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IDEO Integrador de dados da Execução Orçamentária Brasileira: um estudo de caso da integração de dados das receitas e despesas nas Esferas Federal, Estadual Governo de São Paulo, e Municipal Municípios do Estado de São Paulo / The integration of multi-source heterogeneous data: an open data case study for budgetary execution in Brazil.Beluzo, José Rodolfo 30 September 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um grupo de processos para a integracao de dados e esquemas das receitas e despesas da execucao do orcamento publico brasileiro nas tres esferas governamentais: governo federal, estadual e municipios. Estes processos visam resolver problemas de heterogeneidade encontrados pelo cidadao ao buscar por informacoes publicas em diferentes entes. Estas informacoes atualmente sao disponibilizadas pelos portais de transparencia que seguem a obrigatoriedade definida pelo arcabouco legal brasileiro, no qual estes devem publicar, dentre outras informacoes, o registro de receitas, despesas, transferencias financeiras e processos licitatorios, de forma integra, primaria, autentica e atualizada. Porem, apesar das exigencias citadas por lei, nao existe um padrao para publicacao, alem de inconsistencias e ambiguidades de dados entre os diferentes portais. Assim, este trabalho visa resolver estes problemas de heterogeneidade enfrentados pelo cidadao. Para tal, como prova de conceito foram selecionados os dados de receitas e despesas do governo federal, do governo do estado de Sao Paulo e de 645 municipios do estado de Sao Paulo. Este trabalho padronizou um modelo conceitual de receitas e despesas baseado no manual tecnico do orcamento redigido pelo governo federal anualmente. A partir deste modelo criou-se esquemas de dados padronizados de acordo com os datasets que estao disponibilizados nos portais de transparencia de cada ente federativo, assim como um esquema integrado entre estes. Os dados de execucao orcamentaria do periodo de 2010 a 2014 dos governos citados foram extraidos dos portais, passando por um processo de transformacao e limpeza, e carregados no sistema integrador. Apos os dados carregados no sistema, a partir do prototipo foi possivel obter informacoes a respeito da execucao orcamentaria as quais nao eram possiveis de se realizar de forma direta acessando os portais de transparencia, ou, quando possivel o trabalho de compilacao da informacao seria muito elevado. Tambem foi possivel analisar e apontar possiveis falhas sistemicas nos portais de transparencia atraves dos resultados obtidos no processo, podendo contribuir com a melhoria destes. / This dissertation presents a process group for data integration and schemes of the Brazilian public budget s revenues and expenditures from all government level spheres (municipalities, states and nationwide). These process group aims to solve some heterogeneity problems to access public information provided by different government entities. Budget information is currently disclosed on e-gov portals, which must comply the requirements set by the Brazilian legal framework. Data about revenues, expenses, financial transfers and bidding processes must be published in a primary, authentic and updated way. However, there is no standards for publication, besides the poor data quality and inconsistencies found in the same data provided by different portals. Thus, this work aims to give some contributions to address these heterogeneity problems. To achieve this, we implemented a proof of concept that gathers revenue and expenditure data from the Brazilian federal government, the state government of Sao Paulo and 645 municipalities of Sao Paulo state. As a result, this work has standardized a conceptual model of revenues and expenses based on the technical manual of the budget. From this model, we created standardized data schemas according to the datasets that are available at the website of transparency of each government entity, as well as an integrated scheme between them. Data disclosed from 2010-2014 by all mentioned government were gathered, cleaned and loaded into the prototype. The resulting data warehouse allows queries about budget execution in Brazil that are not possible to perform directly accessing the transparency portals, or, when it is possible, this compilation work is very time consuming. During the validation phase was also possible to analyze and identify possible some failures in the e-gov portals and some recomendations try to give some contribution to their improvement.
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Feliz 1984. Prácticas espaciales de vigilancia y control en el espacio público a partir del 11SCastro Domínguez, Juan Carlos 05 March 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Attribute Exploration on the WebJäschke, Robert, Rudolph, Sebastian 28 May 2013 (has links) (PDF)
We propose an approach for supporting attribute exploration by web information retrieval, in particular by posing appropriate queries to search engines, crowd sourcing systems, and the linked open data cloud. We discuss underlying general assumptions for this to work and the degree to which these can be taken for granted.
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Use of the general transit feed specification (GTFS) in transit performance measurementWong, James C. 13 January 2014 (has links)
Until recently, transit data lacked a common data format that could be used to share and integrate information among multiple agencies. In 2005, however, Google worked with Tri-Met in Oregon to create the General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS), an open data format now used by all transit agencies that participate in Google Maps. GTFS feeds contain data for scheduled transit service including stop and route locations, schedules and fare information. The broad adoption of GTFS by transit agencies has made it a de facto standard. Those agencies using it are able to participate in a host of traveler services designed for GTFS, most notably transit trip planners. Still, analysts have not widely used GTFS as a data source for transit planning because of the newness of the technology. The objectives of this project are to demonstrate that GTFS feeds are an efficient data source for calculating key transit service metrics and to evaluate the validity of GTFS feeds as a data source. To demonstrate GTFS feeds’ analytic potential, the author created a tool called GTFS Reader, which imports GTFS feeds into a database using open-source products. GTFS Reader also includes a series of queries that calculate metrics like headways, route lengths and stop-spacing. To evaluate the validity of GTFS feeds, annual vehicle revenue miles and hours from the National Transit Database (NTD) are compared to the calculated values from agencies whose GTFS feeds are available. The key finding of this work is that well-formed GTFS feeds are an accurate representation of transit networks and that the method of aggregation presented in this research can be used to effectively and efficiently calculate metrics for transit agencies. The daily aggregation method is more accurate than the weekly aggregation method, both introduced in this thesis, but practical limitations on processing time favor the weekly method. The reliability of GTFS feed data for smaller agencies is less conclusive than that of larger agencies because of discrepancies found in smaller agencies when their GTFS-generated metrics were compared to those in the NTD. This research will be of particular interest to transit and policy analysts, researchers and transit planners.
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Inhaltsbasierte Erschließung und Suche in multimedialen ObjektenSack, Harald, Waitelonis, Jörg 25 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Das kulturelle Gedächtnis speichert immer gewaltigere Mengen von Informationen und Daten. Doch nur ein verschwindend geringer Teil der Inhalte ist derzeit über digitale Kanäle recherchierbar und verfügbar.
Die Projekte mediaglobe und yovisto ermöglichen, den wachsenden Bestand an audiovisuellen Dokumenten auffindbar und nutzbar zu machen und begleiten Medienarchive in die digitale Zukunft.
mediaglobe hat das Ziel, durch automatisierte und semantische Verfahren audiovisuelle Dokumente zur deutschen Zeitgeschichte zu erschließen und verfügbar zu machen. Die Vision von mediaglobe ist ein web-basierter Zugang zu umfassenden digitalen AV-Inhalten in Medienarchiven. Dazu bietet mediaglobe zahlreiche automatisierte Verfahren zur Analyse von audiovisuellen Daten, wie z.B. strukturelle Analyse, Texterkennung im Video, Sprachanalyse oder Genreanalyse. Der Einsatz semantischer Technologien verknüpft die Ergebnisse der AV-Analyse und verbessert qualitativ und quantitativ die Ergebnisse der Multimedia-Suche. Ein Tool zum Rechtemanagement liefert Informationen über die Verfügbarkeit der Inhalte. Innovative und intuitiv bedienbare Benutzeroberflächen machen den Zugang zu kulturellem Erbe aktiv erlebbar.
mediaglobe vereinigt die Projektpartner Hasso-Plattner Institut für Softwaresystemtechnik (HPI), Medien-Bildungsgesellschaft Babelsberg, FlowWorks und das Archiv der defa Spektrum. mediaglobe wird im Rahmen des Forschungsprogramms »THESEUS – Neue Technologien für das Internet der Dienste« durch das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie gefördert.
Die Videosuchmaschine yovisto hingegen ist spezialisiert auf Aufzeichnungen akademischer Lehrveranstaltungen und implementiert explorative und semantische Suchstrategien.
yovisto unterstützt einen mehrstufigen 'explorativen' Suchprozess, in dem der Suchende die Möglichkeit erhält, den Bestand des zugrundeliegenden Medienarchivs über vielfältige Pfade entsprechend seines jeweiligen Interesses zu erkunden, so dass am Ende dieses Suchprozesses Informationen entdeckt werden, von deren Existenz der Suchende bislang nichts wusste. Um dies zu ermöglichen vereinigt yovisto automatisierte semantische Medienanalyse mit benutzergenerierten Metadaten zur inhaltlichen Erschließung von AV-Daten und ermöglicht dadurch eine punktgenaue inhaltsbasierte Suche in Videoarchiven.
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Plateforme visuelle pour l'intégration de données faiblement structurées et incertaines / A visual platform to integrate poorly structured and unknown dataDa Silva Carvalho, Paulo 19 December 2017 (has links)
Nous entendons beaucoup parler de Big Data, Open Data, Social Data, Scientific Data, etc. L’importance qui est apportée aux données en général est très élevée. L’analyse de ces données est importante si l’objectif est de réussir à en extraire de la valeur pour pouvoir les utiliser. Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse concernent la compréhension, l’évaluation, la correction/modification, la gestion et finalement l’intégration de données, pour permettre leur exploitation. Notre recherche étudie exclusivement les données ouvertes (DOs - Open Data) et plus précisément celles structurées sous format tabulaire (CSV). Le terme Open Data est apparu pour la première fois en 1995. Il a été utilisé par le groupe GCDIS (Global Change Data and Information System) (États-Unis) pour encourager les entités, possédant les mêmes intérêts et préoccupations, à partager leurs données [Data et System, 1995]. Le mouvement des données ouvertes étant récent, il s’agit d’un champ qui est actuellement en grande croissance. Son importance est actuellement très forte. L’encouragement donné par les gouvernements et institutions publiques à ce que leurs données soient publiées a sans doute un rôle important à ce niveau. / We hear a lot about Big Data, Open Data, Social Data, Scientific Data, etc. The importance currently given to data is, in general, very high. We are living in the era of massive data. The analysis of these data is important if the objective is to successfully extract value from it so that they can be used. The work presented in this thesis project is related with the understanding, assessment, correction/modification, management and finally the integration of the data, in order to allow their respective exploitation and reuse. Our research is exclusively focused on Open Data and, more precisely, Open Data organized in tabular form (CSV - being one of the most widely used formats in the Open Data domain). The first time that the term Open Data appeared was in 1995 when the group GCDIS (Global Change Data and Information System) (from United States) used this expression to encourage entities, having the same interests and concerns, to share their data [Data et System, 1995]. However, the Open Data movement has only recently undergone a sharp increase. It has become a popular phenomenon all over the world. Being the Open Data movement recent, it is a field that is currently growing and its importance is very strong. The encouragement given by governments and public institutions to have their data published openly has an important role at this level.
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Analisando padrões de mobilidade a partir de redes sociais e de dados sócio demográficos abertos.JERÔNIMO, Caio Libânio Melo. 30 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Lucienne Costa (lucienneferreira@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-08-30T17:25:22Z
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CAIO LIBÂNIO MELO JERÔNIMO – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGCC) 2017.pdf: 4821943 bytes, checksum: 615dc29730ed480c902a5496dce5492f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-30T17:25:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
CAIO LIBÂNIO MELO JERÔNIMO – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGCC) 2017.pdf: 4821943 bytes, checksum: 615dc29730ed480c902a5496dce5492f (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-07-07 / Capes / A demanda constante por melhorias na qualidade de vida dos habitantes das grandes
cidades, somado à crescente urbanização desses centros, torna imprescindível a utilização de meios tecnológicos para um melhor entendimento da dinâmica dos centros urbanos e como seus habitantes interagem nesses ambientes. Nesse sentido, o aumento na utilização de dispositivos eletrônicos equipados com sistemas GPS e o constante anseio da humanidade por comunicação e, mais atualmente, por conexão à internet, vem criando novas oportunidades de estudo e também grandes desafios, especialmente no que tange a grande quantidade de dados gerados pelas redes sociais. Diversas pesquisas vêm utilizando esses dados para realizar estudos que buscam compreender traços do comportamento humano, especialmente no que diz respeito à mobilidade urbana e trajetórias. Porém, grande parte das pesquisas que utilizam dados georreferenciados se restringem às dimensões espaciais e temporais, desconsiderando outros aspectos que podem influenciar na mobilidade humana. Este trabalho propõe um método computacional capaz de extrair padrões de mobilidade oriundos de mensagens georreferenciadas de redes sociais e correlacioná-los com indicadores sociais, econômicos e demográficos fornecidos por órgãos governamentais, buscando assim, analisar quais possíveis fatores poderiam exercer alguma influência sobre a mobilidade dos moradores de uma grande cidade. Para validar o método proposto, foram utilizadas mensagens postadas no Twitter e um conjunto de indicadores sociais, ambos oriundos da cidade de Londres. Os resultados mostraram a existência de correlações entre padrões de mobilidade e indicadores sociais, especialmente os relacionados com condições de emprego e renda, como também com características étnico-religiosas dos indivíduos em estudo. / The constant need for improvements in life quality of inhabitants of big cities, together
with the increasing urbanization of these centers, demands the use of technological means
for a better understanding of the dynamics of urban centers and how their inhabitants
interact in these environments. In this sense, the adoption of electronic devices equipped
with GPS systems, the human need for communication and, more recently, for Internet
connection, have brought new research opportunities and great challenges, especially due
to the huge amount of data generated by social networks. Several studies have used this
data to carry out research that seek to understand traces of human behavior, especially
with respect to urban mobility and trajectories. However, much of the research that
uses georeferenced data are restricted to spatial and temporal dimensions, disregarding
other aspects that may influence human mobility. This work proposes a model capable of
extracting mobility patterns from georeferenced messages of social networks and correlating them with social, economic and demographic indicators provided by government agencies, seeking to analyze which factors may impact in urban mobility. To evaluate the model, we used messages posted on Twitter and a set of social indicators, both related to the city of London. The results revealed the existence of correlations between mobility patterns and social indicators, especially those related to employment and income conditions, as well as ethnic and religious characteristics of the individuals under study.
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Hur Borlänge kommun kan öppna sina data / How Borlänge municipality can open their dataNyberg Åslund, Tim, Abdilahi Khalif, Hassan January 2018 (has links)
This study examines how Borlänge municipality can initiate their work with open data. To open data means that the organisation has in the past kept their datasets closed from public, the point with the project is to publicize datasets to encourage opportunities and innovation in society.Since 2016 Riksarkivet has had a mission to make sure that Swedish governmental bodies have opened a dataset of some type, this mission will finish at the end of 2018. The mission itself has originated from an EU directive and been fitted to Swedish law.This study has collected data and experiences from other municipalities but also from stakeholders and an expert in open data. The study has also collected information online, such as guides, frameworks and processes. All of the collected data served as a foundation for the startplan we composed for Borlänge municipality. / Denna studie undersöker hur Borlänge kommun kan inleda sitt arbete med öppna data. Att öppna sina data betyder att verksamheten tidigare har hållit sina datamängder stängda från allmänheten, syftet med arbetet är då att offentliggöra datamängder för att främja möjligheter och innovation i samhället.Sedan 2016 har Riksarkivet haft i uppdrag att se till att samtliga svenska myndigheter har öppnat någon mängd och typ av data, detta ska vara klart till slutet av 2018. Uppdraget i sig har härstammat från ett EU direktiv och anpassats till svensk lag.Denna studie har samlat in data och erfarenheter från andra kommuner men också från intressenter och en expert inom öppna data. Studien har även samlat in information som finns online, såsom guider, ramverk och processer. Dessa insamlade data låg till grund för den startplan vi sammanställde för Borlänge kommun.
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Panorama sobre a utilização de dados governamentais abertos no Brasil: um estudo a partir dos aplicativos desenvolvidosMoreira, Diogo Luiz de Jesus 31 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Priscilla Araujo (priscilla@ibict.br) on 2015-11-27T16:32:51Z
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license_rdf: 21267 bytes, checksum: 73e23c2acaaf13389e092bd813e3223d (MD5)
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Previous issue date: 2015-03-31 / Esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal traçar um panorama, a partir do estudo dos
aplicativos gerados, sobre como a sociedade brasileira está utilizando Dados Governamentais
Abertos. Dados Governamentais Abertos correspondem à disponibilização de dados da esfera
governamental em formatos predeterminados (formatos abertos e não proprietários) para a
livre utilização, reutilização e redistribuição pela sociedade. A identificação dos aplicativos
que utilizam Dados Governamentais Abertos no Brasil é realizada a partir de informações
oficiais oriundas do Portal Brasileiro de Dados Abertos e de informações extraídas de notícias
sobre Dados Governamentais Abertos no Brasil arquivadas no Observatório de Gestão da
Informação a partir do Alerta Google. Desta forma, este estudo pretende desenvolver os
seguintes objetivos específicos: identificar e categorizar os temas e os autores dos aplicativos
que utilizam Dados Governamentais Abertos no Brasil, assim como os conjuntos de dados
utilizados e suas respectivas licenças, e avaliar o grau de atualização dos aplicativos
disponibilizados no Portal Brasileiro de Dados Abertos em relação às aplicações identificadas
através das notícias sobre Dados Governamentais Abertos arquivadas no Observatório de
Gestão da Informação. / This paper aims to give an overview, from the study of the generated applications, about as
Brazilian society is using Open Government Data. Open Government Data consist of the
provision of data of governmental sphere at predetermined formats (open and non-proprietary
standards) for free use, reuse and redistribution by society. The identification of applications
that use Open Government Data in Brazil is performed based on official information extracted
from the Portal Brasileiro de Dados Abertos and information extracted from news on Open
Government Data in Brazil archived on Observatório de Gestão da Informação as from
Google Alerts. Thus, this study aims to develop the following specific objectives: identify and
categorize the themes and the authors of the applications that use Open Government Data in
Brazil, as well as datasets used and their licenses, and assess the degree of update of the
applications available in Portal Brasileiro de Dados Abertos relative to applications identified
through the news on Open Government Data archived on Observatório de Gestão da
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An Application of the Gravity Model to International Trade in NarcoticsMarchildon, Miguel January 2018 (has links)
The transnational traffic of narcotics has had undeniable impacts on international development, for instance, stagnant economic growth in Myanmar (Chin, 2009), unsustainable agricultural practices in Yemen (Robins, 2016), and human security threats in Columbia (Thoumi, 2013). Furthermore, globalization is a catalyst for the transnational narcotics traffic (Robins, 2016; Aas, 2007; Kelly, Maghan & Serio, 2005). Several qualitative studies exist on the transnational narcotics traffic, yet few quantitative studies examine the issue. There is thus an opportunity for novel quantitative studies on the general question: “what are the main economic factors that influence the transnational traffic of narcotics between countries?” This study looked at the specific question: “are distance and economic size correlated with the volume of narcotics traffic between countries?” This study chose the gravity model as it centres on bilateral trade (Tinbergen, 1962), accounts for trade barriers (Kalirajan, 2008) and is empirically robust (Anderson 2011). This study defined a basic functional gravity model relating a proxy of the narcotics traffic to distance and economic size. Four augmented functional gravity models were also advanced to address omitted variable bias. The research was limited conceptually to cross sectional and pooled time series data. In addition, the data was also limited practically to a convenience sample of secondary data drawn from: the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s (UNODC) (2016a) Individual Drug Seizures (IDS); the World Bank’s (2016) World Development Indicators; and the CEPII’s GeoDist (2016) datasets. This study used a novel “dosage” approach to unit standardization to overcome the challenge posed by the many measures and forms of narcotics. The study used the Poisson pseudo maximum likelihood (PPML) estimator as its estimations of the gravity model are consistent (Gourieroux et al., 1984), allow heteroscedasticity (Silva & Tenreyro, 2006) and avoid back transformation bias (Cox et al., 2008). The evidence analyzed in this study seem to indicate that the gravity model may not be applicable in its current form to the transnational narcotics traffic among countries that report drug seizures to the UNODC. However, the sampling method and the choice of proxy are likely to influence these findings. Moreover, the low explanatory power of the gravity model for the narcotics traffic, reflected in the values of the pseudo-R-squared coefficient of determination, indicates that other factors are at play. For instance, authors such as Asad and Harris (2003) and Thoumi (2003) argue that institutions could be a key factor in the narcotics traffic. Future empirical research into this topic could build on the theses findings to introduce new proxies and to explore alternate theoretical frameworks.
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