Spelling suggestions: "subject:"andcustomers"" "subject:"forcustomers""
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Aplikace fuzzy logiky pro hodnocení kvality zákazníků / The Application of Fuzzy Logic for Evaluation of Quality of CustomersŠulc, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the application of fuzzy logic for evaluating the quality of customers in company PPL CZ s.r.o. For evaluation was used Microsoft Excel and MathWorks MATLAB. There are going to be created models using fuzzy logic. The introductory part is devoted to the theoretical bases that are necessary to understand the whole issue. The second part includes information about the company and analyzes of the current situation. Finally, the last part presents fuzzy models used to evaluation of existing customers.
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Rozvoj obchodních aktivit cestovní kanceláře PUX TRAVEL / Development of Business Activities of Tour Operator PUX TRAVELBureš, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this master's thesis is to propose a business activities development of tour operator Pux Travel. Master's thesis describes and evaluates current position of the company, analyses the external and internal environment of the company and summarizes the results in the SWOT analysis. Based on the results of the analysis, some business development suggestions have been proposed in order to improve company's competitive ability.
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Návrh na zavedení prodejny s rybářskými potřebami / Proposal for Establishing a Firm with Fishing TackleSlavík, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the business proposal, which we intend to implement from the 2nd quarter of 2018 and which should serve to implement a tackle shop. The work characterizes basic business concepts, makes the analysis of the current situation on the market and of the secured place for the performance of business activities including the proposed modifications of the interior and describes the anticipated costs and benefits of the project. In the last chapter there is a summary timetable for the implementation of the project, so that nothing was forgotten and the shop could be opened.
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Návrh strategie řízení obchodu ve společnosti / Proposal for Business Management Strategy in the CompanyŠalomounová, Andrea January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the proposal of a business management strategy in the company. The thesis consists of a description of HORPO´s business, an analysis of the current state of the retail unit, evaluation of the theoretical bases related to retail activities, and in the last part proposals of concrete solutions including the conditions of implementation and benefits of these proposals.
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A mobile bank application loyalty model : The young bank customer perspectiveNourallah, Mustafa January 2020 (has links)
This thesis investigates young bank customer (YBC) perceptions of loyalty in the context of mobile bank applications (MBAs), including loyalty antecedents and the consequences of loyalty. A first study investigates the relationships between cognitive, affective, and conative antecedents, on one hand, and loyalty, on the other. A second study investigates the relationships between usability, responsiveness and reliability, and customer satisfaction, on one hand, and loyalty, on the other. The thesis employs a theoretical framework describing customer loyalty in the MBA context. An electronic questionnaire was sent to 500 YBCs in the Mid Sweden region (146 completed questionnaires were received), and confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling were employed to test and develop a measurement model from the responses. Synthesizing the results of the studies performed suggests a model of MBA loyalty from the YBC perspective. The model indicates that cognitive and usability antecedents are significantly related to customer satisfaction, which in turn is significantly related to attitudinal and behavioural loyalty. Despite some limitations, the thesis has novel implications for theory and practice regarding YBC perceptions of MBAs. / <p>Vid tidpunkten för framläggningen av avhandlingen var följande delarbeten opublicerade: delarbete 1 (accepterat), delarbete 2 (accepterat).</p><p>At the time of the defence the following papers were unpublished: paper 1 (accepted), paper 2 (accepted).</p>
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Budgivning och lockpriser: En studie om skillnaden mellan utgångspris och slutpris / Biding and price to catch customers: A study about the difference between start price and sale priceDemir, Evelyn January 2016 (has links)
Skillnaden mellan det marknadsförda priset och försäljningspriset är något media under de senaste åren och än idag gärna riktar fokus mot. Fastighetsmäklare påstås använda sig av lockpriser vid marknadsföring av objekt till salu. År 2015 nådde man rekordsiffror för antalet anmälningar till Fastighetsmäklarinspektionen (FMI). Enligt fastighetsmäklarna själva handlar det om att dem gör ett bra arbete. Fastighetsmäklarna kan inte påverka hur den enskilda budgivaren agerar vid en budgivning. I den här studien tittade jag därför på hur budgivningen påverkar skillnaden mellan utgångspris och slutpris. Sex olika kommuner i Stockholm undersöktes, vardera med 156 observationer från år 2011-2015. Med hjälp av multipla regressionsanalyser försökte jag se ett samband mellan prisskillnaden och budgivningen i de olika kommunerna. De faktorer jag valde att titta på inom budgivningen var "kontraktsdatum", "antal bud" och "antal budgivare". Statistik framställdes även för att se den genomsnittliga skillnaden mellan utgångspris och slutpris i respektive kommun. Detta för att kunna diskutera förekomsten av lockpriser. Studien visade att ett svagt samband råder mellan prisskillnaden och valda faktorer. Slutsatsen som drogs var att antal bud och antal budgivare inte på egen hand utgör en anledning till skillnaden mellan utgångspris och slutpris. Dessa faktorer kan istället tillsammans med andra faktorer förklara slutpriset bra. I samtliga kommuner var skillnaden mellan utgångspris och slutpris dessutom för liten för att kunna klassas som lockpris. / The difference between the marketed price and the selling price is something the media has been focusing on during the last few years and the focus is still the same today. Real estate agents are said to use too low prices in order to attract customers when marketing their listings. The amount of reports to FMI (the authority that supervise real estate agents in Sweden) reached record levels during 2015. According to the real estate agents themselves, this is due to the good work they do. The real estate agents cannot influence how the individual bidder will act during bidding. I therefore looked at how bidding affects the difference between the listed price and the selling price in this study. Six different municipalities in Stockholm are examined, each with 156 observations from year 2011-2015. I tried to see the relationship between the difference in price and bidding in each of the municipalities with the help of multiple regression models. The factors I selected within bidding was the "contract date", "amount of bids" and "amount of bidders". Statistics were also generated to see the average difference between the listed price and the selling price in each municipality. This was done to discuss the occurrences of too low prices. The study shows a weak relationship between the difference in price and the chosen factors. The conclusion was that the amount of bids and the amount of bidders did not single-handedly cause the difference between the listing price and selling price. These factors could instead, alongside with other factors, account for the selling price. The difference between the listing price and selling price in all of the municipalities was too insignificant to be classified as "price to catch customers".
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Kvalitetssäkring av onboardingprocessen för nya kunder : En kvalitativ fallstudie hos en avdelning på ett företag inom finanssektorn / Quality assurance of the onboarding process for new customers : A qualitative case study at a department of a company in the financial sectorArvidsson, Jenny, Wallbom, Michaela January 2022 (has links)
This study is conducted at a department, hereinafter referred to as Företaget, at a company within the financial sector. Företaget works for corporate customers and offers car administration to customers who own 20 cars or more in their business. The study aims to gain understanding for how their onboardingprocess of new customers works and how the joint customer template, that is used by several work teams, can be improved. The purpose is to provide suggestions for improvement that will assure that the information sharing about the customer in the onboardingprocess becomes clearer, quality assured and shared to a greater extent. The theory that this study is based upon includes offensive quality development, change management, leadership, and culture. The data that this study is built upon has been collected through qualitative methods in the form of interviews, a survey, the conducting of a culture analysis and the provision of internal documents. The gathered data results in a process chart that shows the current workflow, and the finding of the root cause to the experienced problem, which is that there is a lack of clarification of who is in charge of what between the different working teams at Företaget. The result further demonstrates that there is an ambiguity in the division of responsibility, deficiencies in communication, lack of follow up and quality assurance but a good sense of cooperation and a well-being between employees. Common problems that can arise when there is an ambiguity in the division of responsibility and when the definition of work roles is not well anchored, is that the employees do not know what's expected of them which can lead to tasks not being performed. To hopefully improve the experienced problem of the onboarding process, it’s suggested that the process is visualized, a clarification of roles and division of responsibilities is made, increased communication between the teams, insertion of quality assurance and follow-up as well as activities with participation from all teams that could lead to an increase in social identity and the “we” feeling. / Denna studie är utförd på en avdelning, vidare kallat Företaget, på ett företag inom finanssektorn. Företaget verkar för företagskunder och erbjuder biladministration till kunder som innehar 20 eller fler bilar i sin verksamhet. Studien ämnar till att skapa en förståelse för hur introduktionsprocessen för nya kunder, vidare kallat onboardingprocess, ser ut i nuläget, samt hur den gemensamma kundmallen, som används av flertalet av Företagets team, kan förbättras. Detta i syfte att tillhandahålla lösningsförslag för att säkerställa att informationsdelningen om kunden i onboardingprocessen blir tydligare, kvalitetssäkras och delas i högre omfattning. Teorin som studien är baserad på berör bland annat offensiv kvalitetsutveckling, förändringar, ledarskap och kultur. Den data som studien bygger på har samlats in genom kvalitativa metoder i form av intervjuer, enkätundersökning, genomförande av kulturanalys samt tillhandahållandet av interna dokument. Det insamlade materialet resulterar i en processkarta som beskriver det nuvarande arbetsflödet, samt upptäckten av att rotorsaken till den upplevda problematiken ligger i att det saknas ett förtydligande bland de olika teamen på avdelningen om vem som ska göra vad. Vidare påvisar resultatet att det finns en tvetydighet i ansvarsfördelningen, brister i kommunikationen, avsaknad av uppföljning och kvalitetssäkring, men en god känsla för samarbete och en trivsel medarbetarna emellan. Vanliga problem som kan uppkomma när ansvarsfördelningen och definiering av arbetsrollerna inte är väl förankrade är att förväntansbilden på medarbetaren blir svårtolkad, samt att ansvar skjuts ifrån och ärenden faller mellan stolarna. För att förhoppningsvis förbättra den upplevda problematiken föreslås visualisering av processen för medarbetarna, ett tydliggörande av roller och ansvarsfördelning, ökad kommunikation mellan teamen, kvalitetssäkring och uppföljning, samt aktiviteter med deltagande från alla team som skulle kunna leda till en ökning av den sociala identiteten och skapandet av ”vi”-känslan.
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Requirement analysis of international wholesale telecommunications for Carrier Ethernet servicesGarbaruk, Ekaterina January 2012 (has links)
The development of Internet applications, as well as new technologies to provide Internet access to users, has caused a massive increase in the amount of data traffic in networks and the need of cost-efficient solutions for various networks. This motivated the development of such technologies as Internet Protocol (IP) and Ethernet. Ethernet originally aimed to serve the needs of Local Area Networks. The deployment of Ethernet in metropolitan area networks worldwide (also known as Carrier Ethernet) has made it both a competitive and preferable technology in comparison to technologies such as SONET/SDH and wavelength division multiplexing (WDM). This thesis research investigates the requirement of various stakeholders to Carrier Ethernet technology. The following stakeholders were identified during the research: customers, standardization bodies, vendors, and providers. Each stakeholder was closely investigated and its needs, requirements and interconnection with other target groups were analysed and gathered into one communication map called Carrier Ethernet eco-system. Moreover this thesis identifies more specific recommendations to each stakeholder that could improve the development of Carrier Ethernet technology in general and ensure the satisfaction of the customer and leave more space for future innovation. / Internettillämpningars utveckling har framkallat en massiv ökning av datatrafiken i näten och dess krav har drivit fram införande av Internet Protocol (IP) och Ethernet-teknologi i globala nätverk. Ethernets teknologi har ursprungligen utvecklades för Local Area Networks. Ethernets spridning i globala näten (också känd som Carrier Ethernet) har gjort det till en både konkurrenskraftig och eftersökt teknologi i jämförelse med SONET/SDH och Våglängdsmultiplexering (WDM) tekniker. Denna rapport utreder kraven på Carrier Ethernet som kommer från följande intressenter: kunder, standardiseringsorgan, telekommunikations företag, och leverantörer. Detta examensarbete undersöker varje intressent och identifierar vilka funktioner de behöver och hur de är i förbindelse med andra målgrupper. Resultatet av analysen samlades i en karta som kallades Carrier Ethernet ekosystem. Dessutom kommer denna uppsats identifierar mer specifika rekommendationer för varje aktör som kan ge en förbättrad utveckling av Carrier Ethernet-teknik i allmänhet och motivera framtida innovationer i tekniken.
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Clustering Customers from Home Appliance DataPorcu, Simone January 2024 (has links)
In the realm of customer-centric strategies, the study focuses on the critical aspect of customer segmentation in the context of innovative home appliances of Electrolux, the company where this master thesis was performed. This thesis leverages Machine Learning models to analyze washing machine data from the Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) region, aiming to cluster customers and unveil patterns in appliance usage. The importance of tailored marketing strategies is underscored, prompting an investigation into existing solutions for customer segmentation in this specific engineering domain. The study addresses challenges such as developing a robust methodology for clustering and ensuring accurate information extraction. Results demonstrate the efficacy of Machine Learning in customer segmentation, enabling the company to enhance its understanding of customers, implement targeted campaigns, and offer personalized experiences. The successful resolution of this problem opens avenues for broader conclusions, such as gaining insights from worldwide data sets, transcending the previous limitation to the EMEA region. Furthermore, incorporating various timestamps, including periods before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic, enables a more comprehensive understanding of the issue. This approach enhances the applicability and robustness of our findings, offering a nuanced and holistic perspective on the challenges faced in different global contexts and over varying temporal dimensions. / När det gäller kundcentrerade strategier fokuserar studien på den kritiska aspekten av kundsegmentering i samband med innovativa hushållsapparater från Electrolux, företaget där denna masteruppsats utfördes. Den här avhandlingen utnyttjar maskininlärningsmodeller för att analysera tvättmaskinsdata från Europa, Mellanöstern och Afrika (EMEA)-regionen, i syfte att klustera kunder och avslöja mönster för användning av apparater. Vikten av skräddarsydda marknadsföringsstrategier understryks, vilket föranleder en undersökning av befintliga lösningar för kundsegmentering inom denna specifika tekniska domän. Studien tar upp utmaningar som att utveckla en robust metod för klustring och säkerställa korrekt informationsextraktion. Resultaten visar effektiviteten av Machine Learning i kundsegmentering, vilket gör det möjligt för företaget att öka sin förståelse för kunder, implementera riktade kampanjer och erbjuda personliga upplevelser. Den framgångsrika lösningen av detta problem öppnar vägar för bredare slutsatser, som att få insikter från världsomspännande datamängder, som överskrider den tidigare begränsningen till EMEA-regionen. Genom att införliva olika tidsstämplar, inklusive perioder före, under och efter covid-19-pandemin, möjliggörs en mer omfattande förståelse av problemet. Detta tillvägagångssätt förbättrar tillämpbarheten och robustheten av våra resultat, och erbjuder ett nyanserat och holistiskt perspektiv på de utmaningar som ställs inför i olika globala sammanhang och över varierande tidsdimensioner.
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Developing a service quality model for an academic library : a case study of the North-West University - Vaal Triangle Campus LibraryPretorius, Hendrina Francina 03 1900 (has links)
The shifting focus in the role of academic libraries entail a better understanding,
awareness and responsiveness to the needs of the library users. In an
environment of change and an age of accountability academic libraries have to
determine and demonstrate the impact their resources and services are having on
their institutional mission. Service quality is not based exclusively on the
perception of the librarians, but also dependent on the perception of users. Only
customers judge quality; all other judgments are essentially irrelevant" (Zeithaml,
Parasuraman, Berry 1999).
The reason of this study was to assess quality in the library and to determine the
perceptions of the Vaal Triangle Campus Library users as they relate to quality
service and to develop a model to improve service quality. The aim was to
determine library users' minimum expectations for services, their desired level of
service and then to identify the extent of service they currently perceive on three
dimensions of service quality: affect of service, library as place and access to
A triangulation, mixed method research methodology was employed in this study.
Data was collected using focus group as well as individual interviews and the
LibQUAL questionnaire. Purposive sampling was used to determine participants
for the interviews while a total market survey was employed for the questionnaire
Findings indicate that there is a gap between the users' expectations and
perception of service quality. The results indicate that there are variations within
the different user groups regarding the expectations and perceptions of service
quality at the Vaal Triangle Campus library. In view of the findings, the study
concluded by developing a service quality model based on Deming's PDCA cycle,
the ISO model and the Hoshin Kanri process / Information Science / M. Inf.
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