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"Acidentes com material biológico potencialmente contaminado em alunos de um curso de odontologia do interior do estado do Paraná" / Accidents with potentially biologically contaminated material in students from the course of odontology in the interior of the State of Paraná.Ribeiro, Patricia Helena Vivan 28 March 2005 (has links)
Trata-se de um estudo descritivo exploratório com abordagem de análise quantitativa, cujo objetivo foi estudar a ocorrência de acidentes com material biológico potencialmente contaminado e os fatores de risco envolvidos entre os alunos do Curso de Odontologia do interior do Estado do Paraná, Brasil. Para a coleta de dados, aplicou-se um questionário contendo perguntas abertas e fechadas. Este instrumento foi aplicado aos alunos após a observação dos aspectos ético-legais. Participaram do estudo 172 alunos da 3ª, 4ª e 5ª série do curso. Destes, 122 (70,9%) alegaram ter sofrido exposição acidental com material potencialmente contaminado. A maioria dos alunos que sofreram exposição acidental é do sexo feminino (61,0%) e estão cursando a 5ª série do curso, a idade predominante ficou entre 20 e 26 anos (86,1%). O número de acidentes mencionados pelos 122 alunos totalizou 448. Quanto ao tipo de exposição, a de pele íntegra foi a mais freqüente, seguida da exposição em mucosa e em 3º o acidente percutâneo perfazendo uma média total de 2,6 acidentes por aluno sendo a média de 0,23 para acidentes percutâneos. As topografias mais afetadas nestas exposições foram os olhos, mãos e dedos, enquanto que as brocas e agulha de anestesia foram citadas como os principais objetos causadores destes acidentes. A situação de ocorrência mais encontrada foi o ato de se utilizar normalmente um instrumental e o momento de realizar a limpeza dos instrumentais. Foi nas disciplinas de Clínica Integrada, Periodontia e Dentística que ocorreram a maioria das exposições. Quanto à severidade, 41,8% das exposições foram consideradas superficiais e 22,1% como moderadas. Apenas 10,7% dos alunos que sofreram exposição procuraram atendimento para avaliação e conduta em relação à exposição, 88,6% dos sujeitos receberam as três doses da vacina contra hepatite B. Observou-se ainda que nem sempre os alunos faziam uso dos Equipamentos de Proteção Individual, sendo que o uso dos óculos de proteção e a utilização de luvas de borracha grossa para realizar a limpeza dos materiais foram os mais negligenciados. Este estudo permitiu concluir que o risco de exposição a material biológico é iminente para esta categoria e que é necessário estabelecer estratégias de intervenção urgentes tanto em nível institucional quanto acadêmico a fim de reduzir estes riscos. / This is an exploratory descriptive study with a quantitative analysis approach, which objective was to study the occurrence of accidents with potentially biologically contaminated material and the risk factors involving the students from the Course of Odontology in the interior of the State of Paraná, Brazil. For the data collection, a questionnaire was applied containing open and closed questions. This instrument was applied to the students after the observation of the ethical-legal aspects. One hundred and seventy two students from the 3rd, 4th and 5th years of the course participated in the study. From these students, 122 (70.9%) alleged to have suffered accidental exposition with potentially contaminated material. Most of the students that suffered accidental exposition were female (61.0%) and they were at the 5th year of the course, the predominant age was between 20 and 26 years old (86.1%). The number of accidents mentioned by the 122 students summed 448. The most frequent kind of accident occurrences was the intact skin, followed by the exposition of mucous membrane and the percutaneous accident which made a total average of 2.6 accidents for each student and the average of 0.23 for percutaneous accidents alone. The most affected areas in these expositions were the eyes, hands and fingers, and the drills and the anesthesia needles were mentioned as the main objects that causes these accidents. The most found occurrence situation was the common action of using an instrument and at the moment of cleaning them. It was in the courses of Integrated Clinic, Periodontics and Dentistics that happened most of the expositions. As for the severity of the cases, 41.8% of the expositions were considered superficial and 22.1% were moderate. Only 10.7% of the students exposed to some kind of injury, sought for a service of checking and possible treatment; 88.6% of the persons received the three doses of the hepatitis B vaccine. It was observed though, that students didnt usually make use of the Equipments of Individual Protection. The use of the protection glasses and gloves, made of thick rubber at the time of cleaning the materials were the most neglectful. This study allowed us to conclude that the exposition risk to biological material is imminent for this work category and that it is necessary to establish urgent intervention strategies on an institutional or academic level in order to reduce these risks.
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Patienters upplevelser vid tandhygienistbehandling på Högskolan Kristianstad : En enkätstudie / Patients’ experiences to dental hygienist treatment at Högskolan Kristianstad : A surveyHodzic, Admira, Dizdarevic, Sanja January 2009 (has links)
<p>The aim of the study was to describe how patients experienced communication, treatment and costs at the dental hygienist program at Högskolan Kristianstad. The study was based on a questionnaire that was made at the patient clinic. The questionnaire was conducted by the treating dental hygienist student after the treatment. The questionnaire was answered in the waiting room. Collection of the material occurred during the month of March in 2009. There were totally 111 patients that participated in this study. The results of the study showed that 92.8% of patients thought that the atmosphere at the reception was calm and efficient. More than two thirds of the participating patients (63.1%) felt very safe in the treatment chair. 81.1% of the patients that participated in this study thought that they got very good treatment by the dental hygienist student. The majority of the participated patients (59.5%) also considered the price for the treatment as reasonable. The conclusion of this study is that the majority of the patients have a positive attitude in terms of communication, treatment and price towards the patient clinic at Högskolan Kristianstad.</p>
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Vårdpersonals kunskaper om och attityder till äldres munvårdRoos, Johanna, Printz, Emma January 2008 (has links)
<p>Den äldre populationen tenderar att öka och åldrandet gör att de äldre kan ha särskilda behov när det gäller den orala omvårdnaden. Syftet med studien var att genom en systematisk litteraturstudie dels beskriva vårdpersonals kunskaper och attityder till äldres munvård och dels att beskriva hur dessa kunskaper och attityder påverkas av munvårdsutbildning. Frågeställningar som användes i studien var: Vilka kunskaper och attityder har vårdpersonal avseende munvård av äldre personer som är i behov av omsorg? Hur påverkas vårdpersonal av munvårdsutbildning gällande kunskaper och attityder till munvård hos äldre personer som är i behov av omsorg? Resultaten tyder på att kunskaper gällande oral hälsa är bristfällig hos vårdpersonal men samtidigt visar studien att flertalet vårdpersonal ansåg att det finns ett samband mellan oral hälsa och allmänhälsa. Resultaten visar även att munvård ofta ges låg prioritet när det kommer till omhändertagande av äldre och tidsbrist ansågs vara en bidragande faktor till detta. Studien åskådliggör vikten av munvårdsutbildning eftersom sådan både kan leda till en positivare attityd och ge en ökad kunskap hos vårdpersonalen. Utifrån studiens resultat drogs konklusionen att vårdpersonal ofta har bristande kunskap och negativ attityd i förhållande till oral hälsa och munvård samt att munvårdsutbildning har en positiv effekt på vårdpersonals kunskaper om och attityder till äldres munvård.</p>
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Metoder att behandla vuxnas tandvårdsrädsla : En systematisk litteraturstudie / Methods to treat dental anxiety in adults : A systematic literature studyBoström, Charlotte January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Metoder att behandla vuxnas tandvårdsrädsla : En systematisk litteraturstudie / Methods to treat dental anxiety in adults : A systematic literature studyBoström, Charlotte January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Patienters upplevelser vid tandhygienistbehandling på Högskolan Kristianstad : En enkätstudie / Patients’ experiences to dental hygienist treatment at Högskolan Kristianstad : A surveyHodzic, Admira, Dizdarevic, Sanja January 2009 (has links)
The aim of the study was to describe how patients experienced communication, treatment and costs at the dental hygienist program at Högskolan Kristianstad. The study was based on a questionnaire that was made at the patient clinic. The questionnaire was conducted by the treating dental hygienist student after the treatment. The questionnaire was answered in the waiting room. Collection of the material occurred during the month of March in 2009. There were totally 111 patients that participated in this study. The results of the study showed that 92.8% of patients thought that the atmosphere at the reception was calm and efficient. More than two thirds of the participating patients (63.1%) felt very safe in the treatment chair. 81.1% of the patients that participated in this study thought that they got very good treatment by the dental hygienist student. The majority of the participated patients (59.5%) also considered the price for the treatment as reasonable. The conclusion of this study is that the majority of the patients have a positive attitude in terms of communication, treatment and price towards the patient clinic at Högskolan Kristianstad.
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Vårdpersonals kunskaper om och attityder till äldres munvårdRoos, Johanna, Printz, Emma January 2008 (has links)
Den äldre populationen tenderar att öka och åldrandet gör att de äldre kan ha särskilda behov när det gäller den orala omvårdnaden. Syftet med studien var att genom en systematisk litteraturstudie dels beskriva vårdpersonals kunskaper och attityder till äldres munvård och dels att beskriva hur dessa kunskaper och attityder påverkas av munvårdsutbildning. Frågeställningar som användes i studien var: Vilka kunskaper och attityder har vårdpersonal avseende munvård av äldre personer som är i behov av omsorg? Hur påverkas vårdpersonal av munvårdsutbildning gällande kunskaper och attityder till munvård hos äldre personer som är i behov av omsorg? Resultaten tyder på att kunskaper gällande oral hälsa är bristfällig hos vårdpersonal men samtidigt visar studien att flertalet vårdpersonal ansåg att det finns ett samband mellan oral hälsa och allmänhälsa. Resultaten visar även att munvård ofta ges låg prioritet när det kommer till omhändertagande av äldre och tidsbrist ansågs vara en bidragande faktor till detta. Studien åskådliggör vikten av munvårdsutbildning eftersom sådan både kan leda till en positivare attityd och ge en ökad kunskap hos vårdpersonalen. Utifrån studiens resultat drogs konklusionen att vårdpersonal ofta har bristande kunskap och negativ attityd i förhållande till oral hälsa och munvård samt att munvårdsutbildning har en positiv effekt på vårdpersonals kunskaper om och attityder till äldres munvård.
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Vem ska laga dina tänder?Nilsson, Erika January 2006 (has links)
Polska tandläkare i Sverige och svenska tandläkare i England. Gränserna i Europa öppnas alltmer. I den här artikelserien om framtidens tandvård berättar en polsk tandläkare om sin flytt till Sverige. Du möter en tandläkarstudent som blivit av med sin tandläkarskräck och en klinikchef som inte tycker att han är särskilt bra. Vi börjar på lågpriskliniken City Dental, som satt igång debatten.
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Sweet JusticeVice President Research, Office of the 11 1900 (has links)
CSI at UBC: How David Sweet is using dental forensics to pit modern science against criminals.
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Vaikų, sergančių 1 tipo cukriniu diabetu, dantų ėduonies aktyvumo bei intensyvumo pokyčiai ir juos įtakojančių veiksnių analizė / Dental caries and its association with selected caries determinants in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus: a longitudinal studySiudikienė, Jolanta 20 January 2006 (has links)
Type 1 (insulin dependent) diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is the most common of the endocrine-metabolic syndrome of childhood and adolescence, characterized by hyperglycemia as a cardinal biochemical feature, with important consequences for physical and emotional development (Alemzadeh R. and Wyatt D.T., 2004). The incidence of childhood T1DM is rising in many countries of the world (Rewers M. et al., 1988, Karvonen M. et al., 1993, Soltèsz G.et al., 2003). In Lithuania, a significant increase over the last 20 years was found in the 10 – 14 year age group (Urbonaitė B. et al., 2002, Pundziūtė-Lyckå A. et al., 2004).
Patients with T1DM are characterized by decreased salivary flow and lower buffer effect (P.A. Moore et al., 2001, A.D. Mata et al., 2004, G. Aren et al., 2003), salivary gland pathology (I.D. Mandel, 1980, S.B. Russotto, 1981), increased glucose concentration in the saliva (R. Harrisson and W.H. Bowen 1987, M.A. Belazi et al., 1998), periodontal diseases (L. Sandholm et al. 1989, V. de Pommereau et al. 1992), and oral yeasts (G. A. Bartholomew et al, 1987; P.J. Lamey et al., 1988). However, scientific data about the relationship between T1DM and oral health are contradictory. It has been suggested that hyperglycemia is associated with decreased salivary secretion and high salivary glucose levels, particularly in cases of severe insulin deficiency.
However, no clear evidence has been found for a possible association between dental caries and diabetes... [to full text]
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