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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Latentní kriminalita / Latent criminality

Mikysková, Aneta January 2021 (has links)
1 Latent criminality Abstract This submitted diploma thesis deals with the phenomenon of latent criminality. Latent criminality is the part of criminality that is for some reason not registered by the law enforcement authorities. The thesis itself consists of four consecutive chapters. The first chapter deals with the concept of crime. It discusses the different approaches to concept of crime in criminology and the indicators that are used to describe it. Furthermore, this chapter is dedicated to the division of crime into latent and registered crime and the sources of information about registered crime. In particular, it focuses on official crime statistics. In the second chapter, the issue of latent crime is discussed in more detail. It defines the concept of latency, in which cases it is considered being latent criminality and what its types are. Furthermore, the ratio of latent and registered crime, the rate and extent of latency are described. At the end the possible causes of its existence are presented, one of the main reasons being the failure to report the crime by its victims. The third chapter focuses on possible methods of detecting latent crime, where more space is subsequently devoted to the two most important methods, namely victimization surveys and self- report studies. For both of these...

La police judiciaire aux prises avec les atteintes à l'environnement et à la santé publique / The criminal police coping with environmental and public health crimes

Fischhoff, Robin 12 July 2017 (has links)
Méconnue du grand public, la criminalité dans le domaine de l'environnement et de la santé publique est pourtant une réalité, qui affecte notre quotidien et hypothèque l'avenir des générations futures. Des simples profiteurs aux groupes criminels, ce type de criminalité est protéiforme, se nourrissant de quatre effets majeurs : le manque d'harmonisation législatif, le taux relativement faible des poursuites pénales, les fortes marges bénéficiaires et une moindre exposition à des risques physiques. En outre, l'utilisation des nouvelles technologies et l’émergence des nouvelles formes d'économie favorisent encore un peu plus l'action néfaste des criminels. Ce faisant, sur les bases d'un droit technique et complexe, magistrats et officiers de police judiciaire s'astreignent à lutter contre cette forme de criminalité, tentent de s’approprier ses codes, d'analyser ses modes opératoires et de se forger aux nouvelles techniques d'enquête. Notre travail met en lumière la réelle conversion des délinquants opportunistes, des membres de réseaux et organisations criminels dans les secteurs de l'environnement et de la santé publique tout en essayant de faciliter l'approche pratique de la police judiciaire. / Unknown to the general public, crime in the field of the environment and public health is a reality, which affects our daily lives and puts the future of future generations at risk. From simple profiteers to criminal organized groups, this is a multifaceted criminality, based on three major effects: the lack of legislative harmonization, the relatively low rate of criminal prosecution, high profit and less exposure to physical risks. Moreover, the use of new technologies and the emergence of new forms of economy further favor the harmful action of criminals. Also, on the basis of a technical and complex law, magistrates and police officers keep fighting against criminals, try to understand their codes, analyze their operating methods and learn new techniques to investigation. Our work highlights the real conversion of opportunistic offenders, members of criminal networks or criminal organizations into the fields of environment and public health, while trying to facilitate a pragmatic approach of the criminal police.

Latentní kriminalita / Latent Criminality

Tajovská, Martina January 2020 (has links)
The thesis deals with latent criminality as a dynamic criminality phenomenon. The first chapter is dedicated to the scientific discipline of criminology, which examines criminality as a whole, criminality itself and terms which define criminality, such as scope, level, structure and dynamic. The second chapter deals directly with latent criminality. It lists all that is included in latent criminality and its relation to registered criminality. The chapter describes the possible causes and brings closer all the methods for examining it. The most common of those are victimization method and self-reporting investigation. One of the main causes of crime latency is the victim's failure to report. The third chapter is therefore dedicated to crime victims. It lists the differences between a victim and an injured party and describes the relation between victim and perpetrator. This chapter also ties to the victim's consent with prosecution, which can be influenced by the aforementioned relation to the perpetrator. In the fourth chapter, criminality is divided into individual types. Apart from definitions of the different criminality types, such as property offences, violent, moral and economic criminality, the thesis here details the statistical indicators of these criminality types (number of crimes...

Kvinnor i kriminella gäng : En kvalitativ textanalys av medias beskrivning av kvinnors roller i kriminella gäng

Nordberg, Denice, Genberg, Jenni January 2020 (has links)
This study researches the mass media description of women’s roles in criminal gangs as well as the contributing factors portrayed by the media for women and their involvement in the criminal gangs. We believe that this is an important subject to highlight, mainly due to the fact that the information available today is more often than not about the men whereas the women and their situation are portrayed and written about far less frequently. By using a qualitative text analysis we want to bring light to the image portrayed by the women and thereby contribute with an increase to understanding the specific terms these women face in the given contexts with the hope that the result will contribute to an increase in the knowledge of crime fighting and law enforcement. The empirical material consists of 20 articles from the following newspaper: Aftonbladet, Expressen, Svenska Dagbladet and Göteborgs-Posten, which have been analyzed through a content analysis. The results show that women in the gang have a far more active role than previously reported and that the activity in the gangs has increased as well. This falls in line with previous international research where women’s roles have been highlighted as predominantly active in organised crime. Furthermore, the women’s role in media is often mentioned as supportive or even being victims of the men in the gangs. A common explanation that is given is that the women join the gang due to societal factors such as the women feeling let down by their society. Social relations such as family and boyfriends that are part of criminal gangs and that might influence the women are also brought up as possible causes. More unusual factors that draw the women to gangs regard financial incentives such as the dream of making a great deal of money, longing for a feeling of safety or to simply experience excitement.

“Det har varit ett evigt daltande i det här landet” : En kritisk diskursanalys av Vänsterpartiets och Sverigedemokraternas konstruktion av kriminella och kriminalitet / “It’s been an eternal pampering in this country” : - A critical discourse analysis of the Left partys and the Swedish democrats construction of criminals and criminality

Holmér, Maja, Wallén, Cassandra January 2023 (has links)
Under valet 2022 tog kriminalitet som ett socialt problem stor plats i debatten där det visade sig att riksdagspartierna hade skilda uppfattningar om orsakerna till och lösningarna på problemet med den till synes ökade kriminaliteten och oron i Sverige. Med utgångspunkten i socialkonstruktionismen menar vi att problemet med kriminella och kriminalitet delvis är ett resultat av en social konstruktion som skapas genom de diskurser riksdagspartierna för. Syftet med studien har utifrån detta varit att bidra till en förståelse för hur Vänsterpartiet och Sverigedemokraterna konstruerar kriminella och kriminalitet som ett socialt problem. I och med riksdagspartiernas maktposition i samhället kan deras sätt att tala om kriminella och kriminalitet dels påverka kriminalpolitikens utformning, dels påverka den diskurs som förs av samhällsmedborgarna och på så sätt samhällets uppfattning av problemet. Det empiriska materialet till studien bestod av utdrag från respektive partis valplattform, hemsidor, Sverigedemokraternas valmanifest samt uttalanden från respektive partis partiledare under partiledardebatterna som hölls inför riksdagsvalet 2022. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats och vid analys av materialet har en kritisk diskursanalys tillämpats i syfte att identifiera de diskurser om kriminella och kriminalitet som bedrivs av respektive parti. Analysen resulterade i att fem diskurser som är med i konstruktionen av kriminella och kriminalitet identifierades hos de två partierna. Dessa namngavs: Migrationsdiskursen, Välfärdsdiskursen, Narkotika- och pengardiskursen, Ojämlikhetsdiskursen och Straffdiskursen. I diskurserna talade partierna om kriminella och kriminalitet som problem, dess orsaker och hur de bör hanteras i relation till andra samhälleliga aspekter och problem. Utifrån studiens resultat lyfts diskursens betydelse i samhället samt inom det sociala arbetet som praktik upp i och med diskursernas inflytande i konstruktionen av kriminella och kriminalitet.

ACEs and Adult Criminality in a Sample of University Students

Hall, Kelcey L., Stinson, Jill D., Levenson, J. S., Quinn, Megan A., Forgea, Victoria 04 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

"Detta blev min vändpunkt"

Bukic, Mia January 2014 (has links)
Ungdomsbrottslighet är ett aktuellt problem som finns i Sverige och framställs i media att den ökar, vilket inte stämmer då det finns rapporter och statistik på att det har skett en minskning. Statistik är en viktig del i brottspreventivt syfte eftersom den hjälper forskare få en bild av hur omfattande ungdomsbrottsligheten är, dess utveckling, omfattning, dess minskande och om det förekommer skillnader mellan de olika regionerna i Sverige. ”Detta var min vändpunkt” är en studie vars syfte är att granska varför ungdomar i kriminalitet slutar att begå brott och även undersöka vilka deras vändpunkt/er var utifrån teoretikerna Robert Sampson och John Laubs teori om vändpunkter. Frågeställningarna som uppsatsen behandlat är: vad fick vissa ungdomar att sluta begå brott, finns det vändpunkter för ungdomsbrottslingar samt om någon av dessa vändpunkter var relationer, miljöombyte eller sysselsättning.För att undersöka och besvara dessa frågor har en kvalitativ ansats använts. Tre stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med medlemmar från Unga Kris. Resultatet analyserades och diskuterades utifrån teorin om turning points samt tidigare forskning. Frågeställningarna besvarades och det informanterna uppgav har varit mest betydelsefullt för att avsluta en brottslig karriär är självinsikt, sysselsättning och relationer till nära och kära. Vändpunkter som har varit bidragande faktorer har varit sysselsättning, inre motivation, nära till förlust av närstående vilket ledde till en vilja att förändra sin levnadssituation. / Juvenile delinquency is a current problem that exists in the Swedish society which is portrayed as increasing, which is not true since there are reports and statistics that there is a decreasing level of juvenile delinquency .Statistics is an important part of crime prevention because it helps scientists understand the extent of juvenile delinquency, its development, its range, its increase and decrease and whether there are differences between the different regions in Sweden. But who are the young people that represent the statistic and why did they stop commit crime?This was my turning point is a study which aims to examine why young people involved in crime stop committing crimes and also examine their turning point/ s which is based on the theorists Robert Sampson and John Laubs theory of turning points .To examine and answer these questions, a qualitative approach was used. Three semi-structured interviews were conducted with members of the Young Kris. The results were analyzed and discussed based on the theory of turning points and previous research. The informants stated that the meaningful factors that lead to the end of their criminal career were self-perception, occupation and relationships with loved ones. Turning points that have been contributing factors was inner motivation, imprisonment, and loss of relatives, which led to a desire to change their life situation.

A qualitative study on the reasons for teenager’s involvement in crime: A case study of teenagers in Sätra Gävle, Sweden.

Araya, Noah, Ezekpo, Lawrencia January 2023 (has links)
The study aims at finding reasons for teenagers’ involvement in crime in Sätra in Gävle, Sweden. Using a semi-structured interview method via Zoom of four participants who are involved with teenager who are into crime, the study sets out to answer the question about factors in the environment and community that leads teenagers into crime in Sätra. The findings were in line with the theoretical framework which was the Social Bonds theory, which has four components namely: attachment, commitment, involvement, and belief. UsingATLAS.ti as a tool for analysis. Themes were created from the interview responses and the themes were analyzed based on previous research and chosen theory. In conclusion, these four components of the Social Bonds theory help explain the reasons for teenagers’ involvement in crime.

"Over-policing, surveillance, and undue deprivation of liberty": A critical idea analysis of 'Tidöavtalet'

Hietala Sadian, Melanie January 2023 (has links)
Sweden has faced many societal challenges, including gang criminality, which has raised much concern among the public and politicians. After the elections in October 2022, Moderaterna, Sverigedemokraterna, Kristdemokraterna, and Liberalerna presented an agreement. ‘Tidöavtalet’ consists of 7 collaborative projects to solve the biggest societal problems in Sweden. It introduced several reforms to the Swedish society, which led human- and children's rights organisations to react in concern; for instance, Amnesty International indicated that the agreement showed a will to separate and stigmatize certain groups of people and make non-citizens that reside in Sweden suspicious (Amnesty International, 2022). This critical idea analysis aims to investigate ideas and ideologies expressed in the agreement and to what extent they reproduce and/or legitimize discrimination in Sweden. The analysis uses Young's "five faces of oppression" and the concept of justice. The theory provides an understanding of how disabling constraints of domination and oppression lead to different forms of injustice that violate people's inherent human rights and freedoms. The analysis of ‘Tidöavtalet’ discovered certain prevalent ideas in the agreement and shows that several reforms attempt to solve specific societal problems in Sweden in ways that contradict the state's studies, lack a child’s rights perspective and risk reproducing and legitimizing different faces of oppression.

Från kriminalitet till anställning : En systematisk litteraturstudie om hur arbete kan bidra till att minska återfall i brottslighet.

Aydogan, Berivan Hawa, Torosian, Melinda January 2023 (has links)
Återfall i kriminalitet är ett ständigt problem inom kriminologin och rättssystemet, därav kan resultera i förödande konsekvenser för samhället i helhet och för individen som begått brottet. Syftet i denna studie var att finna om det fanns ett samband mellan arbete och minskning av återfall i brott. Vad den tidigare forskning har kommit fram till samt om det finns andra underliggande faktorer som är korrelerade med variabeln ¨arbete¨. Metoden som användes i denna uppsats var en systematisk litteraturstudie och innebar genom att kritiskt söka, granska och analysera resultatet av flera vetenskapliga artiklar, nå en slutsats som besvarar frågeställningarna i studien. Resultatet i studien visade att det fanns ett samband mellan arbete och minskning av återfall, men även att flera underliggande faktorer existerade. Dessa underliggande faktorer var etnicitet, ålder, utbildning samt det sociala band det befintliga urvalet hade till sin omgivning. Det är i samband med arbete faktorerna är av betydelse. Genom att ta hänsyn till dessa faktorer kan samhället arbeta mot att minska återfallsfrekvensen och underlätta en gynnsam återanpassning för tidigare kriminella.

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