Spelling suggestions: "subject:"effice"" "subject:"cffice""
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Os poderes além da inquisição a sociabilidade dos familiares e comissários do santo ofício nas atividades seculares e administrativas locais. (Alagoas Colonial, 1674-1820) / The powers beyond the inquisition: the sociality of relatives and Commissioners of the Holy Office in secular activities and administrative sites. (Colonial Alagoas, Brazil, 1674-1820)Machado, Alex Rolim 05 February 2016 (has links)
Peripheral characters - but not low importance - the Familiares and the Comissários of the Holy Office exercised important tasks in environments of Portuguese America. They called for nominations to exercise the office in support of the Court and the monarchy, seeking various privileges by using the occupation. At the societal level, helped harden prejudices against "subaltern races", as the Jews, Moors, blacks, American Indians and mulattos, both the ideals of "purity of blood" as the stabilization of slavery and the de-monization of customs and traditions. Guarded (as we would say today) "morals and good customs " of the Roman Catholic religion and Tridentine, against attitudes like “heretical”, “demonic”, “heathen” and “idolaters “ of the lower categories mentioned above. To maintain stable governance of the monarchy, obeyed to maintain the “com-mon good” and “social order of things”, designed to avoid attitudes that could shake the “harmony” that society as a whole. Seen it all, this dissertation hopes to examine an overview of the different attitudes, conflicts, friendships, wills, “mentalities”, social agreements and actions and/or inquisitorial in the spaces of “Colonial Alagoas”, with contributors in maintaining “old Regime” orders, while they were doing and reshaping one “exclusive order”, specific site in Portuguese America. Dealing with the events and prosopography, combined with the notion of structures, mentalities and “long term”. The draft document evaluation, both in its internal speech as the conditions of external productions, it helps to think of the assumptions that the agents of the Holy Office re-produced lusos values and customs, and on the other hand produced "new" - their in-terests - in experiences and their forms of power. Sometimes obedient to the monarchy and to the Court, other not. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Personagens periféricos – mas não de baixa importância –, os Familiares e Comissários do Santo Ofício exerceram tarefas importantes nos ambientes da América portuguesa. Pediam nomeações para exercerem o ofício em prol do Tribunal e da Monarquia, visando vários privilégios com o exercício do cargo. No âmbito da sociedade, ajudavam a enrijecer preconceitos contra “raças subalternas”, como os judeus, mouros, negros, ameríndios e mulatos, tanto nos ideais da “pureza de sangue” como na estabilização da escravidão e na demonização de costumes e tradições. Resguardavam (como diríamos nos dias de hoje) “a moral e os bons costumes” da religião católica romana e tridentina contra as atitudes ditas “heréticas”, “demoníacas”, “pagãs” e “idólatras” das categorias subalternas acima citadas. Para manter estável a governabilidade da Monarquia, obedeciam a manutenção do “bem comum” e da “ordem social das coisas”, pretendendo evitar as atitudes que podiam abalar a “harmonia” daquela sociedade como um todo. Visto tudo isso, a presente dissertação espera analisar um panorama geral das diferentes atitudes, conflitos, amizades, vontades, “mentalidades”, acordos e ações sociais e/ou inquisi-toriais nos espaços de “Alagoas Colonial”, sendo contribuidores na manutenção da ordem do “Antigo Regime”, ao mesmo tempo em que faziam e remodelavam uma “ordem excludente” específica local na América portuguesa. Lidando com os acontecimentos e a prosopografia, aliada à noção de estruturas, mentalidades e longa duração, pesquisaram-se documentos da época relacionados diretamente – ou indiretamente – dos personagens trabalhados nessa pesquisa. A proposta de avaliação documental, tanto em seu discurso interno como nas condições de produções externas, ajuda a pensar nas hipóteses de que os agentes do Santo Ofício reproduziam valores e costumes lusos, e por outro lado produziam “novos” – de seus interesses – nas vivências e nas suas formas de perpetuações de poder, algumas vezes obedientes à Monarquia e ao Tribunal, outras não
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Archivace záběrů v redakcích zpravodajství a sportu České televize / Archiving of news and sport footage in the Czech TVOndrejčík, Gustav January 2018 (has links)
This thesis describes the process of archiving of shots and programmes in news and sport editorial offices of the Czech Television. Newsroom prepares broadcasts for ČT1 and ČT24 programmes. The sport editorial office provides the broadcasts for ČT SPORT and also prepares the news for "Branky, body, vteřiny" on ČT1. With regard to this, both offices produce a considerable amount of audio-visual material. The thesis examines how this material is subsequently archived. Do both offices have a systematic and comprehensive procedure for archiving of shots and programmes? And are these archives easily traceable, available and usable for further broadcasting? The thesis summarizes the history of archiving of news and sport audio-visual material. The key process of digitization, which allows the transcription and saving of old archive materials stored on tape media, is also mentioned. After describing the history of archiving, the author focuses on the current methodology of the process and describes the system of archiving in news and sports news. Who does archiving and what systems and programmes are used for it? At the end of this thesis the future of archiving is analysed with regard to the progress in technologies used for archiving.
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”Ibland kan man känna att man är mer ensam nu” : En fallstudie om de anställdas upplevelser av arbete i ett aktivitetsbaserat kontorslandskap.Goja, Ella, Engman, Emelie January 2017 (has links)
It is becoming increasingly common for offices to change and move from the traditional cellular office to open and activity-based landscapes. These offices are adapted to working needs and are said to be flexible where employees themselves can choose how and where they want to sit and work. Telia is one of the companies that recently has undergone a reorganization and designed its offices with an activity-oriented design. The purpose of this study is to find out how Telia employees experience working in the new environment. But also to find out whether the physical design is perceived to affect the social interactions in the workplace. This study is of a qualitative nature as it aims to clarify the experiences of the employees. Semi-structured interviews have been conducted with five employees, each of which has different occupational roles within the company. The theoretical framework used to analyze the results is Bang’s (1999) Theory of Organizational Culture, different parts of Goffman’s (2006) Dramaturgical Perspective and Jacobsen & Thorsvik’s (2014) Theory of Organizational Communication. The results found show both the pros and cons of activity-based approach. Besides ergonomics, deep interactions and the feeling of knowing where one’s colleagues sit, Telia’s employees seem to be positively set on the new office landscape. The results in this study demonstrate, among other things that the activity-based office is perceived to create flexibility and networking between employees. Finally, the study shows that hierarchy, solidarity and communication together represent a positive sense of the new activity-based office landscape at Telia, according to the employees. / Det blir allt vanligare att kontor förändras och går från det traditionella cellkontoret till öppna och aktivitetsbaserade kontorslandskap. De senare är behovsanpassade och sägs vara flexibla där anställda själva kan välja hur och var de vill arbeta. Teliaär ett av de företag som nyligen genomgått en omorganisation och utformat sitt kontor med en aktivitetsanpassad design. Syftet med denna studie är att skapa kunskap kring hur de anställda på Telia upplever arbetet i den nya arbetsmiljön. Men även att ta reda på huruvida den fysiska utformningen upplevs påverka de sociala interaktionerna på arbetsplatsen. Denna studie är av kvalitativ karaktär då den avser att tydliggöra upplevelserna hos medarbetarna. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med fem anställda vilka alla har olika yrkesroller inom företaget. Det teoretiska ramverket som har använts för att kunna analysera resultatet är Bangs (1999) teori om organisationskultur, olika delar av Goffmans (2006) dramaturgiska perspektiv samt Jacobsen & Thorsviks (2014) teori om organisatorisk kommunikation. De resultat som framkommit visar både för-och nackdelar med det aktivitetsbaserade arbetssättet. Förutom ergonomi, djupa interaktioner och känslan av att veta var ens kollegor sitter verkar medarbetarna påTelia mestadels vara positivt inställda till det nya kontorslandskapet. Resultaten i denna studie påvisar bland annat att det aktivitetsbaserade kontoret upplevs skapa flexibilitet och nätverkande mellan medarbetare. Slutligen visar studiens resultat att hierarki, samhörighet och kommunikation tillsammans utgör en positiv känsla av det nya aktivitetsbaserade kontorslandskapet på Telia, enligt de anställda.
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L’office des parties dans le procès administratif / The parties office in administrative lawsuitMeynaud-Zeroual, Ariane 11 December 2017 (has links)
La procédure suivie devant le juge administratif est traversée par une double évolution qui justifie qu’une étude soit consacrée à l’office des parties. A mesure que le droit du contentieux administratif se transforme en un droit du procès administratif, on observe que ce procès n’est plus pensé comme un procès fait à un acte, mais comme un procès entre parties. Le renversement des perspectives auquel invite le point de vue des parties est possible grâce à un instrument d’analyse finaliste du droit : l’office. Ce concept permet de s’interroger sur l’adéquation entre les facultés dont disposent et les charges que supportent les parties – i.e. l’office stricto sensu – et les finalités que l’ordre juridique leur assigne – i.e. l’office lato sensu. Comprises comme les personnes physiques ou morales qui participent au lien juridique d’instance en raison d’un litige né de prétentions propres et contraires sur un droit, les parties au procès poursuivent deux finalités complémentaires : la détermination intéressée de la matière litigieuse et la participation loyale à l’instance. Dès lors, le point de vue des parties permet de mettre en lumière non seulement les facultés et les charges que la doctrine néglige lorsqu’elle envisage le procès administratif sous l’angle exclusif du juge, mais aussi que leur office stricto sensu peut être perfectionné en vue de mieux répondre aux finalités de leur office lato sensu. En permettant de renoncer à une opposition dogmatique entre les procès civil et administratif, l’étude de l’office des parties encourage à inscrire la recherche et l’enseignement du droit du procès administratif dans une perspective résolument processualiste. / The procedure before administrative courts is characterised by a double evolution, which justifies a study to be devoted to the office of the parties in an administrative hearing. As the law of administrative litigation increasingly transforms itself into the law of administrative hearings, one can observe that this process is no longer considered as a trial made to an act, but as a trial between parties. The perspective switch, to which the point of view of the parties to the trial invites, is made possible thanks to an instrument of finalist analysis of the law : the office. This concept makes it possible to question the adequacy between the powers and the charges of the parties - that is, the office stricto sensu - with the goals assigned to them by the legal order - namely, the office lato sensu. Understood as the physical or legal persons who participate in the legal relationship because of a dispute arising from own and contrary claims to a right, the parties to the lawsuit pursue two complementary goals : the interested determination of the dispute and the fair participation in the instance. This study allows to draw two conclusions. On the one hand, the office stricto sensu can be improved in order to better converge toward the office lato sensu. On the other hand, it shows that an opposition between the civil lawsuit and the administrative lawsuit is no longer possible. This study about the parties office in administrative lawsuit reveals the importance of research and teaching in procedural law.
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L’introduction d'outils numériques dans les offices de tourisme : Énonciations spatiales et pratiques des conseillers / Insertion of digital equipment in tourist offices : spatial enunciations and counsellors’ practicesBernetière, Camille 02 December 2016 (has links)
L’émergence d’un contexte concurrentiel fort entre les destinations amène les offices de tourisme à se démarquer pour gagner leur place de dispositifs communicationnels d’informations touristiques. Ce mémoire de thèse défend l’idée que les stratégies spatio-communicationnelles mises en œuvre au sein des offices de tourisme équipés d’outils numériques jouent un rôle déterminant sur les pratiques des conseillers en séjour. Ces stratégies mettent en scène dans l’espace les quatre composants fondamentaux d’un office de tourisme : le territoire, le savoir, la relation aux usagers et les outils numériques. L’étude de ces composants et de leur organisation dans l’espace, selon une approche qui se place du côté de la production, fait ressortir trois types idéaux de stratégies spatio-communicationnelles : la séduction, la promotion et la revendication d’identité. Enfin, les analyses des pratiques des conseillers en séjour (à partir de leur observation et d’entretiens rétrospectifs) démontrent une mutation des métiers liée à ces stratégies : les pratiques des conseillers, induites par l’espace, les transforment alors en ambassadeurs du territoire auprès des usagers, en experts de l’offre touristique, ou encore en médiateurs numériques. Dès lors, l’énonciation spatiale désigne l’ensemble des tactiques ou stratégies élaborées à partir de relations spatialisées qui conditionnent la communication. / The emergence of a strong competitive environment between destinations compels tourist offices to stand out from one another so as to carry out their role of tourist information communication agencies. The present thesis argues that the spatio-communicational strategies implemented with digital equipment by tourist offices have a major impact on counselors’ guidelines for a trip. These strategies reproduce spatially the four basic components of a tourist office: territory, knowledge, customer relation, and digital tools. The study of these components and their spatial translation, especially in regard to their production, highlights three ideal types of spatio-communicational strategies: enticement, promotion and the claiming of identity. Lastly, the analysis of counsellors’ practices induced by space (as evidenced by their observations and retrospective testimonies) reveals a mutation of mission statements: influenced by spatial factors, counselors turn into ambassadors of the territory, experts of tourist happenings, or even digital mediators in their dealings with customers. Therefore, spatial enunciation has referred to all the possible techniques and strategies derived from spatialized relationships affecting communication.
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The Perceptions of Teacher-Coordinators and Employers of Senior Cooperative Students as to the Role of the Employer in the Fort Worth Independent School District's Vocational Office Education ProgramCollet, Terry A. 12 1900 (has links)
The problem of this investigation was to clarify the responsibilities of the employer participating in the VOE program. Three major purposes were stated: (1) to determine the role expectations of employers of VOE students as perceived by employers participating in the program; (2) to determine the role expectations of employers as perceived by the VOE teacher-coordinators; and, (3) to determine if any significant differences existed between the employer perceptions and those of the teacher-coordinators. To obtain information, questionnaires were sent to a random sample of fifty employers participating in the VOE program during the 1983-84 school year. An identical survey instrument was administered to thirty VOE teacher-coordinators in Fort Worth. A Chi-square test of independence was applied to the data to test the hypotheses, with the .05 level used as the point of rejection. Of the seventeen surveyed possible role functions addressed, a majority of the employers responded positively to sixteen, were undecided about one, and responded negatively to none. A majority of the teacher-coordinators responded positively to eleven, were undecided about six, and responded negatively to none. One significant difference existed between the employer perceptions and those of the teacher-coordinators concerning one training responsibility which resulted in the rejection of one of the stated null hypotheses. As a result of the study, it was concluded that employers' views are more positive toward their training responsibilities than those of the teacher-coordinators; teachers are more indecisive about the employer responsibilities; employers are more willing to accept responsibility for training—in all areas except basic skills—than teachers are willing to delegate; and, if VOE teacher-coordinators continue to resist allowing employers to take added responsibilities in training students, the VOE program will continue to fail in meeting the demands of the market place.
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När ens fasta plats försvinner : En kvalitativ studie om anställdas upplevelser av bytet från traditionellt till aktivitetsbaserat kontor / When the fixed seat disappears : A qualitative study of employee experience in the change from a traditional to an activity- based officeHansen, Alicia, Vadsten, Johanna January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie har utgångspunkt i den trend där allt fler organisationer, såväl privata som offentliga, idag inför aktivitetsbaserade kontor. Studiens syfte är att undersöka de anställdas upplevelser av den förändringsprocess som genomförts till aktivitetsbaserat kontor och deras upplevelser av att arbeta aktivitetsbaserat. Dessa upplevelser har belysts utifrån teorier rörande meningsskapande. En kvalitativ studie har genomförts på en myndighet i Stockholmsregionen genom åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer. Därefter har en tematisk analys gjorts. Intervjuerna visade på varierade upplevelser hos de anställda gällande förändringen och det aktivitetsbaserade arbetssättet. De huvudresultat som framkommit i studien visar att de flesta anställda upplever att förändringen av kontorsmiljö har lett till att deras relation till sina chefer har förändrats, att hemarbetet har ökat och att samhörigheten kollegor emellan har förändrats. Utifrån studien drogs slutsatserna att de anställda idag upplever kontoret som mindre hierarkiskt och att vissa fysiska faktorer i arbetsmiljön påverkar. Vidare verkar en hög grad av hemarbete hämma skapandet av en gemensam förståelse för förändringen. De anställdas upplevelser tycks även påverkas av personliga och arbetsrelaterade aspekter, något som gör att det aktivitetsbaserade arbetssättet inte är för alla. / This study explores the growing trend of switching to activity-based offices, something organizations in Sweden are increasingly implementing today. The aim of the study was to examine the employee experience of the organizational change process as well as how the employees experience the new, activity-based office. These experiences have been analysed using sensemaking theories. A qualitative study was conducted at a governmental organization in Stockholm through eight semi-structured interviews and the data was then organized using a thematic analysis. The study shows that after the change of office employees experience better relationships with their managers, changes in their relationships with colleagues, and an increased number of employees began working from home. The study’s conclusions are that the activity-based office is less hierarchical while at the same time there are factors in the physical work environment that affect the employees experience. In addition, increased levels of working from home seems to hinder a common understanding for the change into an activity-based office. Furthermore, the experience of the activity-based office seems to be affected by both personal traits and work-related aspects which means that the activity-based working is not suitable for everyone.
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Komparace stavu pracovní spokojenosti zaměstnanců vybraných finančních úřadů / Comparison of the state of the job satisfaction of employees in selected financial officesKouřimová, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
This Master thesis deals with the job satisfaction of employees in Financial Office in Pilsen and Financial Office in Tachov. The aim is to compare the state of the job satisfaction of employees at individual financial offices. The theoretical part describes what the term "working satisfaction" actually means, which main factors influence it and why these factors are not important only for financial offices. In this thesis is explained the term "motivation in work behavior", its relationship to the work of the staff and - least but not last - the resources of this motivation. Further follows the definition of worker's stimulation and the stimulus means associated with it. The practical part consists of the characteristics of the financial offices both in Pilsen and in Tachov, further on of the results of empirical investigation, the verification of given hypotheses and of proposals for individual action steps in each financial office.
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Administrativní objekt ve Fulneku / The administrative object in FulnekPustějovský, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is to create a project documentation of the design of a new office building construction in Fulnek – Jerlochovice. The building is located between residential and industrial zone. It has three aboveground levels. There is a technical backgroud, toilets, archive, rest zone for employees and two openspace offices located on the ground floor. The second floor is designed on the same basis. There are two openspace offices situated on the west side, background for company managment, toilets and day room with kitchen. The third floor is designed as conference room with kitchen and toilets. Construction system is cast-in-place concrete frame. The building is roofed with the flat roof. Foundations are made of one-stage concrete footing.
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Novostavba polyfunkčního domu ve Velkých Opatovicích / Mixed-use Building in Velké OpatoviceHladil, Vlastimil January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis addresses the processing of project documentation for construction of four storey mixed-use bouilding with partial basement in Velké Opatovice. The building is designed on flat terrain. In the basement are located technical utilities of the building and three cellar cubicles. On the first floor there is a beer-shop, textile shop and design office. On the second floor there is an office space for local company. The thrid floor is designed as two large-area apartments with terraces. The fourth floor is designed as one large-area apartment with terraces.
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