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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

2024 June 13 - Tennessee Weekly Drought Summary

Tennessee Climate Office, East Tennessee State University 13 June 2024 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

2024 June 20 - Tennessee Weekly Drought Summary

Tennessee Climate Office, East Tennessee State University 20 June 2024 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

2024 July 4 - Tennessee Weekly Drought Summary

Tennessee Climate Office, East Tennessee State University 04 July 2024 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

2024 July 11 - Tennessee Weekly Drought Summary

Tennessee Climate Office, East Tennessee State University 11 July 2024 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Medarbetares inställning till öppna kontorslandskap : En kvalitativ studie på en kundserviceavdelning / Employees´ attitude toward open office landscapes : A qualitative study in a customer service department

Götenstedt Hürbi, Arka, Brandt, Anna January 2024 (has links)
På grund av fördelar som bland annat flexibilitet, kostnadsbesparingar, och ökat samarbete mellan anställda har konceptet öppna kontorslandskap blivit en trend över hela världen. Flera studier har dock påvisat konceptets nackdelar där anställda och organisationer i helhet påverkas negativt, men ändå fortsätter organisationer att omvandla sina cellkontor till öppna kontorslandskap. Vissa verkar tycka om öppna kontorslandskap medan andra är mer negativt inställda. Denna uppsats har i syfte att undersöka vad medarbetare tycker om öppna kontorslandskap. Undersökningen tog plats på en kundserviceavdelning på ett pappersföretag. Åtta respondenter intervjuades då en kvalitativ studie utfördes. Vi har använt oss av bekvämlighetsurval och till viss del strategiskt urval, då vi hade en bekant som arbetade i det öppna kontorslandskapet på pappersföretaget som kunde förse oss med respondenter av intresse för studien. Relevanta begrepp och teorier presenteras i teoriavsnittet, för att förse läsaren med information och kunskap inom ämnet. Dessa teorier används även för att utforma intervjuguiden och hitta teman i det insamlade materialet från intervjuerna. Dessa teman kunde vi även använda oss av när vi analyserade materialet. Resultatet visade att inställningen till öppna kontorslandskap är högst individuell. Även om hälften av respondenterna var mer positiva och den andra hälften var mer negativa, fann vi att det var individuella skillnader i varför de var positivt eller negativt inställda. De anställdas inställning grundar sig i tidigare erfarenheter av andra kontorstyper, samt faktorer på arbetsplatsen såsom ljud/buller, ljusförhållanden, och luftkvaliteten. Unika fynd i studien var tystnaden i det öppna kontorslandskapet och hur detta påverkade de anställda. Utmärkande med just denna studie är att de flesta ljudkällorna som orsakade buller återfanns utanför det öppna kontorslandskapet.

The Office of Public Information of the United Nations

Williams, John Duncan, Jr January 1965 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Boston University / PLEASE NOTE: Boston University Libraries did not receive an Authorization To Manage form for this thesis or dissertation. It is therefore not openly accessible, though it may be available by request. If you are the author or principal advisor of this work and would like to request open access for it, please contact us at open-help@bu.edu. Thank you. / A. STATEMENT OF THE TOPIC UNDER STUDY. The Office of Public Information, part of the Secretariat of the United Nations, is charged with the vital task of assuring that timely, complete and unbiased information concerning the United Nations is disseminated to the entire world. The purpose of this study was to examine the functional capabilities, the policies, the personnel, the financing and the effectiveness of the OPI. Further, an attempt was made to isolate specific problem areas confronting the OPI and to seek to suggest solutions to these problems which might increase the impact of the United Nations information program. B. STUDY METHODS AND PROCEDURES. Although the literature concerning the United Nations itself is vast, materials dealing specifically with the operation of the OPI proved limited. Some textbook materials relating to principles of communications, public relations, mass audiences and so forth proved useful as did the official depository of United Nations documents maintained by the World Peace Foundation, Boston office. Largely, however, the incisive and meaningful data was gleaned from on-the-scene observation of the OPI at work, exhaustive interviews with OPI officials and a study of internal memos on regulations, procedures and policies. C. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS. The study disproved pre-conceived notions held by the researcher that the OPI would prove hamstrung by international politics, its own bureaucracy and by a personnel system hinging on political rather than professional considerations. The study revealed that the OPI is a completely modernized, energetic and highly professional information system. Content studies of OPI produced informational materials indicated that the materials are uniformly concise, informative non-propagaridistic and undoubtedly effective description of the news events, programs and policies of the United Nations and the specialized agencies. D. IMPLICATIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH. Since the present study yielded the fact that the OPI has not, thus far (due in part to budgetary and personal limitations) developed a viable system of gauging or evaluating the effect or impact of their programs, it would appear that a study which could yield a design for worldwide "feedback" operations would be both challenging and of infinite value. / 2999-01-01

L'Office du film du Québec : vitrine de l'État dans la Cité : la communication des services de l'administration publique québécoise par le cinéma, 1961-1976

Robert, Marc-André 27 January 2024 (has links)
Entre 1961 et 1976, l’Office du film du Québec (OFQ) est l’organisme d’État responsable de la production, de l’achat et de la distribution des moyens cinématographiques de l’ensemble des ministères et services de l’administration publique québécoise. Nouvelle incarnation du Service de Ciné-photographie fondé en 1940, l’OFQ s’inscrit alors en continuité et en rupture avec les premières initiatives en la matière, lesquelles remontent aussi loin que les années 1920. Ces films, des courts-métrages à mi-chemin entre le documentaire et le film pédagogique, servent à la communication des activités et services de l’État envers ses citoyens, et à préserver une trace visuelle des actualités gouvernementales du Québec. La présente thèse vise à analyser les contextes politique et administratif ayant motivé le développement d’une telle stratégie de communication des services de l’administration publique québécoise de façon à comprendre comment et à quelles fins furent gérés et administrés ces activités cinématographiques. Elle révèle l’importance et la nécessité du rôle occupé par l’Office du film du Québec en pleine Révolution tranquille, rôle soutenu et défendu par des fonctionnaires, et bien souvent en dépit d’un soutien politique : celui d’agent de liaison entre l’appareil administratif de l’État québécois et la société civile. / Between 1961 and 1976, the Quebec Film Board (OFQ) was the government agency responsible for the production, purchase and distribution of cinematographic resources for all departments and services of the Québec administration. A new incarnation of the Cine-Photography Service founded in 1940, the OFQ is then in continuity and in rupture with the first initiatives in the field, which go back as far as the 1920s. These films, short films halfway between the documentary and the educational film, are used for communication of the activities and services of the state towards its citizens, and to preserve a visual trace of the governmental news of Quebec. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the political and administrative contexts that motivated the development of such a communication strategy for Québec government services in order to understand how and for what purposes these cinematographic activities were managed and administered. It reveals the importance and necessity of the role played by the Quebec Film Board in the midst of the Quiet Revolution, arole supported and defended by public servants, and often in spite of political support: that of a liaison officer between the administrative apparatus of the Quebec State and the entire civil society.

The marketing problems of mini-computers and electronic accounting machines in Hong Kong.

January 1973 (has links)
Liu Yan-Wah. / Summary in Chinese. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong. / Bibliography: leaves 82-84.

La procédure contentieuse en matière electorale : recherches sur le contentieux des élections au Cameroun / The electoral contentious procedure : research on electoral disputes in Cameroon

Mandeng, Diane 20 January 2017 (has links)
Trente sept années après l'appel « aux urnes l'Afrique ! Élections et pouvoirs en Afrique noire », lancé par les chercheurs du Centre d'études d'Afrique Noire (CEAN) de Bordeaux, l'organisation des processus électoraux s'est développée et profondément enracinée dans la culture sociopolitique des systèmes politiques des États africains. L'élection s'est dès lors constituée comme la clé de voûte de tout système représentatif et entraîne la problématique de la consolidation de la démocratie et de l'État de droit. Malgré l'existence de nombreux travaux sur l'élection, le contentieux électoral demeure assez complexe et constitue encore de nos jours un facteur de tension et de crises postélectorales dans plusieurs États africains. L'organisation d'une procédure contentieuse en matière électorale participe dès lors à l'objectif de garantir aux citoyens la pleine jouissance de leur souveraineté. Elle obéit à la mise en place d'un mécanisme adéquat et simplifié, qui favorise l'accès des justiciables aux juges électoraux. La procédure contentieuse telle qu'organisée au Cameroun comporte à l'évidence plusieurs éléments qui favorisent la garantie des droits civils et politiques des citoyens. Elle s'avère insuffisante et inefficace face à l'office d'un juge électoral englouti par des contraintes tant sociopolitiques que professionnelles, d'où la nécessité de procéder à un réaménagement profond visant la garantie des droits civils et politiques des citoyens par l'efficacité de l'office du juge électoral et partant, la consolidation de la démocratie représentative. / In 1979, the African study Center of Bordeaux, launched a new initiative about voting in Africa. Thirty seven years later, the organization of electoral processes has been substantially developed and is now deeply rooted in african political systems. Consequently, electing the people political representatives is now a cornerstone of decision-making processes of African political systems, leading to the enhancement of democracy issues and basic State rights struggles (or political power struggles), which assume/require a strong involvement of citizens. Regardless of intensive research activities about those issues, electoral disputes resolution remains a serious concern in Africa, potentially leading to post-election crises and violence, as well as long term conflicts in some African countries. Such a litigation process requires an adequate and simplified electoral conflict resolution mechanism, helping the involved parties to easily have access to the electoral court. The electoral litigation process in Cameroon has several positive elements ensuring civic and political rights to citizens. However, this process seems to suffer a lack, because the election judge is facing numerous virtual political and socio-political constraints. Therefore it becomes evident that, there is a need for a deep refitting of the law in order to better protect people's rights by improving the efficiency of the election judge, subsequently enhancing the Cameroonian representative democracy system.

Aplicação dos conceitos do lean office no processo de planejamento, execução, monitoramento e avaliação orçamentária em uma instituição de ensino superior pública / Application of Lean Office concepts in the planning, execution, monitoring and budgeting process in a public higher education institution

Jesus, Tatiane Cristina de 04 December 2018 (has links)
Submitted by TATIANE CRISTINA DE JESUS (tatiane@ifrr.edu.br) on 2019-01-30T19:54:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Tatiane Cristina de Jesus - Versão Final.pdf: 3693469 bytes, checksum: 76e6ca798803b67af12afac5a0c29b07 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Pamella Benevides Gonçalves null (pamella@feg.unesp.br) on 2019-01-31T18:23:39Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 jesus_tc_me_guara.pdf: 3693469 bytes, checksum: 76e6ca798803b67af12afac5a0c29b07 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2019-01-31T18:23:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 jesus_tc_me_guara.pdf: 3693469 bytes, checksum: 76e6ca798803b67af12afac5a0c29b07 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-12-04 / Considerando as mudanças que as organizações privadas vêm enfrentando no sentido de agregar valor ao cliente, o setor público não foge da mesma responsabilidade e também busca valorizar o cliente, o cidadão. A mentalidade enxuta apresenta-se como um sistema capaz de aplicar ferramentas e técnicas na Gestão Pública com o objetivo de eliminar ou mesmo reduzir desperdícios. Neste contexto, o trabalho objetivou fazer uma análise e propor melhorias, do ponto de vista Lean, no fluxo de trabalho de planejamento, execução, monitoramento e avaliação orçamentária no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Roraima sob o enfoque das ferramentas Fluxograma e Mapeamento de Fluxo de Valor. Utilizou-se o método da pesquisa-ação estruturado nas quatro etapas de Thiollent (2009) com a metodologia Lean Office, propostos por Rother e Shook (2012) e Greef, Freitas e Romanel (2012) para construção do estado atual e estado futuro dos processos, analisando as atividades que não agregam valor e as que agregavam, observando assim os desperdícios no processo. Os resultados evidenciaram as melhorias nos processos de planejamento orçamentário se fossem aplicadas as ferramentas utilizadas na filosofia do Lean Office. Na aplicação do fluxograma redefiniu-se o processo de elaboração da proposta orçamentária, monitoramento e avaliação orçamentária com a inversão da etapa do planejamento institucional. No mapeamento de fluxo de valor os resultados mostraram uma redução de 58,34% (de 6 dias para 2,5 dias) do Lead Time Total para o processo de descentralização de crédito da ação assistência ao estudante. Conclui-se que podem existir ganhos no processo de planejamento, execução, monitoramento e avaliação orçamentária em uma Instituição de Ensino Superior Pública se aplicados os conceitos do Lean Office, visto que o fluxograma e o mapeamento do fluxo de valor mostraram-se eficientes como elementos para identificação e eliminação de desperdícios. / Considering the changes that private organizations are facing in order to offer value to the client, the public sector does not escape the same responsibility and also seeks to value the client, that means the citizen. The lean mentality presents itself as a system capable of applying tools and techniques in Public Management in order to eliminate or even reduce waste. On this context, the objective of this work was to analyze and propose improvements, from a Lean perspective, in the workflow of planning, execution, monitoring and budgetary evaluation at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Roraima focusing the tools Flowchart and Value Stream Mapping. The research-action method structured in the four stages of Thiollent (2009) with the Lean Office methodology, proposed by Rother and Shook (2012) and Greef, Freitas and Romanel (2012) was used to construct the current state and future state of processes, analyzing the activities that do not add value and those that add, thus observing the wastes during the process. The results evidenced improvements in budget planning processes if the tools used in the Lean Office philosophy were applied. In the application of the flowchart, the process of elaboration of the budget proposal, monitoring and budgetary evaluation was redefined with the reversal of the institutional planning stage. In the value stream mapping the results showed a reduction of 58.34% (from 6 days to 2.5 days) from Total Lead Time to the process of decentralizing credit from the student assistance action. It is concluded that there may be gains in the process of planning, execution, monitoring and budgetary evaluation in a Public Higher Education Institution if the concepts of the Lean Office are applied, since the flowchart and the value flow mapping have proved to be efficient as elements for identification and disposal of waste.

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