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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

IFRS vs. US GAAP : - En komparativ studie av immateriella tillgångar

Lövgren, Josefine, Jörtner, Linn January 2016 (has links)
The growing globalization within the business world and of capital market are contributing to a need of further harmonize accounting practices. This is because the differences in the accounting rules created differences in the financial outcomes. In 2005, all members within EU decided to move from a rule-based framework to a principle-based framework. A transition to the international regulations, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), created better conditions for companies and stakeholders. With the aim to minimize the discrepancies in accounting practices, the European standard setting body, IASB aligned with the American standard setting body, FASB in a harmonization project to create a common and harmonized framework. The project started in 2002, and IASB and FASB corporation towards a common goal of an improved comparability of the financial statements by a uniform set of accounting standards. The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the similarities and differences between IASB:s and FASB:s accounting for intangible assets and their attitude to the developments in the international harmonization process. We have conducted a study to what extent the different standards are harmonized in relation to each other. To fulfill this purpose the study has been performed from an abductive approach with a comparative design where we have classified different quots from each framework. The character of the analysis is qualitative and we chose to study four areas within each framework fair value, useful life, depreciation and impairments. Based on the information from the economic literature and scientific articles we used the dimensional theory to demonstrate how harmonized the standards are in relation to each other. The results show that there has been a harmonization between the IASB:s and FASB:s rules, however, disparity remain in terms of cultural and institutional differences. The analysis shows that IFRS:s are more rule-based than principle-based compared to US GAAP in terms of intangible assets. We think that a standard should include both rules and principles. / Det sker en ständig globalisering inom företagsvärlden, inte minst inom kapitalmarknadsområdet. I denna process har skillnader mellan regler kring olika redovisningssystem inte följt med i samma takt. Skillnader mellan olika redovisningssystem har påvisats skapa skillnader i finansiella utfall. Denna företeelse har i sin tur framkallat ett behov av att skapa ett harmoniserat redovisningssystem. År 2005 beslutade sig därför samtliga medlemsländer inom EU att en övergång från ett regelbaserat regelverk till ett alltmer principbaserat regelverk skulle äga rum. Övergången till det internationella regelverket, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), skulle hjälpa till att skapa de förutsättningar som krävdes för en samstämmighet inom området. Konceptet riktade sig främst mot företag och intressenter som var verksamma på den internationella marknaden. För att praktiskt kunna minimera redovisningsskillnader mellan olika redovisningssystem ingick den internationella normgivaren IASB, tillsammans med den amerikanska normgivaren FASB, i ett konvergeringsprojekt. Syftet var att skapa ett gemensamt och harmoniserat regelverk. Projektet mellan IASB och FASB inleddes år 2002 för att arbeta mot ett gemensamt mål om en förbättrad jämförbarhet mellan de finansiella rapporterna. Syftet med studien är att undersöka och analysera skillnaderna mellan IASB:s och FASB:s hantering av immateriella tillgångar, samt hur de ställer sig till utvecklingen inom den internationella harmoniseringsprocessen. Utifrån detta syfte har vi valt att genomföra en kvalitativ studie då vi anser att denna forskningsform ger oss möjligheten till att besvara våra forskningsfrågor. I vår undersökning har vi studerat i vilken grad de olika standarderna harmoniserar med varandra. För att uppfylla syftet har studien genomförts utifrån en abduktiv ansats, med en komparativ design, där vi har klassificerat utdrag från vardera regelverk. Vi har utgått från en kvalitativ undersökningsansats där fyra områden valts ut och analyserats. Områdena består i redovisning av verkligt värde, nedskrivningar, avskrivningar och nyttjandeperiod. Utifrån ekonomisk litteratur och vetenskapliga artiklar, har vi med hjälp av dimensionsteorin, kunnat visa i vilken mån regelverken är harmoniserade. Resultatet visar att det har skett en harmonisering mellan IASB:s och FASB:s regelverk, dock kvarstår det kulturella och institutionella skillnader. Analysen visar att IFRS är mer regelbaserad än principbaserad i förhållande till US GAAP vad det gäller immateriella tillgångar. Slutsatsen motsäger alltså den generella bilden av att US GAAP är regelbaserad och IFRS är principbaserad. Slutligen går utvecklingen inom harmoniseringen mot att utövaren får användning av sitt professionella omdöme och att regleringarna blir mer klara och flexibla. Enligt vår mening är det mest effektivt att en standard innehåller både regler och principer.

Upplysningskrav beträffande nedskrivningstest : En komparativ studie av IAS 36 p. 134 mellan företag i Kina, Storbritannien och Tyskland / Disclosure requirements regarding impairment testing : A comparison of compliance with IAS 36 p. 134 between companies in China, the UK and Germany

Mortensen, Kasper, Torwald, Fredrik January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med internationella regelverk för redovisning, som reglerar redovisningspraxis ochrevision över landsgränser, är att uppnå harmonisering av redovisningsförfaranden världen över.Jämförbarhet mellan olika länders redovisning och ökad transparens i finansiella rapporter är dekvalitativa egenskaper som eftersträvas i sammanhanget. Detta gäller även IFRS, som sedan 1januari 2005 är obligatorisk för samtliga noterade bolag i EUs medlemsstater. IFRS är populärtäven utanför EU och är obligatoriskt eller frivilligt i uppemot 120 länder världen över. Kritikförekommer dock, som primärt är fokuserad på regelverkens förmåga att uppnå sitt huvudsakligasyfte; att skapa harmonisering. Då det snart är 10 år sedan IFRS blev obligatoriskt i EU ligger deti tiden att utvärdera harmoniseringen, vilket denna uppsats har som målsättning att göra. Fokusläggs på IFRS-punkten IAS 36 p. 134 som reglerar nedskrivningstest och mer specifiktredovisning av goodwill. Goodwill är i sig ett omdiskuterat redovisningsområde där mångastämmor uttrycker olika åsikter, vilket alltså gör punkten intressant vid undersökning avharmonisering; harmonisering torde vara svårast att uppnå i turbulenta forum.I uppsatsen utvärderas harmoniseringen genom jämförelse mellan goodwillredovisning i ländersom har olika redovisningstraditioner. Tyskland representerar den kontinentalaredovisningstraditionen, Storbritannien representerar den anglosaxiska och Kina undersöks pågrund av att landet inte har någon av dessa traditioner. Utifrån en tolkningsmodell utvärderasländernas enskilda förmåga att leva upp till IAS 36 p. 134, varefter en kvalitativ jämförelse görs.Slutligen undersöks kopplingar mellan resultatet av analyserna och ländernas respektiveredovisningstraditioner.Undersökningen resulterade i slutsatsen att IAS 36 p. 134 följs i högre grad av de två europeiskaländerna än av Kina, samt att jämförbarheten, till följd av detta, är högre mellan de europeiskaländernas redovisning. Redovisningstraditioner kunde även till stor del kopplas till utfallet, medundantag för tysk goodwillredovisning där kopplingen till den kontinentalaredovisningstraditionen var svag. I denna uppsats anses implikationen av slutsatserna vara attharmoniseringen verkligen kan infinna sig vid bruk av IFRS-standarder. I synnerhet är avvikelseni tysk goodwillredovisning från den kontinentala redovisningstraditionen en indikation påfungerande harmonisering. / Program: Civilekonomprogrammet

IFRS Implementation in Germany and the UK : And its Effects on the Quality of Accounting Information from an Investor Perspective

Bargman, Daniil, Hansmann, Lisa January 2011 (has links)
This thesis investigates whether IFRS adoption has led to an increase in the relevance of accounting information for investment decisions. Furthermore, the effects of IFRS are implicitly compared across accounting traditions. As such,  the effects of IFRS on the “quality” of financial reporting are measured based on the cases of listed firms in Germany and listed firms in the UK. This study approaches the effects of IFRS on the quality of financial reporting from two angles. First a review of the academic literature is done to determine whether there has been a general consensus about the effects of IFRS adoption on financial reporting of listed firms in Germany and the UK. As a result of this literature study, a number of propositions are deduced about the effects of IFRS. Subsequently, the investigation of the effects of IFRS takes a statistical perspective. Financial and accounting data are obtained for two samples, one of German listed firms and another of UK listed firms. A number of empirical models are used to determine the quality of financial reporting, including the earnings-returns association (Lev ,1989; Lev & Zarowin, 1999), asymmetric sensitivity of earnings and asymmetric persistence of earnings (Basu, 1997), and the market-to-book ratios (Roychowdhury & Watts, 2003). Additionally, a new tool is introduced for a joint interpretation of the econometric test results, leading potentially to a new method of financial report analysis under dynamic regulatory conditions. Significant statistical evidence is found suggesting a drastic reduction (to the point of complete elimination) in income smoothing in Germany corresponding to the transition from the German national GAAP to IFRS. Additionally, with the introduction of IFRS, the information content of accounting earnings in German firms appears to have increased substantially, while market-to-book ratios have converged towards “1”. On the other hand, the introduction of IFRS in the UK corresponds to statistical evidence consistent with a shift from asymmetric timeliness of earnings under UK GAAP to a significant downward bias in earnings under IFRS. The study also shows significant inter-industry differences in the effects of IFRS that suggest that the inconsistencies in the results of previous studies may have been due to the significant noise created by diverse samples, or due to biased industry representations in the data.

Vybrané rozdíly v aplikaci účetnictví dle US GAAP a současně platným zákonem o účetnictví v ČR na příkladu vybrané firmy / Selected Differences in Accounting to US GAAP and the Applicable Law on Accounting in the Czech Republic on the Example of Selected Company

Ryšavá, Ilona January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the compilation and comparison of financial statements in accordance with U.S. accounting principles and U.S. GAAP currently valid law on accounting in the Czech Republic. The aim is to characterize the balance sheet and income statement under both systems show the procedure of reporting the selected firm and preparing proposals or recommendations for optimizing the current situation

Vykazování výnosů ve vybraných účetních úpravách / Revenue Recognition in chosen accounting systems

Dolejší, Veronika January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with revenue recognition in acconrdance to International Financial Reporting Standards IFRS and american Generally Accepted Accounting Principles US GAAP. Furthermore, it is focused on convergence project, called Revenue Recognition Project. This will result to standard Revenue from Contracts with Customers. Expected issue period is the end of 2011. The goal of this thesis is to analyze and assess the current situation in chosen accounting systems.

Koncepce ovládání v souvislostech konsolidované účetní závěrky / The concept of control in consolidated financial statements

Kořínek, Miroslav January 2011 (has links)
The concept of control is an important determinant of consolidated financial statements. Group of economically related entities and its consolidated financial statements are identified by control concept. Conception of control lies in the model of determination of entities controlled. The evolution of control concept points out, that some entities have not always been integrated in the group or have not been considered controlled. Information value of consolidated financial statements resulting from the control concept is directly influenced by this non-integration represented e.g. by off-balance sheet accounting and Special Purpose Entities. Thesis examines and analyzes present and previous models of control concept of U.S. GAAP, IAS/IFRS and its converged principles.

Impairment nefinančných aktív podľa IFRS a US GAAP / Accounting for the impairment of non-financial assets IFRS/US GAAP

Kačur, Branislav January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the requirements of how to approach the issue of testing the value of assets in accounting and recognition of an impairment loss under IFRS and U.S. GAAP. The main objective was to create a comprehensive view of this specific area, eventually determine differences in accounting and reporting between IFRS and US GAAP. There is mostly characteristic of IAS 36 Impairment of Assets and SFAS 144 Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets, which specify when and how to entity test, identify, report impairment loss. The work also describes the basics of valuation of assets, mainly deals with the measurement by using historical cost and fair value.

USA:s reaktion mot harmoniseringen med IFRS : Ett historiskt perspektiv / USA´s reaction towards harmonization with IFRS : A historical perspective

Lundin, Max, Malm, Joakim January 2021 (has links)
Trots fördelarna med minskad informationsasymmetri och ökad marknadseffektivitet har inte alla länder implementera den globala redovisningsstandarden IFRS. Syftet med studien var att analysera hur USA ur ett historiskt perspektiv reagerat mot harmoniseringen med den globala redovisningsstandarden IFRS. Det teoretiska ramverket grundar sig i institutional theory med fokus på de olika aktörernas beteende. Dessutom de olika strategiska reaktionerna som organisationer antar som ett resultat av institutionellt påtryck mot överensstämmelse. Studien baseras på arkivforskning genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Studien finner att USA är benägna att byta reaktion flera gånger från året 1970. Dessutom ökar USA gradvis hur aktiv deras reaktion mot harmoniseringen med IFRS är. Slutligen den senaste reaktionen USA visar är manipulate. / Despite the benefits of reduced information asymmetry and increased market efficiency, not all countries have adopted the global accounting standard IFRS. The purpose of this study was to investigate how US from a historical perspective reacted towards the harmonization with the global accounting standard IFRS. The theoretical framework is derived from the institutional theory with an emphasis on the behavior of actors. Furthermore, the different strategic responses that organizations enact as a result of institutional pressures toward conformity. This study is based on archival research through a qualitative content analysis. Findings shows that US is prone to change responses several times from the year 1970. In addition, US is gradually increasing how active its response to harmonization with IFRS is. Lastly, the most recent response US shows are manipulate.

The Effect of Accounting Standards on Business Acquisitions : An analysis of the Swedish acquisition market

Hillman, Maxx, Sjösten, Linus January 2022 (has links)
The topic of business acquisitions has been much debated in 2022, largely due to Microsoft’s record-breaking acquisition of Activision Blizzard. Historically, business acquisitions and their corresponding goodwill values have been a thoroughly examined and debated subject between scholars and regulators due to the complexity and ambiguity of goodwill. Discussions regarding goodwill and acquisitions have been the foundation of many studies throughout the years. However, the effects of accounting standards on the factors of business acquisitions have not been examined thoroughly and therefore represents a knowledge gap in existing accounting literature. This thesis examines the relationship between the accounting standards IFRS and Swedish GAAP and their influence on business acquisitions. The focus of the thesis is on the number of business acquisitions as well as goodwill, or value added, to test if the standards themselves affect these factors. Other elements which could affect these factors are presented to broaden the research and isolate the accounting standard variable.  By examining Swedish business acquisitions during a five-year period, the authors have identified 406 business acquisitions that were of such quality that they could be examined further. The study is inspired by other studies in similar areas, especially a paper written by Kashiwazaki et al. (2019) in which the effect of IFRS adoption on business acquisitions in Japan is researched. However, this study is not focused on adoption, the aim of the research is to examine the impact of the standards themselves. By examining the two accounting standards and their correlation with the frequency of acquisitions as well as change in goodwill, patterns can be identified and conclusions regarding whether accounting standards affect the two factors can be drawn. Several theories are discussed in order to contextualize the research, and different perspectives regarding the acquisitions and goodwill are presented. To broaden the context of the subject, specific theories and their counterparts are presented to get both perspectives of a phenomenon. Agency theory and stewardship theory are explained and compared throughout the thesis and the conclusion of this paper is that stewardship theory is more valid when examining Swedish business acquisitions. Other theories such as the resource-based view are explained and connected to business acquisitions and the results of the thesis. Lastly, motives and benefits behind business acquisitions are discussed and conclusions are drawn based on the results of the tests conducted.  Two OLS regressions with corresponding T-tests for verifications showed a nonsignificant relationship between the dependent and independent variables in both tests. This means that there is no statistical significancy between either of the two factors and accounting standards. These findings suggest that there are other factors that are correlated with the number of business acquisitions and value added and explain the variance in these two factors. Some of the observable factors were the size of the firm, return on assets, operating income among others. In conclusion, there were no indications that accounting standards influence the number of business acquisitions nor value added.

Redovisningen av utsläppsrätter i Europa och USA : En jämförelse mellan IFRS och US GAAP i energibranschen / The accounting of emission rights in Europe and the USA : A comparison between IFRS and US GAAP in the energy industry

Halldin, Frida, Zecevik, Silvia January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det har uppmärksammats att konsumtionen och efterfrågan av el fortsätter att öka för varje år. Resultatet av det växande behovet har lett till stigande utsläppsnivåer inom energibranschen. Ett sätt för att kontrollera nivåerna av utsläpp är utsläppsrätter. Priset på utsläppsrätter har ökat och förväntas öka ännu mer. Det finns i dagsläget inget gemensamt globalt direktiv om hur utsläppsrätter ska redovisas, däremot finns rekommendationer inom både IFRS och US GAAP om hur de kan klassificeras och värderas i redovisningen. IFRS är en principbaserad redovisningsstandard som är utgiven av IASB, medan US GAAP är en regelbaserad redovisningsstandard som utfärdas av FASB. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur utsläppsrätter redovisas i energibranschen hos europeiska respektive amerikanska företag. Frågeställning: Vilka likheter och skillnader finns mellan klassificering och värdering av utsläppsrätter utifrån IFRS och US GAAP i energibranschen? Metod: I denna studie har en kvantitativ innehållsanalys genomförts där det empiriska materialet utgörs av 31 företags årsredovisningar. Vidare har en kodningsmanual skapats där kategorier kring klassificering och värdering av utsläppsrätter utformats, för att sedan kunna sammanställa datan i ett kodningsschema. Teoretisk referensram: Studiens resultat har med hjälp av legitimitetsteorin och institutionell teori förklarat vad de rådande likheterna och skillnaderna gällande redovisningen av utsläppsrätter i Europa och USA kan bero på. Slutsats: Resultaten visar att de skillnader som finns mellan IFRS och US GAAP i energibranschen är främst klassificering av utsläppsrätter, efterföljande värdering av utsläppsrätter och redovisningen av utsläppsskyldighet. De största likheterna mellan IFRS och US GAAP är värdering av tilldelade utsläppsrätter samt köpta utsläppsrätter. / Background: It has been noticed that the consumption and demand for electricity continues to increase every year. The result of the growing needs has led to rising emission levels in the energy industry. One way to control the levels of emissions is emission rights. The price of emission rights has increased and is expected to increase even more. There is currently no common global directive on how emission rights are to be reported, however, there are recommendations within both IFRS and US GAAP on how they can be classified and valued in the accounts. IFRS is a principle-based accounting standard established by the IASB, while US GAAP is a rules-based accounting standard established by the FASB.  Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the accounting of emission rights in the energy industry between European and American companies.  Question: What are the similarities and differences between the classification and valuation of emission rights between IFRS and US GAAP in the energy industry?  Method: In this study a quantitative content analysis has been implemented where the empirical material consists of 31 companies' annual reports. Furthermore, a coding manual has been created where categories regarding classification and valuation of emission rights have been designed, in order to compile the data in a coding scheme.  Theory: The results of the study have with the help of legitimacy theory and institutional theory explained what the similarities and differences regarding the accounting of emission rights in Europe and the USA may be due to.  Conclusion: The results show that the differences that exist between IFRS and US GAAP in the energy industry are mainly the classification of emission rights, the subsequent valuation of emission rights and the reporting of emission obligations. The biggest similarities between IFRS and US GAAP are the valuation of allocated emission rights and purchased emission rights.

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