ou manganês) presente no sítio ativo. Entretanto, existem vários aspectos críticos sobre a especificidade pelo metal e da atividade catalítica que ainda não foram explicados em termos estruturais. Análises computacionais sugerem que vários resíduos são importantes para o ajuste do potencial redox do metal no sitio ativo e, portanto, a atividade catalítica. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é avaliar a influência de mutações simples (TrSOD) (M27V, G73A, H75I, L80F, D150G e Q172D) e dupla (Q149G + G74Q) em superóxido dismutases de Trichoderma reesei em termos de especificidade pelo metal, atividade catalítica e estrutura. Os genes correspondentes foram clonados, expressos e as proteínas resultantes caracterizadas por cristalografia de raios-X, ressonância paramagnética electrónica (EPR), espectroscopia de absorção atómica (AAS), dispersão de luz dinâmica (DLS), e a atividade enzimática foi determinada. Foi mostrado que a proteína nativa é capaz de usar tanto Mn quanto Fe (5000units/mg e 500units/mg, respectivamente) para catálise sugerindo que deveria ser a classificada como enzima cambialistica. Estruturas da enzima nativa e mutantes (Mn-G73A, Fe-H75I, Mn-L80F, Fe-D150G, Fe-M27V e Mn-M27V) foram resolvidas a resoluções de 2.3 Å, 2.0 Å, 2.03 Å, 2.0 Å, 1.85 Å, 1.4 Å e 1.6 Å respetivamente. As mutações H75I, L80F e M27V são acomodadas facilmente por reajustes locais na estrutura tridimensional. Por outro lado, a mutação G73A desestabiliza uma das interfaces dímero-dímero do tetrâmero levando à formação de um octâmero feito por dois tetrâmeros distorcidos. Esta enzima também perde atividade provavelmente devido a um aumento na acessibilidade do sítio ativo, coerente com a observação de um sexto ligante (molécula de solvente) coordenando o metal em uma das subunidades. O mutante D150G continuou tetramérica mas com simetria reduzida relacionado com o rearranjo da última hélice (H9). Estes resultados mostram que, em alguns casos, uma mutação simples pode ter um impacto significativo no estado oligomérico e atividade catalítica da proteína TrSOD e fornece conhecimentos para a nossa compreensão dos detalhes estruturais associados com a especificidade de íons metálicos e oligomerização em superóxido dismutases.

First Principles Calculations of Propane Dehydrogeanation on PtZn and Pt Catalyst Surfaces

Yu-Hsuan Lee (5930717) 16 January 2019 (has links)
<p>In recent years, first principles periodic Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculation</p><p>has been used to investigate heterogeneous catalytic reactions and examine catalyst</p><p>structures as well as adsorption properties in a variety of systems. The increasing</p><p>contribution to give detailed understanding of elementary reaction mechanism is critical to</p><p>provide fundamental insights into the catalyst design. It is a link to the fundamental</p><p>knowledge and a bridge to the practical application. DFT calculations is also a powerful</p><p>tool to predict and yield promising catalysts which is time- and cost-saving in the practical</p><p>end.</p><p>Because of the recent boom in natural shale gas deposit, there is an increasing interest</p><p>in developing more efficient ways to transform light alkanes into desired and high-value</p><p>chemicals, such as propylene. Propylene is a valuable raw material in the petrochemical</p><p>application to make value-added commodities, such as plastics, paints, and fibers, etc. The</p><p>conventional cracking, steam cracking (SC) and fluid catalytic cracking (FCC), could not</p><p>meet the growing demand of propylene. Thus, it has motivated extensive research of</p><p>production technologies. On the other hand, the abundance of light alkanes extracted from</p><p>the shale gas makes on-purpose production an appealing method which is economically</p><p>competitive. Non-oxidative dehydrogenation of propane (PDH) is a one of ways to make</p><p>up the supply and solve the issue.</p><p>xiii</p><p>According to the current research and industrial work, platinum (Pt) shows promising</p><p>performance for the PDH. However, it suffered from some major drawbacks, such as</p><p>thermodynamic limitation, rapid deactivation leading to poor catalytic performance and</p><p>frequent regeneration. In addition, it is a relatively high cost noble metal. Consequently,</p><p>many efforts have been devoted to the enhancement of the catalytic performance. It was</p><p>found that the stability and the selectivity of Pt-based catalysts can be improved via</p><p>modifying its properties with transition metals as promoters.</p><p>In this thesis, DFT calculations were performed for propane dehydrogenation over</p><p>two different catalyst systems, bimetallic platinum-zinc alloy and monometallic platinum</p><p>catalysts. The work provides insights into the catalyst crystal structures, the adsorption</p><p>characteristics of diverse adsorbates as well as the energy profiles regarding to the</p><p>selectivity of the propane dehydrogenation. Bulk calculation signifies a stable tetragonal</p><p>configuration of the PtZn catalyst which is in accordance with the experimental result. The</p><p>thermodynamic stability regarding to the stability of bulk and surface alloys are studied</p><p>with the consideration of physical constrains. We have identified the thermodynamic</p><p>stability of several PtZn low-index surface facets, (101), (110), (001), (100) flat surfaces</p><p>and stepped surface (111), at certain chemical potential environmental conditions through</p><p>the surface energy phase diagram. Stoichiometric and symmetric (101) slab is</p><p>thermodynamically stable under the region of high Pt chemical potential, and the offstoichiometric</p><p>and symmetric (100 Zn-rich) slab under the low Pt chemical potential.</p><p>In this work, PtZn(101) is used as a model surface to demonstrate the effect on the</p><p>catalytic performance with zinc promotion of platinum. In comparison with Pt(111) surface,</p><p>an elimination of 3-fold Pt hollow site on PtZn(101) is of important and it leads to the</p><p>xiv</p><p>change of binding site preferences. The divalent groups (1-propenyl, 2-propenyl) change</p><p>from Pt top site on PtZn(101) to 3-fold site on Pt(111), which is because of the lack of Pt</p><p>3-fold site on alloyed surface. As for propylene, it changes from di-σ site on PtZn to 𝜋 site</p><p>on Pt. The surface reaction intermediates are found to bond more weakly on PtZn(101)</p><p>than on the Pt surface. Especially, the binding energy of propylene reduces from -1.09 to -</p><p>0.16 eV. The weaker binding strength facilitates the activity of propylene on alloyed</p><p>surfaces.</p><p>Through a complete and classic reaction network analysis, the introduction of Zn</p><p>shows an increase in the endothermicity and the energy barrier of each elementary reaction</p><p>on the alloy surface. With the consideration of entropy for kinetic under real experimental</p><p>condition, the alloying of Zn is found to lower the energy barrier for the propylene product</p><p>desorption and increases that for propylene dehydrogenation. Meanwhile, the competition</p><p>between desired C-H and undesired C-C cleavages is investigated. It is found that the</p><p>cleavage of C-H is energetically favorable than that of C-C. These positive factors</p><p>potentially lead to a high selectivity toward propylene production on PtZn(101).</p><p>Subsequently, Microkinetic modeling is performed to estimate kinetic parameters</p><p>including the reaction order, rate-determining step to build a possible reaction mechanism.</p><p>Finally, conclusions brought out about the comparison between bimetallic and</p><p>monometallic catalyst, and suggestions for future work are presented.</p>

Preparação e caracterização de eletrodos modificados mistos e seu uso em hidrogenação eletrocatalítica de substratos orgânicos / Preparation and characterization of mixed modified electrodes used in electrocatalytic hydrogenation of organic substrates

Costa, Maria Isabel de Campos Ferreira 24 April 2006 (has links)
Esta Tese descreve a preparação de novos eletrodos modificados (EMs) fazendo uso de um método novo, a deposição de partículas de metais nobres, como níquel, paládio e platina sobre partículas de metais comuns, como cobre e ferro. Este método leva aos denominados EMs mistos, que podem apresentar características diferentes e mais eficientes que os EMs Ni, Pd e Pt já estudados, sendo a principal aplicação nas reações de hidrogenação eletrocatalítica (HEC) de substratos orgânicos insaturados. A preparação dos EMs mistos se inicia pelo recobrimento da superfície do eletrodo de trabalho com um filme polimérico. O polímero usado foi o poli-(éter alílico do ácido p-benzenossulfônico), um filme aniônico com boa estabilidade química e mecânica, que pode fazer troca iônica de seus íons H+ por cátions metálicos. Este filme é preparado por varreduras de voltametria cíclica de uma solução do respectivo monômero, que se oxida eletroquimicamente iniciando a reação química de polimerização. Os metais cobre e ferro são introduzidos ao polímero pelo método de troca iônica/redução eletroquímica, onde o EM é mergulhado em uma solução saturada de um sal de cobre ou de ferro para ocorrer a troca iônica. Em seguida, estes íons são reduzidos eletroquimicamente por varreduras de voltametria cíclica, usando uma faixa de potencial adequada. Para se preparar os EMs mistos, mergulhou-se estes EMs (Cu ou Fe) na solução do banho electroless de níquel, paládio e platina. Por esta metodologia partículas destes metais nobres são depositadas pelo processo de deposição metálica electroless (DME), que faz uso de um agente redutor, hipofosfito de sódio, para reduzir os íons destes metais de forma adequada nos EMs Cu ou Fe e onde se espera obter grande área superficial. Os EMs mistos preparados foram: Cu/Ni, Cu/Pd, Cu/Pt, Fe/Ni, Fe/Pd e Fe/Pt. A caracterização dos metais dos EMs mistos foi feita indiretamente por geração eletroquímica de hidrogênio (GH) de uma solução ácida e diretamente pelas técnicas de Difração de Raios X e Microscopia de Varredura Eletrônica (MEV). O processo de deposição metálica foi investigado por medidas de potencial de circuito aberto, realizadas durante a deposição dos metais nobres que indicou a ocorrência do processo de DME em alguns casos e DG (deposição galvânica) em outros. Devido a alguns resultados do processo de deposição metálica, foi estudado o mecanismo de catalise na deposição direta das partículas de níquel, paládio e platina pela redução química por hipofosfito dos íons correspondentes. Preparou-se EMs Ni, Pd e Pt por dois métodos: troca iônica/redução eletroquímica e troca iônica/redução química catalisada pelo filme. Estes foram caracterizados por GH e utilizando o ácido p-toluenossulfônico como modelo, estudos de espectroscopia na região UV/Vis. foram realizados. Estas medidas comprovaram a catálise, pois os EMs preparados por redução química apresentaram melhores resultados para a GH e as análises de UV/Vis. mostraram a forte ligação existente entre os grupos sulfonatos do polímero e os íons metálicos bivalentes, ligação essencial para ocorrer a catálise do filme. Verificou-se que as partículas dos metais nobres podiam estar sendo depositadas por DME ou por DG seguido de DME, mas que em todos os casos ocorria a deposição causada pela catálise do filme. A reatividade dos EMs mistos foi avaliada por um estudo cinético, onde HECs de alguns substratos orgânicos foram realizadas e acompanhadas por medidas de UV/Vis. durante as reações. Obteve-se a constante de velocidade (k) destas reações, as quais foram comparadas entre si e encontrou-se como o EM misto mais eficiente o Cu/Pt. As ks das reações deste EM foram comparadas com ks de outros EMs de Pt, já estudados em nossos laboratórios. / This thesis describes the preparation of new modified electrodes (MEs) using the method of noble metal particles deposition like nickel, palladium and platinum in the surface of commum metals particles as cooper and iron. This new electrodes were denominated mixed MEs, and can show different caractheristics and present higher efficiency than others already studied, being their principal application in electrocatalytic hydrogenation (ECH) of unsaturated organic substrates. The surface electrode were coated with the polymer poly-(ether allyl p-benzenesulfonic), an anionic film with good chemical and mechanic stability that can undergoes ion exchange of ions H+ by metallic cations. This film is prepared by anodic oxidation of the monomer using voltammetric cycles, producing a cation radical initiador of a chain reaction polymerization. Cooper and iron metals are incorporated in the polymer by ion exchange/ electrochemical reduction; the ME were dipped in saturated solution of cooper or iron salt to produce the ion exchange. The ions are then electrochemically reduced. The preparation of mixed MEs is carried out by electrolessly deposidated Ni, Pd or Pt. This methodology use NaH2PO2, to reduce the metal ions. This procedure deposits Ni, Pd and Pt in the surface of Cu or Fe MEs with an expected higher superficial area. The mixed Cu/Ni, Cu/Pd, Cu/Pt, Fe/Ni, Fe/Pd e Fe/Pt MEs were prepared. The characterization of the MEs metals was made indirectly by electrochemically hydrogen generation from an acid solution (HG) and directly by SEM-EDX and Ray X Diffraction analysis. The metallic deposition process was investigated by open circuit during the deposition of nobles metals that indicate the occurrence of electroless deposition (EMD) process in some cases or spontaneous displacement reaction (galvanic deposition - GD) in others. Despite the two mechanisms related above, a catalytic process would occur. To rut in evidence this third process Ni, Pd and Pt MEs were prepared by two methods: ion exchange/electrochemical reduction and ion exchange/chemical reduction catalyzed by the film. The resulting MEs were characterized by HG and spectroscopy in the UV/Vis. For this last analysis, p-toluenossulfonic acid was used as model and the results proved the catalytic mechanism. UV spectroscopy analysis showed strong bonds between the p-toluenossulfonic and the noble metal salts. So particles of noble metals can be deposited not only by EMD or GD but in all cases occur the deposition by film catalysis too. The reactivity of mixed MEs was done by kinetic study, where ECH of some organic substrates were carried out and monitored by UV/Vis spectroscopy. The constant rate (k) of the reactions was calculated and compared with the others mixed MEs. The ks of this ME were compared with the ks of other Pt MEs, already studied. The more reactive of them was the Cu/Pt ME.

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