Spelling suggestions: "subject:"coaggregation"" "subject:"andaggregation""
1041 |
Genetic Association Testing of Copy Number VariationLi, Yinglei 01 January 2014 (has links)
Copy-number variation (CNV) has been implicated in many complex diseases. It is of great interest to detect and locate such regions through genetic association testings. However, the association testings are complicated by the fact that CNVs usually span multiple markers and thus such markers are correlated to each other. To overcome the difficulty, it is desirable to pool information across the markers. In this thesis, we propose a kernel-based method for aggregation of marker-level tests, in which first we obtain a bunch of p-values through association tests for every marker and then the association test involving CNV is based on the statistic of p-values combinations. In addition, we explore several aspects of its implementation.
Since p-values among markers are correlated, it is complicated to obtain the null distribution of test statistics for kernel-base aggregation of marker-level tests. To solve the problem, we develop two proper methods that are both demonstrated to preserve the family-wise error rate of the test procedure. They are permutation based and correlation base approaches. Many implementation aspects of kernel-based method are compared through the empirical power studies in a number of simulations constructed from real data involving a pharmacogenomic study of gemcitabine. In addition, more performance comparisons are shown between permutation-based and correlation-based approach. We also apply those two approaches to the real data.
The main contribution of the dissertation is the development of marker-level association testing, a comparable and powerful approach to detect phenotype-associated CNVs. Furthermore, the approach is extended to high dimension setting with high efficiency.
1042 |
Les autotransporteurs auto-associatifs d’Escherichia coli : de facteurs de virulence à déterminants sociauxCôté, Jean-Philippe 07 1900 (has links)
Les autotransporteurs monomériques représentent le système de sécrétion le plus simple et le plus utilisé chez les bactéries à Gram négatif. Les autotransporteurs monomériques sont des protéines modulaires qui contiennent toute l’information pour leur sécrétion dans leur séquence. Les phénotypes associés à l’expression d’un autotransporteur peuvent être très variés et, souvent, les autotransporteurs sont des protéines multifonctionnelles. C’est le cas notamment des autotransporteurs AIDA-I, TibA et Ag43 d’Escherichia coli qui promouvoient l’adhésion et l’invasion de cellules épithéliales, l’auto-agrégation des bactéries et la formation de biofilm. Ces trois autotransporteurs ont d’ailleurs été regroupés dans une même famille, appelée les autotransporteurs auto-associatifs (SAATs). À cause de leur fonctionnalité, les SAATs sont considérés comme étant d’importants facteurs de virulence d’Escherichia coli. Toutefois, il existe plusieurs différences entre les SAATs qui ne sont pas bien comprises, si bien que leur rôle pour les bactéries n’est toujours pas bien compris.
Nous avons donc d’abord caractérisé TibA, le membre des SAATs le moins bien étudié à l’aide d’une étude structure-fonction. Nous avons observé que TibA était une protéine modulaire et que son domaine fonctionnel était composé de deux modules : un module d’auto-agrégation en N-terminal et un module d’adhésion en C-terminal. En comparant nos résultats avec ceux obtenus pour les autres SAATs, nous avons réalisé que l’organisation des trois SAATs était très variée, c’est-à-dire que les trois SAATs sont composés de modules différents. Nous avons par ailleurs observé cet arrangement en modules lorsque nous avons analysé plusieurs séquences d’aidA, suggérant qu’un mécanisme d’échange et d’acquisition de modules était à la base de l’évolution des SAATs. Sans surprise, nous avons aussi observé que la famille des SAATs ne se limitait pas à AIDA-I, TibA et Ag43 et ne se limitait pas à Escherichia coli.
La comparaison a aussi révélé l’importance du phénotype d’auto-agrégation dans la fonctionnalité des SAATs. Nous avons donc entrepris une étude du mécanisme d’auto-agrégation. Nos résultats on montré que l’auto-agrégation était le résultat d’une interaction directe SAAT/SAAT et ont mis en évidence un mécanisme similaire à celui utilisé par les cadhérines eucaryotes. De plus, nous avons observé que, comme les cadhérines, les SAATs étaient impliqués dans des interactions homophiliques; un SAAT interagit donc spécifiquement avec lui-même et non avec un différent SAAT.
Finalement, les SAATs font parties des quelques protéines qui sont glycosylées chez Escherichia coli. Nous avons déterminé que le rôle de la glycosylation de TibA était de stabiliser la protéine et de lui donner la flexibilité nécessaire pour moduler sa conformation et, ainsi, être pleinement fonctionnelle.
Globalement, nos résultats suggèrent que les SAATs sont des molécules « cadhérines-like » qui permettent la reconnaissance de soi chez les bactéries. Une telle habilité à discriminer entre le soi et le non-soi pourrait donc être utilisée par les bactéries pour organiser les communautés bactériennes. / Autotransporters are versatile virulence factors of Gram-negative bacteria and use one of the simplest and most widespread secretion system in bacteria. The name autotransporter originate from the observation that all the information needed for the secretion of the protein is encoded in its own sequence, meaning that autotransporters do not need a specialized secretion apparatus. Many autotransporters are multifunctional proteins and can perform a large variety of functions. The self-associating autotransporters (SAATs), represented by AIDA-I, TibA and Ag43, are such multifunctional proteins and can mediate the adhesion and invasion of epithelial cells, the auto-aggregation of bacteria and the formation of biofilm. Because of these functionalities, SAATs are considered important virulence factors of Escherichia coli. However, there are many differences between the SAATs and we still do not know their exact role for the bacteria.
Therefore, we have realized a structure-function study of TibA, the least studied SAAT. Our study showed that TibA is a modular protein and that the functional domain of TibA is composed of two modules: an N-terminal module responsible for auto-aggregation and a C-terminal module responsible for adhesion. Our results showed that the organization of AIDA-I, TibA and Ag43 is different and that the SAATs represent different assemblies of modules. We also observed the modular organization when we analyzed various sequence of aidA, suggesting that the SAATs have evolved by a mechanism of domain shuffling. Not surprisingly, we have found new SAATs in Escherichia coli and in other proteobacteria.
Our results also highlighted the importance of auto-aggregation in the functionality of the SAATs. We therefore assessed the mechanism of SAAT-mediated auto-aggregation of bacteria. Our results showed that SAATs mediate auto-aggregation of bacteria through direct SAAT/SAAT interactions and that these interactions were reminiscent of the interactions made by cadherin molecules in eukaryotes. We further observed that the SAATs were involved in homophilic interactions, as it is the case with cadherin molecules.
SAATs are part of the few proteins that are glycosylated in Escherichia coli. We therefore characterized the glycosylation of TibA and found that glycosylation of TibA stabilized the protein and allowed the protein to modulate its conformation, resulting in a fully functional protein.
Taken together, our results suggest that the SAATs may be cadherin-like molecules by bacteria in order to discriminate between self and non-self. Such an ability to discriminate self from non-self is rarely evoked in bacteria, but could play a role in the organization of multicellular communities.
1043 |
Unobserved heterogeneity in productivity analysis of panel data: applications to meat chain firms and global growth in agricultureHoltkamp, Jonathan 12 February 2015 (has links)
No description available.
1044 |
Probing the Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Familial Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: New Insight into Unfolding and Misfolding Mechanisms of the Cu, Zn Superoxide DismutaseMulligan, Vikram 18 December 2012 (has links)
While great strides have been made in treating many classes of human disease, the late-onset neurodegenerative diseases continue to elude modern medicine. These diseases, which include Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinson's disease (PD), Huntington's disease (HD), the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), involve accumulation of insoluble aggregates of one or more causative proteins, leading to progressive loss of central nervous system neurons, progressively worsening neurological symptoms, and eventual patient death. All of these diseases are currently incurable and fatal.
In the case of ALS, progressive death of upper and lower motor neurons leads to full-body paralysis, respiratory difficulty, and patient death. Of the subset of ALS cases showing familial inheritance, approximately 20% are caused by mutations in the SOD1 gene, encoding the Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1). These mutations do not have the common property of impairing SOD1's normal function as a free radical scavenger. Instead, they are thought to increase the protein's likelihood of misfolding and aggregating via a poorly-understood aggregation cascade. It is believed that species populated along the misfolding and aggregation pathway may prove to be good targets for therapies designed to block accumulation of downstream toxic species, or to prevent aberrant protein-protein interactions responsible for neurotoxicity.
In this thesis, several new techniques are developed to enable detailed elucidation of the SOD1 unfolding and misfolding pathways. Time-resolved measurements collected during SOD1 unfolding or misfolding of release of bound Cu and Zn, of changes in intrinsic fluorescence, of exposure of hydrophobic surface area, and of alterations in the chemical environment of histidine residues, are presented. A new mathematical analysis technique named the Analytical Laplace Inversion Algorithm is developed for rapid extraction of mechanistic information from these time-resolved signals. These tools are applied to the construction of the most detailed models to date of the unfolding and misfolding mechanisms of WT and ALS-causing mutant SOD1. The models presented identify several well-populated unfolding and misfolding intermediates that could serve as good targets for therapies designed to address the fundamental molecular mechanisms underlying SOD1-associated ALS, and to treat what is currently a devastating and incurable disease.
1045 |
De la modélisation à la quantification par ultrasons de l'agrégation érythrocytaireTraoré-Dubuis, Ali 06 1900 (has links)
Plusieurs études ont démontré une association entre l’agrégation érythrocytaire du milieu sanguin et plusieurs anomalies hémorhéologiques. Cette agrégation peut être quantifiée à l'aide du coefficient de rétrodiffusion ultrasonore. Pour décrire l’interaction entre l'onde ultrasonore et les tissus biologiques, on se sert de modèles. Ainsi, le modèle de facteur de structure (MFS) est utilisé pour évaluer le coefficient de rétrodiffusion des globules rouges agrégés. Toutefois, ce modèle numérique ne permet pas des mesures en temps réel du niveau d’agrégation et n'informe pas sur la structure du milieu sanguin comme par exemple la taille de l’agrégat. Pour pallier à ces difficultés, nous proposons un modèle où la théorie du milieu effectif est combinée au modèle de facteur de structure. Tout en permettant une mesure en temps réel de l’agrégation, ce modèle nommé TMEMFS fournit en plus deux indices structuraux de l’agrégation: le rayon de l’agrégat ainsi que sa compacité. Par le biais de simulations numériques en 3D, on a comparé le coefficient de rétrodiffusion suivant les modèles MFS et TMEMFS. Ceci dans le but de vérifier que dans la solution du problème direct, les propriétés acoustiques des globules rouges et les propriétés structurales du milieu agrégeant correspondaient à la réalité. Pour simuler des agrégats de globules rouges, une disposition hexagonale compacte a été utilisée. Les effets du rayon et de la compacité sur le coefficient de rétrodiffusion ont été étudiés. Basé sur la microstructure sanguine considérée, les résultats obtenus avec le modèle TMEMFS sont semblables à ceux du modèle MFS. Ce travail constitue un support théorique pour une mesure quantitative in vivo de l’agrégation érythrocytaire à des fins diagnostics. / Many studies have reported that an enhanced level of red blood cell aggregation is associated with the presence of hemorheological disorders. Pathological aggregation has been characterized by quantitative ultrasound based on the backscattering coefficient. In order to describe the interaction between the incident ultrasound and the interrogated biological tissues, mathematical models are used. Mathematical modeling is known to be the optimal way to describe the interaction occurring between ultrasound and tissues at the cellular level. The structure factor model (SFM), considered as the exact scattering model has been developed to predict the backscattering coefficient from blood. However, the numerical SFM cannot be applied in real time for practical measurements and does not provide aggregate size to assess the level of aggregation. Therefore, we come up with a new model based on the effective medium theory in order to tackle this difficulty. The effective medium theory combined with the structure factor model (EMTSFM) can be applied in real time and contrary to the SFM provides two indices of the aggregate state in vivo: aggregate size and compactness. Based on a 3D simulation study, the backscattering coefficients (BSCs) predicted by the effective medium theory combined with the Structure Factor Model (EMTSFM) are compared to the BSCs computed with SFM. Our aim here is to assess the accuracy of the EMTSFM against the SFM by comparing their BSC in the framework of a forward problem, i.e., the calculation of the BSC from the known acoustic and structure aggregate parameters. This was done in order to validate the proposed model. To simulate aggregates, RBCs are stacked following a hexagonal close packing scheme. The influences of the aggregate radius and compactness on the BSC are studied as well. The results showed good agreement between the SFM and the EMTSFM based on our simulated microstructure of RBC aggregates. Our work provides thus the theoretical background to assess locally the aggregation level for diagnosis purposes. / Le travail a été réalisé en collaboration avec le laboratoire de mécanique acoustique de Marseille, France. Les simulations ont été menées avec les langages Matlab et C. Ce projet s'inscrit dans le champ de recherche dénommé caractérisation tissulaire par ultrasons.
1046 |
An Xml Based Content-based Image Retrieval System With Mpeg-7 DescriptorsArslan, Serdar 01 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Recently, very large collections of images and videos have grown rapidly. In parallel with this growth, content-based retrieval and querying the indexed collections are required to access visual information. Three main components of the visual information are color, texture and shape. In this thesis, an XML based content-based image retrieval system is presented that combines three visual descriptors of MPEG-7 and measures similarity of images by applying a distance function. An XML database is used for storing these three descriptors. The system is also extended to support high dimensional indexing for efficient search and retrieval from its XML database. To do this, an index structure, called M-Tree, is implemented which uses weighted Euclidean distance function for similarity measure. Ordered Weighted Aggregation (OWA) operators are used to define the weights of the distance function and to combine three features&rsquo / distance functions into one. The system supports nearest neighbor queries and three types of fuzzy queries / feature-based, image-based and color-based queries. Also it is shown through experimental results and analysis of retrieval effectiveness of querying that the content-based retrieval system is effective in terms of retrieval and scalability.
1047 |
The physiological and pathological regulation of apoptotic cell clearance /Kenyon, Karla. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. in Immunology) -- University of Colorado Denver, 2007. / Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 177-196). Free to UCD affiliates. Online version available via ProQuest Digital Dissertations;
1048 |
Φυσικοχημική μελέτη της σταθερότητας γαλακτωμάτων πρωτεϊνών γάλακτος με την τεχνική της μονοφασικής χρωματογραφίας πεδίουΚέντα, Στέλλα 31 May 2012 (has links)
Τα γαλακτώματα είναι η κολλοειδής διασπορά δύο μη αναμίξιμων υγρών, τα οποία είναι κατά κανόνα θερμοδυναμικά ασταθή συστήματα. Οι πρωτεΐνες γάλακτος είναι γνωστές επιφανειοδραστικές ουσίες και ως εκ τούτου χρησιμοποιούνται ως συστατικά σε ένα ευρύ φάσμα γαλακτωμάτων τροφίμων. Σκοπός της παρούσας εργασίας είναι η εύρεση των κατάλληλων συνθηκών για την παρασκευή σταθερών γαλακτωμάτων πρωτεϊνών γάλακτος. Το μέγεθος των λιποσφαιριδίων διαδραματίζει τον κυρίαρχο ρόλο στη σταθερότητα του γαλακτώματος πρωτεϊνών γάλακτος. Η μέτρηση του μεγέθους των λιποσφαιριδίων έγινε με την τεχνική της Μονοφασικής Χρωματογραφίας Φυγοκεντρικού Πεδίου.
Πιο συγκεκριμένα, μελετήθηκε η επίδραση της συγκέντρωσης (0,5 έως 3,0% w/w) και του τύπου (πρωτεΐνες ορού και καζεΐνες) των πρωτεϊνών γάλακτος, καθώς και των συνθηκών ομογενοποίησης (πίεση ομογενοποίησης 200 έως 600bar) του γαλακτώματος. Επίσης, μελετήθηκε η επίδραση της συγκέντρωσης γαλακτωματοποιητών εμπορίου (Tween 80) στη σταθερότητα των γαλακτωμάτων. Επιπρόσθετα, έγινε κινητική μελέτη συσσωμάτωσης των γαλακτωμάτων από πρωτεΐνες γάλακτος και στη συνέχεια μελετήθηκαν πιο συγκεκριμένα τα γαλακτώματα καζεϊνών, με σκοπό τον προσδιορισμό της σταθεράς ταχύτητας της συσσωμάτωσης των λιποσφαιριδίων σε θερμοκρασίες 30,5 και 80 ᵒC.
Αυξάνοντας την πίεση ομογενοποίησης του γαλακτώματος παρατηρήθηκε μείωση της διαμέτρου των λιποσφαιριδίων. Τα γαλακτώματα που ομογενοποιήθηκαν σε πίεση μεγαλύτερη των 500 bar παρουσίασαν ευρύτερη κατανομή μεγέθους, λόγω της υψηλής θερμοκρασίας που αναπτύχθηκε κατά τη διάρκεια της ομογενοποίησης. Η πρωτεϊνική συγκέντρωση έχει σημαντικές επιπτώσεις στις φυσικοχημικές ιδιότητες του
γαλακτώματος (λάδι σε νερό). Αυξανόμενης της συγκέντρωσης των πρωτεϊνών γάλακτος, μειώθηκε αισθητά η διάμετρος των λιποσφαιριδίων του γαλακτώματος και σε χαμηλές συγκεντρώσεις πρωτεϊνών (<1%κ.β.) παρατηρήθηκε σχηματισμός συσσωματωμάτων. Παρατηρήθηκε μικρή μεταβολή της διαμέτρου των λιποσφαιριδίων των γαλακτωμάτων που σχηματίστηκαν με διαφορετικές αναλογίες κλασμάτων πρωτεϊνών ορού/καζεϊνών. Οι δύο τύποι των πρωτεϊνών του γάλακτος παρουσίασαν πολύ καλή γαλακτωματοποιητική δράση και τα γαλακτώματα που σχηματίστηκαν ήταν πολύ σταθερά. Παρατηρήθηκε ότι, αυξάνοντας τη συγκέντρωση των πρωτεϊνών του ορού γάλακτος και ταυτόχρονα μειώνοντας τη συγκέντρωση των καζεϊνών, μειώθηκε η διάμετρος των λιποσφαιριδίων του γαλακτώματος. Η σταθερότητα των γαλακτωμάτων σε σχέση με τον χρόνο οφείλεται στη δομή των μορίων των πρωτεϊνών που σταθεροποιούν τα γαλακτώματα αυτά. Κατά συνέπεια, τα μόρια των καζεϊνών και των πρωτεϊνών ορού, προσδίδουν διαφορετικές ιδιότητες στα γαλακτώματα λόγω της διαφορετικής δομής τους. Τα γαλακτώματα που σχηματίστηκαν με καζεΐνες ήταν πιο ανθεκτικά στην θερμοκρασία και παρουσίασαν μακροπρόθεσμη σταθερότητα σε σχέση με τα γαλακτώματα που περιείχαν μόνο πρωτεΐνες ορού. Η υπολογισθείσα φαινόμενη σταθερά συσσωμάτωσης των γαλακτωμάτων καζεϊνών στη θερμοκρασία των 30,5 ᵒC βρέθηκε να είναι σχεδόν 14 φορές μικρότερη από αυτή των γαλακτωμάτων που συσσωματώθηκαν στη θερμοκρασία 80,0 ᵒC. Επομένως, η διαδικασία της συσσωμάτωσης συμβαίνει ταχύτερα σε πιο υψηλές θερμοκρασίες θέρμανσης για τα γαλακτώματα καζεϊνών, ωστόσο έφτασαν στο μέγιστο βαθμό συσσωμάτωσης σε ίδιο χρονικό διάστημα. / In the food industry, when referring to an oil-in-water emulsion, is usually described in which oil is dispersed in the form of small spherical droplets in the continuous phase. Food emulsions are thermodynamically unstable. Nevertheless, food scientists are able to slow down the above physicochemical mechanisms responsible for emulsion instability and thus, extend the self-life of such products by a relatively simple and well studied process, termed emulsification. Surface active materials termed emulsifiers, such as proteins help produce small droplets and contribute to the stability of the emulsion. Emulsifiers decrease the interfacial tension between the oil and water phases through rapid adsorption to the surface of the newly formed oil droplets. Milk proteins (caseins and whey proteins) are well known surfactants and hence are used as ingredients in a wide range of food emulsions.
One of the important parameters affecting the quality, appearance and taste of the final food products is the particle size of the ingredients included. For example, particle size of fat globules plays predominant role in the stability of the milk-protein stabilized emulsion.
Milk protein-stabilized model emulsions were formed using high-pressure homogenization and the effect of homogenization pressure during emulsification, protein concentration, type of milk proteins (casein and whey proteins) and the effect of the surfactant Tween-80 were studied. The kinetic of milk protein emulsions aggregation was also studied and moreover, the apparent rate constant was calculated for the aggregation of caseinate stabilized emulsions in different temperatures (30,5 and 80,0 ᵒC). Sedimentation field flow fractionation was employed for the size characterization of oil droplets and the results obtained are consistent with those of other studies. Increasing protein content results in significant
reduction in emulsion particle size for the concentration range (0.5 – 3.0 % w/w) employed in this study. Low protein content (<1%) may be correlated with bridging flocculation leading to increased particle size, as indicated by optical microscopy. Similarly, increasing pressure during the homogenization process results in decreasing significantly the particle size of the oil-in-water emulsions, for the pressure range (200 – 600 bar) utilized in this study. Increased heating associated with high levels of pressure during the homogenization process, can result in changes in the oil or protein structure, which in turn may have an impact on the physicochemical properties of the oil-in-water emulsions on a long-term basis. The two types of milk proteins appeared to be both good emulsifiers and the formed emulsions were very stable. Increasing whey protein content and together decreasing the casein content, results in small reduction in emulsion particle size. Different proteins depending on their composition and structure posses’ properties, which render them, better emulsifiers than others. Caseinate stabilized emulsions were more resistant in heating time than whey stabilized emulsions. The calculated apparent rate constant for the aggregation of caseinate stabilized emulsions at the temperature of 30,5 ᵒC was found to be fourteen times smaller than the one at the temperature of 80,0 ᵒC. Therefore, the aggregation process is faster in high temperatures for caseinate stabilized emulsions, although the maximum of aggregation point is attained at the same time in both temperatures.
1049 |
Perfil da atividade de ectonucleotidases em plaquetas e agregação plaquetária em pacientes com lúpus eritematosos sistêmico / Profilet of the ectonucleotidase activity and platelets agreggation in systemic erythematosus lupus patientsRosa, Cíntia Saydelles da 28 May 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects mostly women in reproductive age and sometimes cause permanent damage. The
development of cardiovascular disease, especially atherosclerosis, is the leading cause of death in SLE. However, its etiology and relationship with the development of atherosclerosis remain unknown. Several studies have shown that platelets have relevant properties to thrombogenesis, such as the release of ADP, a molecule
capable of inducing platelet aggregation. Adenosine, derived from the hydrolysis of ATP and ADP, in turn has antiagreggant properties. The control of extracellular levels theses molecules and subsequent purinergic signaling induced by them is carried out by enzymes NTPDase, E-NPP, 5'-nucleotidase and ADA. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the activity of these ectonucleotidases in platelets and platelet aggregation profile in patients with LES. An increase in the activity of the enzymes NTPDase, E-NPP, 5'-nucleotidase and ADA was observed in platelets of
patients with lupus compared with control subjects. No difference on platelet aggregation of patients with lupus was observed when compared to control. The increase in activity of E-NTPDase, E-NPP and 5'-nucleotidase seems to be a compensatory organic response against the pathological condition, to generate higher concentration of adenosine. But the ADA activity also is increased in platelets of patients with SLE and may decrease the concentration of adenosine, which favors prothrombotics process. Thus, the results suggest that the ectoenzymes may be involved in the modulation of atherosclerotic processes that occur in SLE. / O lúpus Eritematoso Sistêmico é uma doença crônica, inflamatória e sistêmica, que afeta principalmente mulheres em idade reprodutiva e desencadeia danos permanentes na maioria dos casos. O desenvolvimento de doenças
cardiovasculares, especialmente aterosclerose, é a principal causa de morte em pacientes lúpicos. Entretanto sua etiologia e relação com o desenvolvimento de aterosclerose permanecem desconhecidos. Vários estudos demonstraram que as plaquetas apresentam propriedades relevantes na trombogênese, como a liberação de ADP, uma molécula capaz de induzir a agregação plaquetária. A adenosina, proveniente da hidrólise do ATP e ADP, por sua vez apresenta propriedades
antiagregantes. O controle dos níveis extracelulares destas moléculas e a consequente sinalização purinérgica por elas induzidas é realizado pelas enzimas NTPDase, E-NPP, 5'-nucleotidase e ADA. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi
avaliar a atividade destas ectonucleotidases em plaquetas bem como o perfil da agregação plaquetária em pacientes lúpicos. Um aumento na atividade das enzimas NTPDase, E-NPP, 5'-nucleotidase e ADA foi observado em plaquetas de pacientes com LES, quando comparado com sujeitos controles. Nenhuma diferença no perfil de agregação plaquetária de pacientes lúpicas foi observada, quando comparado ao controle. O aumento na atividade da NTPDase, da E-NPP e da 5'-nucleotidase parece ser uma resposta compensatória orgânica frente ao estado patológico para
gerar maior concentração de adenosina. Porém a atividade da ADA também encontra-se aumentada em plaquetas de pacientes com diagnóstico de LES, podendo diminuir a concentração de adenosina, o que favorece estágios prótrombóticos. Desse modo, os resultados encontrados sugerem que as ectoenzimas podem estar envolvidas na modulação dos processos ateroscleróticos que ocorrem
no LES.
1050 |
Enzimas que hidrolisam nucleotídeos de adenina em plaquetas, agregação plaquetária e polimorfismo do gene α2 da integrina α2β1 em pacientes com a doença de von willebrand / Enzymes that hydrolyze adenine nucleotides in platelets Platelet Aggregation and Polymorphisms in the α2 Gene of integrin α2β1 in patients with von Willebrand diseaseSantos, Karen Freitas 08 April 2009 (has links)
Von Willebrand disease (vWD) is one of the most common inherited bleeding diseases, caused by a qualitative or quantitative deficiency of the von Willebrand factor (vWF). vWF is a multimeric glycoprotein synthesized by megakaryocytes and endothelial cells and it is present in the subendothelial matrix, blood plasma, platelets
and endothelium. This glycoprotein represents an important role in thrombus formation by initiating platelet adhesion to sites of injury as well as platelet aggregation. The objective of this study was determine the activities of NTPDase (CD39), 5 -nucleotidase (EC, CD73) and Ectonucleotide Pyrophosphatase/Phosphodiesterase (E-NPP) enzymes in platelets patients from von Willebrand
disease and healthy patients, as well as ristocetin-induced platelet aggregation (RIPA) and polymorphisms of the α2 gene of the α2β1 integrin. The following groups
were studied: 14 patients diagnosed with vWD and 14 healthy patients for control group. For ristocetin-induced platelet aggregation was used a Platelet Rich Plasma
(PRP) and Platelet Poor Plasma (PPP), using a final concentration of ristocetin in 1.25mg/mL. The polymorphisms of the α2 gene was analyzed through the
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), used for digestion of the PCR product of the Bgl II restriction site. NTPDase and E-NPP were decreased in platelets of patients with
vWD compared to the group control. Moreover, the activity of the enzyme 5'- nucleotidase was not statistically significant. The results of the RIPA were significantly reduced in patients with vWD compared with the control. The allelic frequencies among vWD patients were found to be 78.57% for 807C and 21.43% for 807T. Our results indicate an decreased NTPDase and E-NPP activities in platelets, may be related to the low adhesiveness of platelets in patients with vWD. The allelic frequency 807C predominant suggests, in agreement with other studies, this
polymorphism and factor characteristic of hemorrhagic manifestations in patients with DvW. / A doença de von Willebrand (DvW) é uma das mais comuns entre as doenças hemorrágicas, e é provocada por uma deficiência qualitativa ou quantitativa do fator de von Willebrand (FvW). O FvW é uma glicoproteína multimérica sintetizada por megacariócitos e células endoteliais e está presente no matriz subendotelial, no plasma sanguíneo, nas plaquetas e no endotélio. Esta glicoproteína desempenha
um papel importante na formação do trombo plaquetário, iniciando a adesão plaquetária ao local do dano vascular, bem como, a agregação plaquetária. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a atividade das enzimas NTPDase (EC,
CD39), 5'-nucleotidase (EC, CD73) e Ectonucleotideo
pirofasfatase/fosfodiesterase (E-NPP) em plaquetas de pacientes com a DvW e em plaquetas de pacientes saudáveis, bem como agregação plaquetária induzida pela ristocetina (RIPA) e o polimorfismo do gene α2 da integrina α2β1 da superfície de plaquetas. Os grupos foram divididos da seguinte forma: 14 pacientes diagnosticados com DvW e 14 pacientes saudáveis, para o grupo controle. Para a RIPA foram utilizados um Plasma Rico em Plaquetas (PRP) e um Plasma Pobre em
Plaquetas (PPP), utilizando-se uma concentração final de ristocetina de 1.25mg/mL. O polimorfismo do gene α2 foi analisado através da reação em cadeia de polimerase
(PCR), utilizando para a digestão do produto da PCR a enzima de restrição Bgl II. Constatou-se que a atividade das enzimas NTPDase e E-NPP foram reduzidas em plaquetas de pacientes com DvW comparadas ao grupo controle. Por outro lado, a
atividade da enzima 5'-nucleotidase não foi estatisticamente significativa. Os resultados para os RIPA foram significativamente reduzidos em pacientes com DvW
comparado com o controle. A freqüência alélica encontrada entre os pacientes com DvW foi de 78,57% para o alelo 807C e de 21,43% para o alelo 807T. Nossos resultados indicam que a redução da atividade da NTPDase e da E-NPP em
plaquetas pode estar relacionada à baixa adesividade das plaquetas em pacientes com DvW. A freqüência alélica 807C predominante sugere, de acordo com outros estudos, que este polimorfismo é fator característico das manifestações
hemorrágicas em pacientes portadores da DvW.
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