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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The incidence of dental anomalies in a Qatari population sample

Elsayed, Sabiana January 2021 (has links)
Magister Chirurgiae Dentium (MChD) / There is no data specific to the Qatari population on the incidence of dental anomalies. The aim of this study was to investigate the incidence of dental anomalies in a Qatari population sample of patients between 6 and 65 years of age and to use the record as a key for human identification in forensic odontology.Records of panoramic radiographs of a Qatari population sample of 457 patients, comprised of (227 females; mean age 16.84 and 230 males; mean age 18.55) were examined to identify all dental anomalies. Dental anomalies were investigated in 4 groups, each group including subdivisions with a total of 15 subdivisions.

Determination of the biological sex of juveniles based upon the odontometrics of the primary dentition

McCollough, Kendall 01 May 2012 (has links)
Sex determination in human skeletal remains is difficult under the most ideal circumstances; however, in juvenile skeletal remains it is nearly impossible. Currently no accepted techniques exist to identify the biological sex of the juvenile skeleton, other than, when possible, DNA. Thus, developing an accessible and non-destructive technique would benefit both the field of Forensic Anthropology and Bioarchaeology. The ability to provide a quick and accurate determination of sex would greatly expedite the identification process in any case where juvenile skeletal remains are involved. This project aims to establish an accessible and non-destructive method for determining the sex of juvenile skeletal remains using deciduous (primary/baby) dentition. This research is focused on the deciduous dentition as they form early during growth and development, and previous research has demonstrated that secondary (adult) dentition exhibit sexual dimorphism. Samples of known sex individuals (n= 12: 7 female, 5 male, 45 total teeth) have been collected by donation. Using a novel approach, physical and radiograph, measurements of overall tooth and internal structure dimensions were completed on all samples. Comparative statistical analyses are used to determine if significant sexual dimorphism exists. Results indicate that marked (4-10%) sexual dimorphism does exist in the overall size of deciduous dentition; however, it cannot be assumed that males are larger in all tooth structures. Results suggest that while males do have larger central incisors and canines, their lateral incisors have smaller measurements than females. The variance in tooth structure dimensions will allow the creation of methodology to determine the sex when the majority of dentition is present.

Tandhygienister och cariologi – ett mångfacetterat samspel för den nyexaminerade

Nilsson, Sebastian, Wallin, Markus January 2020 (has links)
Syfte: Att undersöka tandhygienisters ställningstagande till cariologiska problem i sin yrkesroll efter sin utbildning, samt att utforska deras upplevelser av sin cariologiska utbildning. Material och metod: Semistrukturerade djupintervjuer med tandhygienister utfördes. Ett strategiskt urval gjordes av fem informanter som varit yrkesverksamma i mellan sex månader och fem år och med erfarenhet av kariesbehandling på barn och vuxna. Intervjuerna spelades in digitalt, transkriberades ordagrant och analyserades slutligen enligt kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Informanterna uppmanades berätta om ett enkelt samt ett komplicerat fall avseende cariologi. Utöver detta uppgav de om vad de ansåg vara bra och vad som saknades inom utbildningen avseende cariologi.Resultat: I resultatet åskådliggjordes temat med potential för utveckling i ett mångfacetterat samspel med grund i två kategorier: Utbildning, kompetens och erfarenhet – ett samspel med tillhörande subkategorier examen – en ofullständig startpunkt, utveckling – etapper med harmonisk dissonans, kompetens samt; Kliniska omständigheter och sammanhang – ett samspel, med subkategorierna det motsägelsefulla enkla, det motsägelsefulla svåra.Slutsats: Informanterna uttryckte att de inte var tillräckligt förberedda inför kliniska cariologiska situationer under första året som legitimerad tandhygienist. Olika faktorer påverkade tandhygienisten i dennes yrkesroll, och vad man tolkade som lätt och svårt i behandlingssituationen avseende cariologi var motsägelsefullt. Problematiken var mångfacetterad vari olika faktorer samspelade samt var beroende av sin kontext. Erfarenhet och handledning var en förutsättning för utveckling som yrkesverksam. / Aim: To investigate the standpoint of dental hygienists regarding cariology problems in their profession after graduation. Moreover the research seeks to explore their thoughts on their education concerning cariology.Materials and methods: In-depth-semi-structured interviews were conducted with dental hygienists. A strategical selection was made where five informants, all having worked for six months to five years, and with experience in treatment of caries on children and adults. The interviews were recorded digitally and transcribed word for word. The gathered data was analysed by qualitative content analysis. The informants were encouraged to illustrate a simple- and a complex cariology case. Furthermore, were they encouraged to discuss what they perceived to be positive, respectively what was missing from their cariology education. Results: The results illustrate the theme with potential for development in a complex synergy, which is based on two categories: education, competence and experience – a synergy, with the subcategories graduation – an incomplete starting point, development – steps of harmonious dissonance, competence, and; clinical circumstances and context – a synergy, with the subcategories the contradictory simple, the contradictory difficult.Conclusion: The informants were not prepared for the clinical cariology situations during parts of the first year in their profession. Several factors influenced the dental hygienist in the profession, and what was interpreted as simple respectively difficult in the cariology treatment situation was contradictory. The problem was complex with several factors interacting and dependent on their context. Experience and tutorial were necessary for personal development in the professional role.

Vet personer som besöker en folktandvårdsklinik vad en tandhygienist gör? : – en kvantitativ studie / Do people who visit a public dental clinic know what a dental hygienist does? : - a quantitative study

Persson, Malin, Bölja, Lina January 2010 (has links)
Tandhygienistyrket är ett relativt nytt yrke. I Sverige har yrket funnits i cirka 40 år och har under denna tid genomgått stora förändringar. Tandhygienister behandlade från början enbart patienter som remitterades av tandläkare. Dessa faktorer kan ha bidragit till att personer som besöker tandvården idag inte alltid känner till vad en tandhygienist gör. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om personer som besöker en folktandvårdsklinik vet vad en tandhygienist gör. En studie med empirisk och kvantitativ design genomfördes med användning av enkäter, bestående av 22 frågor med fasta svarsalternativ. Sammanlagt besvarades 150 väntrumsenkäter av personer som besökte tre folktandvårdskliniker i Landstinget Blekinge. Urvalet var konsekutivt, författarna till studien tillfrågade personligen personer, 16 år och uppåt, i den ordning de anlände till väntrummen om de ville delta i studien. Merparten av respondenterna kände till att en tandhygienist självständigt genomför undersökningar, informerar samt arbetar förebyggande. Respondenterna var tveksamt inställda till om tandhygienister fick ställa diagnos på och behandla tandlossningssjukdom. Slutsatsen av studien är att en majoritet av de människor som besöker en Folktandvårdsklinik inte till fullo vet vad en tandhygienist gör. / Dental hygienist is a relatively new profession and the profession has existed in Sweden for about 40 years. During this time it has gone through major changes. In the beginning, dental hygienists only treated people who were referred by a dentist. These factors may have resulted in that visitors to public dental clinics not always knowing what a dental hygienist does. The aim of this study was to investigate if people who visited public dental clinics know what a dental hygienist does. An empirical study was carried out using a questionnaire containing 22 multiple-choice questions. In total 150 questionnaires were answered by visitors to three public dental clinics within Blekinge county. The sample method used was consecutive. The authors asked people 16 years and older, in the order in which they arrived at the clinic, if they would participate in the study. The majority of the participants were aware that dental hygienists carry out examinations independently, inform and work preventively. The participants were unclear that dental hygienists could diagnose and treat periodontal disease. The conclusion of the study is that visitors to public dental clinics do not know entirely what a dental hygienist does.

\"A contribuição da odontologia do trabalho no programa de saúde ocupacional: verificando as condições de saúde bucal de trabalhadores de uma agroindústria do sul do Brasil\" / The contribution of odontology at work for the occupational health program : verifying the buccal health condition of a Brazilian southern agroindustry

Tauchen, Ana Luiza de Oliveira 11 October 2006 (has links)
A evolução histórica do homem no trabalho demonstra através das condições de trabalho oferecidas, que estas interferem na qualidade de saúde bucal dos trabalhadores, podendo desencadear alterações na mucosa bucal, traumas e outros agravos. O presente estudo destacou principalmente uma visão mais detalhada desta evolução, atuação e conceito da Odontologia em Saúde do Trabalhador, permitindo a delimitação desta nova área de atuação do Cirurgião Dentista. O enfoque principal foi verificar as condições de saúde bucal de trabalhadores de uma Agroindústria do Sul do Brasil, onde os resultados deste estudo epidemiológico por amostragem indicaram um perfil onde maior parte dos examinados era do gênero feminino (58,82%), com grau de escolaridade (52,94%) e renda (R$ 382,06) baixa, com idade média de 28,3 anos, com tempo de empresa de 44,8 meses. Em relação ao nível de satisfação bucal 51,63% classificaram como regular, sendo que a média de última visita ao dentista foi de 25,51 meses alegando falta de tempo e oportunidade apesar da grande maioria ter relatado que já trabalhou com dor de dente (59,47%) e até mesmo fazendo uso de auto medicação para aliviar sintomas. O CPO-D encontrado foi 16,54, com média de 6,00 para o componente de dentes perdidos enfatizando grande necessidade de instalação de prótese (57,52%) para o maxilar superior e (64,05%) para inferior. Notou-se ainda grande necessidade de atenção à saúde periodontal, (79,82%) apresentava cálculos dentais favorecendo presença de gengivites (61,44%) e alta prevalência de disfunções ortodônticas (66,01%) com desalinhamento dental severo, podendo ser um dos desencadeadores de expressivo número de indivíduos com sintomatologia dolorosa de ATM (31,42%). Enfim, através deste levantamento epidemiológico, poder demonstrar a indispensável contribuição do Cirurgião Dentista especialista em Odontologia do Trabalho ao estar inserido no programa de saúde ocupacional de uma empresa, podendo realizar exames odontológicos específicos, no intuito de levantar dados que sinalizem uma atuação mais efetiva por parte da empresa na busca de uma saúde bucal e geral, resultando em melhoria na qualidade de vida dos trabalhadores e conseqüentemente num desenvolvimento produtivo mais eficiente, minimizando os riscos de complicações e acidentes de trabalho. / Men?s historical evolution at work shows, through the provided work conditions, that they interfere with quality of buccal health of the workers and may unchain alterations in the buccal mucosa, traumas and other problems. The present study has mainly highlighted a more detailed view of this evolution, work field and concept of the Worker Health Odontology and thus allowing the delimitation of this new work field for the Surgeon Dentist. The major focus was to verify the conditions of buccal health of the workers of a Brazilian southern Agroindustry, where the results of this epidemiological study by sample showed a profile where most of the examinees were women (58.82%), with education level (52.94%) and low income (R$ 385,06), average age (28) and who had been working for about 44.8 months. In relation to the level of buccal satisfaction, 51.63% classified it as regular, saying that their last visit to the dentist was 25.51 months before, claiming lack of time and opportunity, despite most of them said they had already worked with toothache (59.47%) and sometimes had to auto medicate so as to relieve the symptoms. The CPO-D found was 16.54, with 6.00 for the component of lost teeth, emphasizing great need for the use of prosthesis (57.52%) for the upper teeth and (64.05%) for the lower teeth. It has also been noticed that there is a great need for a better periodontal health care. 79.82% showed dental calculus, which may generate gingivitis (61.44%) and high prevalence of orthodontical dysfunctions (66.01%) with severe dental misalignment and may thus be one of the generators of a great number of individuals with painful sintomatology of TMA (31.42%). At last, through this epidemiological study, we can demonstrate the indispensable contribution of the Surgeon Dentist, specialized in Odontology at work, when they are inserted in the occupational health program of a company, where they can perform specific odontological exams, in order to generate data that may signal a more effective participation by the company, in search of buccal health and thus resulting in an improvement in life quality of the workers and consequently in a more effective productive development, minimizing the complication risks and work accidents.

\"A contribuição da odontologia do trabalho no programa de saúde ocupacional: verificando as condições de saúde bucal de trabalhadores de uma agroindústria do sul do Brasil\" / The contribution of odontology at work for the occupational health program : verifying the buccal health condition of a Brazilian southern agroindustry

Ana Luiza de Oliveira Tauchen 11 October 2006 (has links)
A evolução histórica do homem no trabalho demonstra através das condições de trabalho oferecidas, que estas interferem na qualidade de saúde bucal dos trabalhadores, podendo desencadear alterações na mucosa bucal, traumas e outros agravos. O presente estudo destacou principalmente uma visão mais detalhada desta evolução, atuação e conceito da Odontologia em Saúde do Trabalhador, permitindo a delimitação desta nova área de atuação do Cirurgião Dentista. O enfoque principal foi verificar as condições de saúde bucal de trabalhadores de uma Agroindústria do Sul do Brasil, onde os resultados deste estudo epidemiológico por amostragem indicaram um perfil onde maior parte dos examinados era do gênero feminino (58,82%), com grau de escolaridade (52,94%) e renda (R$ 382,06) baixa, com idade média de 28,3 anos, com tempo de empresa de 44,8 meses. Em relação ao nível de satisfação bucal 51,63% classificaram como regular, sendo que a média de última visita ao dentista foi de 25,51 meses alegando falta de tempo e oportunidade apesar da grande maioria ter relatado que já trabalhou com dor de dente (59,47%) e até mesmo fazendo uso de auto medicação para aliviar sintomas. O CPO-D encontrado foi 16,54, com média de 6,00 para o componente de dentes perdidos enfatizando grande necessidade de instalação de prótese (57,52%) para o maxilar superior e (64,05%) para inferior. Notou-se ainda grande necessidade de atenção à saúde periodontal, (79,82%) apresentava cálculos dentais favorecendo presença de gengivites (61,44%) e alta prevalência de disfunções ortodônticas (66,01%) com desalinhamento dental severo, podendo ser um dos desencadeadores de expressivo número de indivíduos com sintomatologia dolorosa de ATM (31,42%). Enfim, através deste levantamento epidemiológico, poder demonstrar a indispensável contribuição do Cirurgião Dentista especialista em Odontologia do Trabalho ao estar inserido no programa de saúde ocupacional de uma empresa, podendo realizar exames odontológicos específicos, no intuito de levantar dados que sinalizem uma atuação mais efetiva por parte da empresa na busca de uma saúde bucal e geral, resultando em melhoria na qualidade de vida dos trabalhadores e conseqüentemente num desenvolvimento produtivo mais eficiente, minimizando os riscos de complicações e acidentes de trabalho. / Men?s historical evolution at work shows, through the provided work conditions, that they interfere with quality of buccal health of the workers and may unchain alterations in the buccal mucosa, traumas and other problems. The present study has mainly highlighted a more detailed view of this evolution, work field and concept of the Worker Health Odontology and thus allowing the delimitation of this new work field for the Surgeon Dentist. The major focus was to verify the conditions of buccal health of the workers of a Brazilian southern Agroindustry, where the results of this epidemiological study by sample showed a profile where most of the examinees were women (58.82%), with education level (52.94%) and low income (R$ 385,06), average age (28) and who had been working for about 44.8 months. In relation to the level of buccal satisfaction, 51.63% classified it as regular, saying that their last visit to the dentist was 25.51 months before, claiming lack of time and opportunity, despite most of them said they had already worked with toothache (59.47%) and sometimes had to auto medicate so as to relieve the symptoms. The CPO-D found was 16.54, with 6.00 for the component of lost teeth, emphasizing great need for the use of prosthesis (57.52%) for the upper teeth and (64.05%) for the lower teeth. It has also been noticed that there is a great need for a better periodontal health care. 79.82% showed dental calculus, which may generate gingivitis (61.44%) and high prevalence of orthodontical dysfunctions (66.01%) with severe dental misalignment and may thus be one of the generators of a great number of individuals with painful sintomatology of TMA (31.42%). At last, through this epidemiological study, we can demonstrate the indispensable contribution of the Surgeon Dentist, specialized in Odontology at work, when they are inserted in the occupational health program of a company, where they can perform specific odontological exams, in order to generate data that may signal a more effective participation by the company, in search of buccal health and thus resulting in an improvement in life quality of the workers and consequently in a more effective productive development, minimizing the complication risks and work accidents.

Erosionsskador hos barn och ungdomar

Sehovic, Amela, Saado, Mona January 2011 (has links)
Aim: The aim of this study was to examine and explain the various methods available to rate the erosion damage, and on which teeth and tooth surfaces of erosion damage mostly occurs in children and adolescents. Method: A literature review was conducted, based on 15 scientific articles that have been reviewed, evaluated and analyzed. Articles were searched for in the database PubMed. Result: Six of the articles used the TWI (tooth wear index), which is an index to diagnose the tooth wear in the primary and permanent dentition. Eight articles used other indices as they considered that the TWI was not sufficiently developed to register the degree of tooth wear on some teeth. Tooth wear in the primary dentition occurs most often in the canines and incisors. Tooth wear in the permanent dentition was found in the literature to be mostly occurring on the occlusal / incisal surfaces of all teeth and tooth surfaces.Lyssna Conclusion: There is no common index in the articles but many of them use the TWI. It may therefore be beneficial for the future to development a common index that can be useful for all age groups and categories in order to diagnose the tooth wear.

Undersköterskors uppfattning om oral hälsa och munvårdsrutiner på en intensivvårdsavdelning : en kvalitativ studie

Johnsson, Marlen, Martinsson, Nathalie January 2016 (has links)
På en intensivvårdsavdelning vårdas bland annat patienter som är svårt sjuka, har allvarliga skador och kan ha genomgått omfattande operationer. Patienterna är oftast helt beroende av vårdpersonalen och att de sköter deras hygien. Med tanke på att de även kan vara infektionskänsliga är det extra viktigt att dessa patienter får en så individuellt anpassad munvård som möjligt. Studier tyder på bristande kunskaper kring oral hälsa och att munvården inte prioriteras inom vården trots att allvarliga komplikationer kan uppstå. Syftet med denna studie var att belysa undersköterskors uppfattning om oral hälsa och vilka rutiner som finns för munvård på patienter vid en intensivvårdsavdelning. Åtta intervjuer ägde rum som analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet tyder på att munvård prioriteras högt på avdelningen och att undersköterskorna har kunskaper om varför det är viktigt att patienterna har en god munhygien. Det framgick också att munvårdsrutiner finns på avdelningen och tycks utföras till stor del tillfredsställande.

"Metodologias de identificação de marcas de mordidas" / Identification methodologies of bite marks

Marques, Jeidson Antonio Morais 17 May 2004 (has links)
RESUMO As marcas de mordidas têm sido relatadas na literatura como elementos periciais fundamentais para a identificação de agressores, vítimas e criminosos. Assim, o papel da Odontologia Legal é cada vez mais importante. O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar quatro metodologias de levantamento e identificação de marcas de mordidas, além do aprimoramento e aperfeiçoamento das técnicas existentes, analisando as vantagens e desvantagens de cada metodologia aplicada e adequando-as ao tipo de suporte em que a mordida ficou impressa. A amostra foi composta por 50 (cinqüenta) modelos de gesso de alunos da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo mediante consentimento livre e esclarecido. Foram utilizadas quatro gomas de mascar, maçãs e barras de chocolate. Através de sorteio, os alimentos foram mordidos pelos participantes sem conhecimento do pesquisador. A avaliação foi feita por meio da comparação entre as metodologias para estudo de marcas de mordidas humanas. Os resultados mostraram que a técnica mais segura e indicada para esse estudo foi a Análise Métrica. De doze alimentos mordidos, foi possível identificar os autores de dez. Em dois casos não foi possível indicar os principais suspeitos, mas excluir quarenta e cinco em um dos casos, e quarenta e seis no outro. De acordo com os dados obtidos, foram elaboradas propostas de protocolos para a análise de impressões dentárias nos três tipos de suportes. Ficou comprovado que a análise de impressões dentárias em alimentos pode ser utilizada como uma prova pericial a mais, facultando a sua incorporação ao conjunto probatório da investigação criminal, com a possibilidade de conferir um grande poder incriminatório ou excludente / ABSTRACT The bite marks has been described in scientific literature like a fundamentals elements of burglars and victims identification. The Forensic Odontology has shown each more contributions in this area of investigation. The aim of this study was to compare four analysis methodologies of bite marks, moreover improvement of the actual techniques, observing advantages, disadvantages and adapting to each kind of support. The sample was composed by fifty stone models of odontology students from Dental Faculty of University of São Paulo. It was used three kinds of food: four apples, chewing gums and chocolate bars. The foods were bitten for volunteers randomly choose without knows of the scientist. The valuation was made through the comparison of methodologies to collect and study of human dental impressions. The results showed that the more secure and indicated technique for these foods was Metric Analysis. From twelve foodstuffs, it was possible to identify ten of then. Two cases it wasn’t possible indicate the main suspects, but exclude fourty-five in one of the cases and fourty-six in the other. Based on the results, it was proposed a protocol to bite marks analysis for the three foodstuffs. It was proved that the study of bite marks in foods can be used like more one investigation proof, faculting your incorporation in the probatory amount of a criminal investigation, with the possibility of confer a significant incriminatory or excludent power.

Estudo da saúde auditiva em adultos jovens da área odontológica / Hearing health at the dentistry young adults: knowledge and audiological profile

Santos, Cibele Carméllo 31 May 2011 (has links)
Introdução: Profissionais da área odontológica lidam diariamente com instrumentos que emitem ruído, o que pode vir a causar alterações auditivas e efeitos negativos na comunicação e na qualidade de vida desses profissionais. Considerando o fato de que tais ruídos não podem ser eliminados, é importante que a conscientização dos futuros profissionais da odontologia seja iniciada ainda no início do curso universitário, mencionando os riscos a que estarão sendo expostos para que possam controlá-los com prevenção e tratamento, bem como obter informações consistentes a respeito do comportamento dos limiares auditivos dos cirurgiões-dentistas. Objetivo: Investigar o conhecimento de alunos do curso de graduação em Odontologia sobre saúde auditiva e caracterizar o perfil audiológico e os hábitos auditivos dos participantes da pesquisa. Metodologia: Após a aprovação do Comitê de Ética sob o processo número 045/2009, o projeto foi realizado em duas etapas. A primeira constituiu-se da aplicação de questionários aos 367 alunos dos cursos de graduação em Odontologia da Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru FOB/USP e USC e da Faculdade de Odontologia de São Paulo FO/USP. Na segunda etapa, 25 alunos do primeiro e quarto anos de graduação das faculdades de Bauru foram convidados a realizar as seguintes avaliações: audiológica convencional, logoaudiometria, imitanciometria e a avaliação complementar (audiometria de altas frequências e emissões otoacústicas transientes e por produto de distorção). Resultados: Na primeira etapa, verificou-se que os alunos desconhecem o risco que o ambiente ocupacional e de lazer proporcionam à saúde auditiva e, desse modo, verificou-se que se faz necessária a conscientização sobre a exposição do ruído e suas consequências a fim de criar um programa de promoção e prevenção principalmente na saúde ocupacional dessa população, considerando que essa problemática interfere na qualidade de vida dos que atuam na profissão odontológica. Na segunda etapa completaram as provas 25 participantes (X= 23 anos). Apesar dos limiares se encontrarem de acordo com a normalidade para a OMS (Organização Mundial de Saúde) e também para a Portaria nº 19 do Ministério do Trabalho, houve uma entalhe na frequência de 6 kHz e 12,5 kHz em ambas as orelhas na audiometria convencional e audiometria tonal de altas frequências. A média mínima encontrada na orelha direita foi de 4,6 dB em 14 kHz e para a orelha esquerda foi de 4 dB em 1 kHz e a média máxima para a orelha direita foi de 12,4 dB em 6 kHz e para a orelha esquerda foi de 14 dB em 6 kHz. Para a logoaudiometria e imitanciometria, 100% dos participantes apresentaram exame de forma compatível com a audiometria convencional. No registro das EOE, pôde-se verificar que quanto maior o limiar de audibilidade nas frequências estudadas mais se evidencia a ausência das EOE-t e EOE-DP para ambas as orelhas, exceto na comparação do limiar de audibilidade em 1 kHz nas EOE-t, provavelmente devido à contaminação pelo ruído de fundo durante o registro das mesmas e na frequência de 3 kHz nas EOE-DP. Conclusão: Os questionários aplicados se mostraram eficientes atingindo o objetivo proposto. Quanto à caracterização do perfil audiológico foi possível concluir que o exame de emissões otoacústicas tanto transientes quanto por produto de distorção se mostraram mais eficientes como um exame complementar para identificar precocemente as alterações auditivas nessa população. / Introduction: Professionals of the dental area handle daily with noisy instruments, what may come to cause audibly alterations and negative effects at the communication and life quality of these professionals. Considering the fact that such noise can not be eliminated, it is important that the awareness of future dental professionals is initiated early on in the university, mentioning the risks to which they are being exposed so that they can control them with prevention and treatment, as well as acquire consistent information about the behavior of the auditory thresholds of surgeon dentists. Objective: To investigate the knowledge about hearing health of students of graduation in odontology, characterize the audiological profile and listening habits of the research participants. Methodology: After approval by the Ethics Committee under case number 045/2009, the project was conducted in two stages. The first consisted of questionnaires to 367 students of undergraduate courses in Odontology from the Faculty of Odontology of Bauru FOB/USP and USC and from Faculty of Odontology of São Paulo FO/USP. In the second stage, 25 students from first and fourth years of undergraduate faculties of Bauru were invited to conduct the following assessments: audiometry, speech audiometry, impedance tests and additional assessment (high frequency audiometry and otoacoustic emissions and distortion product). Results: In the first stage, it was observed that students are unaware of the risk the workplace and the leisure environment provide the hearing health and, thereby, it was verified that awareness is needed about noise exposure and its consequences, in order to create a program of promotion and prevention, especially in occupational health in this population, considering that this problem affects the quality of life of those who work in the dental profession. In the second phase 25 participants completed the tests (X = 23 years). Although the thresholds meet according to normality by the WHO (World Health Organization) and also to Ordinance No. 19 of Ministry of Labor, there was a notch in the frequency of 6 kHz and 12,5 kHz in both ears in conventional audiometry and high frequency audiometry. The average minimum found in the right ear was 4.6 dB at 14 kHz to the left ear was 4 dB at 1 kHz and the average maximum for the right ear was 12.4 dB at 6 kHz and to the left ear was 14 dB at 6 kHz. For speech audiometry and immittance, 100% of the participants presented examination consistent with conventional audiometry. In the record of EOE, it was found that the higher the threshold of audibility frequencies studied, the more evident is the lack of EOE-t and EOE-DP for both ears, except when comparing the hearing threshold at 1 kHz in the EOE-t, probably due to contamination by background noise during the registration thereof and in the frequency of 3 kHz in the EOE-DP. Conclusion: The questionnaires applied proved to be efficient, reaching the objective. As for the characterization of the audiological profile, it was concluded that, the test of both transient otoacoustic emissions and distortion product, proved more efficient as a complementary test for early detection of hearing alterations in this population.

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