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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Värdeflödesanalys på DIAB AB Laholm

Mehmedovic, Edin January 2006 (has links)
<p>This report is the result of a 20-points project at the University of Jönköping. The project was carried out in form of a case study with the object of analysing the value flow at DIAB AB’s confection department in Laholm. The aim of this project is to submit proposals to the production management on how to increase the efficiency of the production flow at the confection department and reduce the capital accumulation in form of products in work.</p><p>The information in this report is gathered from interviews, observations and measurements. Furthermore, a literature study was carried out in view to find suitable theories when analysing present as well as future suggested production conditions.</p><p>This report is based on four main questions:</p><p>• What does the existing process of the value flow for the most produced product family look like?</p><p>• How does the process of the value flow for GS perform considering the through-put-time?</p><p>o How long through-put-time does a representative product of the GS-family have?</p><p>o How long is the value- and no value adding time for that product along its production flow?</p><p>• Which production related disturbances and cost prompters exist in the present value flow process?</p><p>• How could the process of the value flow for GS be made more efficient, less persistent to disturbances and more competitive?</p><p>The existing process of the value flow for the most producing product family has been mapped and is illustrated in appendix 3. For now, the process includes nine working stations along the production chain.</p><p>The through-put-time of a representative GS-product is according to my survey 18,5 days. The value adding time is only 16,1 minutes, that is 0,061 % of the entire through-put-time. The remaining time, in other words the no value adding time, is 440 hours and it represents mainly storage and transport of products.</p><p>The representative production disturbances and cost prompters that characterise the process of the value flow contain material related disturbances, a high number of long shifts, long storage time prior to the customer order point and with that, high capital accumulation and finally unnecessary transports.</p><p>Improvement proposals aim to increase the efficacy of the process of the value flow and reduce the capital amounts by shifting from the present production strategy involving manufacturing towards order (TMO) to assembling towards order (MMO).</p><p>In order to make this possible a semi-manufactured storage will be introduced after the standard confection which will represent the new decoupling point. The production at the standard confection will then occur according to the semi-manufactured storage. The standard confection should produce in larger aggregated order quantities based on prognosis in order to benefit from the advantages of economy of scale and the production must proceed in a continuous flow according to the FIFU-system (First In First Out). In addition to that, the special confection must produce according to a pull-system and only when the customer makes a request.</p><p>The tact-time of the GS products should constitute a limit for all the cycle times along the production chain, both on the standard- and special confection. This is partly due to creating a constant and balanced production flow which enables short through-put-time and partly due to avoiding in-between-storage as a result of various bottlenecks.</p>

Untersuchungen zur Einsatzmöglichkeit der Dreikantmuschel Dreissena polymorpha als biologischer Filter und Wasserhygienemonitor

Schröter-Bobsin, Ute 20 April 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Dreikantmuscheln (Dreissena polymorpha) sind aufgrund ihrer speziellen Ernährungsweise in der Lage, erhebliche Wassermengen unterschiedlichster Qualität sehr effektiv zu filtrieren und dabei zu reinigen (Biofilter). Ziel der Arbeit waren Einschätzungen zum Leistungsumfang, der Nutzung und von Grenzen des Muschelfilters. Die Exposition der Muscheln erfolgte in der Elbe am Neustädter Hafen in Dresden (Oberflächengewässer), in dem ersten und zweiten Schönungsteich der Kläranlage Reichenau (Sachsen) und in einem Waldbad in Langebrück (Badegewässer). Eine wirksame Elutionsmethode war die Grundlage um Mikroorganismen (Bakterien, Viren und Parasiten) aus dem Muschelgewebe effizient nachweisen zu können. Die bakterielle Wiederfindungsrate von 86% und eine Wiederfindung von 97% für Bakteriophagen bestätigen die Elutionseffizienz des Verfahrens. Die Befähigung von Dreissena polymorpha zu einer saisonal beeinflussten Bioakkumulation gegenüber dem Umgebungswasser konnte durch ein Monitoring mit einem Anreicherungsfaktor für Bakterien von 87 (gemittelt) und für Bakteriophagen von 261 (gemittelt) eindrucksvoll bestätigt werden. Batchversuche im Labormaßstab bestätigten die im in situ - Monitoring ermittelte Bakterienakkumulation und demonstrieren darüber hinaus eine temperaturabhängige Inaktivierung (Elimination) der Bakterien (Intestinale Enterokokken) durch die Muscheln mit Reduktionsraten von -77% bei 20°C bzw. -61% bei 6°C. Nicht alle aufgenommenen Organismen werden durch die Muscheln inaktiviert. Das ergaben die in situ Sedimentuntersuchungen unter dem Muschelfilter. Die Verdopplung der Enterokokken sowie die erhöhten Werte der somatischen Coliphagen im Sediment unter Muschelbesatz charakterisieren dieses Kompartiment als Keimreservoir. Die bakterielle Besiedlung des Verdauungstraktes von Dreissena polymorpha wird stark durch die Bakterienzönose des umgebenden Wassers beeinflusst. Sowohl im Wasser als auch im Muschelgewebe dominierten fünf Bakterienstämme (Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes,&amp;quot;environmental group&amp;quot;). Eine auffallend hohe Dominanz zeigten die Mycoplasmen (Firmicutes), was auf eine mögliche ökologische Nische für Vertreter dieser Gattung in der Muschel hindeutet. In allen Muscheleluaten des Monitorings wurden Legionellen nachgewiesen. Die Muscheln des Teiches 2 der KA Reichenau zeigten mit 86% die höchste Kontamination aller Expositionsorte. Legionellenamplifikate im Muscheleluat 2 gingen kontinuierlich mit ebenfalls positiven Befunden im Wasser einher, so dass der Einsatz von Dreissena polymorpha auch im Biomonitoring von Legionellaceae möglich ist. Erstmalig wurden in der Elbe und im Abwasser der KA Reichenau E. coli O157:H7 infizierenden Phagen und deren Anteile nachgewiesen. Die Elbe lag mit einem E. coli O157:H7 infizierenden Phagenanteil von 7,5% deutlich über dem Rohabwasser (1,0%) und dem Zulauf zum ersten Schönungsteich der Kläranlage (0,5%). Der Stx Gennachweis im Muscheleluat war dagegen nur in einer von 24 Proben erfolgreich. Enterale Viren (AdV, EV) wurden in den Dreikantmuscheln und ihrem Umgebungswasser diskontinuierlich nachgewiesen. Enteroviren wurden im Wasser (57% gemittelt) häufiger als in der parallelen Muschelproben (10%) nachgewiesen. Parasiten (Giardia lamblia und Cryptosporidium parvum) werden durch die exponierten Muscheln aufgenommen, dies bestätigten die qualitativen Testergebnisse. In den Dreikantmuscheln wurde sowohl für G. lamblia (78%), als auch für Cryptosporidien (77%) eine durchschnittlich höhere Nachweisrate im Vergleich zu den korrespondierenden Wasserproben (42% und 36%) ermittelt. Die effiziente Akkumulation und die Umweltresistenz der Dreikantmuscheln sind hervorragende Eigenschaften, die sich zu einem zuverlässigen Biomonitor mit &amp;quot;Hygienegedächtnis&amp;quot; und hoher Sensibilität vereinen lassen.

Comparisons of modern pollen deposition with vegetation abundance and landscape pattern in NE-Germany / Comparisons of modern pollen deposition with vegetation abundance and landscape pattern in NE-Germany

Matthias, Isabelle 16 July 2014 (has links)
Seit der Einführung der Pollenanalyse für Rekonstruktionen vergangener Vegetationsbedeckung befassen sich Wissenschaftler mit dem Einfluss von unterschiedlichen Pollenproduktionen der verschiedenen Arten sowie der Fragestellung, wie welches Gebiet in den Pollendaten widergespiegelt und interpretiert werden kann. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es den Zusammenhang zwischen Pollen und Vegetation weiter zu untersuchen. Dazu wurden Pollendaten von Oberflächenproben aus Brandenburger Seesedimenten sowie Pollenakkumulationsraten (PAR) von bleidatierten Sedimentkurzkernen mit Vegetationsdaten aus Waldinventurdaten und Biotopkartierungen verglichen. Zu den wichtigen Ergebnissen der vorliegenden Arbeit gehören die Berechnungen von relativen und absoluten Pollenproduktionsraten (PPE und aPPE). Während die PPEs die verhältnismäßige Pollenproduktion der Arten zu einem Referenztaxon beschreiben, ist unter den aPPEs die Pollenproduktion pro Vegetationseinheit, in diesem Fall pro m³ (Biomasse), zu verstehen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen gleich hohe PPE-Werte für Fagus und Pinus und bestätigen im Allgemeinen die PPE-Werte aus Studien, die für andere Regionen Europas erhoben wurden. Die berechneten aPPE-Werte unterscheiden sich dagegen deutlich von den aPPE-Werten in Finnland, wo die aPPE für Pinus um ein zehnfaches geringer ist als in Brandenburg. Dieser Unterschied lässt sich möglicherweise mit einer höheren Nettoprimärproduktion der gleichen Biomasse in Zentraleuropa erklären. Darüber hinaus wurde der Einfluss von Blühalter und Waldstruktur auf PPE Berechnungen evaluiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Berücksichtigung beider Faktoren den größten Einfluss auf die Baumarten hat, die relativ spät den Kronenbereich bzw. ihr Blühalter erreichen, wie z.B. Fagus und Carpinus. Der geringste Einfluss dieser Faktoren zeigt sich für Arten, die bereits nach wenigen Jahren mit der Pollenproduktion beginnen, wie z.B. Betula und Alnus. Für die Berechnung von PPEs und aPPEs muss ein Gebiet um den See (oder das Moor) ermittelt werden, in dem die Pollendaten mit der Vegetation verglichen werden können. Dieses Gebiet für die Berechnung von PPEs wird als „relevant source area of pollen“ (RSAP) bezeichnet. Die RSAP ist definiert als das Gebiet, in dem Pollenprozentdaten und Vegetationsprozentdaten den stärksten Zusammenhang zueinander aufweisen und es zu keiner besseren Korrelation der beiden Variablen in einer weiteren Distanz kommt. Die hier ermittelte RSAP für Brandenburg liegt bei sieben Kilometern und ist damit im Vergleich zu den meisten vorherigen Studien relativ groß. Diese relativ große RSAP lässt sich durch die Quartäre Landschaftsstruktur in Brandenburg erklären, welche durch großräumige Bestände einer Art oder Artenzusammensetzung charakterisiert ist. Des Weiteren zeigen die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit erstmals, dass PAR für die einzelnen Hauptbaumarten in einem linearen Zusammenhang mit der seeumgebenen Biomasse stehen. Im Gegensatz zu der RSAP ist das Gebiet, welches am stärksten die Variationen der PAR erklärt, relativ klein und erstreckt sich von wenigen Metern bis maximal 2,5 Kilometer vom Seeufer. Die Größe dieses Gebiets variiert zwischen den Arten, was mit der Verbreitung des Pollens und der Abundanz der einzelnen Arten erklärt werden kann. Die Beobachtung, dass der Großteil des Pollens von der nahen Vegetation kommt, bestätigt den Einfluss einer „trunk space“-Komponente eines früheren konzeptuellen Pollenverbreitungsmodells. Die heute genutzten mathematischen Pollenverbreitungsmodelle berücksichtigen diese Komponente jedoch nicht. Nach den Erkenntnissen dieser Studie würde die Berücksichtigung dieser Komponente jedoch zu einer Verbesserung der angewandten Pollenverbreitungsmodelle führen. Die oben genannten Datensätze wurden darüber hinaus für Vergleiche von verschiedenen Pollendiversitätsindexen mit Aspekten der Diversität der Landschaft genutzt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Diversität der Pollen zu einem großen Teil mit der Diversität der Landschaft innerhalb eines Kilometers um den See herum erklärt werden kann. Während die nahe Vegetation hauptsächlich die Diversität erklärt, welche sich aus der Anzahl der Arten und deren Abundanz zusammensetzt, ist die „Palynological richness“ von einem größeren Gebiet beeinflusst (sieben Kilometer). Die Gleichverteilung von Pollenkörnen kann somit durch das Verhältnis zwischen der Diversität der Pollen und der „Palynological richness“ beschrieben werden, in dem ein größerer Wert eine größere Gleichverteilung der Arten beschreibt und umgekehrt. Die Ergebnisse dieser Doktorarbeit zeigen, dass die Pollendaten in Abhängigkeit zur Fragestellung ein unterschiedlich großes Einzugsgebiet widerspiegeln. Ein größeres Einzugsgebiet der Pollen wird durch die Komposition der Pollenprozentdaten sowie der Anzahl der Pollentypen beschrieben. Die absolute Abundanz sowie die Diversität der ufernahen Vegetation kann dagegen durch PARs und die Diversität der Pollen interpretiert werden.

Incorporation and preservation of geochemical fingerprints in peat archives

Hansson, Sophia V. January 2013 (has links)
The present status of the environment, including environmental problems such as heavy metal accumulation in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, is in part the consequence of long-term changes. Cores from peatlands and other natural archives provide us with the potential to study aspects of the atmospheric cycling of elements, such as metal pollutants, on timescales much longer than the decade or two available to us with atmospheric deposition monitoring programs. The past decade especially has seen a rapid increase in interest in the biogeochemical record preserved in peat, particularly as it relates to environmental changes (e.g. climate and pollution). Importantly, recent studies have shown that carbon dynamics, i.e., organic matter decomposition, may influence the record of atmospherically derived elements such as halogens and mercury. Other studies have shown that under certain conditions some downward movement of atmospherically deposited elements may also occur, which adds complexity to establishing reliable chronologies as well as inherent problems of estimating accurate accumulation rates of peat and past metal deposition. Thus, we still lack a complete understanding of the basic biogeochemical processes and their effects on trace element distributions. While many studies have validated the general temporal patterns of peat records, there has been a limited critical examination of accumulation records in quantitative terms. To be certain that we extract not only a qualitative record from peat, it is important that we establish a quantitative link between the archive and the few to several decades of data that are available from contemporary monitoring and research. The main objective of this doctoral thesis was to focus on improving the link between the long-term paleorecord and the contemporary monitoring data available from biomonitoring and direct deposition observations. The main research questions have therefore been: Are peat archives an absolute or relative record? And how are geochemical signals, including dating, incorporated in the peat archive? What temporal resolution is realistic to interpret by using peat cores?

Phénomènes d'injection et de décohérence de spin dans des structures semiconductrices

Peiro, Julian 10 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
La possibilité d'injecter électriquement des porteurs polarisés en spin dans un semiconducteur (SC) et de convertir une accumulation de spin en un signal électrique ouvre la voie à de nouvelles fonctionnalités. Il a été montré que l'injection efficace de porteurs depuis un métal de transition ferromagnétique (FM) vers un SC requiert la présence d'une résistance optimisée conservant le spin à l'interface FM/SC. Nous avons mené une étude systématique de l'accumulation de spin par rapport à la modification des propriétés d'interface en sondant différents semiconducteurs tels que GaAs et Ge ainsi que des injecteurs isolant tunnel (I)/FM MgO/CoFeB, Al2O3/Co et Al2O3/NiFe. Nos mesures de magnétorésistance (MR) en géométrie 3 terminaux, en configuration Hanle ou Hanle inverse, ont révélé l'existence d'un champ magnétique fluctuant créant une dépolarisation du spin. Ceci provoque un élargissement artificiel du signal Hanle qui amène dans ce cas à sous-estimer la mesure du temps de vie de spin, ainsi qu'une amplitude d'accumulation de spin plusieurs ordres de grandeur plus forte que prédit théoriquement. Ces effets peuvent s'interpréter par une injection séquentielle sur des états localisés proches de l'interface I/SC. Le confinement spatial de ces états permet de comprendre la forte amplitude du signal observé. Les études en fonction de la tension et de la température viennent étayer ce mécanisme. Des simulations magnétiques d'un champ fluctuant lié au champ de fuite induit par la rugosité d'interface ou au champ hyperfin sur les états localisés ont été menées et permettent de reproduire qualitativement nos résultats.

Exploring the relationship between work and non-work roles of parenting males at a higher education institution / Y. Britz

Britz, Yolandé January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

Waste management in the Sebideng District Municipality : a strategy for improved service delivery / Khathutshelo Elias Masindi.

Masindi, Khathutshelo Elias January 2009 (has links)
Waste, that is any matter whether gaseous, liquid or solid or any combination thereof, originating from any residential, commercial or industrial area identified as undesirable or superfluous by-product, emission, residue or remainder of any process or activity tends to be a hazard to the environment. Waste is generated in all processes which transform materials from one state, form or medium to another. The management of waste in the Sedibeng District Municipality is a very complex problem. There are many reasons for this and these include: the diverse and voluminous waste stream; progressive accumulation of waste in the environment; large numbers of unpermitted waste disposal sites; the severe shortage of hazardous waste disposal sites and shortage of personnel in local municipalities qualified to implement existing legislation. The accumulation of waste in the district not only poses a serious and growing threat to health and quality of life, but also causes infrastructural damage such as the blocking of storm water drains and sewer by litter which ultimately leads to costly road and pavement destruction and increase in maintenance costs. The objective of the study was to investigate waste management activities in the Sedibeng District Municipality and to explore best practices as strategies for recommendations. The Sedibeng District Municipality comprises three local municipalities namely the Emfuleni, Lesedi and Midvaal Local Municipalities. Due to the fact that the Municipality forms part of the industrial hub of the Gauteng Province, there has been an excessive influx of the people into the district and, as a result, more houses had to be built and more normal urban services such as electricity, sanitation, water and waste, had to be provided. The study intended to investigate different waste management strategies that are employed by the three local municipalities that could help reduce the impacts and volumes of waste that are generated by residents before such waste could pollute the environment. A further objective was to explore possible waste reduction mechanisms such as recycling that can help reduce waste volumes before they reach the disposal site. Arising from the problem statement on waste management for this study, it is important that the locus of this study be directed towards the solution of the problem on waste management activities in the Sedibeng District Municipality The following hypothesis was accordingly formulated: Waste management strategies and practices as currently practised in the Sedibeng District Municipality are obsolete, outdated and inadequate to attain a cleaner environment and as a result, there is a need to explore the development of more cost effective strategies in waste management. Comparative study of the different strategies that are employed in the three local municipalities as well as the challenges they face when providing the required service, were made. Similar study was applied to the achievements that are recorded as findings of the study. The challenges and success stories highlighted in the study were found through the use of questionnaires that were distributed to respondents in the three local municipalities. Questionnaires for the study were compiled for both councilors and municipal officials. The research instruments for the study included questionnaires, interviews and consultations with members of the community. Further technique was participant observation, the researcher being responsible for the provision of refuse removal services to the Evaton and Sebokeng communities. Amongst others, it was found that: discrepancies existed in the waste management processes and these include the following: • There was a serious problem of personnel shortage in municipalities as a result of financial constraints that led to nonreplacement of personnel who went on retirement, resigned or died; • Existing equipment do not compliment the growing population figures as well as the sizes of the municipality and as a result, residents opted to dump waste at their backyards as an alternative procedure for disposal of waste from their homes, and • Problems attributed to illegal dumping increase each day and their resolution will be a function of implementation of compliance with legislation. • Community awareness of refuse collection schedule is at minimum, a situation which leads to illegal dumping of waste, and • Tariff on refuse removal is deemed to be prohibitive to African residential areas. The study ends with recommendations for management action on waste, and for further research. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Public Management and Administration))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2010.

Waste management in the Sebideng District Municipality : a strategy for improved service delivery / Khathutshelo Elias Masindi.

Masindi, Khathutshelo Elias January 2009 (has links)
Waste, that is any matter whether gaseous, liquid or solid or any combination thereof, originating from any residential, commercial or industrial area identified as undesirable or superfluous by-product, emission, residue or remainder of any process or activity tends to be a hazard to the environment. Waste is generated in all processes which transform materials from one state, form or medium to another. The management of waste in the Sedibeng District Municipality is a very complex problem. There are many reasons for this and these include: the diverse and voluminous waste stream; progressive accumulation of waste in the environment; large numbers of unpermitted waste disposal sites; the severe shortage of hazardous waste disposal sites and shortage of personnel in local municipalities qualified to implement existing legislation. The accumulation of waste in the district not only poses a serious and growing threat to health and quality of life, but also causes infrastructural damage such as the blocking of storm water drains and sewer by litter which ultimately leads to costly road and pavement destruction and increase in maintenance costs. The objective of the study was to investigate waste management activities in the Sedibeng District Municipality and to explore best practices as strategies for recommendations. The Sedibeng District Municipality comprises three local municipalities namely the Emfuleni, Lesedi and Midvaal Local Municipalities. Due to the fact that the Municipality forms part of the industrial hub of the Gauteng Province, there has been an excessive influx of the people into the district and, as a result, more houses had to be built and more normal urban services such as electricity, sanitation, water and waste, had to be provided. The study intended to investigate different waste management strategies that are employed by the three local municipalities that could help reduce the impacts and volumes of waste that are generated by residents before such waste could pollute the environment. A further objective was to explore possible waste reduction mechanisms such as recycling that can help reduce waste volumes before they reach the disposal site. Arising from the problem statement on waste management for this study, it is important that the locus of this study be directed towards the solution of the problem on waste management activities in the Sedibeng District Municipality The following hypothesis was accordingly formulated: Waste management strategies and practices as currently practised in the Sedibeng District Municipality are obsolete, outdated and inadequate to attain a cleaner environment and as a result, there is a need to explore the development of more cost effective strategies in waste management. Comparative study of the different strategies that are employed in the three local municipalities as well as the challenges they face when providing the required service, were made. Similar study was applied to the achievements that are recorded as findings of the study. The challenges and success stories highlighted in the study were found through the use of questionnaires that were distributed to respondents in the three local municipalities. Questionnaires for the study were compiled for both councilors and municipal officials. The research instruments for the study included questionnaires, interviews and consultations with members of the community. Further technique was participant observation, the researcher being responsible for the provision of refuse removal services to the Evaton and Sebokeng communities. Amongst others, it was found that: discrepancies existed in the waste management processes and these include the following: • There was a serious problem of personnel shortage in municipalities as a result of financial constraints that led to nonreplacement of personnel who went on retirement, resigned or died; • Existing equipment do not compliment the growing population figures as well as the sizes of the municipality and as a result, residents opted to dump waste at their backyards as an alternative procedure for disposal of waste from their homes, and • Problems attributed to illegal dumping increase each day and their resolution will be a function of implementation of compliance with legislation. • Community awareness of refuse collection schedule is at minimum, a situation which leads to illegal dumping of waste, and • Tariff on refuse removal is deemed to be prohibitive to African residential areas. The study ends with recommendations for management action on waste, and for further research. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Public Management and Administration))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2010.

Exploring the relationship between work and non-work roles of parenting males at a higher education institution / Y. Britz

Britz, Yolandé January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

The Role Of Politics And Instability On Public Spending Dynamics And Macroeconomic Performance: Theory And Evidence From Turkey

Ismihan, Mustafa 01 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
This Ph.D. thesis comprises of two parts. Part I develops a framework to provide insights into the understanding of several political macro-economy issues related to fiscal policy making. This framework links the overall macroeconomic performance to the public spending and borrowing decisions. The key feature of this framework is that it makes a distinction between productive (e.g. public investment) and non-productive public spending (e.g. popular spending). It is shown that a high level of political instability may lead to myopic and populist policies and may be associated with less favorable macroeconomic performance in terms of not only future output and inflation but also future popular spending. Part I also suggests an alternative channel for expansionary or Non-Keynesian fiscal contractions based on the productivity enhancing role of productive public spending. It is shown that if the incumbent government reduces popular (productive) spending rather than productive (popular) spending, then Non-Keynesian (Keynesian) effects are achieved. Furthermore, it is shown that the favorable effects of public investment depends positively on its quality in this framework. Moreover, the net effect of productive spending financed by borrowing on the next period&#039 / s macroeconomic performance depends on the benefits of productive spending relative to the costs of borrowing. Even under a capital borrowing rule higher public investment may yield unfavorable effects and also it may not necessarily prevent the strategic use of public investment, even though it prevents strategic debt accumulation. Part II investigates the effects of macroeconomic instability on capital accumulation and economic growth in the Turkish economy over the 1963-1999 period. Descriptive and econometric (time series) analyses suggest that macroeconomic instability not only deters capital accumulation and economic growth but it may also reverse the complementarity between public and private investment in the long-run.

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