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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det dubbla uppdraget : Hur samhällskunskapslärare arbetar med normer och mot normbrytande beteende i skolans verksamhet / The twofold purpose : How civics teachers work with norms and against norm-breaking behaviour in school

Larsson, Johan, Sandberg, Marcus January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine civic teacher’s perception of the twofold purpose of the Swedish education system. The duality consists of supplying subject knowledge to the pupils and at the same time mediate norms and values specified in the regulatory documents for Swedish upper secondary school. Furthermore, this study aims to contribute to the already existing body of work detailing how teachers view norm-breaking behavior in education. The study is based on a phenomenographic analysis of semi structured interviews conducted with nine civics teachers in upper secondary school. The study revolves around three fundamental questions: 1) how do teachers view the twofold purpose within the regulatory documents, 2) how do they handle pupils that exhibit norm-breaking behavior and 3) how do teachers contribute to the making of good citizens. The material retrieved from the interviews was arranged using a seven step phenomenographic method which resulted in the creation of three general themes based on the aim of the study. The results show there is a wide range of perceptions among civic teachers on the twofold purpose of the Swedish educational system. No unified view on norm-breaking behavior could be found and neither a unified way of dealing with such. The results show us that teachers use a plethora of ways to deal with normbreaking behavior depending on what type of behavior is at hand. The two overarching ways of viewing the norms and values presented in the regulatory documents was either an integrated part of the educational system or as a strain on the profession. The results present four main methods teachers use to deal with pupils exhibiting a norm-breaking behavior. 1) A method of disarming, 2) A method of conversing, 3) A inquisitive method and 4) a method of delegation. Lastly the results show that the teachers operate on three levels in their work against norm-breaking behavior, 1) On a state level in which they interpret the regulatory documents. 2) On a peer level in which they interact with other teachers and their expectations on one another. 3) On a personal level in which the teacher navigates their own norms and values. No definitive answers could be found in this study, but it can contribute to past and future research to give a wider understanding of how teachers handle students exhibit norm-breaking behavior.

Adolescents at risk of persistent antisocial behaviour and alcohol problems : The role of behaviour, personality and biological factors

Eklund, Jenny M. January 2005 (has links)
<p>Antisocial behaviour and alcohol problems are areas of great concern to society, not only associated with personal and emotional costs for the affected individuals and their victims, but also with major societal financial costs. What makes some individuals more likely than others to develop these kinds of problems? The general aim of this thesis was to explore the role of individual characteristics in the development of antisocial behaviour and alcohol problems. More specifically, the research focused on aspects of hyperactive behaviour, personality traits and biological vulnerability indicators in relation to self-reported norm breaking and violent behaviour, registered general criminality and violent offending in particular, and further, on risky alcohol use and drinking offences. The studies were based on both a prospective longitudinal project in which a group of adolescent male lawbreakers and controls were followed from the 1960s into the 1990s, and on more recently collected data on a representative group of Swedish male and female adolescents.</p><p>The results of the thesis supported that neuropsychological deficits, manifested in attention difficulties, and personality traits reflecting disinhibition and negative emotionality, influence the development of antisocial behaviour and risky alcohol use, which in turn increases the risk of subsequent alcohol problems. The findings indicated, furthermore, that these neuropsychological deficits may be associated with an underlying biological vulnerability to various forms of disinhibitory psychopathology. Although the thesis focuses on individual characteristics, the results also support the view that environmental risk factors such as the influence of family and peers and possible stress experiences, play an important role. It was emphasized that individual characteristics continuously interact with environmental conditions in shaping each individual’s developmental course. Results also revealed that adolescent females displaying violent behaviour and engaging in potentially harmful use of alcohol deviated more in personality traits than did the corresponding group of males. Further knowledge of the development of these problems in females is crucial, since most theories in this area have been developed primarily on male samples.</p>

Adolescents at risk of persistent antisocial behaviour and alcohol problems : The role of behaviour, personality and biological factors

Eklund, Jenny M. January 2005 (has links)
Antisocial behaviour and alcohol problems are areas of great concern to society, not only associated with personal and emotional costs for the affected individuals and their victims, but also with major societal financial costs. What makes some individuals more likely than others to develop these kinds of problems? The general aim of this thesis was to explore the role of individual characteristics in the development of antisocial behaviour and alcohol problems. More specifically, the research focused on aspects of hyperactive behaviour, personality traits and biological vulnerability indicators in relation to self-reported norm breaking and violent behaviour, registered general criminality and violent offending in particular, and further, on risky alcohol use and drinking offences. The studies were based on both a prospective longitudinal project in which a group of adolescent male lawbreakers and controls were followed from the 1960s into the 1990s, and on more recently collected data on a representative group of Swedish male and female adolescents. The results of the thesis supported that neuropsychological deficits, manifested in attention difficulties, and personality traits reflecting disinhibition and negative emotionality, influence the development of antisocial behaviour and risky alcohol use, which in turn increases the risk of subsequent alcohol problems. The findings indicated, furthermore, that these neuropsychological deficits may be associated with an underlying biological vulnerability to various forms of disinhibitory psychopathology. Although the thesis focuses on individual characteristics, the results also support the view that environmental risk factors such as the influence of family and peers and possible stress experiences, play an important role. It was emphasized that individual characteristics continuously interact with environmental conditions in shaping each individual’s developmental course. Results also revealed that adolescent females displaying violent behaviour and engaging in potentially harmful use of alcohol deviated more in personality traits than did the corresponding group of males. Further knowledge of the development of these problems in females is crucial, since most theories in this area have been developed primarily on male samples.

En väg till framgång: det sociala arbetet med normbrytande ungdomar / A pathway to success: Social work practices with norm-breaking youth

Mimic, Alem, Zinatbakhsh, Kimiya January 2024 (has links)
A surge in the debate regarding youth crime has lead to implications of the need to resolve issues with the help of different kinds of youth crime prevention programmes and interventions as well as stricter punishment methods. The aim of this study is to seek a deeper understanding of social workers work with the chosen focus group.The study uses semi-structured interviews where six social workers’ working in different types of crime prevention interventions revolving around youth. With the help of Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory and KASAM the respondents’ answers are analyzed. The results show that the respondents emphasize and value the importance of cooperation, early interventions, resources for staff and long-term relationship-building as core factors for diminishing youth crime. The conclusion also reveals the need for further research and evidence-based approaches that are needed to strengthen the socialworkers, in order to further understand the methods that are being used. Furthermore, there’s alsoa need for evidence that enables more tailored interventions and that’s applicable to today’s issueswith norm-breaking behavior at earlier ages. / En ökning i debatten kring ungdomsbrottslighet har lett till att behovet av att lösa problemen medhjälp av olika typer av brottsförebyggande program och insatser samt striktare straffmetoder har påpekats. Syftet med denna studie är att söka en djupare förståelse för socialarbetares arbete med den valda fokusgruppen. Studien använder semi-strukturerade intervjuer där sex socialarbetaresom arbetar med olika typer av brottsförebyggande insatser riktade mot ungdomar har intervjuats. Med hjälp av Bronfenbrenners ekologiska systemteori och KASAM analyseras respondenternas svar. Resultatet visar att respondenterna betonar och värdesätter vikten av samarbete, tidiga insatser, resurser för personal och långsiktigt relationsbyggande som kärnfaktorer för att minska ungdomsbrottslighet. Slutsatsen avslöjar behov av ytterligare forskning och nya evidensbaserade metoder för att stärka socialarbetarna samt för att ytterligare förstå de metoder som används.Vidare finns det även behov av evidens som möjliggör mer skräddarsydda insatser och som är applicerbar på dagens problematik med normbrytande beteenden i tidigare åldrar.

Evropská unie jako normativní mocnost ve vztahu k Ruské federaci? / The European Union as a normative power in relation to Russian Federation?

Klanicová, Viktória January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to examine the extent to which the European Union can be considered a normative power in relation to the Russian Federation. The European Union has evolved into one of the most important global actors in the international arena and this development has, consequently, sparked series of debates trying to define the role of its actorness in relation to third parties. On one hand, scholars have emphasized the normative and value-driven features of the European Union as a whole, especially in the area of foreign policy cooperation where there exists enhanced emphasis on the importance of values and norms in comparison to other traditional actors in international relations. On the other hand, structural realists provided alternative interest-driven vision under which the member states are expected to follow common approach of the European Union only in cases that do not conflict with their national interests that are claimed to always prevail. These two alternative perspectives to the research have provided thesis with criteria of expected behaviour that the thesis examined on the specific case of the visa policy of the European Union towards Russia. The accuracy of the two theoretical frameworks was analysed by following three criteria - development of the policy over time,...

Social norms and reciprocity

Diekmann, Andreas, Voss, Thomas January 2003 (has links)
In a norm game, under certain conditions, there exist Nash equilibria of mutual cooperation. Experimental work demonstrates that even in one-shot situations the level and proportion of cooperative behavior increases if an punishment option is available to the players of a public goods game. It is therefore important to analyze conditions such that this is consistent with a rational choice approach. The paper is meant as a first step toward this task. The main result will be that nonstandard assumptions about human motivations or preferences can explain norms with sanctions even in one-shot situations. This is shown by an analysis of the norm game with two well-known recent models of fairness from behavioral game theory.:Introduction; Cooperation in a norm game; Non-standard preferences in the one-shot norm game; Conclusions

Les limites contemporaines à la liberté de distribuer les crédits bancaires / The contemporary limits to the freedom of bank credits distribution

Benseghir, Chama 21 December 2017 (has links)
La dernière crise financière et les crises des dettes souveraines successives ont mis en lumière l'enjeu majeur de l’encadrement du marché de la distribution du crédit bancaire. Le principal questionnement aura porté sur la nécessité, sinon l’opportunité, de sacrifier « un peu de liberté » pour un « peu de sécurité » dans le processus de distribution du crédit. À ce titre, deux voies ont fondamentalement cohabité dans la mise en place de limites à la une liberté totale. D’une part, les législateurs et organes réglementaires ont entrepris, du niveau interne au niveau international, en passant par l’incontournable niveau communautaire, d’encadrer les caractéristiques intrinsèques des acteurs du marché du crédit et leur environnement juridique. Cet encadrement a été impulsé par des instances internationales, plus promptes à réagir en cas de crise, mais a été progressivement adapté et intégré dans le droit positif. Cette intégration a justement eu pour effet premier de lui conférer un caractère normatif. Ainsi les dispositions normatives, légales ou réglementaires sont devenues un instrument majeur afin de cantonner les risques individuels et de prévenir le risque systémique. À ce titre, la norme, au sens extensif, est intervenue chaque fois qu’un risque était avéré, ou qu’il était soupçonné. L’écueil presque naturel a été une inflation quasi-exponentielle des normes et une juxtaposition des niveaux de normativité. La prise de conscience de cette situation a mené à faire cohabiter le « droit dur », contraignant et rigide, avec un droit plus souple et plus pragmatique. Dès lors, le droit positif a vu apparaître des obligations dites « professionnelles » qui viennent régir non pas la personne des dispensateurs de crédit, mais bien leur comportement lorsqu’ils établissement une relation contractuelle de crédit. Les obligations professionnelles ne visent pas à répondre à la même finalité que la norme au sens propre, elles ont une vocation d’indication, d’information afin d’établir des standards modulables, pragmatiques et flexible pour les contrats de crédit. Le contrat de crédit se complexifie, ce qui impose l’intervention d’un droit flexible, facilement adaptable, et dont la motivation première n’est pas la contrainte ou la sanction, mais l’accompagnement dans la vie du contrat. L’obligation professionnelle est à envisager comme une « norme de comportement ». Ainsi cette étude tente-t-elle de démontrer comment la dualité d’intervention entre norme prudentielle et obligation professionnelle permet sans aucun doute de préserver l’intégrité du marché de la distribution de crédit mais qu’elle risque également dans certaines situations de remettre en cause ses principes de fonctionnement. / The latest financial crisis and successive sovereign debt crises have highlighted the major challenge of framing the market for the distribution of bank credit. The main question was whether or not it would be appropriate to give up on a bit of freedom for more security in the credit distribution process. In this respect, two paths have basically cohabited in the establishment of limits to total freedom. On the one hand, legislators and regulatory bodies have undertaken, from the internal level to the international level, and also the Community level, to frame the intrinsic characteristics of the players in the credit market and their legal environment. This framework has been driven by international bodies, which are quicker to react in the event of a crisis, but has gradually been adapted and integrated into positive law. This integration has had the primary effect of giving it a normative character. Thus, normative, legal or regulatory provisions have become a major instrument to limit individual risks and prevent systemic risk. As such, the standard, in the broad sense of the term, has been applied whenever a risk has been proven or suspected. The almost natural pitfall has been a near-exponential inflation of standards and a juxtaposition of levels of normativity. Awareness of this situation has led to the coexistence of "hard law", which is both binding and rigid, with a more flexible and pragmatic law. As a result, positive law has seen the emergence of so-called "professional" obligations which govern not the person of the credit grantors, but their behaviour when they establish a contractual credit relationship. The almost natural pitfall has been a near-exponential inflation of norms and a juxtaposition of levels of normativity. The awareness of this situation has led to the coexistence of hard law, binding and rigid, with a more flexible and pragmatic law. Therefore, the positive law has seen the appearance of so-called "professional" obligations, which govern not the person of the credit providers, but their behavior when establishing a contractual credit relationship. Professional obligations are not intended to fulfill the same purpose as the norm in the literal sense, they are intended to provide guidance and information in order to establish flexible, pragmatic and flexible standards for credit agreements. The credit agreement is becoming more complex, requiring the intervention of a flexible and easily adaptable right, the primary motivation of which is not coercion or punishment, but support in the life of the contract. The professional obligation is to be seen as a "standard of behaviour".Thus, this study attempts to demonstrate how the duality of intervention between prudential standard and professional obligation undoubtedly preserves the integrity of the credit distribution market, but that this duality also risks, in certain situations, to call into question its operating principles.

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