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La sensibilité auditive à l'harmonicité, en présence ou en l'absence de déficit cochléaire / Auditory sensitivity to harmonicity, in the presence or absence of cochlear deficitBonnard, Damien 19 May 2016 (has links)
Le système auditif fusionne en un seul percept des sons purs simultanés dont lesfréquences sont harmoniquement liées, même si ces sons purs sont parfaitement résoluspar la cochlée. Cette fusion harmonique contribue à l’analyse des scènes auditives nécessitantla ségrégation de sons complexes harmoniques simultanés. Deux des études décrites iciont eu pour but d'en préciser le mécanisme chez les auditeurs sains. La première a mesuréla discrimination de rapports de fréquences voisins de l’octave (2:1) pour des sons purssimultanés ou consécutifs. Les résultats montrent que l’octave simultanée est reconnuepar un mécanisme insensible à la direction des écarts par rapport à l’octave, alors que teln'est pas le cas pour l'octave séquentielle. Une deuxième étude a exploré cette différenceentre octave simultanée et octave séquentielle par des jugements subjectifs du degré defusion ou de l’affinité perceptive entre sons purs présentés simultanément ouséquentiellement. Les résultats indiquent que fusion harmonique et affinité de hauteurtonale ne sont pas des phénomènes directement liés. La troisième étude a porté sur ladétection d’un changement de rapport de fréquences entre sons purs simultanés chez desauditeurs sains ou porteurs d’une surdité cochléaire légère à moyenne. Cette étude révèleque la sensibilité à l’harmonicité est un phénomène robuste, parfois altéré chez les sujetssourds mais résistant à une forte dégradation de la discrimination fréquentielle. Il apparaîtcependant que la détection d’inharmonicité, asymétrique chez les auditeurs sains, devientsymétrique en présence de lésions cochléaires, ce qui semble indiquer que le mécanismeutilisé est différent dans ce cas. / The auditory system fuses into one percept simultaneous pure tones whose frequenciesare harmonically related, even if these pure tones are perfectly resolved by the cochlea.This harmonic fusion contributes to auditory scene analysis requiring segregation ofsimultaneous harmonic complex tones. Two studies reported here aimed to clarify itsmechanism in normal-hearing listeners. The first study measured the discrimination offrequency ratios close to the octave (2:1) for simultaneous or consecutive pure tones. Theresults show that the simultaneous octave is recognized by a mechanism which isinsensitive to the direction of deviations from the octave, whereas this is not the case forthe sequential octave. A second study explored this difference between the simultaneousand sequential octaves by means of subjective judgments on the degree of fusion or theperceptual affinity between pure tones presented simultaneously or sequentially. Theresults indicate that harmonic fusion and pitch affinity are not directly related phenomena.The third study measured the detection of a change in frequency ratio for simultaneouspure tones in listeners with normal hearing or mild to moderate cochlear hearing loss.The results indicate that sensitivity to harmonicity is a robust phenomenon, sometimesaltered by cochlear lesions but resistant to severe deficits in frequency discrimination.However, while inharmonicity detection is asymmetric in normal-hearing listeners, itbecomes symmetric in the presence of cochlear hearing loss, suggesting that theunderlying mechanism is different in the latter case.
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VITA 49 Radio DF : Using coherent digital receiver set with VC++ and OctavePerup, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
The objective of this thesis was to evaluate radio receivers that had been previously acquired for other tasks by the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration, for additional service in a radio direction finding (DF) system. The antenna, calibration signal generator and DF algorithm were provided. As the receivers used the VITA 49 frame format, much of the work involved the interpretation of the frame structure and contents. The other main challenges were to put the receivers into the correct internal state, to compensate the analogue phase errors due to cabling, and to correlate the digital frames according to the time stamps. The work was performed partly as a literature study and, during implementation, by using an investigative trial and-error method. Collection of reference signals, for later offline analysis, was made at the Swedish Defence Research Agency. The findings of the evaluation was that the receivers were phase coherent and that the VITA 49 frame format was suitable for DF use. An apparently systematic error of unknown origin rendered the DF results inaccurate, even though the precision of the results was high. The automatic gain control (AGC) of the receivers did not perform according to norm. If the systematic error is compensated for, and the AGC problem is eliminated, the receivers will function as a DF system using the manufacturer's instructions, with the provided antenna. The performance of the receivers in this setting was not a primary concern for the thesis, but was deemed to be acceptable. Suggestions for further development include finding the source of the systematic error, an automatic calibration function, a more thorough performance analysis, and code optimizations using multiple threads.
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Cloud risk analysis using OCTAVE Allegro : Identifying and analysing risks of a cloud service / Användning av riskanalysmetoden OCTAVE Allegro på ett teknikföretags molntjänstLaukka, Lucas, Fransson, Carl January 2021 (has links)
Cybersecurity is currently an important and relevant issue, as more and more industries are taking advantage of the accessibility of storing information online. To create a secure system one must know the potential risks and attacks on that system, making risk analysis a very potent tool. In this study, we performed such an analysis using the risk analysis method OCTAVE Allegro on a company providing a cloud-based service to find out what risks a cloud service provider might be exposed to, and the usefulness of said risk analysis method in this circumstance. We found that OCTAVE Allegro is suitable to use on smaller companies and applicable to cloud services, and the most severe risks identified were connected to leakage of client data with a consequence of damaging the company's reputation. Common areas of concern for these risks were third parties hacking the cloud server or other company systems to gain access to sensitive information. Such risks will likely be found at any company providing a cloud service that manages sensitive data, increasing the importance of risk analysis at these companies.
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A presença do moço pobre em \'Le roman d\'un jeune homme pauvre\' de Octave Feuillet e em \'O tronco do ipê\' de José de Alencar / The presence of the poor boy in \'Le roman d\'un jeune pauvre\' by Octave e Feuillet and in \'O tronco do Ipê\' by José de AlencarMaurice, Kouassi Loukou 28 November 2007 (has links)
O presente estudo comparado tenta mostrar os aspectos sociais nas obras de Octave Feuillet (França) e de José de Alencar (Brasil). Tomando o texto como ponto de partida e como meta de investigação, o estudo mostra como a presença do moço pobre em ambos os romances nos ajudar a apreender o movimento histórico e o processo social. O trabalho não mostra só as semelhanças, mas também as diferenças entre Le roman d\'un jeune homme pauvre e O tronco do Ipê. Notamos que a ideologia dos dois escritores se reflete na forma de seus romances. / The present compared study attempts to show the social aspects in the novels of Octave Feuillet and José de Alencar. Taking the text like starting point and mark of investigation, the study shows how the presence of the poor boy in the both novels help us to apprehend the historical movement and the social process. The work not only shows the differences but also the similarities between the two novels. We notice that the ideology of the two writers reflects in the form of his novels.
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Análise de acetona em ar exalado: desenvolvimento de método eletroanalítico e algoritmo para processamento de sinais / Breath acetone analysis: development of electroanalytical method and signal processing algorithmBatista, Guilherme Lopes 06 January 2016 (has links)
Propõe-se método novo e completo para análise de acetona em ar exalado envolvendo coleta com pré-concentração em água, derivatização química e determinação eletroquímica assistida por novo algoritmo de processamento de sinais. Na literatura recente a acetona expirada vem sendo avaliada como biomarcador para monitoramento não invasivo de quadros clínicos como diabetes e insuficiência cardíaca, daí a importância da proposta. Entre as aminas que reagem com acetona para formar iminas eletroativas, estudadas por polarografia em meados do século passado, a glicina apresentou melhor conjunto de características para a definição do método de determinação por voltametria de onda quadrada sem a necessidade de remoção de oxigênio (25 Hz, amplitude de 20 mV, incremento de 5 mV, eletrodo de gota de mercúrio). O meio reacional, composto de glicina (2 mol·L-1) em meio NaOH (1 mol·L-1), serviu também de eletrólito e o pico de redução da imina em -1,57 V vs. Ag|AgCl constituiu o sinal analítico. Para tratamento dos sinais, foi desenvolvido e avaliado um algoritmo inovador baseado em interpolação de linha base por ajuste de curvas de Bézier e ajuste de gaussiana ao pico. Essa combinação permitiu reconhecimento e quantificação de picos relativamente baixos e largos sobre linha com curvatura acentuada e ruído, situação em que métodos convencionais falham e curvas do tipo spline se mostraram menos apropriadas. A implementação do algoritmo (disponível em http://github.com/batistagl/chemapps) foi realizada utilizando programa open source de álgebra matricial integrado diretamente com software de controle do potenciostato. Para demonstrar a generalidade da extensão dos recursos nativos do equipamento mediante integração com programação externa em linguagem Octave (open source), implementou-se a técnica da cronocoulometria tridimensional, com visualização de resultados já tratados em projeções de malha de perspectiva 3D sob qualquer ângulo. A determinação eletroquímica de acetona em fase aquosa, assistida pelo algoritmo baseado em curvas de Bézier, é rápida e automática, tem limite de detecção de 3,5·10-6 mol·L-1 (0,2 mg·L-1) e faixa linear que atende aos requisitos da análise em ar exalado. O acetaldeído, comumente presente em ar exalado, em especial, após consumo de bebidas alcoólicas, dá origem a pico voltamétrico em -1,40 V, contornando interferência que prejudica vários outros métodos publicados na literatura e abrindo possibilidade de determinação simultânea. Resultados obtidos com amostras reais são concordantes com os obtidos por método espectrofotométrico, em uso rotineiro desde o seu aperfeiçoamento na dissertação de mestrado do autor desta tese. Em relação à dissertação, também se otimizou a geometria do dispositivo de coleta, de modo a concentrar a acetona num volume menor de água gelada e prover maior conforto ao paciente. O método completo apresentado, englobando o dispositivo de amostragem aperfeiçoado e o novo e efetivo algoritmo para tratamento automático de sinais voltamétricos, está pronto para ser aplicado. Evolução para um analisador portátil depende de melhorias no limite de detecção e facilidade de obtenção eletrodos sólidos (impressos) com filme de mercúrio, vez que eletrodos de bismuto ou diamante dopado com boro, entre outros, não apresentaram resposta. / A new and complete method for analyzing acetone in exhaled breath is proposed, involving sample collection by preconcentration in water, chemical derivatization and electrochemical determination assisted by a new signal processing algorithm. Breath acetone is under investigation in the medical literature as a biomarker for noninvasive monitoring of clinical conditions such as diabetes and heart failure and better analyzers are demanded. Some amines that react with acetone to form electroactive imines, already studied by polarography in the middle of the last century, were evaluated here as derivatizing agents and glycine presented the best compromise for the definition of a determination method by square wave voltammetry without purging of dissolved oxygen (20 mV pulses at 25 Hz with 5 mV scanning steps, mercury drop electrode). The derivatization medium of glycine (2 mol·L-1) and NaOH (1 mol·L-1) also serves as electrolyte and the imine reduction peak at -1.57 V vs. Ag|AgCl constitutes the analytical signal. For signal processing a novel algorithm based on baseline automatic prediction using Bézier curves was developed in combination with Gaussian peak fitting. This innovative combination enables the recognition and quantification of relatively low and broad peaks on a curved and noisy baseline while standard procedures fail and fitting of splines is less appropriate. The algorithm (available at http://github.com/batistagl/chemapps) was implemented using open source matrix algebra software directly integrated with the potentiostat control software. The generality of this approach to extend the native resources of commercial equipment was evidenced by proceeding the implementation of 3D chronocoulometry with help of the open source Octave language. The processed charge vs. potential vs. time function 3-D surfaces for the forward and backward steps can be observed from any angle on the screen. The fast automatic electrochemical determination of acetone assisted by the Bézier based curve fitting algorithm, with an acetone detection limit of 3.5·10-6 mol·L-1 (0.2 mg·L-1) and a wide linear range is entirely satisfactory for breath analysis. Acetaldehyde, an expected component of breath, especially after ingestion of alcohol, and a common interferent for some other analytical methods, generates a peak at -1.40 V that does not interfere with the acetone determination and that is possibly suitable for simultaneous determination of this analyte. Results obtained with real samples are in agreement with spectrophotometric determinations routinely applied to breath analysis, formerly developed in the master dissertation of the author of this thesis. The geometry of the impinger sampling device was also improved (in comparison with the dissertation) in order to collect the acetone in a smaller volume of cooled water and to allow the patient to breath more freely. The complete method at its current state of development, encompassing the improved sampler and the new effective signal processing algorithm for voltammetric signals is ready for use. Evolution to a portable analyzer can be envisioned if the shortcomings of detection limits of solid (screen-printed) electrode preparation with a mercury film are overcome, once the imine signal was not observed on solid electrodes like bismuth and boron doped diamond.
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Análise de acetona em ar exalado: desenvolvimento de método eletroanalítico e algoritmo para processamento de sinais / Breath acetone analysis: development of electroanalytical method and signal processing algorithmGuilherme Lopes Batista 06 January 2016 (has links)
Propõe-se método novo e completo para análise de acetona em ar exalado envolvendo coleta com pré-concentração em água, derivatização química e determinação eletroquímica assistida por novo algoritmo de processamento de sinais. Na literatura recente a acetona expirada vem sendo avaliada como biomarcador para monitoramento não invasivo de quadros clínicos como diabetes e insuficiência cardíaca, daí a importância da proposta. Entre as aminas que reagem com acetona para formar iminas eletroativas, estudadas por polarografia em meados do século passado, a glicina apresentou melhor conjunto de características para a definição do método de determinação por voltametria de onda quadrada sem a necessidade de remoção de oxigênio (25 Hz, amplitude de 20 mV, incremento de 5 mV, eletrodo de gota de mercúrio). O meio reacional, composto de glicina (2 mol·L-1) em meio NaOH (1 mol·L-1), serviu também de eletrólito e o pico de redução da imina em -1,57 V vs. Ag|AgCl constituiu o sinal analítico. Para tratamento dos sinais, foi desenvolvido e avaliado um algoritmo inovador baseado em interpolação de linha base por ajuste de curvas de Bézier e ajuste de gaussiana ao pico. Essa combinação permitiu reconhecimento e quantificação de picos relativamente baixos e largos sobre linha com curvatura acentuada e ruído, situação em que métodos convencionais falham e curvas do tipo spline se mostraram menos apropriadas. A implementação do algoritmo (disponível em http://github.com/batistagl/chemapps) foi realizada utilizando programa open source de álgebra matricial integrado diretamente com software de controle do potenciostato. Para demonstrar a generalidade da extensão dos recursos nativos do equipamento mediante integração com programação externa em linguagem Octave (open source), implementou-se a técnica da cronocoulometria tridimensional, com visualização de resultados já tratados em projeções de malha de perspectiva 3D sob qualquer ângulo. A determinação eletroquímica de acetona em fase aquosa, assistida pelo algoritmo baseado em curvas de Bézier, é rápida e automática, tem limite de detecção de 3,5·10-6 mol·L-1 (0,2 mg·L-1) e faixa linear que atende aos requisitos da análise em ar exalado. O acetaldeído, comumente presente em ar exalado, em especial, após consumo de bebidas alcoólicas, dá origem a pico voltamétrico em -1,40 V, contornando interferência que prejudica vários outros métodos publicados na literatura e abrindo possibilidade de determinação simultânea. Resultados obtidos com amostras reais são concordantes com os obtidos por método espectrofotométrico, em uso rotineiro desde o seu aperfeiçoamento na dissertação de mestrado do autor desta tese. Em relação à dissertação, também se otimizou a geometria do dispositivo de coleta, de modo a concentrar a acetona num volume menor de água gelada e prover maior conforto ao paciente. O método completo apresentado, englobando o dispositivo de amostragem aperfeiçoado e o novo e efetivo algoritmo para tratamento automático de sinais voltamétricos, está pronto para ser aplicado. Evolução para um analisador portátil depende de melhorias no limite de detecção e facilidade de obtenção eletrodos sólidos (impressos) com filme de mercúrio, vez que eletrodos de bismuto ou diamante dopado com boro, entre outros, não apresentaram resposta. / A new and complete method for analyzing acetone in exhaled breath is proposed, involving sample collection by preconcentration in water, chemical derivatization and electrochemical determination assisted by a new signal processing algorithm. Breath acetone is under investigation in the medical literature as a biomarker for noninvasive monitoring of clinical conditions such as diabetes and heart failure and better analyzers are demanded. Some amines that react with acetone to form electroactive imines, already studied by polarography in the middle of the last century, were evaluated here as derivatizing agents and glycine presented the best compromise for the definition of a determination method by square wave voltammetry without purging of dissolved oxygen (20 mV pulses at 25 Hz with 5 mV scanning steps, mercury drop electrode). The derivatization medium of glycine (2 mol·L-1) and NaOH (1 mol·L-1) also serves as electrolyte and the imine reduction peak at -1.57 V vs. Ag|AgCl constitutes the analytical signal. For signal processing a novel algorithm based on baseline automatic prediction using Bézier curves was developed in combination with Gaussian peak fitting. This innovative combination enables the recognition and quantification of relatively low and broad peaks on a curved and noisy baseline while standard procedures fail and fitting of splines is less appropriate. The algorithm (available at http://github.com/batistagl/chemapps) was implemented using open source matrix algebra software directly integrated with the potentiostat control software. The generality of this approach to extend the native resources of commercial equipment was evidenced by proceeding the implementation of 3D chronocoulometry with help of the open source Octave language. The processed charge vs. potential vs. time function 3-D surfaces for the forward and backward steps can be observed from any angle on the screen. The fast automatic electrochemical determination of acetone assisted by the Bézier based curve fitting algorithm, with an acetone detection limit of 3.5·10-6 mol·L-1 (0.2 mg·L-1) and a wide linear range is entirely satisfactory for breath analysis. Acetaldehyde, an expected component of breath, especially after ingestion of alcohol, and a common interferent for some other analytical methods, generates a peak at -1.40 V that does not interfere with the acetone determination and that is possibly suitable for simultaneous determination of this analyte. Results obtained with real samples are in agreement with spectrophotometric determinations routinely applied to breath analysis, formerly developed in the master dissertation of the author of this thesis. The geometry of the impinger sampling device was also improved (in comparison with the dissertation) in order to collect the acetone in a smaller volume of cooled water and to allow the patient to breath more freely. The complete method at its current state of development, encompassing the improved sampler and the new effective signal processing algorithm for voltammetric signals is ready for use. Evolution to a portable analyzer can be envisioned if the shortcomings of detection limits of solid (screen-printed) electrode preparation with a mercury film are overcome, once the imine signal was not observed on solid electrodes like bismuth and boron doped diamond.
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A presença do moço pobre em \'Le roman d\'un jeune homme pauvre\' de Octave Feuillet e em \'O tronco do ipê\' de José de Alencar / The presence of the poor boy in \'Le roman d\'un jeune pauvre\' by Octave e Feuillet and in \'O tronco do Ipê\' by José de AlencarKouassi Loukou Maurice 28 November 2007 (has links)
O presente estudo comparado tenta mostrar os aspectos sociais nas obras de Octave Feuillet (França) e de José de Alencar (Brasil). Tomando o texto como ponto de partida e como meta de investigação, o estudo mostra como a presença do moço pobre em ambos os romances nos ajudar a apreender o movimento histórico e o processo social. O trabalho não mostra só as semelhanças, mas também as diferenças entre Le roman d\'un jeune homme pauvre e O tronco do Ipê. Notamos que a ideologia dos dois escritores se reflete na forma de seus romances. / The present compared study attempts to show the social aspects in the novels of Octave Feuillet and José de Alencar. Taking the text like starting point and mark of investigation, the study shows how the presence of the poor boy in the both novels help us to apprehend the historical movement and the social process. The work not only shows the differences but also the similarities between the two novels. We notice that the ideology of the two writers reflects in the form of his novels.
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Octave Mirbeau et la «Terreur» anarchisteMoisan, Justin 19 April 2018 (has links)
Ce mémoire présente une analyse du discours médiatique d'Octave Mirbeau à l'époque des attentats anarchistes, en se penchant sur des chroniques publiées entre 1892 et 1894. L'engagement idéologique de Mirbeau, nettement perceptible dans ces articles, est fondé discursivement sur la posture d'un journalisme pamphlétaire. Après avoir relevé et analysé les traits de cette posture, l'étude explore les contraintes de l'actualité sur l'écriture de Mirbeau. Dans son traitement de l'actualité et ses réactions à l'interdiscours médiatique, Mirbeau convoque une série d'éléments de fictionnalisation, qui sont passés en revue et étudiés. Enfin, ce mémoire, s'inscrivant dans une perspective culturelle et littéraire de l'étude des journaux, se penche sur les contours flous de l'imaginaire social de l'anarchisme, tel que le construit Mirbeau.
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Québec et l'église aux États-Unis sous mgr. Briand et mgr. PlessisLaurent, Laval, January 1945 (has links)
Thesis (S.T.D.)--Catholic University of America, 1944. / "Bibliographie": p. [xiv]-xxviii.
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Romanciers cyniques : Octave Mirbeau, Pierre Drieu la Rochelle, Michel Houellebecq / Cynics novelists : Octave Mirbeau, Pierre Drieu la Rochelle, Michel HouellebecqFustin, Ludivine 11 January 2017 (has links)
À travers l’étude des romans de trois écrivains jugés cyniques – au sens antique ou moderne du terme –, il s’agit de chercher à définir un nouveau statut auctorial dans l’histoire du champ littéraire du XIXe au XXIe siècles : celui de romancier cynique. Le fil conducteur de cette recherche procède, avant tout, du rapport fondamental qu’entretient le cynisme avec la vérité. Vérité historique, lorsque ces écrivains envisagent le cynisme (notion qui touche aussi bien à la philosophie, à la psychologie qu’à la morale) comme un matériau romanesque, autrement dit, un thème, un caractère, une attitude à exposer afin de dévoiler au mieux la réalité de leur siècle respectif. Vérité transhistorique, quand ils s’attachent à révéler ce que sont l’homme et le monde. Le cynisme relève alors d’une pratique, celle du dire-vrai, qui favorise le caractère aléthique du texte littéraire et conditionne la teneur du discours véhiculé par le roman : c’est un centre autour duquel gravitent des thèmes, des éléments narratifs et des procédés d’écriture communs aux écrits romanesques de Mirbeau, de Drieu et de Houellebecq, dont les horizons sont pourtant bien distincts. Cette forte implication du cynisme dans l’espace littéraire suppose nécessairement un rapport singulier au réel ; elle exige du romancier qu’il ménage la rencontre du fictif et du vécu, tout en déclenchant un processus de dévoilement, franc et lucide, à l’égard de la littérature elle-même. Le romancier cynique se doit de mettre à nu les faiblesses, les contradictions, voire les travers de la littérature afin d’être au plus près de ce qu’elle est vraiment. / The antique and modern study of the novels by these three cynical writers aims at trying to portray a new authorial status in the history of nineteenth to twenty-first century literature : the status of the cynical novelist. First and foremost, the common thread of this research comes from the essential link between cynicism and truth. On the one hand, truth as historic truth is defined when cynicism (in its philosophical, psychological and ethical terms) is considered by these novelists as a novel material, in other words, a theme, a character, and an attitude, which exposes the reality of their respective century. On the other hand, truth as transhistorical truth is when they endeavour to unveil what mankind and world are. Cynicism comes therefore from the habit of truth-telling, the one that promotes the alethic aspect of the literary text and determines the content of the speech conveyed by the novel. Mirbeau, Drieu and Houellebecq novels have really definite horizons of their owns. But if I consider the common points to these three writers, I can say that this truth-telling process is a centre around which themes, narrative elements and writing processes gravitate. This strong involvement of cynicism in the literary space necessarily implies a singular connection to reality, therefore, it implies for the novelist both to handle carefully this melting of fiction and real-life experiences and to trigger a process of a honest and lucid disclosure towards literature itself. A cynical novelist must expose the weaknesses, the contradictions and even the quirks of literature in order to be as close as possible to what it really is.
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