Spelling suggestions: "subject:"effice"" "subject:"cffice""
721 |
Office environment, health and job satisfaction : an explorative study of office design's influenceDanielsson, Christina January 2005 (has links)
The present thesis investigates environmental factors impact on office employees. More specifically, it investigates: 1) perception and experience of office environments, 2) satisfaction with office environments, and 3) health status and job satisfaction in connection to office environment. It is based on an empirical study with 491 office employees from twenty-six companies and divisions in larger companies. Each one respectively represents one of seven identified office-types in office design: cell-office, sharedroom office, small open plan office, medium open plan office, large open plan office, flex-office and combi-office. This study takes its basis in architecture, although an interdisciplinary approach from organizational and management theory, environmental psychology, and social and stress medicine has been used. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used. In Article I a review of the different research fields that investigate environmental influences are presented with a focus on office environments. Different perspectives on the environmental impact on office employees are investigated. In Article II an analysis of office environment based on the employee’s perception and experience of the architecture is done based on in-depth interviews using a method originally developed by Kevin Lynch (1960). The method measures the "imagebility" of a space, rated by the users with following elements: landmark, node, path, edge and district. The result showed that the method, based on employees’ perception and use of space, is a possible tool in the design process to get a better understanding of where the elements that reinforce "imageability" most likely will appear in an office environment. The method thus gives a better idea of the future "imageability" of a space and could be useful as guidance in the design process of how the architectural design will be received by the users in the end. In Article III employees’ satisfaction with the office environment in different office-types is investigated. The article focuses on three domains: 1) Ambient factors, 2) Noise and Privacy and 3) Designrelated factors. The statistical analysis was done using a logistic regression model with multivariate analysis. Adjustment was done for: age, gender, job rank, job satisfaction and market division. The results show differences in satisfaction with the office environment between employees in different office-types, many of which were statistically significant. When differences persist in the multivariate analysis they can possibly be ascribed to the office-type. Results show that employees in cell-offices are prominently most satisfied followed by those in flex-offices. Cell-offices rate only low on social aspects of Design-related factors. A major finding is internal differences between different office-types where employees share workspace and facilities. The medium and large open plan offices could be described as high-risk officetypes. In Article IV differences between employees in different office-types with regard to health, wellbeing and job satisfaction are analyzed. A multivariate analysis of the data was done with adjustment for the confounders: age, gender, job rank and market division. The results show that there are risks of ill health and poor well-being in medium and small open plan offices. Employees in these office-types show significantly higher risks compared with those in other office-types. In medium open plan and combioffices the employees show the highest prevalence of low job satisfaction. The best chance for good health status and job satisfaction is among employees in cell-offices and flex-offices; there are, however, internal differences in distribution on different outcome variables for job satisfaction. The major finding of these studies is that there are significant differences with regard to satisfaction with office environments as well as health status and job satisfaction between employees in different office-types; differences that can possibly can be ascribed to the office-types as they persist after adjustment for important confounders. / QC 20101126
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Implementation of healthcare web service and its integration into OutlookHoe Oh, Chee, Larsson, Ludvig January 2022 (has links)
The healthcare sector is still using paper transcripts for daily tasks that could very well be managed with digital solutions. One of the areas that can utilize digitization are health evaluation forms that patients fill out. This thesis addresses the implementation och the integration of a healthcare service. The product requires that the service’s back-end and database is further developed for later integration into Microsoft Outlook with an Office add-in. In addition, it provides a review on Office add-ins and the ideal API authorization method for the system. An agile methodology is adopted for project management and the chosen software development method is use case driven. To summarize the results, it can be determined that the use cases are successfully implemented and that relevant experience is collected for answering the various aspects regarding Office add-ins. The existing API authorization method was incorrectly implemented, but despite that, the API keys method is deemed suitable for the system. / Vårdsektorn använder sig fortfarande av pappersutskrifter i det dagligt arbetet som mycket väl kan hanteras med digitala lösningar. Ett område som kan ha användning av digitalisering är de självskattningsformulär som patienter fyller i. Detta examensarbete har för avsikt att behandla implementation och integration av en vårdtjänst. Implementationen kräver vidareutveckling av tjänstens backend och databas för att sedan kunna integrera den till Microsoft Outlook med ett Office add-in. Dessutom presenteras en recension av Office add-ins och den ideala methoden för att implementera API auktorisering i systemet. En agil metodik används för projekthantering och den valda mjukvaruutvecklingenmetoden är användarfallsdriven. För att summera resultaten kan det fastställas att samtliga användarfall är implementerade och att relevant erfarenhet är insamlad för att besvara rescensionsaspekterna kring Office add-ins. Den existerande metoden för API auktorisering var felaktigt implementerad, men trots det är det bedömt att API nycklar är lämpligt att använda i systemet.
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Using hotel reviews to assess hotel frontline employees’ roles and performancesHu, F., Trivedi, Rohit, Teichert, T. 20 April 2022 (has links)
Yes / This study aims to explore how marketers can use text mining to analyze actors, actions and performance effects of service encounters by building on the role theory. This enables hotel managers to use introduced methodology to measure and monitor frontline employees’ role behavior and optimize their service. Design/methodology/approach: The authors’ approach links text mining and importance-performance analysis with role theory’s conceptual foundations taking into account the hotel industry’s specifics to assess the effect of frontline hotel employees’ actions on consumer satisfaction and to derive specific management implications for the hospitality sector. Findings: This study identifies different actors involved in hotel frontline interactions revealing distinct role behaviors that characterize consumers’ perspectives of service encounters with different role types associated with front-office employees. This research also identifies role performance related to role behavior to improve service encounters. Practical implications: Customer–employee interactions can be assessed by user-generated contents (UGC). Performance evaluations relate to frontline employee roles associated with distinct role scripts, whereby different hotel segments require tailored role designs. Insights of this study can be used for service optimization, market positioning as well as for improving human resource management practices in the hotel industry. Originality/value: This study contributes to the service encounter literature by applying role theory in the text mining of UGC to assess frontline employees as actors and the effects of their actions on service quality delivery. / Science Foundation of Ministry of Education, PR China (Grant No. 21YJA630031)
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The contribution of the project management office to project delivery in the consulting engineering industry / Jean van der MerweVan der Merwe, Jean January 2013 (has links)
Effective project management (PM) is increasingly required for strategy
implementation, business transformation management, continual improvement and
pioneering product development and service provision. The systematic approach of
PM (based on best practices and experience) aims to improve the chances of project
success in a competitive environment where scarce resources (capital, human,
opportunity, time, etc.) needs to be utilized most effectively.
The contribution a project management office (PMO) can make in the medium sized
consulting engineering industry to deliver more successful projects was investigated.
The investigation involved determining the current state of both PM and PMO maturity
in medium sized consulting engineering organisations in South Africa. Furthermore,
the required maturity, or level of development, of PM and PMOs were also determined
using the prediction orientated Delphi survey method.
In the literature study, the concepts of PM, PMO and their maturity determination,
successful project delivery, background to the consulting engineering industry in South
Africa and similar PM and PMO maturity studies were investigated. From the literature
study, an existing maturity survey was selected for each of the concepts PM and PMO.
These existing and tested maturity surveys were combined into a single survey. Some
demographic information deemed applicable from the literature study was also
included in the survey and distributed in a multi-round survey to medium sized
organisations similar to the author's organisation, operating in the mining and energy
sectors mainly. The current PM and PMO maturity of the organisations taking part in
the survey were determined in round 1 of the survey. The required PM and PMO
maturity were determined from the round 2 survey results that were completed after
the respondents were provided with the round 1 survey statistically averaged maturity
levels in an effort to reach a form of consensus amongst the respondents. The round 1
survey was distributed to 161 respondents (response rate of 53%). Round 2 was
distributed to the 86 respondents that completed round 1 (response rate of 55%).
From the survey results and literature study it was found that there is a definite
increase in PM and PMO maturity required in order for medium sized consulting engineering organisations to deliver more successful projects in the mining and energy
sector. It was also seen that the maturity levels required for both PM and PMO are not
the maximum maturity levels possible. From the empirical study, a definite relationship
between PMO and PM was confirmed and it was seen that generally an organisation
with a PMO tends to have higher PM maturity levels. For a PMO to be successful, from
literature it was seen that the PMO needs to adapt to the organisation and environment
it functions in. It was also discovered that a PMO is successful if it reaches the goals it
set for itself. The PMO also contributes by systematically and continuously improving
and adapting the PM of the company to add the most value to both internal and
external customers of the PMO.
It is the researcher's opinion that the study is not representative of all medium sized
consulting engineering organisations in SA and further research is required to
determine industry specific PM and PMO maturity levels and to determine the resulting
contribution a PMO can make in this regard. / MBA, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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The contribution of the project management office to project delivery in the consulting engineering industry / Jean van der MerweVan der Merwe, Jean January 2013 (has links)
Effective project management (PM) is increasingly required for strategy
implementation, business transformation management, continual improvement and
pioneering product development and service provision. The systematic approach of
PM (based on best practices and experience) aims to improve the chances of project
success in a competitive environment where scarce resources (capital, human,
opportunity, time, etc.) needs to be utilized most effectively.
The contribution a project management office (PMO) can make in the medium sized
consulting engineering industry to deliver more successful projects was investigated.
The investigation involved determining the current state of both PM and PMO maturity
in medium sized consulting engineering organisations in South Africa. Furthermore,
the required maturity, or level of development, of PM and PMOs were also determined
using the prediction orientated Delphi survey method.
In the literature study, the concepts of PM, PMO and their maturity determination,
successful project delivery, background to the consulting engineering industry in South
Africa and similar PM and PMO maturity studies were investigated. From the literature
study, an existing maturity survey was selected for each of the concepts PM and PMO.
These existing and tested maturity surveys were combined into a single survey. Some
demographic information deemed applicable from the literature study was also
included in the survey and distributed in a multi-round survey to medium sized
organisations similar to the author's organisation, operating in the mining and energy
sectors mainly. The current PM and PMO maturity of the organisations taking part in
the survey were determined in round 1 of the survey. The required PM and PMO
maturity were determined from the round 2 survey results that were completed after
the respondents were provided with the round 1 survey statistically averaged maturity
levels in an effort to reach a form of consensus amongst the respondents. The round 1
survey was distributed to 161 respondents (response rate of 53%). Round 2 was
distributed to the 86 respondents that completed round 1 (response rate of 55%).
From the survey results and literature study it was found that there is a definite
increase in PM and PMO maturity required in order for medium sized consulting engineering organisations to deliver more successful projects in the mining and energy
sector. It was also seen that the maturity levels required for both PM and PMO are not
the maximum maturity levels possible. From the empirical study, a definite relationship
between PMO and PM was confirmed and it was seen that generally an organisation
with a PMO tends to have higher PM maturity levels. For a PMO to be successful, from
literature it was seen that the PMO needs to adapt to the organisation and environment
it functions in. It was also discovered that a PMO is successful if it reaches the goals it
set for itself. The PMO also contributes by systematically and continuously improving
and adapting the PM of the company to add the most value to both internal and
external customers of the PMO.
It is the researcher's opinion that the study is not representative of all medium sized
consulting engineering organisations in SA and further research is required to
determine industry specific PM and PMO maturity levels and to determine the resulting
contribution a PMO can make in this regard. / MBA, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Return on investment in information technology in the South African Post Office.Gaybba, Solomon Godfried 11 1900 (has links)
The South African Post Office is investing large amounts of money in IT.
Organisations were encouraged by the notion that investing in IT correlates
with higher returns and the delivery of expected results by replacing the
human component in organisations. The employment of IT within business
has often resulted in the replacement of old problems with new and the
expected business benefits of IT not realised.
The primary research objective was to determine the relationship between IT
expenditure and the financial performance of a firm. The secondary research
objective was to explore the perceived value of IT investment in SAPO. / Graduate School of Business Leadership / MBL
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Impact assessment of the effectiveness of the Public Internet Terminals Infrastructure Model: SAPOMatsena, Portia 30 August 2012 (has links)
The Public Internet Terminal (PIT) is the Department of Communication initiative that aims to bring electronic communication to all South African citizens. It was launched in 1998 as a joint venture between the Department of Communications (DoC) and the South African Post Office (SAPO).This study postulates that the massive roll out of the Public Internet terminals (PIT‘s) has enhanced the lives of the poor by providing easy access to government services. It further assumes that the PITs are able to facilitate access of eService‘s to all the citizens in particular where electronic services are not freely available such as in the rural and remote under serviced areas of South Africa.
In addition, it explores the envisaged value added initiatives stipulated in the memorandum of understanding entered in between the Department of Communication (DOC) and the South African Post Office (SAPO).
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Fanning into flame : a spiritual gifts-based ministry for churches of the Baptist Convention of KenyaFowlkes, Dane Winstead 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the influence of western missionaries upon African Christians in general and more specifically, Baptists in Kenya. Of particular concern to this study is western influence on the concept and practice of Christian ministry in Kenya Baptist churches.
It is asserted that western missionary influence has been negative upon Kenya Baptist churches in the concept of Christian ministry. Missionaries introduced a distinction between clergy and laity, emphasizing a ministry model of paid clergymen who dominate and drive their respective congregations. This contradicts clear New Testament teaching that every believer is a minister and is spiritually gifted to do Christian ministry in the context of the local church.
Pastors are needed to equip and free church members to minister.
Thus, it is concluded that Baptists in Kenya need to change from following missionary introduced patterns of Christian ministry to that which is spiritual gifts-based and lay dependent. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / M.Th. (Practical Theology)
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A knowledge-based electronic messaging system: Framework, design, prototype development, and validation.Motiwalla, Luvai Fazlehusen. January 1989 (has links)
Although electronic messaging systems (EMS) are an attractive business communication medium several studies on the usage and impact of EMS have shown that despite the benefits, they have been generally used for routine and informal communication activities. Theoretically, EMS have yet to find their niche in organizational communications. Technically, EMS designs are not flexible to support communication activities of managers, are not maintainable to permit easy integration with other office applications and access to information from data/knowledge bases, and are not easily extendible beyond the scope of their initial design. Behaviorally, end users are not directly involved in the development of EMS. This dissertation attempts to bridge the transition of EMS technology from message processing systems to communication support systems. First, the dissertation provides an analysis for a knowledge-based messaging system (KMS) through a framework. The framework provides a theoretical basis to link management theory to EMS technology. It suggests that the communication needs of the managers vary depending on the activity level, implying related variations in EMS functionality. Second, the dissertation provides a design for the KMS through an architecture which incorporates the design and implementation issues such as, flexibility, maintainability, and extendibility. The superimposition of the KMS on an existing EMS provides flexibility, the loose coupling between the KMS-interface components and the KMS-functions increases its maintainability, and the strong functional decomposition and cohesion enhances the extendibility of the system beyond the scope of its initial design. Finally, the dissertation provides a implementation through the development of a prototype KMS which involves users into the design process through a validation study conducted at University of Arizona. The prototype used GDSS tools in eliciting message attributes for the personal knowledge base. This method proved effective in reducing the bottleneck observed in the acquisition of knowledge from multiple experts, simultaneously. Similarly, the combination of observation with interviews proved effective in eliciting the organizational knowledge base. The validation method measured the system's accuracy (which was very accurate) in prioritizing messages for the users.
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Biosuccé : En producents finansiella strategierSiggeson, Paulina, Isabella, Frank January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Filmklimatet har gjort det svårt för producenter att nå lönsamhet och fånga en stor biopublik. Under 2014 var det 78 % av svensk film som gick med förlust. Filmbranschen har genomgått stora förändringar till följd av digitaliseringen, där den nya tekniken har resulterat i en stor flexibilitet som har medfört att biograferna snabbare kan svara på biopublikens efterfrågan. Filmer kan numera snabbt plockas bort från biorepertoaren. Det har resulterat i att gapet mellan filmer som går bra och filmer som går dåligt har ökat. Aktörer talar om en bransch som präglas av turbulens, osäkerhet och risktagande, där den primära inkomstkällan för producenter är intäkter som genereras från bio. Producenters strategiska val blir allt viktigare för en films överlevnad. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka vilka strategiska val en producent kan använda sig av för att en film ska erhålla höga intäkter och nå lönsamhet. Metod: Studien använder sig av en kvantitativ metod som utgår från en deduktiv ansats där 111 filmer har studerats genom regressionsanalyser. Resultat: Studien har identifierat att budget och huvudrollsinnehavare påverkar en films intäkter. Det går det inte att urskilja vilka strategier som leder till att en film blir lönsamhet.
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