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Analyse de l'activité d'étudiants en Licence STAPS dans le cadre d'un dispositif de vidéo-formation : conception et usage de ressources pour la professionnalisation au métier d'enseignant d'Education Physique et Sportive / Analysis of the activity of undergraduate students in Physical Education as part of a video-training device : design and use of resources for the professionalisation of Physical Education teachingRoche, Lionel 20 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le programme de recherche empirique et technologique du «cours d’action » (Theureau, 1992) en anthropologie cognitive. Elle étudie la conception, l’usage et les effets d’un dispositif collectif de vidéo-formation, destiné à des étudiants de Licence STAPS pour développer leur capacité à analyser et comprendre des situations de classe en Éducation physique et sportive (EPS), à l’échelle de la leçon. Deux visées sont poursuivies : a) une visée épistémique cherchant à mieux comprendre les formes d’activité et d’expérience déployées par les étudiants en situation de vidéo-formation et b) une visée de conception technologique du dispositif de vidéo-formation orienté « activité » et répondant à une démarche de conception continuée dans l’usage. L’étude a été réalisée avec un groupe d’étudiants (n=15) inscrits dans une UE de préprofessionnalisation en 3ème année de Licence Éducation et Motricité en STAPS. Cinq types de données ont été recueillies durant le dispositif alternant des périodes de stages et de TD à l’Université : (i) des données d’enregistrement vidéo de l’activité en classe des étudiants durant le stage et aussi en formation, (ii) des traces écrites produites par les étudiants en stage et en formation (journaux de bord), (iii) des données d’entretien d’autoconfrontation sur leur activité en classe et (iv) sur leurs traces écrites, et (v) des données quantitatives et qualitatives issues de questionnaires. Les résultats révèlent (i) une appropriation par les étudiants d’une grille leur permettant d’analyser une leçon d’EPS et d’en discrétiser les moments-clés, (ii) une expérience vécue en vidéo-formation qui traduit une inclination réflexive sur les moments de face à face pédagogique dans la leçon d’EPS, (iii) quatre formes typiques d’analyse des vidéos de classe (décrire, juger, interpréter, se projeter), témoignant d’une activité d’observation centrée sur l’enseignant en classe comme manager, et d’une cécité aux apprentissages moteurs des élèves ; (iv) le rôle des pairs comme accélérateur de la capacité à analyser les pratiques de classe. Ces résultats relatifs à l’activité des étudiants en formation ont permis d’envisager conjointement la conception de différentes phases du dispositif, finalisée par une première plateforme de formation en ligne « Former à l’intervention en EPS » (Roche & Gal-Petitfaux, 2014a), puis une seconde « Observation et Régul@ction en EPS » (Roche & Gal-Petitfaux, 2016) / This thesis is part of the empirical and technological research program of the "course of action" (Theureau, 1992) in cognitive anthropology. She is studying the design, use and effects of a collective video-training device for undergraduate students in Physical Education to develop their ability to analyze and understand classroom situations in Physical Education. Two aims are pursued: a) an epistemic aim seeking to better understand the forms of activity and experience deployed by students in a video-training situation and b) a technological design aim of the "activity-oriented" video-training device and responding to a design in use process. The study was conducted with a group of students (n = 15) enrolled in a pre-professionalization course in the third year degree in Physical Education Teacher Education. Five types of data were collected during the device based on periods of internships and workshop at University: (i) video recording data of student's classroom activity during the internship and also during workshop, (ii) written records produced by students during internship and workshop, (iii) self-confrontation interview data on their activity in classroom and (iv) in their written records, and (v) quantitative and qualitative data from surveys. The results reveal (i) students' appropriation of a grid allowing them to analyze PE lesson and to analyze the key moments, (ii) a lived experience in video-training which reflects a reflexive inclination on pedagogical face-to-face moments in the PE lesson, (iii) four typical forms of classroom video analysis (describe, judge, interpret, project), evidence of teacher-centered observation activity in classroom as a manager, and a blindness to student motor learning activity; (iv) the role of peers as an accelerator of the ability to analyze class practices. These results relating to the activity of students in training made it possible to jointly consider the design of different phases of the system, finalized by a first online training platform "Former à l’intervention en EPS" (Roche & Gal-Petitfaux, 2014a), then a second "Observation e tRégul@tion en EPS" (Roche & Gal-Petitfaux, 2016)
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Golden Tutor社會企業線上學習之商業企劃書 / Business Plan for Social Enterprise: Golden Tutor an Online Learning Community柯禮安, Leanne S. Castillo Unknown Date (has links)
建立線上教學服務平台,使年長者學習,打破世代藩籬。 / According to the United Nations, one in every ten persons is over the age of sixty and about two thirds of the world’s older populations live in developing countries. These same persons are our grandfathers and grandmothers. Unfortunately, the concept of ageing is often associated with a negative connotation of decline. This initiated our interest to create an online community that engages people of all ages in order to change these warped perceptions. This idea later evolved into Golden Tutor, an online learning community that helps in the development of its registered students and pre-approved tutors in their academic, professional and personal growth.
Our aim of “Building a better society for all ages” along with our online learning platform seeks to instill a lifelong love for academic performance, to trigger more discussions on ageism and to spark a curiosity for inter-generational programs as its remedy. Golden Tutor is a socially minded venture that expects both financial and social gains for the benefit of the local communities in which it operates. Funds will first be reinvested and then later used to establish programs that foster offline social interaction. Our overall purpose is to engage older adults with youths in order to lessen the gap between generations; a new transformation fostered by community based solutions.
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HURRY JOB / Hurry Job: Mobile application for pre-professional practices in the part time modalityCórdova Caracciolo, Christian Steve, Matos Gonzales, Estefany Lizet, Ramirez Castillo, Carlos Alberto, Virú Molinari, Alonso Enrique 01 December 2020 (has links)
Desde finales de 2019, el mundo está viviendo una pandemia que genera incertidumbre. En el Perú, el sector más afectado fue el laboral. Según INEI, la población ocupada disminuyó en 39.6%, lo que equivale a 6 millones 720 mil empleos, solo entre abril y junio del 2020. Este problema ha afectado tanto a empresas como trabajadores, pero los que más se vieron perjudicados fueron los practicantes pre profesionales, es decir, estudiantes universitarios que recién empezaban sus prácticas y los que estaban en búsqueda de ellas.
Por ello, se decidió desarrollar Hurry Job, un aplicativo móvil para estudiantes universitarios que se encuentren en búsqueda de prácticas pre profesionales en la modalidad part time. En ese sentido, este proyecto se enfoca en ser un vínculo entre estudiantes y empresas que se encuentren en búsqueda de practicantes pre profesionales con disponibilidad para trabajar media jornada, consiguiendo así beneficios para ambas partes.
Para realizar el trabajo, se validó el proyecto mediante entrevistas hacia ambos segmentos. También, se desarrollaron experimentos utilizando el landing page y concierge del servicio. Asimismo, se calculó el tamaño del mercado, delimitando el negocio a medianas y grandes empresas de Lima Metropolitana. Los segmentos objetivos para Hurry Job fueron el tipo de empresas mencionadas anteriormente y estudiantes universitarios en búsqueda de prácticas pre profesionales. Por último, se realizará un plan financiero, que incluya los principales ratios financieros, el Balance General y el Estado de Resultados, para analizar la viabilidad del negocio en términos monetarios. / Since the end of 2019, the world has been experiencing a pandemic that generates uncertainty. In Peru, the most affected sector was labor. According to INEI, the employed population decreased by 39.6%, which is equivalent to 6 million 720 thousand jobs, only between April and June 2020. This problem has affected both companies and workers, but those who were most affected were pre-practitioners professionals, that is, university students who were just starting their internships and those who were looking for them.
Therefore, it was decided to develop Hurry Job, a mobile application for university students who are looking for pre-professional practices in the part time mode. In this sense, this project focuses on being a link between students and companies that are in search of pre-professional practitioners with availability to work part-time, thus achieving benefits for both parties.
To carry out the work, the project was validated through interviews with both segments. Also, experiments were developed using the landing page and the service's concierge. Likewise, the size of the market was calculated, delimiting the business to medium and large companies in Lima Metropolitana. The target segments for Hurry Job were the type of companies mentioned above and university students looking for pre-professional practices. Finally, a financial plan will be made, including the main financial ratios, the Balance Sheet and the Income Statement, to analyze the viability of the business in monetary terms. / Trabajo de investigación
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Proyecto Dream HomeAguilar Ruiz, Nicole Stephanie Fernanda, Arroyo Milart, Sofia Ana Paula, Hurtado Astorayme, Mariapaz, Machuca Leveroni, Janeth Katiuska, Rios Gates, Alvaro Joaquin 30 November 2020 (has links)
El proyecto que se presenta a continuación trata acerca de la venta de muebles multifuncionales a través de una plataforma web, el cual evidencia la sostenibilidad y escalabilidad del modelo de negocio. La investigación se realiza en Lima Metropolitana y está dirigida a familias del NSE B y C, que viven en departamentos de hasta 80 m2 y se encuentran en una constante búsqueda de maximizar sus espacios. Debido a la creciente demanda de departamentos cada vez más pequeños, el mercado mobiliario acepta la existencia de una tendencia de muebles pequeños, pero con múltiples funciones, ofreciendo adaptabilidad y variedad de acuerdo con los gustos y preferencias de los consumidores. Por ello, se identifican los stakeholders de Dream Home, los cuales son tercerizados durante todo el proceso para satisfacer la demanda del mercado y, por supuesto, lograr superar las expectativas con un valor agregado, el cual se basa en la personalización.
La validación de todos los cuadrantes de Business Model Canvas se desarrolla a través de varios experimentos que reconocen y confirman los conceptos descritos en la herramienta. Asimismo, se elabora el desarrollo del plan de negocio, el cual consiste en la elaboración del plan estratégico, el plan de operaciones, el plan de marketing, el plan de responsabilidad social empresarial, el plan de recursos humanos y el plan financiero. Finalmente, se puede asegurar la viabilidad del negocio y presentar el proyecto a los respectivos inversores dispuestos a considerar a Dream Home como una empresa rentable. / The project presented below deals with the sale of multifunctional furniture through a web platform, which shows the sustainability and scalability of the business model. The research is carried out in Metropolitan Lima and is aimed at families from NSE B and C, who live in apartments of up to 80 m2 and are in a constant search to maximize their spaces. Due to the growing demand for smaller and smaller apartments, the furniture market accepts the existence of a trend for small furniture, but with multiple functions, offering adaptability and variety according to the tastes and preferences of consumers. For this reason, Dream Home stakeholders are identified, which are outsourced throughout the process to meet market demand and, of course, exceed expectations with added value, which is based on personalization.
The validation of all the Business Model Canvas quadrants is developed through several experiments that recognize and confirm the concepts described in the tool. Likewise, the development of the business plan is prepared, which consists of the preparation of the strategic plan, the operations plan, the marketing plan, the corporate social responsibility plan, the human resources plan and the financial plan. Finally, the viability of the business can be ensured and the project presented to the respective investors willing to consider Dream Home as a profitable company. / Trabajo de investigación
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CloudBooks - LOOP ein neues AutorentoolWittke, Andreas January 2013 (has links)
Im E-Learning-Bereich gewinnt die technische Anforderung, mit mobilen Endgeräten auf Lerninhalte zugreifen zu können, zunehmend an Bedeutung. Ein zentraler Online-Speicherort, von dem die Inhalte – optimiert für das jeweilige Endgerät – bereitgestellt und verändert werden können, ist zur Erfüllung dieser Anforderung elementar. (...)
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Der STUDYCoach – eine interaktive OnlinePlattform zur Förderung proaktiven Verhaltens und Reduktion von Belastungen im StudiumJanneck, Monique, Mallwitz, Tim, Mergan, Hamid, Sternitzke, Max, Nissen, Helge, Balin, Makbule 18 October 2024 (has links)
Digital Education: Health & Inclusion D.3 / Aus Punkt 1 Einleitung:
Untersuchungen (Koob et al., 2021, Werner et al., 2021) ebenso wie Beobachtungen von Lehrenden zeigen, dass sich Studierende gerade auch durch die Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie zunehmend psychisch belastet fühlen. Um dem entgegenzuwirken, wurde der STUDYCoach entwickelt, eine Online-Intervention basierend auf dem sogenannten „Study-Crafting“-Ansatz, die proaktives Verhalten zur Bewältigung der Herausforderungen im Studium sowie den Aufbau entsprechender persönlicher und sozialer Ressourcen fördern und Erschöpfung und Stress reduzieren soll (Körner et al., 2022).
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Networked cultural production : filmmaking in the Wreckamovie communityHjorth, Isis Amelie January 2014 (has links)
This thesis challenges core assumptions associated with the peer production of culture using the web-based collaborative film production platform Wreckamovie to understand how peer production works in practice. Active cultural participation is a growing political priority for many governments and cultural bodies, but these priorities are often implemented without a basis in empirical evidence, making it necessary for rigorous scholarship to tackle emerging networked cultural production. Existing work portrays peer production efforts as unrealistically distinct from proprietary, market-based production, incorrectly suggesting that peer production allows distributed, non-monetarily motivated, collaboration between self-selected individuals in hierarchy-free communities. In overcoming these assumptions, this thesis contributes to the development of a consolidated theoretical framework encompassing the complicated and multifaceted nature of networked cultural production. This theoretical framing extends Bourdieu’s theory of cultural production and reconciles it with Becker’s Art Worlds framework, and further embeds and draws on Benkler’s notion of commons-based peer production. Concretely, this research tackles the emergence of new collaborative production models enabled by networked technologies, and theorizes the tensions and challenges characterizing such production forms. Secondly, this thesis redefines cultural participation and considers the divisions of labour in online filmmaking materializing from the interactions between professional and non-professional filmmakers. Finally, this study considers the social economies surrounding networked cultural production, including crowdfunding, and characterizes associated conversions of capital, such as the conversion of symbolic capital into financial capital. Methodologically, this thesis employs an embedded case study strategy. It examines four feature film productions facilitated by the online platform Wreckamovie, as well as the online community within which these productions are embedded. The four production cases have completed all production stages, and have resulted in completed cultural goods during the course of data collection. This study’s findings were derived from two and half years of participant observations, interviews with 29 Wreckamovie community and production members, and the examination of archived production-related discourses (2006-2013). Ultimately, this study makes concrete proposals towards a theory of networked cultural production with clear policy implications.
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Continuous curatorial conversations : an exploration of the role of conversation within the writing of a supplementary history of the curatorialRoss, Alexandra C. M. January 2014 (has links)
Continuous Curatorial Conversations is a practice-led exploration of conversation, both as a medium and as a tool for capturing supplementary histories of the curatorial. The primary question of this research project is how the medium of conversation can be explored to write supplementary histories of the curatorial which thus far have been omitted from extant publications on the subject. Three important sub questions guide this exploration. First, what is and has been the role of conversation within the curatorial? What are the possibilities and limitations within the medium of conversation? What roles do conviviality and hospitality play within the process of conversation? This thesis reflects upon a series of curated projects that explore the sp/pl/ace for curatorial conversation and also reviews a collection of one-to-one recorded conversations conducted by the author, including conversations with Alfredo Cramerotti, Hedwig Fijen, Mel Gooding, William Furlong and Sarah Lowndes. Sites of fieldwork include: the 54th Venice Biennale; Manifesta 8, The European Biennial of Contemporary Art; and Glasgow International Festival of Visual Art 2012. Through these projects and related recordings it unpicks the norms and possibilities of what and when one can record on the subject of the curatorial. The hypothesis of this study is that a great deal of curatorial activity is locked up in conversation, yet a disproportion makes it to the pages of the history of the field. Furthermore, in its clean transcribed form it misrepresents the fragility and nuance of the original exchange. The theoretical context of this research looks at Nicolas Bourriaud’s notion of Relational Aesthetics, the writing of Maria Lind and Paul O’Neill, with a focus on Audio Arts. A new methodology relating to curatorial conversation and its recording has therefore been identified as ‘critical conviviality’. The writing relating to Continuous Curatorial Conversations research takes the form of four books. The book ‘An Introduction’ comprises the PhD thesis and sits next to a bespoke online platform www.continuous-curatorial-conversations.org which hosts a selection of audio recordings collated during the research process. The books ‘Continuous’, ‘Curatorial’, and ‘Conversations’ unpack the lineage and context of Alexandra C.M. Ross’s practice and projects conducted during her research and are to be read in no strict order. The new knowledge resulting from this thesis and relating practice is the attention to the subtleties of conversation and its capture as it relates to the instigation, recording and presentation of semi-private matters in semi-public contexts.
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Развитие бизнеса в социальных сетях : магистерская диссертация / Business development in social networksПермяков, И. А., Permiakov, I. A. January 2019 (has links)
Диссертация посвящена вопросам социального маркетинга – Social Media Marketing (SMM). Рассматривается статистика продвижения товаров и услуг через работу в социальных сетях. Предметом анализа выступает инструментарий SMM, статистика активных пользователей и капитализация компаний. Результаты исследования могут быть применены в сфере организации SMM-продвижения бизнес-процессов и подготовки студентов в области онлайн-маркетинга. / The article is devoted to the issues of network marketing – Social Media Marketing (SMM). We Сonsider the statistics of the promotion of goods and services through the work in social networks. The subject of the analysis is the SMM toolkit and its system application. The results of the study can be applied in the organization of SMM-support business processes and prepare students in the field of online marketing.
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