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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

First Time Versus Repeated Domestic Violence Survivors: Differences in Offense Types

Carpenter, Rachel K., Gretak, Alyssa P., Eisenbrandt, Lydia L., Gilley, Rebecca H., Stinson, Jill D. 21 March 2019 (has links)
No description available.

The Effect Touches, Post Touches, and Dribbles Have on Offense for Men's Division I Basketball

Jackson, Kim T. 04 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The purposes of this study were to evaluate the effects touches per play, post touches per play, and dribbles to end a play (DEP) have on points per play, field goal percentage, turnovers, and fouls. This was done to provide empirical evidence on anecdotal theories held by coaches concerning ball movement, dribbles, and post touches. The data collected were statistically analyzed using Bayesian hierarchical models. This study reports some intriguing trends. First, exceeding nine passes and three dribbles to end a play results in a decrease in points per play and field goal percentage. Second, up to three dribbles into a shot was more productive and efficient than shooting with no dribbles. Third, post play does not have as big an effect on offensive basketball as previously expected. Lastly, offensive rebounds seem to universally have a positive effect upon offensive basketball. This study supported some anecdotal beliefs about basketball, while not others, supporting the idea for statistically based studies to be conducted on anecdotal beliefs held about basketball.

The Meaning of Being Considered a Sex Offender for the Person Who is Reintegrating into Society: A Hermeneutic Phenomenology Approach

Petreca, Victor G. January 2021 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Ann W. Burgess / Purpose: The purpose of this hermeneutic phenomenological qualitative study was to describe the meaning of being considered a ‘sex offender’ for the individual who is reintegrating into society. The aims included understanding the lived experience of the participants, while considering issues associated with self-perception, perception of others, stigma and humanization. A secondary aim was to unveil the meaning of being identified as a ‘sex offender’ and reintegrating into society carrying such label. Background: Individuals with a criminal history face several barriers upon reentering society. For individuals with a history of sexual offenses, the challenges are even more aggravated. In many instances, society perceives individuals charged with a sex offense (ICSO) as “evil,” “monsters” and “the highest form of evil.” Additionally, upon reentry, ICSOs are subject to several sanctions that are uniquely directed towards those who have committed sexual crimes, such as civil commitments, housing and employment limitations and the Sex Offender Registry Board (SORB). While treatment specializing in sex offending is available and has been associated with reduced sex offending, issues associated with stigma, protracted or inhibited reintegration and overall recidivism are still common occurrences. Method: This study was guided by Heidegger’s hermeneutic phenomenology philosophical principles, Max van Manen’s approach guided data collection and analysis. Only male adults (>18) were included in the study, and those who had a current “prisoner status” were excluded. Fourteen participants were recruited through purposive and snowball sampling. Participants were individually interviewed about their experience of being charged with a sexual offense, accounting for when they were first charged, until the period in which they reentered society. An iterative process was used for data analysis. Data was coded and interpreted through a hermeneutic circle. To ensure rigor and trustworthiness, Lincoln and Guba’s criteria were used, which include credibility, confirmability, dependability, and transferability. Audit trails, triangulation and reflexivity were essential strategies. Results: The study sample consisted of fourteen men, ranging in age from 23 to 68 years old (x̄ = 51.7 years; table 1). One participant identified his race/ethnicity as Asian American, while all other participants identified their race/ethnicity as white. Five of the participant were assigned a level 3 in the SORB, while four were assigned a level 1, three were assigned a level 2 and two were awaiting a level designation. The major themes identified were: (1) Exposed secret leads to humiliation (2) Being considered a sex offender is living in fear of the unknown, (3) Stigma consumes the identity of the individual charged with a sexual offense (4) Reframing and “leveling” of the crime are coping strategies; and (5) The path towards healing and forgiveness is complex. These themes represent different facets of the phenomenon of interest. Conclusion: Through hermeneutic phenomenology, a more complete understanding of the meaning of being considered a ‘sex offender’ for the person reintegrating into society was formed. The data uncovered allowed for a conceptualization of the phenomenon, The vexed question of accepting guilt while avoiding shame. Future research should focus on longitudinally exploring the interplay between behavior and the process of shame and guilt over time. Moreover, future studies should test and verify the conceptualization. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2021. / Submitted to: Boston College. Connell School of Nursing. / Discipline: Nursing.

Exploring Forgiveness: The Relationship Between Feeling Forgiven by God and Self-Forgiveness for an Interpersonal Offense

Martin, Alyce Mae 29 July 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Discretion Without Choice: Sexual Offender Legislation and Judicial Discretion

Varhola, Jonathan C. 21 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.


Bedell, Tina Marie 20 December 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Coach's dilemma: run versus pass

Vaught, Dennis A. 15 July 2010 (has links)
The decision of run versus pass is of major importance to a football coach. This study focused on four situations: second down and short medium yardage for a first down; second down and long medium yardage for a first down; third down and short medium yardage for a first down; and third down and long medium yardage for a first down. Plays were taken off of a computer printout from the 1985 Virginia Tech Football team's statistics. Percentages of success and failure were taken to determine if a pattern could be established as to whether run or pass was more successful. These percentages were tested against a null hypothesis which stated that there would not be any difference in the success rate of run versus pass. Strength of schedule was taken into consideration. A Spearman rho (rank) correlation coefficient was computed for opponents' pre-season and post-season ranking. The study established that there was a significant difference in the success rate by using the run in the second down and short medium situation. This was also found to be true in the third down and short medium situation. / Master of Science

Ar įstatyme draudžiamą provokaciją apibrėžiant tik aktyviais teisėsaugos institucijų pareigūnų veiksmais, neįvardijant pasyvių veiksmų galimybės, nepažeidžiamas žmogaus teisių ir laisvių užtikrinimo principas? / If the Provocation Prohibited by the Law is Defined only by Active Actions of Law Enforcement Agencies without Naming Passive Policy Options, is it not Violating the Principle of Human Rights and Freedoms?

Paulauskaitė, Sandra 19 June 2014 (has links)
Valstybė kovoje su įvairių rūšių ir formų nusikalstamumu taiko neviešo pobūdžio veiksmus, iš jų ir kriminalinės žvalgybos informacijos rinkimo būdą – nusikalstamos veikos imitavimą. Neviešo pobūdžio veiksmai būtini įgyvendinant šalių baudžiamąją politiką, bet yra neišvengiamai susiję su žmogaus teisių ir laisvių apribojimais ar kitokiais jų suvaržymais. Imituodami nusikalstamą veiką, teisėsaugos institucijų pareigūnai privalo elgtis išimtinai preciziškai, vadovautis jiems suteikta kompetencija ir neperžengti leistino elgesio ribų. Provokacija jų veikloje pripažįstama kaip absoliučiai draudžiamas veiksmas. Ji suprantama, kaip atskirų teisėsaugos institucijų pareigūnų arba su jais bendradarbiaujančių fizinių asmenų neteisėta veikla. Bet koks provokuojantis ar su provokacija supanašėjantis elgesys privalo būti vertintinas kaip neteisėtas ir peržengiantis leistinas veikimo ribas. Provokacijos esmė teismų praktikoje dažniausiai siejama su aktyvia teisėsaugos institucijų pareigūnų ar jų pasitelktų fizinių asmenų veikla. Vis dėlto, galbūt galima provokuoti ir asmens visiškai neskatinant daryti teisei priešingą veiką, nesant aktyvią provokaciją liudijančių požymių? Galbūt konstatuoti provokaciją galima ir kai dėl ilgalaikio teisėsaugos institucijų pareigūnų pasyvių veiksmų tęstinumo, turinčio esminę įtaką asmens apsisprendimui, sudaroma situacija, sukeliamomis pasekmėmis prilygstanti asmens provokavimui? Ši situacija galėtų būti laikoma pasyviąja, netiesiogine provokacija. Tai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The state in dealing with different types and forms of crime, its most dangerous variants use a variety of non-public actions. Used secret actions and measures for their implementation must have the legitimacy, appropriateness, reasonableness, proportionality, public and secret coordination principles and the need to apply them. Secret research activities are necessary for implementation of criminal policy, they are seen as a means to achieve the objectives of the criminal process, but they are inevitably associated with limitations of human rights and freedom. In the current Lithuanian Republic Law on criminal intelligence and Lithuanian Republic Code of Criminal Procedure in the fight against crime, law enforcement officials investigate the possibility of disclosing its identity and the application of criminal simulation. Evaluating the two laws governed as offense simulation criminal intelligence collection method, it is reasonable to state that in this way there are made better facilitates for detection and investigation of the most serious or very complex and well–organized crime. Officers of law enforcement, carrying non-public nature actions, their offense and the simulation must deal exclusively with precision, follow the competence given to them and lie within the boundaries between permissible and prohibited actions. The required authorization of the criminal simulation, the prohibition to incite and provoke people and simulating actions in foreseen actions in... [to full text]

Das Verlangen nach Überwachen und Strafen in der Leipziger Bevölkerung

Klimt, Oliver, Müller, Matthias, Rauhut, Heiko 26 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit basiert auf der Sekundäranalyse eines Datensatzes, welcher im Stadtgebiet Leipzig im Rahmen eines Forschungspraktikums erhoben wurde. Die Autoren folgen modernen sozialwissenschaftlichen Standards, indem sie theoretisch abgeleitete Hypothesen empirisch prüfen. Besonders hervorhebenswert ist dabei, dass sie ein komplexes Mehrebenenmodell zur Erklärung von Einstellungen zum Überwachen und Strafen theoretisch versiert entwickeln. Beides, Überwachen und Strafen, sind hochbrisante aktuelle Themen in der öffentlichen Diskussion. Gerade in diesen sensiblen Sicherheitsbereichen erweist sich die Bevölkerungsmeinung als ausgesprochen instabil. Immer wieder gelingt es über Mediendramaturgien beachtliche Teile der öffentlichen Meinung für die populistische Konstruktion der Erhöhung der Strafhärte zu mobilisieren. Beeinflussungen der Kriminalitätsfurcht erweisen sich dabei als besonders effektiv. Über die affektive Komponente gelingt es nicht selten auch die kognitive, die Urteilsbildung zu beeinflussen. Hinsichtlich der Einstellungen zum Überwachen ist die Situation ebenfalls nicht besser. Zumindest kurzfristig haben demoskopische Untersuchungen gezeigt, dass ein gewisser Teil der Bevölkerung bereit ist, demokratische Rechte zur Erhöhung der öffentlichen Sicherheit wenn nicht aufzugeben so doch zumindest merklich einschränken zu lassen.

A Workbook to Promote Forgiveness for Ingroup Congregational Offenses

Greer, Chelsea 09 May 2013 (has links)
Since research on forgiveness has flourished over the past three decades, multiple interventions have been developed to aid individuals in this arduous process. Two interventions in particular have been most-widely studied with diverse groups: Enright’s process model (Enright & Fitzgibbons, 2000) and Worthington’s REACH Forgiveness model (2006). Thus far, these forgiveness interventions have been led by trained professionals in an in-person group. In-person interventions pose issues of cost and attendance. In the current study, I adapted Worthington’s Christian-adapted REACH Forgiveness intervention into a self-directed workbook for Christians who have experienced an offense within a religious community. Participants (N = 52) voluntarily completed the workbook for partial course credit, taking an average of 6.66 hours of time, and assessments at three time points. I found a significant treatment condition x time interaction, Wilks’ ë = .31, F(6,31) = 11.57, p < .001, partial ç² = .69, which indicates that the effect of time depended upon the treatment condition to which participants were assigned. In addition, the current study produced a larger effect size comparable to benchmarks of previous in-person REACH Forgiveness interventions (d = 1.63), and fell within the upper limit of the standard of change. The current findings encourage further analysis of this self-directed intervention which is cost-effective, easily disseminated, and found effective in this initial study.

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