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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Vårdbiträde i hemtjänst." : Rådande diskurser på statlig samt praktiknära samhällsnivå. / "Home Health Care Worker." : Current discourses at the political and practical levels.

Björnsdotter Ackerman, Pernilla January 2013 (has links)
Detta är en uppsats där normer och värderingar om vårdbiträdet i hemtjänst undersöks genom kritisk diskursanalys. Datamaterial omfattar SOU-rapporten I den äldres tjänst. Äldreassistenten – ett framtidsyrke samt två fokusgruppsintervjuer med omsorgspersonal från en hemtjänstenhet. Diskursanalysen utförs i förhållande till och i samspel med sekundärlitteraturen. Utöver den språkliga analysen tas även kulturella och sociala dimensioner med i studien. För att ringa in rådande diskurser studeras centrala termer och formuleringar genom att undersöka hur ofta och upprepat de förekommer, samt vilken inkludering och exkludering som görs. I spänningsfältet som uppträder mellan den statliga diskursen och den praktiknära diskursen framträder stridigheter om de brister som äldreomsorgen tillskrivs. På politisk statlig nivå framträder en normerande bild av vårdbiträdet som den bristande länken i lagarbetet kring den äldre. På praktiknära nivå framhålls en förklaringsmodell där organisering och ledning är centrala bristkomponenter. Praktiker-diskursens faktorer bemötande och lön konkurrerar med de överordnade faktorerna som återges i SOU-diskursen; utbildning och validering. / This study is a discourse analytical study of norms and values in the Swedish public home health care sector. The discourse is studied at two different levels in Swedish society: the political and the practical. Information is collected through focus-group interviews at the practical level and at the political level from a report in the Swedish Government Official Reports Series (SOU 2008:126), appointed by the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs.   Government-sponsored publications and reports are used as a basis for executive and legislative decision-making in the parliament and the government. The governmental study is an important template for the formation and maintenance of norms and valuations. Elder care workers constitute Sweden's largest labor force and a majority of them are employed by municipalities. The SOU report motivates competence-reform in light of pending waves of retirements within the elder care work force, increased demand for elder care, and decreasing high-school enrollment in care and service programs. The discourse analysis is executed in relation to and in concert with the secondary literature.   The theoretical and methodological perspective in this study takes its starting point in Fairclough's critical discourse analytical theory and method. This provides dialectic of structures and practices, where discourse has an influence on and is influenced by social structures. In Fairclough's view, discourse practices are an important form of social practice that contributes to the forming of identities and relationships. The study investigates discursive practices in the report in order to uncover their role in the perpetuation of an unequal balance of power, so called ideological effects.  The study reveals contradictions within the SOU report and discordance between the report and home health care workers. Despite a societal eagerness to professionalize the home health aide, the political discourse relegates the aide to the bottom of the care hierarchy, by excluding issues such as compensation and subordinating questions concerning the organization and management. Discourses and action-space for workers in the home health care environment can be investigated in light of current deficiencies in top-down guidance and limited opportunities for peer-group meetings, especially since an increasing number of home health care workers have Swedish as a second language. Interactive research with both workers and management could be investigated and developed with pedagogical tools as a part of process of reform. Because Swedish society places such a high value on government reports, it is of continuing importance to scrutinize through critical-discourse analysis the entity of governmental research.

Coupled careers: Win-win or zero-sum? : How the partner’s occupational status relates to individual labor market outcomes

Lewenhagen, Lars January 2017 (has links)
The dynamics between partners’ careers have implications for household and gender inequality as heterosexual unions are usually formed by two individuals with similar educational attainment where the man has a stronger labor market position. This paper examines how the partner’s occupational status relates to individual career outcomes, and how the association varies by gender. The literature reports conflicting expectations on the subject. Social capital theory suggests that an occupationally successful partner can be beneficial to one’s career because of useful contacts, information, and advice. Economic theory assumes a negative relationship between the resources of the partner and own career outcomes due to less time and effort spent in the labor market. Using multiple regression analysis predicting hourly wage, annual income, and career progression, the contrasting hypotheses are tested on Swedish panel data including 1,065 married or cohabitating individuals. Results show a positive correlation between the partner’s occupational status at the start of cohabitation and hourly wage and career progression. The association does not differ significantly between men and women. However, the findings show that gender is more important than the partners’ occupational status for the interaction between careers in dual-earner couples.

原住民教育與職業成就的相關 / The correlation of educational attainment and occupational status of Aborigines

梁秋紅, Liang, Chiu Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的是基於Blau和Duncan的社會地位取得模型,來探討原住民教育與職業的關係,除了原住民父親教育、父親職業、教育程度、初職和目前職業成就等五個獎項外,尚加上社會歧視、工作動機和工作認知等三個變項。   本研究的資料是來自謝高橋(民82)所做的「台灣地區山胞就業與失業問題之調查研究」,依本研究的主要幾項從此項調查中摘取相關資料作為分析基礎。研究中所使用的統計方法包括聯列表,單因子變異量分析,皮爾森積差相關和多元迴歸分析等。   本研究主要的研究結果如下:   一、原住民家庭背景、社會歧視、工作動機,工作認知、教育程度及職業成就的分佈情形    (一)原住民的家庭出身以其父親的教有和職業為指標。可以看出隨著教育的普及,其父親的教有程度較雖較前略有提升,不識字的人數大幅減少.但大部分集中在國小階段;其父親的職業多半以從事農、漁業為主,但人數隨著時間漸漸減少,而體力工及非技術工卻呈現U字形的增加。    (二)原住民所感受的社會歧視,並沒有隨著時間而減少。    (三)工作動機已漸漸由家庭需要轉為為求自己發展。    (四)工作認知逐漸降低,不易掌握市場就業資訊。    (五)原住民的教育程度略有提昇,但仍集中在低學歷階段。    (六)原住民所從事的工作多半位居整個台灣職業結構的下層,職業成就偏低。   二、將教育程度、初職及目前職業轉換成等距尺度,進行單因子變異數分析及事後比較。結果發現原住民的教育程度、初職聲望及目前職業聲望有隨著社會經濟的發展而提升的趨勢,但是從平均數來看,在年輕一輩的原住民中(15-30歲間),教育平均程度為2.43,根據本研究的編碼方式,差不多相當於國中階段;初職平均聲望為32.06,差不多相當於受雇買賣人員;目前職業平均聲望為33.64,差不多相當於技藝及有關工作人員。由此可知,原住民教育程度,初職聲望及目前職業聲望雖較前提高,但是也是集中在低學歷、工業生產有關工作上。   三、原住民在教有取得的過程中,以父親教有的影響最大,但隨著社會經濟的發展,而有下降的趨勢。   四、原住民在取得初職地位的過程中,以教有程度的影響最大,但隨著杜會經濟的發展,而有下降的趨勢。   五、原住民在取得目前職業成就的過程中,以初職地位的影響最大,但隨著社會經濟的發展,而有下降的趨勢。   六、原住民接受高中以上教育,較能提高職業聲望,但隨著社會經濟的發展。而有下降的趨勢。   本研究根據上述研究結果加以討論,並提供若干建議以供政府有關單位及後續研究之參考。

Butikschefens tillvägagångssätt vid rekrytering och anställning. : Likheter och skillnader mellan kedja och privatägd butik

Johansson, Madeleine, Hasselström, Stina January 2011 (has links)
Rapportens undersökning beskriver de skillnader och likheter mellan kedjeägda och privatägda klädbutiker i Lidköping. En öppen intervju genomfördes med fem butikschefer i kedja och fem butikschefer/ägare i privatägd butik för att beskriva rekryteringsprocessen och kunskapsnivån om anställningsformerna, 4-6 §§ Lag (1982:80) om anställningsskydd (LAS). Personalen i en butik är en resurs som tillsammans med butikschefen/ägaren arbetar för att uppnå lönsamhet. Rätt personal är då betydelsefullt för arbetsgivaren och en felrekrytering kan bli kostsamt för företaget. En effektiv och strukturerad rekryteringsprocess leder till rätt person på rätt plats[1]. Rekryteringsprocessens sista delar innefattar anställningsavtalet där anställningsformen ska beslutas för den nyanställda. Enligt 4-6 §§ LAS, finns sex korrekta anställningsformer. Uppsatsens fråga; Hur anställer butikschefer ny personal och kan de förklara anställningsformerna enligt 4-6 §§ LAS? Underfråga; vilka likheter och skillnader finns beroende på om butikschefen är verksam inom kedja eller privatägd butik? Rapportens slutsats beskriver att rekryteringsprocessen skiljer sig ytterst lite åt varandra i klädföretagen. Både kedjor och privatägda butiker utförde en kortsiktig process vid nyanställning. Kunskapsnivån av anställningsformerna skildes åt tydligare beroende på vart butikschefen arbetade. Butikschefer i kedjor besatt en högre kunskap medan butikschefer/ägare i privat butik saknade generellt kännedomen kring anställningsformernas rättigheter och skyldigheter. Inga av de intervjuade har upplevt konsekvenser av brist på kunskap inom 4-6 §§ LAS. Frågan är om det är nödvändigt för butikschefer att besitta denna kunskap? [1]Danilov & Hellgren, april 2010 / The report's survey describes the differences and similarities between a chain and privately-owned clothing stores in Lidköping. An open interview was conducted with five store managers in a chain store and five store managers / owners of the privately owned shop to describe the recruitment process and knowledge on forms of employment, § § 4-6 Lag (1982:80) om anställningsskydd (LAS). The staff in a store is a resource that together with store manager / owner is working to achieve profitability. Right staff is then important for the employer and a wrong recruitment can be costly for the company. An effective and structured recruitment process leads to the right person at the right place. The recruitment process last part includes the employment contract which the employment status is decided for the new recruits. According to § § 4-6 LAS, there are six regular forms of employment. Essay question: How do the store managers employ new staff and do they know the forms of employment according to § § 4-6 LAS?  Sub query: What similarities and differences exist depending on whether the store manager is active within the chain or privately owned shop? Conclusion of the report describing the recruitment process differs very little about each other clothing companies. Both chains and privately owned shops did a short-term process of hiring new staff. The level of knowledge of forms of employment were separated more clearly dependent on each store manager was working. Store managers in chains possessed a higher knowledge while store managers / owners of private store lacked general awareness about the employment status ‘rights and obligations. None of the interviewees have experienced the consequences of lack of knowledge in § § 4-6 LAS. The question is whether it is necessary for store managers to possess this knowledge?

Social Identities and Meanings in Correctional Work

Botelho, Caitlin C 01 December 2016 (has links)
This study focuses on correctional officers’ values and perceptions of their workplace, the people they work with and for, and members of the general public. Although prior research has investigated correctional staff members’ feelings about their occupation, far fewer studies have implemented a comprehensive qualitative, microsociological approach. The author conducted 20 in-depth interviews with current and former correctional officers (COs) in public-supported facilities. Additional data were collected through two public Facebook pages designated for COs and citizens interested in the criminal justice system. The study offers insights about the significance of COs’ feelings about their work and how the correctional environment affects their lives at work and away from the workplace among the non-incarcerated public. How COs contend with the devalued nature of correctional work and how female COs deal with a male-dominated workplace are primary analytical themes.

Who gets their hands 'dirty' in the knowledge society? Training for the skilled trades in New Zealand

Murray, Nicole Anne January 2004 (has links)
The vision of New Zealand as a 'knowledge society' is a mantra that has opened the twenty-first century. Underpinning any 'knowledge society', however; are people who turn resources into concrete products and who build, maintain and service the technological and social infrastructure essential to society. This thesis examines the skilled trades and, in particular, how people are trained for those trades. Industry training is a crucial component of the wealth-generating capabilities of New Zealand. It is also an essential part of the way that many young people make the transition from school to work and from adolescence to adulthood. The means of training tradespeople has moved over the years from the rigid and prescriptive apprenticeship system, to the more voluntaristic, industry-led 'industry training' strategy, introduced following the Industry Training Act 1992. Regardless of the system used to organise training, however, there have been long-standing problems in New Zealand with achieving the optimum number of skilled workers, possessing the correct 'mix' of skills required. In this research, based upon semi-structured interviews with industry training stakeholders four industry case studies, policy content analysis and an in-depth examination of the Modem Apprenticeships scheme, I ask three key questions. First, what are the things that, as a country, we could or should reasonably expect a 'good' industry training system to contribute to? These may be things like: an adequate supply of appropriately skilled workers, the ability to upskill or reskill these workers as needed, clear transition routes for young people, lifelong learning opportunities, equity goals and foundation skills. Second, I ask how the current system performs against these criteria. The short answer is that the performance is 'patchy'. There are dire skill shortages in many areas. While opportunities for workplace upskilling, reskilling or 'lifelong learning' are available, I argue that they are not yet cemented into a 'training culture'. Workplace-based learning is an important transition route for a small percentage of our young people but the favoured route is some form of tertiary education, which may be an expensive and not necessarily relevant option. Third, I ask why the performance of New Zealand's industry training system is often less than desirable. My argument is that the problems and solutions thereof, of skill formation in New Zealand have been understood largely in terms of the supply-side. That is, we have either critiqued, or looked to reform, whatever system has been in place to train skilled workers. The inadequacy of this approach is evident from weaknesses in the ability of either the prescriptive apprenticeship system or the voluntaristic industry training strategy to deliver an appropriately skilled workforce. Thus, I also examine the demand side of skill formation: the wider influences that impact on employers' training decisions. Training decisions made by individual employers, the aggregation of which represent the level and quality of training for New Zealand as a whole, are influenced by a plethora of factors. At the micro level of the employer or firm, I explore barriers to training and some of the constraints to the demand for skills. I then examine broader influences, such as the changing shape of the workforce, labour market regulation and wider economic factors, all of which impact on training levels.

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