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Os recursos hídricos transfronteiriços como direito transindividual internacional : uma proposta de estruturação da Organização Mundial da Água (OMA) e do Fundo Monetário Internacional de Proteção a Água (FMIPA)Flores, Karen Müller 06 August 2010 (has links)
A água, assim como o ar, é vital à sobrevivência dos seres bióticos. Para muitos autores há distinção entre "água" e "recurso hídrico". O termo "água" designa o elemento natural, enquanto a expressão "recurso hídrico" representa o valor econômico; assim, compreendido como direito fundamental e mercadoria, respectivamente. Os recursos hídricos transfronteiriços internacionais (que banham mais de um estado soberano) são classificados em superficiais (rios, lagos, represas, açudes, entre outros) ou subterrâneos (aqüíferos); As reservas hídricas superficiais são de mais fácil acesso, porém escassas; já as reservas subterrâneas são de difícil acesso, mas abundantes; contudo, em ambos os casos a utilização deverá ser racional. A escassez dos recursos hídricos é quanti-qualitativa. O ser humano enquanto pessoa consciente é capaz de alterar o rumo do planeta, por meio da construção de uma nova identidade, influindo na formação de uma nova cultura. Conceitos como supranacionalidade e transnacionalidades passam a ser aceitos em nome da preservação da biodiversidade e conseqüência do próprio homem, enquanto parte do sistema ambiental, ou seja, a sociedade global passa da fase de coexistência a fase de cooperação e solidariedade. Isso porque, as relações econômicas, políticas, sociais, culturas e tecnológicas são hoje transnacionais, assim como os impactos ambientais. Assim, a proposta de elaboração da Organização Mundial da Água (OMA), organismo supranacional de proteção dos recursos hídricos transfronteiriços internacionais, e do Fundo Monetário Internacional de Proteção à Água (FMIPA) desempenha significativo papel na conscientização dos seres humanos quanto à importância e a necessidade de mudanças urgentes em relação ao tema.
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Transparency and learning spacesFinau, Emily 08 April 2011 (has links)
This thesis explores the various meanings and implications of transparency in architecture and in learning environments in particular. Architectural transparency, achieved through choice of materials and principles of formal composition, creates a diversity of relationships and can facilitate visual, conceptual, and functional clarity as well as offering simultaneous perception of different spaces. It offers a range of phenomenological qualities and so provides an opportunity to explore and complicate such dichotomies as translucency and opacity, openness and closure, and public space and private space.
While celebrated throughout modern and contemporary architecture, transparency raises issues of privacy and safety even as it breaks down hierarchies and social boundaries. The research-based design of transparency in a school building necessitates careful planning to achieve a balance between the access to views, natural light, fresh air, and social interaction that transparency may bring and the continuing obligation to provide a safe, secure environment for schoolchildren.
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Support consumers' rights in DRM : a secure and fair solution to digital license reselling over the InternetGaber, Tarek January 2012 (has links)
Consumers of digital contents are empowered with numerous technologies allowing them to produce perfect copies of these contents and distribute them around the world with little or no cost. To prevent illegal copying and distribution, a technology called Digital Rights Management (DRM) is developed. With this technology, consumers are allowed to access digital contents only if they have purchased the corresponding licenses from license issuers. The problem, however, is that those consumers are not allowed to resell their own licenses- a restriction that goes against the first-sale doctrine. Enabling a consumer to buy a digital license directly from another consumer and allowing the two consumers to fairly exchange the license for a payment are still an open issue in DRM research area. This thesis investigates existing security solutions for achieving digital license reselling and analyses their strengths and weaknesses. The thesis then proposes a novel Reselling Deal Signing (RDS) protocol to achieve fairness in a license reselling. The idea of the protocol is to integrate the features of the concurrent signature scheme with functionalities of a License Issuer (LI). The security properties of this protocol is informally analysed and then formally verified using ATL logic and the model checker MOCHA. To assess its performance, a prototype of the RDS protocol has been developed and a comparison with related protocols has been conducted. The thesis also introduces two novel digital tokens a Reselling Permission (RP) token and a Multiple Reselling Permission (MRP) token. The RP and MRP tokens are used to show whether a given license is single and multiple resalable, respectively. Moreover, the thesis proposes two novel methods supporting fair and secure digital license reselling. The first method is the Reselling Deal (RD) method which allows a license to be resold once. This method makes use of the existing distribution infrastructure, RP, License Revocation List (LRL), and three protocols: RDS protocol RD Activation (RDA) protocol, and RD Completion (RDC) protocol. The second method is a Multiple License Reselling (MLR) method enabling one license to be resold N times by N consumers. The thesis presents two variants of the MLR method: RRP-MR (Repeated RP-based Multi-Reselling) and HC-MR (Hash Chain-based Multi-Reselling). The RRP-MR method is designed such that a buyer can choose to either continue or stop a multi-reselling of a license. Like the RD method, the RRP-MR method makes use of RP, LI, LRL, and the RDS, RDA, and RDC protocols to achieve fair and secure reselling. The HC-MR method allows multiple resellings while keeping the overhead on LI at a minimum level and enable a buyer to check how many times a license can be further resold. To do so, the HC-MR utilises MRP and the hash chain cryptographic primitive along with LRL, LI and the RDS, RDA and RDC protocols. The analysis and the evaluation of these three methods have been conducted. While supporting the license reselling, the two methods are designed to prevent a reseller from (1) continuing using a resold license, (2) reselling a non-resalable license, and (3) reselling one license a unauthorised number of times. In addition, they enable content owners of resold contents to trace a buyer who has violated any of the usage rights of a license bought from a reseller. Moreover, the methods enable a buyer to verify whether a license he is about to buy is legitimate for re-sale. Furthermore, the two methods support market power where a reseller can maximise his profit and a buyer can minimise his cost in a reselling process. In comparison with related works, our solution does not make use of any trusted hardware device, thus it is more cost-effective, while satisfying the interests of both resellers and buyers, and protecting the content owner's rights.
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