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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Ανάπτυξη μεθοδολογιών για τη μη-γραμμική ανάλυση κατασκευών μεγάλης κλίμακας

Μπέλεσης, Στέφανος 19 May 2011 (has links)
O σχεδιασμός και η ανάπτυξη οικονομικών προϊόντων, με ταυτόχρονη ικανοποίηση των αναγκών για υψηλές επιδόσεις και ασφάλεια αποτελεί μια από τις μεγαλύτερες προκλήσεις για τους ερευνητές μηχανικούς και τη βιομηχανία. Ειδικότερα στους τομείς της κατασκευαστικής βιομηχανίας (αεροναυπηγική, ναυπηγική, αυτοκινητοβιομηχανία, διαστημική) των οποίων τα προϊόντα παράγονται σύμφωνα με τις τεχνολογίες αιχμής, επιζητείται από το μηχανικό να σχεδιάζει νέα προϊόντα με υψηλότερες επιδόσεις, χωρίς να αγνοεί την απαίτηση για μείωση του κόστους και του χρόνου ανάπτυξης αυτών. Η τάση αυτή βρίσκει εφαρμογή κατά κύριο λόγο στην αεροναυπηγική, όπου η μείωση του αξιοσημείωτου κόστους ανάπτυξης νέων αεροσκαφών, χωρίς υποβάθμιση της ασφαλούς και υψηλής ποιότητας τους, αποτελεί βασικό και μόνιμο στόχο. Ο κυριότερος παράγοντας που επιβαρύνει σημαντικά την ανάπτυξη νέων αεροσκαφών, τόσο από πλευράς κόστους, όσο και χρονικά, είναι οι πειραματικές δοκιμές πλήρους κλίμακας η μεγάλης κλίμακας σε συνθήκες λειτουργίας, οι οποίες επηρεάζουν σημαντικά το κόστος και το χρόνο ανάπτυξης. Οι συγκεκριμένες δοκιμές συμπεριλαμβάνονται στη διαδικασία του σχεδιασμού, με σκοπό να επαληθεύσουν τα αποτελέσματα των αντίστοιχων δομικών αναλύσεων. Η σημασία των πειραματικών δοκιμών και συγκεκριμένα εκείνων της πλήρους κλίμακας ενισχύεται από το γεγονός ότι επιβάλλονται κατά την πιστοποίηση από τις αρχές Αδειοδότησης, με δεδομένο ότι οι δομικές αναλύσεις της αντίστοιχης κλίμακας (πολύ μεγάλης η πλήρους) δεν παρέχουν ικανοποιητική αξιοπιστία. Η παραπάνω αδυναμία να εξαχθούν ικανοποιητικά αποτελέσματα από τις δομικές αναλύσεις οφείλεται σε δύο βασικά χαρακτηριστικά της ανάλυσης των κατασκευών μεγάλης κλίμακας. Η πρόβλεψη της αστοχίας στις αεροναυπηγικές και άλλες κατασκευές απαιτεί μη-γραμμική ανάλυση, λόγω αιτιών που σχετίζονται με τη συμπεριφορά υλικού (μη-γραμμική συμπεριφορά λόγω ελαστοπλαστικής συμπεριφοράς μεταλλικών υλικών η λόγω αστοχίας συνθέτων υλικών) ή με τη συμπεριφορά της δομής (γεωμετρική μη-γραμμικότητα, προβλήματα επαφής, κλπ/). Επιπρόσθετα, στις κατασκευές αυτές υπάρχει μεγάλη διαφορά κλίμακας μεταξύ των διαστάσεων της περιοχής έναρξης και αρχικής διάδοσης της τοπικής βλάβης με τις συνολικές διαστάσεις της δομής, οι οποίες σχετίζονται με την τελική αστοχία της κατασκευής. Η προσομοίωση με αριθμητικές μεθόδους, με έμφαση στη μέθοδο των Πεπερασμένων Στοιχείων, της δομικής συμπεριφοράς μεγάλης κλίμακας κατασκευών με τα παραπάνω χαρακτηριστικά, οδηγεί σε αριθμητικά πρότυπα εκατομμυρίων βαθμών ελευθερίας, τα οποία απαιτείται να επιλυθούν με μη-γραμμικές μεθόδους. Ο συνδυασμός του μεγέθους των προτύπων αυτών με το μη-γραμμικό χαρακτήρα τους, καθιστά το πρόβλημα δυσεπίλυτο έως σήμερα με χρήση συμβατικών μεθόδων και ουσιαστικά αποτελεί την αιτία μη-αξιοποίησης των εικονικών δοκιμών (αριθμητικών αναλύσεων), στην ελαχιστοποίηση ή και την ολοκληρωτική αποφυγή των εκτενών και δαπανηρών πειραματικών δοκιμών. Βάσει των ανωτέρω, σκοπός της παρούσας διατριβής είναι η ανάπτυξη νέων, αξιόπιστων και ολοκληρωμένων μεθοδολογιών για τη μη-γραμμική ανάλυση κατασκευών μεγάλης κλίμακας, με κύριο στόχο την ικανοποιητική πρόβλεψη τοπικών φαινομένων που συνδέονται με την έναρξη της βλάβης, αλλά και την ικανότητα να εκτείνονται έως την κατάλληλη κλίμακα (ίσως και την πλήρη), ώστε να καθίσταται δυνατός ο υπολογισμός της δομικής συμπεριφοράς της κατασκευής μέχρι την τελική αστοχία. Στη βάση αυτή, γίνεται ανάπτυξη νέων μεθοδολογιών δομικής μη-γραμμικής ανάλυσης και προτείνονται κατάλληλες τροποποιήσεις σε ήδη καθιερωμένες μεθόδους, με σκοπό την εφαρμογή τους σε κατασκευές μεγάλης κλίμακας. Λόγω των πλεονεκτημάτων που παρέχονται από την ταχεία και συνεχόμενη εξέλιξη των ηλεκτρονικών υπολογιστών (ταχύτητα, μνήμη, λογισμικό) και την ευρεία χρήση εμπορικών πακέτων που βασίζονται στη θεωρία των πινάκων (Πεπερασμένα Στοιχεία, Συνοριακά Στοιχεία, κλπ.), οι παραπάνω μεθοδολογίες χρησιμοποιούνται ευρέως στην πρόβλεψη της δομικής συμπεριφοράς των κατασκευών στη βάση της φιλοσοφίας της ‘εικονικής δοκιμής’. Με δεδομένο ότι οι αριθμητικές μέθοδοι επίλυσης μη-γραμμικών προβλημάτων σε κατασκευές μεγάλης κλίμακας δεν παρέχουν ικανοποιητικά αποτελέσματα, όπως προαναφέρθηκε, στην παρούσα εργασία αναζητήθηκαν εναλλακτικές μεθοδολογίες και τεχνικές, για την προσέγγιση του τεχνολογικού προβλήματος από τη σκοπιά του μηχανικού και προτάθηκαν αξιόπιστες λύσεις με δυνατότητα εφαρμογής σε βιομηχανικό περιβάλλον. Η διαδικασία που ακολουθήθηκε αποτελείται από τέσσερις βασικούς άξονες, την γραμμική αριθμητική ανάλυση των τάσεων ολόκληρης της δομής μεγάλης κλίμακας, τον έλεγχο για πιθανή εμφάνιση τοπικής μη-γραμμικής συμπεριφοράς, την τοπική ανάλυση αστοχίας (μη-γραμμική ανάλυση) και μια σειρά κατάλληλων τεχνικών για τον προσδιορισμό της συνεισφοράς των περιοχών με τοπική μη-γραμμικότητα στη δομική συμπεριφορά ολόκληρης της δομής. Όλα τα βήματα της διαδικασίας πραγματοποιήθηκαν στη βάση της μεθόδου των Πεπερασμένων Στοιχείων. Η γραμμική αριθμητική ανάλυση τάσεων της κατασκευής έγινε με χρήση αριθμητικών προτύπων που προσομοιώνουν ολόκληρη την κατασκευή, χωρισμένων σε τμήματα, ανάλογα με την γεωμετρική επαναληψιμότητα που πιθανώς εμφανίζει η γεωμετρία. Οι τάσεις που υπολογίστηκαν χρησιμοποιήθηκαν στην πρόβλεψη τα εμφάνισης τοπικής μη-γραμμικότητας με τη βοήθεια κατάλληλα ανεπτυγμένων κριτηρίων, ανάλογα με το είδος της μη-γραμμικότητας που μπορεί να εμφανιστεί. Οι περιοχές μη-γραμμικότητας που ανιχνεύονται, ταξινομούνται σε σειρά κρισιμότητας και ανάλογα με το κρίσιμο επίπεδο φορτίου καθεμιάς από αυτές, επεξεργάζονται τοπικά με μη-γραμμικές αναλύσεις για την προσομοίωση της έναρξης και εξέλιξης της τοπικής μη-γραμμικότητας. Για τον υπολογισμό της συνεισφοράς των μη-γραμμικών υποπεριοχών στη δομική συμπεριφορά ολόκληρης της κατασκευής, αναπτύχθηκαν κατάλληλες τεχνικές περιγραφής της τοπικής μη-γραμμικότητας και εισαγωγής τους στα δομικά χαρακτηριστικά του αριθμητικού προτύπου της ολικής κατασκευής. Για την προσομοίωση της εξέλιξης της τοπικής μη-γραμμικότητας, από την πρώτη ανίχνευση μέχρι την τελική εξέλιξη, η διαδικασία εκτελείται βηματικά και επαναληπτικά. Αποδεικνύεται ότι κάτω από συγκεκριμένες παραδοχές, οι μεθοδολογίες για τη δομική μη-γραμμική ανάλυση κατασκευών μεγάλης κλίμακας είναι εφικτό να παρέχουν αξιόπιστα αποτελέσματα αντίστοιχα με εκείνα των πειραματικών δοκιμών πλήρους κλίμακας. Ταυτόχρονα είναι και αποτελεσματικές, δεδομένου ότι έχουν αναπτυχθεί κατάλληλα, ώστε να εστιάζουν τους διαθέσιμους υπολογιστικούς πόρους μόνο στις κρίσιμες περιοχές, μέσω της κατά απαίτησης εφαρμογής τοπικών μη-γραμμικών αναλύσεων. / The design and development of low-cost products, with simultaneous fulfilment of the requirements for higher performance and safety, is one of the biggest challenges for the research engineers and the industry. Especially in the sectors of the structural industry (aeronautics, shipbuilding, automotive, space industry) where the products are being produced according to the latest achievements of the technology, the engineer is obliged to design new products with higher proficiency, without neglecting the need for lower cost and development time. This trend has great application mainly in the aeronautical industry, where the reduction of the remarkable cost for the development of a new aircraft, without downgrading the level of safety and the quality of service comprises the main target of the current research effort. The main factor that weighs down the development of new aircrafts, as far as the cost and the time is concerned, is the required experimental tests of the full / large scale under service loads, which affect significantly the development cost and the time to market. These tests are included in the design process, in order to verify the results of the corresponding structural analyses. The importance of the experimental tests and specifically these of the full scale level is amplified by the fact that they are being imposed during the certification process by the Airworthiness Authorities, since the structural analyses of the corresponding scale (full scale) do not provide adequate results. The above mentioned inability of the structural analyses of providing adequate results is based on two main characteristics of the large scale structures. Firstly, the failure prediction in aeronautical (among others) structures requires non-linear analysis, for reasons related to the material behaviour (non-linear behaviour due to composite material damage, elastoplastic behaviour of metallic materials) and the structural behaviour (geometrical non-linearity, contact problems). Secondly, in these structures there is great difference between the dimensions of the local damage initiation region and the dimensions of the whole structure, with the latter being related with the total collapse. The simulation with numerical methods, especially with the use of Finite Elements, of the structural behaviour of large scale structures with the above characteristics, leads to million DOFs (Degrees Of Freedom), whose solution requires non-linear numerical methods. The combination of the size of these models with their non-linear nature renders the problem non-solvable using conventional methodologies and is in fact the reason for the, up to now, not thoroughly utilization of virtual testing (numerical simulations), that would lead to the minimization of the number or even to the complete avoidance of the extensive and costly experimental tests. Based on the above, main objective of this Thesis is the development of new, reliable and integrated methodologies for the non-linear analysis of large scale structures, targeting mainly in the satisfactory prediction of phenomena related to the initiation of local damage, but also being able to evolute up to the appropriate scale (maybe full scale), in order to account the structural behaviour of the whole structure up to the total collapse. On this basis, innovative methodologies are being developed for the structural non-linear analysis and appropriate modifications are proposed for already well-established techniques, in order to be applied on large scale structures. Due to the advantages offered from the rapid and constant progress of computers (speed, memory, software) and the wide usage of commercial tools that are based on the matrix theory (Finite Elements, Boundary Elements), the above mentioned methodologies were developed based on the philosophy of ‘virtual testing’. Due to the fact that the numerical solution methods for non-linear problems in large scale structures are not able to provide adequate results, as mentioned previously, in the present work alternative methodologies and techniques were investigated, approaching the technological problem from the engineer’s view and reliable solutions applicable to an industrial environment were proposed. The procedure that was followed consists of four basic keystones: the linear numerical stress analysis of the whole structure, the check for possible local non-linear behaviour, the local damage analysis (non-linear analysis) and a series of appropriately configured sub-routines, able to redefine the contribution of the regions exhibiting local damage in the structural behaviour of the whole structure. All the routines of the proposed methodologies were accomplished using the commercial Finite Element code ANSYS. The linear numerical stress analysis of the structure was carried out with the use of numerical models simulating the whole structure, divided into suitable parts, based on the geometrical repeatability. The calculated stresses were utilized for the prediction of the local damage, using properly developed damage criteria, depending on the type of non-linearity. The corresponding regions detected, were classified according to the criticality level (critical load) and were elaborated with local analyses of non-linear nature for the simulation of local damage initiation. For the accumulation of the contribution of the local damage in the structural behaviour of the whole structure, appropriate techniques were developed for the description of the local damage and its incorporation in the structural features of the numerical model of the structure. For the determination of the damage evolution, from the first detection up to the final failure, the procedure was performed in an incremental and iterative way. It was proved, that under specific assumptions, the proposed methodologies simulating the non-linear phenomena of large scale structures are capable of providing accurate results, in accordance with those of the experimental tests of full scale level. Simultaneously, the proposed methodologies become also efficient, providing that they have been developed appropriately, in order to focus the available computer resources on the non-linearly behaving regions by the ‘on demand’ application of the non-linear analyses.

Cálculo no ensino médio: uma proposta para o ensino de derivada na primeira série / Calculus at high school: a proposal for teaching derivatives at the first grade

Leandro Machado Godinho 28 April 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho traz uma proposta de atividades, a serem desenvolvidas em sala de aula, com o objetivo de introduzir o conceito de derivadas para os alunos da primeira série do Ensino Médio. Antes das atividades, estão presentes algumas breves pesquisas. O histórico da presença de tópicos do Cálculo Diferencial e Integral no Ensino Médio no Brasil, assim como a análise de alguns livros didáticos, serve para mostrar como o assunto já foi e está sendo tratado no país. Também são exibidos aspectos sobre o Ensino Médio na Alemanha e nos Estados Unidos, países onde o cálculo está presente na Escola Secundária, embora de formas bastante diferentes. Um capítulo sobre a preparação adequada para as aulas também foi incluído, uma vez que a simples inserção da derivada poderia causar problemas de tempo para o cumprimento do cronograma e não trazer os resultados esperados. São necessários algum grau de adequação dos conteúdos ministrados e de cooperação com professores de Física. As atividades visando o ensino dos conceitos iniciais de derivada são motivadas por um problema físico de movimento. O foco é dado na intuição e na visualização de gráficos, para que haja uma melhor compreensão dos conceitos envolvidos. A utilização de um software de geometria dinâmica é requerida em boa parte do tempo, como importante ferramenta de apoio pedagógico / This paper presents a proposal of activities to be developed in the classroom, with the goal of introducing the concept of derivative for students in the first grade of secondary school. Before the activities, some brief researches are presented. The historical presence of the topics of Differential and Integral Calculus in brazilian High Schools, as well as the analysis of some textbooks, serves to show how it has been and is being treated in the country. Aspects of the High School are also shown in Germany and the United States, countries where the calculus is present in High School, though in quite different ways. A chapter about the proper preparation for these classes was also included, since the simple insertion of the derivative could cause problems for meeting the schedule and could not bring the expected results. Some degree of adequacy of the contents and cooperation with Physics teachers are needed. The activities aiming at teaching the initial concepts of derivatives are motivated by a physical problem of motion. The focus is given on intuition and visualization of graphs, so there is a better understanding of the concepts involved. The use of a dynamic geometry software is required for much of the time, as an important tool for pedagogical support

Design and test of a readout ASIC for a SiPM - based camera : ALPS (ASIC de lecture pour un photodétecteur SiPM) / Conception et test d'un ASIC de lecture pour un photodétecteur SiPM (ALPS)

Mehrez, Fatima 19 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse est la R&D de l’électronique de front-end destinée à la camera de deuxième génération du télescope de grande taille LST de projet CTA, étant basée sur les détecteurs de type SiPM. Cette étude rassemble des équipes du LAPP, de l’université de Padoue, de l’INFN et du MPI de Munich. La première partie de cette thèse porte sur les tests de caractérisations d’une matrice de 16 SiPMs fabriquée par Hamamatsu. Les résultats de ces tests ont souligné les avantages qui pourraient être apportés par l’utilisation de tels détecteurs. Un cahier des charges pour l’électronique a été défini à l’issue de ces tests. Notamment, une nécessité de corriger la dispersion en gain entre les 16 pixels qui a été trouvée d’environ 10%. La seconde partie est la conception d’un circuit intégré (ASIC) qui pourrait lire les signaux des pixels -SiPM avec la moindre perturbation possible de fonctionnement du détecteur. Cet ASIC inclut des fonctions de contrôle (slow control) qui permettent l’ajustement de gain des pixels, l’amélioration de l’uniformité de gain et la possibilité de supprimer les canaux bruyants ou encore même le contournement du processus de contrôle de gain. Ces fonctionnalités peuvent unifier le gain de 16 canaux. Les sorties des 16 canaux seront sommées pour en faire deux signaux seulement à la sortie de l’ASIC. Ces deux signaux, un sur le haut gain et l’autre sur le bas gain seront fournis au système d’acquisition qui suivra l’ASIC. Une fonction de déclenchement génèrera un signal de trigger qui sera ainsi transmis au système d’acquisition. Cet ASIC a été réalisée avec la technologie AMS 0.35um BiCMOS. Les simulations ont montré une gamme dynamique linéairement couverte jusqu’à 2000 photoélectrons et la possibilité de mesurer le photoélectron unique grâce au bon rapport signal sur bruit électronique. Les tests au laboratoire confirment une grande partie de ces résultats. / This thesis is the R&D on front-end electronics for a second generation camera based on the SiPM detectors for the Large Size Telescope (LST) of the CTA project. It is a part of the SiPM collaboration involving the LAPP, the University of Padua, the INFN and the MPI in Munich. The first part of the thesis is the characterization of an array of 16 SiPMs from Hamamatsu. The study proves the advantages of using such detectors in the LST. It defines the specifications of the readout electronics that are the aim of this work. Especially that it should ameliorate the gain dispersion of the 16 pixels that was found of about 10%. The second part is the design of the readout ASIC. The scheme tends to measure the SiPMs’ signals with minimum disturbance of the detector. It integrates slow control facilities that adjust the detector’s gain, minimize the dispersion in gain and provide the possibility of deleting noisy channels or even completely jumping over the control process. These facilities could perfectly get rid of the gain dispersion. Outputs of the 16 pixels will be summed on both high gain and low gain so that only two signals are delivered to the acquisition system that follows. A trigger function will also generate a trigger signal to the acquisition system. The choice was made to realize this ASIC according to the rules of the AMS 0.35um BiCMOS technology. Simulation shows a linearly-covered dynamic range up to 2000 photoelectrons with good signal to noise ratio that allows the measurement of the single photoelectron. Laboratory tests confirm a great part of these results.

Cálculo no ensino médio: uma proposta para o ensino de derivada na primeira série / Calculus at high school: a proposal for teaching derivatives at the first grade

Leandro Machado Godinho 28 April 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho traz uma proposta de atividades, a serem desenvolvidas em sala de aula, com o objetivo de introduzir o conceito de derivadas para os alunos da primeira série do Ensino Médio. Antes das atividades, estão presentes algumas breves pesquisas. O histórico da presença de tópicos do Cálculo Diferencial e Integral no Ensino Médio no Brasil, assim como a análise de alguns livros didáticos, serve para mostrar como o assunto já foi e está sendo tratado no país. Também são exibidos aspectos sobre o Ensino Médio na Alemanha e nos Estados Unidos, países onde o cálculo está presente na Escola Secundária, embora de formas bastante diferentes. Um capítulo sobre a preparação adequada para as aulas também foi incluído, uma vez que a simples inserção da derivada poderia causar problemas de tempo para o cumprimento do cronograma e não trazer os resultados esperados. São necessários algum grau de adequação dos conteúdos ministrados e de cooperação com professores de Física. As atividades visando o ensino dos conceitos iniciais de derivada são motivadas por um problema físico de movimento. O foco é dado na intuição e na visualização de gráficos, para que haja uma melhor compreensão dos conceitos envolvidos. A utilização de um software de geometria dinâmica é requerida em boa parte do tempo, como importante ferramenta de apoio pedagógico / This paper presents a proposal of activities to be developed in the classroom, with the goal of introducing the concept of derivative for students in the first grade of secondary school. Before the activities, some brief researches are presented. The historical presence of the topics of Differential and Integral Calculus in brazilian High Schools, as well as the analysis of some textbooks, serves to show how it has been and is being treated in the country. Aspects of the High School are also shown in Germany and the United States, countries where the calculus is present in High School, though in quite different ways. A chapter about the proper preparation for these classes was also included, since the simple insertion of the derivative could cause problems for meeting the schedule and could not bring the expected results. Some degree of adequacy of the contents and cooperation with Physics teachers are needed. The activities aiming at teaching the initial concepts of derivatives are motivated by a physical problem of motion. The focus is given on intuition and visualization of graphs, so there is a better understanding of the concepts involved. The use of a dynamic geometry software is required for much of the time, as an important tool for pedagogical support

El Niño Southern Oscillation teleconnections and their effects on the Amundsen Sea region

Yiu, Yu Yeung Scott January 2018 (has links)
El Niño Southern Oscillation events have global implications both climatologically and socio-economically. One such climatological teleconnection is manifested in the Amundsen Sea region (ASR). The Amundsen sea low (ASL) is the dominant low pressure system located around the ASR and is important to the climate of Western Antarctica. Therefore, it is important to understand the ASL and any phenomena that may affect it. This thesis focuses on the ENSO--ASR teleconnection under El Niño conditions and the mechanism behind it. The ENSO--ASR teleconnection was explored using the UM version 8.4 (HadGEM3) model. Time--slice experiments with various magnitudes of idealised perpetual ENSO events are imposed. Two sets of `switch on' experiments in which tropical Pacific SSTs were ramped up were also carried out to investigate the transient nature of the teleconnection. The seasonality of the ENSO--ASR teleconnection is known from previous studies to be stronger in winter compared to summer. The mechanism behind the seasonality was explored using the time--slice experiments. The seasonality is found to originate from the seasonal differences in the Southern Hemispheric jets. As the subtropical jet is only present in austral winter, Rossby wave source anomalies can only be generated in the mid--latitudes in winter. Furthermore, the propagation of the Rossby waves is not possible in summer due to the strong polar front jet. The lack of the source and propagation in summer explains the weaker ENSO--ASR teleconnection. A flowchart summarising the mechanism was created and then verified by the transient runs. The linearity of the ENSO--ASR teleconnection within El Niño has not been previously investigated. This is mainly due to insufficient reanalysis data available to overcome the high internal variability in the ASR. In this thesis, the linearity of the teleconnection under El Niño is studied using the time--slice runs. The results indicate linearity (within errorbars) for both the summer and winter seasons up to historically maximum El Niños. However, under extreme El Niños (beyond historic records) in winter, the teleconnection is no longer linear. The UPSCALE dataset was used to investigate the effects of horizontal resolution on the simulation of the ASL climatological state and the ENSO--ASR teleconnection. The UPSCALE dataset consists of ensembles of HadGEM3 simulations at three different horizontal resolutions. The high resolution model was found to better simulate the ASL while the low resolution model was found to better simulate the ENSO--ASR teleconnection.

Radiative Corrections in Curved Spacetime and Physical Implications to the Power Spectrum and Trispectrum for different Inflationary Models

Dresti, Simone 23 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Golanhöjderna, den strategiska betydelsen 1967-1973

Bengtsson, Kristofer January 2009 (has links)
The topic of this essay is the strategic importance of the Golan Heights during the period 1967-1973, specifically targeting the following questions; -          Why were the heights strategically important? -          What are the gains of either of the states in controlling the Golan Heights? A theoretical framework based on Jerker Widén´s and Jan Ångström´s Militärteorins grunder (The fundamentals in Military Theory) and its chapter regarding the strategic context will be used as an analytical framework. The framework has been applied on the specific conditions of the Golan Heights during a given and limited period of time; stretching from 1967 to 1973, however, the study will not deal with the war of attrition in 1970 as the impact on the Golan Heights and the surrounding geographical strategically important area was limited if at all. The two wars waged during this particular time are used in an attempt to give a somewhat objective picture of the strategic importance of the area. The conclusions are that the importance of the Golan heights during the selected period was significant as the Golan Heights provided a “strategic lock” both ways and provides a favourable area to deploy artillery, intelligence and surveillance sensors. / Denna uppsats behandlar främst de grundläggande teorierna kring strategi applicerade på referensobjektet Golanhöjderna under åren 1967-1973. Syftet är att svara på frågorna: Varför var höjderna viktiga ur ett strategiskt perspektiv? Vilka fördelar vinner endera staten på att besitta dem? Tidsrymden har valts med tanke på att det är under denna tid som de häftigaste striderna ägde rum på detta specifika terrängavsnitt. Utnötningskriget 1970 berörs ej då det inte berörde terrängavsnittet. De parter som behandlas är Israel och Syrien då dessa gränsar till varandra runt Golanhöjderna. De bägge parternas planer och mål under stridigheterna kommer att analyseras enligt en deskriptivt-analyserande metod och även till viss del jämföras vad avser deras avsikter och önskade slutläge. Den teoretiska referensramen, vilken skall fungera som ett analysverktyg, består huvudsakligen av sex belysande aspekter som tillsammans kan beskriva den strategiska bilden, hämtade ur Jerker Widéns och Jan Ångströms bok Militärteorins grunder. Utöver dessa sex aspekter kommer även manöverkrig, linjaritet samt rysk krigskonst att beskrivas. Dessa operationaliseras sedan på referensobjektet och leder fram till en diskussion som sedan mynnar ut i ett antal slutsatser. De slutsatser som har dragits är att Golanhöjderna har en strategisk vikt i området 1967-1973 då de fungerade som ett ”strategiskt lås” för bägge sidor samt att höjderna var värdefulla ur underrättelse-/spaningshänseende.

MODELAGEM NUMÉRICA DE VIGAS DE CONCRETO REFORÇADO COM FIBRAS DE AÇO / Numeric modelling of concrete reinforce with steel fiber

SOUZA, Marcel Bruno Silveira e 28 September 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:03:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Marcel Bruno.pdf: 3105575 bytes, checksum: 74afefa960dbfbf05720cec24a294ec9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-09-28 / Neste trabalho são realizadas modelagens numéricas de vigas de concreto armado, reforçadas ou não com fibras metálicas. Este procedimento possibilita a análise de diversas variáveis em uma estrutura, com relativa economia. O objetivo é a determinação da energia de fratura de vigas de concreto armado empregando programas comerciais de elementos finitos. Tem ainda por escopo analisar o modo de fratura II, ocasionado por tensões cisalhantes. Para tanto foi utilizado o programa comercial DIANA. A validação das modelagens é realizada através da comparação dos resultados numéricos obtidos, com valores experimentais da literatura. Esta validação foi inicialmente realizada com vigas e por fim prismas de concreto com e sem a adição de fibras. A não-linearidade física do material foi levada em consideração. Foram utilizadas na modelagem das vigas as teorias de Rankine e Drucker Prager. No caso dos prismas utilizou-se de teorias da mecânica da fratura, onde ao invés de se utilizar as funções de plastificação do material (ou de ruptura dos mesmos), utilizar-se-ão modelos que retratam o surgimento e propagação das trincas. Os resultados obtidos foram satisfatórios fazendo-se uma comparação com os experimentais, porém a energia da fratura utilizada à tração foi tirada do CEB (1.990) para os casos das vigas de Lopes (2005) e a compressão obtida através do gráfico: tensão x deformação. Será ainda enfocado neste trabalho a retro-análise, pela combinação de variações no volume de fibras, procurando obter gráficos que retratem o comportamento tensão x volume de fibras para a resistência do concreto. Nota-se que a utilização de fibras metálicas diminui consideravelmente a armadura longitudinal para combater esforços de flexão. Porém, deve-se proceder outros ensaios de modo a obter o volume de fibra ideal a ser utilizado para diversas resistências do concreto.

O MEC e o MEF aplicados à análise de problemas viscoplásticos em meios anisotrópicos e compostos / The BEM and FEM applied for analysis of viscoplastics problems in the anisotropic and composites medias

Leandro Vanalli 06 August 2004 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho é o desenvolvimento de formulações e de códigos computacionais que possibilitem a análise bidimensional estática de meios contínuos anisotrópicos viscoplásticos reforçados ou não por fibras. Especificamente, as análises numéricas envolvem aplicações dos métodos dos elementos de contorno (MEC) e dos elementos finitos (MEF), comparando-se os resultados obtidos com respostas analíticas e experimentais, disponíveis na literatura, buscando-se assim, subsídios teóricos que permitam o entendimento de problemas mais gerais envolvendo meios anisotrópicos. Para tanto são empregados elementos finitos triangulares com aproximações cúbica e quadrática para os deslocamentos na modelagem dos domínios. Na consideração do reforço com fibras, elementos finitos de barras simples são empregados. A formulação desenvolvida proporciona também a consideração de distribuição randômica das fibras imersas no meio sem qualquer aumento dos graus de liberdade do problema analisado, diferindo-se assim, das formulações conhecidas até o momento. Com o MEC, a análise de plasticidade e viscoplasticidade em meios com anisotropia geral é feita de maneira original no trabalho, destacando-se a consideração de lei de fluxo plástico não-associativa e o tratamento de viscosidade apenas com integrais de contorno, sem a utilização de aproximações de domínio. Uma quantidade significativa de exemplos é apresentada, possibilitando a verificação da eficiência das formulações e dos códigos desenvolvidos / The objective of the present work is the development of formulations and computational codes that enable the static bidimensional analysis of the viscoplastic anisotropic medias reinforced, or not, by fibers. Specifically, the numerical analysis involve applications of the boundary elements method (BEM) and finite elements (FEM), comparing the results obtained with analytical and experimental solutions available in the literature, allowing the understanding of general problems in anisotropic media. Two-dimensional finite elements with cubic and quadrate approximations for the displacements are used to model domains. Reinforcements are modeled by truss finite elements. The developed formulation provides the consideration of random distribution of the fibers, without any additional degree of freedom of the problem. With the BEM, the plasticity and viscoplasticity analysis in general anisotropic medias is originally developed in the present work, emphasizing the consideration of non-associative plastic flow and the treatment of viscosity just with boundary integrals, without domain approximation. Various examples are shown in order to verify the efficiency of the proposed formulation and developed computational codes

Aplicação do acoplamento entre o MEC e o MEF para o estudo da interação dinâmica elastoplástica entre o solo e estruturas / BEM/FEM coupling application to the study of the elastoplastic dynamic interaction between soil and structures

Francisco Patrick Araujo Almeida 24 October 2003 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho é o desenvolvimento de um código computacional que possibilite a análise dinâmica de estruturas tridimensionais em regime elástico-linear acopladas ao solo, tratado como meio infinito elastoplástico. As superestruturas são tratadas por elementos finitos simples de casca e de barra geral, as estruturas de fundações são tratadas por elementos de casca que simulam o contato com o solo, modelando radiers, túneis e reservatórios enterrados. Blocos são modelados por elementos de contorno tridimensionais. O solo é modelado de duas maneiras distintas: na região plastificada emprega-se a solução fundamental de Kelvin (estática) e na região não plastificada (elástica) adota-se a solução fundamental do problema de Stokes. O acoplamento entre os meios é feito aplicando-se a técnica de subregiões. Deve ficar claro que todo procedimento estático equivalente foi implementado. Vários exemplos numéricos são apresentados, onde se percebe a eficiência do código computacional desenvolvido / The objective of the present work is the development of a computational code that makes possible dynamic analyses of three-dimensional structures in elastic-linear behavior coupled to the soil, modeled as elastoplastic infinite medium. Simple finite elements, shell and general bars, are used to model elastic structures. The structures of foundations are modeled by shell’s elements which simulate the contact with the soil, modeling radiers, tunnels and buried reservoirs. Blocks are modeled by three-dimensional boundary elements. The soil is modeled in two different ways: in the plastic region Kelvin’s fundamental solution (static) is used and in the elastic region the fundamental solution of the Stoke’s problem is adopted. The coupling among the media is done applying the sub-region technique. It is important to note that the equivalent static procedure has been implemented. Several numerical examples are presented, demonstrating the efficiency of the developed computational code

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