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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ipsative Score Distortion on Affinity 2.0

Brown, Alec J. 28 November 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This study investigated distortion that occurs when raw scores are converted to ipsative scores on Affinity 2.0, a relatively new instrument for assessing sexual interest. Using a sample of 146 non-offending, heterosexual females, this study examined the characteristics of distorted ipsative score profiles and attempted to develop an algorithm to identify such distortions. A method was developed for defining distortion objectively. Of the 146 profiles,125 were found to contain some degree of distortion. Several hypotheses were formulated as to variables that might be related to distortion. These relationships were examined using Pearson Product Moment Correlations. Several statistically significant, but weak, correlations were found. An interaction effect was calculated for four of these variables, and was found to have a moderately strong correlation with distortion (r = .530, p <.01). An algorithm for identifying distortion was developed using this interaction effect. Several cut-off scores were tested. The most effective cut-off only correctly identified 42.9% of the significantly distorted profiles. Implications and limitations of the results are discussed, and directions for future research are provided.

Совершенствование координации деятельности субъектов системы профилактики безнадзорности, правонарушений и защиты прав несовершеннолетних : магистерская диссертация / Improving the coordination of the activities of the subjects of the system for the prevention of neglect, delinquency and protection of the rights of minors

Мороков, И. Р., Morokov, I. R. January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of the research conducted in the thesis is to analyze the improvement of coordination and interaction of subjects in the system of prevention of neglect, delinquency and protection of the rights of minors, as well as the development of methodological recommendations for improving the interagency interaction of bodies and institutions of the system for the prevention of neglect, delinquency and protection of the rights of minors and other bodies and organizations in identifying children and families in socially dangerous situations and requiring special the care of the state. Object of the study: subjects of the system of prevention of neglect, delinquency and protection of the rights of minors, other authorities and organization. The subject of the research: forms and tools used to coordinate the activities of subjects in the system of prevention of neglect, delinquency and protection of the rights of minors. The novelty of the dissertation research is as follows: - application of the structural and functional approach to the analysis of the coordination of the activities of subjects involved in the prevention of neglect, violations of law and protection of the rights of minors; - identification of factors that enhance the effectiveness of the activities of subjects involved in the prevention of neglect, violations of law and protection of the rights of minors. The practical importance of the dissertation research is the development of methodological recommendations for the design and implementation of a personalized program for the rehabilitation of families and children that require special care of the state, on the basis of a combination of typical and individual approaches, coordination of subjects participating in the prevention of neglect. / Целью исследования, проведенного в диссертации, является анализ совершенствования координации и взаимодействия субъектов в системе профилактики безнадзорности, правонарушений и защиты прав несовершеннолетних, а также разработка методических рекомендаций по совершенствованию межведомственного взаимодействия органов и учреждений системы профилактики безнадзорности, правонарушений и защиты прав несовершеннолетних и иных органов и организаций при выявлении детей и семей, находящихся в социально опасном положении и требующими особой заботы государства. Объект исследования: субъекты системы профилактики безнадзорности, правонарушений и защиты прав несовершеннолетних, иные органы и организации. Предмет исследования: формы и инструменты, используемые для координации деятельности субъектов в системе профилактики безнадзорности, правонарушений и защиты прав несовершеннолетних Новизна диссертационного исследования заключается в следующем: - применении структурно-функционального подхода к анализу координации деятельности субъектов, участвующих в профилактике безнадзорности, правонарушений и зашиты прав несовершеннолетних; - выявлении факторов, усиливающих результативность деятельности субъектов, участвующих в профилактике безнадзорности, правонарушений и зашиты прав несовершеннолетних; Практическая значимость диссертационного исследования – это разработка методических рекомендаций по проектированию и реализации персонифицированной программы реабилитации семей и детей, требующих особой заботы государства, на основе сочетание типового и индивидуального подходов, координации субъектов - участников профилактики безнадзорности.

Dryckenskap och nykterhetsarbete i Karlstad 1927–1932 : En studie i nykterhetsnämndens verksamhet / Alcohol Consumption and Temperance Work in Karlstad 1927–1932 : A study in the activities of the temperance board

Andersson, Jonathan January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to investigate the work of the temperance board in Karlstad during the interwar period and the crisis years when the economic depression affected Sweden, specifically around the year 1930. The focus was on the years 1927–1932, aiming to demonstrate a change in temperance efforts in the city of Karlstad. The study is qualitative with quantitative elements, and data were collected in numerical form to present the statistical findings. The examination involved a careful review of the minutes of the Karlstad City Council found in the annual report of the temperance board. Content analysis was employed to process the material, and the study aimed to answer the following questions: How did public sobriety vary in Karlstad from 1927 to 1932, and to what extent did documented alcohol offenses occur among individuals under 25 during the study period? The source material was analyzed using Anthony Giddens' structuration theory, based on the perspective of change presented by Helena Eriksson in her thesis "Population, Society, and Change." In the analysis section of this study, it is evident how alcohol-related offenses changed, with a noticeable shift from 1927 to 1932, showing a clear decrease in the number of arrests for such offenses during these years. It is also observed that the number of cases processed by the temperance board significantly decreased in 1930, 1931, and 1932. This, in turn, contributed to a noticeable decrease in individuals under 25 years old being apprehended for drunkenness. / Studiens syfte var att undersöka nykterhetsnämndens arbete i Karlstad vid mellankrigstiden och krisåren då den ekonomiska depressionen drabbade Sverige. Närmare bestämt åren omkring 1930. Fokuset låg därför på åren 1927–1932, detta för att kunna påvisa att en förändring skett i nykterhetsarbetet i Karlstads stad. Studien är kvalitativ med kvantitativa inslag och därför samlades data in i numerisk form för att sedan presentera det statistiska som framkommit. Undersökningen bygger på att noggrant granska Karlstads stadsfullmäktiges protokoll som återfinns i nykterhetsnämndens årsredovisning. En innehållsanalys användes för att behandla materialet och de frågeställningar som studien skulle besvara var följande: Hur varierade folknykterheten i Karlstad 1927–1932 samt vilken omfattning hade den dokumenterade dryckenskapen bland individer under 25 år under undersökningsperioden? Källmaterialet har analyserats med hjälp Anthony Giddens struktureringsteori utifrån det förändringsperspektiv som presenterades av Helena Eriksson i hennes avhandling Befolkning, samhälle och förändring.   I analysdelen av denna studie framgår det hur fylleriförseelserna förändras och att en märkbar förändring skett från 1927 och fram till 1932 och att man tydligt kan se en minskning på antalet anhållna för fylleriförseelser mellan nämnda år. Man ser också att antalet ärenden som nykterhetsnämnden behandlat minskar avsevärt år 1930, 1931 och 1932. Detta bidrog i sin tur också till att en märkbar minskning skedde bland individer under 25 år anhållna för dryckenskap.

El injusto penal organizacional frente al injusto penal personal en el delito de criminalidad organizada dentro del ordenamiento jurídico peruano

Coronel Silva, Ruth Noemi January 2024 (has links)
La presente investigación se enfocó en determinar cómo la aplicación mixta del injusto organizacional y personal en la criminalidad organizada contribuiría a imputar a sus miembros inactivos, por lo que se abordaron discordancias normativas respecto a la sanción en casos de organizaciones criminales, las cuales aplican sanciones tanto a nivel organizacional como personal. Asimismo, el estudio se centró en desarrollar la figura de imputación subjetiva sistémica, con el objetivo de aplicar de manera conjunta el injusto organizacional y el injusto personal en delitos de criminalidad organizada, con el propósito de prevenir la impunidad de los miembros inactivos que contribuyen al funcionamiento delictivo de la organización. Finalmente se aplicó un enfoque metodológico cualitativo para lograr estos objetivos, permitiendo una comprensión más profunda de las complejidades involucradas en la imputación de este tipo de delitos. / The present investigation focused on determining how the mixed application of organizational and personal injustice in organized crime would contribute to charging its inactive members, so normative discrepancies were addressed regarding the sanction in cases of criminal organizations, which apply sanctions both at an organizational and personal level. Likewise, the study focused on developing the figure of systemic subjective imputation, with the objective of jointly applying organizational injustice and personal injustice in organized crime crimes, with the purpose of preventing impunity for inactive members who contribute to the crime. criminal operation of the organization. Finally, a qualitative methodological approach was applied to achieve these objectives, allowing a deeper understanding of the complexities involved in the imputation of this type of crimes.

Barrera procesal en la persecución de delitos de chantaje sexual cometidos a través de las redes sociales

Rivas Machado, Rubi del Milagro January 2024 (has links)
En los últimos años, debido al incremento de la tecnología de la información y la comunicación se ha evidenciado por medio de una amplia investigación que han surgido nuevas modalidades denominados ciberdelitos, afectando directamente a la seguridad y tranquilidad de la población, pues como sucede en los casos de chantaje sexual, los delincuentes tienen una situación de ventaja frente a las víctimas, por lo que es imposible poder reconocer su identidad y mucho menos su ubicación. Sin embargo, no puede investigarse adecuadamente pues el Art. 230° del Código Procesal Penal, exige diversos presupuestos, siendo que, en los delitos de chantaje sexual, la pena no supera los cuatro años según lo estipulado en el Art. 176-C del Código Penal. Es por ello, que esta investigación tecnológica de tipo documental teórica o bibliográfica busca resolver problemas referidos a la impunidad en los delitos contra la libertad sexual en su modalidad de chantaje sexual, desarrollando entre los objetivos específicos, el análisis del Art. 230 del Código Procesal Penal para determinar la eficacia de la medida en la investigación y persecución de delitos de chantaje sexual tipo base, además de sustentar en el Derecho Nacional y comparado la modificación del Art. 230° del Código Procesal Penal en cuanto a las investigaciones fiscales en los delitos de chantaje sexual. / In recent years, due to the increase of information and communication technology, it has been evidenced through extensive research that new modalities called cybercrimes have emerged, directly affecting the security and tranquility of the population, because as in cases of sexual blackmail, criminals have an advantage over the victims, so it is impossible to recognize their identity, much less their location. However, it cannot be properly investigated because Art. 230° of the Criminal Procedural Code requires several assumptions, being that, in the crimes of sexual blackmail, the penalty does not exceed four years as established in Art. 176-C of the Criminal Code. Therefore, this technological research seeks to solve problems related to impunity in crimes against sexual freedom in its modality of sexual blackmail, through the analysis of Art. 230 of the Criminal Procedural Code to determine the effectiveness of the measure in the investigation and prosecution of base type sexual blackmail crimes, in addition to sustaining in national and comparative law the modification of Art. 230° of the Criminal Procedural Code regarding prosecutorial investigations in sexual blackmail crimes

Modificatoria en declaración de la agraviada en delitos de violación sexual de menores de edad

Huaman Contreras, Guillian Stephani January 2024 (has links)
Ante el incremento de la incidencia del ilícito de violación sexual contra menores de edad, en los últimos años, el Estado se pronuncia mediante el poder legislador, el cual promueve normas sancionadoras a manera de política criminal frente a este ilícito. Si bien, los Estados suelen reaccionar ante el incremento de los delitos, consideramos que, en esta oportunidad, se ha ido más allá de la línea permitida, pues ante la dación de la norma que permite la imprescriptibilidad de los ilícitos de connotación sexual contra menores de edad, es de tener en cuenta que en los últimos años se han venido contradiciendo los derechos constitucionales, los cuales deben prevalecer en un proceso penal; siendo específicos en la permisión de denuncias de ilícitos de violación sexual de menor de edad después de haber transcurrido demasiado tiempo; superando los diez años de haber transcurrido el hecho, esto ha venido colocando el peligro de perder la libertad ambulatoria, inclusive con sanción penal de cadena perpetua, las mismas que son corregidas mediante recursos de nulidad, las mismas que se desarrollan en el presente trabajo de investigación. / Faced with the increase in the incidence of sexual violation against minors, in recent years, the State pronounces itself through the legislative power, which promotes sanctioning norms as a criminal policy against this crime. Although the States usually react to the increase in crimes, I believe that, on this occasion, it has gone beyond the permitted line, because given the provision of the norm that allows the imprescriptibility of sexually connoted crimes against minors of age, it is to be taken into account that in recent years constitutional rights have been contradicted, which should prevail in criminal proceedings; being specific in allowing reports of unlawful rape of minors after too much time has elapsed; exceeding ten years after the fact, this has been placing the danger of losing freedom of movement, even with a criminal sanction of life imprisonment, the same ones that are corrected through appeals for annulment, the same ones that are developed in the present work of research.

Avkriminalisera narkotikabrott eget bruk : ett polisiärt perspektiv / Decriminalize personal use of drugs : a police officer perspective

Henriksson, Sara January 2024 (has links)
I Sverige kriminaliserades eget bruk av narkotika 1988 och sedan dess har antalet personer som rapporterats för brottet stadigt ökat (Brottsförebygganderådet [BRÅ] 2023). Kriminaliseringen har setts som framgångsrik då vi internationellt sätt har lägre narkotikaanvändande än många andra länder. På senaste har dock den svenska narkotikapolitiken ifrågasatts och två statliga utredningar har uppmanat regeringen att se över konsekvenserna av lagstiftningen, framför allt kopplat till den höga narkotikadödligheten (SOU 2023:10; SOU 2023:62). Studien undersöker hur poliser som arbetar mot narkotika ser på frågan om narkotikabrott eget bruk ska avkriminaliseras eller inte. Studiens teoretiska ramverk utgår från deterrence theory och ethics of care. Deterrence theory, avskräckningsteori, har sin grund i att individen aktivt väljer att avstå från brottsliga handlingar för att straffet väger högre än vinsten av att begå brott (Beccaria 1778, s.29). Ethics of care, omsorgsetik, syftar till att vi kan och bör bemöta marginaliserade individer i samhället med omsorg och empati. Vad som är gott eller vad som bör uppnås är viktigare än korrekthet eller principiella kriterier (UNODC u.å.). Studien har skett genom kvalitativa intervjuer med poliser som arbetar mot narkotikabrott för att undersöka hur de ser på kriminaliseringen av narkotikabrott eget bruk. Intervjuerna har analyserats efter studiens frågeställningar och teoretiska ramverk. Resultatet visar att poliserna selekterar vilka derapporterar för brott och grunden till selekteringen är omsorg för individen bakom bruket. Det råder en stark konsensus bland deltagarna att avkriminalisering av narkotikabrott eget bruk skulle få negativa konsekvenser och de uttrycker en oro för både ett ökat användande och problem för polisens arbete mot den organiserade brottsligheten. Arbetet mot narkotikabrott eget bruk är komplext och stort ansvar läggs på den enskilde polismannen för att orientera sig i tillämpningen av lagstiftningen. Polismyndigheten bör underlätta arbetet genom att tydligare riktlinjer kring hur lagen ska tillämpas så legaliteten bibehålls. / In Sweden, personal use of narcotics was criminalized in 1988 and since then, the number of people reported for the crime has steadily increased (BRÅ 2023). Criminalization has been seen as successful as we have lower drug use internationally than many other countries. Recently, however, Swedish drug policy has been questioned and two government inquiries have called on the government to review the consequences of the legislation, especially linked to the high drug mortality rate (SOU 2023:10; 2023:62). The study examines how police officers who work against narcotics view the question of whether use of drugs should be decriminalized or not. The theoretical framework of the study is based on deterrence theory and ethics of care. Deterrence theory involve that the individual actively chooses to abstain from criminal acts because the punishment outweighs the profit of committing a crime (Beccaria 1778, p.29). Ethics of care means that we can and should treat marginalized individuals in society with care and empathy. What is good or what should be achieved is more important than correctness or principled criteria (UNODC n.d.). The study has been conducted through qualitative interviews with police officers who work against drug offenses to examine how they view the criminalization of personal use. The interviews have been analyzed according to the study's questions and theoretical framework. The results show that the police select who they report and the basis for the selection is care for the individual behind the crime. There is a strong consensus among the participants that decriminalization of use of drugs would have negative consequences and they express concern towards both increased use and problems for the police's work against organized crime. The work against drug offence, personal use, is complex and great responsibility is placed on the individual police officer to orient himself in the application of the legislation. The Police Authority should facilitate the work by providing clearer guidelines on how the law is to be applied so that legality is maintained.

Srovnání české a polské úpravy trestných činů proti lidské důstojnosti v sexuální oblasti / Comparison of Czech and Polish legislation - offenses against human dignity in the sexual area

Stec, Adela January 2015 (has links)
The aim of my diploma thesis is a comprehensive comparison of sexual offenses legislation in Polish and Czech law. This diploma thesis consists of 11 main chapters. First chapter deals with the general concept of crimes against human dignity in sexual matters in the Czech Republic, second chapter deals with the concept of crimes against sexual freedom and morality in Poland. Third chapter analyzes aspects of Czech criminal law closely related to the sexual offenses, fourth chapter deals with the same in Polish law. The following chapter is a brief comparison of selected aspects of the Czech and Polish law. Chapter Six focuses primarily on the crime of rape and its comparison in Polish and Czech law, when both legal systems for a various socially dangerous behavior use different systematics, whether in the context of the crime of rape, or as a separate offense - sexual coercion in the Czech Republic, sexual abuse clueless or deranged person or abuse addiction and critical situation in Poland. Seventh chapter is devoted to the problem of adult prostitution and offenses associated therewith, including human trafficking. Chapter eight analyzes the very phenomenon of pornography and offenses related to pornography, this chapter also deals with child pornography, including grooming and mentions...

Trestněprávní odpovědnost v ochraně životního prostředí / Criminal liability in environmental protection

Pavelková, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
The final thesis is focused on the criminal liability in protection of Environment, meaning on environmental protection using criminal law in the Czech republic. Introductory chapters are focused on explanation of the basic terms, principles, concepts and relations for better understanding of the issue of environmental protection in criminal law. In next chapters the thesis focuses on evolution of the legislation on three levels. First level focuses on international legislation, next level on legislation of the European Union and the third level is focused on national legislation. Closer attention is paid to analysis of the national legislation, specifically the current criminal code no. 40/2009. Follows the interpretation regarding individual crimes against Environment and analysis of the elements of the crime. In conclusion the thesis focuses on reflections, thoughts and possible changes of the legislation in the future.

Abuso sexual de meninos: estudo das conseqüências psicossexuais na adolescência / Sexual abuse of boys: study of psychosexual damages in adolescence

Oliveira, Mery Pureza Candido de 15 March 2010 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Diante da complexidade e da escassez de pesquisas sobre o abuso sexual de meninos no Brasil, e dada à gravidade dos danos psíquicos e sexuais possíveis de ocorrer em vítimas de abuso, surge à necessidade de estudos sistematizados quanto ao perfil psicológico e sexual de adolescentes com histórico de abuso na infância, para embasar as propostas terapêuticas e para a prevenção dos possíveis riscos de disfunções e transtornos da sexualidade, incluindo o risco de que a vítima passe a assumir o papel de agressor. O objetivo desse estudo foi investigar as características psicológicas e sexuais de adolescentes do sexo masculino que foram, enquanto crianças, vítimas de abuso sexual. METODOS: Trata-se de um estudo exploratório, retrospectivo e seccional realizado no Programa de Psiquiatria e Psicologia Forense (NUFOR) do IPq- HC-FMUSP e na Fundação Casa, para menores em medida socioeducativa. Foram formados três grupos de participantes sendo 20 de adolescentes de 16 a 18 anos, internos da Fundação (GA), com histórico de abuso sexual, 06 de adolescentes de 16 a 18 anos (GC), com o mesmo histórico, que procuraram tratamento psicológico no ambulatório NUFOR e 21 adolescentes, sem histórico de abuso, na mesma faixa etária e escolaridade, que formaram o grupo controle (GB). Avaliou-se o desempenho cognitivo quanto às funções de recuperação da memória (de curto e longo prazo), o nível de estresse, impulsividade, nível de neuroticismo e estabilidade emocional, além do comportamento sexual dos adolescentes. RESULTADOS: Os resultados da comparação entre as variáveis dos grupos A e B apontaram diferenças significativas no que se refere ao processo de recuperação total da memória (p= ,004), na recuperação consistente (p=,000) e inconsistente (p=,004). Houve significância também, quanto à estabilidade emocional, no fator Desajustamento Psicossocial, (p=,002) que contem itens relacionados a comportamentos sexuais de risco ou atípicos. Os achados da análise qualitativa, com relação ao comportamento sexual atual, revelaram que 50% dos adolescentes com ou sem transgressões legais, assumiram a prática de sexo com crianças, com uma ou mais vítimas. Quanto às características do abuso sofrido, a violência intrafamiliar, unida ao maior tempo de duração, revelou-se como fator de gravidade no modus operandi do comportamento agressor. CONCLUSÕES: História de abuso sexual em meninos pode ser um dos fatores de risco para posteriores déficits de acessibilidade da memória e pode estar associado com a repetição e a gravidade do comportamento sexualmente agressivo na adolescência / INTRODUCTION: Facing the complexity and lack of researches on sexual abuse of young boys in Brazil and the seriousness of possible psychosexual damages to occur in abused victims, the necessity of systemized studies is required, both to psychosexual profile of adolescents that have a historical of sexual abuse in childhood to base therapeutic proposals and to prevent possible risks of dysfunction and sexual disturbances including the risk the victim might assume the aggressor´s role. The aim of this study was to investigate psychological and sexual profiles of male adolescents, who were victms of sexual abuse in their younger days. METHODS: It is an exploitative, retrospective and sectional study, accomplished at Psychiatric and Psychologic Forensic Program (NUFOR) of the so - called Ipq Hospital das Clinicas Psychiatric Institute (FMUSP) and the so - called Fundação Casa, correctional system for underage boys and girls who are serving a sentence, in social and educational measures. Three groups of participants were formed by 20 adolescents from 16 to 18 years old, with sexual abuse report who are in the Fundação (GA), 06 adolescents, with the same story from 16 to 18 years old, (GC) who looked for psychological treatment at Nufor Ambulatory and 21 adolescents with no historical abuse at same age and educational level who formed the control group (GB). Cognitive performance was assessed concerning memory recoverings (short and long terms), stress level, impulsiveness, neuroticism level and emotional stability, besides their sexual behavior. RESULTS: The results between the variable´s comparision of the groups A and B showed significant differences, referring total recovering of memory process (p= ,004), in consistent recovering (p= ,000) and inconsistent (p= ,004). There also a significance regarding in emotional stability in Psychosocial Disagreement factor, (p= ,002) with related items to atypical or risky sexual behaviours. The findings of the qualitative analysis, related to the present sexual behaviour, showed 50% of adolescents with or without legal transgressions, admitted sex with children, with one or more victims. Concerning the features of the experienced abuse, the intrafamiliar violence plus the most time of duration, became as the gravity factor in modus operandi of the aggressor´s behaviour. CONCLUSIONS: Historical of sexual abuse in childhood of young boys can be a risky factor to posterior deficits of memory acessibility and that can be related to the repetition and the serious nature of sexually agressive behavior in younghood

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