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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aktivitetsbaserat arbetssätt : hållbart om alla tar sitt ansvar / Activity based working : sustainable if everyone takes responsibility

Ambrén, My, Johnsen, Lena January 2016 (has links)
Vårt föränderliga samhälle påverkar och utmanar sättet att arbeta samt organisera arbete. Många organisationer förändrar kontorsmiljö och arbetssätt i syfte att skapa en mer stödjande arbetsplats. En växande kontorstrend är det aktivitetsbaserade arbetssättet, hädanefter kallat ABW. Arbetssättet innebär ett papperslöst kontor, utformat i olika zoner anpassade efter de anställdas behov. Medarbetarna har inga egna platser utan uppmanas att välja arbetsstation utifrån arbetsuppgift. Konceptet syftar till att inspirera samt främja samarbete och innovation men också till att öka lönsamheten. Studien, vilken utgår från en kvalitativ ansats, syftar till att undersöka hur medarbetare i organisationen upplever att den fysiska och psykosociala arbetsmiljön påverkas av att arbeta aktivitetsbaserat samt vad i det förändrade arbetssättet som eventuellt leder till förbättrad eller försämrad upplevd hälsa samt arbetstillfredsställelse. Studien  visar  att  den  fysiska  arbetsmiljön  har  stark  positiv  inverkan  på  medarbetarnas upplevda arbetstillfredsställelse men att arbetssättet i sig inte upplevs lika positivt. Medarbetarna nyttjar inte fullt ut arbetssättet så som det är tänkt och de olika zonerna upplevs många  gånger  ofunktionella.  De  främsta  orsakerna  till  upplevelsen  av  en  försämrad arbetsmiljö är dels att medarbetarna inte har sin fasta plats, dels svårigheterna att samla hela gruppen. Slutsatsen är att god hälsa och arbetstillfredsställelse lättare uppnås genom att beakta medarbetarnas individuella förutsättningar samt förmåga och vilja att hantera förändringarna som arbetssättet innebär. Vi anser studien vara av värde då kunskapen kring ABWs för- och nackdelar samt påverkan på medarbetarnas fysiska och psykiska hälsa samt arbetstillfredsställelse  är  begränsad.  Genom  ökad  kunskap  och  förståelse  ökar förutsättningarna för ett mer hållbart arbetsliv. / Our   changing   society influence   and   challenge the   way   of   working and   organizing work. Many organizations change the office environment and the work concept in order to create a  more  supporting  workplace. A  growing  office trend  is the  concept  activity based working, henceforth called ABW. The work concept means a paperless office, designed in different  zones customized  to  suit the needs of employees. The employees  have no  fixed seats,  instead  they are  encouraged  to  choose  workstation  based  on  the  assignment.  The concept aims  to inspire and  promote collaboration  and  innovation,  but  also to  increase profitability.   The study,  which  is  based  on a qualitative approach,  aims  to  explore how employees in the organization perceive that the physical and psychosocial work environment is affected by working activity based and which factors in the changed way of working that leads to increased or decreased perceived health and job satisfaction. The study shows that the physical environment has a strong positive impact on employees' perceived job satisfaction but  that  the  activity  based  working  in  itself  not  always  is  perceived  as  positive.  The employees did not fully utilize the activity based working concept as it is supposed and the different office zones are often perceived as non-functional. The main reasons for why the physical and psychosocial work environment is perceived as impaired are partly that the employees do not have their own seats, partly the reduced possibilities to gather the whole group. The conclusion is that good health and job satisfaction is more easily achieved if considering the employees individual conditions as well as ability and willingness to handle the changes that the new way of working means. Since the knowledge about the advantages and disadvantages of the concept, as well as it’s impact on employees' physical and psychological health is limited, we believe our study to be of value. Through improved knowledge  and  understanding the  opportunities  to  create  a  more  sustainable  worklife increases.

Comparing anti-corruption strategies in South Africa's Western and Eastern Cape Provinces.

Cwati, Sizathu Tosca January 2004 (has links)
In its new democracy, South Africa is busy making endeavours to transform and correct the wrongs and problems of the past. In the process it is vital that obstacles to development such as corruption in the public sector should be uprooted as they inhibit quality service delivery and further damage the name of the public service.<br /> <br /> This study compares anti-corruption strategies in South Africa&rsquo / s Western and Eastern Cape provinces, in particular by looking at both the achievements and limitations that have been experienced. The focus area is the provincial administrations in both provinces. In order to contextualise the evaluation of the anti-corruption strategies pursued by the two provincial administrations, the study also includes an examination of the role of provinces in general in combating corruption.<br /> <br /> The research methods employed include a detailed survey of documentation published by the provincial governments&rsquo / anti-corruption agencies, as well as reports by civil society organizations focusing on corruption in the public sector. The study also draws on semi-structured interviews conducted with key stakeholders in the two provinces.<br /> <br /> The study concludes by summarizing the successes and limitations of the two provincial administrations in dealing with corruption. A number of practical recommendations are provided to strengthen the future design and implementation of anti-corruption strategies.<br /> The empirical research for this research report was carried out in 2003 before the national and provincial elections of 2004.

Designing the management systems for offices

Alfadhl, Seiam S. January 2011 (has links)
An initial review of literature concerned with commercial and industrial office design indicated the need to research and develop a method for the design of the management systems of offices with the purpose of improving the operational effectiveness and alignment to strategy. In particular the literature review indicated that the application of lean methods, in non-manufacturing areas is comparatively rare. A critical review of the literature identified that Value Stream Mapping has been used to map mechanistic task activities, however, a need was identified for a new generation of Value Stream Mapping to map mixed mechanistic and organic task activities. To complement the literature survey and discover if there were significant variables (e.g. task uncertainty, interdependence, task complexity, mechanistic / organic structures, risk, task analysability etc) influencing office design, pilot studies were carried out in a mechanistic and organic office. Several additional variables were identified. From the pilot studies combined with the literature review a conceptual model was formulated which provides guidelines for managers enabling them to design the management systems fully taking all the variables into account. The conceptual model was then tested using a multiple case study design of two small consulting type offices that exhibited mixed mechanistic and organic characteristics. This resulted in an improved version of the model which was then further validated. This validation based upon the opinions of office managers focused mainly on identifying the practical usefulness of the model from an industrial perspective. Following the validation a final form of the model has been proposed in this research. It remains for future researchers to fully test the model by applying it in a wider range of offices. This study makes an explicit contribution to the redesign of offices as well as the utilisation of Value Stream Mapping to the mechanistic and the organic task activities within commercial and industrial offices.

Analysis and Evaluation of the Role of Public Relations in Leasing Dallas Petroleum Center

Ainsworth, Doris Stewart 05 1900 (has links)
The problem in this study was to discover if the public relations program of the Dallas Petroleum Center was useful in leasing and if the program played a significant role in a leasing increase. The study was carried out by describing the development of the building project, by analyzing the planning and execution of the public relations program, by testing the program's effectiveness, and by drawing conclusions about the program and by making recommendations for this specific program and for office leasing in general. The effectiveness of the program was tested by questionnaires and interviews. The public relations program proved to be an effective tool in leasing office space; and a similar program was recommended for other buildings.

Smlouva o výkonu funkce / Agreement on the performance of an office

Heinzel, Martin January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this diploma thesis is to analyse certain aspects of the agreement on the performance of an office, a legal instrument with a long history in the Czech legal system. The foregoing type of agreement is regulated by the relevant provisions of the Act on Business Corporations (hereinafter the "ABC"). The paper focuses on the general definition of the agreement on the performance of an office, the subsidiary application of provisions relating to contract of mandate, as well as matters concerning the remuneration stemming from such agreements. The thesis is composed of an introduction, a main part comprising three chapters, and a conclusion. The individual topics make up chapters which are then divided into sub-chapters (the more extensive of which are further split into sections for the purposes of conciseness). The main conclusions of each chapter are summarised in a partial summary at the end of each chapter. The conclusion summarises all partial summaries and conclusions drawn from the thesis as a whole. The first chapter is introductory and defines the agreement on the performance of an office as a contract regulating the rights and obligations of a business corporation and a member of its body vis-à-vis each other. The terms of this type of agreement, the conclusion of which is not...

Communautés de pratique et performance dans les relations de service, cas des "front-office" : Quels enseignements pour la GRH ? / Communities of practice and performance in service relationships, case of front-office. : Lesson for HRM ?

Mebarki, Lamine 30 November 2011 (has links)
Depuis leur identification comme structures favorisant l’apprentissage et le transfert de connaissances entre les membres de l’organisation, les Communauté de Pratique (CP) ont attiré l’attention de plusieurs praticiens en management, mais aussi des chercheurs qui ont mis en avant leurs rôles opérationnels dans les organisations (Lave et Wenger 1991 ; Brown et Duguid, 1991 ; Wenger 1998 ; Smith et Farquhar 2000 ; Lesser et Stork 2001 ; Mc Dermott 2002 ; Guérin 2005 ; Schenkel et Teigland, 2008 ; Hemmasi et Csanda, 2009), et d’autres se sont efforcés à identifier leurs caractéristiques épistémiques et structurelles (Wenger 1998 ; Chanal 2000 ; Cohendet et al., 2003 ; Blunt, 2003 ; Josserand et St Leger, 2004 ; Guérin 2005 ; Thompson 2005.). Cependant, il existe peu d’études systématiques sur la contribution des Communautés de Pratique (CP) à la performance de leurs membres. Ce lien reste encore à caractériser. Ceci a amorcé donc notre volonté pour nous pencher sur ce sujet. La CP est toujours présentée comme émergente et ancrée dans l’organisation dans laquelle elle évolue. Son émergence est principalement expliquée par l’écart qui existe dans les organisations entre le travail prescrit et le travail réel auquel les salariés font face (Lave et Wenger, 1991 ; Brown et Duguid 1991 ; Wenger, 1998 ; Schenkel et Teigland, 2008). Notre petite expérience en tant que salarié dans le front-office d’une organisation de service nous a permis de constater ledit écart et nous avons commencé alors à nourrir notre réflexion à propos de ce contexte. Les théoriciens s’intéressant aux entreprises de service ont présenté le contexte de ces dernières comme marqué par des situations multiples et variées, imprévisibles et délicates à gérer. C’est ce qui provoque un écart entre ce qui est prescrit par les règles organisationnelles et le travail réel tel que réalisé par les agents. En d’autres termes, les modes opératoires prescrits ne couvrent pas toutes les situations possibles et se montrent parfois incapables de résoudre certains problèmes. L’instabilité des situations qui provoque cet écart dans le contexte des relations de service, est due et imputée essentiellement à la participation du client au processus d’élaboration de service : la « coproduction » du service (Eiglier et Langeard, 1987 ; Hatchuel, 1996 ; Gadrey 1996 et 2002 ; Hanique et Jobet, 2001 ; Pichault et Zune, 2000 ; David, 2001 ; Bouzit, 2001 ; Hubault et Bourgeois, 2001 ; Zarifian, 2002 ; Jeantet, 2003, etc.). Ce contexte des relations de service nous a semblé particulièrement pertinent pour mener notre analyse relative aux CP. Toutefois, la multiplication des divisions dans les entreprises de service (front-office et back-office) rendait difficile d’aborder les relations de service dans leur globalité. Ceci nous a conduit à délimiter notre terrain et à centrer notre étude davantage sur une des sphères la composant. Nous avons alors choisi de nous intéresser à l’univers des front-office. Enfin, et étant donné que notre thèse s’inscrit dans les sciences de gestion, et plus précisément dans le volet relatif à la Gestion des Ressources Humaines (GRH), nous avons alors pensé à tirer quelques enseignements pour les pratiques de GRH dans les organisations. En fait, il s’agit d’une tentative de rapprochement du concept de CP et la GRH qui donne une certaine originalité à notre travail. Ceci nous permet de sortir un peu du courant commun et dominant dans le champ d’étude des CP, où les contributions sont souvent inscrites essentiellement dans l’approche du management des connaissances dans les organisations. / The Communities of Practice (CP) are identified as conductive structures for learning and knowledge transfer between members of the organization. Besides practitioners in management, many researchers were interested in these groups. Some have highlighted their operational roles in organizations (Lave et Wenger 1991 ; Brown et Duguid, 1991 ; Wenger 1998 ; Smith et Farquhar 2000 ; Lesser et Stork 2001 ; Mc Dermott 2002 ; Guérin 2005 ; Schenkel et Teigland, 2008 ; Hemmasi et Csanda, 2009), and others have tried to identify their structural and epistemic characteristics (Wenger 1998 ; Chanal 2000 ; Cohendet et al., 2003 ; Blunt, 2003 ; Josserand et St Leger, 2004 ; Guérin 2005 ; Thompson 2005.). However, the link between such communities and employee performance is seldom investi¬gated, especially in service firms. This has encouraged us to conduct our study on the relationship between CP and member’s performance in the context of service relationships and more specifically in the front office of these companies. Furthermore, our thesis is part of the Human Resource Management sciences, and we aim to draw some lessons for HRM practices in organizations. This is an attempt to bring the concept of CP and HRM that gives a certain originality in our work. This allows us to get some current common and dominant in the field of study of CP, where contributions are often recorded mainly in the approach to Knowledge Management in organization. • Our problemOur problem is based on the understanding and analysis of the CP's links with the performance of its members. The CP does contribute to the performance of its members in service relationships? To develop these questions, we decided to decompose it as follows:- Is there link between membership of an employee to a CP and its performance in the context of service relationships?- If this link exists, how this last one is built? What are the different mechanisms by which it was constuct in service relationships?- If this link exists, what are the lessons that may have drawn some HRM practices in organizations? • Our Method Following several authors’ advices, we turned in our empirical part to the case study approach. Un empirical work investigating a contemporary phenomenon in its context of real life (Yin, on 1994; Eisenhardt, on 1989 ; Baumard and Ibert, on 1998; Hoepfl, on 2007; Giordano, 2003) Our study is led in the front-office of two public organizations and in a bank (private sector). Eight units composing these devices of reception were studied : four call centers and four reception desks. Our study revealed interesting results. They have greatly enriched the knowledge in the various areas covered, as well as lessons for certain practices in organizations.

Trh kancelářských prostor / The office spaces market: Analysis of factors influencing the rent of offices in 1997 - 2010

Pospíšilíková, Dana January 2009 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the identification of factors influencing the rent of office spaces in Prague. The summary of specific characteristics that distinguish office spaces market from other real estate market area and the analysis of the Prague office spaces market development between 1997 and 2010 are the integral parts of this diploma thesis. On the basis of discovered facts are the factors affecting the rent defined and their development between 1997 and March 2010 is approached. Defined hypothesis are verified by the empiric analyse of the gathered information.

Dílčí strategie podniku / Partial Strategies of an Enterprise

Poláčková, Denisa January 2009 (has links)
For my diploma thesis I chose a private dental office, where I partially work as a financial manager and an accountant. The office is situated in the centre of Prague and is operating since 1993 - thus it is an established and well-performing organisation. The objective of my thesis is to show specifications of strategic management and marketing in the field of dentistry. Afterwards on the bases of my own analysis I will propose a marketing strategy for the private dental office of MUDr. Iva Poláčková.

Archivace záběrů v redakcích zpravodajství a sportu České televize / Archiving of news and sport footage in the Czech TV

Ondrejčík, Gustav January 2019 (has links)
This thesis describes the process of archiving of shots and programmes in news and sport editorial offices of the Czech Television. Newsroom prepares broadcasts for ČT1 and ČT24 programmes. The sport editorial office provides the broadcasts for ČT SPORT and also prepares the news for "Branky, body, vteřiny" on ČT1. With regard to this, both offices produce a considerable amount of audio-visual material. The thesis examines how this material is subsequently archived. Do both offices have a systematic and comprehensive procedure for archiving of shots and programmes? And are these archives easily traceable, available and usable for further broadcasting? The thesis summarizes the history of archiving of news and sport audio-visual material. The key process of digitization, which allows the transcription and saving of old archive materials stored on tape media, is also mentioned. After describing the history of archiving, the author focuses on the current methodology of the process and describes the system of archiving in news and sports news. Who does archiving and what systems and programmes are used for it? At the end of this thesis the future of archiving is analysed with regard to the progress in technologies used for archiving.

Assessing Workplace Design: Applying Anthropology to Assess an Architecture Firm’s Own Headquarters Design

Ramer, S. Angela 12 1900 (has links)
Corporations, design firms, technology, and furniture companies are rethinking the concept of the ‘workplace’ environment and built ‘office’ in an effort to respond to changing characteristics of the workplace. The following report presents a case study, post-occupancy assessment of an architecture firm’s relocation of their corporate headquarters in Dallas, TX. This ethnographic research transpired from September 2013 to February 2014 and included participant observation, employee interviews, and an office-wide employee survey. Applying a user-centered approach, this study sought to identify and understand: 1) the most and least effective design elements, 2) unanticipated user-generated (“un-designed”) elements, 3) how the workplace operates as an environment and system of design elements, and 4) opportunities for continued improvement of their work environment. This study found that HKS ODC successfully increased access to collaborative spaces by increasing the size (i.e. number of square feet, number of rooms), variety of styles (i.e. enclosed rooms, open work surfaces), and distribution of spaces throughout the office environment. An increase in reported public transit commuting from 6.5% at their previous location to 24% at HKS ODC compares to almost five times the national public transit average (5%) and fifteen times the rate of Texas workers (1.6%) and Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX Metro Area (1.5%). This supports the real estate decision and design intent of the office that relocating near public transit would increase use (nearly six times that of reported use at 1919 McKinney, 6.5%). Additional findings and discussion relate to HKS ODC’s design enabling increased access to natural light and improved air quality, increased cross-sector collaboration, increased connection to downtown Dallas and engagement with the larger Dallas architectural community, as well as the open office environment encouraging education between all employee levels. Discrepancies between designed ‘flexibility’ and work away from the desk are explored along with the role of technology to facilitate work without replacing face-to-face interaction. This work also identifies key challenges with the design and employee experience and provides recommendations for addressing areas of concern for continued improvement of the workplace design. Continued user-centered research in the field of workplace design is necessary to assess the effect of current interventions in other office environments for comparison and inform future endeavors.

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